Items where Kingston Author is "Huet, Isabel"

Casanova, Diogo, Alsop, Graham and Huet, Isabel (2021) Moving from lecturer to student-led digital assessment and feedback. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 14(3), pp. 328-345. ISSN (print) 1753-5255
Micallef, Ricarda, Huet, Isabel and Kayyali, Reem (2020) Current reality and preferences for continuing professional development (CPD) of pharmacists in England : supporting pharmacists to achieve their CPD requirments. Pharmacy Education, 20, pp. 103-115. ISSN (print) 1477-2701
Spowart, Lucy, Winter, Jennie, Turner, Rebecca, Burden, Penny, Botham, Kathryn Ann, Muneer, Reema, van der Sluis, Hendrik and Huet, Isabel (2019) 'Left with a title but nothing else' : the challenges of embedding professional recognition schemes for teachers within higher education institutions. Higher Education Research & Development, 38(6), pp. 1299-1312. ISSN (print) 0729-4360
van der Sluis, Hendrik, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel (2017) Retrospection and reflection : the emerging influence of an institutional professional recognition scheme on professional development and academic practice in a UK university. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(2), pp. 126-134. ISSN (print) 1470-3297
ElShaer, Amr, Calabrese, Gianpiero, Casanova, Diogo and Huet, Isabel (2016) Building a community of practice for engaging pharmacy students to learn in a collaborative research environment. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 8(5), pp. 698-707. ISSN (print) 1877-1297
van der Sluis, Hendrik, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel (2016) The evaluation of an institutional UKPSF recognition scheme. Educational Developments, 17(1), pp. 5-9. ISSN (print) 1469-3267
Figueiredo, Claudia, Pinheiro, Maria do Rosario and Huet, Isabel (2015) Desenvolvimento epistemológico e avaliação de crenças pessoais relativas ao conhecimento e ao processo de conhecer: estudo de validação da escala de posicionamento epistemológico para estudantes de Doutoramento [Epistemological development and evaluation of personal beliefs about knowledge and the process of knowing: validation study of the Epistemological Position Scale for doctoral students]. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, 49(1), pp. 105-130. ISSN (online) 1647-8614
Cabral, Ana Paula and Huet, Isabel (2015) Growıng separatıon between teaching/learnıng and research – antıcıpatıng the ımpacts from REF2014. Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, 6(10), ISSN (online) 2044-0081
Cabral, Ana Paula and Huet, Isabel (2014) Avaliação da qualidade da investigação em Educação: conceptualização de um projeto de investigação [Research quality in education: academics' perspective]. Indagatio Didactica, 6(4), pp. 151-163. ISSN (online) 1647-3582
Cabral, Ana Paula and Huet, Isabel (2014) Assessment of research quality in higher education: contribution for an institutional framework. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 116, pp. 1528-1532. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Constanca, Mendonca, Huet, Isabel and Alves, Mariana Gaio (2014) Da construção à validação de um referencial de competências para uma Licenciatura em Enfermagem [Design and validation of a framework of competencies for a degree in nursing]. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, 48(2), pp. 109-132. ISSN (online) 1647-8614
Huet, Isabel (2012) Academic development as a strategy to enhance teaching quality in research intensive universities: the Portuguese context. Higher Education Research Network Journal, 5, pp. 9-18.
Figueiredo, Claudia, Huet, Isabel and Pinheiro, Maria do Rosario (2012) Construction of scientific knowledge and meaning: perceptions of Portuguese doctoral students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 69, pp. 755-762. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Cabral, A.P. and Huet, I. (2012) Contributions for innovative institutional research quality assessment practices and processes. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, pp. 1109-1114. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Baptista, Ana V. and Huet, Isabel (2012) Making sense of metaphors about doctoral students' competences: Analysis of supervisors' voices. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 47, pp. 930-937. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Baptista, Ana Vitoria and Huet, Isabel (2012) Postgraduate research supervision quality: rethinking the value of doctoral supervision to design an integrative framework. International Journal of Learning, 18(5), pp. 175-194. ISSN (print) 1447-9494
Baptista, Ana V. and Huet, Isabel (2012) Supervisors and students' conceptions of the nature and value of the doctorate. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicologia y Salud [Latin American Journal of Psychology and Health], 3(2), pp. 211-228. ISSN (print) 2171-2069
Huet, Isabel, Figueiredo, Claudia, Abreu, Odilia, Oliveira, Jose Manuel, Costa, Nilza, Rafael, Jose A. and Vieira, Carla (2011) Linking a research dimension to an internal quality assurance system to enhance teaching and learning in Higher Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, pp. 947-956. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Cabral, Ana Paula and Huet, Isabel (2011) Research in Higher Education: the role of teaching and student learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, pp. 91-97. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Huet, Isabel, Baptista, Ana V., Souza, Dayse Neri De, Casanova, Diogo, Schreurs, Jeanne and Rutkauskiene, Danguole (2010) Pedagogical traditions in EU universities: challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Intercultural Information Management, 2(2), pp. 100-116. ISSN (print) 1750-0028
Loureiro, Maria, Huet, Isabel, Baptista, Ana and Casanova, Diogo (2010) Using ICT to enhance the online research supervision process. Acta Academica, pp. 151-174. ISSN (print) 0587-2405
Huet, Isabel, Baptista, Ana Vitoria, Costa, Nilza, Jenkins, Alan and Abelha, Marta (2009) Evaluation of undergraduate students' involvement in research projects. International Journal of Learning, 16(9), pp. 575-588. ISSN (print) 1447-9494
Noutel, Alcínia , Brutten, Elena , Pires, Glaucia , Huet, Isabel and Ibiapina, Ivana, eds. (2014) Ensino Superior: saberes, experiências, desafios: volume II [Higher Education: knowledge, experiences, challenges: volume II]. Teresina, Brazil : Editora Gráfica da UFPI. 322p. ISBN 9788574637921
Noutel, A. , Brutten, E. , Pires, G. and Huet, I., eds. (2012) Ensino Superior: saberes, experiências, desafios [Higher Education: knowledge, experiences, challenges]. Teresina, Brazil : Editora Universitária UFRN. ISBN 9788575397145
Rutkauskiene, Danguole, Gudoniene, Daina, Huet, Isabel, Casanova, Diogo, Baptista, Ana, Neri de Sousa, Daysa, Schreurs, Jeanne and Karlsson, Goran (2011) Pedagogic traditions, skills and competences in Higher Education: Comparative analysis. Kaunas, Lithuania : Kaunas University of Technology. 64p. ISBN 9786094520174
Huet, Isabel , Costa, Nilza , Tavares, Jose and Baptista, Ana Vitoria, eds. (2009) Docência no Ensino Superior: Partilha de boas práticas [Teaching in Higher Education: Dissemination of best practices]. Aveiro, Portugal : Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN 9789727893010
Book Section
Huet, Isabel, Baptista, Ana Vitoria and Ferreira, Carla (2013) Developing undergraduate students' generic competencies through research activities. In: Nygaard, Claus , Courtney, Nigel and Bartholomew, Paul, (eds.) Quality enhancement of University teaching and learning. Faringdon, U.K. : Libri Publishing. pp. 87-102. (The Learning in Higher Education Series) ISBN 9781909818125
Casanova, D., Holmes, B. and Huet, I. (2009) Aiding academics to move from knowledge management to knowledge creation: Conceptualisation of a Personal Academic Environment (PAE). In: Méndez-Vilas, A. , Solano Martín, A. , Mesa González, J.A. and Mesa González, J., (eds.) Research, reflections and innovations in integrating ICT in education. Badajoz, Spain : FORMATEX. pp. 481-486. 1 ISBN 9788469217894
Holmes, Bryn, Huet, Isabel, Leahy, Denise, Gardner, John, Dolan, Dudley and Tavares, Jose (2009) Elearning in European Higher Education: An analysis of present practice in Ireland, Portugal, and the UK, with lessons for the Bologna Process. In: Fegan, James and Field, Malcolm H., (eds.) Education across borders: Politics, policy and legislative action. Dordrecht, Netherlands : Springer. pp. 93-113. ISBN 9781402094101
Huet, Isabel, Oliveira, Jose Manuel, Costa, Nilza and Estima de Oliveira, Joao (2009) The effectiveness of curriculum maps of alignment in Higher Education. In: Nygaard, Claus , Holtham, Clive and Coutney, Nigel, (eds.) Improving students' learning outcomes. Copenhagen, Denmark : Copenhagen Business School Press. pp. 275-287. ISBN 9788763002325
Conference or Workshop Item
Huet, Isabel, Van Der sluis, Hendrik and Woodfield, Steve (2017) Developing students as researchers and learners in Higher Education: the experience of SADRAS. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference : Higher Education rising to the challenge : Balancing expectations of students, society and stakeholders; 06 - 08 Dec 2017, Newport, Wales. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel and Van Der sluis, Hendrik (2017) Research-based education as model to enable students’ learning through enquiry and research. In: International Conference ”Innovative teacher of the 21st century – practices, approaches and strategies”; 08 Nov 2017, Cahul, Republic of Moldova.
Huet, Isabel, Van Der sluis, Hendrik and Woodfield, Steve (2017) The benefits from staff-student partnerships in pedagogical and institutional research : an evaluation research study. In: Connecting Higher Education : International perspectives on research-based education; 27 - 28 Jun 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Huet, I., van der Sluis, H. and May, S. (2016) Staff-student partnerships in pedagogic research : the benefits for students' development of research competencies. In: 9th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation; 14-16 Nov 2016, Seville, Spain.
van der Sluis, Hendrik, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel (2015) The value of professional development schemes for improving learning and teaching in UK Higher Education. In: 20th Annual SEDA Conference: Scholarship and Educational Development: The Importance of Using an Evidence Base for Learning and Teaching; 19-20 Nov 2015, Cardiff, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Leite, Carlinda [Contributor], Remião, Fernando [Contributor], Huet, Isabel [Contributor], Oliveira, José Fernando [Contributor] and Teixeira, Pedro [Contributor] (2015) Discussão e validação da observação de pares multidisciplinares como modelo de formação no Ensino Superior (mesa redonda, olhares críticos). [Critical analysis of multi-disciplinary peer observation as a training model in Higher Education (round table, critical perspectives)]. In: SIPAR - Seminário Interinstitucional de Partilha Pedagógica: Observação de Pares como Estratégia de Melhoria Pedagógica. [SIPAR - Inter-institutional Seminar on Shared Teaching: Peer Observation as a Strategy for Pedagogical Improvement]; 06 Feb 2015, Porto, Portugal. (Unpublished)
van der Sluis, Hendrik, Burden, Penny and Huet, Isabel (2015) The value of professional development schemes based on the UKPSF for improving teaching and learning in HE. In: 37th Annual EAIR Forum Krems 2015: From Here to There: Positioning Higher Education Institutions; 30 Aug - 02 Sep 2015, Krems, Austria. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel (2014) What is the purpose of doctoral programmes in Europe? Opportunities and challenges. In: La Place du Doctorat dans les Parcours Professionnels [The Role of the Doctorate in Professional Careers]; 15 Dec 2014, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel (2014) Research-informed teaching: discussion paper. In: Kingston University Senate; 29 Oct 2014, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Mendonça, Constança, Huet, Isabel and Gaio-Alves, Mariana (2012) Avaliacao da qualidade da formacao na area da saude: validacao de competencias genericas e especificas [Evaluating the quality of education for healthcare practice: generic and specific skills]. In: IX Foro Internacional Sobre la Evaluacion de la Calidad de la Investigacion y de la Educacion Superior (FECIES) [9th International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES)]; 12-15 Jun 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel, Costa, Nilza and Cabral, Ana Paula (2012) Evaluation as a process to enhance the quality of teaching, learning and research in Higher Education. In: IX Foro Internacional Sobre la Evaluacion de la Calidad de la Investigacion y de la Educacion Superior (FECIES) [9th International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES)]; 12-15 Jun 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Unpublished)
Casanova, Diogo and Huet, Isabel (2012) Indicadores para uma auto-avaliacao das estrategias de aprendizagem ativas em ambientes de aprendizagem mediados pelas tic [Building a tool for self-evaluating active learning in ICT mediated learning environments]. In: IX Foro Internacional Sobre la Evaluacion de la Calidad de la Investigacion y de la Educacion Superior (FECIES) [9th International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES)]; 12-15 Jun 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel, Rafael, Jose, Costa, Nilza, Figueiredo, Claudia and Oliveira, Jose (2011) Linking educational research to institutional measures of quality enhancement: a Portuguese project. In: The 3rd International Conference on Institutional Strategic Quality Management in Higher Education: ISQM2011; 14-16 Jul 2011, Sibiu, Romania. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel, Casanova, Diogo and Ramos, Fernando (2011) Sharing practices on collaborative learning : the case of a CPD Course. In: ICEM&SIIE'2011 Joint Conference : Old Meets New : Media in Education; 27-30 Sep 2011, Aveiro, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Huet, I. (2010) Pedagogic traditions in 4 Western Universities. In: Training Workshop and Partners Meeting in Ukraine; 18-21 Oct 2010, Kharkov, Ukraine. (Unpublished)
Rutkauksiene, Danguole, Schreurs, Jeanne, Huet, Isabel and Gudoniene, Daina (2010) Train the teachers in student-centred learning and teaching. In: ICL2010: Academic and Corporate E-Learning in a Global Context; 15-17 Sep 2010, Hasselt, Belgium. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel, Casanova, Diogo, Holmes, Bryn and Ramos, Fernando (2009) Pass the port(o) to the right: Building a community of practice for Portuguese professors to profess. In: HEA Annual Conference 2009: The Future of the Student Learning Experience; 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2009, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Casanova, D., Holmes, B. and Huet, I. (2009) Aiding Academics to move from knowledge management to knowledge creation: Conceptualisation of a Personal Academic Environment (PAE). In: m-ICTE 2009: V International Conference on Multimedia and Information Technologies in Education; 22-24 Apr 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.
Huet, Isabel, Baptista, Ana V., Neri de Sousa, Dayse, Casanova, Diogo, Schreurs, Jeanne and Rutkauskiene, Dangoule (2009) A cross-cultural study of pedagogical traditions in four EU Universities. In: Teaching and Learning 2009 : Excellence and Quality : Timeless Challenges in Education; 07-09 Dec 2009, Porto, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel (2008) The effectiveness of alignment matrices in curriculum design. In: Development of a Common Understanding of Learning Outcomes and ECTS: Official Bologna Seminar; 19-20 Jun 2008, Porto, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel, Lucas, Lisa, Jenkins, Alan, Tavares, Jose, Costa, Nilza and Ribeiro, Claudia (2008) Strategies to promote effective learning and teaching in Higher Education: a European perspective. In: Learning Conference 2008: The Fifteenth International Conference on Learning; 03-06 Jun 2008, Chicago, U.S..
Huet, Isabel, Mourtos, Nikos J., Costa, Nilza, Pacheco, Osvaldo and Tavares, Jose (2007) Models for research-based teaching in engineering courses: a case-study at the University of Aveiro (PT) and San José State University (USA). In: ICEE-2007: International Conference on Engineering Education 2007; 03-07 Sep 2007, Coimbra, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Huet, Isabel, Rafael, Jose Alberto, Costa, Nilza and Oliveira, Jose Manuel (2010) Quality Assurance System to monitor the teaching and learning process at the University of Aveiro (Portugal). (Project Report) University of Aveiro, Portugal. (Unpublished)