Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Education"

Akhtar, Farrukh [Compiler] (2012) Life writing for transformation: facilitators manual. (Manual) Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre. 92 p. (Unpublished)
Allen, M. and Choudhary, A. (2012) Categorisation of ‘animals’ and related taxonomic entities by pre-school children. In: UK Science Education Research Conference – Researchers sharing with researchers; 02-04 Jul 2012, York, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Allen, Michael (2012) Editorial. An international review of school science practical work. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 8(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN (print) 1305-8215
Allen, Michael and Coole, Hilary (2012) Experimenter confirmation bias and the correction of science misconceptions. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 23(4), pp. 387-405. ISSN (print) 1046-560X
Allen, Michael and Briten, Elizabeth (2012) An illustration of the experimenter expectancy effect in school science. School Science Review, 94(346), pp. 112-119. ISSN (print) 0036-6811
Allen, Michael and Briten, Elizabeth (2012) An illustration of the experimenter expectancy effect. School Science Review, 94(346), pp. 112-119. ISSN (print) 0036-6811
Allibone, Lorraine, May, Steve and van der Sluis, Hendrik (2012) Preparing masters students to teach in Higher Education: a new route to enhanced employability? In: The Student Journey, Staff and Educational Development Association Spring Teaching Learning and Assessment Conference; 17 - 18 May 2012, Chester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Alsop, Graham and Neve, Paul (2012) The pedagogy of programming. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Anderson, Deborah and Gurling, Catherine (2012) Making the most of pedagogic research: the case of "Experts and novices". In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bailey, Nicola, Mandeville, Kate L., Rhodes, Tim, Mipando, Mwapatsa and Muula, Adamson S (2012) Postgraduate career intentions of medical students and recent graduates in Malawi: a qualitative interview study. BMC Medical Education, 12(87), ISSN (online) 1472-6920
Baptista, Ana V. and Huet, Isabel (2012) Making sense of metaphors about doctoral students' competences: Analysis of supervisors' voices. Procedia - Social and Behavioural Sciences, 47, pp. 930-937. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Baptista, Ana Vitoria and Huet, Isabel (2012) Postgraduate research supervision quality: rethinking the value of doctoral supervision to design an integrative framework. International Journal of Learning, 18(5), pp. 175-194. ISSN (print) 1447-9494
Barra, Pedro, Usman, Salman and van der Sluis, Hendrik (2012) Is your work to my standard? Using technology for peer and self-assessment. In: What Works? Student Retention and Success; 28-29 Mar 2012, York, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Benson, Ian (2012) Experiences with the Cui curriculum. In: Association of Teachers of Mathematics (ATM) Conference 2012: Enigmas; 2-5 Apr 2012, Swansea, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Benson, Ian (2012) To boldly go. Improvement, pp. 22-23.
Benson, Vladlena, Morgan, Stephanie and Tennakoon, Hemamali (2012) A framework for knowledge management in higher education using social networking. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 3(2), pp. 44-54. ISSN (print) 1947-8429
Bermingham, Vera, Hodgson, John, Cutherbert, Mike and Broadbent, Graeme (2012) Quality assurance and assessment: the role of external examiners in law. In: Association of Law Teachers (ALT) 47th Annual Conference: (Re)assessing Legal Education; 01 - 03 Apr 2012, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bermingham, Vera and Broadbent, Graeme (2012) Quality assurance and assessment: the role of the external examiner in law. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Blair, Bernadette (2012) 'It's just very vague so I kind of didn't spend too long on it explaining things. So I just moved on because there's nowhere else to put what you actually think.' How do art and design students understand and interpret the questions in the National Student Survey? In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Briten, Elizabeth, Jackson-Stevens, Sarah and Treby, Nicola (2012) Using Talk for Learning in Science and Mathematics. In: Jones, Deborah and Hodson, Pamela, (eds.) Unlocking Speaking and Listening. Second edition. London : Routledge. pp. 144-155. ISBN 9780415603171
Cabral, A.P. and Huet, I. (2012) Contributions for innovative institutional research quality assessment practices and processes. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 47, pp. 1109-1114. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Casanova, Diogo and Huet, Isabel (2012) Indicadores para uma auto-avaliacao das estrategias de aprendizagem ativas em ambientes de aprendizagem mediados pelas tic [Building a tool for self-evaluating active learning in ICT mediated learning environments]. In: IX Foro Internacional Sobre la Evaluacion de la Calidad de la Investigacion y de la Educacion Superior (FECIES) [9th International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES)]; 12-15 Jun 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Unpublished)
Cham, Karen (2012) Changing the university genome : a case study of digital media Kingston. Networks, 17,
Chambon, Phil (2012) Beyond the bedroom studio: teaching popular music production at university level. In: The 21st Century Musician: Essential skills for making music today; 02 May 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Cheung, Donna, McKellar, Jocelyne, Parsons, Janet, Lowe, Mandy, Willems, Jacqueline, Heus, Lineke and Reeves, Scott (2012) Community re-engagement and interprofessional education : the impact on health care providers and persons living with stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 19(1), pp. 63-74. ISSN (print) 1074-9357
Clarke, John (2012) Eco-construction trumps: a teaching tool to aid understanding of the environmental impact of construction materials. In: Ecobuild; 20 - 22 Mar 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Collington, Val, Mallik, Maggie, Doris, Faye and Fraser, Diane (2012) Supporting the midwifery practice-based curriculum: the role of the link lecturer. Nurse Education Today, 32(8), pp. 924-929. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Coultas, Valerie (2012) Classroom talk: are we listening to teachers' voices? English in Education, 46(2), pp. 175-189. ISSN (print) 0425-0494
Coultas, Valerie and Hyatt, Rhiannon (2012) Collaborative teaching and collaborative learning-working in schools and HEIs to promote teacher development. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Coultas, Valerie (2012) Let's talk about talk for learning. English Drama Media, 24, pp. 59-60. ISSN (print) 1742-5514
Coultas, Valerie (2012) Talking about multicultural literature. NATE Classroom, 17, pp. 39-41. ISSN (print) 1753-6162
Craig, John (2012) Book Review of: 'Forbidden fruit : counterfactuals and international relations' by Richard Ned Lebow. Political Studies Review, 10(1), pp. 114-115. ISSN (print) 1478-9299
Craig, John (2012) Introduction – teaching politics : beyond the classroom. European Political Science, 11(2), pp. 149-152. ISSN (print) 1680-4333
Craig, John (2012) What (if anything) is different about teaching and learning in politics? In: Gormley-Heenan, Cathy and Lightfoot, Simon, (eds.) Teaching politics and international relations. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 22-37. ISBN 9780230300019
Craig, John (2012) What are we writing about? The scholarship of teaching and learning in political science. In: APSA Teaching and Learning Conference 2012 : Teaching Political Science : Relevance in a Changing World; 17-19 Feb 2012, Washington, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Curtis, K (2012) Nursing's got talent : nurturing students' intentions to provide compassionate care. In: NETNEP 2012 : 4th International Nurse Education Conference : Changing the Landscape for Nursing and Healthcare Education; 17-20 Jun 2012, Baltimore, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)
Curtis, Katherine, Horton, Khim and Smith, Pam (2012) Student nurse socialisation in compassionate practice : a grounded theory study. Nurse Education Today, 32(7), pp. 790-795. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Dimitriadi, Yota, Hodson, Pamela and Ludhra, Geeta (2012) Emphasising the 'C' in ICT: speaking, listening and communication. In: Jones, Deborah and Hodson, Pamela, (eds.) Unlocking speaking and listening. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 156-170. ISBN 9780415603171
Dimitriadis, Christos (2012) How are schools in England addressing the needs of mathematically gifted children in primary classrooms? A review of practice. Gifted Child Quarterly, 56(2), pp. 59-76. ISSN (print) 0016-9862
Dimitriadis, Christos (2012) Provision for mathematically gifted children in primary schools: an investigation of four different methods of organisational provision. Educational Review, 64(2), pp. 241-260. ISSN (print) 0013-1911
Direito, Inês, Pereira, Anabela and Duarte, A. Manuel de Oliveira (2012) Engineering undergraduates' perceptions of soft skills: relations with self-efficacy and learning styles. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 55, pp. 843-851. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Eales-Reynolds, Lesley-Jane and Clarke, Colin (2012) Impact of a novel training experience on the development of a customer service culture in a large hospital trust. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 25(6), pp. 483-497. ISSN (print) 0952-6862
Eales-Reynolds, Lesley-Jane (2012) Pedagogy and practice: the role of research in enhancing student learning. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Eales-Reynolds, Lesley-Jane, Gillham, David, Grech, Carol, Clarke, Colin and Cornell, Jacqueline (2012) A study of the development of critical thinking skills using an innovative web 2.0 tool. Nurse Education Today, 32(7), pp. 752-756. ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Elcock, Karen, Dray, Beattie, Perkins, Andrew, Christian, Sara, Burke, Linda and Sayer, Jane (2012) Employability of newly qualified nurses : selecting students in and supporting them out. In: European Federation of Nurse Educators (FINE) with the RCN Education Forum International Conference 2012 : Nurse Education – Developing the Art and Facing the Challenges; 03-05 Oct 2012, Cardiff, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Evans, Alex (2012) That was then...this is now: fundamental changes in the music business. In: The 21st Century Musician: Essential skills for making music today; 02 May 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Figueiredo, Claudia, Huet, Isabel and Pinheiro, Maria do Rosario (2012) Construction of scientific knowledge and meaning: perceptions of Portuguese doctoral students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 69, pp. 755-762. ISSN (online) 1877-0428
Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2012) Don’t forget your tablets: iPads, tears, and short attention spans. The future of higher education. In: Electrical & Information Engineering Department (EIE) 2nd International Conference on Computing, Energy, Networking, Robotics And Telecommunications (eieCon2012); 21-23 Nov 2012, Ota, Nigeria. (Unpublished)
Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Bekcy (2012) Online formative assessment: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: McClean, Rachel, (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Research Methods. Reading, U.K. : Academic Publishing International Limited. pp. 115-121. ISBN 9781908272461
Fook, Jan (2012) Social work: what is it good for? In: British Columbia Association of Social Workers (BCASW) Fall Conference: Celebrating Strengths; 02-03 Nov 2012, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Fook, Jan (2012) The challenges of creating critically reflective groups. Social Work With Groups, 35(3), pp. 218-234. ISSN (print) 0160-9513
Francis, John (2012) Pick a card - real time elicitative evaluation. In: SRHE Annual Research Conference 2012: What is Higher Education for? Shared and Contested Ambitions; 12-14 Dec 2012, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Freestone, Nicholas, Khan, Aisha and Sam, Cynthia (2012) Collaborative teaching across the 1992 divide. Proceedings STEM Annual Conference 2012,
Freestone, Nick (2012) Teaching collaboratively across the 1992 divide. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gale, Julia and Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie (2012) Community mental health nurses' perspectives of recovery-oriented practice. Journal Of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing, 19(4), pp. 348-353. ISSN (print) 1351-0126
Guo, Ping, East, Linda and Arthur, Antony (2012) A preoperative education intervention to reduce anxiety and improve recovery among Chinese cardiac patients: a randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49(2), 129 -137. ISSN (print) 0020-7489
Harries, Priscilla, Wignall, Sharon, Parker, Clare, Perkins, Lucy, Fowler, Lisa and Mangalpara, Esheeta (2012) Coloured lenses and visual stress : A resource to centralise information about the screening, assessment and provision of coloured lens glasses in England. Website.
Harries, Priscilla, Gilhooly, Mary, Gilhooly, Ken and Davies, Miranda (2012) Elder financial abuse : research and training. Website.
Hawkins, Mike (2012) Social Darwinism and female education, 1870-1920. In: Bernstorff, Florian and Langewand, Alfred, (eds.) Darwinismus, Bildung, Erziehung. Berlin, Germany : LIT Verlag. pp. 15-31. ISBN 9783643115638
Hodson, Pamela (2012) Listening to children's voices: unlocking speaking and listening in the primary classroom. In: Jones, Deborah and Hodson, Pamela, (eds.) Unlocking speaking and listening. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 5-18. ISBN 9780415603171
Hooper, Claire J., Preston, Anne, Balaam, Madeline, Seedhouse, Paul, Jackson, Daniel, Pham, Cuong, Ladha, Cassim, Ladha, Karim, Plötz, Thomas and Olivier, Patrick (2012) The French kitchen : task-based learning in an instrumented kitchen. In: 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing: Ubicomp 2012; 05-08 Sep 2012, Pittsburg, U.S..
Huet, Isabel (2012) Academic development as a strategy to enhance teaching quality in research intensive universities: the Portuguese context. Higher Education Research Network Journal, 5, pp. 9-18.
Huet, Isabel, Costa, Nilza and Cabral, Ana Paula (2012) Evaluation as a process to enhance the quality of teaching, learning and research in Higher Education. In: IX Foro Internacional Sobre la Evaluacion de la Calidad de la Investigacion y de la Educacion Superior (FECIES) [9th International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES)]; 12-15 Jun 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Unpublished)
Hunter, G., Attanayake, D., Denholm-Price, J. and Pfluegel, E. (2012) A novel web-based tool to enhance learning of mathematical concepts. In: International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer); 13 - 14 Dec 2012, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Ibsen, Maia and Clarke, Karen (2012) Construction Academic Skills Centre (CASC) : a drop-in centre to support students with their academic skills, run by trained student advisors in the Schools of Civil Engineering and Construction, and Surveying and Planning. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Improving the student experience : a practical guide for universities and colleges. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 169-171. ISBN 9780415598781
Jerome, Lee and Bhargava, Marcus (2012) Power, politics and pedagogy : community organising and citizenship education. In: Creating Communities : Local, National and Global : Fourteenth Conference of the Children’s Identity and Citizenship in Europe Academic Network; 24-26 May 2012, York, U.K..
Jones, Deborah and Hodson, Pamela, eds. (2012) Unlocking speaking and listening. 2nd ed. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 174p. ISBN 9780415603171
Kardos, Leah (2012) How music technology can make sound and music worlds accessible to student composers in Further Education colleges. British Journal of Music Education, 29(2), pp. 143-151. ISSN (print) 0265-0517
Kenning, Dean (2012) What schools can offer art : towards an avant-gardist conception of gallery education. In: Towards an avant-gardist conception of gallery education; 08 Dec 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2012) The influence upon design of differing conceptions of teaching and learning with technology. In: Olofsson, Anders D. and Lindberg, J. Ola, (eds.) Informed design of educational technologies in Higher Education: Enhanced learning and teaching. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781613500804
Leathley, Michael Jon, Fitzgerald, Jane, Fletcher, Monica, Golton, Ian, Jenkinson, Damian, Price, Chris, Quinn, Tom, Roffe, Christine and Watkins, Caroline (2012) Developing an education framework for stroke. Nursing Times, 108(47), pp. 20-21. ISSN (print) 0954-7762
Lees, Rebecca (2012) Investigating staff opinion of the module evaluation process. In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2012: What is higher education for? Shared and contested ambitions; 12-14 Dec 2012, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Linsey, Tim and van der Sluis, Hendrik (2012) Data analytics and learning technologies: what is possible and can it inform practice? In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Marks-Maran, Diane and Ooms, Ann (2012) Impact on lecturers of working with a research mentor to assist them to undertake educational evaluative research and publish their research. In: European Conference for Educational Research 2012: The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All; 18-21 Sep 2012, Cadiz, Spain. (Unpublished)
Marshall, Jayne (2012) Enhancing international learning and working in an undergraduate midwifery education curriculum through an ERASMUS exchange programme. In: Midwives Calling: The Royal College of Midwives Annual Conference 2012; 13-14 Nov 2012, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Marshall, Jayne E and Ashwin, Cathy (2012) ERASMUS student exchange: enhancing international learning and working in an undergraduate midwifery education programme. In: Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research in Midwifery: Inaugural Conference; 07-08 Sep 2012, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Marshall, Jayne E (2012) Preparing experienced practising midwives to become graduates through a flexible post-registration education pathway. In: Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research in Midwifery: Inaugural Conference; 07-08 Sep 2012, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Marshall, Jayne E (2012) Work based learning: developing midwives and midwifery practice. In: Nottingham International Conference for Education and Research in Midwifery: Inaugural Conference; 07-08 Sep 2012, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Massey, K. and Tong, S. (2012) Criminal investigation and higher education : a crossroads to an uncertain future. In: Investigating homicide : theory, research & practice; 31 Jan 2012, Huddersfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
May, Steve, Webb, Marion and Williams, Neil (2012) BME attainment and success: research and beyond. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
May, Steve, van der Sluis, Hendrik and Woodfield, Steve (2012) Promoting social mobility by creating pathways to the professions and vocational careers: the role of progression agreements. A literature synthesis of the Widening Access, Student Retention and Success National Programmes Archive. (Project Report) York, U.K. : Higher Education Academy. 22 p.
May, Steven [Researcher], Allibone, Lorraine [Teacher] and van der Sluis, Hendrik [Researcher] (2012) Designing a flexible support system in dialogue with students to meet their needs. In: The Social Contract of Higher Education: EAIR 34th Annual Forum; 05 - 08 Sep 2012, Stavanger, Norway. (Unpublished)
McNeil, Tony (2012) 'Don't affect the share price': social media policy in higher education as reputation management. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
McNerney, Karen (2012) Lessons from the field : what can we learn from early childhood education practices of settings in New Zealand and Wales? (Ed.D thesis), Kingston University, .
Mendonça, Constança, Huet, Isabel and Gaio-Alves, Mariana (2012) Avaliacao da qualidade da formacao na area da saude: validacao de competencias genericas e especificas [Evaluating the quality of education for healthcare practice: generic and specific skills]. In: IX Foro Internacional Sobre la Evaluacion de la Calidad de la Investigacion y de la Educacion Superior (FECIES) [9th International Forum on the Evaluation of the Quality of Research and Higher Education (FECIES)]; 12-15 Jun 2012, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (Unpublished)
Middlehurst, Robin and Teixeira, Pedro Nuno (2012) Governance within the EHEA: dynamic trends, common challenges and national particularities. In: Curaj, Adrian , Scott, Peter , Vlasceanu, Lazar and Wilson, Lesley, (eds.) European Higher Education at the crossroads: between the Bologna Process and national reforms. Dordrecht, The Netherlands : Springer. pp. 527-551. ISBN 9789400739369
Middlehurst, Robin (2012) Investing in leadership development: the UK experience. International Higher Education(67), pp. 16-17. ISSN (print) 1084-0613
Middlehurst, Robin, Woodfield, Steve and Curtis, Geoff (2012) Market forces, government agency and key disciplines: learning from international experience. (Project Report) Bristol, U.K. : HEFCE. 96 p.
Middlehurst, Robin (2012) Training and professional development for leadership and management. In: Bergen, Sjur , Polak, Eva-Egron , Kohler, Juergen , Purser, Lewis and Vukasovic, Martina, (eds.) Leadership and governance in higher education: a handbook for decision-makers and administrators. Berlin : RAABE. pp. 91-112. D
Morgan, Michelle and Jones, Glyn (2012) Future developments in higher education and the student experience. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Improving the student experience: a practical guide for universities and colleges. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 211-217. ISBN 9780415598798
Morgan, Michelle, ed. (2012) Improving the student experience: a practical guide for universities and colleges. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 232p. ISBN 9780415598798
Morgan, Michelle (2012) Reorientation and reinduction to study. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Improving the student experience: a practical guide for universities and colleges. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 105-125. ISBN 9780415598798
Morgan, Michelle (2012) The Student Experience Practitioner Model. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Improving the student experience: a practical guide for universities and colleges. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 15-30. ISBN 9780415598798
Morgan, Michelle and Jones, Lucy (2012) Understanding the learning and teaching expectations of taught postgraduate students across science, engineering and computing subjects at Kingston University (KU). In: HEA STEM Annual Conference 2012: Aiming for Excellence in STEM Learning and Teaching; 12-13 Apr 2012, London, U.K..
Morgan, Michelle (2012) The context of learning in higher education. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Improving the student experience: a practical guide for universities and colleges. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 3-14. ISBN 9780415598798
Morgan, Michelle (2012) The evolution of student services in the UK. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 16(3), pp. 77-84. ISSN (print) 1360-3108
Mustafa, Engin (2012) A review of motivational interventions for a UK geographically-distributed learning and development team. Training & Management Development Methods, 26(5), pp. 231-239. ISSN (print) 0951-3507
Nah, G. (2012) Living the discourse of teaching & learning in higher education : participants of the Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching & Learning in the Creative Arts. (Ed.D thesis), Kingston University, .
Neve, Paul, Livingstone, David, Hunter, Gordon and Orwell, James (2012) Online learning environments and the pedagogy of computer programming. In: Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C 2012); 11 - 13 Sept 2012, Manchester, UK.
Norrie, Caroline, Hammond, John, Collington, Valentina and Fook, Jan (2012) Doing it differently? A review of literature on teaching reflective practice across health and social care professions. Reflective Practice, 13(4), pp. 565-578. ISSN (print) 1462-3943
Noutel, A. , Brutten, E. , Pires, G. and Huet, I., eds. (2012) Ensino Superior: saberes, experiências, desafios [Higher Education: knowledge, experiences, challenges]. Teresina, Brazil : Editora Universitária UFRN. ISBN 9788575397145
Ooms, A., Burke, L. M., Marks-Maran, D. J., Webb, M. and Cooper, D. (2012) Students' perceptions of foundation degrees. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 36(3), pp. 403-421. ISSN (print) 0309-877X
Ooms, Ann, Hammond, John and Fergy, Sue (2012) Using an iterative evaluation approach to enhance the quality of learning, teaching and assessment within the Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Diane (2012) The evaluation of support service provision to Higher Education students at two Universities in the United Kingdom. In: European Conference for Educational Research 2012: The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All; 18-21 Sep 2012, Cadiz, Spain. (Unpublished)
Paliokosta, Panagiota and Cullum, Bronwen (2012) Preparing student teachers for 'inclusion'; debating outcomes from students' extended placement in a specialist setting. In: 3rd Teacher Education Advancement Network Annual Conference; 18 May 2012, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Paliokosta, Paty (2012) Co- constructing productive pedagogies: a transformative experience for students and lecturers? In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Paliokosta, Paty (2012) Identification and assessment - introducing Education, Health and Care Plans. In: The next steps for supporting young people with Special Educational Needs; 26 Jan 2012, London, U.K..
Paliokosta, Paty and Cullum, Bronwen (2012) Preparing Student Teachers for 'Inclusion'; Debating Outcomes from Students' Extended Placement in Special Education Settings. In: European Conference for Educational Research 2012: The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All; 18-21 Sep 2012, Cadiz, Spain.
Perselli, Victoria (2012) Rethinking pedagogy in the context of the English Language Teaching curriculum: towards 'transformative internationalisation'? In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Perselli, Victoria (2012) Teaching in England: December 2010. In: Cannella, G.S. and Steinberg, S.R., (eds.) Critical qualitative research reader. New York, U.S. : Peter Lang. pp. 420-428. 2 ISBN 9781433106880
Phillips, Sonia, Berman, Shirley, Hector, Sarah, Tapping, Jennifer, Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Diane (2012) An evaluation study of a clinical supervision programme. Dental Nursing, 8(12), pp. 794-799. ISSN (online) 1749-6799
Renton, Lucy and Postle, Paul (2012) Getting to Grips: A presentation at Drawing on all resources event. In: Drawing on all resources; 16 May 2012, Brighton, U.K..
Renton, Lucy (2012) Opening out : edgeless Virtual Learning Environments and student producers. In: Future Tense; 18 May 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Renton, Lucy [Research team member], Postle, Paul [Research team member], Gale, Cathy [Research team member] and Blair, Bernadette [Research team head] (2012) Presentation on Open Educational Resources in FADA. In: Practising Open Education: developing the potential of open educational resources in art, design & media; 15 Sep 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rice, Alan (2012) Shared paramedic learning across the UK and Gibraltar: Wimba Live Classroom. In: Going Global 2012: Internationalising Higher Education; 13-14 Mar 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ross, Fiona (2012) Conversations with Deans of Nursing: opportunities and challenges for a practice based discipline in higher education. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Rush, Susan, Firth, Terry, Burke, Linda and Marks-Maran, Di (2012) Implementation and evaluation of peer assessment of clinical skills for first year student nurses. Nurse Education in Practice, 12(4), pp. 219-226. ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Sharples, Kath, Fergy, Sue and Ooms, Ann (2012) Preparing post graduate student nurses for learning in practice. In: International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference; 04-05 September 2012, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Stephens-Himonides, Cynthia (2012) Exploring piano teaching and learning from a socio-cultural perspective. In: SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference; 14-15 Sep 2012, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Sutherland, Helen and Styman, Jan (2012) Promoting the wellbeing of toddlers within Europe. In: 22nd EECERA Conference: Pre-birth to Three: Identities, Learning, Diversities; 29 Aug - 01 Sep 2012, Oporto, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Sutherland, Helen and Styman, Jan (2012) Towards Opportunities for Disadvantaged and Diverse Learners on the Early-childhood Road (TODDLER) Project. Comenius Journal, 21, pp. 36-38. ISSN (print) 2033-4443
Toplis, Rob and Allen, Michael (2012) 'I do and I understand?': practical work and laboratory use in United Kingdom schools. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 8(1), pp. 3-9. ISSN (print) 1305-8215
Ulvøy, Maren and Yeghiazarian, Ara (2012) Do we know our students? In: The 3rd Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 8 May 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
van der Sluis, Hendrik and Linsey, Timothy (2012) Assessing e-book readers for academic practices. In: ALT-C 2012: a confrontation with reality; 11-13 Sep 2012, Manchester, U.K..
van der Sluis, Hendrik and Loughlin, Colin (2012) The pen is mightier with the words. In: ALT-C 2012: a confrontation with reality; 11-13 Sep 2012, Manchester, U.K..
Williams, Neil (2012) Enhancing the impact of chemistry outreach by use of selected, repeated interventions and collaborative university provision. In: Grove, Michael, (ed.) Sharing effective practice through collaboration: Case Studies arising from the National HE STEM Programme Collaborative Projects Initiative. Birmingham, U.K. : The National HE STEM Programme. pp. 31-33. ISBN 9780956725554
Wood, Ruth (2012) An examination of children's interactions with multimedia texts : the development of narrative. In: Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines & Creativity; 26-29 Jun 2012, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)
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