Items where Kingston Author is "Abbott, Brian"

Williams, Steve, Abbott, Brian and Heery, Edmund (2017) Civil governance in work and employment relations : how civil society organizations contribute to systems of labour governance. Journal of Business Ethics, 144(1), pp. 103-199. ISSN (print) 0167-4544
Abbott, Brian and Williams, Steve (2014) Widening the 'representation gap'? The implications of the 'lobbying act' for worker representation in the UK. Industrial Relations Journal, 45(6), pp. 507-523. ISSN (print) 0019-8692
Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Stephen (2012) The involvement of civil society organisations in British industrial reltions: extent, origins, significance. British Journal Of Industrial Relations, 50(1), pp. 47-72. ISSN (print) 0007-1080
Heery, Edmund, Williams, Steve and Abbott, Brian (2012) Civil society organizations and trade unions: cooperation, conflict, indifference. Work, Employment & Society, 26(1), pp. 145-160. ISSN (print) 0950-0170
Abbott, Brian, Heery, Edmund and Williams, Stephen (2012) Civil society organizations and the exercise of power in the employment relationship. Employee Relations, 34(1), pp. 91-107. ISSN (print) 0142-5455
Williams, Steve, Heery, Edmund and Abbott, Brian (2011) The emerging regime of civil regulation in work and employment relations. Human Relations, 64(7), pp. 951-970. ISSN (print) 0018-7267
Williams, Steve, Abbott, Brian and Heery, Edmund (2011) Civil regulation and HRM: the impact of civil society organisations on the policies and practices of employers. Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ), 21(1), pp. 45-59. ISSN (print) 0954-5395
Williams, Steve, Abbott, Brian and Heery, Edmund (2011) Non-union worker representation through civil society organisations: evidence from the United Kingdom. Industrial Relations Journal, 42(1), pp. 69-85. ISSN (print) 0019-8692
Williams, Steve, Heery, Edmund and Abbott, Brian (2010) Mediating equality at work through civil society organisations. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 29(6), pp. 627-638. ISSN (print) 2040-7149
Abbott, Brian (2007) Workplace and employment characteristics of Citizens' Advice Bureau (CAB) clients. Employee Relations, 29(3), pp. 262-279. ISSN (print) 0142-5455
Abbott, Brian (2006) Determining the significance of the citizens' advice bureau as an industrial relations actor. Employee Relations, 28(5), pp. 435-448. ISSN (print) 0142-5455
Abbott, Brian (1998) The emergence of a new industrial relations actor: the role of the Citizens' Advice Bureaux? Industrial Relations Journal, 29(4), pp. 257-269. ISSN (print) 0019-8692
Abbott, Brian (1998) The new shop stewards - the Citizens' Advice Bureaux? Employee Relations, 20(6), pp. 610-627. ISSN (print) 0142-5455
Abbott, Brian, Blackburn, Robert A. and Curran, James (1996) Local authority privatisation and markets for small businesses. Local Government Studies, 22(3), pp. 72-89. ISSN (print) 0300-3930
Abbott, Brian (1993) Small firms and trades unions in services in the 1990s. Industrial Relations Journal, 24(4), pp. 308-317. ISSN (print) 0019-8692
Abbott, Brian (1993) Training strategies in small service sector firms: employer and employee perspectives. Human Resource Management Journal, 4(2), pp. 70-87. ISSN (print) 0954-5395
Book Section
Abbott, Brian (2016) Deciphering the coalition's big society: issues and challenges for work and employment relations. In: Williams, Steve and Scott, Peter, (eds.) Employment relations under the coalition government: the UK experience, 2010-15. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 207-225. (Routledge Research in Employment Relations, (37)) ISBN 9781138887008
Williams, Stephen, Abbott, Brian and Heery, Edmund (2011) New and emerging actors in work and employment relations: the case of civil society organizations. In: Townsend, Keith and Wilkinson, Adrian, (eds.) Research handbook on the future of work and employment relations. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp. 130-149. ISBN 9781848448469
Abbott, Brian (2004) Worker representation through the Citizens’ Advice Bureaux. In: Healy, Geraldine , Heery, Edmund , Taylor, Phil and Brown, William, (eds.) The future of worker representation. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 245-263. (The future of work series) ISBN 9781403917591
Heery, Edmund and Abbott, Brian (2000) Trade unions and the insecure workforce. In: Heery, Edmund and Salmon, John, (eds.) The insecure workforce. London, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 155-180. (Routledge studies in employment relations) ISBN 0415186714
Abbott, Brian, Blackburn, Robert and Curran, James (1996) The privatisation of local authority services and market opportunities for small firms. In: Blackburn, Robert and Jennings, Peter, (eds.) Small firms: contributions to economic regeneration. London, U.K. : SAGE Publications Ltd. pp. 99-111. (National small firms' policy and research conferences) ISBN 9781853963391
Conference or Workshop Item
Abbott, Brian (2013) Unmasking the Big Society. In: The UK Coalition Government and Employment Relations; 16 Dec 2013, Portsmouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Stephen (2010) Civil society organizations and trade unions in the United Kingdom: coalition, conflict and complementarity. In: 47th CIRA Annual Congress: Employee representation in the new world of work; 16-18 Jun 2010, Quebec, Canada. (Unpublished)
Heery, Edmund, Williams, Stephen and Abbott, Brian (2009) Worker representation through civil society organizations: evidence from Britain. In: 15th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA): The New World of Work, Organisations and Employment; 24-27 Aug 2009, Sydney, Australia.
Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Stephen (2009) Worker representation through civil society organizations. In: British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) 59th Annual Conference; 2-4 Jul 2009, Cardiff, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Williams, Steve, Abbott, Brian and Heery, Edmund (2008) Promoting equality and diversity at work: the role and activities of civil society organisations. In: British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) 58th Annual Conference; 26-28 Jun 2008, Bristol, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)
Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Steve (2008) Partners or rivals? Civil society organizations and trade unions. In: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC): Nation States, Europeanisation and Globalisation; 23-25 Jun 2008, Greenwich, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)
Abbott, Brian (2007) Worker voice and the role of Citizens Advice. In: 8th European Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA): The Dynamics of European Employment Relations; 3-6 Sep 2007, Manchester, United Kingdom. (Unpublished)
Williams, Stephen, Abbott, Brian and Heery, Edmund (2007) Reinvigorating employment relations as a field of study in contemporary societies: the role and activities of civil society organisations. In: Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC); 26-28 Jul 2007, Athens, Greece. (Unpublished)
Abbott, Brian (2003) Non-traditional forms of worker representation. In: International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) 13th World Congress: Beyond Traditional Employment. Industrial Relations in the Network Economy; 8-12 Sep 2003, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Abbott, Brian (2002) Non-traditional mechanisms for enforcing workers’ rights. In: International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) 4th Regional Conference of the Americas: Labour protection and trade: can the two be made to work together?; 25-28 Jun 2002, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)
Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Steve (2014) Civil society organisations - a new employment actor. (Discussion Paper) London, U.K. : Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service. 11 p. (Acas Policy Discussion Papers)