Items where Kingston Author is "Alliez, Eric"

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Alliez, Éric (2020) Duchamp within and against Lacan. Theory, Culture & Society, 37(7-8), pp. 329-353. ISSN (print) 0263-2764

Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2019) Unframing painting, 'pushing back the walls'. Journal of Contemporary Painting, 5(1), pp. 117-134. ISSN (print) 2052-6695

Alliez, Eric and Mackay, Robin [Translator] (2016) Gordon Matta-Clark : ' Somewhere outside the law '. Journal of Visual Culture, 15(3), pp. 317-333. ISSN (print) 1470-4129

Alliez, Eric (2016) Desfazer/Refazer a condicao pos-conceitual. Poiesis, 1(27), pp. 55-74. ISSN (print) 1517-5677

Alliez, Eric (2015) Structuralism's afters : tracing transdisciplinary through Guattari and Latour. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 139-158. ISSN (print) 0263-2764

Alliez, Eric and Massumi, Brian (2014) Performing the ethico-aesthetic paradigm. Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts, 19(3), pp. 15-26. ISSN (print) 1352-8165

Agnew, Eadaoin, Alliez, Eric, Auerbach, Paul, Blackburn, Robert, Botting, Fred, Brady, Mary, Caygill, Howard, Chadwick, Howard, Chanter, Tina, Choat, Simon, Chu, Jonathan, Cinpoes, Radu, Coultas, Valerie, Dines, Martin, Dixon, Paul, Favretto, Ilaria, Finn, Peter, Giaxoglou, Korina, Goldsmith, Carlie, Hallward, Peter, Hawkins, Sue, Haywood, Peter, Higginbottom, Andrew, Ichijo, Atsuko, Isaac, Marina, Jensen, Meg, Kayyali, Reem, Kettyle, Ann, Lambrou, Marina, Latimer, Amanda, Linton, Marisa, Lipsedge, Karen, Malabou, Catherine, O Maoilearca, John, McQuillan, Martin, Micklethwaite, Paul, Morgan Wortham, Simon, O'Brien, Catherine, Osborne, Peter, Pinnock, Winsome, Piper, Jason, Ponto, Maria, Raphael, Sam, Reid, Trish, Roberts, Mike, Rogers, David, Sandford, Stella, Searby, Michael, Siddiki, Jalal Uddin, Smart, Jackie, Spencer, Philip, Stockhammer, Engelbert, Stuart, John, Suess, Eleanor, Swift, Allan, Upstone, Sara, Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Wells, Julian and Wilson, Scott (2014) Education should be a right for all. The Guardian,

Alliez, Eric (2011) De-definition of media: A telegraphic postscript. Radical philosophy(169), p. 17. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Alliez, Eric (2011) Rhizome (with no return). From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought (2). Radical philosophy(167), pp. 36-42. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Alliez, Eric (2010) What is - or what is not - contemporary French philosophy, today? Radical Philosophy(161), pp. 9-17. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew [Translator] (2009) Body without image: Ernesto Neto's anti-Leviathan. Radical philosophy(156), pp. 23-34. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Alliez, Eric (2008) A very different context. Radical philosophy(149), pp. 18-21. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Alliez, Eric [Interviewer] and Sloterdijk, Peter [Interviewee] (2007) Living hot, thinking coldly: an interview with Peter Sloterdijk. Cultural Politics, 3(3), pp. 307-326. ISSN (print) 1743-2197

Alliez, Eric (2006) Capitalismo, esquizofrenia y consenso de la estetica relacional. Nomadas(25), pp. 178-183. ISSN (print) 0121-7550

Alliez, Eric (2006) Cyberdivagation. Informatica na educacao: teoria & pratica, 9(2), pp. 73-81. ISSN (print) 1516-084X

Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2006) Matisse and the becoming-life of art. Polygraph(18), ISSN (print) 1533-9793

Alliez, Eric (2005) Badiou: the grace of the universal. Polygraph(17), pp. 267-273. ISSN (print) 1533-9793

Alliez, Eric (2004) Anti-Oedipus: thirty years on. Radical philosophy(124), pp. 6-12. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Alliez, Eric (2004) The difference and repetition of Gabriel Tarde. Distinktion: tidsskrift for samfundsteori (Scandanavian journal of social theory)(9), pp. 49-54. ISSN (print) 1600-910X

Alliez, Eric and Negri, Antonio (2003) Peace and war. Theory, Culture & Society, 20(2), pp. 109-118. ISSN (print) 0263-2764


Alliez, Eric (2022) Duchamp avec (et contre) Lacan : essai de mutologie queer. Dijon, France : Les presses du réel. 344p. ISBN 9782378962654

Alliez, Eric, Bonne, Jean-Claude [Collaborator] and Mackay, Robin [Translator] (2022) Duchamp looked at (from the other side). MIT Press. (Undoing the image, 3) ISBN 9781913029678 (In Press)

Osborne, Peter , Alliez, Eric and Russell, Eric-John, eds. (2019) Capitalism : concept, idea, image : aspects of Marx's 'Capital' today. Kingston, U.K. : CRMEP Books. 250p. (CRMEP Books, 1) ISBN 9781999333706

Alliez, Eric, Lazzarato, Maurizio and Hodges, Ames [Translator] (2018) Wars and capital. New York, U.S. : Semiotext(e). 456p. ISBN 9781635900040

Alliez, Eric and Lazzarato, Maurizio (2016) Guerres et capital. Paris, France : Editions Amsterdam. 448p. ISBN 9782354801441

Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude [Collaborator] (2013) Défaire l'image: de l'art contemporain. Paris, France : Presses du Réel. 611p. ISBN 9782840666103

Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2013) Spheres of action: art and politics. London, U.K. : MIT Press. 160p. ISBN 9780262518437

Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew, eds. (2011) The Guattari effect. London, U.K. : Continuum. 224p. ISBN 9781441136800

Alliez, Eric (2010) Capitalism and schizophrenia and consensus: of relational aesthetics. Istanbul, Turkey : Baglam. 47p. (Theoria Series, (27)) ISBN 9786055809218

Alliez, Eric and Martin, Jean-Clet [Collaborator] (2007) L'Oeil-Cerveau: nouvelles histoires de la peinture moderne. Paris, France : Vrin. 479p. ISBN 9782711619092

Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2005) La pensee-Matisse: portrait de l'artiste en hyperfauve. Paris, France : Passage. 450p. ISBN 9782847420647

Alliez, Eric, Albert, Eliot Ross [Translator] and Toscano, Alberto [Translator] (2004) The signature of the world or, What is Deleuze and Guattari's philosophy? London, U.K. : Continuum. 120p. (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers) ISBN 0826453219

Book Section

Alliez, Eric (2024) Sounding Cerith. Contrepoints à une exposition médiomatrice en forme de Metz Drift. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Cerith Wyn Evans. Lueurs empruntées à METZ. Metz, France : Centre Pompidou-Metz. pp. 67-82. ISBN 9782359830767

Alliez, Eric (2023) Spectres of Seurat. In: Vellodi, Kamini and Vinegar, Aron, (eds.) Grey on grey : at the threshold of philosophy and art. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 121-152. (Refractions) ISBN 9781474478519

Alliez, Eric and Mackay, Robert [Translator] (2019) How Asger Jorn stole the value-form of modern art. In: Prestsaeter, Ellef, (ed.) These are situationist times! An inventory of reproductions, deformations, modifications, derivations, and transformations. Oslo, Norway : Torpedo Press. pp. 202-213. ISBN 9788293104254

Alliez, Éric and Lazzarato, Maurizio (2019) Subjectivation and war : Marx and Foucault. In: Osborne, Peter , Alliez, Éric and Russell, Eric-John, (eds.) Capitalism : concept, idea, image - aspects of Marx's 'Capital' today. Kingston, U.K. : CRMEP Books. pp. 184-200. (CRMEP Books, 1) ISBN 9781999333706

Alliez, Eric (2017) The Buren Times. In: van Tuinen, Sjoerd and Zepke, Stephen, (eds.) Art history after Deleuze and Guattari. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 217-236. ISBN 9789462701151

Alliez, Eric (2016) Da filosofia e da arte contemporanea : Para uma critica diagramatica da estetica. In: Marinho, Claudia , Caetano, Patricia and Ribeiro, Walmeri, (eds.) Das Artes e seus percursos sensiveis. Sao Paulo, Brazil : Editora Intermelos. pp. 105-121. ISBN 9788584990405

Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter (2014) Purely financial. Question de philosophie. In: Cassin, Barbara, (ed.) Derrière les grilles: Sortons du tout-évaluation. Paris, France : Mille et une Nuits. pp. 43-64. ISBN 9782755506020

Alliez, Eric (2013) Deleuze-Artaud: ou la condition CsO. In: Jdey, Adnen, (ed.) Gilles Deleuze, la logique du sensible - esthetique and clinique. Paris, France : De l'incidence éditeur. ISBN 9782918193180

Alliez, Eric (2013) Matisse, Bergson, Oiticica, etc. In: Mullarkey, John and De Mille, Charlotte, (eds.) Bergson and the art of immanence: painting, photography, film. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 63-79. ISBN 9780748670222

Alliez, Eric (2013) Re-presentacao da cinefilosofia deleuziana: em direcao a uma politica do cinema? In: Parente, André, (ed.) Cinema/Deleuze. Campinas, Brazil : Papirus. ISBN 9788530810559

Alliez, Eric (2011) Conclusion: the Guattari-Deleuze effect. In: Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew, (eds.) The Guattari effect. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 260-274. ISBN 9781441136800

Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew (2011) Introduction. In: Alliez, Eric and Goffey, Andrew, (eds.) The Guattari effect. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 1-14. ISBN 9781441136800

Alliez, Eric (2011) Undoing the image (signposts of a research programme). In: Avanessian, Armen and Skrebowski, Luke, (eds.) Aesthetics and contemporary art. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 65-86. ISBN 9781934105528

Alliez, Eric (2010) Capitalism and schizophrenia and consensus: of relational aesthetics. In: Zepke, Stephen and O'Sullivan, Simon, (eds.) Deleuze and contemporary art. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 85-99. (Deleuze connections) ISBN 9780748638376

Alliez, Eric (2010) Deleuze with Masoch. In: De Bolle, Leen, (ed.) Deleuze and psychoanalysis: philosophical essays on Delueze's debate with psychoanalysis. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 117-130. (Figures of the unconscious) ISBN 9789058677969

Alliez, Eric and Bonne, Jean-Claude (2009) Matisse with Dewey with Deleuze. In: Holland, Eugene W. , Smith, Daniel W. and Stivale, Charles J., (eds.) Gilles Deleuze: image and text. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 104-123. ISBN 9780826408327

Alliez, Eric (2008) Contemporary Matisse (variations in three, two, one). In: O'Sullivan, Simon and Zepke, Stephen, (eds.) Deleuze, Guattari and the production of the new. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 139-150. (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9780826499530

Osborne, Peter and Alliez, Eric (2008) Philosophy and contemporary art after Adorno and Deleuze: an exchange. In: Garnett, Robert and Hunt, Andrew, (eds.) Gest: laboratory of synthesis #1. London, U.K. : Book Works. pp. 35-64. ISBN 9781870699969

Alliez, Eric (2007) Deleuze avec Masoch. In: Gelas, Bruno and Micolet, Herve, (eds.) Deleuze et les ecrivains: litterature et philosophie. Nantes, France : Editions Cecile Defaut. pp. 225-236. ISBN 9782350180427

Alliez, Eric (2006) Anti-Oedipus: thirty years on (between art and politics). In: Fuglsgang, Martin and Sorensen, Bent Meier, (eds.) Deleuze and the social. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 151-168. (Deleuze connections) ISBN 9780748620920

Alliez, Eric (2004) Aion, Khronos. In: Cassin, Barbara, (ed.) Vocabulaire Europeen des philosophies: dictionnaire des intraduisibles. Paris : Seuil/Le Robert. pp. 44-52. ISBN 2020307308

Alliez, Eric (2004) The BwO condition or, The politics of sensation. In: de Bloois, Joost , Houppermans, Sjef and Korsten, Frans-Willem, (eds.) Discernements: Deleuzian aesthetics / esthetiques deleuziennes. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Editions Rodopi. pp. 93-112. ISBN 9042018127

Conference or Workshop Item

Alliez, Eric (2010) Rhizome. In: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought, 1945-the present: histories, concepts, constructions; 16 - 17 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2009) Organsiz Beden Nasil Yapilir? Ernesto Neto'nun anti-Leviathan'i. In: 11. Uluslararasi Istanbul Bienali = 11th International Istanbul Biennial; 12 Sep - 08 Nov 2009, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2009) The dislocation of the IMAGE-grip. In: Undoing the aesthetic image; 24 Jan 2009, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2008) Undoing the image. In: Estetisk Seminar; 06 Nov 2008, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric, Lotringer, Sylvere and Rifkin, Adrian (2008) On attitudes: what is to be done with indifference? In: Serpentine Gallery Sweatshops: On engagements, on failures, on fictions, on attitudes; 27 May 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2008) What is contemporary French philosophy today? In: Research seminar; 22 May 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2008) Undoing the image. In: Aesthetics and contemporary art; 13 - 14 Mar 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2007) Art as experience: Deleuze (and Guattari) after Matisse (and Dewey). In: Research seminar; 26 Apr 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2007) Deleuze after Matisse after Deleuze & Guattari. In: 9th Annual Comparative Literature Conference: Gilles Deleuze: texts and images: an international conference; 05 - 07 Apr 2007, Los Angeles, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2007) Spectres of Seurat (or, Seurat versus Duchamp). In: ForArt lecture; 2007, Oslo, Norway. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2006) Maitresse: voce pode ma amarrar sobre a mesa. In: Conversacoes internacionais: paisagem da educacao: Montagem da exposicao de trabalhos de alunos; 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2006, Porto Alegre, Brazil. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2006) La pensee-Matisse, portrait de l'artiste en hyperfauve (the passage). In: Citephilo 2006: 10eme edition des semaines europeenes de la philosophie; 04 - 24 Nov 2006, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2006) Deleuze et le cinema. In: Citephilo 2006: 10eme edition des semaines europeenes de la philosophie; 04 - 24 Nov 2006, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2005) The difference and repetition of Gabriel Tarde. In: Gabriel Tarde: economy, psychology and invention; 01 Dec 2005, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2004) Anti-Oedipus: thirty years on. In: 5th International Summer Academy; Aug 2004, Frankfurt, Germany. (Unpublished)

Alliez, Eric (2003) Deleuze after Matisse. In: Research seminar; 27 Nov 2003, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

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