Items where Kingston Author is "Greenwood, Penelope"

Nyman, Samuel R., Casey, Chloe and Greenwood, Nan (2023) Hypothesis : dementia diminishes interdependence in health and quality of life among spousal partners. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 37(2), pp. 174-177. ISSN (print) 0893-0341
Mendes Pereira, Carla, Greenwood, Nan and Jones, Fiona (2023) “A proof of life” through transition from hospital to home after a stroke in a Portuguese setting - a multi-perspective, longitudinal qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 18(1), p. 2238986. ISSN (print) 1748-2623
Mayrhofer, Andrea M., Greenwood, Nan, Smeeton, Nigel, Almack, Kathryn, Buckingham, Louise, Shora, Shaheen and Goodman, Claire (2021) Understanding the financial impact of a diagnosis of young onset dementia on individuals and families in the United Kingdom : results of an online survey. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(3), pp. 664-671. ISSN (print) 0966-0410
Pereira, Carla Mednes, Greenwood, Nan and Jones, Fiona (2021) From recovery to regaining control of life : the perspectives of people with stroke, their carers and health professionals. Disability and Rehabilitation, 43(20), pp. 2897-2908. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Greenwood, Nan and Pound, Carole (2020) Using images in focus groups with older carers. Working with Older People, 24(2), pp. 95-103. ISSN (print) 1366-3666
Greenwood, Nan and Drennan, Vari (2019) Developing health and social care academics' multi-disciplinary research and publication skills. Medical Education, 53(11), pp. 1156-1157. ISSN (print) 0308-0110
Roberts, Hannah and Greenwood, Nan (2019) Speech and language therapy best practice for patients in prolonged disorders of consciousness : a modified Delphi study. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 54(5), pp. 841-854. ISSN (print) 1368-2822
Greenwood, Nan, Pound, Carole and Brearley, Sally (2019) 'What happens when I can no longer care?' Informal carers' concerns about facing their own illness or death : a qualitative focus group study. BMJ Open, 9, e030590. ISSN (online) 2044-6055
Greenwood, Nan, Pound, Carole, Brearley, Sally and Smith, Raymond (2019) A qualitative study of older informal carers' experiences and perceptions of their caring role. Maturitas, 124, pp. 1-7. ISSN (print) 0378-5122
Greenwood, Nan and Smith, Raymond (2019) Motivations for being informal carers of people living with dementia : a systematic review of qualitative literature. BMC Geriatrics, 19(1), p. 169. ISSN (online) 1471-2318
Greenwood, Nan, Pound, Carole, Smith, Raymond and Brearley, Sally (2019) Experiences and support needs of older carers : a focus group study of perceptions from the voluntary and statutory sectors. Maturitas, 123, pp. 40-44. ISSN (print) 0378-5122
Greenwood, Nan, McKevitt, Christopher and Milne, Alisoun (2018) Time to rebalance and reconsider : are we pathologising informal, family carers? Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 111(7), pp. 253-254. ISSN (print) 0141-0768
Greenwood, Nan, Menzies-Gow, Emma, Nilsson, David, Aubrey, Dawn, Emery, Claire and Richardson, Angela (2018) Experiences of older people dying in nursing homes : a narrative systematic review of qualitative studies. BMJ Open, 8(6), e021285. ISSN (online) 2044-6055
Greenwood, Nan, Mezey, Gillian and Smith, Raymond (2018) Social exclusion in adult informal carers : a systematic narrative review of the experiences of informal carers of people with dementia and mental illness. Maturitas, 112, pp. 39-45. ISSN (print) 0378-5122
Smith, Raymond, Drennan, Vari, Mackenzie, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2018) The impact of befriending and peer support on family carers of people living with dementia : a mixed methods study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 76, pp. 188-195. ISSN (print) 0167-4943
Smith, Raymond, Drennan, Vari, Mackenzie, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2018) Volunteer peer support and befriending for carers of people living with dementia : an exploration of volunteers' experiences. Health & Social Care in the Community, 26(2), pp. 158-166. ISSN (print) 0966-0410
Smith, Raymond, Ooms, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2017) Supporting people with young onset dementia and their families : an evaluation of a training course for care workers. Nurse Education in Practice, 27, pp. 7-12. ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Akhtar, Farrukh, Greenwood, Nan, Smith, Raymond and Richardson, Angela (2017) Dementia cafes : recommendations from interviews with informal carers. Working with Older People, 21(4), pp. 236-242. ISSN (print) 1366-3666
Greenwood, Nan, Holley, Jess, Ellmers, Theresa, Bowling, Ann and Cloud, Geoffrey (2017) Assessing satisfaction with social care services among black and minority ethnic and white British carers of stroke survivors in England. Health & Social Care in the Community, 25(5), pp. 1571-1580. ISSN (print) 0966-0410
Greenwood, Nan, Smith, Raymond, Akhtar, Farrukh and Richardson, Angela (2017) A qualitative study of carers' experiences of dementia cafes : a place to feel supported and be yourself. BMC Geriatrics, 17(164), ISSN (online) 1471-2318
Dawes, Jo, Deaton, Stuart and Greenwood, Nan (2017) Homeless people's access to primary care physiotherapy services : an exploratory, mixed-method investigation using a follow-up qualitative extension to core quantitative research. BMJ Open, 7(6), e012957. ISSN (online) 2044-6055
Chang, Jacqueline, Pedley, Gillian, Richardson, Angela and Greenwood, Penelope (2017) Young onset dementia : the benefits of employment. Journal of Dementia Care, 25(2), pp. 30-31. ISSN (print) 1351-8372
Greenwood, Nan and Smith, Raymond (2016) The oldest carers : a narrative review and synthesis of the experiences of carers aged over 75 years. Maturitas, 94, pp. 161-172. ISSN (print) 0378-5122
Greenwood, Nan and Smith, Raymond (2016) The experiences of people with young-onset dementia : a meta-ethnographic review of the qualitative literature. Maturitas, 92, pp. 102-109. ISSN (print) 0378-5122
Richardson, Angela, Pedley, Gillian, Akhtar, Farrukh, Pelone, Ferruccio, Chang, Jacqueline, Muleya, Wilson and Greenwood, Nan (2016) Psychosocial interventions for people with young onset dementia and their carers: a systematic review. International Psychogeriatrics, 28(9), pp. 1441-1454. ISSN (print) 1041-6102
Jackson, Marcus, Pelone, Ferruccio, Reeves, Scott, Hassenkamp, Anne Marie, Emery, Claire, Titmarsh, Kumud and Greenwood, Nan (2016) Interprofessional education in the care of people diagnosed with dementia and their carers: a systematic review. BMJ Open, 6(8), e010948. ISSN (online) 2044-6055
Smith, Raymond, Ooms, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2016) 'It needs to pull at your heartstrings for it to sink in'. Journal of Dementia Care, 24(3), pp. 14-15. ISSN (print) 1351-8372
Ginnelly, Aeron and Greenwood, Nan (2016) Screening adult patients with a tracheostomy tube for dysphagia: a mixed-methods study of practice in the UK. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 51(3), p. 285. ISSN (print) 1368-2822
Greenwood, Nan, Holley, Jess, Ellmers, Theresa, Mein, Gill and Cloud, Geoffrey (2016) Qualitative focus group study investigating experiences of accessing and engaging with social care services : perspectives of carers from diverse ethnic groups caring for stroke survivors. BMJ Open, 6, e009498. ISSN (online) 2044-6055
Greenwood, Nan, Hassenkamp, Anne-Marie and Pelone, Ferruccio (2016) General practice based psychosocial interventions for supporting carers of people with dementia or stroke: a systematic review. BMC Family Practice, 17(3), ISSN (online) 1471-2296
Pound, Carole and Greenwood, Nan (2016) The human dimensions of post-stroke homecare: experiences of older carers from diverse ethnic groups. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(20), pp. 1987-1999. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Greenwood, Nan and Smith, Raymond (2015) Barriers and facilitators for male carers in accessing formal and informal support : a systematic review. Maturitas, 82(2), pp. 162-169. ISSN (print) 0378-5122
Sedgwick, Philip and Greenwood, Nan (2015) Understanding the Hawthorne effect. British Medical Journal (BMJ), 351, h4672. ISSN (online) 1756-1833
Pelone, Ferruccio, Reeves, Scott, Ioannides, Andreas, Emery, Claire, Titmarsh, Kumud, Jackson, Marcus, Hassenkamp, Anne Marie and Greenwood, Nan (2015) Interprofessional education in the care of people diagnosed with dementia : protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open, 5(4), e007490. ISSN (online) 2044-6055
Greenwood, Nan, Habibi, Ruth, Smith, Raymond and Manthorpe, Jill (2015) Barriers to access and minority ethnic carers' satisfaction with social care services in the community: a systematic review of qualitative and quantitative literature. Health and Social Care in the Community, 23(1), pp. 64-78. ISSN (print) 0966-0410
Hewitt, Gillian, Sims, Sarah, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth (2015) Interprofessional teamwork in stroke care: is it visible or important to patients and carers? Journal of Interprofessional Care, 29(4), pp. 331-339. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Greenwood, Nan and Habibi, Ruth (2014) Carer mentoring: A mixed methods investigation of a carer mentoring service. International journal of nursing studies, 21(3), pp. 359-369. ISSN (print) 1873-491X
Smith, Raymond and Greenwood, Nan (2014) The impact of volunteer mentoring schemes on carers of people with dementia and volunteer mentors: a systematic review. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 29(1), pp. 8-17. ISSN (print) 1533-3175
Drennan, Vari M., Greenwood, Nan and Cole, Laura (2014) Continence care for people with dementia at home. Nursing Times, 110(9), p. 19. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Smith, Raymond and Greenwood, Nan (2014) Mentoring for carers. Journal of Dementia Care, 22(2), pp. 12-13. ISSN (print) 1351-8372
Greenwood, Nan, Ellmers, Theresa and Holley, Jess (2014) The influence of ethnic group composition on focus group discussions. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 14(107), ISSN (online) 1471-2288
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Hewitt, Gillian, Joy, Mark, Brearley, Sally, Cloud, Geoff, Drennan, Vari, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Kalra, Lalit, Mackenzie, Ann and Ross, Fiona (2013) Leadership of interprofessional stroke teams: how important is it for good team working? International Journal of Stroke, 8(Suppl. 3), p. 32.
Sims, Sarah, Brearley, Sally, Hewitt, Gillian, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Ross, Fiona and Harris, Ruth (2013) How to develop a patient and carer advisory group in stroke care research. Nurse Researcher, 20(3), pp. 6-11. ISSN (print) 1351-5578
Greenwood, Nan, Habibi, Ruth, Mackenzie, Ann, Drennan, Vari and Easton, Nicky (2013) Peer support for carers: a qualitative investigation of the experiences of carers and peer volunteers. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 28(6), pp. 617-626. ISSN (print) 1533-3175
Mackenzie, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2012) Positive experiences of caregiving in stroke: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 34(17), pp. 1413-1422. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Greenwood, Nan, Habibi, Ruth and Mackenzie, Ann (2012) Respite: carers’ experiences and perceptions of respite at home. BMC Geriatrics, 12(42), ISSN (online) 1471-2318
Jones, Ray, Mackenzie, Ann, Greenwood, Nan, Atkins, Christine and Habibi, Ruth (2012) General practitioners, primary care and support for carers in England: can training make a difference? Health & Social Care In The Community, 20(2), pp. 128-136. ISSN (print) 0966-0410
Lui, May, Lee, Diana, Greenwood, Nan and Ross, Fiona (2012) Informal stroke caregivers' self appraised problem solving abilities as a predictor of wellbeing and perceived social support. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 21(1-2), pp. 232-242. ISSN (print) 0962-1067
Drennan, Vari M, Greenwood, Nan, Cole, Laura, Fader, Mandy, Grant, Robert, Rait, Greta and Iliffe, Steve (2012) Conservative interventions for incontinence in people with dementia or cognitive impairment, living at home: a systematic review. BMC Geriatrics, 12(1), p. 77. ISSN (online) 1471-2318
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Harris, Ruth, Fenton, Will and Cloud, Geoffrey (2011) Perceptions of the role of general practice and practical support measures for carers of stroke survivors: a qualitative study. BMC Family Practice, 12(57), ISSN (online) 1471-2296
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Habibi, Ruth, Atkins, Christine and Jones, Ray (2010) General practitioners and carers: a questionnaire survey of attitudes, awareness of issues, barriers and enablers to provision of services. BMC Family Practice, 11(100), ISSN (online) 1471-2296
Greenwood, Nan and Mackenzie, Ann (2010) Informal caring for stroke survivors: meta-ethnographic review of qualitative literature. Maturitas, 66(3), pp. 268-276. ISSN (print) 0378-5122
Greenwood, N. and Mackenzie, A. (2010) An exploratory study of anxiety in carers of stroke survivors. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 19(13-14), pp. 2032-2038. ISSN (print) 0962-1067
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Cloud, Geoffrey and Wilson, Nikki (2010) Loss of autonomy, control and independence when caring: a qualitative study of informal carers of stroke survivors in the first three months after discharge. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(2), pp. 125-133. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Greenwood, Nan (2009) Reflections of a researcher interviewing older people. Nursing Older People, 21(7), pp. 30-31. ISSN (print) 1472-0795
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Wilson, Nikki and Cloud, Geoffrey (2009) Managing uncertainty in life after stroke : a qualitative study of the experiences of established and new informal carers in the first 3 months after discharge. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 46(8), pp. 1122-1133. ISSN (print) 0020-7489
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Cloud, Geoffrey C. and Wilson, Nikki (2009) Informal primary carers of stroke survivors living at home - challenges, satisfactions and coping: a systematic review of qualitative studies. Disability and Rehabilitation, 31(5), pp. 337-351. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Mackenzie, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2008) Assessment of informal carers: what implications will the new Strategy for Carers have? Policy & Politics, 36(4), pp. 601-604. ISSN (print) 0305-5736
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann and Harris, Ruth (2008) New Deal for Carers or unfair deal: what is in it for informal carers of stroke survivors? Policy and Politics, 36(2), pp. 299-303. ISSN (print) 0305-5736
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Cloud, Geoffrey C. and Wilson, Nikki (2008) Informal carers of stroke survivors: factors influencing carers: a systematic review of quantitative studies. Disability and Rehabilitation, 30(18), pp. 1329-1349. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Greenwood, Nan, May, Steve, Lissouba, Pascale and Bithell, Christine (2007) Widening participation: accessing careers in the allied health professions. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 14(11), pp. 494-501. ISSN (print) 1741-1645
Singh, Swaran P., Greenwood, Nan, White, Sarah and Churchill, Rachel (2007) Ethnicity and the Mental Health Act 1983. British Journal of Psychiatry, 191(2), pp. 99-105. ISSN (print) 0007-1250
Bale, Rob, Catty, Jocelyn, Watt, Hilary, Greenwood, Nan and Burns, Tom (2006) Measures of the therapeutic relationship in severe psychotic illness: a comparison of two scales. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 52(3), pp. 256-266. ISSN (print) 0020-7640
Greenwood, Nan, Wright, Jannet A. and Bithell, Christine (2006) Perceptions of speech and language therapy amongst UK school and college students: implications for recruitment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 41(1), pp. 83-94. ISSN (print) 1368-2822
Greenwood, Nan and Bithell, Christine (2005) Perceptions of physiotherapy compared with nursing and medicine amongst minority ethnic and white UK students: implications for recruitment. Physiotherapy, 91(2), pp. 69-78. ISSN (print) 0031-9406
Greenwood, Nan, Lim, Kee Hean and Bithell, Christine (2005) Perceptions of occupational therapy compared with physiotherapy and nursing among minority ethnic and white United Kingdom school and college students: implications for recruitment. The British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(2), pp. 75-84. ISSN (print) 0308-0226
Farmer, Roger and Greenwood, Nan (2001) General practitioners' management of problem drinkers: attitudes, knowledge and practice. Drugs: education, prevention and policy, 8(2), pp. 119-129. ISSN (print) 0968-7637
Conference or Workshop Item
Greenwood, Nan (2015) The human dimensions of post-stroke homecare: Experiences of older carers from diverse ethnic groups in the United Kingdom. In: 6th International Carers Conference: Care and Caring: Future Proofing the New Demographics; 04-06 Sep 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Smith, Raymond, Greenwood, Nan, Drennan, Vari and Mackenzie, Ann (2015) Investigating the impact of volunteer mentoring on carers of people with dementia: A mixed methods study. In: 25th Alzheimer Europe Conference “Dementia: Putting Strategies and Research into Practice”; 02-04 Sep 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)
Smith, Raymond, Greenwood, Nan, Drennan, Vari and Mackenzie, Ann (2014) The impact of volunteer mentoring on carers of people with dementia. In: 24th Alzheimer Europe Conference “Dignity and Autonomy in Dementia"; 20-22 Oct 2014, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Greenwood, Nan (2012) Focus on carers: challenges and satisfactions. In: Council on Stroke: 15th Annual Stroke Conference; 20 Apr 2012, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Greenwood, Nan, Mackenzie, Ann, Cloud, Geoffrey and Fenton, Will (2010) Supporting informal carers of stroke survivors in primary care: an exploratory study of the perceptions of the role of primary care. In: 2010 UKSF Conference; 30 Nov - 02 Dec 2010, Glasgow, U.K.. ISSN (print) 1747-4930
Mackenzie, A and Greenwood, N (2009) Positive aspects of care-giving: a systematic review of older adult carers of stroke survivors. In: 2009 UK Stroke Forum Conference; 01 - 03 Dec 2009, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Greenwood, Nan (2018) Supporting black and minority ethnic carers. (Discussion Paper) London, U.K. : Race Equality Foundation. (Better Health Briefing, no. 48) ISBN 9781873912317
Harris, Ruth, Sims, Sarah, Hewitt, Hewitt, Joy, Mark, Brearley, Sally, Cloud, Geoff, Drennan, Vari, Greenwood, Nan, Jones, Fiona, Kalra, Lalit, Mackenzie, Ann and Ross, Fiona (2013) Interprofessional teamwork across stroke care pathways: outcomes and patient and carer experience. final report. NIHR service delivery and organisation programme. (Project Report) Southampton, U.K. : Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 371 p.
Jones, Ray, Mackenzie, Ann, Greenwood, Nan, Atkins, Christine and Habibi, Ruth (2010) Evaluation of the pilot GP training programme on carers. (Project Report) London : Kingston University and St. George's, University of London. 66 p. (Unpublished)
Nash, Theresa, Needham, John, Greenwood, Nan, Forrest, Simon and Towell, Tony (2007) Adolescence: boundaries, connections and dilemmas. The report of an RCN survey into how nurses support young people in health care settings. (Project Report) London, UK : Royal College of Nursing. 52 p. ISBN 9781904114888
Greenwood, Penelope Nan (2010) Marginalised groups and health services : provision, experiences and research issues. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .