Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Business and management studies"

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Number of items: 215.


Abbott, Brian (2013) Unmasking the Big Society. In: The UK Coalition Government and Employment Relations; 16 Dec 2013, Portsmouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Abginehchi, Soheil, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Rezapour, Shabnam (2013) A mathematical model for order splitting in a multiple supplier single-item inventory system. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32(1), pp. 55-67. ISSN (print) 0278-6125

Abubakar, Yazid A. and Mitra, Jay (2013) The venturesome poor and entrepreneurial activity in Nigeria: the role of consumption, technology and human capital. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 14(4), pp. 235-254. ISSN (print) 1465-7503

Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi (2013) Agglomeration of high-tech firms and new product innovations. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 404p. ISBN 9783659382819

Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi (2013) Technology in impoverished markets and new business formation rates: spatial analysis of developing countries. Journal of Strategy and Management, 6(2), pp. 139-159. ISSN (print) 1755-425X

Ackfeldt, Anna-Lena and Malhotra, Neeru (2013) Revisiting the role stress-commitment relationship : can managerial interventions help? European Journal of Marketing, 47(3/4), pp. 353-374. ISSN (print) 0309-0566

Adnan, A., Safa, M., Lung, A.W.M. and Muppala, S. (2013) Improvement of outsourcing employing lean philosophy. International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology and Engineering, 2(3), pp. 1-13. ISSN (print) 2319-7463

Agnoletto, Stefano (2013) Building an economic ethic niche. Italian immigrants in the Toronto construction industry (1950s - 1970s), a case study. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Alfes, K., Shantz, A. D., Truss, C. and Soane, E. C. (2013) The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(2), pp. 330-351. ISSN (print) 0958-5192

Alfes, Kerstin, Shantz, Amanda D. and Dolenga, Leticia (2013) Individual and workgroup perceptions of over-qualification on performance. In: 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP): Bringing I-O Innovations to Life: Making Our Work Stick; 11-13 Apr 2013, Houston, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Alfes, Kerstin and Shantz, Amanda D. (2013) Person-organization fit and individual performance: exploring mediating and moderating mechanisms. In: 28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP): Bringing I-O Innovations to Life: Making Our Work Stick; 11-13 Apr 2013, Houston, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Alfes, Kerstin, Truss, Catherine, Soane, Emma, Rees, Chris and Gatenby, Mark (2013) The relationship between line manager behavior, perceived HRM practices and individual performance. Examining the mediating role of engagement. Human Resource Management, 52(6), pp. 839-859. ISSN (print) 0090-4848

Anagnostopoulos, Yiannis and Gkemitzis, Christos (2013) Size, profitability and risk level effects of accounting disclosures : a study on the Greek banking industry. Public and Municipal Finance, 2(2), pp. 15-34. ISSN (print) 2222-1867

Anderson, Deborah (2013) "Experts and novices" : an intervention to support literature review and analysis. In: 12th European Conference on Research Methodology (ECRM) for Business and Management Studies; 04 - 05 Jul 2013, Guimaraes, Portugal.

Annan-Diab, Fatima and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2013) A resource based view perspective of multinationals' motivations : evidence from the case of Ireland. In: European International Business Academy (EIBA) 29th Annual Conference; 12-14 Dec 2013, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished)

Arevshatian, Lilith and Lewis, Rachel (2013) Shawshank redemption and unpalatable messages: the wellbeing of feedback professionals. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Annual Conference 2013: Connecting and Contributing to Make a Difference; 9-11 Jan 2013, Chester, U.K..

Arveshatian, Lilith and Lewis, Rachel (2013) 'Spinal cord' for the trust, or 'outside toilet'? The wellbeing of NHS feedback employees. In: 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP); 22-24 Jul 2013, Bradford, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa and Wei, Qi (2013) Talent management. In: Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa and Perkins, Stephen, (eds.) Organizational behaviour: people, process, work and human resource management. London, U.K. : Kogan Page. pp. 155-179. ISBN 9780749463601

Asgari, Nasrin, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Rashidi-Bajgan, Hannaneh and Sajadiehd, Mohsen S. (2013) Developing model-based software to optimise wheat storage and transportation: a real-world application. Applied Soft Computing, 13(2), pp. 1074-1084. ISSN (print) 1568-4946

Asgari, Nasrin, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Goh, Mark (2013) Network design approach for hub ports-shipping companies competition and cooperation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 48, pp. 1-18. ISSN (online) 0965-8564

Athayde, Rosemary (2013) An entrepreneurial profile of young enterprise participants. (Project Report) Young Enterprise. 18 p.

Athayde, Rosemary and Hart, Mark (2013) The impact of enterprise education on propensity, intentions and attitudes: some evidence from a study of Young Enterprise UK. In: 3E Conference - Inaugural ECSB Entrepreneurship Education Conference; 29-31 May 2013, Aarhus, Denmark. (Unpublished)

Athayde, Rosemary and Hart, Mark (2013) An investigation into the persistence of entrepreneurial activity in a global city. In: 36th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Escape Velocity: Entrepreneurship in an Internationalising Environment; 12-13 Nov 2013, Cardiff, U.K.. ISBN 9781900862264

Atherton, Andrew and Smallbone, David (2013) Promoting private sector development in China: the challenge of building institutional capacity at the local level. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31(1), pp. 5-23. ISSN (print) 0263-774X

Audretsch, David B., Bönte, Werner and Tamvada, Jagannadha Pawan (2013) Religion, social class, and entrepreneurial choice. Journal of Business Venturing, 28(6), pp. 774-789. ISSN (print) 0883-9026


Baghalian, Atefeh, Rezapour, Shabnam and Zanjirani Farahani, Reza (2013) Robust supply chain network design with service level against disruptions and demand uncertainties: a real-life case. European Journal of Operational Research, 227(1), pp. 199-215. ISSN (print) 0377-2217

Bahn, Susanne and Kitching, John (2013) Regulating small firm safety via the supply chain: implications of the Australian Work Health and Safety Act. Journal of Health, Safety and Environment, 29(5), pp. 285-290. ISSN (print) 0815-6409

Barthold, Charles (2013) Corporate social responsibility, collaboration and depoliticisation. Business Ethics: A European Review, 22(4), pp. 393-403. ISSN (print) 0962-8770

Beaverstock, Johnathan V., Hall, Sarah and Wainwright, Thomas (2013) Servicing the super-rich: new financial elites and the rise of the private wealth management retail ecology. Regional Studies, 47(6), pp. 834-849. ISSN (print) 0034-3404

Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita (2013) Attractiveness of limited edition artwork for first-generation newly affluent consumers. International Journal of Arts Management, 15(3), pp. 21-38. ISSN (print) 1480-8986

Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Social higher education: how effective is it? In: The 8th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL) 2013; 27-28 Jun 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. ISSN (print) 2048-8882 ISBN 9781909507265

Benson, Vladlena (2013) Social media revenue streams and social business models facing traditional challenges of eBusiness. Global Business and Economics Anthology, II, pp. 24-35. ISSN (print) 1553-1392

Benson, Vladlena, Morgan, Stephanie and Tennakoon, Hemamali (2013) Social networking in higher education: a knowledge convergence platform. In: Lytras, Miltiadis D. , Ruan, Da , Tennyson, Robert D. , Ordonez De Pablos, Patricia , Garcia Penalvo, Francisco and Rusu, Lazar, (eds.) Information systems, e-learning, and knowledge management research: 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2011, Mykonos, Greece, September 21-23, 2011. Revised selected papers. Berlin, Germany : Springer. pp. 416-425. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 278) ISSN (print) 1865-0929 ISBN 9783642358791

Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Student employability: can I get a job through social networking? In: 2013 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) Conference: Exploring Spaces for Learning; 13-15 Jan 2013, Orlando, Florida, U.S..

Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Student experience and ubiquitous learning in higher education: impact of wireless and cloud applications. Journal of Creative Education, 4(8a), pp. 1-5.

Blackburn, Robert (2013) Government, SMEs and entrepreneurship development: the challenges of intervention. In: Institute of Public Accountants (IPA) - Deakin Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Conference on Regulation, Competition and Taxation: Challenges for Small Business and Accountants; 14 Oct 2013, Burwood, Australia. (Unpublished)

Blackburn, Robert and Giudici, Alessandro (2013) The lost art of loyalty: a key to business growth. (Technical Report) London: U.K. : Barclays Bank/Kingston University. 11 p.

Blackburn, Robert A., Hart, Mark and Wainwright, Thomas (2013) Small business performance: business, strategy and owner-manager characteristics. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20(1), pp. 8-27. ISSN (print) 1462-6004

Blankson, Charles, Cowan, Kirsten, Crawford, John, Kalafatis, Stavros, Singh, Jaywant and Coffie, Stanley (2013) A review of the relationships and impact of market orientation and market positioning on organisational performance. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 21(6), pp. 499-512. ISSN (print) 0965-254X

Brondino, Margherita, Paolillo, Anna, Pasini, Margherita, Lazzarini, Gianluigi and Romeo, Luciano (2013) Work-related stress mediates the relationship between safety climate and safety performance. In: 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) : Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?; 22-25 May 2013, Münster, Germany. (Unpublished)

Budjanovcanin, Alexandra, Rodrigues, Ricardo and Guest, David (2013) Developing and testing a measure of career regret. In: 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP): Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?; 22-25 May 2013, Munster, Germany. (Unpublished)

Bull, Elaine E., Pyman, Amanda and Gilman, Mark W. (2013) A reassessment of non-union employee representation in the UK: developments since the ‘ICE’ age. Journal of Industrial Relations, 55(4), pp. 546-564. ISSN (print) 0022-1856

Burchell, Kevin, Rettie, Ruth and Patel, Kavita (2013) Marketing social norms: social marketing and the 'social norm approach'. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(1), pp. 1-9. ISSN (print) 1472-0817


Chawdhary, Rahul (2013) An empirical investigation of customer satisfaction-PWOM-service loyalty link from the WOM sender's perspective in the services context. In: 26th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Doctoral Colloquium; 2-4 Jun 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

Chell, Elizabeth (2013) Review of skill and the entrepreneurial process. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 19(1), pp. 6-31. ISSN (print) 1355-2554

Choi, Youngseok (2013) DYMS (dynamic matcher selector) - scenario-based schema matcher selector. In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2013; 18-22 Jun 2013, Jeju Island, Korea.

Choi, Youngseok and Park, Jinsoo (2013) The need for paradigm shift in semantic similarity and semantic relatedness : from cognitive semantics perspective. Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems, 19(1), pp. 111-123. ISSN (print) 2288-4866

Commander, Simon, Isachenkova, Natalia and Rodionova, Yulia (2013) Informal employment dynamics in Ukraine: an analytical model of informality in transition economies. International Labour Review, 152(3-4), pp. 445-467. ISSN (print) 0020-7780


Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Guido, Francesca (2013) Does size matter in fit perceptions, extension evaluation and post-extension brand image? In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2013: Marketing Relevance; 8-11 Jul 2013, Cardiff, Wales.

Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca, Pina, Jose M. and Bravo, Rafael (2013) Downscale extensions: consumer evaluation and feedback effects. Journal of Business Research, 66(2), pp. 196-206. ISSN (print) 0148-2963

Daskalaki, Maria and Mould, Oli (2013) Beyond urban subcultures: urban subversions as rhizomatic social formations. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(1), pp. 1-18. ISSN (print) 0309-1317

Daskalaki, Maria, Sotiropoulou, Irene and Fotaki, Marianna (2013) Towards transformational entrepreneurship: collaborative self-organised initiatives in Greece. In: The 8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies (CMS): Extending the Limits of Neo-Liberal Capitalism; 10-12 Jul 2013, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

De Clercq, Dirk, Thongpapanl, Narongsak (Tek) and Dimov, Dimo (2013) Getting more from cross-functional fairness and product innovativeness: contingency effects of internal resource and conflict management. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 30(1), pp. 56-69. ISSN (print) 0737-6782

De Clercq, Dirk, Lim, Dominic S.K. and Oh, Chang Hoon (2013) Individual-level resources and new business activity: the contingent role of institutional context. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(2), pp. 303-330. ISSN (print) 1042-2587

De Clercq, Dirk, Dimov, Dimo and Thongpapanl, Narongsak (Tek) (2013) Organizational social capital, formalization, and internal knowledge sharing in entrepreneurial orientation formation. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 37(3), pp. 505-537. ISSN (print) 1042-2587

De Clercq, Dirk, Thongpapanl, Narongsak (Tek) and Dimov, Dimo (2013) Shedding new light on the relationship between contextual ambidexterity and firm performance: an investigation of internal contingencies. Technovation, 33(4-5), pp. 119-132. ISSN (print) 0166-4972

De Clercq, Dirk, Honig, Benson and Martin, Bruce (2013) The roles of learning orientation and passion for work in the formation of entrepreneurial intention. International Small Business Journal, 31(6), pp. 652-676. ISSN (print) 0266-2426

Dewberry, Chris, Juanchich, Marie and Narendran, Sunitha (2013) Decision-making competence in everyday life: the roles of general cognitive styles, decision-making styles and personality. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(7), pp. 783-788. ISSN (print) 0191-8869

Donaldson-Feilder, Emma, Munir, Fehmidah and Lewis, Rachel (2013) Leadership and employee well-being. In: Leonard, H. Skipton , Lewis, Rachel , Freedman, Arthur M. and Passmore, Jonathan, (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of leadership, change and organizational development. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 155-173. ISBN 9781119976578

Donaldson-Feilder, Emma and Lewis, Rachel (2013) Role of the line manager in engendering sustainable employee engagement.

Doran, Desmond, Hill, Alex, Brown, Steve, Aktas, Emel and Kuula, Markku (2013) Operations management teaching. Industry and Higher Education, 27(5), pp. 375-387. ISSN (print) 0950-4222

de Cassia Monteiro Afonso, Rita, Bartholo, Roberto, Kleine, Dorothea and Brightwell, Maria das Gracas (2013) Sobre palavras e atos no consumo sustentavel no Brasil: os 'aparentes paradoxos' de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Sustentabilidade em Debate, 4(1), pp. 185-207. ISSN (print) 2177-7675


East, Robert , Wright, Malcolm and Vanhuele, Marc, eds. (2013) Consumer behaviour: applications in marketing. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. 337p. ISBN 9781446211236

East, Robert, Uncles, Mark D., Romaniuk, Jenni and Hand, Chris (2013) Distortion in retrospective measures of word of mouth. International Journal of Market Research, 55(4), pp. 477-486. ISSN (print) 1470-7853

Edwards, Christine, Fox, Rebekah, Gillard, Steven, Gourlay, Stephen, Guven, Pinar, Jackson, Charles, Chambers, Mary and Drennan, Vari (2013) Explaining health managers' information seeking behaviour and use. (Project Report) Southampton, U.K. : National Institute for Health Research. 215 p.

Ennals, John Richard (2013) Collaborative advantage. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 374-378. ISBN 9783642280351

Ennals, John Richard (2013) Social convoy. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2200-2203. ISBN 9783642280351

Ennals, John Richard (2013) Social dialogue. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2203-2206. ISBN 9783642280351

Ennals, John Richard (2013) Social partnership. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2235-2238. ISBN 9783642280351

Ennals, John Richard (2013) Soft law. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2270-2273. ISBN 9783642280351

Ennals, John Richard (2013) UN Global Compact. In: Idowu, Samuel O. , Capaldi, Nicholas , Zu, Liangrong and Das Gupta, Ananda, (eds.) Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Berlin, Germany : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 2589-2592. ISBN 9783642280351


Faherty, Anna (2013) Curiouser and curiouser: novelty-centred business models and value creation in established book publishing firms. In: Eleventh International Conference on Books and Publishing; 26 - 27 Sep 2013, Regensburg, Germany.

Faherty, Anna (2013) Curiouser and curiouser: novelty-centred business models and value creation in established publishing firms. International Journal of the Book, 11(1), pp. 39-57. ISSN (print) 1447-9516

Faherty, Anna, ed. (2013) Martinis, masterclasses and space missions: new frontiers in contemporary publishing. London, U.K. : Kingston University Press. 68p. ISBN 9781899999637

Faherty, Anna (2013) Want to get even? Get angry! Publishing Talk(4), pp. 14-16.

Fahimnia, Behnam, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Sarkis, Joseph (2013) Integrated aggregate supply chain planning using memetic algorithm: a performance analysis case study. International Journal of Production Research, 51(18), pp. 5354-5373. ISSN (print) 0020-7543

Fahimnia, Behnam, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Marian, Romeo and Luong, Lee (2013) A review and critique on integrated production–distribution planning models and techniques. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 32(1), pp. 1-19. ISSN (print) 0278-6125

Farmer, Mark, Archbold, Stuart and Alexandrou, George (2013) CEO compensation and relative company performance evaluation: UK evidence. Compensation & Benefits Review, 45(2), pp. 88-96. ISSN (print) 0886-3687

Farmer, Mark, Brown, Duncan, Reilly, Peter and Bevan, Stephen (2013) Executive remuneration in the United Kingdom: will the coalition government's latest reforms secure improvement and what else is required? Compensation & Benefits Review, 45(1), pp. 26-33. ISSN (print) 0886-3687

Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Folorunso, Sakinat Oluwabukonla (2013) Impact of sampling on neural network classification performance in the context of repeat movie viewing. In: Iliadis, Lazaros , Papadopoulos, Harris and Jayne, Chrisina, (eds.) Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 14th International Conference, EANN 2013, Halkidiki, Greece, September 13-16, 2013 Proceedings, Part I. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 213-222. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 383) ISBN 9783642410123

Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2013) Book Review of: 'Adopting open source software: a practical guide' by B. Fitzgerald, J.P. Kesan, B. Russo, M. Shaikh, G.C. Succi. International Journal of Information Management, 33(6), pp. 975-976. ISSN (print) 0268-4012

Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2013) Book Review of: 'Fundamentals of business information systems', 2nd ed. by R. Stair, G. Reynolds and T. Chesney. International Journal of Information Management, 33(2), pp. 415-416. ISSN (print) 0268-4012

Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2013) Book Review of: 'MIS3' by H. Bidgoli. International Journal of Information Management, 33(4), pp. 703-705. ISSN (print) 0268-4012

Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2013) Book Review of: 'Nanotechnology: ethical and social implications' by A.S. Khan (ed.). International Journal of Information Management, 33(5), pp. 907-908. ISSN (print) 0268-4012

Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2013) Book Review of: 'Pegasus: the seminal early computer' by H. McGregor Ross. International Journal of Information Management, 33(5), pp. 906-907. ISSN (print) 0268-4012

Foster-McGregor, Neil, Pöschl, Johannes, Rincon-Aznar, Ana, Stehrer, Robert, Vecchi, Michela and Venturini, Francesco (2013) Reducing productivity and efficiency gaps : the role of knowledge assets, absorptive capacity and institutions. In: Director-General for Enterprise and Industry, (ed.) European competitiveness report 2013 : towards knowledge-driven reindustrialisation. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union. pp. 77-111. ISSN (print) 1682-0800 ISBN 9789279332678

Frech, Bernadette, Malhotra, Neeru and Higson, Helen (2013) Does satisfaction pay off? A conceptual model of customer satisfaction in a higher education context. In: Academy of Marketing Conference 2013 : Marketing Relevance; 08-11 Jul 2013, Cardiff, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Galan-Ladero, M. Mercedes, Galera-Casquet, Clementina and Singh, Jaywant (2013) Cause-related alliances between businesses and nonprofit organisations: antecedents of consumer attitudes. In: The 4th Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 10 May 2013, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Garcia-Iglesias, Jesús M., Muñoz Torres, Rebeca and Saridakis, George (2013) Did the Bank of Mexico follow a systematic behaviour in its transition to an inflation targeting regime? Applied Financial Economics, 23(14), pp. 1205-1213. ISSN (print) 0960-3107

Genus, Audley (2013) Creating low carbon neighbourhoods: discourses and academic roles. In: Bridging Across Communities and Cultures Towards Sustainable Consumption; 4 Jun 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

Georgellis, Yannis and Narendran, Sunitha (2013) Unemployment and the set point model of life satisfaction: does religion heal old wounds? In: Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) 50th Annual Meeting: Creativity and Innovation: Designs for the Future; 8-11 May 2013, Baltimore, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Ghadimi, Saeed, Szidarovszky, Ferenc, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Yousefzadeh Khiabani, Alireza (2013) Coordination of advertising in supply management with cooperating manufacturer and retailers. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 24(1), pp. 1-19. ISSN (print) 1471-678X

Gill, Victoria and Kitching, John (2013) Assessing the contribution of ICT to the triple bottom line. In: 36th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Escape Velocity: Entrepreneurship in an Internationalising Environment; 12-13 Nov 2013, Cardiff, U.K.. ISBN 9781900862264

Gregson, Nicky, Watkins, Helen and Calestani, Melania (2013) Political markets: recycling, economization and marketization. Economy and Society, 42(1), pp. 1-25. ISSN (print) 0308-5147


Hanak, Robert, Sirota, Miroslav and Juanchich, Marie (2013) Experts use compensatory strategies more often than novices in hiring decisions. Studia Psychologica, 55(4), pp. 251-263. ISSN (print) 0039-3320

Hand, Chris (2013) Modelling the drivers of film box office performance. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2013: Marketing Relevance; 8-11 Jul 2013, Cardiff, Wales.

Hannon, Enda (2013) Industrial policy and employment: exploring the links in the UK food manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors. In: British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) 63rd Annual Conference; 27-29 Jun 2013, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hannon, Enda (2013) The coalition government’s economic policy and employment. In: The UK Coalition Government and Employment Relations; 16 Dec 2013, Portsmouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Harries, Tim, Rettie, Ruth, Studley, Matthew, Burchell, Kevin and Chambers, Simon (2013) Is social norms marketing effective? A case study in domestic electricity consumption. European Journal of Marketing, 47(9), pp. 1458-1475. ISSN (online) 0309-0566

Hermidas, Amir (2013) An investigation of the effect of civil liberties and political rights on Foreign Direct Investment. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hill, Alex and Laker, Benjamin (2013) The investment-fit-performance triangle: the relationships between investment, strategic fit and performance in service organisations. In: 24th Annual Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) Conference: Integrating Practice in POM Research and Teaching; 3-6 May 2013, Denver, Colorado, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Honyenuga, Ben Q. and Tuninga, Ronald (2013) Towards a model of high performance organizations in Ghana. In: 44th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI): Decision Analytics - Rediscovering Our Roots; 16-19 Nov 2013, Baltimore, U.S..


Imas, J. Miguel, Donnelly, Paul, Sell, Lucia, Daskalaki, Maria and Garcia, Lucia (2013) Les Misérables, deuxième partie, insurrection and resistance at the heart of entrepreneurship. In: The 8th International Conference in Critical Management Studies (CMS): Extending the Limits of Neo-Liberal Capitalism; 10-12 Jul 2013, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Iskandarova, Marfuga (2013) Co-construction of credibility and expertise: the case of Wave Hub. In: Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting 2013; 9-12 Oct 2013, San Diego, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Iskandarova, Marfuga (2013) Constructing a macro-actor in practice: the case of Wave Hub. (PhD thesis), University of Exeter, .


Jayawarna, Dilani, Rouse, Julia and Kitching, John (2013) Entrepreneur motivations and life course. International Small Business Journal, 31(1), pp. 34-56. ISSN (print) 0266-2426

Jobson, David G (2013) Explaining the responses of front fine managers to the adoption of electronic rostering in a mental health trust. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, .

Jonsen, Karsten, Butler, Christina L., Mäkelä, Kristiina, Piekkari, Rebecca, Drogendijk, Rian, Lauring, Jakob, Lervik, Jon E., Pahlberg, Cecilia, Vodosek, Markus and Zander, Lena (2013) Processes of international collaboration in management research: a reflexive, autoethnographic approach. Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(4), pp. 394-413. ISSN (print) 1056-4926

Jordan, E., Thomas, A.P., Kitching, J.W. and Blackburn, R.A. (2013) Employment regulation. Part A: Employer perceptions and the impact of employment regulation. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. 69 p. (Employment Relations Research Series, no. 123)


Kalafatis, Stavros, Singh, Jaywant and Blankson, Charles (2013) Brand positioning as a determinant of consumer attitudes towards co-brands. In: 42nd European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2013: Lost in Translation: Marketing in an Interconnected World; 4-7 Jun 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

Kalafatis, Stavros and Ledden, Lesley (2013) Carry-over effects in perceptions of educational value. Studies in Higher Education, 38(10), pp. 1540-1561. ISSN (print) 0307-5079

Kasperova, Eva (2013) (Dis)embodied entrepreneurs, identity and impairment. In: The 4th Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 10 May 2013, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Kasperova, Eva (2013) More and better jobs in home-care services - United Kingdom. (Project Report) Dublin, Ireland : European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. 44 p.

Kautonen, Teemu, Kibler, Ewald, Wainwright, Thomas, Fink, Matthias and Blackburn, Robert (2013) Ageing and new business creation: the role of subjective age identity. In: 36th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Escape Velocity: Entrepreneurship in an Internationalising Environment; 12-13 Nov 2013, Cardiff, U.K.. ISBN 9781900862264

Kennedy, Donald and Philbin, Simon P. (2013) Applying a little reason to your projects. Industrial Management, 55(2), pp. 18-22. ISSN (print) 0019-8471

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Tribe, John and Purdy, David (2013) Online survey of insolvency professionals undertaken for TSO. Summary analysis prepared for survey participants. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 26 p.

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