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Lara-Betancourt, Patricia [Reviewer] (2021) Book review of: 'Designing the department store : display and retail at the turn of the twentieth century' by Emily M. Orr. Journal of Design History, 34(3), pp. 285-287. ISSN (print) 0952-4649

Fisher, Fiona, Lara-Betancourt, Patricia, Kelley, Victoria and Sparke, Penny (2020) Complex interior spaces in London, 1850-1930 : introduction. London Journal, 45(2), pp. 177-188. ISSN (print) 0305-8034

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia and Rezende, Livia (2019) Locating design exchanges in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Design History, 32(1), pp. 1-16. ISSN (print) 0952-4649

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia [Reviewer] (2016) Book review of: ' The urban department store in America, 1850-1930 ' by Louisa Iarocci. Journal of Design History, 29(4), pp. 429-431. ISSN (print) 0952-4649

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia and Hardy, Emma (2014) Seductive discourses : design advice for the home - an introduction. Interiors : Design Architecture Culture, 5(2), pp. 131-139. ISSN (print) 2041-9112

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2011) Book review of 'Historia del diseno en America Latina y el Caribe: industrializacion y comunicacion visual para la autonomia' by Silvia Fernandez and Gui Bonsiepe (eds.). West 86th: A Journal of Decorative Arts, Design History, and Material Culture, 18(2), pp. 260-264. ISSN (print) 2153-5531

Lara Betancourt, Patricia (2000) La sala domestica en Santa Fe de Bogota. Siglo XIX el decorado: la sala barroca. Historia Critica(20), pp. 93-111. ISSN (print) 0121-1617

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (1998) La sala domestica en Santa fe de Bogota Siglo XIX: arquitectura domestica: lenguajes colonial y republicano. Memoria y Sociedad, 3(5), pp. 53-75. ISSN (print) 0122-5197

Lara Betancourt, Patricia (1998) La sala domestica en Santafe de Bogota, Siglo XIX el decorado de la sala romantica: gusto europeo y esnobismo. Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura(25), pp. 109-134. ISSN (print) 0120-2456


Lara-Betancourt, Patricia and Rezende, Livia, eds. (2019) Locating design exchanges in Latin America and the Caribbean. London, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 121p. (Journal of Design History, (32:1)) ISSN (print) 0952-4649

Sparke, Penny , Brown, Patricia , Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Lee, Gini and Taylor, Mark, eds. (2018) Flow: interior, landscape, and architecture in the era of liquid modernity. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. 352p. ISBN 9781472568038

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Lasc, Anca I. and Maile Petty, Margaret, eds. (2018) Architectures of display : department stores and modern retail. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 292p. (Routledge Research in Interior Design) ISBN 9781472468451

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia and Hardy, Emma, eds. (2014) Seductive discourses : design advice for the home. London, U.K. : Taylor & Francis. 136p. (Interiors : Design/Architecture/Culture, (5:2)) ISSN (print) 2041-9112

Fisher, Fiona , Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, eds. (2011) Performance, fashion and the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. Oxford, U.K. : Berg. 352p. ISBN 9781847887818

Book Section

Fisher, Fiona, Lara-Betancourt, Patricia and Sparke, Penny (2023) New interior identities : inhabiting London’s railway stations, winter gardens, people’s palaces, and department stores, 1830–1920. In: Marinic, Gregory, (ed.) The interior urbanism theory reader. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. ISBN 9781138336308 (In Press)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2018) Republican homes: modern flows in domestic architecture in Santa Fe de Bogota, 1820-1900. In: Sparke, Penny , Brown, Pat , Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Lee, Gini and Taylor, Mark, (eds.) Flow: interior, landscape and architecture in the era of liquid modernity. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 109-119. ISBN 9781472568038

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia, Lasc, Anca I. and Petty, Margaret Maile (2018) Architectures of display: an introduction. In: Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Lasc, Anca I. and Petty, Margaret Maile, (eds.) Architectures of display : department stores and modern retail. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 1-14. (Routledge Research in Interior Design) ISBN 9781472468451

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2018) Displaying dreams : model interiors in British department stores, 1890-1914. In: Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Lasc, Anca and Petty, Margaret Maile, (eds.) Architectures of display : department stores and modern retail. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 31-46. (Routledge Research in Interior Design) ISBN 9781472468451

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Ambasz, Emilio (1943-). In: Edwards, Clive , Atkinson, Harriet , Bhagat, Dipti , Kettley, Sarah , O'Brien, Sorcha , Raizman, David and Willis, Anne-Marie, (eds.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 37-38. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Arauz de Pirovano, Celina (1915-2010). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 47-47. 1 ISBN 9781472521552

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Baillie Scott, Mackay Hugh (1865–1945). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 120-121. 1 ISBN 9781472521552

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Beltran, Felix (1938-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 158-158. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Bo Bardi, Lina (1914-1992). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 179-179. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Bonsiepe, Gui (1934-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 181-181. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Cadovius, Poul (1911-2011). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 209-210. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Campana Brothers: Fernando (1961-) and Humberto (1953-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 212-212. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Churba, Alberto (1932-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 244-245. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) De La Renta, Oscar (1932-2014). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 340-341. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) De Wolfe, Elsie (1865-1950). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 346-347. 1 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Ferrari-Hardoy, Jorge (1914-1977). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 14-14. 2 ISBN 9781472521552

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Garrett, Rhoda (1841–1882) & Agnes (1845–1935). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 71-71. 2 ISBN 9781472521552

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Graz, John (1891-1980). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 114-114. 2 ISBN 9781472521552

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Laplace, Luis (1969-). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 310-310. 2 ISBN 9781472521552

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Maugham, Syrie (1879-1955). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 361-362. 2 ISBN 9781472521552

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Porset, Clara (1895-1981). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 71-71. 3 ISBN 9781472521569

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Putman, Andrée (1925-2013). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 125-126. 3 ISBN 9781472521545

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Rodrigues, Sergio (1927-2014). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 166-167. 3 ISBN 9781472521569

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Royére, Jean (1902–1981). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 177-177. 3 ISBN 9781472521569

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Tenreiro, Joaquim (1906-1992). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 314-314. 3 ISBN 9781472521569

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) Wanders, Marcel (1963 - ). In: Edwards, Clive, (ed.) The Bloomsbury encyclopedia of design. London : Bloomsbury. pp. 404-406. 3 ISBN 9781472521569

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) The quest for modernity : a global/national approach to a history of design in Latin America. In: Fallan, Kjetil and Lees-Maffei, Grace, (eds.) Designing Worlds: National Design Histories in the Age of Globalization. Oxford, U.K. : Berghahn Books. (Making Sense of History, (24)) ISBN 9781785331558

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2013) Contesting the modernity of domestic space: design reform and the middle class home, 1890-1914. In: Kilickiran, Didem , Alegria, Christina and Haddrell, Carl, (eds.) Space and place: exploring critical issues. Oxford, U.K. : Inter-Disciplinary Press. ISBN 9781848882362

Kirkham, Patricia, Lara-Betancourt, Patricia, Larsen, Christian. A and Perez, Jorge F. Rivas (2013) Latin America 1830-1900. In: Kirkham, Pat and Weber, Susan, (eds.) History of design: decorative arts and material culture, 1400-2000. New York, U.S.A., New Haven U.S.A. and London, U.K. : Bard Graduate Center: Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture: Yale University Press. pp. 456-463. ISBN 9780300196146

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2011) Introduction: 1970 - Present. In: Fisher, Fiona , Lara-Betancourt, Patricia , Keeble, Trevor and Martin, Brenda, (eds.) Performance, fashion and the modern interior: from the Victorians to today. London, U.K. : Berg. pp. 199-205. ISBN 9781847887825

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (1994) Semiotica de los objetos: una propuesta de investigacion historica. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Tiempos Breves II: ensayos de estudiantes de la Maestria en Historia cuarta promocion (1991-1992). Santafe de Bogota, Colombia : Universidad Nacional de Colombia. pp. 15-19. (Cuadernos de Trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, (7)) ISBN 9586280918

Conference or Workshop Item

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia and Arana, Gladys (2015) 'Ideas, Temas, Recursos y Métodos para el Estudio del Espacio Interior Doméstico' (Ideas, Themes, Resources and Methodologies in the Study of the Domestic Interior in Mexico). In: 'Semana de la Arquitectura' ('Architect's Week'); 19-23 September 2015, Facultad de Architectura, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, México. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2015) London’s West End Department Stores: Whiteleys, Harrods and Waring & Gillows. In: 2015 DHS CONFERENCE; Sep 2015, San Francisco, CA, USA. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2015) Perspectivas de Investigacion sobre el Interior Moderno. In: ‘Semana de la Arquitectura’ ('Architecture's Week'); 19 - 23 Sep 2015, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Merida, Mexico. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2015) Visions of design autonomy in Latin America: the work and ideas of Gui Bonsiepe and Victor Papanek. In: "How We Live, and How We Might Live": Design and the Spirit of Critical Utopianism; 10-13 Sep 2015,, San Francisco, California, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Arana López, Gladys Noemí [Organizer of meeting] and Lara-Betancourt, Patricia [Organizer of meeting] (2015) De puertas abiertas: interiores y cultura material de la vivienda latinoamericana. [Open doors: domestic interiors and material culture in Latin America]. In: 55 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas [55th International Congress of Americanists]; 12-17 Jul 2015, San Salvador, El Salvador. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2015) European or national? Latin American domestic interiors, 1870-1930. In: 55 Congreso Internacional de Americanistas [55th International Congress of Americanists]; 12-17 Jul 2015, San Salvador, El Salvador. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia [Organizer of meeting] and Rezende, Livia [Organizer of meeting] (2015) Making autonomy: Design, material and visual culture in Latin America. In: Society for Latin American Studies Conference 2015: Autonomy; 17-18 Apr 2015, Aberdeen, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2014) Displaying dreams: model interiors in the London store, 1890-1914. In: Society of Architectural Historians 67th Annual Conference; 09-13 Apr 2014, Austin, Texas, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2013) Nuevas perspectivas de investigacion sobre el diseno de interiores [A discussion of recent historical research on the designed interior]. In: III Seminario de Mobiliario y Decoracion de Interiores (III Seminar on Furniture and Interior Decoration); 30 Sep 2013, Madrid, Spain. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2013) What boundaries? Design history in Latin America. In: 'Towards Global Histories of Design: Postcolonial Perspectives; 5-8 Sep 2013, Ahmedabad, India. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2013) Advice literature as design reform discourse. In: Domestic Advice Literature and Histories of Home - Seminar; 31 January 2013, Geffrye Museum, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2012) 'Contesting the modernity of domestic space: Arts & Crafts and commercial influences in the furnishing and decoration of the British middle-Class home, 1890-1914'. In: 3rd Global Conference Space and Place; 3-6 Sep 2012, Mansfield College, Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)


Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2008) Conflicting modernities? Arts and crafts and commercial influences in the decoration of the middle-class home 1890-1914. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

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