Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Business and management studies"
Jump to: 2012 Number of items: 193. 2012Abbott, Brian, Heery, Edmund and Williams, Stephen (2012) Civil society organizations and the exercise of power in the employment relationship. Employee Relations, 34(1), pp. 91-107. ISSN (print) 0142-5455 Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi (2012) Entrepreneurship and bottom of the pyramid (BOP) markets: the mediating role of human capital in a developing country. In: 2nd Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business Middle East North Africa Chapter (AIB-MENA): Managing in Uncertain Times; 13-15 Jan 2012, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ISSN (online) 2220-4547 (Unpublished) Abubakar, Yazid Abdullahi (2012) Information technology in bottom of the pyramid (BOP) markets: impact on entrepreneurship rates in developing countries. In: 2nd Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business Middle East North Africa Chapter (AIB-MENA): Managing in Uncertain Times; 13-15 Jan 2012, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. ISSN (online) 2220-4547 (Unpublished) Alfes, Kerstin, Shantz, Amanda and Truss, Catherine (2012) The link between perceived HRM practices, performance and wellbeing: the moderating effect of organisational trust. Human Resource Management Journal, 22(4), pp. 409-427. ISSN (print) 0954-5395 Alvarez-Dionisi, Luis Emilio and Turner, J. Rodney (2012) Project governance: reviewing the past, envisioning the future. In: Project Management Institute (PMI) Research and Education Conference 2012; 15-18 Jul 2012, Limerick, Ireland. Ana, Rincon, Vecchi, Michela and Venturini, Francesco (2012) ICT spillovers, absorptive capacity and productivity performance. (Working Paper) Perugia : Università di Perugia, Dipartimento Economia. (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica, no. 103/2012) Anderson, Deborah and Lynn, James (2012) Developing principles for mobile marketing communications. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2012: Marketing: catching the technology wave; 2-5 Jul 2012, Southampton, U.K.. ISBN 9780854329472 Anderson, Deborah and Petrov, Georgy (2012) Integrating skills into the curriculum: a case study in business. In: Morgan, Michelle, (ed.) Improving the student experience: a practical guide for universities and colleges. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 97-99. ISBN 9780415598798 Anderson, Deborah and Gurling, Catherine (2012) Making the most of pedagogic research: the case of "Experts and novices". In: Educational Research Forum; 15 Jun 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Annan-Diab, Fatima and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2012) Multinational firms investing into Ireland : an analysis of the software & IT and financial services sectors. In: 38th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference; 07 - 09 Dec 2012, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished) Annan-Diab, Fatima and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2012) Understanding multinational's location choice decisions : a resource based view perspective. In: 39th Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business UK & Ireland Chapter (AIB-UKI) : International Business : New challenges, new forms, new practices; 29 - 31 Mar 2012, Liverpool. Annan-Diab, Fatima and Filippaios, Fragkiskos (2012) Understanding multinational’s location choice decisions : a resource based view perspective. In: Academy of International Business (AIB) 2012 Annual Conference; 30 Jun - 03 Jul 2012, Washington D.C., U.S.. (Unpublished) Arevshatian, Lilith (2012) An exploration of wellbeing: a case study of feedback employees in healthcare. In: The 3rd Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 8 May 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Athayde, Rosemary and Hart, Mark (2012) Developing a methodology to evaluate enterprise education programmes. International Review of Entrepreneurship, 10(3), ISSN (online) 2009-2822 Athayde, Rosemary (2012) Impact: 50 years of young enterprise. (Technical Report) Young Enterprise. 44 p. Athayde, Rosemary (2012) The impact of enterprise education on attitudes to enterprise in young people: an evaluation study. Education and Training, 54(8/9), pp. 709-726. ISSN (print) 0040-0912 Baek, Hyunmi, Ahn, JoongHo and Choi, Youngseok (2012) Helpfulness of online consumer reviews : readers' objectives and review cues. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 17(2), pp. 99-126. ISSN (print) 1086-4415 Bains, M., Munir, F., Yarker, J., Bowley, D., Thomas, A., Armitage, N. and Steward, W. (2012) The impact of colorectal cancer and self-efficacy beliefs on work ability and employment status: a longitudinal study. European Journal of Cancer Care, 21(5), pp. 634-641. ISSN (print) 0961-5423 Bains, Manpreet, Yarker, Joanna, Amir, Ziv, Wynn, Philip and Munir, Fehmidah (2012) Helping cancer survivors return to work: what providers tell us about the challenges in assisting cancer patients with work questions. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 22(1), pp. 71-77. ISSN (print) 1053-0487 Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita (2012) Demand for expensive limited edition artwork among first generation affluent buyers. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2012: Marketing : catching the technology wave; 2-5 Jul 2012, Southampton, U.K.. ISBN 9780854329472 Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita (2012) Public attitudes towards the UK banking industry following the global financial crisis. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 30(2), pp. 128-147. ISSN (print) 0265-2323 Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2012) Student experience: issues of wireless access and cloud deployment in higher education. In: 9th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2012); 24-27 Jul 2012, Rome, Italy. Benson, Vladlena, Morgan, Stephanie and Tennakoon, Hemamali (2012) A framework for knowledge management in higher education using social networking. International Journal of Knowledge Society Research, 3(2), pp. 44-54. ISSN (print) 1947-8429 Blackburn, Robert (2012) Export to expand: the key to small business growth in the UK. (Technical Report) London, U.K. : Barclays. 12 p. Blackburn, Robert, Liukkonen, Paula and Alasoini, Tuomo (2012) Research programme on business know-how (LIIKE2) 2006–2009: evaluation report. (Project Report) Helsinki, Finland : Academy of Finland. 37 p. (Publications of the Academy of Finland, no. 5/12) ISBN 9789517158336 Blackburn, Robert (2012) Segmenting the SME market and implications for service provision: a literature review. (Technical Report) London, UK : Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. 35 p. ISBN 9781908370204 Blackburn, Robert A. and Schaper, Michael T., eds. (2012) Government, SMEs and entrepreneurship development: policy, practice and challenges. Farnham, U.K. : Gower Publishing Limited. 310p. ISBN 9781409430353 Blankson, Charles, Kalafatis, Stavros, Cowan, Kirsten and Singh, Jaywant (2012) Market orientation and positioning strategy : review and propositions. In: 2012 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) World Marketing Congress (WMC): Cultural Perspectives in Marketing: Thriving in a New World Economy; 28 Aug - 01 Sep 2012, Buckhead (Atlanta), Georgia, U.S.. Boloori Arabani, Alireza and Zanjirani Farahani, Reza (2012) Facility location dynamics: an overview of classifications and applications. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62(1), pp. 408-420. ISSN (print) 0360-8352 Brach, Juliane and Spanjers, Willem (2012) Political ambiguity and economic development: the MENA countries. (Working Paper) Maastricht, Netherlands : Maastricht School of Management. 40 p. (Maastricht School of Managment Working Papers, no. 39) Brightwell, Maria das Graças (2012) On the move and in the making: Brazilian culinary cultures in London. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 37(74), pp. 51-80. ISSN (print) 0826-3663 Bull, Elaine (2012) Case study: employee involvement at Paper Co. In: Kramar, Robin and Syed, Jawad, (eds.) Human resource management in a global context: a critical approach. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 368-371. ISBN 9780230251533 Bull, Elaine, Gilman, Mark and Pyman, Amanda (2012) A re-assessment of non-union employee representation in the UK: developments since the ICE age. In: Journal of Industrial Relations Symposium: Reassessing Employee Involvement and Participation: International Perspectives; 14 Aug 2012, Brisbane, Australia. (Unpublished) Butler, Christina L., Zander, Lena, Mockaitis, Audra and Sutton, Ciara (2012) The global leader as boundary spanner, bridge maker, and blender. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5(2), pp. 240-243. ISSN (online) 1754-9434 Coad, Alex and Tamvada, Jaganaddha Pawan (2012) Firm growth and barriers to growth among small firms in India. Small Business Economics, 39(2), pp. 383-400. ISSN (print) 0921-898X Collins, Liam and Pierrakis, Yannis (2012) The venture crowd: crowdfunding equity investments into business. (Project Report) London, U.K. : NESTA. 36 p. Collis, Jill, Holt, Andrew and Hussey, Roger (2012) Business accounting: an introduction to financial and management accounting. 2nd ed. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 451p. ISBN 9780230276239 Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca (2012) Changes in attitudes and behaviour. In: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2012; 03-05 Dec 2012, Adelaide, Australia. Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca, Mcgill, John and Passera, Mark (2012) Investigating the relationship between ‘changes’ in attitudes and purchase behaviour. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2012: Marketing: catching the technology wave; 2-5 Jul 2012, Southampton, U.K.. ISBN 9780854329472 Daskalaki, Maria (2012) Re-contextualizing new employee induction: organizational entry as a change space. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 48(1), pp. 93-114. ISSN (print) 0021-8863 Daskalaki, Maria, Zundel, Mike and Lenney, Peter (2012) Technology and process: towards cyborg identities in organization studies. In: 4th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS): Language and Communication @ Work: Discourse, Narrativity and Organizing; 21-23 Jun 2012, Kos, Greece. (Unpublished) Davies, Gareth (2012) The impact of organisational culture, learning and knowledge development on performance. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, . Day, Marc, Lichtenstein, Scott and Samouel, Phillip (2012) The nature of supply management operational capability and its impact on firm performance. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2012: Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice; 11-13 Sep 2012, Cardiff, U.K.. ISBN 9780954960858 De Clercq, Dirk, Sapienza, Harry J., Yavuz, R. Isil and Zhou, Lianxi (2012) Learning and knowledge in early internationalization research: past accomplishments and future directions. Journal of Business Venturing, 27(1), pp. 143-165. ISSN (print) 0883-9026 De Clercq, Dirk, Meuleman, Miguel and Wright, Mike (2012) A cross-country investigation of micro-angel investment activity: the roles of new business opportunities and institutions. International Business Review, 21(2), pp. 117-129. ISSN (print) 0969-5931 Do, Thuy Hang, Mazzarol, Tim, Volery, Thierry and Reboud, Sophie (2012) Innovation commercialisation and anticipated return: a typology of innovative SMEs. In: 57th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2012: Leading from the Edge; 10-13 Jun 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. ISBN 9780981902845 Donaldson-Feilder, Emma, Lewis, Rachel, Tharani, Taslim and Pangallo, A (2012) Switched on: what can managers do to enhance employee engagement? In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Annual Conference 2012: Delivering Excellence: Stimulating, Informing and Engaging our Profession; 11-13 Jan 2012, Chester, U.K.. Doran, Des, Hill, Alexander, Brown, Steve and Ektas, Emel (2012) Is operations management relevant? In: 4th Production and Operations Management (P&OM) World Conference: Serving the World; 1-5 Jul 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands. (Unpublished) East, Robert, Uncles, Mark and Lomax, Wendy (2012) Distortions in retrospective word-of-mouth measurement. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2012: Marketing: catching the technology wave; 2-5 Jul 2012, Southampton, U.K.. ISBN 9780854329472 East, Robert, Uncles, Mark, Romaniuk, Jenni and Lomax, Wendy (2012) Error in retrospective word-of-mouth measurement. In: 41st European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2012: Marketing to Citizens: Going beyond Customers and Consumers; 22-25 May 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN 9789897320040 East, Robert, Grandcolas, Ursula, Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Lomax, Wendy (2012) Reasons for switching service providers. Australasian Marketing Journal, 20(2), pp. 164-170. ISSN (print) 1441-3582 East, Robert, Uncles, Mark, Romaniuk, Jenni and Lomax, Wendy (2012) The mechanics of innovation diffusion. In: Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2012; 03-05 Dec 2012, Adelaide, Australia. (Unpublished) Ennals, Richard (2012) Book Review of: 'The social organization: how to use social media to tap the collective genius of your customers and employees' by A.J. Bradley and M.P. McDonald. International Journal of Information Management, 32(2), p. 203. ISSN (print) 0268-4012 Ennals, Richard (2012) Quality as empowerment: spreading the culture. In: The 3rd Annual Faculty of Business and Law Conference: Emerging Issues in Business and Law; 8 May 2012, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished) Eweje, John, Turner, Rodney and Müller, Ralf (2012) Maximizing strategic value from megaprojects: the influence of information-feed on decision-making by the project manager. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), pp. 639-651. ISSN (print) 0263-7863 Faroughian, Frank F., Kalafatis, Stavros P., Ledden, Lesley, Samouel, Philip and Tsogas, Markos H. (2012) Value and risk in business-to-business e-banking. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(1), pp. 68-81. ISSN (print) 0019-8501 Fernando, Senaka, Choudrie, Jyoti, Lycett, Mark and de Cesare, Sergio (2012) Hidden assumptions and their influence on clinicians’ acceptance of new IT systems in the NHS. Information Systems Frontiers, 14(2), pp. 279-299. ISSN (print) 1387-3326 Fitkov-Norris, Elena (2012) Don’t forget your tablets: iPads, tears, and short attention spans. The future of higher education. In: Electrical & Information Engineering Department (EIE) 2nd International Conference on Computing, Energy, Networking, Robotics And Telecommunications (eieCon2012); 21-23 Nov 2012, Ota, Nigeria. (Unpublished) Fitkov-Norris, Elena, Vahid, Samireh and Hand, Chris (2012) Evaluating the impact of categorical data encoding and scaling on neural network classification performance: the case of repeat consumption of identical cultural goods. In: Jayne, Chrisina , Yue, Shigang and Iliadis, Lazaros S., (eds.) Engineering Applications of Neural Networks: 13th International Conference, EANN 2012, London, UK, September 2012, Proceedings. London, U.K. : Springer. pp. 343-352. (Communications in Computer and Information Science, (311)) ISBN 9783642329081 Fitkov-Norris, Elena and Lees, Bekcy (2012) Online formative assessment: does it add up to better performance in quantitative modules? In: McClean, Rachel, (ed.) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Research Methods. Reading, U.K. : Academic Publishing International Limited. pp. 115-121. ISBN 9781908272461 Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2012) Book Review of: 'Information and the modern corporation' by James W. Cortada. International Journal of Information Management, 32(2), pp. 204-205. ISSN (print) 0268-4012 Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2012) Book Review of: 'Internet success: a study of Open-Source Software commons' by C.M. Schweik and R.C. English. International Journal of Information Management, 32(6), pp. 596-597. ISSN (print) 0268-4012 Foster, M.J. and Tseng, C.S. (2012) Kingfisher attacks the China market. Frontiers of Business Research in China, 6(1), pp. 156-168. ISSN (print) 1673-7326 Genus, Audley (2012) Changing the rules? Institutional innovation and the diffusion of microgeneration. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 24(7), pp. 711-727. ISSN (print) 0953-7325 Genus, Audley (2012) The governance of technological transitions: the case of renewable energy. In: Marletto, Gerardo, (ed.) Creating a sustainable economy: an institutional and evolutionary approach to environmental policy. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 177-201. (Routledge Series in Ecological Economics) ISBN 9780415610766 Genus, Audley and Jha, Pushkar (2012) The role of inertia in explanations of project performance: a framework and evidence from project-based organizations. International Journal of Project Management, 30(1), pp. 117-126. ISSN (print) 0263-7863 Georgellis, Yannis and Lange, Thomas (2012) Traditional versus secular values and the job-life satisfaction relationship across Europe. British Journal of Management, 23(4), pp. 437-454. ISSN (print) 1045-3172 Georgellis, Yannis, Lange, Thomas and Tabvuma, Vurain (2012) The impact of life events on job satisfaction. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(2), pp. 464-473. ISSN (print) 1095-9084 Gillard, Steve, Simons, Lucy, Turner, Kati, Lucock, Mike and Edwards, Christine (2012) Patient and public involvement in the coproduction of knowledge: reflection on the analysis of qualitative data in a mental health study. Qualitative Health Research, 22(8), pp. 1126-1137. ISSN (print) 1049-7323 Giudici, Alessandro and Reinmoeller, Patrick (2012) Dynamic capabilities in the dock: a case of reification? Strategic Organization, 10(4), pp. 436-449. ISSN (print) 1476-1270 Gonzalez-Bree, Francisco (2012) An examination of drivers of attitudes and intention to use ATMs for cash deposits. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, . Gourlay, Stephen, Alfes, Kerstin, Bull, Elaine, Baron, Angela, Petrov, Georgy and Georgellis, Yannis (2012) Emotional or transactional engagement - does it matter? (Project Report) London, U.K. : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Groves, Winnifred (2012) Diagnosing and prescribing by nurses in different health care settings: perceptions and experiences of key stakeholders in Cameroon. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Guest, David E. and Rodrigues, Ricardo (2012) Can the organizational career survive? An evaluation within a social exchange perspective. In: Shore, Lynn M. , Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline A-M. and Tetrick, Lois E., (eds.) The employee-organization relationship: applications for the 21st century. New York, U.S. : Routledge. pp. 193-222. (Series in applied psychology) ISBN 9780415880770 Hand, Chris and McGill, John (2012) Does arts audience behaviour conform to Dirichlet predictions? A cross-regional investigation. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2012: Marketing: catching the technology wave; 2-5 Jul 2012, Southampton, U.K. ISBN 9780854329472 Hand, Chris and Judge, Guy (2012) Searching for the picture: forecasting UK cinema admissions using Google Trends data. Applied Economics Letters, 19(11), pp. 1051-1055. ISSN (print) 1350-4851 Hannon, Enda (2012) Discipline and dismissal. In: Willey, Brian, (ed.) Employment law in context: an introduction for HR professionals. 4th ed. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. pp. 301-340. ISBN 9781408270479 Hannon, Enda (2012) Family leave and work-life balance. In: Willey, Brian, (ed.) Employment law in context: an introduction for HR professionals. 4th ed. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. pp. 434-471. ISBN 9781408270479 Head, C. H. (2012) Pocket Guide to Leadership. (Technical Report) Northampton, U.K. : Socitm. (Planting the Flag) Head, Christopher (2012) Planting the flag: governance. (Other) Northampton, U.K. : Society of Information Technology Management. 24 p. (Planning the routes. Pocket guide, no. 2) ISBN 9781907608216 Head, Christopher (2012) Planting the flag: organisational change. (Other) Northampton, U.K. : Society of Information Technology Management. 20 p. (Planning the routes. Pocket guide) ISBN 9781907608223 Heery, Edmund, Williams, Steve and Abbott, Brian (2012) Civil society organizations and trade unions: cooperation, conflict, indifference. Work, Employment & Society, 26(1), pp. 145-160. ISSN (print) 0950-0170 Heery, Edmund, Abbott, Brian and Williams, Stephen (2012) The involvement of civil society organisations in British industrial reltions: extent, origins, significance. British Journal Of Industrial Relations, 50(1), pp. 47-72. ISSN (print) 0007-1080 Hill, Alex, Doran, Des and Stratton, Roy (2012) How should you stabilise your supply chains? International Journal of Production Economics, 135(2), pp. 870-881. ISSN (print) 0925-5273 Hill, Alex and Hill, Terry (2012) Operations management. 3rd ed. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 778p. ISBN 9780230362901 Holgate, Jane, Abbott, Sue, Kamenou, Nicolina, Kinge, Josie, Parker, Jane, Sayce, Susan, Sinclair, Jacqueline and Williams, Laura (2012) Equality and diversity in employment relations: do we practise what we preach? Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 31(4), pp. 323-339. ISSN (print) 2040-7149 Hudson, Phil (2012) Understanding why Beyond Budgeting has not been widely adopted. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, . Imas, J Miguel, Wilson, Nick and Weston, Alia (2012) Barefoot entrepreneurs. Organization, 19(5), pp. 563-585. ISSN (print) 1350-5084 Imas, J. Miguel and Weston, Alia (2012) From Harare to Rio de Janeiro: Kukiya-Favela organization of the excluded. Organization, 19(2), pp. 205-227. ISSN (print) 1350-5084 Imas, J. Miguel (2012) The curious organisational world of imagination, art and the precariat: imagining a friend. Revista Electrônica de Gestão Organizacional, 10(3), pp. 436-444. ISSN (online) 1679-1827 Iskandarova, Marfuga and Simakova, Elena (2012) Energy, expectations, and expertise: the case of Wave Hub. In: Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) and European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) Conference 2012: Design and Displacement; 17-20 Oct 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Unpublished) Johnsen, Hans Christian Garmann and Ennals, Richard, eds. (2012) Creating collaborative advantage: innovation and knowledge creation in regional economies. Farnham, U.K. : Gower Publishing Limited. 268p. ISBN 9781409403333 Juanchich, Marie, Sirota, Miroslav and Butler, Christina Lea (2012) The perceived functions of linguistic risk quantifiers and their effect on risk, negativity perception and decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 118(1), pp. 72-81. ISSN (print) 0749-5978 Kalafatis, Stavros, Singh, Jaywant and Riley, Debra (2012) Intangibility as a determinant of consumer evaluation of co-branded services. In: 41st European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2012: Marketing to Citizens: Going beyond Customers and Consumers; 22-25 May 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN 9789897320040 Kalafatis, Stavros P., Remizova, Natalia, Riley, Debra and Singh, Jaywant (2012) The differential impact of brand equity on B2B co-branding. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 27(8), pp. 623-634. ISSN (print) 0885-8624 Kalafatis, Stavros P., Riley, Debra, Tsogas, Markos H. and Clodine-Florent, Jimmy (2012) The effects of source credibility and message variation on mail survey response behaviour. International Journal of Market Research, 54(3), pp. 391-406. ISSN (print) 1470-7853 Kasperova, Eva and Kitching, John (2012) (Dis)embodied entrepreneurs: a critique of entrepreneurial identity studies. In: 35th Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference: Creating Opportunities through Innovation: Local Energy, Global Vision; 7-8 Nov 2012, Dublin, Ireland. Keegan, Anne, Huemann, Martina and Turner, J. Rodney (2012) Beyond the line: exploring the HRM responsibilities of line managers, project managers and the HRM department in four project-oriented companies in the Netherlands, Austria, the UK and the USA. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(15), pp. 3085-3104. ISSN (print) 0958-5192 Kibler, Ewald, Wainwright, Thomas, Kautonen, Teemu and Blackburn, Robert (2012) (Work)life after work?: Older entrepreneurship in London - motivations and barriers. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. ISBN 9781902425092 Kitching, John and Smallbone, David (2012) Are freelancers a neglected form of small business? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 19(1), pp. 74-91. ISSN (print) 1462-6004 Kitching, John and Smallbone, David (2012) Exploring the UK freelance workforce, 2011. (Project Report) West Drayton, U.K. : Professional Contractors Group Ltd. 43 p. Kitching, John, Kasperova, Eva and Collis, Jill (2012) Regulation, risk, performance and policy: a study of the impact of UK small company abbreviated accounts legislation. In: 57th International Council for Small Business (ICSB) World Conference 2012: Leading from the Edge; 10-13 Jun 2012, Wellington, New Zealand. Koshy, Jacob (2012) An exploration of the use in practice of credit risk models. (DBA thesis), Kingston University, . Kosmala, Katarzyna and Imas, J. Miguel (2012) Favela is painting: an UrbansparkZ/art installation of social commitment and organisational change. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 10(2), pp. 466-469. ISSN (online) 1679-3951 Kosmala, Katarzyna and Imas, Miguel (2012) Narrating a story of Buenos Aires' Fabricas Recuperadas. International Journal of Management and Business, 3(1), pp. 103-114. ISSN (print) 1949-2839 Kottasz, Rita and Bennett, Roger (2012) Managing the reputation of the banking industry consequent to the financial crisis : antecedents of customer memory and recall. In: 11th International Marketing Trends Conference; 19-21 Jan 2012, Venice, Italy. Kovela, Serhiy and Skok, Walter (2012) Mergers and acquisitions in banking: understanding the IT integration perspective. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(18), pp. 69-81. ISSN (print) 1833-3850 Kuldiloke, Somsawai (2012) Determinants of consumer intention towards ethical buying. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, . Lees, Rebecca (2012) Investigating staff opinion of the module evaluation process. In: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Annual Research Conference 2012: What is higher education for? Shared and contested ambitions; 12-14 Dec 2012, Newport, U.K.. (Unpublished) Lewis, Rachel (2012) Linking management to employee wellbeing. In: Health and Wellbeing at Work; 6-7 Mar 2012, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished) Lewis, Rachel (2012) Linking management to employee wellbeing. In: Midlands Workplace Wellbeing (MWW): 2nd Regional Conference: National Stress Awareness Day Conference (NSAD); 25 Oct 2012, Birmingham, U.K.. Lewis, Rachel, Donaldson-Feilder, Emma and Tharani, Taslim (2012) Managing for sustainable employee engagement: developing a behavioural framework. (Technical Report) London, U.K. : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 22 p. (Research Insight) Lewis, Rachel and Donaldson-Feilder, Emma (2012) Perspectives on leadership in 2012: implications for HR. (Discussion Paper) London, U.K. : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 25 p. (Research Report: August 2012) Lewis, Rachel, Yarker, J and Donaldson-Feilder, E (2012) The vital role of managers in managing psychosocial risks. In: Biron, Caroline , Karanika-Murray, Maria and Cooper, Cary L., (eds.) Improving organizational interventions for stress and well-being: addressing process and context. London, U.K. : Routledge. ISBN 9781848720565 Lowe, Sid, Magala, Slawek and Hwang, Ki‐Soon (2012) All we are saying, is give theoretical pluralism a chance. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25(5), pp. 752-774. ISSN (print) 0953-4814 Lowe, Sid, Ellis, Nick, Purchase, Sharon, Rod, Michel and Hwang, Ki-Soon (2012) Mapping alternatives: a commentary on Cova, B. et al. (2010). 'Navigating between dyads and networks'. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(2), pp. 357-364. ISSN (print) 0019-8501 Lowe, Sid and Hwang, Ki-Soon (2012) A NICE agenda for IMP research. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(4), pp. 706-714. ISSN (print) 0019-8501 Lowe, Sid, Purchase, Sharon and Ellis, Nick (2012) The drama of interaction within business networks. Industrial Marketing Management, 41(3), pp. 421-428. ISSN (print) 0019-8501 Mador, Martha, Sullivan, Sid, Springdal, Kent and Gander, Jonathan (2012) Keep off the grass : stakeholder consultation in parks services. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2012: Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice; 11-13 Sep 2012, Cardiff, U.K. ISBN 9780954960858 Memon, Ally (2012) Evaluating the effectiveness of public services. AQMeN Online, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Baio, Gianluca, Montagano, Giuseppe, Cauzillo, Gabriella, Locuratolo, Francesco, Becce, Gerardo, Gitto, Lara, Marcellusi, Andrea, Zweifel, Peter, Capone, Alessandro and Favato, Giampiero (2012) Governance of preventive health intervention and on time verification of its efficiency: the GIOVE study. BMJ Open, 2(2), ISSN (online) 2044-6055 Miandoabchi, Elnaz, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Wai Yuen, Szeto (2012) Bi-objective bimodal urban road network design using hybrid metaheuristics. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 20(4), pp. 583-621. ISSN (print) 1435-246X Miandoabchi, Elnaz, Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Dullaert, Wout and Szeto, W.Y. (2012) Hybrid evolutionary metaheuristics for concurrent multi-objective design of urban road and public transit networks. Networks and Spatial Economics, 12(3), pp. 441-480. ISSN (print) 1566-113X Morgan, Stephanie J (2012) Book Review of: Managerial ethics: managing the psychology of morality by Marshall Schminke. Social Psychological Review, 14(1), pp. 48-49. ISSN (print) 1369-7862 Muller, R., Geraldi, J. and Turner, J.R. (2012) Relationships between leadership and success in different types of project complexities. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59(1), pp. 77-90. ISSN (print) 0018-9391 Munir, Fehmidah, Yarker, Joanna, Hicks, Ben and Donaldson-Feilder, Emma (2012) Returning employees back to work: developing a measure for supervisors to support return to work (SSRW). 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ISBN 9789897320040 Wainwright, Thomas (2012) Building new markets: transferring securitization, bond-rating and a crisis from the US to the UK. In: Aalbers, Manuel B., (ed.) Subprime cities. the political economy of mortgage markets. Oxford, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 97-119. (Studies in Urban and Social Change) ISBN 9781444337761 Wainwright, Thomas (2012) Number crunching: financialization and spatial strategies of risk organization. Journal of Economic Geography, 12(6), pp. 1267-1291. ISSN (print) 1468-2702 Willey, Brian and Sachdev, Sanjiv (2012) Managing change in the employment relationship. In: Willey, Brian, (ed.) Employment law in context: an introduction for HR professionals. 4th ed. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. pp. 90-136. ISBN 9781408270479 Zander, Lena, Mockaitis, Audra I. and Butler, Christina (2012) Leading global teams. Journal of World Business, 47(4), pp. 592-603. ISSN (print) 1090-9516 Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Asgari, Nasrin, Heidari, Nooshi, Nia, Mahtab and Goh, Mark (2012) Covering problems in facility location: a review. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 62(1), pp. 368-407. ISSN (print) 0360-8352 Zanjirani Farahani, Reza, Dadgostari, Faraz and Tirdad, Ali (2012) Future trends in SCM. In: Zanjirani Farahani, Reza , Rezapour, Shabnam and Kardar, Laleh, (eds.) Supply chain sustainability and raw material management: concepts and processes. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. pp. 82-100. ISBN 9781613505045 Zanjirani Farahani, Reza and Fadaei, Moslem (2012) A MCDM-based model for vendor selection: a case study in the particleboard industry. Journal of Forestry Research, 23(4), pp. 685-690. ISSN (print) 1007-662X Zanjirani Farahani, Reza , Rezapour, Shabnam and Kardar, Laleh, eds. (2012) Supply chain sustainability and raw material management: concepts and processes. Hershey, U.S. : IGI Global. 367p. ISBN 9781613505045 de Boer, Diederik P., van der Linden, Victor L. and Tuninga, Ronald S.J. (2012) The bottom of the pyramid (BOP) and the private sector: a value chain research approach. In: van Dijk, Meine Pieter and Trienekens, Jacques, (eds.) Global value chains: linking local producers from developing countries to international markets. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Amsterdam University Press. pp. 31-42. ISBN 9789089643605 |