Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Education"

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Number of items: 115.


Akhtar, Farrukh (2013) Stories into social work. In: Kingston Connections 2013: Our Story Begins...; 22-30 Jun 2013, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Allen, Michael (2013) Preschool children’s taxonomic knowledge of animal species. In: ESERA 2013: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherent Learning; 03-07 Sep 2013, Nicosea, Cyprus. (Unpublished)

Allen, Michael and Toplis, Rob (2013) Student teachers' role and responsibilities. In: Capel, Susan , Leask, Marylin and Turner, Tony, (eds.) Learning to teach in the secondary school. 6th ed. London : Routledge. pp. 25-41. (Learning to teach subjects in the secondary school) ISBN 9780415518352

Allibone, Lorraine, May, Steve and van der Sluis, Hendrik (2013) The impact of Academic Skills Centres on retention, progression and attainment and improving student confidence. In: Clark, Robin , Andrews, Jane , Thomas, Liz and Aggarwal, Rebecca, (eds.) Compendium of effective practice in higher education: Volume 2. Birmingham, U.K. : Aston University. pp. 95-98. 2 ISBN 9781854494474

Andersson, R., Ahlberg, A., Diehl, A. and Price, L. (2013) Investigating the effects of academic development on novice teachers’ conceptions of teaching in HE. In: SEFI Annual Conference 2013: Engineering Education Fast Forward 1973 > 2013; 16-20 Sep 2013, Leuven, Belgium. (Unpublished)

Attanayake, D.R., Hunter, G. J. A., Pfluegel, E. and Denholm-Price, J. C. W. (2013) Novel multi-modal tools to enhance disabled and distance learners’ experience of mathematics. International Journal on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), 6(1), ISSN (print) 1800-4156


Benson, Ian (2013) Beauty in the eye of the beholder. Improvement, Summer, pp. 38-39.

Benson, Ian and Haworth, Anne (2013) Introduction to the Cui approach: part 1: early algebra. In: Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) Conference 2013: Maths for Real; 2-5 Apr 2013, Sheffield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Benson, Ian and Haworth, Anne (2013) Introduction to the Cui approach: part 2: metamathematics and formative assessment. In: Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) Conference 2013: Maths for Real; 2-5 Apr 2013, Sheffield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Social higher education: how effective is it? In: The 8th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL) 2013; 27-28 Jun 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. ISSN (print) 2048-8882 ISBN 9781909507265

Benson, Vladlena, Morgan, Stephanie and Tennakoon, Hemamali (2013) Social networking in higher education: a knowledge convergence platform. In: Lytras, Miltiadis D. , Ruan, Da , Tennyson, Robert D. , Ordonez De Pablos, Patricia , Garcia Penalvo, Francisco and Rusu, Lazar, (eds.) Information systems, e-learning, and knowledge management research: 4th World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2011, Mykonos, Greece, September 21-23, 2011. Revised selected papers. Berlin, Germany : Springer. pp. 416-425. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, 278) ISSN (print) 1865-0929 ISBN 9783642358791

Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Student employability: can I get a job through social networking? In: 2013 International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association (HETL) Conference: Exploring Spaces for Learning; 13-15 Jan 2013, Orlando, Florida, U.S..

Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Student experience and ubiquitous learning in higher education: impact of wireless and cloud applications. Journal of Creative Education, 4(8a), pp. 1-5.

Broadbent, Jane and Middlehurst, Robin (2013) Internationalisation and private engagement in higher education: Introduction. Public Money & Management, 33(2), pp. 83-90. ISSN (print) 0954-0962

Burden, Penny and Peat, Jo (2013) Developing new academics – whose values? In: SEDA Spring Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference 2013: Changing Values in Higher Education; 17 May 2013, Leeds, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Catling, Simon, Willy, Tessa and Butler, John (2013) Teaching primary geography for Australian schools. Moorabbin, Vic, Australia : Hawker Brownlow Education. 268p. ISBN 9781743306758

Chambers, M, Gillard, S, Turner, K and Borschmann, R (2013) Evaluation of an educational practice development programme for staff working in mental health inpatient environments. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 20(4), pp. 362-373. ISSN (print) 1365-2850

Coultas, Valerie (2013) English for the many not the few. In: Allen, Martin and Ainley, Patrick, (eds.) Education beyond the coalition: reclaiming the agenda. Radicaled. pp. 46-60. ISBN 9780957553828

Coultas, Valerie (2013) Gender and talk revisited: autobiographical and life narrative case studies of gender and talk. In: BERA Annual Conference 2013; 03-05 Sep 2013, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Coultas, Valerie (2013) Which way forward for the Cinderella Strand? In: NATE Conference 2013 - The Time is out of Joint: English under Pressure; 28-30 Jun 2013, Stratford-upon-Avon, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Craig, John (2013) What's the name of the game? A response to Landes, Marchman and Nielsen. Learning and Teaching, 6(1), pp. 98-100. ISSN (print) 1755-2273

Curtis, Katherine (2013) 21st century challenges faced by nursing faculty in educating for compassionate practice : embodied interpretation of phenomenological data. Nurse Education Today, 33(7), pp. 746-750. ISSN (print) 0260-6917


Di Nuovo, Santo, Magnano, Paola and Paolillo, Anna (2013) Valori. In: Di Nuovo, Santo and Magnano, Paola, (eds.) Competenze trasversali e scelte formative : Strumenti per valutare meta cognizione, motivazione, interessi, abilita sociali nella continuita tra livelli scolastici. Trento, Italy : Erikson. pp. 29-39. ISBN 9788859001546

Dimitriadis, Christos (2013) Developing mathematical giftedness within primary schools: A study of strategies for educating children who are gifted in mathematics. Lambert Academic Publishing. 432p. ISBN 9783659503283

Dow, Alan, Blue, Amy, Konrad, Shelley Cohen, Earnest, Mark and Reeves, Scott (2013) The moving target : outcomes of interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(5), pp. 353-355. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Dudzinski, Maciej (2013) To research the impact of games in improving student study skills and information retention in the delivery of pharmacy education. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .


Eales-Reynolds, Lesley-Jane, Judge, Brenda, McCreery, Elaine and Jones, Patrick (2013) Critical thinking skills for education students. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Learning Matters. (Study Skills in Education) ISBN 9781446268414

Evans, Peter and Memon, Ally (2013) The policy context, quality in higher education in Scotland and the work of the University of Edinburgh on enhancing student learning. In: Osuna Lopez, Carmen , Evans, Peter , Memon, Ally , Lloyd, Nigel and O'Sullivan, John, (eds.) PROPOUND - developing a key competences model for university postgraduate programmes: pilots compendia. UGR-Empresa. pp. 51-58. ISBN 9788415873099


Finnerty, Gina and Collington, Val (2013) Practical coaching by mentors: student midwives' perceptions. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(6), pp. 573-577. ISSN (print) 1873-5223

Fitkov-Norris, E D and Yeghiazarian, A (2013) Measuring study habits in Higher Education : the way forward? Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 459(1), 012022. ISSN (print) 1742-6588

Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2013) Assessing the learning style preferences postgraduate general business management students using VARK. In: Mesquita, Anabela and Ramos, Isabel, (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies. Reading, U.K. : Academic Conferences and Publishing International Ltd. pp. 144-152. ISSN (print) 2049-0968 ISBN 9781909507302

Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2013) Measuring study habits in higher education : the way forward? In: 2013 Joint IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC1-TC7-TC13 Symposium: Measurement Across Physical and Behavioural Sciences; 4-6 Sep 2013, Genoa, Italy. ISSN (print) 1742-6588

Fook, Jan and Gardner, Fiona, eds. (2013) Critical reflection in context : applications in health and social care. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 250p. ISBN 9780415684248

Fook, Jan, d'Avray, Lynda, Norrie, Caroline, Psoinos, Maria, Lamb, Bryony and Ross, Fiona (2013) Taking the long view: exploring the development of interprofessional education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(4), pp. 286-291. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Fraser, Diane M., Avis, Mark, Mallik, Maggie, Collington, Val [Collaborator], Louki, Marion [Collaborator], Gibband, Susan [Collaborator], Grove, Lynn [Collaborator], Thomas, Nancy [Collaborator], James, Joy [Collaborator], Cooper, Maggie [Collaborator], McIntosh, Tania [Collaborator], Poussa, Cherry [Collaborator], Wharrad, Heather [Collaborator], Doris, Faye [Collaborator], Skirton, Heather [Collaborator], Stephen, Nicole [Collaborator] and Vance, Mary [Collaborator] (2013) The MINT Project - An evaluation of the impact of midwife teachers on the outcome of pre-registration midwifery education in the UK. Midwifery, 29(1), pp. 86-94. ISSN (print) 0266-6138

Freestone, N (2013) Differentiated learning: an update. In: HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013: Where practice and pedagogy meet; 17-18 April 2013, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)

Freestone, N. (2013) Equity in Higher Education provision: stretching the able. Proceedings Of the 6th European Congress of Pharmacology, pp. 189-192.


Gordon, Suzanne, Hayes, Lisa and Reeves, Scott (2013) Bedside manners : play and workbook. Ithaca, U.S. : Cornell University Press. 98p. (The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work) ISBN 9780801478925

Guest, Mathew, Sharma, Sonya, Aune, Kristin and Warner, Rob (2013) Challenging 'belief' and the Evangelical bias: student Christianity in English universities. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 28(2), pp. 207-223. ISSN (print) 1353-7903

Guest, Mathew, Aune, Kristin, Sharma, Sonya and Warner, Rob (2013) Christianity and the university experience: Understanding student faith. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. 256p. ISBN 9781780936017


Hagen, Sara L., Cremaschi, Alejandro and Stephens Himonides, Cynthia (2013) Effects of extended practice with computerized eye guides for sight-reading in collegiate-level class piano. Journal of Music, Technology & Education, 5(3), pp. 229-239. ISSN (print) 1752-7066

Hammond, John A. (2013) Doing gender in physiotherapy education: a critical pedagogic approach to understanding how students construct gender identities in an undergraduate physiotherapy programme in the United Kingdom. (Ed.D thesis), Kingston University, .

Hanna, Elizabeth, Soren, Barbara, Telner, Deanna, MacNeill, Heather, Lowe, Mandy and Reeves, Scott (2013) Flying blind : the experience of online interprofessional facilitation. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(4), pp. 298-304. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Harper, Michael, Eales-Reynolds, Lesley-Jane and Markham, Christian (2013) Transforming simulation in clinical education: is pre-placement hybrid learning valuable to healthcare students? Journal of Contemporary Medical Education, 1(1), pp. 15-24. ISSN (online) 2146-8354

Huber, Mary Taylor, Heath, Joseph, Boden, Rebecca, Craig, John and Newfield, Christopher (2013) Responses to ‘the academic rat race : dilemmas and problems in the structure of academic competition’. Learning and Teaching, 6(1), pp. 89-106. ISSN (print) 1755-2273

Huet, Isabel, Baptista, Ana Vitoria and Ferreira, Carla (2013) Developing undergraduate students' generic competencies through research activities. In: Nygaard, Claus , Courtney, Nigel and Bartholomew, Paul, (eds.) Quality enhancement of University teaching and learning. Faringdon, U.K. : Libri Publishing. pp. 87-102. (The Learning in Higher Education Series) ISBN 9781909818125


Inch, Jessica (2013) Perioperative simulation learning and post-registration development. British Journal of Nursing, 22(20), pp. 1166-1172. ISSN (print) 0966-0461


Jackson, Marcus Thomas (2013) Conceptualising radiography knowledge and the role of radiography educators: perspectives and experiences of a radiography education community. (Ed.D thesis), Kingston University, .


Kalafatis, Stavros and Ledden, Lesley (2013) Carry-over effects in perceptions of educational value. Studies in Higher Education, 38(10), pp. 1540-1561. ISSN (print) 0307-5079

Kenning, Dean (2013) What schools can offer art: towards an avant-gardist conception of gallery education. Visual Culture in Britain, 14(3), pp. 319-341. ISSN (print) 1471-4787

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2013) Examining some assumptions and limitations of research on the effects of emerging technologies for teaching and learning in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(4), pp. 536-543. ISSN (print) 0007-1013

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2013) Missing: evidence of a scholarly approach to teaching and learning with technology in higher education. Teaching in Higher Education, 18(3), pp. 327-337. ISSN (print) 1356-2517

Kitto, Simon, Nordquist, Jonas, Peller, Jennifer, Grant, Rachel and Reeves, Scott (2013) The disconnections between space, place and learning in interprofessional education : an overview of key issues. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(S2), pp. 5-8. ISSN (print) 1356-1820


Leslie, Karen, Baker, Lindsay, Egan-Lee, Eileen, Esdaile, Martina and Reeves, Scott (2013) Advancing faculty development in medical education : a systematic review. Academic Medicine, 88(7), pp. 1038-1045. ISSN (print) 1040-2446

Lieff, Susan, Banack, Jeannine Girard-Pearlman, Baker, Lindsay, Martimianakis, Maria Athina, Verma, Sarita, Whiteside, Catharine and Reeves, Scott (2013) Understanding the needs of department chairs in academic medicine. Academic Medicine, 88(7), pp. 960-966. ISSN (print) 1040-2446

Litten, Deborah and Paliokosta, Paty (2013) The power of peers. Special Educational Needs(64), pp. 68-70.


Maringe, F., Foskett, N. and Woodfield, S. (2013) Emerging internationalisation models in an uneven global terrain: findings from a global survey. Compare: a journal of comparative and international education, 43(1), pp. 9-36. ISSN (print) 0305-7925

Marks-Maran, Di, Ooms, Ann, Tapping, Jen, Muir, Jenny, Phillips, Sonia and Burke, Linda (2013) A preceptorship programme for newly qualified nurses: a study of preceptees' perceptions. Nurse Education Today, 33(11), pp. 1428-1434. ISSN (print) 0260-6917

Marron, Emily (2013) Can the use of self-assessment guide students to a more holistic approach to their own ability to achieve safe practical clinical skills delivery? In: King's Learning Institute 7th Annual Excellence in Teaching Conference; 18 Jun 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

May, Steven [Researcher], van der Sluis, Hendrik [Teacher] and Forland, Heather [Researcher] (2013) The impact of pre-entry English test results on postgraduate success. In: The Impact of Higher Education: Addressing the challenges of the 21st century; 27 - 31 Aug 2013, Rotterdam, Netherlands. (Unpublished)

McQuillan, Martin [Reviewer] (2013) Scare tactics? Try paying for a college education. Review of 'Monsters University' directed by Dan Scanlon. Times Higher Education(2109), pp. 42-43.

Memon, Ally Raza and Evans, Peter (2013) Putting competence at the core: experiences of using the European Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in Postgraduate Programmes. In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2013; 11-13 Dec 2013, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Middlehurst, Robin (2013) Changing internal governance: are leadership roles and management structures in United Kingdom universities fit for the future? Higher Education Quarterly, 67(3), pp. 275-294. ISSN (print) 0951-5224

Middlehurst, Robin (2013) Shifting patterns of international higher education: ebb and flow or sea-change? Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 45(5), pp. 28-35. ISSN (print) 0009-1383

Millward, Frank (2013) The practice-led Fine Art PhD - at the frontier of what there is - an outlook on what might be. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 12(2), pp. 121-133. ISSN (print) 1470-2029

Morgan, Michelle and Jones, Lucy (2013) Improving the Postgraduate Taught Student Experience: why understanding the expectations and attitudes towards study of your student body is so important. In: NEON Summer Symposium; 20-21 Jun 2013, Bedford, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Morgan, Michelle (2013) Introduction. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Supporting student diversity in Higher Education: A practical guide. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 3-9. ISBN 9780415818223

Morgan, Michelle (2013) Reorientation and reinduction to study. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Supporting student diversity in Higher Education: A practical guide. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 139-155. ISBN 9780415818223

Morgan, Michelle (2013) The Student Experience Practitioner Model. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Supporting student diversity in Higher Education: A practical guide. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 43-61. ISBN 9780415818223

Morgan, Michelle (2013) Student diversity in higher education. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Supporting student diversity in Higher Education: A practical guide. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 10-22. ISBN 9780415818223

Morgan, Michelle (2013) Supporting a diverse student body in higher education: Concluding overview. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Supporting student diversity in Higher Education: A practical guide. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 246-252. ISBN 9780415818223

Morgan, Michelle, ed. (2013) Supporting student diversity in Higher Education: A practical guide. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 289p. ISBN 9780415818223

Morgan, Michelle (2013) Understanding prior feedback experiences of new postgraduate taught (PGT) STEM students’ and their expectations and attitudes towards PGT level study at a 1992 institution. (Project Report) Higher Education Academy. (Unpublished)

Morgan, Michelle (2013) Where has postgraduate study grown? An international comparative analysis. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference 2013: Experiencing Higher Education: Global Trends and Transformations; 11-13 Dec 2013, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Morgan, Michelle (2013) The impact of diversity in higher education institutions. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Supporting student diversity in Higher Education: A practical guide. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 23-39. ISBN 9780415818223

Morgan, Michelle Gwendoline (2013) Re-framing the ‘first year’ undergraduate student experience. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 5(3), a144. ISSN (online) 2009-3160

Morgan, Stephanie and Benson, Vladlena (2013) Use of VLE apps in business education: challenges and emerging issues. In: Business & Economics Society International Conference; 6-9 Jul 2013, Monte Carlo, Monaco. (Unpublished)

Muir, Jenny, Ooms, Ann, Tapping, Jennifer, Marks-Maran, Diane, Phillips, Sonia and Burke, Linda (2013) Preceptors' Perceptions of a Preceptorship Programme for Newly Qualified Nurses. Nurse Education Today, 33(6), pp. 633-638.

Mustafa, Engin (2013) The 10 characteristics of world-class learning and development. Human Resource Management International Digest, 21(6), pp. 3-5. ISSN (print) 0967-0734


Narayanasamy, Aru, Jurgens, Fiona, Narayanasamy, Melanie and Guo, Ping (2013) Diversity project: mapping of diversity teaching and learning in nurse education curriculum. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 37(4), pp. 536-551. ISSN (print) 0309-877X

Noakes, Hayley and Gay, Jane (2013) Establishing credibility: the use of students as learning developers through a peering learning programme. In: 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education; 25 - 27 Mar 2013, Plymouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Noakes, Hayley J, May, Steve, van der Sluis, Hendrik and Gay, Jane (2013) Speaking the same language: The influence of mentor-protégé demographics and perceived similarities on student engagement in a peer learning programme. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 15(2), pp. 56-78. ISSN (print) 1466-6529

Nordquist, Jonas, Sundberg, Kristina, Kitto, Simon, Ygge, Jan and Reeves, Scott (2013) Future learning environments : the advent of a "spatial turn"? Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(S2), pp. 77-81. ISSN (print) 1356-1820

Nordquist, Jonas, Kitto, Simon and Reeves, Scott (2013) "Living museums" : is it time to reconsider the learning landscape for professional and interprofessional education? Journal of Interprofessional Care, 27(S2), pp. 2-4. ISSN (print) 1356-1820


O'Brien, Sorcha (2013) Behind the Interface: Space, Time and Infrastructure in Internet-Based Delivery for Design Education.

Ooms, Ann, Fergy, Susan, Marks-Maran, Diane, Burke, Linda and Sheehy, Karen (2013) Providing learning support to nursing students: a study of two universities. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(2), pp. 89-95. ISSN (print) 1471-5953

Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Diana and Ross, Fiona (2013) Using an iterative evaluation approach to enhance the quality of learning, teaching and assessment. In: EAIR 35th Annual Forum 2013: the impact of Higher Education: addressing the challenges of the 21st century; 28-31 Aug 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Osuna Lopez, Carmen, Fernandez, Marina Manzano, Sulovska, Petra, Navarro, Teresa, Duvekot, Ruud, Marioni, Clementina, Turrini, Monica, Proli, Daniela, Lloyd, Nigel, O'Sullivan, John, Evans, Peter, Memon, Ally and Aarna, Olav (2013) Mainstreaming report: PROPOUND: developing a key competences model for university postgraduate programmes. (Project Report) UGR-Empresa. 69 p. ISBN 9788415873082

Osuna Lopez, Carmen, Fernandez, Marina Manzano, Sulovska, Petra, Navarro, Teresa, Duvekot, Ruud, Marioni, Clementina, Turrini, Monica, Proli, Daniela, Lloyd, Nigel, O'Sullivan, John, Evans, Peter, Memon, Ally and Aarna, Olav (2013) PROPOUND - Developing a key competences model for university postgraduate programmes. Action plan: a framework for implementation. (Project Report) UGR-Empresa. ISBN 9788415873075


Perselli, Victoria [Compiler] (2013) Dialogue vs. discipline? What are the languages of praxis in the context of the internationalised curriculum? In: HEA Annual Conference 2013: Powerful Partnerships: Defining the Learning Experience; 03-04 Jul 2013, Coventry, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Perselli, Victoria and Moehrke, Diana (2013) The time for “recognising” intercultural learning has come. In: Intercultural Education and Counselling in a Global World; 15-18 Apr 2013, Verona, Italy. (Unpublished)

Phillips, Sonia S, Tapping, Jen, Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Diane and Godden, Ruth (2013) A preceptorship programme for health visitors and school nurses: a pilot study. Community Practitioner, 86(1), pp. 18-22.

Price, Jayne, Dornan, Jean and Quail, Lorraine (2013) Seeing is believing - reducing misconceptions about children's hospice care through effective teaching with undergraduate nursing students. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(5), pp. 361-365. ISSN (print) 1471-5953


Reeves, Scott, Peller, Jennifer, Goldman, Joanne and Kitto, Simon (2013) Ethnography in qualitative educational research : AMEE Guide No. 80. Medical Teacher, 35(8), e1365-e1379. ISSN (print) 0142-159X

Roberts, Ron (2013) Guest blog : Dr. Ron Roberts - Kingston University, London. Student Sex Work Project,

Ross, Fiona, Marks-Maran, Di, Tye, Christopher, Collington, Val and Hudson, Andy (2013) Leadership of practice disciplines in universities: the case of nurses and teachers. (Discussion Paper) London, U.K. : Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. 35 p. ISBN 9781906627522

Röthle, Monika, Morkeseth, Elisabeth Ianke, Sutherland, Helen and Styman, Jan (2013) TODDLERs in Europe. In: Toddler Conference; 07-08 Oct 2013, Ghent, Belgium. (Unpublished)


Sayce, Sarah, Farren Bradley, Judith, Ritson, James and Quinn, Fiona (2013) Well-being: what does it mean for the sustainable university? In: Sterling, Stephen , Maxey, Larch and Luna, Heather, (eds.) The sustainable university: progress and prospects. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 211-231. (Routledge Studies in Sustainable Development, (2)) ISBN 9780415627740

Seedhouse, Paul, Preston, Anne, Olivier, Patrick, Jackson, Dan, Heslop, Phillip, Plötz, Thomas, Balaam, Madeline and Ali, Saandia (2013) The French digital kitchen : implementing task-based language teaching beyond the classroom. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 3(1), pp. 50-72. ISSN (print) 2155-7098

Shakouri, Payman, Ordys, Andrzej and Collier, Gordana (2013) Teaching model predictive control algorithm using starter kit robot. Engineering Education, 8(2), pp. 30-43. ISSN (print) 1750-0052

Sharma, Sonya and Guest, Mathew (2013) Navigating religion between university and home: Christian students' experiences at English universities. Social & Cultural Geography, 14(1), pp. 59-79. ISSN (print) 1464-9365

Simsek, Dogus (2013) Experiences of Turkish Cypriot, Kurdish and Turkish youth in creating transnational social spaces in London schools. Border Crossing: Transnational Working Papers, 1302, ISSN (online) 2046-4444

Sutherland, Helen and Styman, Jan (2013) Promoting the wellbeing of toddlers within the European Union. In: Toddler Conference; 07-08 Oct 2013, Ghent, Belgium. (Unpublished)

Sutherland, Helen and Styman, Jan (2013) Shared experience: new materials offer guidance for those working with diverse and disadvantaged toddlers. Nursery World, 112(4331), pp. 30-31. ISSN (print) 0029-6422


Tompsett, Chris (2013) On the Educational Validity of Research in Educational Technology. Educational Technology & Society, 16(3), pp. 179-190. ISSN (online) 1436-4522

Twycross, Alison and Roderique, Lynda (2013) Review of pain content in three-year preregistration pediatric nursing courses in the United Kingdom. Pain Management Nursing, 14(4), pp. 247-258. ISSN (print) 1524-9042


van der Sluis, Hendrik, May, Steve, Locke, Lorraine and Hill, Michael (2013) Flexible academic support to enhance student retention and success. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 15(2), pp. 79-95. ISSN (print) 1466-6529

van der Sluis, Hendrik and Loughlin, Colin (2013) More or less notes: e-Pens impact on note taking. In: PELeCON 2013: Digital Learnscapes: Meeting Future Challenges; 10-12 Apr 2013, Plymouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)

van der Sluis, Hendrik and Loughlin, Colin (2013) Tag & track. Analytics as a development and evaluation tool. In: altc2013 Building New Cultures of Learning; 10–12 Sep 2013, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Williams, Neil (2013) Replacing lectures with study packs: a method to improve student engagement and achievement. In: HEA STEM: Lectures without Lecturing; 21 Feb 2013, Sheffield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Williams, Neil, Hill, Mike, Jackson, Marcus T. and Elliott-Bowman, Joy (2013) The student academic development research associate scheme - engaging stem students and academics as partners in pedagogic research. In: HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013: Where Practice and Pedagogy Meet; 17-18 Apr 2013, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Wood, Ruth (2013) Children reading multimodal texts. In: NBE 2013: Media Education in No Man’s Land; 05-07 August 2013, Pyhätunturi, Finland. (Unpublished)

Woodfield, Steve, May, Steve and van der Sluis, Hendrik (2013) Lifelong Learning Network (LLN) progression agreements: An effective and sustainable approach for promoting the social mobility of vocational students? Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 15(2), pp. 6-20. ISSN (print) 1466-6529

Woodfield, Steve, May, Steve and van der Sluis, Hendrik (2013) Lifelong Learning Network (LLN) progression agreements: an effective and sustainable approach for promoting the social mobility of vocational students? In: What can Higher Education Contribute to Improving Social Mobility in the UK?; 26-27 Mar 2013, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Yeghiazarian, Ara (2013) Distance learning MBA: challenges. In: Business & Economics Society International Conference; 6-9 Jul 2013, Monte Carlo, Monaco. (Unpublished)

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