Items where Kingston Author is "Linton, Marisa"

Linton, Marisa [Reviewer] (2021) Book Review of: 'Enlightenment virtue, 1680–1794' edited by James Fowler and Marine Ganofsky. French Studies, 75(4), pp. 552-553. ISSN (print) 0016-1128
Linton, Marisa (2015) Victor Hugo, Ninety-Three (Quatrevingt-treize). Fiction and Film for French Historians : A Cultural Bulletin, 6(15), ISSN (online) 2157-1783
Linton, Marisa (2015) 'Come and dine': the dangers of conspicuous consumption in French revolutionary politics, 1789-95. European History Quarterly, 45(4), pp. 615-637. ISSN (print) 0265-6914
Linton, Marisa (2015) Circle of terror. BBC History, pp. 22-28. ISSN (print) 1469-8552
Linton, Marisa (2015) First step on the road to Waterloo. History Today, 65(6), pp. 30-36. ISSN (print) 0018-2753
Linton, Marisa (2015) Saint-Just: the French Revolution's Angel of Death. History Today, 65(1), ISSN (print) 0018-2753
Linton, Marisa (2015) Virtue or glory? : Dilemmas of political heroism in the French Revolution. French History and Civilisation : Papers from the George Rude Seminar, 6, pp. 83-102. ISSN (print) 1832-9683
Linton, Marisa (2015) The choices of Maximilien Robespierre. H-France Salon, 7(14), ISSN (online) 2150-4873
Agnew, Eadaoin, Alliez, Eric, Auerbach, Paul, Blackburn, Robert, Botting, Fred, Brady, Mary, Caygill, Howard, Chadwick, Howard, Chanter, Tina, Choat, Simon, Chu, Jonathan, Cinpoes, Radu, Coultas, Valerie, Dines, Martin, Dixon, Paul, Favretto, Ilaria, Finn, Peter, Giaxoglou, Korina, Goldsmith, Carlie, Hallward, Peter, Hawkins, Sue, Haywood, Peter, Higginbottom, Andrew, Ichijo, Atsuko, Isaac, Marina, Jensen, Meg, Kayyali, Reem, Kettyle, Ann, Lambrou, Marina, Latimer, Amanda, Linton, Marisa, Lipsedge, Karen, Malabou, Catherine, O Maoilearca, John, McQuillan, Martin, Micklethwaite, Paul, Morgan Wortham, Simon, O'Brien, Catherine, Osborne, Peter, Pinnock, Winsome, Piper, Jason, Ponto, Maria, Raphael, Sam, Reid, Trish, Roberts, Mike, Rogers, David, Sandford, Stella, Searby, Michael, Siddiki, Jalal Uddin, Smart, Jackie, Spencer, Philip, Stockhammer, Engelbert, Stuart, John, Suess, Eleanor, Swift, Allan, Upstone, Sara, Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Wells, Julian and Wilson, Scott (2014) Education should be a right for all. The Guardian,
Linton, Marisa (2014) Response to H-France Forum Review of Choosing Terror: Virtue, Friendship and Authenticity in the French Revolution. H-France Forum, 9(4), pp. 167-175.
Linton, Marisa (2013) Robespierre: the French Revolution's Man of Terror. BBC History magazine, pp. 44-48. ISSN (print) 1469-8552
Linton, Marisa (2013) Robespierre and Revolutionary authenticity. Annales Historiques De La Revolution Francaise(371), pp. 153-173. ISSN (print) 0003-4436
Linton, Marisa (2013) Robespierre et l'authenticite revolutionnaire. Annales Historiques de la Revolution Francaise(371), pp. 153-173. ISSN (print) 0003-4436
Linton, Marisa (2013) Women as spectators and participants in the French Revolution. Groniek: Gronings historisch tijdschrift(197), pp. 405-417. ISSN (print) 0169-2801
Linton, Marisa (2011) Book Review of: "The terror of natural right: Republicanism, the cult of nature, and the French Revolution" by Dan Edelstein. American Historical Review, 116(2), pp. 403-406. ISSN (print) 0002-8762
Linton, Marisa (2010) The man of virtue: the role of antiquity in the political trajectory of L.A. Saint-Just. French History, 24(3), pp. 393-419. ISSN (print) 0269-1191
Linton, Marisa (2008) Fatal friendships: the politics of Jacobin friendship. French Historical Studies, 31(1), pp. 51-76. ISSN (print) 0016-1071
Linton, Marisa (2006) Robespierre and the Terror. History Today, 56(8), pp. 23-29. ISSN (print) 0018-2753
Linton, M. (2003) Recent books on the French Revolution. Book Review of 'Massacre at the Champ de Mars: popular dissent and political culture in the French Revolution' by David Andress. History, 88(289), pp. 74-80. ISSN (print) 0018-2648
Linton, Marisa (2000) Virtue Rewarded? Women and the politics of virtue in Eighteenth-Century France. Part 2. History of European Ideas, 26(1), pp. 51-65. ISSN (print) 0191-6599
Linton, Marisa (2000) Virtue Rewarded? Women and the politics of virtue in Eighteenth-Century France. Part I. History of European Ideas, 26(1), pp. 35-49. ISSN (print) 0191-6599
Linton, Marisa (1999) The unvirtuous king?: clerical rhetoric on the French monarchy, 1760-1774. History of European Ideas, 25(1-2), pp. 55-74. ISSN (print) 0191-6599
Linton, Marisa A (1997) Les femmes et la commune de Paris de 1871. Revue Historique, CCXCVI(1), pp. 23-47. ISSN (print) 0035-3264
Linton, Marisa (1995) The rhetoric of virtue and the Parlements, 1770-1775. French History, 9(2), pp. 180-201. ISSN (print) 0269-1191
Linton, Marisa (2013) Choosing terror: virtue, friendship and authenticity in the French Revolution. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 323p. ISBN 9780199576302
Campbell, Peter R. , Kaiser, Thomas E. and Linton, Marisa, eds. (2007) Conspiracy in the French Revolution. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. 222p. ISBN 9780719074028
Linton, M A (2001) The politics of virtue in Enlightenment France. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. 258p. (Studies in Modern History) ISBN 0333949595
Book Section
Linton, Marisa (2015) Les racines de la vertu politique et ses significations au XVIIIe siecle. In: Biard, Michel , Bourdin, Philippe , Leuwers, Herve and Tourret, Alain, (eds.) Vertu et politique : les pratiques des legislateurs (1789-2014). Rennes, Fracne : Presses Universitaires de Rennes. pp. 39-50. ISSN (print) 1255-2364 ISBN 9782753541382
Linton, Marisa (2015) Terror and politics. In: Andress, David, (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the French Revolution. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 471-486. (Oxford Handbooks in History) ISBN 9780199639748
Linton, Marisa (2015) Virtue and terror : Maximilian Robespierre on the principles of the French Revolution. In: Hammersley, Rachel, (ed.) Revolutionary moments : reading revolutionary texts. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 93-100. (Textual moments in the history of political thought) ISBN 9781472517203
Linton, Marisa (2013) The stuff of nightmares: plots, assassinations and duplicity in the mental world of the Jacobin leaders, 1793-1794. In: Andress, David, (ed.) Experiencing the French Revolution. Oxford, U.K. : Voltaire Foundation. pp. 201-217. (Studies in Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century) ISBN 9780729410663
Linton, Marisa (2012) Friends, enemies and the role of the individual. In: McPhee, Peter, (ed.) A Companion to the History of the French Revolution. Oxford, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 263-277. ISBN 1444335642
Linton, Marisa (2011) Dissent and toleration. In: Doyle, William, (ed.) Handbook of the Ancien Regime. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. (Oxford Handbooks in History) ISBN 9780199291205
Linton, Marisa [Author-contributor] and Young, Mary (2011) Foreword. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Augustin: the younger Robespierre. London, U.K. : Core Publications. pp. 7-12. ISBN 9786054512089
Linton, Marisa (2010) Jacobinism. In: Bevir, Mark, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Political Theory. Thousand Oaks, U.S.A. : Sage Publications. pp. 725-726. ISBN 9781412958653
Linton, Marisa (2009) Saint-Just, Louis Antoine (1767–1794). In: Ness, Immanuel, (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest: 1500 to the Present. Oxford, U.K. : John Wiley. 6 ISBN 9781405184649
Linton, Marisa (2007) 'Do you believe that we're conspirators?': conspiracies real and imagined in Jacobin politics, 1793-94. In: Campbell, Peter R , Kaiser, Thomas E and Linton, Marisa, (eds.) Conspiracy in the French Revolution. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. pp. 127-149. ISBN 9780719074028
Kaiser, Thomas E., Linton, Marisa and Campbell, Peter R. (2007) Introduction: conspiracy in the French Revolution - issues and debates. In: Campbell, Peter R. , Kaiser, Thomas E. and Linton, Marisa, (eds.) Conspiracy in the French Revolution. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press. pp. 1-14. ISBN 9780719074028
Linton, Marisa (2005) The intellectual origins of the French Revolution. In: Campbell, Peter, (ed.) The origins of the French Revolution. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 139-159. (Problems in Focus) ISBN 0333949714
Linton, Marisa (2005) Ideas of the future in the French Revolution. In: Crook, Malcolm , Doyle, William and Forrest, Alan, (eds.) Enlightenment and Revolution: essays in honour of Norman Hampson. Aldershot, UK : Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 153-168. ISBN 0754606821
Linton, Marisa (2004) 'The Tartuffes of Patriotism': fears of conspiracy in the political language of Revolutionary government, France 1793-1794. In: Coward, Barry and Swann, Julian, (eds.) Conspiracies and conspiracy theory in early modern Europe: from the Waldensians to the French Revolution. Aldershot, UK : Ashgate Publishing Limited. pp. 235-254. ISBN 0754635643
Linton, Marisa (2000) Citizenship and religious toleration in France. In: Grell, Ole Peter and Porter, Roy, (eds.) Toleration in Enlightenment Europe. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 157-174. ISBN 9780521651967
Linton, Marisa (1999) Robespierre's political principles. In: Haydon, Colin and Doyle, William, (eds.) Robespierre. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 37-53. ISBN 0521591163
Conference or Workshop Item
Linton, Marisa (2016) Two women in Revolution : the choices of Charlotte Robespierre and Elizabeth Le Bas after Thermidor Year II. In: 30th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of French History "High and Low Culture: Elite and Popular Constructions"; 03 - 05 Jul 2016, Chichester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2016) The making of a Nineteenth-Century Revolutionary : the role of the First French Revolution in the formation of Auguste Blanqui. In: Blanqui and his Legacy; 27 May 2016, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2016) Conspiracy and terror in the French Revolution. In: Conspiracy and Democracy Research Group at CRASSH public lecture; 19 Apr 2016, Cambridge, U.K..
Linton, Marisa (2016) Virtue and corruption : from strategic discourse to revolutionary ideology. In: From Enlightenment to Revolution : rethinking the debate; 11 Mar 2016, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2016) The emotional politics of terror amongst the French Revolutionary Leadership in the Year II. In: British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies 45th Annual Conference; 06 - 08 Jan 2016, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2015) "I wrote with my own blood" : families of Jacobin leaders and their identities and survival strategies after Thermidor. In: Western Society for French History - Forty-Third Conference; 05 - 07 Nov 2015, Chicago, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2015) "Les enfants de Saturne" : the fall of the Dantonistes revisited. In: Turning points in French history : 29th Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of French History; 28 - 30 Jun 2015, St Andrews, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2015) The politicians' terror in the French Revolution. In: History Research Seminar, University of Chichester; Mar 2015, Chichester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2014) The enemy within : the politicians' terror in the French Revolution. In: Eighteenth-Century and Enlightenment Studies Network event; 13 Nov 2014, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2014) Les Racines de la vertu politique et ses sens au XVIIIe siecle. In: Vertu et politique : les pratiques des législateurs (1789-2014); 18 - 20 Sep 2014, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2014) Virtue or glory? Dilemmas of political heroism in the French Revolution. In: XIXth George Rude Seminar in French History and Civilisation, International Conference; 09 - 12 Jul 2014, Victoria, Australia. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2014) The Danton Affair revisited. In: The Society for French Historical Studies 60th Annual Meeting; 24 - 27 Apr 2014, Montreal, Canada. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2013) The enemy within: Jacobin ideology and the politicians' terror. In: The Society for French Historical Studies 59th Annual Meeting; 4 -7 Apr 2013, Cambridge, MA. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2013) Virtue or glory? Political leadership and heroism in the French Revolution. In: Research Seminar on 'Heroism'; 6 February 2013, Freiburg, Germany. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2013) Robespierre: authenticity and terror in revolutionary politics. In: Centre for Eighteenth-Century Studies Research Seminar; January 2013, York, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2012) 'Dead heroes or living cowards?' The politics of heroism in the French Revolution. In: University of Nottingham History Research Seminar; 12 Dec 2012, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2012) Being Brutus: the Jacobin leadership in the year two. In: Modern French History Seminar and the European History 1500-1800 Seminar; 10 Dec 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2012) The politicians' terror in the French Revolution. In: Modern History Research Seminar; October 2012, Keele, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2012) 'I was always the first to denounce my own friends': friends, enemies and the role of the individual in Jacobin politics. In: The Society for French Historical Studies 58th Annual Meeting; 22 -24 Mar 2012, Los Angeles, CA. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2010) Plots, assassinations, and duplicity: the mental world of Jacobin Leaders, 1793-1794. In: The French Revolution in 2010: the Bicentenary comes of age?; 5-6 July 2010, Portsmouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2010) The stuff of nightmares. Plots, assassinations and duplicity: the mental world of Jacobin Leaders, 1793-1794. In: 56th annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies; 8-10 Apr 2010, Tempe, Arizona, USA. (Submitted)
Linton, Marisa (2010) Constructing a political identity in the French Revolution: the case of L.A. Saint-Just. In: History Research Seminar; 10 Feb 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Submitted)
Linton, Marisa (2009) L'Antiquité, l'amitié et la nature dans la pensée de Saint-Just. In: Images de l'antiquité dans la Révolution française; 19 Jun 2009, Versailles, France. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2008) How to die: final choices of revolutionary leaders, 1793-1794. In: 36th Annual Conference of the Western Society for French History; 6-9 Nov 2008, Quebec, Canada. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2008) The role of antiquity in the political trajectory of L.A. Saint-Just. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of French History; 3-4 Jul 2008, Aberystwyth, Wales. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2008) Between virtue and corruption: Revolutionary politics, 1793-1794. In: 54th annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies; 3-5 Apr 2010, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2007) The role of antiquity in the political trajectory of L.A. Saint-Just. In: Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Western Society for French History; 07-10 Nov 2007, Albuquerque, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2007) Virtue and the French Revolution. In: Thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies; 22-25 Mar 2007, Atlanta, USA. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2006) Private friendships and public power: tensions within revolutionary politics, 1793-1794. In: Power in France, 1500 - 2000: Twentieth Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of French History; 03-04 Jul 2006, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2006) Fatal friendships: political conflicts within revolutionary ideology, 1793-1794. In: Society for French historical studies 52nd Annual Meeting; 20-22 April 2006, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2001) Fears of conspiracy and the politics of revolutionary government in France, 1793-94. In: Conspiracies and conspiracy theory in early modern Britain and Europe; 13-14 Jul 2001, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Moving Image/Broadcast
Linton, Marisa [Interviewee] (2016) The French Revolution. (Visual Interview). Interview.
Linton, Marisa [Interviewee] (2015) Interview for 'The Invention of France', programme on BBC Radio 4. (BBC Radio 4 Broadcast).
Linton, Marisa [Interviewee] (2012) Versailles the palace of pleasure. (Television Broadcast).
Linton, Marisa [Interviewee] (2011) Heroes of the Enlightenment. (Television broadcast).
Linton, Marisa [Interviewee] and Hayhurst, Mark [Producer] (2009) Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution. (Television Broadcast).
Database or Web Resource
Linton, Marisa (2013) What can we learn from the French Revolution?
Linton, Marisa (2004) The Terror in the French Revolution. Portsmouth, U.K.