Items where Kingston Author is "Dykes, Alan"

Dykes, Alan P. and Bromhead, Edward N. (2022) Hazards from lakes and reservoirs : new interpretation of the Vaiont disaster. Journal of Mountain Science, 19, pp. 1717-1737. ISSN (print) 1672-6316
Dykes, Alan P. and Bromhead, Edward N. (2022) The Southwell Topple – reassessment of a very large coastal toppling failure on the Isle of Portland, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 55(1), qjegh2020-146. ISSN (print) 1470-9236
Foteu Madio, Eliane S. and Dykes, Alan P. (2022) Botanical and geotechnical characteristics of blanket peat at three Irish bogflows. Environmental Geotechnics, 9(1), pp. 36-54. ISSN (online) 2051-803X
Dykes, Alan P. (2022) A recent peat slide in Co. Antrim extends the known range of weak basal peat across Ireland. Environmental Geotechnics, 9(1), pp. 22-35. ISSN (online) 2051-803X
Mantovani, Matteo, Bossi, Giulia, Dykes, Alan P., Pasuto, Alessandro, Soldati, Mauro and Devoto, Stefano (2022) Coupling long-term GNSS monitoring and numerical modelling of lateral spreading for hazard assessment purposes. Engineering Geology, 296, p. 106466. ISSN (print) 0013-7952
Dykes, Alan P. (2021) Landslide investigations during pandemic restrictions : initial assessments of recent peat landslides in Ireland. Landslides, ISSN (print) 1612-510X (Epub Ahead of Print)
Hajian, Farhad, Dykes, Alan P. and Cavanagh, Sandra (2019) Assessment the flood hazard arising from land use change in a forested catchment in northern Iran. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12(4), e12481. ISSN (online) 1753-318X
Dykes, Alan P. and Bromhead, Edward N. (2018) New, simplified and improved interpretation of the Vaiont landslide mechanics. Landslides, 15(10), pp. 2001-2015. ISSN (print) 1612-510X
Dykes, Alan P. and Bromhead, Edward N. (2018) The Vaiont landslide : re-assessment of the evidence leads to rejection of the consensus. Landslides, 15(9), pp. 1815-1832. ISSN (print) 1612-510X
Hajian, Farhad, Dykes, Alan P., Zahabiyoun, Bagher and Ibsen, Maia (2016) Prediction of climate change effects on the runoff regime of a forested catchment in northern Iran. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61(15), pp. 2729-2739. ISSN (print) 0262-6667
Firoozfar, Alireza, Bromhead, Edward N. and Dykes, Alan P. (2012) Caspian sea level change impacts regional seismicity. Journal Of Great Lakes Research, 38(4), pp. 667-672. ISSN (print) 0380-1330
Dykes, A.P. and Jennings, P. (2011) Peat slope failures and other mass movements in western Ireland, August 2008. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 44(1), pp. 5-16. ISSN (print) 1470-9236
Dykes, Alan P. and Selkirk-Bell, Jennifer M. (2010) Landslides in blanket peat on subantarctic islands: causes, characteristics and global significance. Geomorphology, 124(3-4), pp. 215-228. ISSN (print) 0169-555X
Alcantara-Ayala, I. and Dykes, A. P. (2010) Introduction: Land use change in the tropics: causes, consequences and monitoring in Mexico. Singapore Journal Of Tropical Geography, 31(2), pp. 143-151. ISSN (print) 0129-7619
Dykes, A P, Boylan, N., Jennings, P. and Long, M. (2009) Discussion of a Peat slope failure in Ireland by N. Boylan, P. Jennings & M. Long, Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 41(1), 93-108. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 42(1), pp. 123-128. ISSN (print) 1470-9236
Dykes, A P (2009) Geomorphological maps of Irish peat landslides created using hand-held GPS - second edition. Journal of Maps, 2009, pp. 179-185. ISSN (online) 1744-5647
Dykes, Alan P., Gunn, John and Convery (Née Kirk), Katie J. (2008) Landslides in blanket peat on Cuilcagh Mountain, Northwest Ireland. Geomorphology, 102(3-4), pp. 325-340. ISSN (print) 0169-555X
Dykes, A.P. (2008) Tensile strength of peat: laboratory measurement and role in Irish blanket bog failures. Landslides, 5(4), pp. 417-429. ISSN (print) 1612-510X
Dykes, A.P. and Warburton, J (2008) Characteristics of the Shetland Islands (UK) peat slides of 19 September 2003. Landslides, 5(2), pp. 213-226. ISSN (print) 1612-510X
Dykes, A.P., Warburton, J., Nichol, D., Doherty, G.K. and Scott, M.J. (2008) Discussion of "A5 Llyn Ogwen peatslide, Capel Curig, North Wales" by D. Nichol, G.K. Doherty & M.J. Scott in Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 40, 293-299. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 41(1), pp. 123-126. ISSN (print) 1470-9236
Dykes, Alan P. and Warburton, Jeff (2008) Failure of peat-covered hillslopes at Dooncarton Mountain, Co. Mayo, Ireland: analysis of topographic and geotechnical factors. Catena, 72(1), pp. 129-145. ISSN (print) 0341-8162
Dykes, AP (2008) Geomorphological maps of Irish peat landslides created using hand-held GPS. Journal of Maps, pp. 258-276.
Dykes, Alan P. and Warburton, Jeff (2007) Significance of geomorphological and subsurface drainage controls on failures of peat-covered hillslopes triggered by extreme rainfall. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32(12), pp. 1841-1862. ISSN (print) 0197-9337
Dykes, A.P. (2007) Mass movements in cave sediments: investigation of a ~40,000-year-old guano mudflow inside the entrance of the Great Cave of Niah, Sarawak, Borneo. Landslides, 4(3), pp. 279-290. ISSN (print) 1612-510X
Dykes, A.P. and Welford, M.R. (2007) Landslides in the Tandayapa Valley, northern Andes, Ecuador: implications for landform development in humid and tectonically active mountain ranges. Landslides, 4(2), pp. 177-187. ISSN (print) 1612-510X
Dykes, Alan P. and Warburton, Jeff (2007) Mass movements in peat: a formal classification scheme. Geomorphology, 86(1-2), pp. 73-93. ISSN (print) 0169-555X
Hunt, C.O., Rushworth, G. and Dykes, A.P. (2007) UV-fluorescence microscopy and the coherence of pollen assemblages in environmental archaeology and Quaternary geology. Journal of Archaeological Science, 34(4), pp. 562-571. ISSN (print) 0305-4403
Barker, Graeme, Barton, Huw, Bird, Michael, Daly, Patrick, Datan, Ipoi, Dykes, Alan, Farr, Lucy, Gilbertson, David, Harrisson, Barbara, Hunt, Chris, Higham, Tom, Kealhofer, Lisa, Krigbaum, John, Lewis, Helen, McLaren, Sue, Paz, Victor, Pike, Alistair, Piper, Phil, Pyatt, Brian, Rabett, Ryan, Reynolds, Tim, Rose, Jim, Rushworth, Garry, Stephens, Mark, Stringer, Chris, Thompson, Jill and Turney, Chris (2007) The 'human revolution' in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: the antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo). Journal of Human Evolution, 52(3), pp. 243-261. ISSN (print) 0047-2484
Dykes, A.P. and Gunn, J. (2006) Hoga Island, Sulaweisi, Indonesia: geomorphology and groundwater resource of a small tropical carbonate island. Cave and Karst Science, 33(1), pp. 21-28. ISSN (print) 1356-191X
Yang, J. and Dykes, A.P. (2006) The liquid limit of peat and its application to the understanding of Irish blanket bog failures. Landslides, 3(3), pp. 205-216. ISSN (print) 1612-510X
Dykes, Alan P and Gunn, J (2006) Hoga island, Sulawesi, Indonesia: geomorphology and groundwater resources of a small tropical carbonate island. Cave and Karst Science, 33(1), pp. 21-28. ISSN (print) 1356-191X
Hunt, C.O. and Dykes, A.P. (2003) The geomorphology of the Great Cave. Sarawak Museum Journal, 58 (N., pp. 51-53. ISSN (print) 0375-3050
Hunt, C., Gilbertson, D., Kurui, E. and Dykes, A. (2003) The palynology of the modern landscape. Sarawak Museum Journal, 58 (N., pp. 92-93. ISSN (print) 0375-3050
Dykes, A.P. (2003) Investigating the geotechnical properties of guano. Sarawak Museum Journal, 57 (N., pp. 60-62. ISSN (print) 0375-3050
Dykes, Alan P. (2002) Mass movements and conservation management in Malta. Journal of Environmental Management, 66(1), pp. 77-89. ISSN (print) 0301-4797
Dykes, A.P. (2002) Weathering-limited rainfall-triggered shallow mass movements in undisturbed steepland tropical rainforest. Geomorphology, 46(1-2), pp. 73-93. ISSN (online) 0169-555X
Wood, P.J. and Dykes, A.P. (2002) The use of salt dilution gauging techniques: ecological considerations and insights. Water Research, 36(12), pp. 3054-3062. ISSN (print) 0043-1354
Dykes, Alan P. (2002) The role of bedrock failures driven by uplift in long-term landform development in Brunei, Northwest Borneo. Chikei, 23(2), pp. 201-222. ISSN (print) 0389-1755
Dykes, A.P. and Kirk, K.J. (2001) Initiation of a multiple peat slide on Cuilcagh Mountain, Northern Ireland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 26(4), pp. 395-408. ISSN (print) 0197-9337
Dykes, Alan P. , Mulligan, Mark and Wainwright, John, eds. (2015) Monitoring and modelling dynamic environments: a Festschrift in memory of John B. Thornes. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. 352p. ISBN 9780470711217
Book Section
Dykes, Alan (2016) Geotechnical studies of lithofacies 3. In: Barker, Graeme and Farr, Lucy, (eds.) Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak. Cambridge, U.K. : McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. pp. S41-S47. (The archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak, (2)) ISBN 9781902937601
Stephens, Mark, Hunt, Chris, Rose, James, Gilbertson, David, McLaren, Sue, Grattan, John, Rushworth, Garry and Dykes, Alan (2016) The sedimentology of the West Mouth lithofacies. In: Barker, Graeme and Farr, Lucy, (eds.) Archaeological investigations in the Niah Caves, Sarawak. Cambridge, U.K. : McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. pp. 81-104. (The archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak, (2)) ISBN 9781902937601
Dykes, Alan P. and Alcantara‐Ayala, Irasema (2015) Environmental change and landslide hazards in Mexico. In: Dykes, Alan P. , Mulligan, Mark and Wainwright, John, (eds.) Monitoring and modelling dynamic environments: a Festschrift in memory of John B. Thornes. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 267-298. ISBN 9780470711217
Dykes, Alan P., Mulligan, Mark and Wainwright, John (2015) Introduction: understanding and managing landscape change through multiple lenses: the case for integrative research in an era of global change. In: Dykes, Alan P. , Mulligan, Mark and Wainwright, John, (eds.) Monitoring and modelling dynamic environments: a Festschrift in memory of John B. Thornes. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 1-7. ISBN 9780470711217
Gilbertson, David, McLaren, Sue, Stephens, Mark, Hunt, Chris, Rose, James, Dykes, Alan, Grattan, John, Bird, Michael, Lewis, Helen, Kealhofer, Lisa, Mani Banda, Richard, Badang, Dana, Daly, Patrick, Rushworth, Garry, Pyatt, Brian, Thompson, Gill B., Piper, Philip J. and Rabett, Ryan J. (2013) The cave entrance sequences and environmental change. In: Barker, Graeme, (ed.) Rainforest foraging and farming in Island Southeast Asia. Cambridge, U.K. : McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research. pp. 71-134. (The archaeology of the Niah Caves, Sarawak, (1)) ISBN 9781902937540
Dykes, Alan (2008) Properties of peat relating to instability of blanket bogs. In: Chen, Zuyu , Zhang, Jian-Min , Ho, Ken , Wu, Fa-Quan and Li, Zhong-Kui, (eds.) Landslides and engineered slopes: from the past to the future. Boca Raton, U.S.A. : CRC Press. pp. 339-345. ISBN 9780415411967
Dykes, A.P. and Kirk, K.J. (2006) Slope instability and mass movements in peat deposits. In: Martini, I.P. , Martinez Cortizas, A. and Chesworth, W., (eds.) Peatlands: Evolution and Records of Environmental and Climate Changes. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Elsevier. pp. 377-406. (Developments in Earth Surface Processes, (9)) ISBN 0444528830
Dykes, A.P. (2004) Shear and shear surface. In: Goudie, A.S., (ed.) Encyclopedia of Geomorphology. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 946-947. ISBN 041527298X
Conference or Workshop Item
Dykes, Alan P. and Bromhead, Edward N. (2021) Lessons from the Vaiont landslide. In: XIII International Symposium on Landslides : Landslides and Sustainable Development; 22-26 Feb 2021, Held online.
Bromhead, E.N., Ibsen, M-L. and Dykes, A.P. (2016) The Miramar landslide at Herne Bay and the storm surge of 1953. In: 12th International Symposium on Landslides; 12 - 19 Jun 2016, Napoli, Italy. (Unpublished)
Dykes, A.P., Ibsen, M-L. and Bromhead, E.N. (2016) A new assessment of the Southwell Topple of 1734. In: 12th International Symposium on Landslides; 12 - 19 Jun 2016, Napoli, Italy. (Unpublished)
Dykes, A.P. and Selkirk-Bell, J.M. (2010) Landslides in blanket peat on subantarctic islands: Causes, characteristics and global significance. In: 7th International Conference on Geomorphology; 06 - 11 July 2009, Melbourne, Australia.
Dykes, A.P. (2010) Rock slope instability in England's Lake district. In: International Conference - Mountain Risks: Bringing Science to Society; 24 - 26 Nov 2010, Firenze, Italy.
Dykes, Alan (2010) Overview: What is Peat? In: Seminar: Peat Stability; 7 Oct 2010, Dublin, Ireland.
Dykes, A. (2009) Causes and implications of mass movements in peatlands. In: 7th International Conference on Geomorphology; 06-11 July 2009, Melbourne, Australia.
Alcantara-Ayala, I., Dykes, A.P. and Garnica-Peña, R.J. (2009) Hurricane Earl, chronicle of a Mexican foretold landslide disaster. In: 7th International Conference on Geomorphology; 06-11 July 2009, Melbourne, Australia.
Dykes, Alan P. (2008) Natural and anthropogenic causes of peat instability and landslides. In: 13th International Peat Congress; 08 - 13 Jun 2008, Tullamore, Ireland. ISBN 0951489046
Dykes, A.P. (2008) Properties of peat relating to instability of blanket bogs. In: 10th International Symposium on Landslides and Engineered Slopes; 30 June - 4 July 2008, Xian, China. ISBN 9780415411967
Dykes, A.P. (2008) Geomorphological maps of Irish peat landslides created using hand-held GPS - Second Edition. In: International Meeting on Environments Analysis and Geomorphological Mapping for a Sustainable Development; 26 Feb 2008, Addia Ababa, Ethiopia.