Items where Kingston Author is "Sahinkaya, Mehmet"

Dashtkar, Arash, Hadavinia, Homayoun, Sahinkaya, M Necip, Williams, Neil, Vahid, Samireh, Ismail, Fanya and Turner, Matthew (2019) Rain erosion-resistant coatings for wind turbine blades : a review. Polymers and Polymer Composites, 27(8), pp. 443-475. ISSN (print) 0967-3911
Konoiko, Aleksey, Kadhem, Allan, Saiful, Islam, Ghorbanian, Navid, Zweiri, Yahya and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2019) Deep learning framework for controlling an active suspension system. Journal of Vibration and Control, 25(17), pp. 2316-2329. ISSN (print) 1077-5463
Rayner, Robert M.C., Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Hicks, Ben (2017) Improving the design of high speed mechanisms through multi-level kinematic synthesis, dynamic optimization and velocity profiling. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 118, pp. 100-114. ISSN (print) 0094-114X
Bhatti, Jawaad, Hale, Matthew, Iravani, Pejman, Plummer, Andrew and Sahinkaya, Necip (2017) Adaptive height controller for an agile hopping robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 98, pp. 126-134. ISSN (print) 0921-8890
Ayten, Kagan Koray, Sahinkaya, M Necip and Dumlu, Ahmet (2017) Real time optimum trajectory generation for redundant/hyper-redundant serial industrial manipulators. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 14(6), pp. 17298814-1773724. ISSN (print) 1729-8806
Nanayakkara, Visakha K., Cotugno, Giuseppe, Vitzilaios, Nikolaos, Venetsanos, Demetrios, Nanayakkara, Thrishantha and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2017) The role of morphology of the thumb in anthropomorphic grasping : a review. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 3(5), ISSN (online) 2297-3079
Bin Junaid, Ali, Konoiko, Aleksey, Zweiri, Yahya, Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Senevirante, Lakmal (2017) Autonomous wireless self-charging for multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles. Energies, 10(6), p. 803. ISSN (online) 1996-1073
Levermore, Thomas, Sahinkaya, Necip, Zweiri, Yahya and Neaves, Ben (2017) Real-time velocity optimization to minimize energy use in passenger vehicles. Energies, 10(1), p. 30. ISSN (online) 1996-1073
Lusty, Chris, Sahinkaya, Necip and Keogh, Patrick (2016) A novel twin-shaft rotor layout with active magnetic couplings for vibration control. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 230(3), pp. 266-276. ISSN (print) 0959-6518
Ayten, K. Koray, Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Dumlu, Ahmet (2016) Optimum trajectory generation for redundant/hyper-redundant manipulators. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(21), pp. 493-500. ISSN (online) 2405-8963
Sahinkaya, Mehmet N., Wang, Pengfei and Akehurst, Sam (2013) Causal inversion of non-minimum-phase systems for hardware-in-the-loop transmission testing. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 227(I3), pp. 298-307. ISSN (print) 0959-6518
Ginzinger, L., Sahinkaya, M. N., Heckmann, B., Keogh, P. and Ulbrich, H. (2011) On the optimization problem of model-based monitoring. Science China Technological Sciences, 54(5), pp. 1095-1106. ISSN (print) 1674-7321
Sahinkaya, M. Necip, Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G. and Burrows, Clifford R. (2011) An adaptive multi-objective controller for flexible rotor and magnetic bearing systems. Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, And Control, 133(3), ISSN (print) 0022-0434
Sahinkaya, M. Necip, Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G., Keogh, Patrick S. and Burrows, Clifford R. (2011) Experiments on the transient performance of an adaptive multi-objective controller for rotating machinery. Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power, 133(2), ISSN (print) 0742-4795
Sahinkaya, M. Necip, Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G., Burrows, Clifford R. and Keogh, Patrick S. (2010) A multiobjective adaptive controller for magnetic bearing systems. Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power, 132(12), p. 125503. ISSN (print) 0742-4795
Cade, Iain S., Sahinkaya, M. Necip, Burrows, Clifford R. and Keogh, Patrick S. (2010) An active auxiliary bearing control strategy to reduce the onset of asynchronous periodic contact modes in rotor/magnetic bearing systems. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 132(5),
Burrows, C. R., Keogh, P. S. and Sahinkaya, M. N. (2009) Progress towards smart rotating machinery through the use of active bearings. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C, 223(12), pp. 2849-2860. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Drew, B., Plummer, A. R. and Sahinkaya, M. N. (2009) A review of wave energy converter technology. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 223(8), pp. 887-902. ISSN (online) 2041-2967
Sahinkaya, M. N. and Plummer, A. R. (2009) Special issue on dynamics and control of parallel manipulators. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 223(1), ISSN (print) 0959-6518
Vincent, I. F. V., Sahinkaya, M. N. and O'Shea, W. (2007) A woodpecker hammer. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C, 221(10), pp. 1141-1147. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Sahinkaya, M. N. (2007) Virtual non-linear disturbance observer by dual inverse dynamic modelling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 221(6), pp. 677-688. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Cade, Iain S., Keogh, Patrick S. and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2007) Rotor/active magnetic bearing transient control using wavelet predictive moderation. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 302(1-2), pp. 88-103.
Sahinkaya, M. Necip, Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G., Keogh, Patrick S. and Burrows, Clifford R. (2007) Multiple sliding and rolling contact dynamics for a flexible rotor/magnetic bearing system. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 12(2), pp. 179-189. ISSN (print) 1083-4435
Cole, M. O. T., Keogh, P. S., Burrows, C. R. and Sahinkaya, M. N. (2006) Adaptive control of rotor vibration using compact wavelets. Journal Of Vibration And Acoustics, 128(5), pp. 653-665. ISSN (print) 1048-9002
Cade, Iain S., Keogh, Patrick S. and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2006) Transient rotor/active magnetic bearing control using sampled wavelet coefficients. Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power, 129(2), pp. 549-555. ISSN (print) 0742-4795
Cade, Iain S., Keogh, Patrick S. and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2006) Transient rotor/active magnetic bearing control using sampled wavelet coefficients. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 129(2), 549- 555. ISSN (print) 0742-4795
Cole, M. O. T., Keogh, P. S., Burrows, C. R. and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2006) Wavelet domain control of rotor vibration. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C, 220(2), pp. 167-184. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Cade, Iain S., Keogh, Patrick .S. and Sahinkaya, M.Necip (2005) Fault identification in rotor/magnetic bearing systems using discrete time wavelet coefficients. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 10(6), pp. 648-657. ISSN (print) 1083-4435
Keogh, P.S, Cole, M.O.T, Sahinkaya, M.N. and Burrows, C.R. (2004) On the control of synchronous vibration in rotor/magnetic bearing systems involving auxiliary bearing contact. Journal Of Engineering For Gas Turbines And Power, 126(2), pp. 366-372. ISSN (print) 0742-4795
Cole, Matthew O.T., Keogh, Patrick S., Sahinkaya, Mehmet N. and Burrows, Clifford R. (2004) Towards fault-tolerant active control of rotor-magnetic bearing systems. Control Engineering Practice, 12(4), pp. 491-501. ISSN (print) 0967-0661
Sahinkaya, M.N. (2004) Inverse dynamic analysis of multiphysics systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I, 218(1), pp. 13-26. ISSN (print) 0959-6518
Sahinkaya, M.N., Cole, M.O.T. and Burrows, C.R. (2001) Fault detection and tolerance in synchronous vibration control of rotor-magnetic bearing systems. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C, 215(12), pp. 1401-1416. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Sahinkaya, M.N. (2001) Input shaping for vibration-free positioning of flexible systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I. Journal Of Systems And Control Engineering, 215(5), pp. 467-482. ISSN (print) 0959-6518
Burrows, C. R., Kucuk, N. C., Sahinkaya, M. N. and Stanway, R. (1990) Linearized squeeze-film dynamics: model structure and the interpretation of experimentally derived parameters. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C, 204(4), pp. 263-272. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Burrows, C. R., Sahinkaya, M. N. and Clements, S. (1989) Active vibration control of flexible rotors: an experimental and theoretical study. Proceedings A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 422(1862), pp. 123-146. ISSN (print) 1364-5021
Burrows, C. R., Sahinkaya, M. N. and Clements, S. (1988) Electromagnetic control of oil-film supported rotors using sparse measurements. Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress and Reliability in Design, 110(3), pp. 295-299. ISSN (print) 0739-3717
Burrows, C.R., Sahinkaya, M.N., Kucuk, N.C. and Tong, M.L. (1988) Comparison of algorithms for in situ estimation of squeeze-film bearing characteristics. Journal Of Tribology, 110(2), pp. 382-385. ISSN (print) 0742-4787
Burrows, C. R., Sahinkaya, M. N., Kucuk, N. C. and Tong, M. L. (1988) In situ estimation of the dynamic characteristics of an uncavitated squeeze-film damper. Journal Of Tribology, 110(1), pp. 162-166. ISSN (print) 0742-4787
Burrows, C. R., Sahinkaya, M. N. and Kucuk, N. C. (1987) A new model to predict the behaviour of cavitated squeeze-film bearings. Proceedings A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 411(1841), pp. 445-466. ISSN (print) 1364-5021
Burrows, C.R., Sahinkaya, M.N. and Kucuk, N.C. (1986) Modeling of oil-film forces in squeeze-film bearings. Journal Of Tribology, 108(2), pp. 262-269. ISSN (print) 0742-4787
Burrows, C.R. and Sahinkaya, M.N. (1985) Assessment of techniques for estimating oil-film bearing coefficients. Tribology International, 18(5), pp. 267-274. ISSN (print) 0301-679X
Sahinkaya, M. N. and Burrows, C. R. (1985) Control of stability and the synchronous vibration of a flexible rotor supported on oil-film bvearings. Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, And Control, 107(2), pp. 139-144. ISSN (print) 0022-0434
Sahinkaya, M. N., Turkay, O. S. and Burrows, C. R. (1984) Minimization of the variance in oil-film damping coefficient estimates. Journal Of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, And Control, 106(4), pp. 342-349. ISSN (print) 0022-0434
Sahinkaya, M. N. and Burrows, C. R. (1984) Estimation of linearized oil-film parameters from the out-of-balance response. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science - Part C, 198(2), pp. 131-135. ISSN (print) 0954-4062
Burrows, C.R., Sahinkaya, M.N. and Turkay, O.S. (1984) An adaptive squeeze-film bearing. Journal Of Tribology, 106(1), pp. 145-151. ISSN (print) 0742-4787
Burrows, C.R., Sahinkaya, M.N. and Turkay, O.S. (1984) An adaptive squeeze-film bearing. Journal Of Tribology, 106(1), pp. 145-151. ISSN (print) 0742-4787
Burrows, C. R. and Sahinkaya, M. N. (1983) Vibration control of multi-mode rotor-bearing systems. Proceedings A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 386(1790), pp. 77-94. ISSN (print) 1364-5021
Burrows, C.R. and Sahinkaya, M.N. (1983) A modified algorithm for determining structural controllability. International Journal of Control, 37(6), pp. 1417-1431. ISSN (print) 0020-7179
Burrows, C.R. and Sahinkaya, M.N. (1982) Frequency-domain estimation of linearized oil-film coefficients. Journal of Lubrication Technology, 104(2), pp. 210-215. ISSN (print) 0022-2305
Burrows, C. R. and Sahinkaya, M. N. (1982) Parameter estimation of multi-mode rotor-bearing systems. Proceedings A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 379(1777), pp. 367-387. ISSN (print) 1364-5021
Burrows, C.R. and Sahinkaya, M.N. (1981) A new algorithm for determining structural controllability. International Journal of Control, 33(2), pp. 379-392. ISSN (print) 0020-7179
Ueno, Satoshi and Sahinkaya, Mehmet (2011) Adaptive bias current control in active magnetic bearings for energy optimization. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (2011 Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (DETC2011)-Volume 1, Parts A & B, (47868))
Book Section
Betancor Bosch, Javier, Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Zweiri, Yahya H. (2019) Radial active magnetic bearing design optimization. In: Lucchesi Cavalca, Katia and Weber, Hans Ingo, (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Rotor Dynamics – IFToMM. Cham, Switzerland : Springer. pp. 321-334. (Mechanisms and Machine Science, 1(60)) ISSN (print) 2211-0984 ISBN 9783319992617
Bhatti, Jawaad, Plummer, Andrew R., Sahinkaya, Necip, Iravani, Pejman, Guglielmino, Emanuele and Caldwell, Darwin G. (2012) Fast and adaptive hopping height control of single-legged robot. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 303-309. 3 ISBN 9780791844861
Iravani, P. and Sahinkaya, M. N. (2010) Variable-velocity exponential input shaping for position controlled robotic systems. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ASME 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. Massachusetts, U.S. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 345-351. 2 ISBN 9780791844182
Rayner, Robert, Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Hicks, Ben (2009) Combining inverse dynamics with traditional mechanism synthesis to improve the performance of high speed machinery. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Proceedings of the ASME dynamic systems and control conference.; Dynamic systems and control. Michigan, USA : American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 393-400. ISBN 9780791843352
Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G., Sahinkaya, Necip, Burrows, Clifford R. and Keogh, Patrick S. (2009) Performance assessment of a multi-frequency controller applied to a flexible rotor magnetic bearing system - contact dynamics. In: Ulbrich, Heinz and Ginzinger, Lucas, (eds.) Motion and Vibration Control: Selected Papers from MOVIC 2008. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 11-20. ISBN 9781402094378
Wang, Pengfei, Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Akehurst, Sam (2009) Pseudo-causal tracking control of a nonminimum phase system. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 289-296. 2 ISBN 9780791848937
Rayner, Robert A. C. and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2008) Synthesis of velocity reference cam functions for smooth operation of high speed mechanisms. In: Felipe, J. , Cetto, J.A. and Ferrier, J.L., (eds.) ICINCO 2008: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on informatics in control, automation and robotics, vol SPSMC: signal processing, systems modeling and control. Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication. pp. 183-187. SPSMC ISBN 9789898111326
Sahinkaya, M. Necip, Rayner, Robert M. C., Vernon, Geoff, Shirley, Graham and Aggarwal, Raj K. (2007) Synthesis of demand signals for high speed operation of a packaging mechanism. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences ; Biennial conference on mechanical vibration and noise. Nevada, USA : American Soceity of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 2267-2273. ISBN 9780791848029
Cade, Iain S., Keogh, Patrick S., Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Burrows, Clifford R. (2007) Wavelet coefficient characteristics during rotor/auxiliary bearing contact in active magnetic bearing systems. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. New York, U.S.A. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 1327-1334. 1 ISBN 0791848027
Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Li, Yanzhi (2005) Inverse dynamic analysis and linearisation of a high speed parallel mechanism. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) 29th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference, Parts A and B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 175-181. 7 ISBN 0791847446
Conference or Workshop Item
Nanayakkara, Visakha K., Sornkaran, Nantachai, Wegiriya, Hasitha, Vitzilaios, Nikolaos, Venetsanos, Demetrios, Rojas, Nicolas, Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Nanayakkara, Thrishantha (2019) A method to estimate the oblique arch folding axis for thumb assistive devices. In: 20th Annual Conference on Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS) 2019; 03-05 Jul 2019, London, U.K..
Bin Safwan, Shanna, Alkhoori, Fatima, Zweiri, Yahya and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2018) Implementation of a novel optimal PID methods in UAV Applications. In: 2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM); 18 - 20 July 2018, Singapore.
Nanayakkara, Visakha, Ataka, Ahmad, Venetsanos, Demetrios, Duran, Olga, Vitzilaios, Nikolaos, Nanayakkara, Thrishantha and Sahinkaya, Necip (2016) Kinematic Analysis of the Human Thumb with Foldable Palm. In: 17th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS-16); 28–30 June 2016, Sheffield, UK. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 9716) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319403786
Nanayakkara, Visakha, Venetsanos, Demetrios, Duran, Olga, Nanayakkara, Thrishantha and Sahinkaya, M. Necip (2015) Kinematic analysis of the human thumb with foldable palm to understand its role in grasp affordances. In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Workshop on Affordances; 28 Sep 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G., Sahinkaya, M. Necip and Burrows, Clifford R. (2009) An adaptive weighting control strategy to avoid magnetic bearing contact. In: ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference; 12–14 Oct 2009, Hollywood, California, USA. (ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference) ISBN 9780791848920
Sahinkaya, M. N., Abulrub, A. H., Keogh, P. and Burrows, C. (2009) A multiobjective adaptive controller for magnetic bearing systems. In: 54th ASME Turbo Expo 2009; 08 - 12 Jun 2009, Orlando, U.S..
Hartavi, A. E., Tuncay, R. N. and Sahinkaya, M. N. (2006) The effect of current control strategies on power consumption of a magnetically levitated turbomolecular pump. In: IPEMC 2006: CES/IEEE 5TH INTERNATIONAL POWER ELECTRONICS AND MOTION CONTROL CONFERENCE; Aug 14-16 2006, Shanghai, China. (IEEE International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference IPEMC) ISBN 9781424404483
Abulrub, Abdul-Hadi G., Sahinkaya, M. Necip, Keogh, Patrick S. and Burrows, Clifford R. (2005) Effective model reduction for magnetically levitated flexible rotors including contact dynamics. In: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference; 24-28 Sep 2005, Long Beach, California, USA. (ASME 2005 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Volume 1) ISBN 0791847381