Items where Year is 2016
Number of items: 1883. AAase, Ingunn, Hansen, Britt Saetre, Aase, Karina and Reeves, Scott (2016) Interprofessional training for nursing and medical students in Norway : exploring different professional perspectives. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(1), pp. 109-115. ISSN (print) 1356-1820 Abbott, Brian (2016) Deciphering the coalition's big society: issues and challenges for work and employment relations. In: Williams, Steve and Scott, Peter, (eds.) Employment relations under the coalition government: the UK experience, 2010-15. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 207-225. (Routledge Research in Employment Relations, (37)) ISBN 9781138887008 Abdelkader, H, Longman, MR, Alany, RG and Pierscionek, B (2016) Phytosome-hyaluronic acid systems for ocular delivery of L-carnosine. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016(11), pp. 2815-2827. ISSN (print) 1176-9114 Abdelkader, Hamdy, Longman, Michael, Alany, Raid G. and Pierscionek, Barbara (2016) On the anticataractogenic effects of L-carnosine : is it best described as an antioxidant, metal-chelating agent or glycation inhibitor? Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016, p. 3240261. ISSN (print) 1942-0900 Abdullah, Mohammad, Fraz, Mohammad Moazam and Barman, Sarah A (2016) Localization and segmentation of optic disc in retinal images using circular Hough transform and grow-cut algorithm. PeerJ, 4, e2003. ISSN (online) 2167-8359 Abeywardana, Kavinga Yapa, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Tunnicliffe, Martin (2016) A layered defense mechanism for a social engineering aware perimeter. In: SAI Computing Conference (SAI), 2016; 13 - 15 July 2016, London, U.K.. Abrams, Jake [Artist] (2016) Chaired by ... Chaired by ... . Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi and Hand, Chris (2016) The influence of internationalisation on SME innovation in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). In: International Conference on Innovation and Management (IAM2016 Summer); 12 - 15 Jul 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISSN (online) 2218-6387 (Unpublished) Adamou, Natasha (2016) Henry Moore Foundation–BSR Fellowship in Sculpture : Shade Between Rings of Air : replication of architecture as sculpture : Carlo Scarpa/Gabriel Orozco, 1952/2003. Papers of the British School at Rome, 84, pp. 345-346. ISSN (print) 0068-2462 Adamou, Natasha (2016) Impossible objects : Gabriel Orozco’s Empty Shoe Box and Yielding Stone. In: Halart, Sophie and Polgovsky Ezcurra, Maria, (eds.) Sabotage art : politics and iconoclasm in contemporary Latin America. London, U.K. : I.B. Tauris. pp. 130-150. (International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art, (15)) ISBN 9781784532253 Adamou, Natasha (2016) Shade between rings of air : architecture, sculpture, replication : Carlo Scarpa/Gabriel Orozco, 1952/2003. Sculpture Journal, 25(3), pp. 401-419. ISSN (print) 1366-2724 Addison, Jo [Artist] (2016) Gettin' the heart ready. Gettin' the heart ready. . Addison, Jo and Walton, Alice (2016) Learning it! PG 4, pp. 4-19. Addison, Jo [Artist] (2016) good things come ... good things come ... . Afrahi, Bahare (2016) Entrepreneurs’ disengagement. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) 2016 Doctoral Symposium; 5 Sep 2016, Newcastle, U.K.. (Unpublished) Agliardi, Elettra, Agliardi, Rossella and Spanjers, Willem (2016) Corporate financing decisions under ambiguity : pecking order and liquidity policy implications. Journal of Business Research, 69(12), pp. 6012-6020. ISSN (print) 0148-2963 Agrawal, Rupesh, Gonzalez-Lopez, Julio J, Nobre-Cardoso, João, Gupta, Bhaskar, Grant, Robert, Addison, Peter KF, Westcott, Mark and Pavesio, Carlos E (2016) Predictive factors for treatment failure in patients with presumed ocular tuberculosis in an area of low endemic prevalence. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 100(3), pp. 348-355. ISSN (print) 0007-1161 Agyemang, Martin, Zhu, Qinghua and Tian, Yihui (2016) Analysis of opportunities for greenhouse emission reduction in the global supply chains of cashew industry in West Africa. Journal of Cleaner Production, 115, pp. 149-161. ISSN (print) 0959-6526 Ahmadi, H, Liaghat, GH. and Hadavinia, H. (2016) Investigation on tensile properties of plain and nanoclay reinforced syntactic foams. International Journal of Composite Materials, 6(1), pp. 34-41. ISSN (print) 2166-479X Akaraci, Selin, Usman, Muhammad Arslan, Usman, Muhammad Rehan and Ahn, Dong Joon (2016) From smart to smarter cities : bridging the dimensions of technology and urban planning. In: 2016 International Conference on Smart Green Technology in Electrical and Information Systems (ICSGTEIS); 06-08 Oct 2016, Denpasar, Indonesia. Akhtar, Farrukh (2016) Preparing the ethical toolkit: balancing rights and responsibilities. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 40-65. ISBN 9781137390264 Akhtar, Farrukh and Livingstone, Wulf (2016) Social work beyond borders. Professional Social Work, Oct, pp. 21-22. ISSN (print) 1352-3112 Akkermans, Jos, de Lange, Annet H., van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M., Kooij, Dorien T.A.M., Jansen, Paul G.W. and Dikkers, Josje S.E. (2016) What about time? Examining chronological and subjective age and their relation to work motivation. Career Development International, 21(4), pp. 419-439. ISSN (print) 1362-0436 Al Nasiri, Nasrin, Patra, Niranjan, Jayaseelan, Daniel D. and Lee, William E. (2016) Oxidation behaviour of SiC/SiC ceramic matrix composites in air. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36(14), pp. 3293-3302. ISSN (print) 0955-2219 Al Nasiri, Nasrin, Patra, Niranjan, Horlait, Denis, Jayaseelan, Daniel Doni and Lee, William E. (2016) Thermal properties of rare-earth monosilicates for EBC on Si-based ceramic composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99(2), pp. 589-596. ISSN (print) 0002-7820 Al Shomely, Karima Mohammed Abdelaziz (2016) An intimate object : a practice-based study of the Emirati Burqa. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Al-Dewik, Nader I, Morsi, Hisham M, Samara, Muthanna M, Ghasoub, Rola S, Gnanam, Cinquea C, Bhaskaran, Subi K, Nashwan, Abdulqadir J, Al-Jurf, Rana M, Ismail, Mohamed A, AlSharshani, Mohammed M, AlSayab, Ali A, Ben-Omran, Tawfeg I, Khatib, Rani B and Yassin, Mohamed A (2016) Is adherence to Imatinib Mesylate treatment among patients with chronic myeloid leukemia associated with better clinical outcomes in Qatar? Clinical Medicine Insights : Oncology, 10, pp. 95-104. ISSN (online) 1179-5549 Al-Kinani, Ali Athab Tahar (2016) Delivery of antioxidants to the lens using nanoparticles. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Al-Muftah, Hamad and Sivarajah, Sankar (2016) A theoretical perspective of an e-diplomacy maturity framework. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 12(4), pp. 35-45. ISSN (print) 1548-3886 Alam, Maqsood, Dembele, Siaka, Madhav Rao, Vendra C. and Wen, Jennifer (2016) Numerical prediction of liquid pool fires burning rate with a CFD approach. In: Interflam 2016 : 14th International International Conference and Exhibition on Fire Science and Engineering; 04 - 06 Jul 2016, Windsor, U.K.. Alanzi, Turki, Istepanian, Robert and Philip, Nada (2016) Design and usability ealuation of social mobile diabetes management system in the Gulf Region. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(3), e93. ISSN (online) 1929-0748 Alemzadeh, Seyed Mohammad (2016) Analysing the impact of technology characteristics on university technology transfer mechanisms. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Alexander, Daniel and Haslam, Andrew (2016) When war is over. Stockport, U.K. : Dewi Lewis. 164p. ISBN 9781907893834 Alfano, Chiara (2016) The King is dead! Long live the King! In: Morgan Wortham, Simon and Alfano, Chiara, (eds.) Desire in ashes : deconstruction, psychoanalysis, philosophy. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 161-185. (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781472529138 Algieri, F., Rodriguez-Nogales, Al., Garrido-Mesa, J., Camuesco, D., Vezza, T., Garrido-Mesa, N., Utrilla, P., Rodriguez-Cabezas, M.E., Pischel, I. and Galvez, J. (2016) Intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of calcium pyruvate in the TNBS model of rat colitis : comparison with ethyl pyruvate. Biochemical Pharmacology, 103, pp. 53-63. ISSN (print) 0006-2952 Algieri, Francesca, Rodriguez-Nogales, Alba, Vezza, Teresa, Garrido-Mesa, Jose, Garrido-Mesa, Natividad, Utrilla, M. Pilar, González-Tejero, M. Reyes, Casares-Porcel, Manuel, Molero-Mesa, Joaquin, del Mar Contreras, Maria, Segura-Carretero, Antonio, Pérez-Palacio, José, Diaz, Caridad, Vergara, Noemí, Vicente, Francisca, Rodriguez-Cabezas, M. Elena and Galvez, Julio (2016) Anti-inflammatory activity of hydroalcoholic extracts of 'Lavandula dentata' L. and 'Lavandula stoechas' L. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 190, pp. 142-158. ISSN (print) 0378-8741 Ali, B., Spendiff, O. and Brouner, J. (2016) Comparison of locomotive classifications between central and external defenders in elite youth soccer players. In: Favero, Terence , Drust, Barry and Dawson, Brian, (eds.) International research in science and soccer II. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 294-301. ISBN 9781138920897 Allan, Helen T., Magnusson, Carin, Evans, Karen, Ball, Elaine, Westwood, Sue, Curtis, Kathy, Horton, Khim and Johnson, Martin (2016) Delegation and supervision of healthcare assistants’ work in the daily management of uncertainty and the unexpected in clinical practice : invisible learning among newly qualified nurses. Nursing Inquiry, 23(4), pp. 377-385. ISSN (print) 1320-7881 Allen, Michael, Maude, Kulwinder, Briten, Elizabeth, Sossick, Matt, White, Rita, Valentine, Mari Jo, Ooms, Ann and Ramsey, Diana (2016) Catching them early: Promoting teacher retention by identifying potential early-career leavers. In: 7th TEAN Annual Conference: Helping Students, Lecturers and Practitioners in Education become the Best Professionals they can be; 05-06 May 2016, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished) Allen, Michael and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2016) Interactivity defuses the impact of mathematics anxiety in primary school children. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 14(8), pp. 1553-1566. ISSN (print) 1571-0068 Allen, Michael (2016) Joining up the thinking : how science 'learning progressions' could address problems inherent in primary–secondary transition. School Science Review, 98(362), pp. 39-45. ISSN (print) 0036-6811 Allen, Michael and Toplis, Rob (2016) Student teachers' role and responsibilities. In: Capel, Susan , Leask, Marilyn and Younie, Sarah, (eds.) Learning to teach in the secondary school: a companion to school experience. 7th ed. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 28-44. (Learning to Teach Subjects in the Secondary School Series) ISBN 9781138787698 Allen, Michael (2016) The best ways to teach Primary Science : research into practice. Maidenhead, U.K. : Open University Press. 224p. ISBN 9780335261864 Alliez, Eric (2016) Da filosofia e da arte contemporanea : Para uma critica diagramatica da estetica. In: Marinho, Claudia , Caetano, Patricia and Ribeiro, Walmeri, (eds.) Das Artes e seus percursos sensiveis. Sao Paulo, Brazil : Editora Intermelos. pp. 105-121. ISBN 9788584990405 Alliez, Eric (2016) Desfazer/Refazer a condicao pos-conceitual. Poiesis, 1(27), pp. 55-74. ISSN (print) 1517-5677 Alliez, Eric and Mackay, Robin [Translator] (2016) Gordon Matta-Clark : ' Somewhere outside the law '. Journal of Visual Culture, 15(3), pp. 317-333. ISSN (print) 1470-4129 Alliez, Eric and Lazzarato, Maurizio (2016) Guerres et capital. Paris, France : Editions Amsterdam. 448p. ISBN 9782354801441 Almpanis, Timos (2016) Learning theories, attitudes to technology and their impact on learning. In: Solent Public Lectures; 16 Mar 2016, Southampton, U.K.. Almpanis, Timos (2016) Using a mixed methods research design in a study investigating the ‘Heads of e‑Learning’ perspective towards Technology Enhanced Learning. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 14(5), pp. 301-311. ISSN (online) 1479-4403 Almpanis, Timos (2016) The perceived costs of online learning course delivery by campus-based UK HEIs. In: BERA Annual Conference 2016; 12-15 Sep 2016, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished) Almuftah, Hamad and Sivarajah, Sankar (2016) Toward formulating a digital diplomacy maturity framework : a theoretical prospective. In: 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2016); 11-14 Aug 2016, San Diego, California. (22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2016) : Surfing the IT Innovation Wave, no. 031178) Almuftah, Hamad, Weerakkody, Vishanth and Sivarajah, Uthayasankar (2016) e-Diplomacy : a systematic literature review. In: ICEGOV '15-16 : Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance; 01-03 Mar 2016, Montevideo, Uruguay. Almuhairi, Khamis (2016) Strategic Ontological Police Force Knowledge Management Framework (SOPFKMf). (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Alsharif, Abdulla H. (2016) Intelligent M-Health-CBT combined technology for an enhanced smoking cessation management system using data mining techniques with a case study in Saudi Arabia. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Althani, Bashair, Khaddaj, Souheil and Makoond, Bippin (2016) A quality assured framework for cloud adaptation and modernization of enterprise applications. In: 15th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science (DCABES 2016); 24-26 Aug 2016, Paris, France. (Unpublished) Altman, Dennis [Interviewee] and Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Interviewer] (2016) Queer Conversation with Dennis Altman. In: In Conversation; 24 May 2016, London, U.K.. Alvarenga, Jessica, Vitzilaios, Nikolaos I., Rutherford, Matthew J. and Valavanis, Kimon P. (2016) Modeling and Frequency-Domain Parameter Identification of a Small-Scale Flybarless Unmanned Helicopter. In: Blockley, Richard and Shyy, Wei, (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering. Wiley. ISBN 9780470686652 Alyedreessy, Mona (2016) British Muslim converts : an investigation of conversion and de-conversion processes to and from Islam. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Amgheib, Ali Idris Ali (2016) How leadership styles and follower characteristics predict follower work outcomes in Libyan organisations. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, . Amiri-Aref, Mehdi, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Javadian, Nikbakhsh and Klibi, Walid (2016) A rectilinear distance location-relocation problem with a probabilistic restriction: mathematical modeling and solution approaches. International Journal of Production Research, 54(3), pp. 629-646. ISSN (print) 0020-7543 Amoros, Jose Ernesto, Etchebarne, Maria Soledad, Zapata, Isabel Torres and Felzensztein, Christian (2016) International entrepreneurial firms in Chile : an exploratory profile. Journal of Business Research, 69(6), pp. 2052-2060. ISSN (print) 0148-2963 Anagnostopoulos, Yiannis (2016) Project finance, energy efficiency and implications for project managers. Energy Learning Journal, 151(1), Anagnostopoulos, Yiannis and Abedi, Milad (2016) Risk pricing in emerging economies : credit scoring and private banking in Iran. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies, 5(1), pp. 51-72. ISSN (online) 2147-4486 Anagnostopoulos, Yiannis (2016) The project management triad. The European Centre of Technology, Anderson, Deborah, Avery, Barry and Southall, Jane (2016) Addressing problems faced by 'commuter' students in higher education. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016; 13-15 Sep 2016, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished) Anderson, Deborah, Lees, Rebecca, Avery, Barry and Russell, Daniel (2016) Analysing a research group 'start-up' through the communities of practice lens. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference 2016; 13-15 Sep 2016, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished) Anderson, Deborah, Avery, Barry and Lees, Rebecca (2016) Developing social capital : a close-up look at pedagogic practices. In: Higher Education Close Up 8 (HECU8): Locating Social Justice in Close-Up Reserach in Higher Education; 18-20 Jul 2016, Lancaster, U.K.. (Unpublished) Anderson, Deborah (2016) Embedding employability in the postgraduate curriculum : a practical approach focussing on recognition and articulation of employability skills. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. pp. 42-45. Anderson, Deborah, Avery, Barry, Lees, Rebecca, Russell, Dan, Southall, Jane and Wason, Hilary (2016) Meeting the challenge of Business School accreditation with pedagogic research. In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2016: Exploring Freedom and Control in Global Higher Education; 07-09 Dec 2016, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished) Anderson, Deborah, Avery, Barry and Lees, Rebecca (2016) Social capital : a framework for innovative marketing pedagogy? In: 45th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference: Marketing in the Age of Data; 24-27 May 2016, Oslo, Norway. Anderson, Deborah and Morgan, Michelle (2016) Summary. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. pp. 76-77. Anderson, Deborah, Wason, Hilary and Southall, Jane (2016) Supporting business students' transition into higher education : the case of marketing downloads. Teaching in Higher Education, 21(8), pp. 978-989. ISSN (print) 1356-2517 Annan-Diab, Fatima and Molinari, Carolina (2016) Corporate social responsibility implementation: challenges for the mining industry in Brazil. In: Academy of International Business (AIB) 2016 Annual Meeting; 27-30 Jun 2016, New Orleans, U.S.. (Unpublished) Annan-Diab, Fatima (2016) Teaching responsible management in the UK and Russia : what are the challenges? In: 5th Annual Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference (LTSE) 2016; 26-27 Apr 2016, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished) Appleford, Katherine (2016) Being seen in your pyjamas : the relationship between fashion, class, gender and space. Gender, Place & Culture, 23(2), pp. 162-180. ISSN (print) 0966-369X Appleford, Katherine (2016) "This big bum thing has taken over the world" : considering Black women's changing view on body image and the role of celebrity. Critical Studies in Fashion and Beauty, 7(2), pp. 193-214. ISSN (print) 2040-4417 Arachchige, B., Ghasemnejad, H. and Augousti, A. T. (2016) Theoretical approach to predict transverse impact response of variable-stiffness curved composite plates. Composites Part B Engineering, 89, pp. 34-43. ISSN (print) 1359-8368 Aravopoulou, Eleni and Malone, Charles (2016) An examination of the strategic decision-making when organisational changes are introduced. In: 6th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE); 20 Jun 2016, Oxford, U.K.. Aristei, David, Vecchi, Michela and Venturini, Francesco (2016) University and inter-firm R&D collaborations : propensity and intensity of cooperation in Europe. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(4), pp. 841-871. ISSN (print) 0892-9912 Armstrong, Kirsty (2016) 2017 : we must face the nursing challenges together. Independent Nurse: for Primary Care and Community Nurses, Armstrong, Kirsty (2016) Community voluntary services in Tanzania. Farnham & Gosport and South Eastern Hampshire Clinical Commissioning Groups: Practice Nurse News, 4, p. 1. Armstrong, Kirsty (2016) Testing for urinary tract infections in residential care. Nursing and Residential Care, 18(12), pp. 659-662. ISSN (print) 1465-9301 Asgari, Nasrin, Nikbakhsh, Eshan, Hill, Alex and Zanjirani Farahani, Reza (2016) Supply chain management 1982-2015 : a review. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 27(3), pp. 353-379. ISSN (print) 1471-678X Ashrafi, G. Hossein and Salman, Nadia Aziz (2016) Pathogenesis of human papillomavirus : immunological responses to HPV infection. In: Rajkumar, Rajamanickam, (ed.) Human papillomavirus : research in a global perspective. Rijeka, Croatia : Intech. pp. 243-253. ISBN 9789535124399 Askew, Chris, Reynolds, Gemma, Fielding-Smith, Sarah and Field, Andy P. (2016) Inhibition of vicariously learned fear in children using positive modeling and prior exposure. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125(2), pp. 279-291. ISSN (print) 0021-843X Atael, Abdollah, Foot, Peter J. S. and Brown, John W. (2016) Synthesis and properties of novel dendrimers for molecular delivery. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 6(2), pp. 1172-1175. ISSN (online) 2069-5837 Atas, Ali, Seddon, Alan M., Ford, Donna C., Cooper, Ian A., Wren, Brendan W., Oyston, Petra C. F. and Karlyshev, Andrey V. (2016) YPTB3816 of 'Yersinia pseudotuberculosis' strain IP32953 is a virulence-related metallo-oligopeptidase. BMC Microbiology, 16(282), ISSN (online) 1471-2180 Athayde, Rosemary (2016) International comparisons for measuring the impact of enterprise and entrepreneurship education. In: HEEG Annual Conference 2016: The Entrepreneurial University - where are we now?; 14-15 Jun 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Atkinson, Adele (2016) Flipping wounds. Compass: Journal of Learning & Teaching, 8(12), ISSN (online) 2044-0081 Audisio, Riccardo A., Icardi, Giancarlo, Isidori, Andrea M., Liverani, Carlo A., Lombardi, Alberto, Mariani, Luciano, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Mitchell, David A., Peracino, Andrea, Pecorelli, Sergio, Rezza, Giovanni, Signorelli, Carlo, Rosati, Giovanni and Zuccotti, Gian Vincenzo (2016) Public health value of universal HPV vaccination. Critical Reviews in OncologyHematology, 97, pp. 157-167. ISSN (print) 1040-8428 Augousti, Andy T. and Pierscionek, Barbara K. (2016) Gravity does not affect accommodative amplitude. Investigative Opthalmology & Visual Science, 57(11), p. 4570. ISSN (online) 1552-5783 Avery, Barry, Russell, Daniel and Wason, Hilary (2016) Commuting, working, attending and performing: the changing route to academic attainment and progression during the first year. In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2016: Exploring Freedom and Control in Global Higher Education; 07-09 Dec 2016, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished) Ayache, Elie [Interviewee] and Vasseur, Roman [Interviewer] (2016) My Matter. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 15(2-3), pp. 107-115. ISSN (print) 1470-2029 Ayan, Vahid, Khavandi, Alireza, Omer, Joshua and Limbachiya, Mukesh (2016) Toughness performance of recycled aggregates for use in road pavement. International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 3(3), pp. 171-180. ISSN (print) 2322-259X Ayaz, Beenish (2016) Improving routing performance of underwater wireless sensor networks. (PhD thesis), University of Aberdeen, . Ayten, K. Koray, Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Dumlu, Ahmet (2016) Optimum trajectory generation for redundant/hyper-redundant manipulators. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(21), pp. 493-500. ISSN (online) 2405-8963 Azevedo, George Dantas, Batista, Nildo Alves, Souza da Silva Batista, Sylvia Helena, Barros Bellini, Maria Isabel, Sette Câmara, Ana Maria Chagas, da Costa, Marcelo Viana, Cyrino, Antonio Pithon, Cyrino, Eliana Goldfarb, Peduzzi, Marina and Reeves, Scott (2016) Interprofessional education in Brazil : building synergic networks of educational and healthcare processes. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(2), pp. 135-137. ISSN (print) 1356-1820 BBacon, I. (2016) ‘Like a seesaw, I feel out of control!’ An exploration of the lived experience of codependency through IPA. In: College of Occupational Therapists 40th Annual Conference & Exhibition; 28-30 Jun 2016, Harrogate, U.K.. Bacon, Ingrid, Mckay, Elizabeth, Reynolds, Frances and McIntyre, Anne (2016) Seesawing through extremes in life : 'Like a seesaw, I feel out of control'. An exploration of the lived experience of codependency through IPA. In: COTEC-ENOTHE 2016 : 1st COTEC-ENOTHE Joint Congress; 15-19 Jun 2016, Galway, Ireland. (Unpublished) Baeza, Juan I., Boaz, Annette and Fraser, Alec (2016) The roles of specialisation and evidence-based practice in inter-professional jurisdictions : a qualitative study of stroke services in England, Sweden and Poland. Social Science & Medicine, 155, pp. 15-23. ISSN (print) 0277-9536 Bahrami, Mehdi, Heidari, Ali and Pierscionek, Barbara K. (2016) Alteration in refractive index profile during accommodation based on mechanical modelling. Biomedical Optics Express, 7(1), pp. 99-110. ISSN (online) 2156-7085 Bajrami, X., Dermaku, A., Likaj, R., Demaku, N., Kikaj, A., Maloku, S. and Kikaj, D. (2016) Trajectory planning and inverse kinematics solver for real biped robot with 10 DOF-s. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(29), pp. 88-93. ISSN (online) 2405-8963 Bakhtiarian, Elaheh, Foot, Peter J.S. and Miller Tate, Philip C. (2016) Conductive poly(epichlorhydrin)–polyaniline dodecylbenzenesulfonate [PECH-PAni.DBSA] rubber blends prepared in solution. Progress in Rubber, Plastics & Recycling Technology, 32(4), pp. 183-189. ISSN (print) 1477-7606 Bakkerode, Henk, Stolk, Arie, Vaas, Fietje, van der Heijden, Beatrice, Gorgievski, Marjan and de Lange, Annet (2016) Leren op de werkplek en duurzame inzetbaarheid [Learning at the workplace and sustainable employability]. Geron, 18(1), pp. 55-57. ISSN (print) 1389-143X Balaskas, Bill [Artist] (2016) Anarchy near the UK. (Mixed media installation). Variable dimensions. Balibar, Etienne (2016) Apres la fin de l'Europe. Vacarme, 74, pp. 153-158. ISSN (print) 1253-2479 Balibar, Etienne (2016) Critique in the 21st century : political economy still, and religion again. Radical Philosophy, 200, pp. 11-21. ISSN (print) 0300-211X Balibar, Etienne (2016) Democratisations. Vacarme, pp. 136-141. ISSN (print) 1253-2479 Balibar, Etienne (2016) Des universels : essais et conferences. Paris, France : Editions Galilee. 192p. ISBN 9782718609140 Balibar, Etienne (2016) Europe at the limits. Interventions, 18(2), pp. 165-171. ISSN (print) 1369-801X Balibar, Etienne (2016) Europe, crise et fin? Lormont, France : Editions Le Bord de l'Eau. 330p. ISBN 9782356870940 Ballou, Hannah [Artist] (2016) goo:ga. 58 min. Balmain, Colette (2016) Pan-Asian gothic. In: Byron, Glennis, (ed.) Globalgothic. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 119-132. (International Gothic) ISBN 9781526106902 Ban, Bo (2016) The potential of incorporating travel habits and behaviour in modelling carbon emissions in the transport system to help build a low carbon future. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Bannigan, Katrina, Inman, Joanne and Cronin-Davis, Jane (2016) Conceptual framework for participation in mental health : systematic review and narrative synthesis. 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The Foreign Office, Commerce and British Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 323-343. ISBN 9781137465801 Beck, Peter J. (2016) The War of the Worlds : from H.G. Wells to Orson Welles, Steven Spielberg, Jeff Wayne and beyond. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 498p. ISBN 9781474229883 Beer, Janet and Horner, Avril (2016) Southern hauntings : Kate Chopin's Gothic. In: Castillo Street, Susan and Crow, Charles L., (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of the Southern Gothic. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 95-107. ISBN 9781137477736 Behzadian Moghadam, Kourosh, Kapelan, Z, Mousavi, S.J. and Alani, Amir (2016) Improving efficiency of integrated urban water systems using smart rainwater harvesting schemes. In: 4th Annual Water Efficiency Conference; 07 - 09 Sep 2016, Coventry, U.K.. (Unpublished) Bell, Darren [Curator] and Fatehrad, Azadeh [Curator] (2016) Mankind and Wildlife Photographs : David Yarrow and Arthur Radclyffe Dugmore. . 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In: Information Resources Management Association, (ed.) Social media and networking: concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications. Hershey, U.S. : IGI GLOBAL. pp. 491-503. 3 ISBN 9781466686144 Benson, Vladlena and Filippaios, Fragkiskos, eds. (2016) Proceedings of the 15th European conference on research methodology for business and management studies. Reading, U.K. : Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. 422p. ISSN (print) 2049-0968 ISBN 9781910810941 Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2016) Social university challenge : constructing pragmatic graduate competencies for social networking. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 47(3), pp. 465-473. ISSN (print) 0007-1013 Bernardo, Javier López, Martínez, Félix López and Stockhammer, Engelbert (2016) A post-Keynesian response to Piketty’s "Fundamental contradiction of capitalism". Review of Political Economy, 28(2), pp. 190-204. 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Borri, Alessandro, Panunzi, Simona, Brancaleoni, Rachele, Gui, Daniele, Magalini, Sabina, Gaz, Claudio R. and De Gaetano, Andrea (2016) Simulation of trauma incidents : modelling the evolution of patients and resources. Journal of Medical Systems, 40(11), p. 234. ISSN (print) 0148-5598 Bostanci, Sevket Can, Limbachiya, Mukesh and Kew, Hsein (2016) Portland slag and composites cement concretes: engineering and durability properties. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112(1), pp. 542-552. ISSN (print) 0959-6526 Bostanci, Sevket Can, Limbachiya, Mukesh and Kew, Hsein (2016) Portland-composite and composite cement concretes made with coarse recycled and recycled glass sand aggregates : engineering and durability properties. Construction and Building Materials, 128, pp. 324-340. ISSN (print) 0950-0618 Botta, Alberto, Godin, Antoine and Missaglia, Marco (2016) Finance, foreign (direct) investment and Dutch disease : the case of Colombia. Economia Politica, 33(2), pp. 265-289. ISSN (print) 1120-2890 Bouckenooghe, Dave, Cools, Eva, De Clercq, Dirk, Vanderheyden, Karlien and Fatima, Tasneem (2016) Exploring the impact of cognitive style profiles on different learning approaches : empirical evidence for adopting a person-centered perspective. Learning and Individual Differences, 51, pp. 299-306. ISSN (print) 1041-6080 Boyd Maunsell, Jerome (2016) The literary interview as autobiography. European Journal of Life Writing, 5, MC23-MC42. ISSN (online) 2211-243X Bozionelos, Nikos, Kostopoulos, Konstantinos, Van der Heijden, Beatrice, Rousseau, Denise M., Bozionelos, Giorgos, Hoyland, Thomas, Miao, Rentao, Marzec, Izabela, Jedrzejowicz, Piotr, Epitropaki, Olga, Mikkelsen, Aslaug, Scholarios, Dora and Van der Heijde, Claudia (2016) Employability and job performance as links in the relationship between mentoring receipt and career success: a study in SMEs. Group & Organization Management, 41(2), pp. 135-171. 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ISSN (print) 2045-290X Brooker, Will and Hughes, Rebecca (2016) Being Bowie. (audiovisual essay). Brouwer, Sandra, de Lange, Annet, Wessels, Marjolein, de Vries, Haitze, Koolhaas, Wendy, van der Heijden, Beatrice and van der Klink, Jac (2016) Integrale benadering van duurzame inzetbaarheid van oudere werknemers [Integral approach of sustainable employability of older workers]. In: de Lange, Annet H. and van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M., (eds.) Een leven lang inzetbaar? Duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk: interventies, best practices en integrale benaderingen. 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands : Vakmedianet. pp. 97-130. ISBN 9789462153639 Brown, Douglas (2016) Supplying London’s workhouses in the mid-nineteenth century. London Journal, 41(1), pp. 36-59. ISSN (print) 0305-8034 Brown, Kerry, Farris, Zach J., Yesuf, Gabriel, Gerber, Brian D., Rasambainarivo, Fidisoa, Karpanty, Sarah, Kelly, Marcella, Razafimahaimodison, Jean Claude, Larney, Eileen, Wright, Patricia and Johnson, Steig E. (2016) Modeling co-occurrence between toxic prey and naive predators in an incipient invasion. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(13), pp. 2723-2741. ISSN (print) 0960-3115 Brown, Pat (2016) Green Infrastructure potentials – design pedagogy in the field. In: Visual Spectacle & Tactile Texture of Urban Places; 29 Feb 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Brown, Sally and Morgan, Michelle (2016) The future of postgraduate STEM study in HE. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. Kingston, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. pp. 68-73. Brown, Sass (2016) Cost:Wear : dressing responsibly has never been so easy. Selvedge, 72 (Green), pp. 22-23. ISSN (print) 1742-254X Brown, Simon (2016) Cecil Hepworth and the rise of the British film industry 1899-1911. Exeter, U.K. : University of Exeter Press. 256p. (Exeter studies in film history) ISBN 9780859898904 Browne, Nicola Matthews (2016) It's a dog's life : human to animal transformation in UK YA writing. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Browning, John and Thomas, Neil (2016) An assessment of the tsunami risk in Muscat and Salalah, Oman, based on estimations of probable maximum loss. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 16, pp. 75-87. ISSN (online) 2212-4209 Bucker, Joost, Van der Heijden, Beatrice, Benschop, Yvonne, Peters, Pascale, Schouteten, Roel and Poutsma, Erik (2016) Sustainable organizations and the role of HR: HR related interventions towards sustainable change processes. In: Bleijenbergh, Inge , Korzilius, Hubert and Rouwette, Etienne, (eds.) 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(Unpublished) Buse, Peter, Caselli, Daniella and Ware, Ben (2016) Introduction : Right in front of our eyes. Parallax, 22(4), pp. 386-389. ISSN (print) 1353-4645 Buse, Peter (2016) On the diagonal : Jacques Lacan's reading lists. Parallax, 22(4), pp. 481-499. ISSN (print) 1353-4645 Buse, Peter (2016) The camera does the rest : how Polaroid changed photography. Chicago, U.S. : University of Chicago Press. 320p. ISBN 9780226176383 Busquets, Rosa, Ivanov, Alexander E., Mbundi, Lubinda, Horberg, Sofia, Kozynchenko, Oleksander P., Cragg, Peter J., Savina, Irina N., Whitby, Raymond L.D., Mikhalovsky, Sergey V., Tennison, Stephen R., Jungvid, Hans and Cundy, Andrew B. (2016) Carbon-cryogel hierarchical composites as effective and scalable filters for removal of trace organic pollutants from water. Journal of Environmental Management, 182, pp. 141-148. ISSN (print) 0301-4797 Butt, Farida and Ream, Emma (2016) Implementing oral chemotherapy services in community pharmacies: a qualitative study of chemotherapy nurses' and pharmacists' views. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 24(3), pp. 149-159. ISSN (print) 0961-7671 Butt, Ummara, ElShaer, Amr, Snyder, Lori A. S., Chaidemenou, Athina and Alany, Raid G. (2016) Fatty acid microemulsion for the treatment of neonatal conjunctivitis : quantification, characterisation and evaluation of antimicrobial activity. Drug Delivery and Translational Research, 6(6), pp. 722-734. ISSN (print) 2190-393X CCabello, Juan B, Burls, Amanda, Emparanza, Jose I, Bayliss, Susan E and Quinn, Tom (2016) Oxygen therapy for acute myocardial infarction. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(12), CD007160. ISSN (online) 1469-493X Cahn, Peter S, Bzowyckyj, Andrew, Collins, Lauren, Dow, Alan, Goodell, Kristen, F Johnson, Alex, Klocko, David, Knab, Mary, Parker, Kathryn, Reeves, Scott and Zierler, Brenda K (2016) A design thinking approach to evaluating interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(3), pp. 378-380. ISSN (print) 1469-9567 Caiani, Alessandro, Godin, Antoine, Caverzasi, Eugenio, Gallegati, Mauro, Kinsella, Stephen and Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2016) Agent based-stock flow consistent macroeconomics : towards a benchmark model. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 69, pp. 375-408. ISSN (print) 0165-1889 Calautit, John Kaiser, Aquino, Angelo I., Shahzad, Sally, Nasir, Diana S.N.M. and Hughes, Ben Richard (2016) Thermal comfort and indoor air quality analysis of a low-energy cooling windcatcher. In: 8th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2016; 08 - 11 Oct 2016, Beijing, China. Cameron, E., Hamdi, R., Idowu, A. and Mulrooney, H. (2016) Nutrition Tea Club : engaging students in reading scientific papers. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 11(1), ISSN (print) 1740-9888 Cantarero, Ruben, Santofima, Maria J., Villa, David, Requena, Roberto, Campos, Maria, Florez Revuelta, Francisco, Nebel, Jean-Christophe, Martinez del Rincon, Jesus and Lopez, Juan (2016) Kinect and episodic reasoning for human action recognition. In: 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence (DCAI'16); 01 - 03 June 2016, Sevilla, Spain. (Unpublished) Capone, A., Cicchetti, A., Marcellusi, A., Baio, G. and Favato, G. (2016) Health data entanglement and artificial intelligence-based analysis : a brand new methodology to improve the effectiveness of healthcare services. Clinica Terapeutica, 167(5), ISSN (print) 0009-9074 Cappel, Cecilia (2016) Domestic abuse and Black-led Pentecostal churches in the UK. In: Llewellyn, Dawn and Sharma, Sonya, (eds.) Religion, equalities, and inequalities. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 186-197. (Theology and religion in interdisciplinary perspective series in association with the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group) ISBN 9781472439963 Capps, Gavin (2016) Tribal-landed property : the value of the chieftaincy in contemporary Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change, 16(3), pp. 452-477. ISSN (print) 1471-0358 Carey, Iain M, Hosking, Fay J, Harris, Tess, DeWilde, Stephen, Beighton, Carole, Shah, Sunil M and Cook, Derek G (2016) Do health checks for adults with intellectual disability reduce emergency hospital admissions? Evaluation of a natural experiment. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 71(1), pp. 52-58. ISSN (print) 0143-005X Carter, Fan (2016) A Taste of Honey: Get-ahead femininity in 1960s Britain. In: Ritchie, Rachel , Hawkins, Sue , Phillips, Nicola and Kleinberg, S. Jay, (eds.) Women in magazines: research, representation, production and consumption. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 183-200. (Routledge Research in Gender and History) ISBN 9781138824027 Case, Philippa, Sparks, Paul and Pavey, Louisa (2016) Identity appropriateness and the structure of the theory of planned behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55(1), pp. 109-125. ISSN (print) 0144-6665 Casey, Emma and Hubble, Nick (2016) Mass observation and the everyday : intimate practices of social inequality. In: New perspectives on researching social inequality; 05 Feb 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Catalano, Elena (2016) 'Please don't mention me as a foreigner' : politics of authenticity, assimilation and appropriation in Odissi dance. In: Beyond authenticity and appropriation : bodies, authorship and choreographies of transmission - CORD + SDHS 2016; 03 - 06 Nov 2016, Claremont, U.S.. (Unpublished) Caygill, Howard (2016) Bataille and the neanderthal extinction. In: Stronge, Will, (ed.) Georges Bataille and contemporary thought. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 239-264. ISBN 9781474268691 Caygill, Howard (2016) Benjamin's natural theology. In: Dickinson, Colby and Symons, Stephane, (eds.) Walter Benjamin and Theology. New York, U.S. : Fordham University Press. pp. 144-163. (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9780823270170 Caygill, Howard (2016) Bildung and strategy : the fate of the 'beautiful sciences'. Radical Philosophy(196), pp. 9-13. ISSN (print) 0300-211X Cedillos-Barraza, Omar, Manara, Dario, Boboridis, Konstantinos, Watkins, Tyson, Grasso, Salvatore, Jayaseelan, Daniel, Konings, Rudy, Reece, Michael and Lee, William (2016) Investigating the highest melting temperature materials : a laser melting study of the TaC-HfC system. Scientific Reports, 6, p. 37962. ISSN (online) 2045-2322 Cedillos-Barraza, Omar, Grasso, Salvatore, Al Nasiri, Nasrin, Jayaseelan, Doni Daniel, Reece, Michael J. and Lee, William E. (2016) Sintering behaviour, solid solution formation and characterisation of TaC, HfC and TaC–HfC fabricated by spark plasma sintering. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 36(7), pp. 1539-1548. ISSN (print) 0955-2219 Celina, Hanna, Kharrufa, Ahmed, Preston, Anne, Comber, Rob and Olivier, Patrick (2016) SOLE meets MOOC : designing infrastructure for online self-organised learning with a social mission. In: Designing Interactive Systems 2016; 04 - 08 Jun 2016, Brisbane, Australia. Cerella, Antonio and Bradley, Arthur, eds. (2016) Carl Schmitt : political theology & modernity. London, U.K. : Routledge. 328p. (Journal for Cultural Research, 20(3)) Cerella, Antonio (2016) Encounters at the end of the world : Max Weber, Carl Schmitt and the tyranny of values. Journal for Cultural Research, 20(3), pp. 266-285. ISSN (print) 1479-7585 Cerella, Antonio (2016) Introduction. The power of sacrifice : Rene Girard and the political. In: Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, (eds.) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1-8. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968 Cerella, Antonio and Gallo, Ernesto, eds. (2016) Machiavelli and international relations : critical reassessments. Palgrave Macmillan. 554p. (International Politics, 53(4)) ISSN (print) 1384-5748 Cerella, Antonio and Gallo, Ernesto (2016) Machiavelli reloaded : perceptions and misperceptions of the 'Prince of realism'. International Politics, 53(4), pp. 435-446. ISSN (print) 1384-5748 Cerella, Antonio [Reviewer] (2016) Sacred fires and living flames : Book Review of 'Pyropolitics : When the World is Ablaze' by Michael Marder. Los Angeles Review of Books, Cerella, Antonio (2016) The dehumanization of the enemy. The Philosophical Salon, Cerella, Antonio (2016) The globalization of hate. The Philosophical Salon, Cerella, Antonio (2016) The myth of origin : archaeology and history in the work of Agamben and Girard. In: Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, (eds.) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 213-236. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968 Chadburn, Ana and Smith, Judy (2016) Productivity drivers of knowledge workers in the Central London office environment. Journal of Corporate Real Estate, 19(2), pp. 66-79. ISSN (print) 1463-001X Chakraborty, Moupali, John, Dina Anna and Biswas, Karabi (2016) A statistical study of detergent and shampoo adulterated milk detection system. In: 2016 IEEE Annual India Conference (INDICON); 16-18 Dec 2016, Bangalore, India. Chalé, Angela and Chalé, Christina (2016) Color by numbers : when population skin pigmentation is not political but a polytypical evaluation exercise to measure vitamin D, diseases, and skin pigmentation. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(8), pp. 1251-1256. ISSN (print) 2212-2672 Chalé, Angela, Avila, Elizabeth, Avila, Yvette and Chalé, Christina (2016) Maintaining engaged scholarship in challenging times : experiences working with veteran providers in Greater Los Angeles. Journal of Community Engagement & Higher Education, 8(4), pp. 74-83. ISSN (online) 1934-5283 Cham, Karen and Webley, Stephen (2016) Designing for the play instinct : gamification, collective voodoo and mumbo jumbo. In: Dymek, Mikolaj and Zackariasson, Peter, (eds.) The Business of Gamification : A Critical Analysis. Routledge. pp. 182-207. (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies) ISBN 9781138824164 Cham, Karen (2016) Prototyping the Internet of Place : designing for human centred complexity - data driven UX of loT and smart cities. In: DRHA16 : Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference; 04 - 07 Sep 2016, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished) Chamanga, Edwin (2016) Addressing pressure ulcer issues. Independent Nurse, 2016(11), pp. 28-31. ISSN (print) 1747-9800 Chamanga, Edwin (2016) Managing wound exudate. Independent Nurse, 2016(14), pp. 31-35. ISSN (print) 1747-9800 Chamanga, Edwin (2016) Wound assessment and treatment in primary care. Independent Nurse, 2016(5), pp. 18-23. ISSN (print) 1747-9800 Chamanga, Edwin and Butcher, Ann (2016) An evaluation of a novel alternating mattress and cushion technology. British Journal of Community Nursing, 21(S3), S25-S31. ISSN (print) 1462-4753 Chamanga, Edwin and Butcher, Ann (2016) An evaluation of a novel alternating mattress and cushion technology. Nursing and Residential Care, 18(4), pp. 207-213. ISSN (print) 1465-9301 Chamanga, Edwin (2016) The use of gauze and drains: negative pressure wound therapy in the community. British Journal of Community Nursing, 21(S6), S6-S8. ISSN (print) 1462-4753 Chambers, Colin (2016) The new radicals : Ibsen and the birth of political theatre. Chichester Festival Theatre programme, Chandler, Kimberley and Knott, Stephen (2016) A show of hands : the spectacle of apprenticeship. In: Brown, Christie , Stair, Julian and Twomey, Clare, (eds.) Contemporary clay and museum culture: ceramics in the expanded field. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 105-114. ISBN 9781472470379 Chanter, Tina (2016) Seeing things that were not there before : re-visioning Freud's Oedipus, with a little help from Ranciere. In: Severson, Eric R. , Becker, Brian W. and Goodman, David M., (eds.) In the wake of trauma : psychology and philosophy for the suffering other. Pittsburgh, U.S. : Duquesne University Press. pp. 57-76. ISBN 9780820704982 Chanter, Tina (2016) The returns of Antigone and the remains of Antigone : to bury or not to bury. In: Pewny, Katharina , Gruber, Charlotte , Van den Dries, Luc and Leenknegt, Simon, (eds.) Occupy Antigone : tradition, transition and transformation in performance. Tubingen, Germany : Narr Francke Attempto. pp. 81-93. (Modernes Theater, (47)) ISBN 9783823369554 Chapman, Andy M., Flynn, Stephanie R. and Wass, Duncan F. (2016) Unexpected formation of early late heterobimetallic complexes from transition metal frustrated Lewis pairs. Inorganic Chemistry, 55(3), pp. 1017-1021. ISSN (print) 0020-1669 Charlton, Patricia, Preston, Anne and Karagiannidis, Charalampos (2016) Use of the Curiosity Cabinet metaphor to support inclusive learning. In: DSAI 2016 : The 7th International Conference on Software Development and Technologies for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion; 01-03 Dec 2016, Villa Real, Portugal. Charny, Daniel [Curator], Alex, Newson [Curator] and Morag, Myerscough [Designer] (2016) Designer Maker User. . Chatzichristodoulou, Maria and Crossley, Mark (2016) Editorial introduction. Research in Drama Education : The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 21(3), pp. 277-292. ISSN (print) 1356-9783 Chawdhary, Rahul, Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Lomax, Wendy (2016) Return to sender: exploring the consequences of WOM on the person who articulated it. In: 45th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference: Marketing in the Age of Data; 24-27 May 2016, Oslo, Norway. Che Rose, Laili, Bear, Joseph C., Southern, Paul, McNaughter, Paul D., Piggott, R. Ben, Parkin, Ivan P., Qi, Sheng, Hills, Brian P. and Mayes, Andrew G. (2016) On-demand, magnetic hyperthermia-triggered drug delivery : optimisation for the GI tract. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 4(9), pp. 1704-1711. ISSN (print) 2050-750X Che Rose, Laili, Bear, Joseph C., McNaughter, Paul D., Southern, Paul, Piggott, R. Ben, Parkin, Ivan P., Qi, Sheng and Mayes, Andrew G. (2016) A SPION-eicosane protective coating for water soluble capsules : evidence for on-demand drug release triggered by magnetic hyperthermia. Scientific Reports, 6(1), ISSN (online) 2045-2322 Chell, Elizabeth, Spence, Laura J., Perrini, Francesco and Harris, Jared D. (2016) Social entrepreneurship and business ethics: does social equal ethical? Journal of Business Ethics, 133(4), pp. 619-625. ISSN (print) 0167-4544 Chell, Elizabeth , Spence, Laura J , Perrini, Francesco and Harris, Jarred D, eds. (2016) Social entrepreneurship, social innovation and business ethics. Dordrecht, Netherlands : Springer. 115p. (Journal of Business Ethics, 133(4)) ISSN (print) 0167-4544 Chen, Zezhi, Ellis, Tim and Velastin, Sergio A. (2016) Vision-based traffic surveys in urban environments. The Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI), 25(5), 051206. ISSN (print) 1017-9909 Chew Siegel, Fleeta [Producer] and O'Hear, Stephen [Director] (2016) In Search of the Valley. (Documentary). DVD. Childerley, Zoe (2016) Dinosaur dust. burn, Childerley, Zoe [Artist] (2016) The debatable lands. End of residency exhibition. . Childerley, Zoe [Artist] (2016) The debatable lands. Hexham, U.K. : Visual Art in Rural Communities. 72p. ISBN 9780993349614 Chioni, Athina-Myrto, Bajwa, Rabia Tayba and Grose, Richard (2016) 3D organotypic culture model to study components of ERK signaling. In: Jimenez, Gerardo, (ed.) ERK signaling : methods and protocols. Cham, Switzerland : Springer. pp. 255-267. (Methods in Molecular Biology) ISSN (print) 1064-3745 ISBN 9781493964222 Choat, Simon [Reviewer] (2016) Book review of: ' An inquiry into modes of existence : an anthropology of the Moderns ' by Bruno Latour. Global Discourse, 6(1-2), pp. 136-139. ISSN (print) 2326-9995 Choat, Simon (2016) Marx's 'Grundrisse': A reader's guide. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 240p. (Reader's Guides) ISBN 9781472526748 Choat, Simon (2016) Marxism and anarchism in an age of neoliberal crisis. Capital and Class, 40(1), pp. 95-109. ISSN (print) 0309-8168 Choi, Youngseok, Oh, Jungsuk and Park, Jinsoo (2016) A novel approach to managing the dynamic nature of semantic relatedness. Journal of Database Management, 27(2), pp. 1-26. ISSN (print) 1063-8016 Churchill, Susan, Pavey, Louisa, Jessop, Donna and Sparks, Paul (2016) Persuading people to drink less alcohol : the role of message framing, temporal focus and autonomy. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 51(6), pp. 727-733. ISSN (print) 0735-0414 Churchward, Colin, Calder, Alan and Snyder, Lori (2016) Induced mutations in Neisseria gonorrhoeae upon repeated passage on media containing a fatty acid and a monoglyceride. In: International Pathogenic Neisseria Conference 2016; 4-9 September 2016, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished) Churchward, Colin Peter (2016) Fatty acids and monoglycerides as novel prophylaxis against gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Ciampoli, Luca Bianchini, Benedetto, Andrea, Pajewski, Lara, Alani, Amir M. and Tosti, Fabio (2016) A comparison between different central frequencies of investigation in buried utility detection through GPR: a study case. In: 16th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR 2016); 13-16 Jun 2016, Hong Kong, China. Ciampoli, Luca Bianchini, Alani, Amir M., Pajewski, Lara, Benedetto, Andrea, Loizos, Andreas and Tosti, Fabio (2016) A guidelines handbook for GPR surveys in tunnels : a COST Action TU1208 contribution. In: EGU General Assembly 2016; 17 - 22 Apr 2016, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished) Ciampoli, Luca Bianchini, Tosti, Fabio, Benedetto, Andrea, Alani, Amir M., Loizos, Andreas, D'Amico, Fabrizio and Calvi, Alessandro (2016) A semi-empirical model for the prediction of fouling in railway ballast using GPR. In: EGU General Assembly 2016; 17 - 22 Apr 2016, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished) Clark, Zoe and Cox, Cameron (2016) Blended learning for safeguarding training. In: RCN International Centenary Conference; 22-23 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Clarke, Charles A. (2016) Dual carrier steganographic messaging protocols for mobile messaging applications. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Clarke, Colin and Milne, Rebecca (2016) England and Wales. In: Walsh, David , Oxburgh, Gavin E , Redlich, Allison D and Myklebust, Trond, (eds.) International developments and practices in investigative interviewing and interrogation: Volume 2: Suspects. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 101-118. 2 ISBN 9781138781757 Clarke, Norma (2016) Brothers of the quill : Oliver Goldsmith in Grub Street. Cambridge, U.S. : Harvard University Press. 399p. ISBN 9780674736573 Clenton, Jon, Booth, Paul and Van Herwegen, Jo (2016) Determining the extent to which L1 learner choices influence the L2 : exploring semantic and syntactic choices. In: EuroSLA 26 : Looking back, looking forward: Language learning research at the crossroads; 24 - 27 Aug 2016, Jyvaskyla, Finland. (Unpublished) Clifford, Katrina (2016) Why on earth did this get passed to cataloguing? In: CIG Conference 2016 : Innovation and Discovery; 31 Aug - 02 Sep 2016, Swansea, U.K.. Climent Perez, Pau (2016) Smart video surveillance of pedestrians : fixed, aerial, and multi-camera methods. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Coates, Graham, Wright, Nigel, McGuinness, Martina, Guan, Dabo, Harries, Tim and McEwan, Lindsey (2016) SESAME: exploring small businesses' behaviour to enhance resilience to flooding. In: 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016); 17 - 21 Oct 2016, Lyon, France. ISSN (online) 2267-1242 ISBN 9781510833609 Cole, Janet and Fernando, Nicholas (2016) Putting key skills back on the agenda. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. pp. 31-35. Cole, M.J., Hewitt, E. and Didi, Y. (2016) The visiting tutor in practice education : a qualitative exploration of how the visiting tutor views their role. In: 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT); 11-12 Nov 2016, Liverpool, U.K.. (Unpublished) Collington, Val and Ross, Fiona (2016) Researching critical reflection in health care: current issues and new directions. In: Fook, Jan , Collington, Val , Ross, Fiona , Ruch, Gillian and West, Linden, (eds.) Researching critical reflection: multidisciplinary perspectives. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 158-170. ISBN 9781138825178 Collingwood, Lisa (2016) Autonomous cars : privacy implications and issues of liability. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2016 (Law, Trust and Emerging Technologies); 5-7 Apr 2016, Lancaster, U.K.. (Unpublished) Collingwood, Lisa (2016) On-line privacy : behaviour, paradox and the law. Journal of Information Rights, Policy and Practice, 1(1), ISSN (online) 2398-5437 Collins, Linda (2016) Specimen collection technique and standards for diagnosing urinary tract infections. (PhD thesis), University of Southampton, . Collins, Linda (2016) Urinary tract infection and urosepsis. In: Urology Study Day : Inform, Innovate, Empower; 06 Jun 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Collins, Linda (2016) The inadequacies of a catheter specimen of urine. In: UKCS 2016 : 23rd United Kingdom Continence Society Annual Scientific Meeting; 13-15 Apr 2016, Belfast, U.K.. (Unpublished) Collins, Linda (2016) The outcome of a three year, randomized, single blind comparative study on urine sampling method. In: The Forte Medical Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine; 13 Sep 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Collins-Mayo, Sylvia (2016) Book Review of: Religion or belief, discrimination and equality: Britain in global contexts by Paul Weller, Kingsley Purdam, Nazila Ghanea and Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor. Sociology, 50(6), pp. 1201-1202. ISSN (print) 0038-0385 Collins-Mayo, Sylvia (2016) The meaning and inheritance of Anglican identity amongst young people. In: Day, Abby, (ed.) Contemporary Issues in the Worldwide Anglican Communion: Powers and Pieties. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 21-38. (Ashgate Contemporary Ecclesiology Series) ISBN 9781472444134 Colman, F.J. (2016) Digital biopolitics : the image of life. In: Wilmer, S. E. and Zukauskaite, Audrone, (eds.) Resisting biopolitics : philosophical, political and performative strategies. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 189-201. (Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy, (71)) ISBN 9781138789487 Colman, Felicity (2016) Speculative geometry : Robert Smithson's glass jars, satellites, and material aesthetics. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 15(2-3), pp. 227-235. ISSN (print) 1470-2029 Comert, Hasan and McKenzie, Rex A., eds. (2016) The Global South After the Crisis: Growth, Inequality and Development in the Aftermath of the Great Recession. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. 288p. ISBN 9781783474301 Constantine, Collin, Reissl, Severin and Stockhammer, Engelbert (2016) Neoliberalism, trade imbalances and economic policy in the Eurozone crisis. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 33 p. (Economics Discussion Papers, no. 2016-03) Coogan, Thomas Albert and Kasperova, Eva (2016) Disability, welfare reform and enterprise policy in the UK since the 1990s. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2016: Thriving in Turbulent Times; 6-8 Sep 2016, Newcastle, U.K.. ISBN 9780954960896 Cook, Hadrian, Benson, David and Couldrick, Laurence (2016) Partnering for bioregionalism in England : a case study of the Westcountry Rivers Trust. Ecology and Society - A journal of integrative science for resilience and sustainability (Formerly Conservation Ecology), 21(2), p. 38. ISSN (online) 1708-3087 Cornford, Matthew, Rodriguez, Soraya and Kenning, Dean (2016) Panel 4. In: Transitions Out of Fine Art Education; 25 Jun 2016, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished) Coultas, Valerie (2016) BACC to a grammar and prep school curriculum. Reclaiming Schools, Coultas, Valerie (2016) Building communities of practice : teaching and learning : a UCU response to the Green Paper. In: Annual Festival of Learning 2016; 13 Jan - 10 Feb 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished) Coultas, Valerie (2016) Case studies of teachers' understandings of the pedagogy of classroom talk: some critical moments explored. Literacy, 50(1), pp. 32-39. ISSN (print) 1741-4350 Couper, Keith, Yeung, Joyce, Nicholson, Thomas, Quinn, Tom, Lall, Ranjit and Perkins, Gavin D. (2016) Mechanical chest compression devices at in-hospital cardiac arrest: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Resuscitation, 103, pp. 24-31. ISSN (print) 0300-9572 Coviello, Nicole [Editor], Yli-Renko, Helena [Editor], Chen, Ken (Yongjian) [Contributor], Kerr, Jon [Contributor], Mehrabi, Hamed [Contributor] and Tanguay, Greg [Contributor] (2016) Handbook of measures for international entrepreneurship research : multi-item scales crossing disciplines and contexts. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN 9781784711399 Coward, Thomas [Architect], Shearcroft, Geoff [Architect], Pugh, Jonny [Architect] and Froud, Daisy [Co-creator] (2016) The Green Community Centre, Nunhead. Building and Landscape. Cox, Cameron and Clark, Zoe (2016) Implementation of a child public health module as part of work force development training. In: RCN International Centenary Conference; 22-23 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Cox, Malcolm, Cuff, Patricia, Brandt, Barbara, Reeves, Scott and Zierler, Brenda (2016) Measuring the impact of interprofessional education on collaborative practice and patient outcomes. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(1), pp. 1-3. ISSN (print) 1356-1820 Cox, Sophie C, Jamshidi, Parastoo, Eisenstein, Neil M, Webber, Mark A, Hassanin, Hany, Attallah, Moataz M, Shepherd, Duncan E T, Addison, Owen and Grover, Liam M (2016) Adding functionality with additive manufacturing : fabrication of titanium-based antibiotic eluting implants. Materials Science & Engineering C - Materials for Biological Applications, 64, pp. 407-415. ISSN (print) 0928-4931 Coxon, Astrid, Cropley, Mark, Schofield, Pat, Start, Kath, Horsfield, Claire and Quinn, Tom (2016) "You're never making just one decision" : exploring the lived experiences of ambulance Emergency Operations Centre personnel. Emergency Medicine Journal, 33(9), pp. 645-651. ISSN (print) 1472-0205 Coyle, Adrian (2016) Discourse analysis. In: Lyons, Evanthia and Coyle, Adrian, (eds.) Analysing qualitative data in psychology. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 160-181. ISBN 9781446273746 Coyle, Adrian (2016) Introduction to qualitative psychological research. In: Lyons, Evanthia and Coyle, Adrian, (eds.) Analysing qualitative data in psychology. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 9-30. ISBN 9781446273746 Crescente, Vincenzo, Holland, Sinead, Kashyap, Sapna, Polycarpou, Elena, Sim, Edith and Ryan, Ali (2016) Identification of novel members of the bacterial azoreductase family in 'Pseudomonas aeruginosa'. Biochemical Journal, 473(5), pp. 549-558. ISSN (print) 0264-6021 Crick, Colin R., Noimark, Sacha, Peveler, William J., Bear, Joseph C., Ivanov, Aleksandar P., Edel, Joshua B. and Parkin, Ivan P. (2016) Advanced compositional analysis of nanoparticle-polymer composites using direct fluorescence imaging. Journal of Visualized Experiments(113), e54178. ISSN (online) 1940-087X Crilly, Philip and Kayyali, Reem (2016) A survey of public perceptions of health promotion information on Facebook. In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference 2016; 04 - 05 Sep 2016, Brimingham, U.K.. Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, Jaywant (2016) Managing online service recovery at iMAGE Telecom. London, U.K. : Sage Publication. (SAGE Business Cases) ISBN 9781473952034 Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, Jaywant (2016) Service guarantee as a recovery strategy : the impact of guarantee terms on perceived justice and firm motives. Journal of Service Management, 27(2), pp. 117-143. ISSN (print) 1757-5818 Crisafulli, Benedetta, Singh, Jaywant and Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2016) Signaling firm and employee trustworthiness : the influence of service guarantee, employee behaviour and firm reputation on customer trust in service recovery. In: SERVSIG 2016 -The Future of Services in the Heart of Europe; 17-19 Jun 2016, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Crockett, Nicole, Cohen, Phil and Humphry, Debbie (2016) Speaking out of Place : End of Project Report. (Project Report) Building Exploratory and LivingMaps Network. 41 p. Crockett, Robin G. M. and Gillmore, Gavin K. 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F1000Research, 5(2852), ISSN (online) 2046-1402 DD'Arsie, Lorenzo, Esconjauregui, Santiago, Weatherup, Robert S., Wu, Xingyi, Arter, William E., Sugime, Hisashi, Cepek, Cinzia and Robertson, John (2016) Stable, efficient p-type doping of graphene by nitric acid. RSC Advances, 6(114), pp. 113185-113192. ISSN (online) 2046-2069 Dahmash, Eman and Mohammed, Afzal R (2016) Characterisation and surface-profiling techniques for composite particles produced by dry powder coating in pharmaceutical drug delivery. Drug Discovery Today, 21(4), pp. 550-561. ISSN (print) 1359-6446 Dalaty, Adnan Al, Karam, Ayman, Najlah, Mohammad, Alany, Raid G. and Khoder, Mouhamad (2016) Effect of non-cross-linked calcium on characteristics, swelling behaviour, drug release and mucoadhesiveness of calcium alginate beads. Carbohydrate Polymers, 140, pp. 163-170. ISSN (print) 0144-8617 Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2016) Brand definitions and conceptualizations : the debate. In: Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca , Singh, Jaywant and Blankson, Charles, (eds.) The Routledge companion to contemporary brand management. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 3-12. ISBN 9780415747905 Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca , Singh, Jaywant and Blankson, Charles, eds. (2016) The Routledge companion to contemporary brand management. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 560p. (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting) ISBN 9780415747905 Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca, Hand, Chris, Harris, Patricia, Riley, Debra, Robinson, Helen and Singh, Jaywant (2016) Single-channel or multi-channel? U.K. grocery shoppers purchase behaviour, motivations and perceptions. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2016: Radical Marketing; 4-7 Jul 2016, Newcastle, U.K.. Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2016) The roles of brands revisited. In: Baker, Michael J. and Hart, Susan, (eds.) The marketing book. 7th ed. Abingdon : Routledge. pp. 394-414. ISBN 9780415703772 Daly, Vince and Khan, Ghulam Yahya (2016) Growth Convergence and Convergence Clubs in SAARC. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 13 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2016-01) Daniel, D.J. (2016) Development of EBCs for CMCs. In: Turbine Forum 2016: Advanced Coatings for High Temperatures; 27-29 Apr 2016, Nice, France. (Unpublished) Darbyshire, Penny (2016) Observational study of youth courts : the planning stage. In: Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting 2016: At the Delta: Belonging, Place and Visions of Law and Social Change; 02-05 Jun 2016, New Orleans, U.S.. (Unpublished) Darbyshire, Penny [Speaker] (2016) Sitting in judgment : the working lives of judges. In: Judicial Conflict Resolution Research Group (JCR) Collaborator Circles Seminar; 14 Nov 2016, Ramat Gan, Israel. 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ISSN (print) 1056-4926 Davenport, Maggie, Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Di (2016) Learning about population-health through a community practice learning project: An evaluation study. Nurse Education in Practice, 17, pp. 43-51. ISSN (print) 1471-5953 Davies, Keith [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: ' Global Perspectives on Desistance. Reviewing what we know and looking to the future ' by Shapland, J., Farrall, S. and Bottoms, A. (eds). European Journal of Probation, 8(3), pp. 207-210. ISSN (print) 2066-2203 Davies, Keith and Ross, Jeremy (2016) Skills for leadership. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 162-177. ISBN 9781137390264 Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, eds. (2016) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. 229p. ISBN 9781137390264 Davies, Nigel, Fletcher, Simon and Reeves, Scott (2016) Interprofessional education in maternity services : is there evidence to support policy? 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Sustainable employability at work: interventions, best practices and integral approaches]. 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands : Vakmedianet. 460p. ISBN 9789462153639 De Waal, Andre, Van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M., Selvarajah, Christopher and Meyer, Denny (2016) Comparing Dutch and British high performing managers. Journal of Management & Organization, 22(3), pp. 349-366. ISSN (print) 1833-3672 Deng, Jie, Ma, Rongjiang, Yuan, Guofeng, Chang, Chun and Yang, Xudong (2016) Dynamic thermal performance prediction model for the flat-plate solar collectors based on the two-node lumped heat capacitance method. Solar Energy, 135, pp. 769-779. ISSN (print) 0038-092X Deng, Jie, Tian, Zhiyong, Fan, Jianhua, Yang, Ming, Furbo, Simon and Wang, Zhifeng (2016) Simulation and optimization study on a solar space heating system combined with a low temperature ASHP for single family rural residential houses in Beijing. Energy and Buildings, 126, pp. 2-13. 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In: Annual Festival of Learning 2016; 13 Jan - 10 Feb 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished) Dimitriadis, Christos (2016) Gifted programs cannot be successful without gifted research and theory : evidence from practice with gifted students of mathematics. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 39(3), pp. 221-236. ISSN (print) 0162-3532 Dimitriadis, Christos (2016) Nurturing mathematical promise in a regular elementary classroom: Exploring the role of the teacher and classroom environment. Roeper Review, 38(2), pp. 107-122. ISSN (print) 0278-3193 Dines, Martin [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of 'Imagined frontiers : contemporary America and beyond' by Carl Abbott. Journal of American Studies, 50(4), pp. 1130-1131. ISSN (print) 0021-8758 Dines, Martin (2016) Gay and lesbian subcultures from Stonewall to 'Angels in America'. In: McHale, Brian and Platt, Len, (eds.) The Cambridge history of postmodern literature. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 247-261. ISBN 9781107140271 Dines, Martin (2016) A child in the suburb. In: Berberich, Christine , Campbell, Neil and Hudson, Robert, (eds.) Affective landscapes in literature, art and everyday life : memory, place and the senses. Abdingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 99-112. ISBN 9781472431790 Direito, Ines (2016) An example of a self-help advice sheet generated from the institutional entry to study survey. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. pp. 10-13. Dixon, Sebastian C., Peveler, William J., Noor, Nuruzzaman, Bear, Joseph C. and Parkin, Ivan P. (2016) Superhydrophobic Au/polymer nanocomposite films via AACVD/swell encapsulation tandem synthesis procedure. RSC Advances, 6(37), pp. 31146-31152. ISSN (online) 2046-2069 Do, Hang, Cowling, Marc and Blackburn, Robert (2016) Innovation orientation and export behaviour: insights into a typology of UK SMEs. In: RENT XXX: Innovation, Relational Networks, Technology and Knowledge Transfer as Drivers of Global Competitiveness; 16-18 Nov 2016, Antwerp, Belgium. Dodsworth, Francis (2016) Risk, prevention and policing, c. 1750-1850. In: Crook, Tom and Esbester, Mike, (eds.) Governing risks in modern Britain : danger, safety and accidents, c. 1800-2000. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 29-53. ISBN 9781137467447 Dombrovskiy, Leonid A., Dembele, Siaka and Wen, Jennifer X. (2016) Shielding of fire radiation with the use of multi-layered water mist curtains : preliminary estimates. Computational Thermal Sciences, 8(4), pp. 371-380. ISSN (print) 1940-2503 Dombrovskiy, Leonid A., Dembele, Siaka and Wen, Jennifer X. (2016) Shielding of fire radiation with the use of multi-layered water mist curtains : preliminary estimates. 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IntLawGrrls : voices on international law, policy, practice, Domínguez-Redondo, Elvira (2016) Human rights through the backdoor : the contribution of special procedures to the normative coherence and contradictions of international human rights law. In: Buckley, Carla , Donald, Alice and Leach, Philip, (eds.) Towards convergence in international human rights law : approaches of regional and international systems. Leiden, Netherlands : Brill Nijhoff. pp. 543-566. (Nottingham studies on human rights, (5)) ISBN 9789004284241 Donaldson-Feilder, Emma and Lewis, Rachel (2016) Healthy organisations, healthy leadership and management, healthy employees .... for healthy performance. In: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, (ed.) Moving the employee well-being agenda forward: a collection of thought pieces. London, U.K : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp. 23-24. Douglas, Nelson (2016) COLLECTIViSM. Dow, Alan and Reeves, Scott (2016) How health professional training will and should change. In: Hoff, Timothy J. , Sutcliffe, Kathleen M. and Young, Gary J., (eds.) The healthcare professional workforce : understanding human capital in a changing industry. New York, U.S.A. : Oxford University Press. pp. 147-172. ISBN 9780190215668 Downe, Soo, Marshall, Jayne E and Tagutanazvo, Oslinah B (2016) Transition and the second stage of labour: physiology and the role of the midwife. In: Marshall, Jayne E , Raynor, Maureen D and Nolte, Anna G W, (eds.) Myles textbook for midwives. African ed. 3rd ed. South Africa : Elsevier. pp. 327-344. ISBN 9780702066269 Drennan, Vari, Gabe, Jonathan and Halter, Mary (2016) Physician Associates in General Practice in England : a challenge to professional boundaries. In: 16th Biennial Congress of the ESHMS : Healthy Lives : Technologies, Policies and Experiences; 27-29 Jun 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. (Unpublished) Drennan, Vari, Halter, Mary, Gale, Julia and Harris, Ruth (2016) Retaining nurses in metropolitan areas : insights from senior nurse and human resource managers. Journal Of Nursing Management, 24(8), pp. 1041-1048. ISSN (print) 0966-0429 Dudziec, M, Laura, M, Tropman, D, Reilly, MM and Ramdharry, G (2016) Dynamic balance : relating functional reach tests to falls and impairment. In: 6th International Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Related Neuropathy Consortium (CMTR) Meeting; 08 - 10 Sep 2016, Venice-Mestre, Italy. Due-Gundersen, Nicolai (2016) The privatization of warfare and inherently governmental functions. Cambridge, U.K. : Intersentia. 210p. ISBN 9781780683799 Dunbar, Rupert and Jeanpierre, Eric (2016) International law in domestic courts : the argument for a shift from the contested realm of interpretation to the accepted realm of application in adjudication. In: Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting 2016 : At the Delta: Belonging, Place and Visions of Law and Social Change; 02 - 05 Jun 2016, New Orleans, U.S.. (Unpublished) Dunbar, Rupert Kenneth Lewis (2016) Proving that the application of international law in the Court of Justice of the European Union is unjust in prominent case law. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Dupre, R., Argyriou, V. and Greenhill, D. (2016) Risk assessment for RGBD scans in real time. In: 41st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016); 20 - 25 Mar 2016, Shanghai, China. Dupre, Robert, Argyriou, Vasileios, Tzimiropoulos, George and Greenhill, Darrel (2016) Risk analysis for smart homes and domestic robots using robust shape and physics descriptors, and complex boosting techniques. Information Sciences, 372, pp. 359-379. ISSN (print) 0020-0255 Durston, Gregory J. (2016) Fields, fens and felonies : crime and justice in eighteenth-century East Anglia. Hook, U.K. : Waterside Press. 732p. (Crime History Series) ISBN 9781909976115 Dykes, A.P., Ibsen, M-L. and Bromhead, E.N. (2016) A new assessment of the Southwell Topple of 1734. In: 12th International Symposium on Landslides; 12 - 19 Jun 2016, Napoli, Italy. (Unpublished) Dykes, Alan (2016) Geotechnical studies of lithofacies 3. In: Barker, Graeme and Farr, Lucy, (eds.) Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak. Cambridge, U.K. : McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. pp. S41-S47. (The archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak, (2)) ISBN 9781902937601 de Lange, Annet, van der Heijden, Beatrice and Peeters, Maria (2016) Duurzaam inzetbaar na 65 jaar? [Sustainable employability after the age of 65?]. In: de Lange, Annet H. and van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M., (eds.) Een leven lang inzetbaar? Duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk: interventies, best practices en integrale benaderingen. 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands : Vakmedianet. pp. 373-394. ISBN 9789462153639 de Lange, Annet and van der Heijden, Beatrice (2016) Duurzame inzetbaarheid en ouder worden op het werk: bent u of is de werknemer aan zet? [Sustainable employability and ageing at work: is it you or your employee who should make a move?]. In: de Lange, Annet H. and van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M., (eds.) Een leven lang inzetbaar? Duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk: interventies, best practices en integrale benaderingen. 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands : Vakmedianet. pp. 3-34. ISBN 9789462153639 de Lange, Annet and van der Heijden, Beatrice (2016) Het meten en beinvloeden van duurzame inzetbaarheid van ouder wordende werknemers [Measuring and influencing the sustainable employability of ageing workers]. In: de Lange, Annet H. and van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M., (eds.) Een leven lang inzetbaar? Duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk: interventies, best practices en integrale benaderingen. 2nd ed. Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands : Vakmedianet. pp. 35-58. ISBN 9789462153639 de Lusignan, Simon, McGovern, Andrew P., Tahir, Mohammad Aumran, Hassan, Simon, Jones, Simon, Halter, Mary, Joly, Louise and Drennan, Vari M. (2016) Physician associate and general practitioner consultations : a comparative observational video study. PLoS One, 11(8), e0160902. ISSN (online) 1932-6203 de Rezende, Helena Aparecida and Piccolo, Josiane (2016) Saúde do trabalhador e dimensionamento de pessoal em enfermagem : uma reflexão [Occupational health and size of nursing team : a reflection]. In: II Congresso Nacional Científico dos Enfermeiros – CONCE [2nd National Scientific Congress of Nurses - CONCE]; 20-23 Sep 2016, Sao Paulo, Brazil. (Unpublished) de la Barrera, Belen and Hooda, Peter S. (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions of waste management processes and options : a case study. Waste Management & Research, 34(7), pp. 658-665. ISSN (print) 0734-242X EEast, Robert (2016) Bias in the evaluation of research methods. Marketing Theory, 16(2), pp. 219-231. ISSN (print) 1470-5931 East, Robert, Uncles, Mark D, Romaniuk, Jenni and Lomax, Wendy (2016) Improving agent-based models of diffusion. European Journal of Marketing, 50(3/4), pp. 639-646. ISSN (print) 0309-0566 East, Robert, Uncles, Mark D., Romaniuk, Jenni and Lomax, Wendy (2016) Measuring the impact of positive and negative word of mouth : a reappraisal. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 24(1), pp. 54-58. ISSN (print) 1441-3582 East, Robert, Uncles, Mark D., Romaniuk, Jenni and Lomax, Wendy (2016) Validation and sufficiency. European Journal of Marketing, 50(3/4), pp. 661-666. ISSN (print) 0309-0566 Edelman, Natalie and Barron, Duncan (2016) Evaluation of public involvement in research : time for a major re-think? Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 21(3), pp. 209-211. ISSN (print) 1355-8196 Edwards, E A, Lumsden, J, Rivas, C, Steed, L, Edwards, L A, Thiyagarajan, A, Sohanpal, R, Caton, H, Griffiths, C J, Munafò, M R, Taylor, S and Walton, R T (2016) Gamification for health promotion : systematic review of behaviour change techniques in smartphone apps. BMJ Open, 6(10), e012447. ISSN (online) 2044-6055 Effendy, M., Yao, Y.F., Yao, J. and Marchant, D.R. (2016) DES study of blade trailing edge cutback cooling performance with various lip thicknesses. Applied Thermal Engineering, 99, pp. 434-445. ISSN (print) 1359-4311 Eichelmann, Volker [Artist] (2016) Gutters of Gold. Gutters of Gold. . Einola, Katja Maria, Zettinig, Peter, Mäkelä, Kristiina, Kauppila, Olli-Pekka and Butler, Christina Lea (2016) Multiple team membership – what drives employee commitment to competing demands? In: INGRoup Conference; 14-16 Jul 2016, Helsinki, Finland. (Unpublished) El Asam, Aiman and Samara, Muthanna (2016) Cyberbullying and the law : a review of psychological and legal challenges. Computers in Human Behavior, 65, pp. 127-141. ISSN (print) 0747-5632 El-Sayed, M. A., Hassanin, Hany and Essa, Khamis (2016) Bifilm defects and porosity in Al cast alloys. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(5-8), pp. 1173-1179. ISSN (print) 0268-3768 El-Sayed, M. A., Hassanin, H. and Essa, K. (2016) Effect of casting practice on the reliability of Al cast alloys. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 29(6), pp. 350-354. ISSN (print) 1364-0461 ElShaer, Amr, Calabrese, Gianpiero, Casanova, Diogo and Huet, Isabel (2016) Building a community of practice for engaging pharmacy students to learn in a collaborative research environment. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 8(5), pp. 698-707. ISSN (print) 1877-1297 ElShaer, Amr, Mustafa, Shelan, Kasar, Mohamad, Thapa, Sapana, Ghatora, Baljit and Alany, Raid G. 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(Suzanne), Schouteten, Roel L.J., Poutsma, Erik, Van der Heijden, Beatricee I.J.M. and van Achterberg, Theo (2016) Nurses’ perceptions of feedback to nursing teams on quality measurements : an embedded case study design. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 64, pp. 120-129. ISSN (print) 0020-7489 Gilhooly, M.L., Dalley, G., Gilhooly, K.J., Harries, P., Sullivan, M. and Levi, M. (2016) Financial elder abuse : findings from a UK study of Court of Protection cases. In: 2016 GSA Annual Scientific Meeting : New Lens on Aging : Changing Attitudes, Expanding Possibilities; 16-20 Nov 2016, New Orleans, U.S.A.. (Unpublished) Gilhooly, Mary M., Dalley, Gillian, Gilhooly, Kenneth J., Sullivan, Mary P., Harries, Priscilla, Levi, Michael, Kinnear, Deborah C. and Davies, Miranda S. (2016) Financial elder abuse through the lens of the bystander intervention model. Public Policy & Aging Report, 26(1), pp. 5-11. ISSN (print) 1055-3037 Gillani, Alvina and Kutaula, Smirti (2016) Exploring behavioural changeability in fair trade consumption. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2016: Thriving in Turbulent Times; 6-8 Sep 2016, Newcastle, U.K.. ISBN 9780954960896 Gillmore, G. K. , Perrier, F. E. and Crockett, R. G. M., eds. (2016) Radon, health and natural hazards. London, U.K. : Geological Society. (Geological Society Special Publication, (451)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 (Epub Ahead of Print) Gillmore, G.K., Perrier, F. and Crockett, R.G. (2016) Radon, health and natural hazards : a signpost for assessment and protection in the 21st century. In: Gillmore, G. , Crockett, R. and Perrier, F., (eds.) Radon, health and natural hazards. London, U.K. : Geological Society. (Geological Society Special Publication, (451)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 (Epub Ahead of Print) Gillmore, Gavin, Wertheim, David and Crust, Simon (2016) Effects of etching time on alpha tracks in solid state nuclear track detectors. Science of the Total Environment, 575, pp. 905-909. ISSN (print) 0048-9697 Ginnelly, Aeron and Greenwood, Nan (2016) Screening adult patients with a tracheostomy tube for dysphagia: a mixed-methods study of practice in the UK. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 51(3), p. 285. ISSN (print) 1368-2822 Glasper, Edward Alan , McEwing, Gillian and Richardson, Jim, eds. (2016) Oxford handbook of children's and young people's nursing. 2nd ed. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 832p. (Oxford handbooks in nursing) ISBN 9780199641482 Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Artist] (2016) Augen Weiden, Augen Weichen. . Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Artist] and Rues, Alexander [Musician] (2016) Knife, Scissors, Fork, Light = Messer, Schere, Gabel, Light. Open Art Festival Freiburg 2016. Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Performer] (2016) Nemoguća povorka / Impossible procession. 18th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2016. Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Artist], Kiais, Francesco [Artist], Pashias, Andreas [Artist] and Zierle&Carter, Alexandra&Paul [Artist] (2016) PLUS-MOTION. The Marathon Cyprus Performance Art Workshop 2016. 30 min. Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Artist] (2016) Parabiosis. Parabiosis. . Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Performer] (2016) Poželjna povorka = Desirable procession. 18th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2016. Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar I. (2016) Discussion of reading on writing in a public space, transcript from a possible live situation at Five Years, May 11, 2015, 2 pm. In: Dorrian, Edward, (ed.) How to read : writing groups. How to write : reading groups. London, U.K. : Five Years. pp. 79-95. (Public Series, (7)) ISBN 9781903724170 Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar I. [Artist], Kiais, Francesco [Artist], PASHIAS [Artist], Zierle, Alexandra [Artist] and Carter, Paul (2016) The Marathon Cyprus Performance Art Workshop 2016. In: The Marathon Cyprus Performance Art Workshop 2016; 09 - 18 Sep 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Unpublished) Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar I., Aleahmad, Sadegh, Weber, Anniken, Balkaya, Naz, Demetriou, Emilie, Vowles, Katie, Bingham, Grant, Ord, Liz and Masterton, Lizzie (2016) Public ::: non-public. In: Performing Borders; 15-21 Oct 2016, Surbiton, U.K.. (Unpublished) Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar I. [Performer], Skoolisariyaporn, Sikarnt [Performer], Aleahmad, Seyyed Sadegh [Performer], Demetriou, Emily [Performer], Balkaya, Naz [Performer], Yuantian, Gao [Performer], Weber, Anniken [Performer], Masterton, Lizzie [Performer], Ai, Kuo [Performer], Nazari, Maryam [Performer], Ord, Liz R. [Performer], Park, JeongEun [Performer], Bingham, Grant [Performer], Carr, Tori [Performer], Hopkins, James [Performer], Khalid, Zen [Performer], Williamson, Ian [Performer], O'Flynn, Hannah [Performer], Vowles, Katie Louise [Performer] and Lee, Sang Hoon [Performer] (2016) RAZZMATAZZ 3. Performing Borders. Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar I. and Jakel, Nico (2016) Schichten [Layers]. Braunschweig, Germany : Glausnitzer-Smith & Jäkel. 80p. ISBN 9783000528941 Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar I. (2016) Wind in the China cup affair. In: Playing the Fool - Performance Workshop; 16-19 Jun 2016, Beijing, China. (Unpublished) Goda, Thomas, Stewart, Chris and Torres García, Alejandro (2016) Absolute income inequality and rising house prices. (Working Paper) Medellín, Colombia : Universidad EAFIT, Center for Research in Economics and Finance. 37 p. (Working Paper Series, no. 16-31) Goddard, Sharon.L., Brown, Richard.J.C. and Ghatora, Baljit (2016) Determination of beryllium concentrations in UK ambient air. Atmospheric Environment, 147, pp. 320-329. ISSN (print) 1352-2310 Goldman, Joanne, Reeves, Scott, Wu, Robert, Silver, Ivan, MacMillan, Kathleen and Kitto, Simon (2016) A sociological exploration of the tensions related to interprofessional collaboration in acute-care discharge planning. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(2), pp. 217-225. ISSN (print) 1356-1820 Goldshteyn, Victoria, Arevshatian, Lilith and Lewis, Rachel (2016) Music as an HR resource for employee wellbeing. HR Zone, Gonzalez-Lopez, Irene (2016) Mizoguchi y los Ultimos Dias del Barrio Rojo = [Mizoguchi and the last days of the red-light district]. In: Lozano Mendez, Artur, (ed.) El Japon contemporaneo : una aproximacion desde los Estudios Culturales. Barcelona, Spain : Bellaterra. pp. 105-126. (Biblioteca de Japon, (4)) ISBN 9788472907577 Gonçalves Filho, João, Patel, Ahmed, Lopes Alcantara Batista, Bruno and Celestino, Joaquim (2016) A systematic technical survey of DTN and VDTN routing protocols. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 48, pp. 139-159. ISSN (print) 0920-5489 Gough, Tim (2016) Are we so sure it's not architecture? Architecture and Culture, 4(1), pp. 9-29. ISSN (print) 2050-7828 Gough, Tim (2016) Theatricality and sincerity. Widok, 15, ISSN (print) 2300-200X Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, Amélie, Juanchich, Marie and Sirota, Miroslav (2016) Effect of a stereotype threat intervention on statistics anxiety. In: Society for the Teaching of Psychology 15th Annual Conference on Teaching (ACT); 21-22 October 2016, Decatur, U.S.. (Unpublished) Grammatikos, Sotirios A., Evernden, Mark, Mitchels, John, Zafari, Behrouz, Mottram, James T. and Papanicolaou, George C. (2016) On the response to hygrothermal aging of pultruded FRPs used in the civil engineering sector. Materials & Design, 96, pp. 283-295. ISSN (print) 0261-3069 Grandfield, Geoffrey [Illustrator] (2016) Cover design and 8 full-colour illustrations for "The King Must Die" by Mary Renault. (Book illustrations). London, U.K. : The Folio Society. Grandfield, Geoffrey, McDermott, Catherine, Renfrew, Elinor and Williams, Gareth (2016) Showing off : the future of the graduate show. In: GLAD 19th annual conference : creative pedagogies across disciplines; 26 Feb 2016, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished) Gray, C (2016) OT : making a difference seven days a week in the acute hospital setting. In: College of Occupational Therapists 40th Annual Conference & Exhibition; 28-30 Jun 2016, Harrogate, U.K.. Gray, C, Cole, M and Mein, G (2016) Occupational therapy : a vital role in rehabilitation with patients having a circular frame. In: College of Occupational Therapists 40th Annual Conference & Exhibition; 28-30 Jun 2016, Harrogate, U.K.. (Unpublished) Greatbatch, Ian (2016) Augmented reality - a life saver? Fire & Rescue, Q3, pp. 22-24. ISSN (print) 0964-9727 Greatbatch, Ian and Livingstone, David (2016) Emerging technologies in beach lifeguarding. In: Tipton, Mike and Wooler, Adam, (eds.) The science of beach lifeguarding. Boca Raton, U.S. : CRC Press. pp. 267-280. ISBN 9781482245974 Greenwood, James, Mcgregor, Alison, Jones, Fiona, Mullane, Jacqueline and Hurley, Michael (2016) Rehabilitation following lumbar fusion surgery : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Spine, 41(1), E28-E36. ISSN (print) 0362-2436 Greenwood, Nan, Hassenkamp, Anne-Marie and Pelone, Ferruccio (2016) General practice based psychosocial interventions for supporting carers of people with dementia or stroke: a systematic review. BMC Family Practice, 17(3), ISSN (online) 1471-2296 Greenwood, Nan, Holley, Jess, Ellmers, Theresa, Mein, Gill and Cloud, Geoffrey (2016) Qualitative focus group study investigating experiences of accessing and engaging with social care services : perspectives of carers from diverse ethnic groups caring for stroke survivors. BMJ Open, 6, e009498. ISSN (online) 2044-6055 Greenwood, Nan and Smith, Raymond (2016) The experiences of people with young-onset dementia : a meta-ethnographic review of the qualitative literature. Maturitas, 92, pp. 102-109. ISSN (print) 0378-5122 Greenwood, Nan and Smith, Raymond (2016) The oldest carers : a narrative review and synthesis of the experiences of carers aged over 75 years. Maturitas, 94, pp. 161-172. ISSN (print) 0378-5122 Gregson, Nicky, Crang, Mike, Botticello, Julie, Calestani, Melania and Krzywoszynska, Anna (2016) Doing the 'dirty work' of the green economy: resource recovery and migrant labour in the EU. European Urban and Regional Studies, 23(4), pp. 541-555. ISSN (print) 0969-7764 Gridneff, Rose (2016) After Nijhof & Lee. In: Lister, Andrew and Stuart, Matthew, (eds.) Bricks from the kiln. London, U.K. : Bricks from the Kiln. pp. 80-81. 2 ISBN 9780995683501 Gridneff, Rose [Interviewee] (2016) Interview : Rose Gridneff. In: Brook, Tony and Shaughnessy, Adrian, (eds.) Impact 1.0: Design Magazines, Journals and Periodicals. London, U.K. : Unit Editions. pp. 205-206. ISBN 9780993231681 Grillo, Alessandro and Passera, Mark (2016) Online Social Capital and Political Engagement; facilitating and blocking aspects. In: Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2016; , Brighton, UK. (Unpublished) Gu, Feng, Sridhar, Muralikrishna, Cohn, Anthony, Hogg, David, Florez Revuelta, Francisco, Monekosso, Dorothy and Remagnino, Paolo (2016) Weakly supervised activity analysis with spatio-temporal localisation. Neurocomputing, 216, pp. 778-789. ISSN (print) 0925-2312 Guo, Ping and Harris, Ruth (2016) The effectiveness and experience of self-management following acute coronary syndrome : a review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 61, pp. 29-51. ISSN (print) 0020-7489 Gupta, Sushil, Starr, Martin, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Matinrad, Niki (2016) Disaster management from a POM perspective : mapping a new domain. 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ISSN (online) 2154-512X ISBN 9781467389105 Hajian, Farhad, Dykes, Alan P., Zahabiyoun, Bagher and Ibsen, Maia (2016) Prediction of climate change effects on the runoff regime of a forested catchment in northern Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(15), pp. 2729-2739. ISSN (print) 0262-6667 Hajipour, Vahid, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Fattahi, Parviz (2016) Bi-objective vibration damping optimization for congested location-pricing problem. Computers & Operations Research, 70, pp. 87-100. ISSN (print) 0305-0548 Hall, Jo (2016) Affective encounters with mediated bodies : or, the impressions left by others. In: PoP Moves Conference 2016 : Im/mediate Bodies : Materiality and Mediation in Popular Culture; 15 Oct 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished) Hallward, Peter (2016) General wish or general will? Political possibility and collective capacity from Rousseau through Marx. In: Chrostowska, S. D. and Ingram, James D., (eds.) Political uses of Utopia: new Marxist, Anarchist, and radical democratic perspectives. New York, U.S. : Columbia University Press. pp. 126-160. (New directions in critical theory) ISBN 9780231179591 Hallward, Peter (2016) The will to leave? Brexit campaigners won by dividing, not uniting, the British working class. Jacobin, Hammond, John A. (2016) Negotiating gender concepts and critical pedagogy : a reflective account of doctoral research in physiotherapy education. In: Perselli, Victoria, (ed.) Education, theory and pedagogies of change in a global landscape : interdisciplinary perspectives on the role of theory in the doctorate. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 48-61. ISSN (print) 9781137549235 Hanano, Abdulsamie, Almousally, Ibrahem, Shaban, Mouhnad, Rahman, Farzana, Blee, Elizabeth and Murphy, Denis J. (2016) Biochemical, transcriptional, and bioinformatic analysis of lipid droplets from seeds of date palm ('Phoenix dactylifera' L.) and their use as potent sequestration agents against the toxic pollutant, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, p. 836. ISSN (online) 1664-462X Hand, Chris and Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2016) Audience behaviour or buyer behaviour : what can models of brand buying behaviour say about arts audiences? International Journal of Arts Management, 19(1), pp. 69-82. ISSN (print) 1480-8986 Hand, Chris and Rasmussen, Iselin (2016) Do men see red and pay less? The effect of background colour and gender on offered payments. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2016: Radical Marketing; 4-7 Jul 2016, Newcastle, U.K.. Hand, Chris and Kottasz, Rita (2016) The effect of social class on multiple cause donation behaviour. 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ISSN (print) 0300-9475 Harrap, Nicola, Usman, Salman, McLoughlin, Colin, Orwell, Suzan, Harris, Saleha A., Ling, Victoria, Ngan, Tsz, Wadghiri, Asmaa and Kayyali, Reem (2016) Using a blended approach to support calculation skills of pharmacy students. Pharmacy Education, 16(1), pp. 189-198. ISSN (online) 1477-2701 Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Mary M., Gilhooly, Kenneth J. and Davies, Miranda S. (2016) Enhancing workforce capacity in the detection and prevention of elder financial abuse. Public Policy & Aging Report, 26(1), pp. 30-33. ISSN (print) 1055-3037 Harries, Rhiannon [Interviewer] and Warnell, Phillip [Interviewee] (2016) ‘The wild inside’: an interview with Phillip Warnell on Ming of Harlem. In: Lawrence, Michael and Lury, Karen, (eds.) The zoo and screen media: images of exhibition and encounter. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 269-285. ISBN 9781137543424 Harries, Tim, Eslambolchilar, Parisa, Rettie, Ruth, Stride, Chris, Walton, Simon and van Woerden, Hugo C. (2016) Effectiveness of a smartphone app in increasing physical activity amongst male adults : a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 16(1), p. 925. ISSN (online) 1471-2458 Harries, Tim (2016) Putting interview skills at the centre of undergraduate qualitative methods teaching. In: 1st Innovation in Teaching Research Methodology Awards at 15th European Conference on Research Methodology (ECRM) for Business and Management Studies; 09-10 Jun 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. ISBN 9781910810972 Harries, Tim and Rettie, Ruth (2016) Walking as a social practice: dispersed walking and the organisation of everyday practices. Sociology of Health & Illness, 38(6), pp. 874-883. ISSN (print) 0141-9889 Harris, Mark [Curator] and Matthews, Robert [Curator] (2016) Abstract Apartment 2. . Harris, Mark (2016) Image imminent. In: Proof : Francisco Goya, Sergei Eisenstein, Robert Longo : Public Program : Image as Power; 30 Sep 2016 - 05 Feb 2017, Moscow, Russia. (Unpublished) Harris, Patricia, Robinson, Helen, Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Hand, Chris (2016) Consumers’ multi-channel shopping experience in the UK grocery sector: purchase behaviour, motivations and perceptions. In: 2016 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress: Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics; 19-23 Jul 2016, Paris, France. Hassanin, Hany, Essa, Khamis, El-Sayed, Mahmoud Ahmed and Attallah, Moataz M. (2016) Enhancement of student learning and feedback of large group engineering lectures using audience response systems. Journal of Materials Education, 38(5-6), pp. 175-190. ISSN (print) 0738-7989 Hassanin, Hany, Modica, Francesco, El-Sayed, Mahmoud Ahmed, Liu, Jian and Essa, Khamis (2016) Manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V Micro-Implantable Parts using hybrid selective laser melting and micro-electrical discharge machining. Advanced Engineering Materials, 18(9), pp. 1544-1549. ISSN (print) 1438-1656 Hassanin, Hany, Imbaby, Mohamed, ElShaer, Amr, El-Mongy, Heba H. and El-Sayed, Tamer A. (2016) Manufacturing processes for ceramic and metal micro-components. In: Nalwa, H.S., (ed.) Encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology. American Scientific Publishers. pp. 185-212. 28 ISBN 1588832155 Hassanin, Hany, Essa, Khamis, Qiu, Chunlei, Abdelhafeez, Ali M., Adkins, Nicholas J.E. and Attallah, Moataz M. (2016) Net-shape manufacturing using hybrid selective laser melting/hot isostatic pressing. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 23(4), pp. 720-726. ISSN (print) 1355-2546 Hawasli, Racha (2016) Empowering cancer patients through ambulatory chemotherapy. In: The 24th Annual Pharmacy Congress; 17 - 19 Nov 2016, Beirut, Lebanon. (Unpublished) Hawkins, Sue and Tanner, Andrea (2016) Food, glorious food : the functions of food in British children's hospitals, 1852-1914. Food and History, 14(1), pp. 107-133. ISSN (print) 1780-3187 Hawkins, Susan [Consultant] and Goepel, Helen [Contractor] (2016) British Red Cross VAD Transcribing Project. Hayatsu, Takeshi [Architect] and Jones, Simon [Architect] (2016) Seminar House Pavilion, Dorich House. Building. Heaton, Karen Macdonald, Skok, Walter and Kovela, Serhiy (2016) Learning lessons from software implementation projects : an exploratory study. Knowledge and Process Management, 23(4), pp. 293-306. ISSN (print) 1092-4604 Heaton, Robert and Tong, Stephen (2016) Evidence-based policing : from effectiveness to cost-effectiveness. Policing, 10(1), pp. 60-70. ISSN (print) 1752-4512 Heift, Dominikus, Benkő, Zoltán, Suter, Riccardo, Verel, René and Grützmacher, Hansjörg (2016) The reactivity of acyl chlorides towards sodium phosphaethynolate, Na(OCP) : a mechanistic case study. Chemical Science, 7(9), pp. 6125-6131. ISSN (print) 2041-6520 Heller, Davide, Hoppe, Andreas, Restrepo, Simon, Gatti, Lorenzo, Tournier, Alexander L., Tapon, Nicolas, Basler, Konrad and Mao, Yanlan (2016) EpiTools : an open-source image analysis toolkit for quantifying epithelial growth dynamics. Developmental Cell, 36(1), pp. 103-116. ISSN (print) 1534-5807 Henderson, Emma, Vallee-Tourangeau, Gaelle and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2016) Touchy thinking: interactivity improves planning. In: Third International Conference on Interactivity, Language and Cognition (CILC2016): the Tactility of Thinking and Talking; 29 Jun – 01 Jul 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Henderson, Kathleen and Mathew-Byrne, Jane (2016) Developing communication and interviewing skills. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781137390264 Herbert, David (2016) Causes of the Dutch multicultural reversal: a cautionary tale about being too democratic in the media age. In: Llewellyn, Dawn and Sharma, Sonya, (eds.) Religion, equalities, and inequalities. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 49-61. (Theology and religion in interdisciplinary perspective series in association with the BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group) ISBN 9781472439963 Hesso, Iman, Nabhani Gebara, Shereen and Kayyali, Reem (2016) Impact of community pharmacists in COPD management: Inhalation technique and medication adherence. Respiratory Medicine, 118, pp. 22-30. ISSN (print) 0954-6111 Hickson, Mary and Harries, Priscilla (2016) Dietitian referral prioritisation : clinical decision training for dietitians. Website. Hides, Julie, Lambrecht, Gunda, Ramdharry, Gita, Cusack, Rebecca, Bloomberg, Jacob and Stokes, Maria (2016) Parallels between astronauts and terrestrial patients : taking physiotherapy rehabilitation “To infinity and beyond”. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 27(S1), S32-S37. ISSN (print) 2468-7812 Higgie, Jennifer and Hunt, Andrew [Contributor] (2016) Should we stay or should we go? Frieze, Higginbottom, Andy (2016) Anti-apartheid, anti-capitalism, and anti-imperialism : liberation in South Africa? In: Ness, Immanuel and Cope, Zac, (eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. New York, U.S. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 544-569. ISBN 9780230392779 Hill, Alex [Contributor], Laker, Ben [Contributor] and Cook, Chris [Compiler] (2016) Best Head teachers get paid least. (Video). Hill, Alex, Mellon, Liz, Goddard, Jules and Laker, Ben (2016) How to turn around a failing school. Harvard Business Review, 5 Aug, Hill, Alex, Laker, Benjamin, Cuthbertson, Richard and Hill, Terry (2016) Performance metrics, practice, and implications: lessons from academy schools in the UK. (Working Paper) Said Business School. (Said Business School Research Papers, no. 2016-13) Hill, Alex (2016) Quick fixes for schools do more harm than good. The Times, 21 Oct, Hill, Alex and Laker, Benjamin (2016) We are rewarding the wrong school leaders. Schools Week, 24 Oct, Hill, Alex, Mellon, Liz, Laker, Ben and Goddard, Jules (2016) The one type of leader who can turn around a failing school. Harvard Business Review, 20 Oct, Hill, Alex, Mellon, Liz and Laker, Ben (2016) The school of high performance. Dialogue, Q3, pp. 76-77. Hill, Natasha, Denholm-Price, James, Page, Nigel, Atkins, Nigel, Dourado, Luis, Forty, Cass and Nimoh, Owuraku (2016) Can group assessments enhance BME attainment? In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference 2016: Making Connections and Sharing Pedagogy; 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2016, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished) Hill, Natasha, Denholm-Price, James, Atkins, Nigel, Tojal Dourado, Luis, Nimoh, Owuraku and Page, Nigel (2016) Does group assessment impact BME attainment? 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Food, national identity and nationalism: from everyday to global politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 61-81. ISBN 9781137483126 Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Everyday Creation of the Nation. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 21-42. ISBN 9781137483126 Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Food and Diet in ‘Official’ Nationalism. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 85-106. (II) ISBN 9781137483126 Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Food, national identity and nationalism : from everyday to global politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 196p. ISBN 9781137483126 Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) International Organisations, Food and Nationalism. 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Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 127-145. ISBN 9781137483126 Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) When Groups Participate in Defining the Nation. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 43-60. ISBN 9781137483126 Ichijo, Atsuko (2016) The origin of nationalism : a review and annotated bibliography. Studies on National Movements, ISSN (online) 2295-1466 Imarhiagbe, Bernard Owens (2016) SMEs and access to finance : an investigation of different sources of funding. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Imas, Miguel and Weston, Alia (2016) Organspark7 : communities of art-space, imagination and resistance. In: Kosmala, Katarzyna and Imas, Miguel, (eds.) Precarious spaces : the arts, social and organisational change. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect. pp. 131-152. 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ISSN (print) 0007-1285 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Ambasz, Emilio (1943-). In: Edwards, Clive , Atkinson, Harriet , Bhagat, Dipti , Kettley, Sarah , O'Brien, Sorcha , Raizman, David and Willis, Anne-Marie, (eds.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 37-38. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Arauz de Pirovano, Celina (1915-2010). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 47-47. 1 ISBN 9781472521552 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Baillie Scott, Mackay Hugh (1865–1945). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 120-121. 1 ISBN 9781472521552 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Beltran, Felix (1938-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 158-158. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Bo Bardi, Lina (1914-1992). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 179-179. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Bonsiepe, Gui (1934-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 181-181. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia [Reviewer] (2016) Book review of: ' The urban department store in America, 1850-1930 ' by Louisa Iarocci. Journal of Design History, 29(4), pp. 429-431. ISSN (print) 0952-4649 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Cadovius, Poul (1911-2011). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 209-210. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Campana Brothers: Fernando (1961-) and Humberto (1953-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 212-212. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Churba, Alberto (1932-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 244-245. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) De La Renta, Oscar (1932-2014). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 340-341. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) De Wolfe, Elsie (1865-1950). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 346-347. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Ferrari-Hardoy, Jorge (1914-1977). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 14-14. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Garrett, Rhoda (1841–1882) & Agnes (1845–1935). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 71-71. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Graz, John (1891-1980). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 114-114. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Laplace, Luis (1969-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 310-310. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Maugham, Syrie (1879-1955). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 361-362. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Porset, Clara (1895-1981). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 71-71. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Putman, Andrée (1925-2013). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 125-126. 3 ISBN 9781472521545 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Rodrigues, Sergio (1927-2014). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 166-167. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Royére, Jean (1902–1981). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 177-177. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Tenreiro, Joaquim (1906-1992). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 314-314. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Wanders, Marcel (1963 - ). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 404-406. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) The quest for modernity : a global/national approach to a history of design in Latin America. In: Fallan, Kjetil and Lees-Maffei, Grace, (eds.) Designing Worlds: National Design Histories in the Age of Globalization. Oxford, U.K. : Berghahn Books. 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In: IFTR 2016 : Presenting the Theatrical Past; 13 - 17 Jun 2016, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished) Mancewicz, Aneta (2016) Performing Shakespeare in Europe. Literature Compass, 13(11), pp. 711-723. ISSN (online) 1741-4113 Marcellusi, Andrea, Viti, Raffaella, Damele, Francesco, Camma, Calogero, Taliani, Gloria and Mennini, Francesco Saverio (2016) Early treatment in HCV : is it a cost-utility option from the Italian perspective? Clinical Drug Investigation, 36(8), pp. 661-672. ISSN (print) 1173-2563 Marcellusi, Andrea, Viti, Raffaella, Russo, Simone, Andreoni, Massimo, Antinori, Andrea and Mennini, Francesco Saverio (2016) Early treatment in HIV patients : a cost-utility analysis from the Italian perspective. Clinical Drug Investigation, 36(5), pp. 377-387. ISSN (print) 1173-2563 Marino, Claudia, Vieno, Alessio, Moss, Antony C., Caselli, Gabriele, Nikcevic, Ana V. and Spada, Marcantonio M. (2016) Personality, motives and metacognitions as predictors of problematic Facebook Use in university students. Personality and Individual Differences, 101, pp. 70-77. ISSN (print) 0191-8869 Marlow, J.J., Baker, A., Augousti, A.T. and Claus, M. (2016) Low cost rocket engine development at Kingston University London. In: 14th Reinventing Space Conference 2016; 24-27 October 2016, London, England. (Unpublished) Marques Gomes, Ana C N, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen, Kayyali, Reem, Buonocore, Federico and Calabrese, Gianpiero (2016) Survey of community pharmacists' perception of electronic cigarettes in London. BMJ Open, 6(11), e013214. ISSN (online) 2044-6055 Marsden, Daniel and Wilson, Sally (2016) Cardiology. In: Hardy, Steve , Chaplin, Eddie and Woodward, Peter, (eds.) Supporting the physical health needs of people with learning disabilities. Hove, U.K. : Pavillion. pp. 63-72. ISBN 9781910366257 Marsden, Daniel and Field, Claire (2016) Conference Evaluation 2016. (Discussion Paper) Kent, Surrey and Sussex Learning Disability Community of Practice, U.K. Marsden, Daniel and Wilson, Sally (2016) Respiratory illness. In: Hardy, Steve , Chaplin, Eddie and Woodward, Peter, (eds.) Supporting the physical health needs of people with learning disabilities. Hove, U.K. : Pavillion. pp. 53-62. ISBN 9781910366257 Marsden, Daniel, Carliell, Mandy, Giles, Rachel, Bridger, Deborah, Abeles, Susan, McKenzie, Caroline, Walker, Tina and Roberts, Glenda (2016) A participatory action research project into the implementation and evaluation of My Healthcare Passport. (Project Report) Foundation of Nursing Studies. 210 p. Marshall, Jayne E , Raynor, Maureen D and Nolte, Anna G W, eds. (2016) Myles textbook for midwives. African ed. 3rd ed. South Africa : Elsevier. 742p. ISBN 9780702066269 Masika, Rachel, Gina, Wisker and Canning, John (2016) Defining and supporting the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) : a sector-wide study : SoTL case studies. (Project Report) York, U.K. : Higher Education Academy. 9 p. Mason, T., Thomas, R., Babar, M. and Kayyali, R. (2016) Knowledge and awareness of the general public, and perception of pharmacists' about antibiotic resistance. In: Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference; 07 - 08 Apr 2016, Reading, U.K.. Mastorakis, Georgios, Hildenbrand, Xavier, Grand, Kevin and Makris, Dimitrios (2016) Customisable fall detection: a hybrid approach using physics based simulation and machine learning. In: 1st Workshop on Action and Anticipation for Visual Learning; 09 Oct 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (Unpublished) Mathew-Byrne, Jane and van Graan, Dale (2016) Lessons learned from a supervision project in a voluntary sector organisation. In: The School of Social Work and Social Care Annual Conference : Social Work and Politics; 17 Mar 2016, Kingston, U.K.. 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(Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 28 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2016-10) Maude, Kulwinder (2016) Sounding out students about phonics: Undergraduate Student Teachers’ (USTs) knowledge and ability to teach early reading through phonics. In: 7th TEAN Annual Conference: Cultivating Learning; 05-06 May 2016, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished) Mbise, E. R. and Tuninga, R. S. J. (2016) Measuring business schools' service quality in an emerging market using an extended SERVQUAL instrument. South African Journal of Business Management, 47(1), pp. 61-74. ISSN (print) 2078-5585 McCormack, Mark, Wignall, Liam and Morris, Max (2016) Gay guys using gay language : friendship, shared values and the intent‐context‐effect matrix. British Journal of Sociology, 67(4), pp. 747-767. ISSN (print) 0007-1315 McGlone, Emma Rose, Volpe, Marcia, Roman, Alexandrina, Nikoletou, Dimitra, Reddy, Marcus and Khan, Omar (2016) Predicting maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) in the morbidly obese. In: 7th BOMSS Annual Scientific Meeting; 28-29 Jan 2016, Cardiff, U.K.. McKeever, Stephen (2016) Brexit : an uncertain journey. Evidence-Based Nursing, 19(4), pp. 97-98. ISSN (print) 1367-6539 McKeever, Stephen, Kinney, Sharon, Lima, Sally and Newall, Fiona (2016) Creating a journal club competition improves paediatric nurses' participation and engagement. Nurse Education Today, 37, pp. 173-177. ISSN (print) 0260-6917 McKeever, Stephen, Twomey, Bernadette, Hawley, Meaghan, Lima, Sally, Kinney, Sharon and Newall, Fiona (2016) Engaging a nursing workforce in evidence-based practice : introduction of a nursing clinical effectiveness committee. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(1), pp. 85-88. ISSN (print) 1545-102X McKenzie, Rex and Mohamed, Seeraj (2016) Financialisation of non-financial corporations and households : empirical evidence from the sources and uses of funds. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 115-125. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex and Mohamed, Seeraj (2016) Growth of finance. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 26-37. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex (2016) History and evolution of the structure of South African financial system. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 38-60. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex (2016) Plantation meets MEC : political economy of culture in financialised South Africa. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 106-114. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex (2016) Privatisation in South Africa. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 136-154. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex (2016) South Africa’s inequality : a growth path perspective. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 166-174. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex (2016) The nature and conduct of macroeconomic policy in South Africa. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 193-204. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex and Mohammed, Seeraj (2016) The political economy of South Africa and its interaction with processes of financialisation. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 11-25. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15)) McKenzie, Rex A. (2016) The Africa Rising Narrative - Whither development? (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 19 p. (Economics Discussion Paper, no. 2016-09) McKenzie, Rex A. (2016) Financial and Corporate Structure in South Africa. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University. 25 p. (Economics Discussion Papers, no. 2016-05) McKenzie, Rex A. (2016) Monetary transmission in Africa : a review of official sources. In: Comert, Hasan and McKenzie, Rex A., (eds.) The Global South after the crisis : growth, inequality and development in the aftermath of the Great Recession. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 123-144. ISBN 9781783474301 McQuillan, Martin (2016) Clarity and Doubt: Derrida Among the Palestinians. Paragraph, 39(2), pp. 220-237. ISSN (print) 0264-8334 Mcewan, Lindsey, Wragg, Amanda and Harries, Tim (2016) Increasing small business resilience to flood risk : co-production in the development of a prototype e-learning tool to promote small business adaptation to flood risk. In: 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management (FLOODrisk 2016); 17 - 21 Oct 2016, Lyon, France. ISSN (online) 2267-1242 ISBN 9781510833609 Meenan, Helen , Rees, Nicola and Doron, Israel, eds. (2016) Towards human rights in residential care for older persons: international perspectives. London, U.K. : Routledge. 272p. (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law) ISBN 9780415725552 Meenan, Helen (2016) The residential care of older people in England and the special relevance of dignity and human rights. In: Meenan, Helen , Rees, Nicola and Doron, Israel, (eds.) Towards human rights in residential care for older persons: international perspectives. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 85-125. ISBN 9780415725552 Mehrabi, Hamed, Coviello, Nicole and Ranaweera, Chatura (2016) New product development capability and performance under institutional pressures : the role of the top management team. In: EMAC 2016; 24-27 May 2016, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished) Meles, Antonio, Porzio, Claudio, Sampagnaro, Gabriele and Verdoliva, Vincenzo (2016) The impact of intellectual capital efficiency on commercial bank performance : evidence from the US. Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 36, pp. 64-74. ISSN (print) 1042-444X Melia, Matt (2016) Just how heroic is Star Trek's "I don't like to lose" James T. Kirk?, Mellinghoff, Johannes (2016) The state of critical care nursing in Europe : an international survey : Article review. ESICM News, Mellor, Robert B. (2016) Big data modelling of the knowledge economy. In: International Conference Theory and Application in the Knowledge Economy (TAKE 2016); 06 - 08 Jul 2016, Aveiro, Portugal. Mellor, Robert B. (2016) Computer modelling the costs of management control in the development of knowledge-based SMEs. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 7(4), pp. 378-388. ISSN (print) 2040-4468 Memon, Ally and Kinder, Tony (2016) Changing Management Roles in the Scottish NHS: implications for management learning and development. Public Money & Management, 36(1), pp. 47-54. ISSN (print) 0954-0962 Memon, Ally (2016) Co-location in public services : learning and innovation through multidisciplinary and inter-agency work environments = Co-location dance les services publics : l'apprentissage et l'inovation grace a des environnements de travail multidisciplinaires et interinstitutionnelles. In: Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA) Conference 2016 : Visions of work : examining the workplace as a multidisciplinary meeting place; 31 May - 02 Jun 2016, Saskatoon, Canada. (Unpublished) Memon, Ally and Kinder, Tony (2016) Management Training and Development in New Public Service Systems. International Journal of Public Administration, 36(1), pp. 47-54. ISSN (print) 0190-0692 Memon, Ally R. [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of 'Contradictions of employee involvement in organizational change : the transformation efforts in NCJM, an Indian industrial cooperative' by George M. Kandathil. British Journal Of Industrial Relations, 54(4), pp. 873-875. ISSN (print) 0007-1080 Memon, Ally R. [Reviewer] (2016) Book review of: 'Knowledge and power in collaborative research : a reflexive approach' by Louise Philips, Marianne Kristiansen, Marja Vehvilainen and Ewa Gunnarsson. Management Learning, 47(4), pp. 474-477. ISSN (print) 1350-5076 Memon, Ally R. (2016) Competency based management development : is it time to move on? In: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2016 Conference: Global Perspectives in Business; 04 - 06 Jun 2016, Edmonton, Canada. (Unpublished) Mencia, Maria (2016) E-Lit practice and pedagogy : interweaving methods, content and technology. In: ICDMT 2016 : International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality; 03 - 05 Nov 2016, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished) Mencia, Maria (2016) Gateway to the world : data visualisation poetics. GRAMMA : Journal of Theory and Criticism, 23, pp. 145-157. ISSN (online) 1106-1170 Mencia, Maria [Artist] (2016) LitArt : Poeticas Digitales : Creacion e Investigacion. In: Paraules pixelades : La literatura en l’era digital; 28 Jan - 10 Apr 2016, Barcelona, Spain. Mencia, Maria [Artist] (2016) Transient Self-Portrait : The Data-Self. (Website). Mendel, Yonatan and Ranta, Ronald (2016) From the Arab other to the Israeli self : Palestinian culture in the making of Israeli national identity. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 166p. (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) ISBN 9781472449351 Mercier, Lucie (2016) Book Review of: 'Dictionary of untranslatables : a philosophical lexicon' by Barbara Cassin (ed.). Theory, Culture & Society, 33(7-8), pp. 355-360. ISSN (print) 0263-2764 Mercier, Lucie (2016) Conference report : Benjamin in Ramallah. Radical Philosophy(196), pp. 60-64. ISSN (print) 0300-211X Mercier, Lucie (2016) Negritude. In: Ness, Immanuel and Cope, Zac, (eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. New York, U.S. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 893-900. ISBN 9780230392779 Mercier, Lucie (2016) Traduction et histoire : entre relativisme et continuisme. In: La philosophie et son histoire : Un debat actuel; 15 - 17 Sep 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. (Unpublished) Mercier, Lucie Kim-Chi [Reviewer] (2016) Fanon's Pantheons. Book Review of 'What Fanon said : a philosophical introduction to his life and thought' by Lewis R. Gordon and 'Frantz Fanon, philosopher of the barricades' by Peter Hudis. Radical Philosophy, 198, pp. 44-46. ISSN (print) 0300-211X Mermikides, Alex [Director], Mermikides, Milton [Composer], Kirkham, Adam [Choreographer], Ballal, Archana, Hambly, Philippa, Rice, Helena, Vannod, Dominique, Papadopoulos, Thalia-Marie and Nasrat, Andrew (2016) Careful. Mermikides, Alex and Smart, Jacqueline (2016) Doing what comes naturally?: Women and devising in the UK today. In: Syssoyeva, Kathryn M and Proudfit, Scott, (eds.) Women, collective creation, and devised performance: the rise of women theatre artists in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. New York, U.S.A. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 253-267. ISBN 9781137603272 Mermikides, Alex and Bouchard, Gianna, eds. (2016) Performance and the Medical Body. London, UK : Bloomsbury Methuen. 272p. (Performance and Science: Interdisciplinary Dialogues) ISBN 9781472570789 Mermikides, Alex and Richardson, Sally (2016) Performance, nursing and the embodiment of care. In: Performing Care Symposium; 15 Dec 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Miao, Jia and Laws, Jason (2016) Profitability of a simple pairs trading strategy : recent evidences from a global context. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, 19(04), p. 1650023. ISSN (print) 0219-0249 Miao, Jia (2016) The long-run effects of the Fed's monetary policy on the dynamics among major asset classes. International Journal of Management and Economics, 51(1), pp. 9-19. ISSN (print) 2299-9701 Micallef, Ricarda and Ali, Ayan (2016) Evaluation of the South London Leadership Development Programme. In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference 2016; 04 - 05 Sep 2016, Brimingham, U.K.. Micallef, Ricarda and Kayyali, Reem (2016) South London pharmacists' interest in multidisciplinary learning. In: Health Services Research & Pharmacy Practice Conference; 07 - 08 Apr 2016, Reading, U.K.. Micallef, Ricarda and Kayyali, Reem (2016) Student participation in extra curricula education opportunities. In: Pharmacy Education Conference 2016; 27 June 2016, Manchester. (Unpublished) Micallef, Ricarda, Kayyali, Reem, Kealy, Niall and Holmes, Mark (2016) An island case study of interprofessional learning. In: Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference 2016; 04 - 05 Sep 2016, Brimingham, U.K.. Middlehurst, Robin (2016) UK teaching quality under the microscope : what are the drivers? International Higher Education, 84, pp. 27-29. ISSN (print) 1084-0613 Miles, A.J., Woodcock, N.H. and Hawkesworth, C.J. (2016) Tectonic controls on post-subduction granite genesis and emplacement : the late Caledonian suite of Britain and Ireland. Gondwana Research, 39, pp. 250-260. ISSN (print) 1342-937X Miles, Andrew, Graham, Colin, Hawkesworth, Chris, Gillespie, Martin, Hinton, Richard and Bromiley, Geoffrey (2016) Reply to comment by Marks et al. (2016) on ' Apatite : a new redox proxy for silicic magmas? '. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 183, pp. 271-273. ISSN (print) 0016-7037 Millar, Grant, Ladas, Alexandros, Adigun, Olayinka and Politis, Christos (2016) Integrating peer-to-peer functionalities and routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. In: Wireless Innovation Forum Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio (WInnComm); 15 - 17 Mar 2016, Reston, U.S.. (Unpublished) Millar, Grant, Ladas, Alexandros, Adigun, Olayinka and Politis, Christos (2016) Integrating peer-to-peer functionalities and routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. In: 2016 Wireless Innovation Forum Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio (WInnComm 2016); 15-17 Mar 2016, Virginia, USA. Millar, Samantha L., Chambers, Mary and Giles, Melanie (2016) Service user involvement in mental health care : an evolutionary concept analysis. Health Expectations, 19(2), pp. 209-221. ISSN (print) 1369-6513 Miller, Janice (2016) Sigmund Freud: More than a fetish: fashion and psychoanalysis. In: Rocamora, Agnes and Smelik, Anneke, (eds.) Thinking Through Fashion: a Guide to the Key Theorists. London, U.K. : IB Tauris. pp. 46-62. ISBN 9781780767345 Milligan, J., Grafton, K. and Hammond, J.A. (2016) An exploration of students' views of parallel teaching in pre-registration physiotherapy education. In: 4th European Congress of the European Region of the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (ER-WCPT); 11-12 Nov 2016, Liverpool, U.K.. Minors, Helen Julia [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: 'Modernist mysteries : Persephone' by Tamara Levitz. H-France Review, 16(56), ISSN (online) 1553-9172 Minors, Helen Julia and Taylor, Lucy (2016) Found and/or lost in translation : music speaking across borders. In: Translation and Music; 08 Jun 2016, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished) Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Found in translation - RANT - how does music mean? In: RANT - institute for composing at Club Inegale; 19 May 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Minors, Helen Julia and Jordan, Stephanie (2016) Interrelationships in and between music and dance : analysing music-dance gesture. In: Cultural Histories at Kingston 15-16; 27 Apr 2016, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Minors, Helen Julia, Burnard, Pamela, Shihabi, Zaina and Wiffen, Charles (2016) Mapping trends and framing issues in higher music education : changing minds/challenging practices. In: 32nd International Conference of the International Society of Music Education [ISME2016]; 24 - 29 Jul 2016, Glasgow, U.K.. Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Mediating cultures and musics : researching an intercultural production of ' A Midsummer night’s dream '. In: Burnard, Pamela , MacKinley, Elizabeth and Powell, Kimberly, (eds.) The Routledge international handbook of intercultural arts research. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 417-430. (Routledge international handbooks) ISBN 9781138909939 Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Music and dance : relating score and choreography. In: Roehampton University Music and Dance Lectures; 01 Mar 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Redefining intercultural musicology as a mode of artistic and cultural translation : reassessing the National Gallery's Soundscapes exhibition (2015). In: Edinburgh College Music Research Seminar Series; 12 Sep 2016, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished) Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Redefining intercultural musicology as a mode of artistic and cultural translation: reassessing the National Gallery’s soundscapes exhibition (2015), with critical comparison to 'Pictures at Our Exhibition', Aldworth Philharmonic Orchestra (2016). In: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures (BIBAC2016); 30 Jul - 01 Aug 2016, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished) Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Responding to the Teaching Excellent Framework Green Paper. In: Research Students' Conference and British Forum for Ethnomusicology Conference; 06 - 08 Jan 2016, Bangor, Wales. (Unpublished) Minors, Helen Julia (2016) Score Preface: Vincent d'Indy, Poemes des rivages Op. 77. In: Musikproduktion Jurgen Hoflich, (ed.) Poemes des Rivages Op. 77: Study score 1780. Munich, Germany : Musik Produktion Jurgen Hoflich. Minors, Helen Julia [Composer] (2016) 'This….' Kingston Soundpainting Ensemble Performance. Kingston Onstage 2016. Mirshekari, M., Donchev, T., Petkova, D. and Limbachiya, M. (2016) Differences in losses of prestress between steel and FRP reinforcement. In: 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair; 20-23 Jun 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece. Mitsakis, Fotios V. and Aravopoulou, Eleni (2016) The impact of the economic crisis upon human resource development : evidence from two Greek banks. International Journal of Human Resource Development (HRD): Practice, Policy and Research, 1(2), pp. 67-82. ISSN (print) 2397-4575 Mitzkat, Anika, Berger, Sarah, Reeves, Scott and Mahler, Cornelia (2016) More terminological clarity in the interprofessional field - a call for reflection on the use of terminologies, in both practice and research, on a national and international level. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 33(2), ISSN (print) 1860-7446 Moeinifard, Majid, Liaghat, Gholamhossein, Rahimi, Gholamhossein, Talezadehlari, Ali and Hadavinia, Homayoun (2016) Experimental investigation on the energy absorption and contact force of unstiffened and grid-stiffened composite cylindrical shells under lateral compression. Composite Structures, 152, pp. 626-636. ISSN (print) 0263-8223 Mohammad, Mahdi Abrishamkar and Abdullahi, Yazid Abubakar (2016) The relationship between workforce agility and new product innovation in high-tech. Business Management, 8(2), pp. 245-258. ISSN (print) 2008-5907 Mohammed, Anne-Marie, Lai, Yanqing, Daskalaki, Maria and Saridakis, George (2016) Employee turnover as a cost factor of organizations. In: Saridakis, George and Cooper, Cary L., (eds.) Research handbook on employee turnover. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp. 109-126. (New Horizons in Management) ISBN 9781784711146 Molloy, Paddy (2016) Here be dragons : mapping space and time, medieval and modern. In: Fugelso, Karl, (ed.) Medievalism and Modernity. Suffolk, U.K. : D. S. Brewer. pp. 197-214. (Studies in Medievalism, (XXV)) ISSN (print) 0738-7164 ISBN 9781843844372 Molloy, Patrick [Illustrator] (2016) Crossing Time. . Money, Peter (2016) Genomic divergence events in methicillin resistant 'Staphylococcus aureus' (MRSA): an in silico approach to investigate the evolutionary epidemiology of 'S. aureus'. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Monks, Kathy, Conway, Edel, Fu, Na, Bailey, Katie, Kelly, Grainne and Hannon, Enda (2016) Enhancing knowledge exchange and combination through HR practices : reflexivity as a translation process. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(3), pp. 304-320. ISSN (print) 0954-5395 Monteiro, Celena (2016) Currencies of (im)mediacy in the transnational dancehall experience : a case study. In: Im/mediate bodies : materiality and mediation in popular culture; 15 Oct 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Morais Faustino, B. M., Spearman, P. and Foot, P. J. S. (2016) Triplet harvesting in nanocomposites of lanthanide-doped SnO2 and light-emitting conjugated polymers. In: 4th International Conference on Electrospinning 2016 (Electrospin 2016); 28 Jun - 01 Jul 2016, Otranto, Italy. (Unpublished) Morais Faustino, B.M., Foot, P.J.S. and Kresinski, R.A. (2016) Synthesis and photoluminescent properties of Sm[sup]3+-doped SnO[sub]2 nanoparticles. Ceramics International, 42(16), pp. 18474-18478. ISSN (print) 0272-8842 Morais Faustino, Bruno Miguel (2016) Preparation and luminescent properties of nanoparticle-organic polymer composites. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Morgan, Michelle and Direito Baptista Da Silva, Ines (2016) Entry to study expectations of science, technology, engineering and mathematics postgraduate taught students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 228, pp. 561-566. ISSN (online) 1877-0428 Morgan, Michelle [Editor] and Anderson, Deborah [Editor] (2016) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. (Discussion Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. 79 p. Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah (2016) Introduction. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) 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London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 124. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) Heatherwick, Thomas (1970–). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 139. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Brien, Sorcha and Chesters, Robert (2016) Jongerius, Hella (1963-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 262. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) "Look what Santa’s brought for you, mummy”: women, domesticity and the vacuum cleaner in 1950s and 1960s Ireland’. In: Irish Women and Rural Society: from Medieval to Modern; 11-12 Mar 2016, Belfast, U.K.. (Unpublished) O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) Rittel, Horst (1930–90). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 163-164. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Brien, Sorcha (2016) 'Shining clean machines' : the promotion of vacuum cleaners in 1950s and 1960s Ireland. 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The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 6-7. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Arad, Ron (1951-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 45-47. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Archer, Bruce (1922-2005). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 48-48. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Aston Martin. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 95-96. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Austin. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 98-98. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Baylis, Trevor (1937-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 142-144. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Birmingham. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 172-172. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Boulton & Watt. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 183-184. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Cawardine, George (1887-1947). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 220-221. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Chapman, Jonathan (1974-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 230-230. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Chermayeff, Serge (1900-96). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 231-232. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Coalbrookdale. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 249-249. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Coates, Nigel (1949-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 249-250. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Coates, Wells (1895-1958). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 250-250. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Conran, Sir Terence (1931-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 281-283. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Dixon, Tom (1959-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 426-427. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Doulton (Royal Doulton). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 433-433. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Dubreuil, Andre (1951-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 440-441. 1 ISBN 9781472521545 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Grange, Kenneth (1929-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 105-106. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Hardman & Co. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 133. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Hecht, Sam (1969-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 139-140. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Hilton, Matthew (1957-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 153-155. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Issigonis, Alec (1906-88). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 228-230. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Jaguar cars. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 243. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Jones, John C. (1927-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 261. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Lane, Danny (1955-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 309-310. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Lovegrove, Ross (1958-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 335-337. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Meccano. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 367. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Messel, Oliver (1904-78). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London. U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 375. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Moggridge, Bill (1943-2012). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 400-401. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Morrison, Jasper (1959-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 412. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Moulton, Alexander (1920-2012). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 414. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Murdoch, Peter (1940-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 422. 2 ISBN 9781472521552 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Olympic design. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 8. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Orientalism. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 16-17. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) PEL (Practical Equipment Ltd.). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 40. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Peach, Harry (1874-1936). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 39-40. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Pye, David (1914-93). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 126. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Race, Ernest (1913-64). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 139-140. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Radical design. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 141. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Rolls-Royce. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 168. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Russell, Sir Sydney Gordon (1892-1980). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 179-180. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Schreiber, Gaby (1916-91). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 208. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Seymourpowell (1984-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 216-217. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Sheffield. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 219. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Silver, Arthur (1853-96). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 223. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Staffordshire. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 258-259. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) Worcestershire porcelain. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 423. 3 ISBN 9781472521569 O'Shea, Paddy (2016) The literature of modernity in the British Overseas Airways Corporation aircraft interior. In: Design and Time : Design History Society Conference 2016; 08-10 Sep 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished) O'Shea, Patrick (2016) Designing a British national brand. In: The Empire Remains Shop; 04 Aug - 06 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. 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In: Case, Jennifer M. and Huisman, Jeroen, (eds.) Researching Higher Education: International perspectives on theory, policy and practice. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 227-245. (Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Series) ISBN 9781138938847 Prior, Jess and Van Herwegen, Jo, eds. (2016) Practical research with children. New York, U.S. : Routledge. 308p. (Research Methods in Developmental Psychology : A Handbook Series) ISBN 9781138937895 Prior, Jess (2016) The use of semi-structured interviews with young children. In: Prior, Jess and Van Herwegen, Jo, (eds.) Practical research with children. New York, U.S. : Routledge. pp. 109-126. (Research Methods in Developmental Psychology : A Handbook Series) ISBN 9781138937895 Prous, M. and Ponto, M. (2016) Testing knowledge of eye donation : a survey of intensive care nurses. Progress in Health Sciences, 6(1), pp. 86-94. 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Puvanenthiran, Soozana, Essapen, Sharadah, Seddon, Alan and Modjtahedi, Helmout (2016) Impact of the putative cancer stem cell markers and growth factor receptor expression on the sensitivity of ovarian cancer cells to treatment with various forms of the HER inhibitors and cytotoxic drugs. International Journal Of Oncology, 49(5), pp. 1825-1838. ISSN (print) 1019-6439 Pyatt, Brian, Gillmore, Gavin, Grattan, John, Ivers, Matthew, Gilbertson, David and Phillips, Paul (2016) The atmospheric environment of the West Mouth and its human, geomorphic and archaeological implications. In: Barker, Graeme and Farr, Lucy, (eds.) Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak. Cambridge, U.K. : McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. pp. 201-210. 2 ISBN 9781902937601 RRadavicius, Rytis (2016) Culture and economic development : emigration as evaluation of Lithuanian cultural environment. Ekonomika, 95(2), pp. 57-72. ISSN (print) 1392-1258 Radnik, Borna (2016) First we take Europe. 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ISSN (print) 2168-1163 Reed, Ashley, Rice, Alan and Ooms, Ann (2016) Pre-hospital risk stratification using a modified thrombolysis in myocardial infarction score : a retrospective medical record review. Journal of Paramedic Practice, 8(11), pp. 551-555. ISSN (print) 1759-1376 Reeves, Scott, Fletcher, Simon, Barr, Hugh, Birch, Ivan, Boet, Sylvain, Davies, Nigel, McFadyen, Angus, Rivera, Josette and Kitto, Simon (2016) A BEME systematic review of the effects of interprofessional education : BEME Guide No. 39. Medical Teacher, 38(7), pp. 656-668. ISSN (print) 0142-159X Reeves, Scott, Kitto, Simon, Alexanian, Janet and Grant, Rachel E. (2016) EIC-ICU toolkit : enhancing interprofessional collaboration in the intensive care unit. (Other) Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. (Unpublished) Reeves, Scott (2016) Ideas for the development of the interprofessional education and practice field : an update. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(4), pp. 405-407. ISSN (print) 1356-1820 Reeves, Scott and Harris, Ruth (2016) Interprofessional teamwork in health and social care : key tensions and future possibilities. In: Abel, Gunter and Plumacher, Martina, (eds.) The power of distributed perspectives. Berlin, Germany : De Gruyter. pp. 173-188. (Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research, (10)) ISSN (online) 2365-6573 ISBN 9783110482645 Reeves, Scott (2016) Sosiologisk forstaelse av tverrprofesjonell utdanning og praksis = [Using sociological theory to strengthen our understanding of interprofessional education and practice]. In: Willumsen, Elisabeth and Odegard, Atle, (eds.) Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid et samfunnsoppdrag [Transforming the public sector by means of innovation and new partnerships]. Oslo, Norway : Universitetsforlaget. pp. 146-161. (2) ISBN 9788215027791 Reeves, Scott (2016) Tverrprofesjonell utdanning - konsekvenser for samarbeid om brukere i helse- og velferdstjenestene = [The effects of interprofessional education on collaboration and patient care]. In: Willumsen, Elisabeth and Odegard, Atle, (eds.) Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid et samfunnsoppdrag [Transforming the public sector by means of innovation and new partnerships]. Oslo, Norway : Universitetsforlaget. pp. 217-236. (2) ISBN 9788215027791 Reeves, Scott and Barr, Hugh (2016) Twelve steps to evaluating interprofessional education. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 11(6), pp. 601-605. ISSN (print) 1658-3612 Reeves, Scott, Pelone, Ferruccio, Hendry, Julie, Lock, Nicholas, Marshall, Jayne, Pillay, Leontia and Wood, Ruth (2016) Using a meta-ethnographic approach to explore the nature of facilitation and teaching approaches employed in interprofessional education. Medical Teacher, 38(12), pp. 1221-1228. 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In: Lyall, Scott, (ed.) Community in Modern Scottish Literature. Leiden, Netherlands : Brill Rodopi. pp. 143-159. ISBN 9789004317444 Reid, Trish (2016) 'Sexy kilts with attitude': Scottish theatre in the twenty-first century. In: Adiseshiah, Siân and Lepage, Louise, (eds.) Twenty-first century drama: what happens now. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 191-211. ISBN 9781137484024 Reid, Trish (2016) Teenage dreams : power and imagination in David Greig's Yellow Moon and The Monster in the Hall. Contemporary Theatre Review, 26(1), pp. 60-70. ISSN (print) 1048-6801 Rekret, Paul and Choat, Simon (2016) From political topographies to political logics : post-Marxism and historicity. Constellations: An International Journal Of Critical And Democratic Theory, 23(2), pp. 281-291. ISSN (print) 1351-0487 Renfrew, Elinor and Renfrew, Colin (2016) Developing a fashion collection. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Fairchild Books. 184p. 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In: TeachMe training programme for Moldovan University Academics; , John Galsworthy Building, Kingston Univerisity, London. Renton, Lucy, Blair, Bernadette [Author-contributor], Stott, Laura [Author-contributor] and Ungley, Portia [Author-contributor] (2016) Clarity and consistency: improving assessment and feedback for students with Dyslexia. In: Inspire – sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning; 03-04 Mar 2016, Brighton, U.K.. Renton, Lucy [Artist] (2016) A Fresh Pleasure (1). Interior. . Renwick, Laoise, Stewart, Duncan, Richardson, Michelle, Lavelle, Mary, James, Karen, Hardy, Claire, Price, Owen and Bowers, Len (2016) Aggression on inpatient units : clinical characteristics and consequences. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 25(4), pp. 308-318. ISSN (print) 1445-8330 Renwick, Laoise, Lavelle, Mary, Brennan, Geoffrey, Stewart, Duncan, James, Karen, Richardson, Michelle, Williams, Hilary, Price, Owen and Bowers, Len (2016) Physical injury and workplace assault in UK mental health trusts: An analysis of formal reports. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 25(4), pp. 355-366. ISSN (print) 1445-8330 Ressurreicao, Margarida, Elbeyioglu, Firat, Kirk, Ruth S., Rollinson, David, Emery, Aidan M, Page, Nigel M and Walker, Anthony J. (2016) Molecular characterization of host-parasite cell signalling in 'Schistosoma mansoni' during early development. Scientific Reports, 6, p. 35614. ISSN (online) 2045-2322 Reynolds, Alexandra (2016) Crowdsourcing, curating and network power : towards a critical crowdsourced cultural archive. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Reynolds, James (2016) Barker's Europe, Europe's Barker. In: Whither Europe?; 09 Jan 2016, London, U.K.. 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ISBN 9781472460141 Rich, Danny, Green, Jen, Denham, Sarah, French, Linda, Taylor, Glenn and Naughton, Declan P. (2016) Development of a new “fast GC-MS” system for multi-drug analyses. Journal of the Association of Public Analysts (JAPA), 44, pp. 1-11. ISSN (online) 1749-9933 Richardson, Angela, Pedley, Gillian, Akhtar, Farrukh, Pelone, Ferruccio, Chang, Jacqueline, Muleya, Wilson and Greenwood, Nan (2016) Psychosocial interventions for people with young onset dementia and their carers: a systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(9), pp. 1441-1454. ISSN (print) 1041-6102 Rickard, David [Artist] and Fowler, S.J. [Artist] (2016) Returnings. (Sculpture). Timber with embedded text from poems. Ricketts, H., Zasada, M. and Moses, R. (2016) Analysis of activity levels whilst physiotherapy students are on placement : developing a model to include students in workforce planning. 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(Unpublished) Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) From nuclear winter to the anthropocene : government through a virtual milieu. In: Society of the History of Technology Annual Meeting 2016; 22 - 26 Jun 2016, Singapore. (Unpublished) Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) From systems analysis to policy analysis: The transnational politics of knowledge production during the Cold War. In: Lunch Seminar Series; 13 Sep 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden. (Unpublished) Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) How neoliberals hijacked system-cybernetic governmentality. In: From Technocratic Socialism to Neoliberal Rule: Expert Cultures, Technocracy and Governance in East Central Europe 1960s-1990s; 3-5 November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished) Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) Infrastructures for the future. In: Bērziņš, Kārlis , Daubaraitė, Jurga , Išora, Petras , Lozuraitytė, Ona , Paegle, Niklāvs , Smilga, Dagnija , Tali, Johan , Zariņa, Laila and Žukauskas, Jonas, (eds.) The Baltic atlas. London, U.K. : Sternberg Press. pp. 225-236. ISBN 9783956792489 Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) Inserting art and cultural policy in the social science curriculum. In: Using the Arts in Teaching and Research; 14 Jun 2016, Sheffield, UK. (Unpublished) Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) Les liasons dangereuses? Kultur och ekonomisk tillväxt i EU [Dangerous liaisons? Culture and economic growth in the EU]. In: Svensson, Jenny and Tomson, Klara, (eds.) Kampen om kulturen: idéer och förändring på det kulturpolitiska fältet [The struggle for culture: ideas and change in the cultural policy field]. Lund, Sweden : Studentlitteratur. pp. 71-94. ISBN 9789144111056 Rindzeviciute, Egle, Svensson, Jenny and Tomson, Klara (2016) The international transfer of creative industries as a policy idea. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 22(4), pp. 594-610. ISSN (print) 1028-6632 Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) The liberal effect : system-cybernetic governmentality during the Cold War. 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Robinson, Helen (2016) Multiple media use, polychronicity and multitasking : a review of literature and proposed research directions. The Marketing Review, 16(2), pp. 129-147. ISSN (print) 1469-347X Robitza, Werner, Kara, Peter, Martini, Maria G. and Raake, Alexander (2016) On the experimental biases in user behavior and QoE assessment in the lab. In: IEEE Global Communications Conference, Exhibition & Industry Forum (GLOBECOM) 5th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Experience for Multimedia Communications (QoEMC 2016); 04 - 08 Dec 2016, Washington DC, U.S.. Robson, S Elizabeth, Marshall, Jayne E, Doughty, Rowena, Mclean, Moira, Botha, Delene E, James, Sindiwe and Nolte, Anna G W (2016) Medical disorders. In: Marshall, Jayne E , Raynor, Maureen D and Nolte, Anna G W, (eds.) Myles textbook for midwives. African ed. 3rd ed. South Africa : Elsevier. pp. 197-242. ISBN 9780702066269 Rodrigues, Ricardo, Guest, David and Budjanovcanin, Alexandra (2016) Bounded or boundaryless? An empirical investigation of career boundaries and boundary crossing. Work, Employment & Society, 30(4), pp. 669-686. ISSN (print) 0950-0170 Rodriguez, Mario, Orrite, Carlos, Medrano, Carlos and Makris, Dimitrios (2016) One-shot learning of human activity with an MAP adapted GMM and simplex-HMM. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 47(7), pp. 1769-1780. ISSN (print) 2168-2267 Rodriguez, Mario, Orrite, Carlos, Medrano, Carlos and Makris, Dimitrios (2016) A time flexible kernel framework for video-based activity recognition. Image and Vision Computing, 48-49, pp. 26-36. ISSN (print) 0262-8856 Rodriguez-Nogales, A., Lozano-Pérez, A.A., Aznar-Cervantes, S.D., Algieri, F., Garrido-Mesa, J., Garrido-Mesa, N., Vezza, T., Utrilla, M.P., Cenis, J.L., Rodríguez-Cabezas, M.E. and Gálvez, J. (2016) Effect of aqueous and particulate silk fibroin in a rat model of experimental colitis. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 511(1), pp. 1-9. ISSN (print) 0378-5173 Ross, Fiona (2016) Learning from other sectors : using the right end of the telescope! Higher Education Policy Institute Blog, Ross, Fiona and Morrow, Elizabeth (2016) Mining the REF impact case studies for lessons on leadership, governance and management in Higher Education. LSE Impact Blog, Ross, Linda M. [Researcher] (2016) Dounreay: Caithness and the impact of the ‘white heat’ of technology. In: Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory Rurality Conference; 21-23 October 2016, Kirkwall Orkney Scotland, UK. (Unpublished) Ross, Linda M. (2016) Research update: atomic heritage. In: Historic Environment Scotland Research Seminar; 1 December 2016, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished) Rossi, Catharine [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: ' Craft and the creative economy ' by Susan Luckman. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 22(3), pp. 473-480. ISSN (print) 1028-6632 Rossi, Catharine (2016) Compasso D'Oro. In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) 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