Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017)"

Abbott, Brian and Williams, Steve (2014) Widening the 'representation gap'? The implications of the 'lobbying act' for worker representation in the UK. Industrial Relations Journal, 45(6), pp. 507-523. ISSN (print) 0019-8692
Abubakar, Yazid A. (2014) Influence of mobile telephony on entrepreneurship in BRICs and beyond: the mediator role of education. In: 13th International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF): Entrepreneurship and Development: The Idea of Inclusive Opportunity Creation; 31 Jul - 02 Aug 2014, Bogota, Colombia. (Unpublished)
Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi (2014) The growth of small firms in non-cluster regions: what knowledge factors matter? In: 13th International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF): Entrepreneurship and Development: The Idea of Inclusive Opportunity Creation; 31 Jul - 02 Aug 2014, Bogota, Colombia. (Unpublished)
Adeyeye, Mercy Modupe, Mitra, Jay and Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi (2014) Strategies for entrepreneurship and market innovation by KIBS in developing economies: inclusive agenda for opportunity creation. In: 13th International Entrepreneurship Forum (IEF): Entrepreneurship and Development: The Idea of Inclusive Opportunity Creation; 31 Jul - 02 Aug 2014, Bogota, Colombia. (Unpublished)
Adshead, Julie (2014) Revisiting the ideologies of planning law: private property, public interest and public participation in the legal framework of England and Wales. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 6(1/2), pp. 174-193. ISSN (print) 1756-1450
Al-Esia, Zena and Skok, Walter (2014) Arab knowledge sharing in a multicultural workforce: a dual case study in the UAE. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 4(4), pp. 1-10. ISSN (online) 2223-5833
Alexandrou, George, Gounopoulos, Dimitrios and Thomas, Hardy M. (2014) Mergers and acquisitions in shipping. Transportation Research Part E : Logistics and Transportation Review, 61, pp. 212-234. ISSN (print) 1366-5545
Anderson, Deborah (2014) “Employer Insights”: a case of embedding employability in the curriculum. In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2014: Inspiring future generations: embracing plurality and difference in higher education; 10-12 Dec 2014, Newport, U.K..
Arevshatian, Lilith, Shantz, Amanda and Alfes, Kerstin (2014) Perceptions of HRM practices, safety and quality in healthcare: the mediating role of engagement. In: 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting: The Power of Words; 1-5 Aug 2014, Philadelphia, U.S..
Arevshatian, Lilith and Lewis, Rachel (2014) They just don’t really get it : exploring the wellbeing of customer service workers in healthcare. In: Institute of Work Psychology (IWP) 4th Biennial Conference of Work, Well-being, and Performance; 24-26 Jun 2014, Sheffield, U.K..
Arevshatian, Lilith (2014) They just don’t really get it, it’s about *banging fist against heart*: can human services be provided using a mass production model? In: London Conference in Critical Thought (LCCT) 2014; 27-28 Jun 2014, London, U.K..
Arevshatian, Lilith and Lewis, Rachel (2014) An interpretative phenomenological exploration of wellbeing. In: Tenth Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (QI): Qualitative Inquiry and the Politics of Research; 21-24 May 2014, Champaign, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Ariztía, Tomas, Kleine, Dorothea, Brightwell, Maria das Graças S.L., Agloni, Nurjk, Afonso, Rita and Bartholo, Roberto (2014) Ethical consumption in Brazil and Chile: institutional contexts and development trajectories. Journal of Cleaner Production, 63, pp. 84-92. ISSN (print) 0959-6526
Athayde, Rosemary [Speaker] (2014) Flock theory: a new method for mapping innovation. In: European Council for Small Businesses (ECSB) Webinar; 25 Nov 2014. (Unpublished)
Athayde, Rosemary, Hart, Mark and Wilson, Nick (2014) Flock theory: a new model for mapping innovation and entrepreneurship. In: Cambridge Business & Economics Conference (CBEC) 2014; 1-2 Jul 2014, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Athayde, Rosemary, Hart, Mark and Wilson, Nick (2014) Managing corporate entrepreneurship: organisational practices. In: 59th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2014: Entrepreneurship and Sustainability; 11-14 Jun 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
Athayde, Rosemary [Speaker] (2014) Measuring enterprise potential in young people. In: International comparisons for measuring the impact of enterprise and entrepreneurship education; 29 Oct 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Attar, Arif and Genus, Audley (2014) Framing public engagement: a critical discourse analysis of GM Nation? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 88, pp. 241-250. ISSN (print) 0040-1625
Banks, Sarah, Armstrong, Andrea, Booth, Mark, Brown, Greg, Carter, Kathleen, Clarkson, Maurice, Corner, Lynne, Genus, Audley, Gilroy, Rose, Henfrey, Tom, Hudson, Kate, Jenner, Anna, Moss, Robert, Roddy, Dermont and Russell, Andrew (2014) Using co-inquiry to study co-inquiry: community-university perspectives on research. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 7(1), pp. 37-47. ISSN (print) 1944-1207
Benson, Ian (2014) Can computer science rescue mathematics reform? The Ring(XXXVII), pp. 7-8.
Benson, Ian and Drewry, Melody (2014) Tablets of wisdom. Improvement, Spring, pp. 32-34.
Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie, eds. (2014) Cutting-edge technologies and social media use in higher education. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. 370p. ISBN 9781466651746
Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2014) Measuring the social impact: how social media affects higher education institutions. In: Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie, (eds.) Implications of social media use in personal and professional settings. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. pp. 174-191. (Advances in social networking and online communities (ASNOC) book series) ISBN 9781466674011
Benson, Vladlena, Morgan, Stephanie and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2014) Social career management : social media and employability skills gap. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, pp. 519-525. ISSN (print) 0747-5632
Bermingham, Vera, Hodgson, John and Watson, Susan (2014) Nutshells: Tort. 10th ed. London, U.K. : Sweet & Maxwell. 294p. (Nutshells) ISBN 9780414031913
Biondi, Andrea, Harris, Siri and Horspool, Margot (2014) EU law. London, U.K. : University of London.
Blackburn, Robert, Carey, Peter and Tanewski, George (2014) Business advice by accountants to SMEs: relationship and trust. In: 27th Annual Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ) Conference 2014: Enhancing SME Success in the Digital Economy; 16-18 Jul 2014, Sydney, Australia. (27th Annual Small Enterprise Association of Australia and New Zealand (SEAANZ) Conference Proceedings)
Blackburn, Robert and Welter, Friederike (2014) From idea to publication: managing the research process. In: Fayolle, Alain and Wright, Mike, (eds.) How to get published in the best entrepreneurship journals: a guide to steer your academic career. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp. 72-93. ISBN 9781782540618
Blackburn, Robert and Iskandarova, Marfuga (2014) Student entrepreneurship across the globe: intentions and activities. Report for England 2013/2014. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Small Business Research Centre, Kingston Business School, Kingston University. 45 p.
Blackburn, Robert and Smallbone, David (2014) Sustaining self-employment for disadvantaged entrepreneurs. (Project Report) Paris, France : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 41 p.
Bolden, Richard and Petrov, Georgy (2014) Hybrid configurations of leadership in higher education employer engagement. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 36(4), pp. 408-417. ISSN (print) 1360-080X
Bouckenooghe, Dave, De Clercq, Dirk and Deprez, Jana (2014) Interpersonal justice, relational conflict, and commitment to change: the moderating role of social interaction. Applied Psychology, 63(3), pp. 509-540. ISSN (print) 0269-994X
Broadbent, Graeme (2014) Breach of peace. Westlaw UK Insight.
Broadbent, Graeme and Sellman, Pamela (2014) Information, information, information … overload? Law Teacher, 48(3), pp. 359-366. ISSN (print) 0306-9400
Broadbent, Graeme [Speaker] (2014) Maximising the effectiveness of 'traditional methods'. In: Legal Education Research Network (LERN) Workshop: What’s the point if no-one knows about your research?: embedding effective dissemination into research design; 5th Nov 2014, London, U.K. (Unpublished)
Broadbent, Graeme (2014) Rout. Westlaw UK Insight.
Broadbent, Graeme (2014) Unlawful assembly. Westlaw UK Insight.
Broadbent, Graeme (2014) Violent disorder. Westlaw UK Insight.
Broadbent, Graeme and Sellman, Pamela (2014) What is excellent law teaching? Is it measurable? In: Association of Law Teachers (ALT) 49th Annual Conference: Responding to Change; 13-15 Apr 2014, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Burchell, Kevin, Rettie, Ruth and Roberts, Tom C. (2014) Community, the very idea!: perspectives of participants in a demand-side community energy project. People, Place and Policy, 8(3), pp. 168-179. ISSN (online) 1753-8041
Burchell, Kevin and Rettie, Ruth (2014) Rethinking energy consumption feedback in everyday life. In: 2nd Energy & Society Conference: Energy Transitions as Societal Transitions: Challenges for the Present and the Future; 4-6 Jun 2014, Krakow, Poland. (Unpublished)
Burchell, Kevin, Rettie, Ruth and Roberts, Tom (2014) Working together to save energy? Report of the Smart Communities project. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Behaviour and Practice Research Group, Kingston University. 58 p.
Butler, Christina (2014) Global mobility challenges for HRM. In: Research in Practice Seminar Series: The Future of HR and Internationalisation; 11 Sep 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Butler, Christina and Chongarova, Irina (2014) Leading global teams. In: Kingston Business School Business Breakfast: Leading Global Teams; 11 Nov 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Calzada-Diaz, A., Dayas-Codina, M., McArthur, J.L. and Bielicki, D.M. (2014) Role of the current young generation within the space exploration sector. Space Policy, 30(3b), pp. 178-182. ISSN (print) 0265-9646
Cao, Jianghong, Foster, M. John and Watkins-Mathys, Lorraine (2014) IT-software SMEs in China, technology transfer from universities and entrepreneurship, a successful nexus? Frontiers of Business Research in China, 8(1), pp. 18-48. ISSN (print) 1673-7326
Chawdhary, Rahul and Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2014) Antecedent and consequences of positive word of mouth from WOM sender’s perspective: a conceptual framework in the services context. In: 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference: Paradigm Shifts & Interactions; 3-6 Jun 2014, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 9788437094533
Chawdhary, Rahul and Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2014) Investigating antecedents and consequences of word of mouth from a WOM sender’s perspective in the services context. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2014: Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces; 7-10 Jul 2014, Bournemouth, U.K..
Chawdhary, Rahul and Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2014) Service encounters: case for understanding organisational sub-cultures. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2014: Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces; 7-10 Jul 2014, Bournemouth, U.K..
Chell, Elizabeth and Karatas-Ozkan, Mine, eds. (2014) Handbook of research on small business and entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. 435p. ISBN 9781849809238
Chell, Elizabeth and Karatas-Ozkan, Mine (2014) Introduction to the handbook. In: Chell, Elizabeth and Karatas-Ozkan, Mine, (eds.) Handbook of research on small business and entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781849809238
Chell, Elizabeth (2014) The critical incident technique: philosophical underpinnings, method and application to a case of small business failure. In: Chell, Elizabeth and Karatas-Ozkan, Mine, (eds.) Handbook of research on small business and entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp. 106-129. ISBN 9781849809238
Chortareas, Georgios and Noikokyris, Emmanouil (2014) Monetary policy and stock returns under the MPC and inflation targeting. International Review of Financial Analysis, 31, pp. 109-116. ISSN (print) 1057-5219
Chortareas, Georgios and Noikokyris, Emmanouil (2014) Oil shocks, stock market prices, and the U.S. dividend yield decomposition. International Review Of Economics & Finance, 29, pp. 639-649. ISSN (print) 1059-0560
Chortareas, Georgios and Noikokyris, Emmanouil (2014) U.S. monetary policy surprises and international equity returns : the implications of policy synchronization. In: 12th INFINITI Conference on International Finance; 09 - 10 Jun 2014, Prato, Italy. (Unpublished)
Comi, Alice, Bischof, Nicole and Eppler, Martin J. (2014) Beyond projection: using collaborative visualization to conduct qualitative interviews. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal, 9(2), pp. 110-133. ISSN (print) 1746-5648
Comi, Alice and Eppler, Martin J. (2014) Diagnosing capabilities in family firms : an overview of visual research methods and suggestions for future applications. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 5(1), pp. 41-51. ISSN (print) 1877-8585
Cooper, Penny and Wurtzel, David (2014) Better the second time around? Department of Justice Registered Intermediaries Schemes and lessons from England and Wales. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 65(1), pp. 39-61. ISSN (print) 0029-3105
Cooper, Penny (2014) Bowler as well as umpire. Counsel, pp. 10-12. ISSN (print) 0268-3784
Cooper, Penny (2014) Court and legal skills. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 160p. (Focus on Social Work Law) ISBN 9781137361554
Cooper, Penny (2014) Highs and lows: the 4th intermediary survey. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 36 p.
Cooper, Penny (2014) Lacking empathy: Asperger Syndrome and the criminal justice system. The Circuiteer, Spring(38), pp. 12-15.
Cooper, Penny (2014) Lacking empathy: Asperger Syndrome and the criminal justice system. The Writ: The Journal of the Law Society of Northern Ireland(220), pp. 4-7.
Cooper, Penny (2014) Remote control? New Law Journal, 164(7589), p. 8. ISSN (print) 0306-6479
Cooper, Penny (2014) Speaking when they are spoken to: hearing vulnerable witnesses in care proceedings. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 26(2), pp. 132-151. ISSN (print) 1358-8184
Cooper, Penny (2014) Ticketing talk gets serious. Counsel, pp. 12-13. ISSN (print) 0268-3784
Crisafulli, Benedetta, Singh, Jaywant and Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2014) Do organisational policies matter? The impact of service guarantee on customer perceptions of recovery fairness. In: 43rd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference: Paradigm Shifts & Interactions; 3-6 Jun 2014, Valencia, Spain. ISBN 9788437094533
Crisafulli, Benedetta and Singh, Jaywant (2014) The effect of guarantee terms on service recovery fairness. In: 8th American Marketing Association Services Marketing Special Interest Group (AMA SERVSIG) International Service Research Conference 2014: Services Marketing in the New Economic and Social Landscape; 13-15 Jun 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece. ISBN 9789609874090
Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca, Hand, Chris and Guido, Francesca (2014) Evaluating brand extensions, fit perceptions and post-extension brand image: does size matter? Journal of Marketing Management, 30(9-10), pp. 904-924. ISSN (print) 0267-257X
Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca, Hand, Chris and Singh, Jaywant (2014) The effect of product conspicuousness in vertical downscale extensions: a replication. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2014: Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces; 7-10 Jul 2014, Bournemouth, U.K..
Darbyshire, Penny (2014) Darbyshire on the English legal system. 11th ed. London, U.K. : Sweet & Maxwell. 520p. ISBN 9780414031333
Darbyshire, Penny (2014) Judicial case management in ten Crown courts. Criminal Law Review, 2014(1), pp. 30-50. ISSN (print) 0011-135X
Darbyshire, Penny (2014) Judicial criminal case management in ten English Crown Courts. In: Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting 2014: Law and Inequalities: Global and Local; 29 May-01 Jun 2014, Minneapolis, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Darbyshire, Penny (2014) Jury reform in England and Wales - unfinished business. In: The Third International Conference on Empirical Studies of Judicial Systems: Citizen Participation Around the World; 5-6 Sep 2014, Taipei, Taiwan. (Unpublished)
Darbyshire, Penny (2014) Sitting in judgment - the working lives of judges. In: Guest lecture; 3 Mar 2014, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Daskalaki, Maria (2014) Mobility in urban social events: towards organizational transvergence. Culture and Organization, 20(3), pp. 215-231. ISSN (print) 1475-9551
Daskalaki, Maria and Kokkinidis, George (2014) Solidarity spaces and infrastructures of resistance. In: 9th Organizations Studies (OS) Summer Workshop 2014: Resistance, Resisting, and Resisters in and around Organizations; 22-24 May 2014, Corfu, Greece. (Unpublished)
Davis, Kate (2014) Different stakeholder groups and their perceptions of project success. International Journal of Project Management, 32(2), pp. 189-201. ISSN (print) 0263-7863
Davis, Kate [Compiler] (2014) Project management. 2nd ed. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. 631p. ISBN 9781783992843
De Clercq, Dirk, Thongpapanl, Narongsak and Dimov, Dimo (2014) Contextual ambidexterity in SMEs: the roles of internal and external rivalry. Small Business Economics, 42(1), pp. 191-205. ISSN (print) 0921-898X
De Clercq, Dirk, Sapienza, Harry J. and Zhou, Lianxi (2014) Entrepreneurial strategic posture and learning effort in international ventures: the moderating roles of operational flexibilities. International Business Review, 23(5), pp. 981-992. ISSN (print) 0969-5931
De Clercq, Dirk and Zhou, Lianxi (2014) Entrepreneurial strategic posture and performance in foreign markets: the critical role of international learning effort. Journal of International Marketing, 22(2), pp. 47-67. ISSN (print) 1069-031X
De Clercq, Dirk, Lim, Dominic S.K. and Oh, Chang Hoon (2014) Hierarchy and conservatism in the contributions of resources to entrepreneurial activity. Small Business Economics, 42(3), pp. 507-522. ISSN (print) 0921-898X
De Clercq, Dirk, Dimov, Dimo and Belausteguigoitia, Imanol (2014) Perceptions of adverse work conditions and innovative behavior: the buffering roles of relational resources. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 40(3), pp. 515-542. ISSN (print) 1042-2587
De Clercq, Dirk, Bouckenooghe, Dave, Raja, Usman and Matsyborska, Ganna (2014) Servant leadership and work engagement: the contingency effects of leader-follower social capital. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 25(2), pp. 183-212. ISSN (print) 1044-8004
De Clercq, Dirk, Bouckenooghe, Dave, Raja, Usman and Matsyborska, Ganna (2014) Unpacking the goal congruence-organizational deviance relationship: the roles of work engagement and emotional intelligence. Journal of Business Ethics, 124(4), pp. 695-711. ISSN (print) 0167-4544
Dimitratos, Pavlos, Amorós, José Ernesto, Etchebarne, María Soledad and Felzensztein, Christian (2014) Micro-multinational or not? International entrepreneurship, networking and learning effects. Journal of Business Research, 67(5), pp. 908-915. ISSN (print) 0148-2963
Dini, Sergio, Pasculli, Lorenzo and Riondato, Silvio (2014) Fucilazione e decimazione nel diritto italiano del 1915-1918 [Shootings and decimation in Italian law of 1915-1918]. In: Costantini, Gianluca and Stamboulis, Elettra, (eds.) Officina del macello: 1917 la decimazione della Brigata Catanzaro. Turin, Italy : Eris Edizioni. pp. 103-114. ISBN 9788898644070
Do, Hang, Mazzarol, Tim, Volery, Thierry and Soutar, Geoff (2014) Owner-managers' rent-seeking in innovation commercialisation: new insights into a small business typology. In: European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) Post-Doctoral Writing Workshop (PDWW) at RENT XXVIII; 19 Nov 2014, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. (Unpublished)
Do, Thuy Hang (2014) Determinants of innovation commercialization management and anticipated returns: an exploratory typology of SMEs. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 11(6), p. 1450042. ISSN (print) 0219-8770
Do, Thuy Hang, Mazzarol, Tim, Volery, Thierry and Reboud, Sophie (2014) Predicting anticipated rent from innovation commercialisation in SMEs. European Journal of Innovation Management, 17(2), pp. 183-208. ISSN (print) 1460-1060
Do, Thuy Hang (2014) Strategic management of innovation within SMEs. (PhD thesis), University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, .
Donaldson-Feilder, Emma and Lewis, Rachel (2014) People management - vital for employee health, wellbeing and engagement: research into practice. In: 11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology: Looking at the past - planning for the future: Capitalizing on OHP multidisciplinarity; 14-16 Apr 2014, London, U.K.. ISBN 9780992878603
East, Robert, Uncles, Mark D. and Lomax, Wendy (2014) Hear nothing, do nothing : the role of word of mouth in the decision-making of older consumers. Journal of Marketing Management, 30(7-8), ISSN (print) 0267-257X
East, Robert, Uncles, Mark D., Romaniuk, Jenni and Hand, Chris (2014) The decay of positive and negative word of mouth after product experience. Australasian Marketing Journal, 22(4), pp. 350-355. ISSN (print) 1441-3582
Edwards, Christine, Guven-Uslu, Pinar, Gourlay, Stephen, Drennan, Vari and Gillard, Steven (2014) Explaining health managers’ information-seeking behaviour and use. BMC Health Services Research, 14(Suppl 2), P34. ISSN (online) 1472-6963
Egbeniyoko, Samuel (2014) Exploring the critical success factors of business intelligence system implementation : an empirical study and proposed integrated model. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, .
Felzensztein, Christian and Gimmon, Eli (2014) Competitive advantage in global markets: the case of the salmon industry in Chile. European Business Review, 26(6), pp. 568-587. ISSN (print) 0955-534X
Felzensztein, Christian, Brodt, Susan E. and Gimmon, Eli (2014) Do strategic marketing and social capital really matter in regional clusters? Lessons from an emerging economy of Latin America. Journal of Business Research, 67(4), pp. 498-507. ISSN (print) 0148-2963
Felzensztein, Christian, Stringer, Christina, Benson-Rea, Maureen and Freeman, Susan (2014) International marketing strategies in industrial clusters: insights from the Southern Hemisphere. Journal of Business Research, 67(5), pp. 837-846. ISSN (print) 0148-2963
Ferguson, Gabrielle and Arevshatian, Lilith (2014) Critical evaluation of the Kingston University 'Introduction Days'. In: The 5th Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 9-10 Jun 2014, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Benson, Vladlena (2014) Students' use of social networking sites. AngloHigher, 5(1), pp. 18-19. ISSN (online) 2041-8469
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2014) Measuring the relationship between study habits and preferred learning style in higher education. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) 2014 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings. IEEE. pp. 1323-1326. ISBN 9781479939213
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2014) Book Review of: 'Research data: practical strategies for information professionals' by J.M. Ray. International Journal of Information Management, 34(4), pp. 564-565. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Foster, John (2014) Foreign direct investment in China. In: Wright, Tim, (ed.) Oxford Bibliographies Online: Chinese Studies. New York, U.S. : Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780199920082
Foster, M. John (2014) A model to evaluate FDI prospects: illustrated by its application to three Asian countries. International Journal of Economic and Management Engineering, 4(3), pp. 55-63. ISSN (print) 2225-742X
Genus, Audley (2014) Coinquiry for environmental sustainability: a review of the UK Beacons for Public Engagement. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32(3), pp. 491-508. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Genus, Audley (2014) Governing sustainability: a discourse-institutional approach. Sustainability, 6(1), pp. 283-305. ISSN (online) 2071-1050
Genus, Audley (2014) Managing large-scale technology and inter-organizational relations: the case of the Channel Tunnel. In: Flyvbjerg, Bent, (ed.) Megaprojects planning and management: essential readings. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. (Elgar Mini Series) ISBN 9781781001707
Genus, Audley (2014) Roles for university researchers in promoting sustainability. In: Fourth International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity; 2-6 Sep 2014, Leipzig, Germany. (Unpublished)
Genus, Audley (2014) SCORAI (Europe)/Kingston University Sustainable Consumption Workshop. (Other) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 9 p. (Unpublished)
Genus, Audley and Mafakheri, Fereshteh (2014) A neo-institutional perspective of supply chains and energy security: bioenergy in the UK. Applied Energy, 123, pp. 307-315. ISSN (print) 0306-2619
Giesbers, Suzanne, Schouteten, Roel L.J., Poutsma, Erik, van der Heijden, Beatrice I.J.M. and van Achterberg, Theo (2014) Nurses' perception of feedback on quality measurements: development and validation of a measure. Zeitschrift fur Personalforschung, 28(3), pp. 391-398. ISSN (print) 0179-6437
Gotsopoulos, Aleksios and Pitsakis, Konstantinos (2014) Beyond communities and populations : organizational groups and the case of UK university spinoffs. In: 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting: The Power of Words; 01 - 05 Aug 2014, Philadelphia, U.S. ISSN (print) 0065-0668
Guest, David and Rodrigues, Ricardo (2014) Beyond the duality between bounded and boundaryless careers: new avenues for careers research. Career Development International, 19(6), ISSN (print) 1362-0436
Guest, David and Rodrigues, Ricardo (2014) HR attributions, HR implementation and employee well-being. In: 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting: The Power of Words; 1-5 Aug 2014, Philadelphia, U.S.
Hand, Chris and Singh, Jaywant (2014) Segmenting the betting market in England. International Journal of Market Research, 56(1), pp. 111-127. ISSN (print) 1470-7853
Harries, Tim, Costanza, Enrico and Brightwell, Maria das Graças (2014) Transforming feedback - a study of how interactive, engagement-oriented feedback can enhance behaviour change around electricity consumption. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Sustainable Society Network. 13 p. (Working Papers, no. 2)
Harris, Patricia, Alsadat Khatami, Nasim and Robinson, Helen (2014) Antecedents of word of mouth among female grocery shoppers in Iran. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2014: Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces; 07 - 10 Jul 2014, Bournemouth, U.K..
Harris, Siri (2014) Competition law and policy. In: Horspool, Margot and Humphreys, Matthew, (eds.) European Union law. 8th ed. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 391-450. (Core Text Series) ISBN 9780199685615
Harrop, Stuart (2014) Holistic and leadership approaches to international regulation: confronting nature conservation and developmental challenges. A reply to Farnese. Transnational Environmental Law, 3(2), pp. 311-320. ISSN (print) 2047-1025
Haussler, K., Marcellusi, A., Mennini, F.S., Favato, G., Picardo, M., Garganese, G., Bononi, M., Scambia, G., Capone, A. and Baio, G. (2014) The effect of herd immunity in different human papillomavirus vaccination strategies : an economic evaluation of the Best II study. In: ISPOR 19th Annual International Meeting; 31 May - 04 Jun 2014, Montreal, Canada.
Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Steve (2014) Civil society organisations - a new employment actor. (Discussion Paper) London, U.K. : Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service. 11 p. (Acas Policy Discussion Papers)
Hill, Alex and Laker, Benjamin (2014) Understanding the relationships between investment and business performance over time within service organisations. In: 21st EurOMA Conference: Operations Management in an Innovation Economy; 20-25 Jun 2014, Palermo, Italy. (Unpublished)
Honyenuga, Ben Q., Tuninga, Ronald S. J. and Ghijsen, Paul W. Th. (2014) High performance organizations framework as a predictor of firm performance in the insurance industry in Ghana. Journal of Transnational Management, 19(4), pp. 261-278. ISSN (print) 1547-5778
Hosseini, Sara, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Dullaert, Wout, Raa, Birger, Rajabi, Mohsen and Bolhari, Alireza (2014) A robust optimization model for a supply chain under uncertainty. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 25(4), pp. 387-402. ISSN (print) 1471-678X
Hunt, Stephen and Tribe, John (2014) Insolvency bonds: practice and reform. Insolvency Intelligence, 27(2), pp. 17-24.
Ibrahim, Salma and Cho, Myojung (2014) The effect of non-financial performance measures on CEO pay sensitivity to shareholder wealth. In: British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference; 14-16 Apr 2014, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Inglis, Debbie and Lomax, Wendy (2014) Knowing me, knowing you. Aha. (Or not): the impact of personality type on response to advertising. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2014: Marketing Dimensions: People, Places and Spaces; 7-10 Jul 2014, Bournemouth, U.K..
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