Items where Kingston Author is "Fitkov-Norris, Elena"

Hand, Christopher and Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2024) Not seeing the wood for the trees : influences on random forest accuracy. International Journal of Market Research, ISSN (print) 1470-7853 (Epub Ahead of Print)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2021) Are learning preferences really a myth? Exploring the mapping between study approaches and mode of learning preferences. ACTA IMEKO, 10(2), pp. 185-190. ISSN (online) 2221-870X
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2019) Is context the hidden spanner in the works of educational measurement : exploring the impact of context on mode of learning preferences. Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 1379(1), 012007. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2016) Use of measurement theory for operationalization and quantification of psychological constructs in systems dynamics modelling. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 772(1), 012023. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Fitkov-Norris, E and Yeghiazarian, A (2016) Evaluating the impact of a Quasi-ipsative scoring approach on the scoring of a VARK style questionnaire. Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 772(1), 012013. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Fitkov-Norris, E D and Yeghiazarian, A (2015) Validation of VARK learning modalities questionnaire using Rasch analysis. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 588(1), 012048. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Fitkov-Norris, E D and Yeghiazarian, A (2013) Measuring study habits in Higher Education : the way forward? Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 459(1), 012022. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Book Section
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Kocheva, Nataliya (2025) Leveraging AI for strategic foresight : unveiling future horizons. In: Crawford, Megan M. and Wright, George, (eds.) Improving and enhancing scenario planning : futures thinking. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 285-304. ISBN 9781035310579
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Becky (2015) Online formative assessment: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: Mendy, John and Geringer, Susan D., (eds.) Leading issues in business research methods. Reading, U.K. : Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited. pp. 101-114. 2 ISBN 9781910810378
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2014) Measuring the relationship between study habits and preferred learning style in higher education. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) 2014 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. IEEE. pp. 1323-1326. ISBN 9781479939213
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Folorunso, Sakinat Oluwabukonla (2013) Impact of sampling on neural network classification performance in the context of repeat movie viewing. In: Iliadis, Lazaros , Papadopoulos, Harris and Jayne, Chrisina, (eds.) Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 14th International Conference, EANN 2013, Halkidiki, Greece, September 13-16, 2013 Proceedings, Part I. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 213-222. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 383) ISBN 9783642410123
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2013) Assessing the learning style preferences postgraduate general business management students using VARK. In: Mesquita, Anabela and Ramos, Isabel, (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Reading, U.K. : Academic Conferences and Publishing International Ltd. pp. 144-152. ISSN (print) 2049-0968 ISBN 9781909507302
Fitkov-Norris, Elena, Vahid, Samireh and Hand, Chris (2012) Evaluating the impact of categorical data encoding and scaling on neural network classification performance: the case of repeat consumption of identical cultural goods. In: Jayne, Chrisina , Yue, Shigang and Iliadis, Lazaros S., (eds.) Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 13th International Conference, EANN 2012, London, UK, September 2012, Proceedings. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 343-352. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, (311)) ISBN 9783642329081
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Bekcy (2012) Online formative assessment: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: McClean, Rachel, (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Research Methods. Reading, U.K. : Academic Publishing International Limited. pp. 115-121. ISBN 9781908272461
Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2004) Control theory approach for implementation of dynamic pricing in mobile cellular networks. In: IEE Communication Networks and Services Professional Network, (ed.) Telecommunications Quality of Services: The Business of Success. Stevenage, U.K. : IEE Communication Networks and Services Professional Network. pp. 160-164. ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0863413935
Fitkov-Norris, E.D. and Khanifar, A. (2001) Dynamic pricing in cellular networks, a mobility model with a provider-oriented approach. In: Institution of Electrical Engineers, (ed.) Second International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies. London, U.K. : Institution of Electrical Engineers. pp. 63-67. (IEE Conference Publication, (477)) ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0852967314
Fitkov-Norris, E.D. and Khanifar, A. (2000) Dynamic pricing in mobile communication systems. In: Institution of Electric Engineers, (ed.) First International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies. London, U.K. : Institution of Electric Engineers. pp. 416-420. (IEE Conference Publication, (471)) ISSN (print) 0537-9989 ISBN 0852967268
Conference or Workshop Item
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Kocheva, Nataliya (2023) Are we there yet? Thematic analysis, NLP, and machine learning for research. In: 22nd European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM 2023); 6 Sep 2023, Lisboa, Portugal.
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Kocheva, Nataliya (2023) Causal AI as a tool for enhancing strategic foresight. In: Scenario Planning and Foresight 2023 : Advancing Theory and Improving Practice; 10-11 Jul 2023, Coventry, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, E and Yeghiazarian, A (2016) Evaluating the impact of a Quasi-ipsative scoring approach on the scoring of a VARK style questionnaire. In: Joint IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Metrology across the sciences : wishful thinking?; 03 - 05 Aug 2016, Berkeley, U.S.. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2015) Evaluating a tool for mapping study approaches and preferred learning preferences: a pilot study. In: IMEKO XXI World Congress: Measurement in Research and Industry; 30 Aug - 04 Sep 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)
Yeghiazarian, Ara and Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2015) How can we teach our digital native students? In: Festival of Learning 2015; 12-16 Jan 2015, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2015) Validation of VARK learning modalities questionnaire using Rasch analysis. In: 2014 Joint IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Science Behind Safety and Security; 03 - 05 Sep 2014, Madeira, Portugal. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2013) Measuring study habits in higher education : the way forward? In: 2013 Joint IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Across Physical and Behavioural Sciences; 4-6 Sep 2013, Genoa, Italy. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2012) Don’t forget your tablets: iPads, tears, and short attention spans. The future of higher education. In: Electrical & Information Engineering Department (EIE) 2nd International Conference on Computing, Energy, Networking, Robotics And Telecommunications (eieCon2012); 21-23 Nov 2012, Ota, Nigeria. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Rebecca (2011) Online formative assessment and study habits: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2011: Positive Futures for higher education; connections, communities and criticality; 7-9 Dec 2011, Newport, U.K..
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Becky (2011) Online formative assessment and study habits: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: Higher Education Academy (HEA) Annual Conference 2011: Changing Practice - Changing Times; 5-6 Jul 2011, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena, Alfes, Kerstin, Shantz, Amanda, Lees, Becky and Morgan, Stephanie (2011) Student engagement – or not... Initial findings. In: The 2nd Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 10 May 2011, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cobo, Denisa, Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2010) Baby boomers’ and seniors’ perceptions of assistive living. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Becky (2010) Habit and engagement: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Simsek, Eylem, Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2010) European perception of a multi-centre Master’s in London-Berlin-Paris in Management Studies. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2010) Literature overview of approaches for enterprise-wide modelling, simulation and optimisation. (Working Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. 20 p. (Kingston Business School Working Paper, no. 2012/1) ISBN 9791872058849