Items where Kingston Author is "Cham, Karen"

Cham, Karen [Artist] and Johnson, Jeff [Artist] (2007) Matmos. (Collaborative sculpture).
Cham, Karen [Designer] (2007) The appliance of science. (Video installation).
Cham, Karen (2012) Changing the university genome : a case study of digital media Kingston. Networks, 17,
Cham, Karen (2007) Reconstruction theory : designing the space of possibility in complex media. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 3(2-3), pp. 253-267. ISSN (print) 1479-4713
Cham, Karen and Johnson, Jeffrey (2007) Complexity theory: a science of cultural systems? M/C Journal, 10(3), pp. 21-34.
Cham, Karen and Johnson, Jeffrey (2020) Designing the future : a handbook for effective innovation : computation, complexity & globalisation. Springer. (In Press)
Book Section
Cham, Karen (2017) Consumer as producer; value mechanics in digital transformation design, process, practice and outcomes. In: Shiach, Morag and Virani, Tarek, (eds.) Cultural policy, innovation and the creative economy. Palgrave McMillan. pp. 61-81. ISBN 9781349951116
Cham, Karen and Webley, Stephen (2016) Designing for the play instinct : gamification, collective voodoo and mumbo jumbo. In: Dymek, Mikolaj and Zackariasson, Peter, (eds.) The Business of Gamification : A Critical Analysis. Routledge. pp. 182-207. (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies) ISBN 9781138824164
Heath, Terry, Cham, Karen and Yates, Carl (2014) Inside the minds of gamers. In: Garner, Cathy , Bolfek-Radovani, Jasmina , Fogg, Helen , Riedel, Jana , Ternouth, Phil , Briscoe, Gerard , Dima, Mariza , Shiach, Morag and Virani, Tarek, (eds.) London creative and digital fusion. London, U.K. : London Fusion. pp. 54-57.
Cham, Karen (2011) Architecture of the image. In: Dunn, Stuart , Bowen, Jonathan P. and Ng, Kia, (eds.) Electronic visualisation and the arts: proceedings of EVA London 2011, BCS London, 5 Southampton Street, London 6-8 July 2010. Swindon, U.K. : BCS. pp. 117-183. ISBN 9781906124885
Mytilinaiou, S, Cham, Karen and Hutchison, Christopher (2011) Experience design, interactive art environments and the sense of becoming. In: IEEE, (ed.) Mixed and augmented reality - arts, media, and humanities (ISMAR-AMH), 2011 IEEE International Symposium. IEEE. pp. 91-98. ISBN 9781467300575
Cham, Karen (2010) The art of complex systems science. In: Alexiou, Katerina , Johnson, Jeffrey and Zamenopoulos, Theodore, (eds.) Embracing complexity in design. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 121-142. ISBN 9780415497008
Cham, Karen (2009) Aesthetics and interactive art. In: Bentkowska-Kafel, Anna , Cashen, Trish and Gardiner, Hazel, (eds.) Digital visual culture: theory and practice. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect Books. pp. 15-21. ISBN 9781841502489
Conference or Workshop Item
Cham, Karen (2021) 5G enabled mobile AI and human centred edge services : (that chipset thing). In: 5G Briefing 2021; 16 - 17 Nov 2021, Frankfurt, Germany. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2020) Digital transformation of a pandemic. In: AHT2020 : how appropriate healthcare technologies contribute in a public health emergency; 11 Sep 2020, Held online. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2019) Cognitive UX design : engineering behaviour change. In: The BAD (Behaviour & Design) Conference 2019; 20 Jun 2019, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2019) 5G accelerated complexity, human centred networks & data driven transformation . In: Digital Transformation World 2019; 14-16 May 2019, Nice, France. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2019) UXD 4.0 : Designing the human experience of data rich complexity in pervasive XR. In: UXinsight 2019; 03-04 Apr 2019, Utrecht, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2018) Designing change : NeuroMedia as a metanoic practice. In: Semiofest 2018; 24-27 Oct 2018, Mumbai, India. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2018) Neurogaming & emotional singularities. In: Develop:Brighton Conference; 10-12 Jul 2018, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2017) Bankrupting gamification : when a method becomes mythologised. In: Gamification Europe 2017; 28-29 Nov 2017, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2017) Models from complexity science. In: UX Brighton 2017; 03 Nov 2017, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2016) Prototyping the Internet of Place : designing for human centred complexity - data driven UX of loT and smart cities. In: DRHA16 : Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference; 04 - 07 Sep 2016, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2015) NeuroMedia : towards defining brain computer interface (BCI) content. In: Gaminomics : Adventures in Games and Gamifications; 11 Jun 2015, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Heath, Terry, Krause, Sven and Cham, Karen (2014) Unlocking the minds of gamers. In: Innovation Powerhouse; 15 Nov 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen and Ibi, Andrew (2014) Design by spambot : can social interaction be successfully integrated into high end fashion design processes? In: DRHA2014 : Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference; 31 Aug - 03 Sep 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2014) Virtually an alternative? The medium, the message and the user experience ; collective agency in digital spaces and embodied social change. In: 5th LAEMOS Colloquium on Organization Studies Constructing Alternatives: How can we organize for alternative social, economic, and ecological balance; 02 - 05 Apr 2014, Havana, Cuba. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2011) The convergence of complex systems science and art practice in the computational arts. In: Rewire 2011: the fourth international conference on the histories of media art, science and technology; 28-30 Sep 2011, Liverpool, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2011) The cybernetic interface to the human bio computer. In: Virtual Futures; 18-19 Jun 2011, Coventry, U.K..
Cham, Karen (2011) A proposal for an aesthetics of engagement in intelligent environments. In: SciT'11: Multidisciplinary Approach to Designing Intelligent Environment in conjunction with IE'11: 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments; 25-28 Jul 2014, Nottingham, U.K..
Cham, Karen (2011) A semiotic systems approach to user experience design. In: 1st International Conference on Semiotics & Visual Communication: from theory to practice; 25-27 Nov 2011, Lemesos, Cyprus..
Cham, Karen (2008) Reality jamming : beyond complex causality in mediated cultural systems. In: International Symposium on Electronic Art; 25 Jul - 3 Aug 2008, Singapore.
Cham, Karen [Designer] (2019) Bag engine : Shaope grammars and mass customisation. Digital platform.
Cham, Karen [Designer] (2019) Digital Research and Innovation Value Accelerator (DRIVA) Arts. Digital platform.
Cham, Karen [Designer] (2014) Artellite. Digital platform.
Moving Image/Broadcast
Cham, Karen [Artist] (2006) National grid. (Digital video).