Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017)"

Aaltonen, Satu, Blackburn, Robert and Heinonen, Jarna (2010) Exploring entrepreneurial exits: a study of individual exit experiences in Finland and the UK. In: Smallbone, David , Leitao, Joao , Raposo, Mario and Welter, Friederike, (eds.) The theory and practice of entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar. pp. 145-168. (Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research) ISBN 9781849803793
Abginehchi, Soheil and Zanjirani Farahani, Reza (2010) Modeling and analysis for determining optimal suppliers under stochastic lead times. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 34(5), pp. 1311-1328. ISSN (print) 0307-904X
Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi and Mitra, Jay (2010) Entrepreneurial growth: comparing indigenous and international foreign firms. In: 55th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2010: Entrepreneurship: Bridging Global Boundaries; 24 - 27 Jun 2010, Cincinnati, U.S.. ISBN 9780981902821
Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi and Mitra, Jay (2010) Entrepreneurship and high impact growth: comparing indigenous and foreign firms. In: 33rd Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference: Looking to the future: economic and social regeneration through entrepreneurial activity; 2-4 Nov 2010, London, U.K.. ISBN 9781900862219
Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi and Mitra, Jay (2010) Innovation performance in European regions: comparing manufacturing and services ICT subsectors. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 11(2), pp. 156-177. ISSN (print) 1368-275X
Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi and Mitra, Jay (2010) Regional and global tensions in new product development: comparing high and low agglomeration regions. In: Academy of International Business (UK & Ireland Chapter) 37th Annual Conference: Regionalism & Globalisation; 8-10 Apr 2010, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Akuetteh, Charles K., Wainwright, Thomas and Robson, Paul K. (2010) Where is the trust? Credit-rationing and reputation in SME lending. In: RENT XXIV: Research in entrepreneurship and small business; 17 - 20 Nov 2010, Maastricht, Holland.
Alexandrou, George, Koulakiotis, A. and Dasilas, A. (2010) The integration of the European banking industry. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alfes, Kerstin, Truss, Katie, Soane, Emma, Rees, Chris and Gatenby, Mark (2010) Creating an engaged workforce. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development. 61 p.
Alfes, Kerstin, Truss, Catherine and Gill, Jas (2010) The HR manager as change agent: evidence from the public sector. Journal of Change Management, 10(1), pp. 109-127. ISSN (print) 1469-7017
Alfes, Kerstin and Thom, Norbert (2010) Rolle und Kompetenzen von Personalverantwortlichen. Egrebnisse einer aktuellen Studie in Organisationen der Deutchschweiz. Persorama, 34(2), pp. 46-50.
Alfes, Kerstin and Thom, Norbert (2010) Wandelt sich die Personalabteilung zum strategischen Partner? Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Zeitschrift Fuhrung und Organisation, 79(4), pp. 228-233. ISSN (print) 0722-7485
Archbold, Stuart and Lazaridis, Ioannis (2010) Capital structure decisions and decision making: survey evidence from the UK and Greece. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Archbold, Stuart and Lazaridis, Ioannis (2010) Capital structure decisions and decision making: survey evidence from the UK and Greece. In: Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Multinational Finance Society; 27 - 30 Jun 2010, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)
Archbold, Stuart and Simoes Vieira, Elisabete (2010) Corporate dividend policies in bank-based and market-based systems: survey evidence from UK and Portugal. Portuguese Journal of Management Studies, Vol 15(1), pp. 34-64.
Athayde, Rosemary (2010) Measuring enterprise potential in young people : developing a robust evaluation tool. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Athayde, Rosemary (2010) Measuring the enterprise potential of undergraduates. In: Essential tools for entrepreneurship 2.0; 26 Oct 2010, Chichester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Atherton, Andrew and Smallbone, David (2010) State promotion of SME development at the local level in China: an examination of two cases. Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship, 2(3), pp. 225-241. ISSN (print) 1756-1396
Barendregt, Arie T. (2010) Do small enterprises study their competitors? A case study analysis of the competitor study by Dutch business-to-business small eneterprises. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, .
Barnes, Lucy (2010) Privilege and conduct: law's intervention into landlord/tenant relationships. In: Housing Privatisation, 30 Years on: Time for a Critical Re-appraisal; 26 - 27 Jul 2010, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Barnes, Lucy Dawn (2010) Performances of law under postmodern conditions. (PhD thesis), University of Kent, .
Barnham, Chris (2010) Qualis? The qualitative understanding of essence. International Journal of Market Research, 52(6), pp. 757-773. ISSN (print) 1470-7853
Barrass, David, Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2010) Introduction to property solutions and the UK service charge market. In: Research Seminar; 08 Dec 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K..
Beaumont, Corrine [Designer] (2010) Using open online resources to enhance social learning. (Other) Brighton, U.K. : Art Design Media Subject Centre, The Higher Education Academy. 7 p.
Beaverstock, Jonathan V., Hall, Sarah and Wainwright, Thomas (2010) Scoping the private wealth management of the high net worth and mass affluent markets in the United Kingdom's financial services industry. (Project Report) Nottingham, U.K. : Financial Services Research Forum.
Benson, Ian and Kilsby, Tom (2010) The role of conceptual mathematics in primary school reform. In: British Congress of Mathematics Education: BCME7: Mathematical Progressions; 6-9 Apr 2010, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Benson, Vladlena, Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Morgan, Stephanie (2010) Applications of social networking in students' life cycle. In: Wankel, Charles, (ed.) Cutting-edge social media approaches to business education: teaching with Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Second Life, and Blogs (PB). Greenwich, U.K. : Information Age Publishing. pp. 73-93. ISBN 9781617351167
Benson, Vladlena and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2010) Effects of digital footprint on career management: evidence from social media in business education. In: Lytras, Miltiadis D. , Ordonez De Pablos, Patricia , Ziderman, Adrian , Roulstone, Alan , Maurer, Hermann and Imber, Jonathan B., (eds.) Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research: Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings, Part I. Berlin, Germany : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 480-486. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 111) ISSN (online) 1865-0929 ISBN 9783642163173
Benson, Vladlena, Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Morgan, Stephanie (2010) Online social networks: changing the face of business education and career planning. International Journal of eBusiness Management, 4(1), pp. 20-33. ISSN (online) 1835-5412
Benson, Vladlena, Morgan, Stephanie and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2010) Social media and student lifecycle: impact on career success. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Benson, Vladlena and Anderson, Deborah (2010) Towards a strategic approach to the introduction of blended learning: Challenges faced and lessons learned. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 41(6), E129-E131. ISSN (print) 0007-1013
Bermingham, Vera, Watson, Susan and Jones, Martin (2010) Plagiarism in UK law schools: is there a postcode lottery? Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 35(1), pp. 1-14. ISSN (print) 0260-2938
Bermingham, Vera and Brennan, Carol (2010) Tort law : directions. 2nd ed. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. 305p. (Directions Series) ISBN 9780199574353
Blackburn, Robert, Tanewski, George and Carey, Peter (2010) Advice seeking strategies: entrepreneurs' and accountants' perspectives. In: RENT XXIV: Research in entrepreneurship and small business; 17 - 20 Nov 2010, Maastricht, Holland.
Blackburn, Robert, Carey, Peter and Tanewski, George A. (2010) Business advice to SMEs: professional competence, trust and ethics. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. 40 p. (ACCA Research Report, no. 119) ISBN 9781859084656
Blackburn, Robert (2010) SME development issues in Europe. In: 7th SMEs in a global economy conference: challenges and prospects; 15 - 17 Oct 2010, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Blackburn, Robert and Wainwright, Thomas (2010) The eXport factor: British SMEs' approach to doing business overseas. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Barclays. 6 p.
Blackburn, Robert and Jarvis, Robin (2010) The role of small and medium practices in providing business support to small- and medium-sized enterprises. (Project Report) New York, USA : International Federation of Accountants. 32 p. ISBN 9781608150649
Blackburn, Robert, Carey, Peter and Tanewski, George A. (2010) The role of trust, relationships and professional ethics in the supply of external business advice by accountants to SMEs. In: 50th AFAANZ Conference; 04 - 06 Jul 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Blackburn, Robert, Carey, Peter and Tanewski, George A. (2010) The role of trust, relationships and professional ethics in the supply of external business advice by accountants to SMEs. In: 15th Banking and Finance Conference,Australia's Financial Institutions in Transition; 30 Sep - 01 Oct 2010, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)
Blackburn, Robert and Wainwright, Thomas (2010) The year ahead: a view from Britain's small businesses. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Barclays Bank PLC. 24 p.
Blackburn, Robert A. and Kasperova, Eva (2010) La contribuio de les petites i mitjanes empreses a l'ocupacio i al creixment. In: Font, Antoni Riera and Ripoll Penalva, Aina M., (eds.) Informe economic i social de les Illes Balears 2009. Palma, Majorca : Caixa de Balears "SA NOSTRA". pp. 242-251. ISBN 9788492863099
Blanco, Elena, Dung, Tran Anh and Turksen, Umut (2010) Evolving to perfection? Enforcement of international arbitral awards in Vietnam. The Journal of World Investment and Trade, 11(6), pp. 965-1017. ISSN (print) 1660-7112
Bolden, Richard, Hirsh, Wendy, Connor, Helen, Petrov, Georgy and Duquemin, Anthea (2010) Strategies for effective HE-employer engagement. (Project Report) Exeter, U.K. : Universities South West. 58 p.
Bolden, Richard, Hirsch, Wendy, Petrov, Georgy and Connor, Helen (2010) Strategies for employer engagement in higher education. In: 32nd Annual European Higher Education Society (EAIR) Forum: Linking society and universities. New missions for universities; 01 - 04 Sep 2010, Valencia, Spain. (Unpublished)
Broadbent, Graeme (2010) The meaning of "present together". Journal of Criminal Law, 74(5), pp. 394-397. ISSN (print) 0022-0183
Buck, Trevor, Liu, Xiaohui and Ott, Ursula (2010) Long-term orientation and international joint venture strategies in modern China. International Business Review, 19(3), pp. 223-234. ISSN (print) 0969-5931
Bull, Elaine, Gilman, Mark and Pyman, Amanda (2010) The impact and significance of the information and consultation regulations in SMEs in the UK: an exploratory study. In: 9th International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) European Congress 2010: European Employment Relations - Crises and Visions; 28 Jun -01 Jul 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Unpublished)
Burchell, Kevin and Rettie, Ruth (2010) Making energy social: integrating practice theory, the social norm approach and community action. In: European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) Conference 2010: Practicing Science and Technology, Performing the Social; 2-4 Sep 2010, Trento, Italy. (Unpublished)
Burchell, Kevin, Rettie, Ruth and Patel, Kavita (2010) Marketing social norms: what can the ‘social norm’ approach bring to social marketing? In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2010: Transformational Marketing; 6-8 Jul 2010, Coventry, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Butler, Christina and Mahadeva, Meera (2010) At the crossroads of visible and invisible characteristics: signposts to virtue in multinational teams. In: Conference of the International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM): Creativity and Innovation in an International Context; 01 - 04 Jun 2010, Valencia, Spain.
Butler, Christina, Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni and Psoinos, Maria (2010) Managing equality and diversity in health care: the case of ethnic monitoring at St George's NHS trust. In: EAWOP Small Group Meeting - Managing diversity in organisations; 23-24 Sep 2010, Birmigham, U.K..
Butler, Christina (2010) The interaction of surface- and deep-level national diversity: the case of global teams. In: European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference 2010: Back to the future; 19-22 May 2010, Rome, Italy.
Butler, Christina Lea (2010) The challenge of the 'in-between' multinational team: is a bicultural leader the answer? In: 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting: Dare to care: passion and compassion in management practice and research; 06 - 10 Aug 2010, Montreal, Canada.
Chambers, Clare and Turksen, Umut (2010) E-banking and e-fraud: a comparison investigation in Jamaica and the UK. In: Cyberlaws 2010: The First International Conference on Technical and Legal Aspects of the e-Society; 10-16 Feb 2010, St. Maarten, Netherlands Antilles. ISBN 9781424458059
Chell, Elizabeth, Karatas-Ozkan, Mine and Read, Rosie (2010) Exploring women academics' involvement in science entrepreneurship: a structural view. In: Malach-Pines, Ayala and Ozbilgin, Mustafa F, (eds.) Handbook of research on high-technology entrepreneurs. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp. 315-332. ISBN 9781847209498
Chell, Elizabeth and Athayde, Rosemary (2010) Planning for uncertainty: soft skills, hard skills and innovation. In: 33rd Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Conference: Looking to the future: economic and social regeneration through entrepreneurial activity; 2-4 Nov 2010, London, U.K.. ISBN 9781900862219
Chell, Elizabeth, Nicolopoulou, Katerina and Karatas-Ozkan, Mine (2010) Social entrepreneurship and enterprise: international and innovation perspectives. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 22(6), pp. 485-493. ISSN (print) 0898-5626
Clark, Andrew, Knabe, Andreas and Rätzel, Steffen (2010) Boon or bane? Others' unemployment, well-being and job insecurity. Labour Economics, 17(1), pp. 52-61. ISSN (print) 0927-5371
Clark, Andrew E., Masclet, David and Villeval, Marie Claire (2010) Effort and comparison income: experimental and survey evidence. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 63(3), pp. 407-426. ISSN (print) 0019-7939
Clark, Andrew E. and Senik, Claudia (2010) Who compares to whom? The anatomy of income comparisons in Europe. The Economic Journal, 120(544), pp. 573-594. ISSN (print) 0013-0133
Cobo, Denisa, Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2010) Baby boomers’ and seniors’ perceptions of assistive living. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Collingwood, Lisa (2010) Book Review of: 'Law and the internet', 3rd ed. by Lilian Edwards and Charlotte Waelde (eds.). Law Teacher, 44(2), pp. 235-236. ISSN (print) 0306-9400
Commander, Simon, Isachenkova, Natalia and Radionova, Yulia (2010) A model of the informal economy with an application to Ukraine. In: Allied Social Science Associations meeting; 02 - 05 Jan 2010, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Conway, Edel, Truss, Katie, Monks, Kathy, Kelly, Grainne, Flood, Patrick, Hannon, Enda and Mastroeni, Michele (2010) Identifying HR practices to promote learning, innovation and wellbeing: an employee perspective from knowledge intensive firms in Ireland. In: 11th International Human Resource Management conference - Emergence of new economic powers: management of human resources in the challenging global context; 09 - 12 Jun 2010, Birmingham, U.K..
Cooper, Penny (2010) Children as witnesses - help at hand. LINK(39), pp. 10-11.
Cooper, Penny (2010) Mind games: what are the advocate’s emotional drivers when conducting a cross-examination. Counsel, pp. 29-30. ISSN (print) 0268-3784
Cooper, Penny (2010) Out of the witness box and into the hot tub? The Expert Witness Institute Newsletter, pp. 16-17.
Cooper, Penny and Wurtzel, David (2010) Through the eyes of a child. Counsel, pp. 27-29. ISSN (print) 0268-3784
Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca, Singh, Jaywant and Hand, Chris (2010) How differentiated are branded commodities: an empirical examination of consumer attitudes and behaviour. In: The six senses: the essentials of marketing : 39th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference; 01 - 04 Jun, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Daskalaki, Maria (2010) Building bonds and bridges: linking tie evolution and network identity in the creative industries. Organization Studies, 31(12), pp. 1649-1666. ISSN (print) 0170-8406
Davis, Kate [Compiler] (2010) Business information systems. 3rd ed. Harlow : Pearson Education Limited. ISBN 9781849591461
De Clercq, Dirk, Danis, Wade M. and Dakhli, Mourad (2010) The moderating effect of institutional context on the relationship between associational activity and new business activity in emerging economies. International Business Review, 19(1), pp. 85-101. ISSN (print) 0969-5931
De Clercq, Dirk, Dimov, Dimo and Thongpapanl, Narongsak (Tek) (2010) The moderating impact of internal social exchange processes on the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship. Journal of Business Venturing, 25(1), pp. 87-103. ISSN (print) 0883-9026
Dehghanian, Farzad, Mansour, Saeed and Zanjirani Farahani, Reza (2010) Applying interactive multi-objective decision making method in design of a sustainable recovery network to include different stakeholders' preferences. World Applied Sciences Journal, 8(5), pp. 596-607. ISSN (print) 1818-4952
Donaldson-Feilder, E, Lewis, Rachel and Yarker, J (2010) Developing on-line materials to support managers in the prevention and reduction of stress in the workplace. In: 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology; 29-31 Mar 2010, Rome, Italy. ISBN 9781907284465
Donaldson-Feilder, E, Lewis, Rachel and Yarker, J (2010) Preventing stress: promoting positive manager behaviour. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Annual Conference 2010: Science and Practice: Developing our Profession for the Future; 13-15 Jan 2010, Brighton, U.K..
East, Robert and Lomax, W. (2010) Customer metrics for shares performance prediction : a review. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
East, Robert, Kalafatis, Stavros, Lomax, Wendy and Robinson, Helen (2010) Gender and word of mouth. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Annual Conference 2010: Transformational Marketing; 6-8 Jul 2010, Coventry, U.K..
Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2010) Sinking funds within the service charge in the UK office market: evidence upon best and actual practice. Property Management, 28(3), pp. 163-173. ISSN (print) 0263-7472
Eccles, Timothy and Holt, Andrew (2010) A conceptual framework for enhancing 'effectiveness' in the service charge process. Journal of Building Appraisal, 5(4), pp. 321-327. ISSN (print) 1742-8262
Eccles, Timothy S. and Holt, Andrew (2010) Cunctator: the rhetoric and persuasion of transparency in professional culture. In: Reklajtis, Elzbieta , Wisniewski, Rafal and Zdanowski, Jerzy, (eds.) Jednosc i roznorodnosc: kultura vs. kultury. Warsaw, Poland : Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPRA-JR. pp. 319-330. ISBN 9788375452259
Ellwood, Janie and Rettie, Ruth (2010) A comparison between text and image search in the context of online shopping for the UK women's fashion industry. In: The six senses: the essentials of marketing : 39th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference; 01 - 04 Jun, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ennals, Richard (2010) Book Review of: True enough: learning to live in a post-fact society by F. Manjoo. International Journal of Information Management, 30(2), p. 180. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Ennals, Richard, Totterdill, Peter and Parrington, Robert (2010) Can knowledge be transferred? In: Innovation through Knowledge Transfer 2010; 07 - 08 Dec 2010, Coventry, U.K.. (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, no. 9) ISBN 9783642205071
Ennals, Richard, Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann and Normann, Roger (2010) Creating collaborative advantage: programme learning. In: 5th International Seminar on Regional Innovation Policies; 14 - 15 Oct 2010, Grimstad, Norway. (Unpublished)
Ennals, Richard (2010) Creating collaborative advantage: students' quality circles. In: 13th International Convention on Students Quality Control Circles; 01 - 03 Nov 2010, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Ennals, Richard (2010) Knowledge for sale. In: Ethics & Knowledge Exchange (EKE) Workshop; 04 Mar 2010, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ennals, Richard and Hilsen, Anne Inga (2010) Older workers: the jam in the sandwich. In: Older Workers in a Sustainable Society - Great Needs and Great Potentials; 9 -11 June 2010, Oslo, Norway.
Ennals, Richard and Hilsen, A.I. (2010) Older workers: the jam in the sandwich. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ennals, Richard (2010) Perplexity, ecology and technology. In: Lowe, Sid, (ed.) Managing in changing times: a guide for the perplexed manager. London, U.K. : Sage. pp. 179-192. ISBN 9788132102335
Favato, Giampiero (2010) Parametric cost analysis improves the quality of stop-go decisions in pharmaceutical R&D. In: Baxter, Keith, (ed.) Fast track to success : risk management. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. pp. 166-168. ISBN 9780273732860
Favato, Giampiero (2010) Real options and scenario planning: an integrated approach to investment risk management. In: Baxter, Keith, (ed.) Fast track to success: risk management. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. pp. 109-110. ISBN 9780273732860
Fernando, Senaka, Money, Arthur, Elliman, Tony and Lines, Lorna (2010) Older adults and diffusion of assistive web-based technologies. Journal of Information Technology Research, 3(1), pp. 1-12. ISSN (print) 1938-7857
Fernando, Senaka, Money, Arthur, Elliman, Tony and Lines, Lorna (2010) Transformational government and improving services for older adults, through the DIADEM assistive technology. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 4(1), pp. 54-72. ISSN (print) 1750-6166
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Becky (2010) Habit and engagement: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2010) Literature overview of approaches for enterprise-wide modelling, simulation and optimisation. (Working Paper) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. 20 p. (Kingston Business School Working Paper, no. 2012/1) ISBN 9791872058849
Fitz-Gerald, S (2010) Book Review of: Twitter API: up and running by Kevin Makice. International Journal of Information Management, 30(3), pp. 283-284. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2010) Book Review of: A brief history of computing by Gerald O'Regan. International Journal of Information Management, 30(3), pp. 284-285. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2010) Book Review of: Cloud computing: implementation, management and security by J.W. Ritinghouse & J.F. Ransome. International Journal of Information Management, 30(5), p. 472. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2010) Book Review of: Human information retrieval by Julian Warner. International Journal of Information Management, 30(2), pp. 180-181. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2010) Book review of: Open source technology by K. Vadera and B. Gandhi. International Journal of Information Management, 30(4), p. 374. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart J. (2010) Book Review of: Information management in the global landscape by M.G. Hunter and F.B Tan. International Journal of Information Management, 30(1), p. 100. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart James and Wiggins, Bob (2010) Book Review of: 'Information security law: the emerging standard for corporate compliance' by T.J. Smedinghoff. International Journal of Information Management, 30(1), p. 98. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart James and Ennals, Richard (2010) Book Review of: Capitalism 4.0: the birth of a new economy by A. Kaletsky. International Journal of Information Management, 30(6), pp. 575-576. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart James and Wiggins, Bob (2010) Book Review of: Introduction to modern information retrieval by C.G. Chowddhury, 3rd ed. International Journal of Information Management, 30(6), pp. 573-574. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Gander, Jonathan (2010) Perplexity and strategy : moving towards an enrolment advantage paradigm. In: Lowe, Sid, (ed.) Managing in changing times: a guide for the perplexed manager. London, U.K. : Sage. pp. 261-278. ISBN 9788132102335
Gander, Jonathan (2010) The service profit model : what happens to service when price becomes the most important factor? (Other) Colchester, U.K. : Institute of Customer Service. (ICS Literature Reviews)
Georgellis, Yannis and Tabvuma, Vurain (2010) Does public service motivation adapt? Kyklos: International Review Of Social Sciences, 63(2), pp. 176-191. ISSN (print) 0023-5962
Gillard, Steve, Edwards, Christine, White, Sarah, White, Rachel, Adams, Katie, Davies, Lucy, Green, Katherine, Kettle, Trevor, Lathlean, Judith, Lucock, Mike, Miller, Stephen, Minogue, Virginia, Nugent, Christine, Simons, Lucy and Turner, Kati (2010) The barriers and facilitators of supporting self care in Mental Health NHS Trusts. (Project Report) Southampton, U.K. : NETSCC, SDO. 262 p.
Glinavos, Ioannis (2010) Neoliberalism and the law in post communist transition: the evolving role of law in Russia's transition to capitalism. Routledge. 256p. ISBN 9780415486545
Glinavos, Ioannis (2010) Regulation and the role of law in economic crisis. European Business Law Review, 21(4), pp. 539-557. ISSN (print) 0959-6941
Glinavos, Ioannis (2010) Transition or development? Reassessing priorities for law reform. Progress in Development Studies, 10(1), pp. 59-74. ISSN (print) 1464-9934
Gourdon, A. and Beck, S.R. (2010) Costs of thinking about verbal probabilities: is processing directionality easier than processing probabilistic meaning? In: 8th SEPEX Conference (1st Joint Conference of the EPS and SEPEX); 15-17 Apr 2010, Granada, Spain. (Unpublished)
Gourdon, A. and Beck, S.R. (2010) Overcoming the framing effect when making decisions based on verbal probabilities: having more time is necessary but not enough’. In: 18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP); 25-28 Aug 2010, Bochum-Essen, Germany. (Unpublished)
Guest, David, Budjanovcanin, Alexandra and Rodrigues, Ricardo (2010) Consequences of flexible employment under different employment conditions. In: 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology; 11-16 Jul 2010, Melbourne, Australia. (Unpublished)
Haberberg, Adrian, Gander, Jonathan, Rieple, Alison, Helm, Clive and Martin-Castilla, Juan-Ignacio (2010) Institutionalizing idealism: the adoption of CSR practices. Journal of Global Responsibility, 1(2), pp. 366-381. ISSN (print) 2041-2568
Hall, Sarah, Beaverstock, Jonathan V. and Wainwright, Thomas (2010) The wholesale-retail finance interface: identifying linkages, opportunities and threats for the UK financial sector. (Project Report) Nottingham, U.K. : Financial Services Research Forum.
Hand, Chris and Judge, Guy (2010) How stable is the seasonal pattern in cinema admissions? Evidence from the UK. Applied Economics Letters, 18(1), pp. 81-85. ISSN (print) 1350-4851
Hand, Christopher (2010) Book Review of: 'The Peacock Committee and UK broadcasting policy' by Tom O'Malley and Janet Jones (eds.). Journal of Cultural Economics, 34(3), pp. 241-243. ISSN (print) 0885-2545
Hannon, Enda (2010) Employee-focused research in HRM: the case of dairy processing. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(6), pp. 818-835. ISSN (print) 0958-5192
Harries, Tim (2010) Review of the pilot flood protection grant scheme in a recently flooded area. (Technical Report) London, U.K. : Defra. 42 p. (R&D Technical Report, no. FD2651)
Harrison, Richard, Mason, Colin and Robson, Paul (2010) Determinants of long-distance investing by business angels in the UK. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 22(2), pp. 113-137. ISSN (print) 0898-5626
Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Stephen (2010) Civil society organizations and trade unions in the United Kingdom: coalition, conflict and complementarity. In: 47th CIRA Annual Congress: Employee representation in the new world of work; 16-18 Jun 2010, Quebec, Canada. (Unpublished)
Holt, Andrew, Eccles, Timothy and Bennett, Kellie (2010) Accounting for service charges in the UK commercial sector: barriers to change and the quest for best practice. In: Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Scotland Commercial Property Service Charge Seminar: The Tenant's Perspective; 27 May 2010, Edinburgh, U.K..
Holt, Andrew, Eccles, Timothy and Bennett, Kim (2010) Accounting for service charges in the UK commercial sector: barriers to change and the quest for best practice. In: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 22 Jun 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Holt, Andrew, Eccles, Timothy and Bennett, Kellie (2010) A clear case for change. Estates Gazette, p. 61. ISSN (print) 0014-1240
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