Items where Kingston Author is "Barnes, Vivienne"

Barnes, Vivienne [Reviewer] (2020) Book Review of: 'Communicating and engaging with children and young people : making a difference' 2nd edition by Michelle Lefevre (ed.). Practice, 32(1), pp. 76-78. ISSN (print) 1742-4909
Barnes, Vivienne [Reviewer] (2018) Book Review of: 'Young people transitioning from out-of-home care: international research, policy and practice' edited by Philip Mendes and Pamela Snow. Critical Social Policy, 38(4), pp. 797-800. ISSN (print) 0261-0183
Barnes, Vivienne (2012) Social work and advocacy with young people: rights and care in practice. The British Journal of Social Work, 42(7), pp. 1275-1292. ISSN (print) 0045-3102
Barnes, Vivienne (2007) Young people's views of children's rights and advocacy services: a case for 'caring' advocacy? Child Abuse Review, 16(3), pp. 140-152. ISSN (print) 0952-9136
Barnes, Vivienne, Clouder, Deanne Lynn, Pritchard, Jackie, Hughes, Christina and Purkis, Judy (2003) Deconstructing dissemination: dissemination as qualitative research. Qualitative Research, 3(2), pp. 147-164. ISSN (print) 1468-7941
Barnes, Vivienne and Chand, Ash (2000) Initial assessments in child protection: the reality of practice. Practice, 12(4), pp. 5-16. ISSN (print) 0950-3153
Book Section
Barnes, Vivienne (2016) Skills for inter-professional social work practice. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 178-195. ISBN 9781137390264
Barnes, (Kathryn) Vivienne, Clouder, Lynn, Hughes, Christina, Purkis, Judy and Pritchard, Jackie (2008) Deconstructing dissemination: dissemination as qualitative research. In: Atkinson, Paul Anthony and Delamont, Sara, (eds.) Representing Ethnography. London, U.K. : Sage. (SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, 4) ISBN 9781412945981
Hughes, Christina, Clouder, Lynn, Pritchard, Jackie, Purkis, Judy and Barnes, Vivienne (2007) Caring monsters? A critical exploration of contradictions and ambiguities. In: Cotterill, Pamela , Jackson, Sue and Letherby, Gayle, (eds.) Challenges and Negotiations for Women in Higher Education. Dordrecht : Springer. pp. 131-147. ISBN 9781402061097
Hughes, Christina, Clouder, Lynn, Pritchard, Jackie, Purkis, Judy and Barnes, Viv (2007) Caring monsters? A critical exploration of contradictions and ambiguities. In: Cotterill, P , Jackson, S and Letherby, G, (eds.) Challenges and Negotiations for Women in Higher Education. Dordrecht : Springer. pp. 131-150. ISBN 9781402061097
Barnes, Vivienne (2000) Assessing family strengths. In: Baldwin, Norma, (ed.) Protecting children, promoting their rights. London : Whiting & Birch Ltd. pp. 237-252. ISBN 1861770138
Conference or Workshop Item
Barnes, Vivienne (2012) Promoting the rights of looked after young people. Can social workers do it? In: Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact (SWSD 2012); 8-12 July 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Barnes, Vivienne (2012) Relational theory and practice: a study of relationships between looked after young people, their social workers and their rights workers. In: 2nd European Conference for Social Work Research; 22-24 March 2012, Basel, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Barnes, Vivienne (2010) Social Work and advocacy with young people: rights and care? In: Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development; June 10-14 2010, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. (Unpublished)
Barnes, Kathryn Vivienne (2009) Caring for rights: social work and advocacy with looked after children and young people. (PhD thesis), University of Warwick, .