Items where Kingston Author is "Choat, Simon"

Choat, Simon, Wolf, Christina and O'Neill, Siobhan (2023) Decolonising economics and politics curricula in UK universities. Studies in Higher Education, ISSN (print) 0307-5079 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Choat, Simon (2021) Decolonising the political theory curriculum. Politics, 41(3), pp. 404-420. ISSN (print) 0263-3957
Choat, Simon (2019) The iron cage of enterprise or the restoration of class power? Approaches to understanding neoliberalism. Political Studies Review, 17(4), pp. 416-427. ISSN (print) 1478-9299
Choat, Simon (2018) Science, agency, and ontology : a historical-materialist response to new materialism. Political Studies, 66(4), pp. 1027-1042. ISSN (print) 0032-3217
Choat, Simon (2018) Everything for sale? Neoliberalism and the limits of Michael Sandel's philosophical critique of markets. New Political Science, 40(1), pp. 1-14. ISSN (print) 0739-3148
Choat, Simon (2018) Marx for his times. Book Review of: 'Karl Marx : greatness and illusion' by Gareth Stedman Jones. Global Intellectual History, 3(3), pp. 282-291. ISSN (print) 2380-1883
Choat, Simon (2017) Tuition fees and the neoliberal university. Renewal, 25(3-4), pp. 138-144. ISSN (print) 0968-252X
Rekret, Paul and Choat, Simon (2016) From political topographies to political logics : post-Marxism and historicity. Constellations: An International Journal Of Critical And Democratic Theory, 23(2), pp. 281-291. ISSN (print) 1351-0487
Choat, Simon (2016) Marxism and anarchism in an age of neoliberal crisis. Capital and Class, 40(1), pp. 95-109. ISSN (print) 0309-8168
Choat, Simon [Reviewer] (2016) Book review of: ' An inquiry into modes of existence : an anthropology of the Moderns ' by Bruno Latour. Global Discourse, 6(1-2), pp. 136-139. ISSN (print) 2326-9995
Choat, Simon (2013) Politics, power and the state: a Marxist response to postanarchism. Journal of Political Ideologies, 18(3), pp. 328-347. ISSN (print) 1356-9317
Choat, Simon (2011) Author's reply to reviews of 'Marx through post-structuralism: Lyotard, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze' by Simon Choat. Global Discourse, 2(1), ISSN (online) 2043-7897
Choat, Simon (2010) Postanarchism from a Marxist perspective. Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, 2010(1), pp. 51-71. ISSN (online) 1923-5615
Choat, Simon (2009) Deleuze, Marx and the politicisation of philosophy. Deleuze Studies, 3(suppleme), pp. 8-27. ISSN (print) 1750-2241
Ramgotra, Manjeet and Choat, Simon, eds. (2023) Rethinking political thinkers. Oxford : Oxford University Press. 728p. ISBN 9780198847397 (In Press)
Choat, Simon (2016) Marx's 'Grundrisse': A reader's guide. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 240p. (Reader's Guides) ISBN 9781472526748
Choat, Simon (2010) Marx Through Post-Structuralism: Lyotard, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze. London, U.K. : Continuum. 224p. (Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9780826442758
Book Section
Choat, Simon and Ramgotra, Manjeet (2023) Introduction. In: Ramgotra, Manjeet and Choat, Simon, (eds.) Rethinking political thinkers. Oxford : Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198847397 (In Press)
Choat, Simon (2023) Karl Marx. In: Ramgotra, Manjeet and Choat, Simon, (eds.) Rethinking political thinkers. Oxford : Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198847397 (In Press)
Choat, Simon (2018) A contribution to the critique of political economy (1859). In: Diamanti, Jeff , Pendakis, Andrew and Szeman, Imre, (eds.) The Bloomsbury companion to Marx. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 57-62. (Bloomsbury Companions) ISBN 9781474278713
Choat, Simon (2014) Poststructuralism. In: Gibbons, Michael T., (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405191296
Choat, Simon (2014) Teleology. In: Gibbons, Michael T., (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405191296
Choat, Simon (2013) From Marxism to poststructuralism. In: Dillet, Benoit , Mackenzie, Iain and Porter, Robert, (eds.) The Edinburgh companion to poststructuralism. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748641222