Items where Kingston Author is "Osborne, Peter"

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Osborne, Peter (2024) Interesting art. New Left Review(150), pp. 156-168. ISSN (print) 0028-6060

Osborne, Peter (2024) The planet as political subject? New Left Review, 145, ISSN (print) 0028-6060

Osborne, Peter (2022) [Contribution to the symposium] What is radical? ArtMargins, 10(3), pp. 72-74. ISSN (print) 2162-2574

Osborne, Peter (2018) Ilusoes de totalidade : a contemporaneidade global e a condicao do museu = Illusions of totality : global contemporaneity and the condition of the museum. MODOS - Historia da Arte, 2(3), pp. 91-100. ISSN (online) 2526-2963

Osborne, Peter (2017) Redemption through discourse? New Left Review, 108, ISSN (print) 0028-6060

Osborne, Peter (2016) Die Idee der postkonzeptuellen Kunst (und Musik) = The idea of postconceptual art (and music). MusikTexte : Schriften fur neue Musik(151), ISSN (print) 0178-8884

Osborne, Peter (2016) Arte contemporanea e arte pos-conceitual. Poiesis, 17(27), pp. 39-54. ISSN (print) 1517-5677

Osborne, Peter (2016) Introduction. Radical Philosophy(196), pp. 6-8. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2016) The Kabakov effect : 'Moscow conceptualism' in the history of contemporary art. Afterall : a journal of art, context and enquiry(42), ISSN (print) 1465-4253

Osborne, Peter (2015) Gillian Rose and Marxism. Telos, 2015(173), pp. 55-67. ISSN (print) 0090-6514

Osborne, Peter (2015) El archivo como vida después de la vida [Archive as Afterlife]. Concreta(6), pp. 38-49. ISSN (print) 2254-9757

Osborne, Peter (2015) Problematizing disciplinarity, transdisciplinary problematics. Theory, Culture & Society, 32(5-6), pp. 3-35. ISSN (print) 0263-2764

Osborne, Peter (2015) The distributed image = Das Verteilte Bild. Texte zur Kunst(99), pp. 74-87. ISSN (print) 0940-9459

Osborne, Peter (2015) Futures Present: Lite, Dark and Missing. Radical Philosophy(191), pp. 39-46. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2015) Out of sync: Tomba’s Marx and the problem of a multi-layered temporal dialectic. Historical Materialism, 23(4), pp. 39-48. ISSN (print) 1465-4466

Osborne, Peter (2014) 'Art' versus 'Image'? Texte zur Kunst(95), pp. 52-55. ISSN (print) 0940-9459

Osborne, Peter (2014) The postconceptual condition, or, the cultural logic of high capitalism today. Radical philosophy(184), pp. 19-27. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2013) More than everything: Zizek’s Badiouian Hegel. Radical Philosophy(177), pp. 19-25. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2013) Temporalization as transcendental aesthetics: avant-garde, modern, contemporary. Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 23(44-45), ISSN (print) 2000-1452

Osborne, Peter (2011) Guattareuze? (Book Review of: Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari: intersecting lives by Francois Dosse). New Left Review(69), pp. 139-151. ISSN (print) 0028-6060

Osborne, Peter and Charles, Matthew (2011) Walter Benjamin. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Spring, ISSN (online) 1095-5054

Osborne, Peter (2010) Infinite exchange: the social ontology of the photographic image. Philosophy of Photography, 1(1), pp. 59-68. ISSN (print) 2040-3682

Osborne, Peter (2010) A sudden topicality: Marx, Nietzsche and the politics of crisis. Radical philosophy(160), pp. 19-26. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2009) An image of romanticism - fragment and project: from Schlegel's 'Athenaeum Fragments' to LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art'. Verksted #11: Sol LeWitt's 'Sentences on Conceptual Art': manuscript and draft materials 1968-69., pp. 5-27. ISSN (print) 1503-8467

Osborne, Peter [Interviewer] (2008) Art after photography, after conceptual art. Radical philosophy(150), pp. 36-51. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2008) Marx and the philosophy of time. Radical philosophy(147), pp. 15-22. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2007) Living with contradictions: the resignation of Chris Gilbert and the presentation of politics in recent curatorial practice. Afterall, 16, pp. 108-113. ISSN (print) 1465-4253

Osborne, Peter (2007) Ou est l'oeuvre d’art? l’art, l’architecture et l’espace de l’oeuvre post-conceptuelle. Multitudes, HS1, pp. 87-112. ISSN (print) 0292-0107

Osborne, Peter (2007) Neo-classic: Alain Badiou's Being and Event. Radical philosophy(142), pp. 19-29. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2007) Imaginary radicalisms: notes on the libertarianism of contemporary art. Verksted #8: ISMS: recuperating political radicality in contemporary art: I. constructing the political in contemporary art, pp. 9-35. ISSN (print) 1503-8467

Osborne, Peter (2006) The dreambird of experience: Utopia, possibility, boredom. Radical philosophy(137), pp. 36-44. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2006) Whoever speaks of culture speaks of administration as well. Cultural Studies, 20(1), pp. 33-47. ISSN (print) 0950-2386

Osborne, Peter (2006) Elmgreen and Dragset's the Welfare Show: a historical perspective. Verksted #7: Art of welfare, pp. 19-40. ISSN (print) 1503-8467

Osborne, Peter (2005) On comparability: Kant and the possibility of comparative studies. Boundary 2, 32(2), pp. 3-22. ISSN (print) 0190-3659

Osborne, Peter (2004) Art beyond aesthetics: philosophical criticism, art history and contemporary art. Art History, 27(4), pp. 651-670. ISSN (print) 0141-6790

Osborne, Peter (2004) The reproach of abstraction. Radical philosophy(127), pp. 21-28. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2003) Interpreting the world - September 11, cultural criticism and the intellectual Left. Radical philosophy(117), pp. 2-12. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2001) Images abstraites. Signe, image et l'esthetique dans la peinture de Gerhard Richter. La Part de l'Oeil, 17/18, pp. 228-239. ISSN (print) 0773-9532

Osborne, Peter (2001) Non-places and the spaces of art. The Journal of Architecture, 6(2), pp. 183-194. ISSN (print) 1360-2365

Osborne, Peter (2001) Modernism as translation. Traces: a multilingual series of cultural theory and translation, 1, pp. 319-329. ISSN (print) 1533-3426

Osborne, Peter (2001) Review article: Installation, performance, or what? Oxford Art Journal, 24(2), pp. 147-154. ISSN (print) 0142-6540

Osborne, Peter (2000) Radicalism and philosophy. Radical philosophy(103), pp. 6-11. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter [Interviewer] and Fletcher, John [Interviewer] (2000) The other within: rethinking psychoanalysis. Radical philosophy(102), pp. 31-41. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (1998) Remember the future? The Communist Manifesto as historical and cultural form. Socialist Register, 34, pp. 190-204. ISSN (print) 0081-0606

Osborne, Peter (1996) Times (modern), modernity (conservative): notes on the persistence of a temporal motif. New Formations: a journal of culture/theory/politics(28), pp. 132-141. ISSN (print) 0950-2378

Osborne, Peter (1995) Tactics, ethics, or temporality? Heidegger's politics reviewed. Radical philosophy(70), pp. 16-28. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (1994) The politics of time. Radical philosophy(68), pp. 3-9. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (1992) A Marxism for the postmodern? Jameson's Adorno. New German Critique(56), pp. 171-192. ISSN (print) 0094-033X

Osborne, Peter (1992) Modernity is a qualitative, not a chronological, category. New Left Review, I/192, pp. 65-84. ISSN (print) 0028-6060


Osborne, Peter, ed. (2022) Afterlives : transcendentals, universals, others. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : CRMEP BOOKS. 212p. (CRMEP BOOKS, 4) ISBN 9781999333782

Osborne, Peter (2022) Crisis as form. London U.K. : Verso. 224p. ISBN 9781839763625 (In Press)

Osborne, Peter, ed. (2020) Thinking art : materialisms, labours, forms. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : CRMEP Books. 217p. (CRMEP Books, 2) ISBN 9781999333744

Osborne, Peter , Alliez, Eric and Russell, Eric-John, eds. (2019) Capitalism : concept, idea, image : aspects of Marx's 'Capital' today. Kingston, U.K. : CRMEP Books. 250p. (CRMEP Books, 1) ISBN 9781999333706

Osborne, Peter (2018) The postconceptual condition : critical essays. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 223p. ISBN 9781786634207

Osborne, Peter (2013) Anywhere or not at all: the philosophy of contemporary art. London, U.K. : Verso. 282p. ISBN 9781781680940

Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2013) Spheres of action: art and politics. London, U.K. : MIT Press. 160p. ISBN 9780262518437

Kuzma, Marta , Osborne, Peter and Lafuente, Pablo, eds. (2012) The state of things. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 290p. (Verksted, (14)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 9788292495186

Osborne, Peter (2010) El arte mas alla de la estetica: ensayos filosoficos sobre el arte contemporaneo. Murcia, Spain : CENDEAC. 497p. ISBN 9788496898677

Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2008) ISMS: recuperating political radicality in contemporary art 2. Populism and genre. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 104p. (Verksted, (9)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 9788292495094

Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2007) ISMS: recuperating political radicality in contemporary art 1. Constructing the political in contemporary art. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 189p. (Verksted, (8)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 8292495088

Kuzma, Marta and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2006) Art of welfare. Oslo, Norway : Office for Contemporary Art Norway. 136p. (Verksted, (7)) ISSN (print) 1503-8467 ISBN 8292495053

Osborne, Peter (2005) How to read Marx. London, U.K. : Granta. 136p. (How to read) ISBN 1862077711

Osborne, Peter, ed. (2004) Walter Benjamin: critical evaluations in cultural theory. London, U.K. : Routledge. 1392p. ISBN 0415325331

Osborne, Peter, ed. (2002) Conceptual art. London, U.K. : Phaidon. 304p. (Themes and movements) ISBN 0714839302

Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter, eds. (2002) Philosophies of race and ethnicity. London, U.K. : Continuum. 220p. ISBN 0826459943

Osborne, Peter, ed. (2000) From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses. London, U.K. : Serpent's Tail. 224p. ISBN 9781852426682

Osborne, Peter (2000) Philosophy in cultural theory. London, U.K. : Routledge. 146p. ISBN 0415238013

Osborne, Peter (1995) The politics of time: modernity and avant-garde. London, U.K. : Verso Books. 272p. ISBN 0860916529

Book Section

Osborne, Peter (2023) Knowledge, truth, history : contemporary art and the problem of art-historical periodisation. In: Fox, James and Simonti, Vid, (eds.) Art and knowledge after 1900 : interactions between modern art and thought. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 111-130. ISBN 9781526164261

Osborne, Peter (2021) No going back – but not forward to there either : once more on art and/as research. In: Slager, Henk and Balkema, Annette W., (eds.) The Postresearch Condition. Utrecht, The Netherlands : Metropolis Books.

Osborne, Peter and Buergel, Roger M. (2020) Imperial Hangover : a conversation between Roger M. Buergel and Peter Osborne. In: Amanshauser, Hildegund and Bradley, Kimberly, (eds.) Navigating the Planetary : a guide to the planetary art world—its past, present, and potentials. Vienna, Austria : Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts; Verlag für Moderne Kunst. pp. 191-204. ISSN (print) 9783903320673

Osborne, Peter (2020) Adorno and Marx. In: Gordon, Peter E. , Hammer, Espen and Pensky, Max, (eds.) A companion to Adorno. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 303-319. (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy) ISBN 9781119146919 (In Press)

Osborne, Peter (2020) Notes on form. In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.) Thinking art : materialisms, labours, forms. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : CRMEP Books. pp. 159-179. (CRMEP Books, 2) ISBN 9781999333744

Osborne, Peter (2019) Osovremenivayaklassiku / klassitsiziruyasovremennost = Contemporizing the classical / classicizing the contemporary. In: Grachikova, Julia , Shishko, Olga and Yuzhakova, Elizaveta, (eds.) Klassika i sovryemyennost : otrazhyeniya = Classics and contemporary : reflections. Moscow, Russia : Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. pp. 18-23. ISBN 9785891890152

Osborne, Peter (2019) Working the contemporary : history as a project of crisis, today. In: de Assis, Paulo and Schwab, Michael, (eds.) Futures of the contemporary : contemporaneity, untimeliness and artistic research. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 135-146. (Orpheus Institute Series) ISBN 9789462701830

Osborne, Peter (2019) The exhibition-form and the space-time of the artwork: a retroactive ontology. A conversation with Peter Osborne. In: Garcia, Tristan and Normand, Vincent, (eds.) Theater, garden, bestiary: a materialist history of exhibitions. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press and ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne. pp. 269-277. ISBN 9783956794551 (In Press)

Osborne, Peter (2019) The image is the subject: once more on the temporalities of image and act. In: Goerling, Reinhold , Gronau, Barbara and Schwarte, Ludger, (eds.) Aesthetics of standstill. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg. pp. 124-137. ISBN 9783956794674

Osborne, Peter (2019) Capitalism : concept, idea, image. In: Osborne, Peter , Alliez, Éric and Russell, Eric-John, (eds.) Capitalism : concept, idea, image - aspects of Marx's 'Capital' today. Kingston, U.K. : CRMEP Books. pp. 3-18. (CRMEP Books) ISBN 9781999333706

Osborne, Peter (2018) Anachronismo Feliz : Luis Camnitzer, Arte Conceptual y Politica = Happy anachronism : Luis Camnitzer, conceptual art and politics. In: Pinteno, Alicia, (ed.) Luis Camnitzer : Hospicio de Utopias Fallidas. Madrid, Spain : Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. pp. 46-73. ISBN 9788480265768

Osborne, Peter (2018) Dialectics of taste and non-taste : archive as afterlife and life of art. In: Quinn, Malcolm , Beech, David , Lehnert, Michael , Tulloch, Carol and Wilson, Stephen, (eds.) The persistence of taste : art, museums and everyday life after Bourdieu. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 49-62. (Culture, Economy and the Social) ISBN 9781138670983

Osborne, Peter (2015) Every other year is always this year: contemporaneity and the biennial form. In: Esche, Charles , Eilat, Galit , Enguita Mayo, Nuria , Lafuente, Pablo , Proenca, Luiza , Sagiv, Oren and Seroussi, Benjamin, (eds.) Making Biennials in Contemporary Times: Essays from the World Biennial Forum No. 2. São Paulo, Brazil : Biennial Foundation, Bienal de São Paulo Foundation and. pp. 15-27.

Osborne, Peter (2014) Dialectical ontology of art: Xavier Le Roy's “Retrospective” in/as contemporary art. In: Cvejic, Bojana, (ed.) 'Retrospective' by Xavier Le Roy. Paris, France : Les Presses Du Reel. pp. 103-111. ISBN 9782840667025

Osborne, Peter (2014) Illusions of totality: global contemporaneity and the condition of the museum. In: Muzyczuk, Daniel and Polit, Pawel, (eds.) Constellations: Art and the experiences of modernity. Lodz, Poland : Muzeum Sztuki. pp. 426-443. ISBN 9788363820251

Alliez, Eric and Osborne, Peter (2014) Purely financial. Question de philosophie. In: Cassin, Barbara, (ed.) Derrière les grilles: Sortons du tout-évaluation. Paris, France : Mille et une Nuits. pp. 43-64. ISBN 9782755506020

Osborne, Peter (2014) The rhetoric of display. In: Deliss, Clémentine and Yvette, Mutumba, (eds.) Foreign Exchange (or the stories you wouldn't tell a stranger). Zurich, Switzerland : Diaphanes. pp. 167-200. ISBN 9783037346686

Osborne, Peter (2013) October and the problem of formalism. In: Lejeune, Anael , Mignon, Olivier and Pirenne, Raphael, (eds.) French Theory and American Art. Brussels, Belgium : (SIC) & Sternberg Press. pp. 180-195. ISBN 9782930667041

Osborne, Peter (2011) Abstrakte Bilder: Zeichen, Abbild und Asthetik in Gerhard Richters Malerei. In: Elger, Dietmar and Kuster, Kerstin, (eds.) Gerhard Richter: Fotographie und Malerei – Malerei als Fotographie: Acht Texte zu Gerhard Richters Medienstrategie. Koln, Germany : Walther Konig. pp. 161-175. 8 ISBN 9783863350772

Osborne, Peter (2011) Expecting the unexpected: beyond the 'horizon of expectation'. In: Hlavajova, Maria , Sheikh, Simon and Winder, Jill, (eds.) On Horizons: A Critical Reader in Contemporary Art. Utrecht, Netherlands : BAK. pp. 112-128. ISBN 9789460830372

Osborne, Peter (2011) An Interminable Avalanche of Categories: Medium, Concept and Abstraction in the work of Robert Smithson [or Against "Sculpture"]. In: Gaitan, Juan A. , Schafhausen, Nicolaus and Szewczyk, Monika, (eds.) Cornerstones. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 132-151. ISBN 9781934105481

Osborne, Peter (2011) (Jeff Wall and...) Conceptual art. In: De Wolf, Hans, (ed.) Jeff Wall: the crooked path. Brussels, Belgium : Bozar Books. pp. 138. ISBN 9789055448623

Osborne, Peter (2011) Malerei der Negation: Gerhard Richters Negative. In: Elger, Dietmar and Kuster, Kerstin, (eds.) Gerhard Richter: Fotographie und Malerei – Malerei als Fotographie: Acht Texte zu Gerhard Richters Medienstrategie. Koln, Germany : Walther Konig. pp. 148-160. 8 ISBN 9783863350772

Osborne, Peter (2011) Philosophy after theory: transdisciplinarity and the new. In: Elliott, Jane and Attridge, Derek, (eds.) Theory after 'theory'. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 19-33. ISBN 9780415484190

Osborne, Peter (2011) Yardsticks: when will the postwar end? In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Jane & Louise Wilson: Tempo Suspenso. Santiago de Compostella, Spain : Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea, Xunta de Galicia. pp. 33-39. ISBN 9788445349755

Osborne, Peter (2011) The fiction of the contemporary: speculative collectivity and transnationalism in The Atlas Group. In: Avanessian, Armen and Skrebowski, Luke, (eds.) Aesthetics and contemporary art. Berlin, Germany : Sternberg Press. pp. 101-123. ISBN 9781934105528

Osborne, Peter (2010) Modernism and philosophy. In: Brooker, Peter , Gasiorek, Andrzej , Longworth, Deborah and Thacker, Andrew, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of modernisms. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 388-409. (Oxford handbooks of literature) ISBN 0199545448

Osborne, Peter (2010) 'The truth will be known when the last witness is dead': art as evidence, or, history not memory. In: Merewether, Charles and Potts, John, (eds.) After the event: new perspectives on art history. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. ISBN 9780719081736

Osborne, Peter (2009) Abstract images: sign, image and aesthetic in Gerhard Richter's painting. In: Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., (ed.) Gerhard Richter. London, U.K. : MIT Press. pp. 95-112. ISBN 9780262513128

Osborne, Peter (2009) Modernisms and mediations. In: Halsall, Francis , Jansen, Julia Alejandra and O'Connor, Tony, (eds.) Rediscovering aesthetics: transdisciplinary voices from art history, philosophy, and art practice. Stanford, U.S.A. : Stanford University Press. pp. 163-177. ISBN 9780804759915

Osborne, Peter (2009) Occasionalism. In: Faldbakken, Matias, (ed.) Matias Faldbakken: shocked into abstraction. Birmingham, U.K. : Ikon Gallery Ltd. pp. 44-71. ISBN 9781904864530

Osborne, Peter (2009) Starting up all over again: time and existence in some conceptual art of the 1960s. In: Eleey, Peter, (ed.) The quick and the dead. Minneapolis, U.S.A. : Walker Art Center. pp. 91-106. ISBN 9780935640939

Osborne, Peter and Alliez, Eric (2008) Philosophy and contemporary art after Adorno and Deleuze: an exchange. In: Garnett, Robert and Hunt, Andrew, (eds.) Gest: laboratory of synthesis #1. London, U.K. : Book Works. pp. 35-64. ISBN 9781870699969

Osborne, Peter and Buden, Boris (2008) Uberstezung: zwishen philosophie und kulturtheorie. In: Buden, Boris and Nowotny, Stefan, (eds.) Uberstezung: das versprechen eines begriffs. Vienna, Austria : Verlag Turia + Kant. pp. 185-196. ISBN 9783851325355

Osborne, Peter (2007) Where is the work of art? In: Whittaker, E. and Landrum, A., (eds.) Nonsite to celebration park: essays on art and the politics of space. Bath, U.K. : Bath Spa University. pp. 13-32. ISBN 1905200722

Osborne, Peter (2006) The power of assembly: art, world, industry. In: Merewether, Charles, (ed.) Zones of Contact: 2006 Biennale of Sydney. Sydney, Australia : Biennale of Sydney. pp. 125-128. ISBN 0958040311

Osborne, Peter (2004) Art as displaced urbanism: notes on a new constructivism of the exhibition form. In: Kuzma, Marta and Gioni, Massimiliano, (eds.) With all due intent: Manifesta 5 : European biennial of contemporary art. Spain : Actar. pp. 64-77. ISBN 9788460913481

Osborne, Peter (2004) Distracted reception: time, art, and technology. In: Morgan, Jessica and Muir, Gregor, (eds.) Time zones: recent film and video. London, U.K. : Tate Publishing. pp. 66-75. ISBN 1854375490

Osborne, Peter (2003) Photography in an expanding field: distributive unity and dominant form. In: Green, David, (ed.) Where is the photograph? Maidstone, U.K. : Photoworks. pp. 63-70. ISBN 1903796083

Osborne, Peter (2003) Versuche der Vergangenheit einzuholen. Konservative Modernitat und regressive Modernisierung in Grossbritannien. In: Kurnumaki, Jussi and Polenen, Kari, (eds.) Zeit, Geschichte und Politik: Zum achtzigsten Geburstag von Reinhart Koselleck. Jyvaskyla, Finland : University of Jyvaskyla. pp. 199-211. ISBN 9789513914967

Osborne, Peter (2002) Everywhere, or not at all: Victor Burgin and conceptual art. In: Roberts, Catsou, (ed.) Relocating: Victor Burgin. Bristol, U.K. : Arnolfini. pp. 62-75. ISBN 1902854195

Osborne, Peter (2002) Greedy Kunst. In: Merck, Mandy and Townsend, Chris, (eds.) The art of Tracey Emin. London, U.K. : Thames and Hudson. pp. 40-59. ISBN 0500283850

Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter (2002) Introduction: philosophies of race and ethnicity. In: Sandford, Stella and Osborne, Peter, (eds.) Philosophies of Race and Ethnicity. London, U.K. : Continuum. pp. 1-9. ISBN 0826459943

Osborne, Peter (2000) Introduction: From an aesthetic point of view. In: Osborne, Peter, (ed.) From an aesthetic point of view: philosophy, art and the senses. London, U.K. : Serpent's Tail. pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781852426682

Osborne, Peter (1999) Conceptual art and/as philosophy. In: Newman, Michael and Bird, Jon, (eds.) Rewriting conceptual art. London, U.K. : Reaktion Books. pp. 47-65. ISBN 1861890524

Conference or Workshop Item

Osborne, Peter (2010) Introduction: Transdiciplinarity. In: From structure to rhizome: transdisciplinarity in French thought, 1945-the present: histories, concepts, constructions; 16 - 17 Apr 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Osborne, Peter (2008) "It is necessary to be absolutely modern": Adorno's categorical imperative of philosophy. In: Fourth Annual Joint Conference of the Society for European Philosophy and the Forum for European Philosophy; 29 - 31 Aug 2008, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)

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