Items where Kingston Author is "Mcneil, Tony"

Conference or Workshop Item
McNeil, Tony (2012) 'Don't affect the share price': social media policy in higher education as reputation management. In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
McNeil, Tony (2010) Twitter is dead: refelections on student resistance to microblogging. In: 5th Plymouth e-learning conference: learning without limits; 08 - 09 Apr 2010, Plymouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)
McNeil, Tony (2010) Much ado about Twitter: using Twitter for a final-year Shakespeare course. In: International Technology, Education and Development Conference; 08 - 10 Mar 2010, Valencia, Spain. (Unpublished)
McNeil, Tony (2009) Blurring boundaries: Facebook for film studies. In: 4th Plymouth e-Learning Conference 2009; 23 - 24 Apr 2009, Plymouth, U.K..
Katsifli, Demetra, Linsey, Tim [Researcher], Ooms, Ann [Researcher], van der Sluis, Hendrik [Researcher] and Mcneill, Tony [Researcher] (2010) The impact of Blackboard software on education globally over the past 10 years. (Documentation) Blackboard Inc.