Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing (until 2017)"

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Number of items: 168.


Abdelkader, H, Longman, MR, Alany, RG and Pierscionek, B (2016) Phytosome-hyaluronic acid systems for ocular delivery of L-carnosine. International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2016(11), pp. 2815-2827. ISSN (print) 1176-9114

Ahmadi, H, Liaghat, GH. and Hadavinia, H. (2016) Investigation on tensile properties of plain and nanoclay reinforced syntactic foams. International Journal of Composite Materials, 6(1), pp. 34-41. ISSN (print) 2166-479X

Al-Kinani, Ali Athab Tahar (2016) Delivery of antioxidants to the lens using nanoparticles. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Alanzi, Turki, Istepanian, Robert and Philip, Nada (2016) Design and usability ealuation of social mobile diabetes management system in the Gulf Region. JMIR Research Protocols, 5(3), e93. ISSN (online) 1929-0748

Algieri, F., Rodriguez-Nogales, Al., Garrido-Mesa, J., Camuesco, D., Vezza, T., Garrido-Mesa, N., Utrilla, P., Rodriguez-Cabezas, M.E., Pischel, I. and Galvez, J. (2016) Intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of calcium pyruvate in the TNBS model of rat colitis : comparison with ethyl pyruvate. Biochemical Pharmacology, 103, pp. 53-63. ISSN (print) 0006-2952

Alsharif, Abdulla H. (2016) Intelligent M-Health-CBT combined technology for an enhanced smoking cessation management system using data mining techniques with a case study in Saudi Arabia. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Alvarenga, Jessica, Vitzilaios, Nikolaos I., Rutherford, Matthew J. and Valavanis, Kimon P. (2016) Modeling and Frequency-Domain Parameter Identification of a Small-Scale Flybarless Unmanned Helicopter. In: Blockley, Richard and Shyy, Wei, (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering. Wiley. ISBN 9780470686652

Arachchige, B., Ghasemnejad, H. and Augousti, A. T. (2016) Theoretical approach to predict transverse impact response of variable-stiffness curved composite plates. Composites Part B Engineering, 89, pp. 34-43. ISSN (print) 1359-8368

Atael, Abdollah, Foot, Peter J. S. and Brown, John W. (2016) Synthesis and properties of novel dendrimers for molecular delivery. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 6(2), pp. 1172-1175. ISSN (online) 2069-5837


Bahrami, Mehdi, Heidari, Ali and Pierscionek, Barbara K. (2016) Alteration in refractive index profile during accommodation based on mechanical modelling. Biomedical Optics Express, 7(1), pp. 99-110. ISSN (online) 2156-7085

Barman, Nabajeet, Valentin, Stefan and Martini, Maria G. (2016) Predicting link quality of wireless channel of vehicular users using street and coverage maps. In: 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2016); 4-7 Sep 2016, Valencia, Spain.

Barnard, Mark and Wang, Wenwu (2016) Audio head pose estimation using the direct to reverberant speech ratio. Speech Communication, 85, pp. 98-108. ISSN (print) 0167-6393

Bell, J. and Mulrooney, H.M. (2016) Perspectives on motivation and engagement in an extracurricular project. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 11(1), ISSN (print) 1740-9888

Bhatia, Dinesh Devraj (2016) Effects of surface features and vibration of flat plate on boundary layer transition. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Binkowski, Lukasz J, Meissner, Wlodzimierz, Trzeciak, Marta, Izevbekhai, Kelvin and Barker, James (2016) Lead isotope ratio measurements as indicators for the source of lead poisoning in Mute swans ('Cygnus olor') wintering in Puck Bay (northern Poland). Chemosphere, 164, pp. 436-442. ISSN (print) 0045-6535

Brewster, Bernice (2016) Aquatic Parasite Information - a database on parasites of freshwater and brackish fish in the United Kingdom. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Brown, Kerry, Farris, Zach J., Yesuf, Gabriel, Gerber, Brian D., Rasambainarivo, Fidisoa, Karpanty, Sarah, Kelly, Marcella, Razafimahaimodison, Jean Claude, Larney, Eileen, Wright, Patricia and Johnson, Steig E. (2016) Modeling co-occurrence between toxic prey and naive predators in an incipient invasion. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25(13), pp. 2723-2741. ISSN (print) 0960-3115


Cameron, E., Hamdi, R., Idowu, A. and Mulrooney, H. (2016) Nutrition Tea Club : engaging students in reading scientific papers. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 11(1), ISSN (print) 1740-9888

Chalé, Angela and Chalé, Christina (2016) Color by numbers : when population skin pigmentation is not political but a polytypical evaluation exercise to measure vitamin D, diseases, and skin pigmentation. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 116(8), pp. 1251-1256. ISSN (print) 2212-2672

Chalé, Angela, Avila, Elizabeth, Avila, Yvette and Chalé, Christina (2016) Maintaining engaged scholarship in challenging times : experiences working with veteran providers in Greater Los Angeles. Journal of Community Engagement & Higher Education, 8(4), pp. 74-83. ISSN (online) 1934-5283

Chapman, Andy M., Flynn, Stephanie R. and Wass, Duncan F. (2016) Unexpected formation of early late heterobimetallic complexes from transition metal frustrated Lewis pairs. Inorganic Chemistry, 55(3), pp. 1017-1021. ISSN (print) 0020-1669

Chioni, Athina-Myrto, Bajwa, Rabia Tayba and Grose, Richard (2016) 3D organotypic culture model to study components of ERK signaling. In: Jimenez, Gerardo, (ed.) ERK signaling : methods and protocols. Cham, Switzerland : Springer. pp. 255-267. (Methods in Molecular Biology) ISSN (print) 1064-3745 ISBN 9781493964222

Churchward, Colin Peter (2016) Fatty acids and monoglycerides as novel prophylaxis against gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Clarke, Charles A. (2016) Dual carrier steganographic messaging protocols for mobile messaging applications. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Cole, Janet and Fernando, Nicholas (2016) Putting key skills back on the agenda. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. pp. 31-35.

Crockett, Robin G. M. and Gillmore, Gavin K. (2016) Radon as an anthropogenic indoor air pollutant as exemplified by radium dial watches and other uranium- and radium- containing artefacts. In: Gillmore, G. , Crockett, R. and Perier, F., (eds.) Radon, health and natural hazards. London, U.K. : Geological Society. (Geological Society Special Publication, (451)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 (Epub Ahead of Print)


Darukumalli, Subbareddy, Kara, Peter, Barsi, Attila, Martini, Maria G., Balogh, Tibor and Chehaibi, Ahmed (2016) Performance comparison of subjective assessment methodologies for light field displays. In: IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT); 12 - 14 Dec 2016, Limassol, Cyprus.

Darukumalli, Subbareddy, Kara, Peter A., Barsi, Attila, Martini, Maria G. and Balogh, Tibor (2016) Subjective quality assessment of zooming levels and image reconstructions based on region of interest for light field displays. In: International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D); 13-14 Dec 2016, Liege, Belgium.

Diaz Mesa, Ivonne M., Foot, Peter J.S. and Kresinski, Roman A. (2016) Synthesis, structure and properties of crystalline and nanocrystalline MnPS[sub]3-poly(phenylene vinylene) intercalates. Materials Research Bulletin, 84, pp. 403-413. ISSN (print) 0025-5408

Diaz-Diaz, Luis Maria, Omer, Joshua, Arias, Daniel and Pando, Luis (2016) Finite element analysis of an underground collector installed by pipe-jacking method. In: EGUGeneral Assembly 2016; 17-22 Apr 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Direito, Ines (2016) An example of a self-help advice sheet generated from the institutional entry to study survey. In: Morgan, Michelle and Anderson, Deborah, (eds.) Good practice guide : developing and acquiring employability skills, competencies and attitudes at postgraduate taught STEM level through collaboration. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Postgraduate Experience Project. pp. 10-13.

Dombrovskiy, Leonid A., Dembele, Siaka and Wen, Jennifer X. (2016) Shielding of fire radiation with the use of multi-layered water mist curtains : preliminary estimates. In: 8th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer RAD-16; 06 - 10 Jun 2016, Cappadocia, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Domene, Pablo A, Moir, Hannah J, Pummell, Elizabeth, Knox, Allan and Easton, Chris (2016) The health-enhancing efficacy of Zumba® fitness : an 8-week randomised controlled study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(15), pp. 1396-1404. ISSN (print) 0264-0414

Domene, Pablo A., Moir, Hannah J., Pummell, Elizabeth and Easton, Chris (2016) Salsa dance and Zumba fitness: acute responses during community-based classes. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 5(2), pp. 190-196. ISSN (print) 2095-2546

de la Barrera, Belen and Hooda, Peter S. (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions of waste management processes and options : a case study. Waste Management & Research, 34(7), pp. 658-665. ISSN (print) 0734-242X


Effendy, M., Yao, Y.F., Yao, J. and Marchant, D.R. (2016) DES study of blade trailing edge cutback cooling performance with various lip thicknesses. Applied Thermal Engineering, 99, pp. 434-445. ISSN (print) 1359-4311

El-Sayed, M. A., Hassanin, Hany and Essa, Khamis (2016) Bifilm defects and porosity in Al cast alloys. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(5-8), pp. 1173-1179. ISSN (print) 0268-3768

El-Sayed, M. A., Hassanin, H. and Essa, K. (2016) Effect of casting practice on the reliability of Al cast alloys. International Journal of Cast Metals Research, 29(6), pp. 350-354. ISSN (print) 1364-0461

Elkins, L.J., Hamelin, C., Blichert-Toft, J., Scott, S.R., Sims, K.W.W., Yeo, I.A., Devey, C.W. and Pedersen, R.B. (2016) North Atlantic hotspot-ridge interaction near Jan Mayen Island. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2(1), pp. 55-67. ISSN (print) 2410-339X

Elwerfalli, A.M., Ghanchi, Z., Rashid, F., Alany, R. and ElShaer, A. (2016) New generation of orally disintegrating tablets for sustained drug release: a propitious outlook. Current Drug Delivery, 12(6), pp. 652-667. ISSN (print) 1567-2018

Enabulele, Egie Elisha (2016) Molecular and morphological identification of digeneans from Lymnaeidae in the UK. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Entezami, Fariborz, Zhu, Meiling and Politis, Christos (2016) How much energy needs for running energy harvesting powered wireless sensor node? Energy Harvesting and Systems, 3(3), pp. 197-203. ISSN (print) 2329-8774

Essa, Khamis, Khan, Raja, Hassanin, Hany, Attallah, Moataz M. and Reed, Roger (2016) An iterative approach of hot isostatic pressing tooling design for net-shape IN718 superalloy parts. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 83(9), pp. 1835-1845. ISSN (print) 0268-3768


Fardus-Reid, Fahmina, Warren, John and Le Gresley, Adam (2016) Validating heteronuclear 2D quantitative NMR. Analytical Methods, 8(9), pp. 2013-2019. ISSN (print) 1759-9660


G. C., Deepak, Navaie, Keivan and (2016) A low-latency zone-based cooperative spectrum sensing. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(15), pp. 6028-6042. ISSN (print) 1530-437X

Ghatora, Baljit, Renshaw, Layla, Doran, David and Burrell, Lisa (2016) Collaborative learning across the forensic science and paramedic science degrees. In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference: Making Connections and Sharing Pedagogy; 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2016, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Gillmore, G. K. , Perrier, F. E. and Crockett, R. G. M., eds. (2016) Radon, health and natural hazards. London, U.K. : Geological Society. (Geological Society Special Publication, (451)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 (Epub Ahead of Print)

Gillmore, G.K., Perrier, F. and Crockett, R.G. (2016) Radon, health and natural hazards : a signpost for assessment and protection in the 21st century. In: Gillmore, G. , Crockett, R. and Perrier, F., (eds.) Radon, health and natural hazards. London, U.K. : Geological Society. (Geological Society Special Publication, (451)) ISSN (print) 0305-8719 (Epub Ahead of Print)

Gonçalves Filho, João, Patel, Ahmed, Lopes Alcantara Batista, Bruno and Celestino, Joaquim (2016) A systematic technical survey of DTN and VDTN routing protocols. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 48, pp. 139-159. ISSN (print) 0920-5489

Grammatikos, Sotirios A., Evernden, Mark, Mitchels, John, Zafari, Behrouz, Mottram, James T. and Papanicolaou, George C. (2016) On the response to hygrothermal aging of pultruded FRPs used in the civil engineering sector. Materials & Design, 96, pp. 283-295. ISSN (print) 0261-3069


Harbige, Laurence S., Pinto, Eva, Allgrove, Judith and Thomas, Linda V. (2016) Immune response of healthy adults to the ingested probiotic 'Lactobacillus casei' Shirota. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 84(6), pp. 353-364. ISSN (print) 0300-9475

Heift, Dominikus, Benkő, Zoltán, Suter, Riccardo, Verel, René and Grützmacher, Hansjörg (2016) The reactivity of acyl chlorides towards sodium phosphaethynolate, Na(OCP) : a mechanistic case study. Chemical Science, 7(9), pp. 6125-6131. ISSN (print) 2041-6520

Hesso, Iman, Nabhani Gebara, Shereen and Kayyali, Reem (2016) Impact of community pharmacists in COPD management: Inhalation technique and medication adherence. Respiratory Medicine, 118, pp. 22-30. ISSN (print) 0954-6111

Hill, Natasha, Denholm-Price, James, Page, Nigel, Atkins, Nigel, Dourado, Luis, Forty, Cass and Nimoh, Owuraku (2016) Can group assessments enhance BME attainment? In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference 2016: Making Connections and Sharing Pedagogy; 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2016, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hill, Natasha, Denholm-Price, James, Atkins, Nigel, Tojal Dourado, Luis, Nimoh, Owuraku and Page, Nigel (2016) Does group assessment impact BME attainment? New Directions in the Teaching of Physics, 11(1), ISSN (online) 2051-3615


Ioannou, Nikolaos, Seddon, Alan, Dalgleish, Angus, Mackintosh, David, Solca, Flavio and Modjtahedi, Helmout (2016) Acquired resistance of pancreatic cancer cells to treatment with gemcitabine and HER-inhibitors is accompanied by increased sensitivity to STAT3 inhibition. International Journal Of Oncology, 48(3), pp. 908-918. ISSN (print) 1019-6439


Jones, M.C.W. (2016) Soliton solutions to coupled nonlinear evolution equations modelling a third harmonic resonance in the theory of capillary-gravity waves. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(3), pp. 2134-2142. ISSN (print) 0307-904X

Jones, Steven, Sutcliffe, Michael J., Bragg, Joanna and Harris, Diane (2016) To what extent is capital expenditure in UK higher education meeting the pedagogical needs of staff and students? Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 38(4), pp. 477-489. ISSN (print) 1360-080X


Kahn, J (2016) State of municipal solid waste management in Pakistan : a case study of Haripur District. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .

Kara, Peter, Kovacs, Peter Tamas, Martini, Maria G., Barsi, Attila, Lackner, Kristof and Balogh, Tibor (2016) Viva la resolution: the perceivable differences between image resolutions for light field displays. In: 5th ISCA/DEGA Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems (PQS 2016); 29-31 Aug 2016, Berlin, Germany.

Kara, Peter A., Kovacs, Peter T., Martini, Maria G., Barsi, Attila, Lackner, Kristof and Balogh, Tibor (2016) From a different point of view : how the field of view of light field displays affects the willingness to pay and to use. In: 8th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX 2016); 06-08 Jun 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.

Kara, Peter A., Robitza, Werner, Martini, Maria G., Hewage, Chaminda T.E.R. and Felisberti, Fatima M. (2016) Getting used to or growing annoyed : how perception thresholds and acceptance of frame freezing vary over time in 3D video streaming. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) 2016; 11-15 Jul 2016, Seattle, U.S..

Kara, Peter A., Martini, Maria G. and Rossi, Silvia (2016) One spoonful or multiple drops : investigation of stalling distribution and temporal information for quality of experience over time. In: International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU); 25 - 27 Jul 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.

Kara, Peter A., Martini, Maria G., Kovacs, Peter. T., Imre, Sandor, Barsi, Attila, Lackner, Kristof and Balogh, Tibor (2016) Perceived quality of angular resolution for light field displays and the validity of subjective assessment. In: International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D); 13-14 Dec 2016, Liege, Belgium.

Kara, Peter A., Kovacs, Peter T., Vagharshakyan, Suren, Martini, Maria G., Imre, Sandor, Barsi, Attila, Lackner, Kristof and Balogh, Tibor (2016) Perceptual quality of reconstructed medical images on projection-based light field displays. In: EAI International Conference on Mobile Medical Multimedia Technologies, Applications and Services (M3Apps); 14 - 15 Jun 2016, Budapest, Hungary.

Kara, Peter A., Martini, Maria G., Hewage, Chaminda T.E.R. and Felisberti, Fatima. M. (2016) Times change, stalling stays: subjective quality assessment over time of stalling in autostereoscopic 3D video services. In: 12th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS) 3rd International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Services (QUAMUS); 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2016, Naples, Italy.

Kara, Peter A., Kovacs, Peter T., Vagharshakyan, Suren, Martini, Maria G., Barsi, Attila, Balogh, Tibor, Chuchvara, Aleksandra and Chehaibi, Ahmed (2016) The effect of light field reconstruction and angular resolution reduction on the quality of experience. In: 12th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS) 3rd International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Services (QUAMUS); 28 Nov - 01 Dec 2016, Naples, Italy.

Karlyshev, Andrey V., Kudryashova, Ekaterina B. and Ariskina, Elena V. (2016) Draft genome sequence of 'Cohnella kolymensis' B-2846. Genome Announcements, 4(1), e01587-15. ISSN (online) 2169-8287

Karyal, Cansu (2016) Investigation of hidden lipoproteins in Neisseria meningitidis. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .

Kayyali, R, Odeh, Bassel, Frerichs, I, Davies, N, Perantoni, E, D'arcy, S, Vaes, AW, Chang, J, Spruit, MA, Deering, B, Philip, N, Siva, R, Kaimakamis, E, Chouvarda, I, Pierscionek, B, Weiler, N, Wouters, EF, Raptopoulos, A and Nabhani-Gebara, S (2016) COPD care delivery pathways in five European Union countries : mapping and health care professionals' perceptions. International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 11(1), pp. 2831-2838. ISSN (print) 1176-9106

Kayyali, Reem, Savickas, Vilius, Spruit, Martijn A, Kaimakamis, Evangelos, Siva, Roshan, Costello, Richard W, Chang, John, Pierscionek, Barbara, Davies, Nikki, Vaes, Anouk W, Paradiso, Rita, Philip, Nada, Perantoni, Eleni, D'Arcy, Shona, Raptopoulos, Andreas and Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen (2016) Qualitative investigation into a wearable system for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease : the stakeholders' perspective. BMJ Open, 6(8), e011657. ISSN (online) 2044-6055

Kelly, Alison, Mulrooney, Hilda, Bell, Jake, Boorman, Alex, Yekeen, Abdul, Fatah, Abdul, Streich, Ricarda, Hancock, Christopher John and Kelly, Emily (2016) Exploring undergraduate student perceptions of health and infection : an interdisciplinary experiential staff-student project. In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference : Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy; 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2016, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Khan, Mohammad Rizwan, Wabaidur, Saikh Mohammad, Alothman, Zeid Abdullah, Busquets, Rosa and Naushad, Mu (2016) Method for the fast determination of bromate, nitrate and nitrite by ultra performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and their monitoring in Saudi Arabian drinking water with chemometric data treatment. Talanta, 152, pp. 513-520. ISSN (print) 0039-9140

Khan, Nabeel and Martini, Maria G. (2016) QoE-based video delivery over LTE hierarchical architecture. In: 27th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2016); 4-7 Sep 2016, Valencia, Spain.

Khan, Nabeel and Martini, Maria G. (2016) QoE-driven multi-user scheduling and rate adaptation with reduced cross-layer signaling for scalable video streaming over LTE wireless systems. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 93, ISSN (print) 1687-1472

Khazaeinejad, Payam and Usmani, Asif S. (2016) Visualisation of internal structures in thin composite plates and shells. In: 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP2); 11-14 Jul 2016, Porto, Portugal.

Khodadadiazadboni, R., Wen, J.X., Heidari, A., Muppala, S. and Wang, C.J. (2016) CFD modelling of non-uniform hydrogen flame propagating across obstacles and inducing detonation. In: United Kingdom Consortium on Turbulent Reacting Flows (UKCTRF); 15 - 16 Sep 2016, Durham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Kilic, Volkan, Barnard, Mark, Wang, Wenwu, Hilton, Adrian and Kittler, Josef (2016) Mean-shift and sparse sampling based SMC-PHD filtering for audio informed visual speaker tracking. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 18(12), pp. 2417-2431. ISSN (print) 1520-9210


Lacey, Joseph, Ghatora, Baljit, Foot, Peter, Barton, Stephen and De Cock, Romain (2016) Intraocular lens calcification after DSEK : a mechanism and preventive technique. Cornea, 35(9), e28-e30. ISSN (print) 0277-3740

Le Gresley, A, Gudivaka, V, Carrington, S, Sinclair, A and Brown, J E (2016) Synthesis, analysis and biological evaluation of novel indolquinonecryptolepine analogues as potential anti-tumour agents. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 14, pp. 3069-3079. ISSN (print) 1477-0520

Liu, Jian, Yang, Yang, Hassanin, Hany, Jumbu, Neeraj, Deng, Sunan, Zuo, Qian and Jiang, Kyle (2016) Graphene-Alumina Nanocomposites with Improved Mechanical Properties for Biomedical Applications. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 8(4), pp. 2607-2616. ISSN (print) 1944-8244


Madden, Angela M., Mulrooney, Hilda M. and Shah, Selina (2016) Estimation of energy expenditure using predication equations in overweight and obese adults : two systematic reviews. In: 17th International Congress of Dietetics; 07-10 Sep 2016, Granada, Spain. (Unpublished)

Maghrabi, Louai, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Fathima Noorji, Seena (2016) Designing utility functions for game-theoretic cloud security assessment: A case for using the common vulnerability scoring system. In: International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security 2016); 13-14 Jun 2016, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Mahmoodian, Mojtaba and Alani, Amir (2016) Sensitivity analysis for failure assessment of concrete pipes subjected to sulphide corrosion. Urban Water Journal, 13(6), pp. 637-643. ISSN (print) 1573-062X

Mahoney, L., Wertheim, D., Fernandez Alvarez, J.R., Aiton, N., Seddon, P., Rojas-Anaya, H. and Rabe, H. (2016) Late preterm infants : distinctly different cadiovascular adaptation to term neonates. In: EAPS Congress 2016; 21 - 25 Oct 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.

Mahoney, L., Wertheim, D., Fernandez Alvarez, J.R., Aiton, N., Rojas-Anaya, H., Seddon, P. and Rabe, H. (2016) Non-invasive measurement of haemodynamics in late preterm infants requiring intensive care. In: EAPS Congress 2016; 21 - 25 Oct 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.

Marlow, J.J., Baker, A., Augousti, A.T. and Claus, M. (2016) Low cost rocket engine development at Kingston University London. In: 14th Reinventing Space Conference 2016; 24-27 October 2016, London, England. (Unpublished)

Miles, Andrew, Graham, Colin, Hawkesworth, Chris, Gillespie, Martin, Hinton, Richard and Bromiley, Geoffrey (2016) Reply to comment by Marks et al. (2016) on ' Apatite : a new redox proxy for silicic magmas? '. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 183, pp. 271-273. ISSN (print) 0016-7037

Millar, Grant, Ladas, Alexandros, Adigun, Olayinka and Politis, Christos (2016) Integrating peer-to-peer functionalities and routing in mobile ad-hoc networks. In: 2016 Wireless Innovation Forum Conference on Communications Technologies and Software Defined Radio (WInnComm 2016); 15-17 Mar 2016, Virginia, USA.

Mirshekari, M., Donchev, T., Petkova, D. and Limbachiya, M. (2016) Differences in losses of prestress between steel and FRP reinforcement. In: 6th International Conference on Concrete Repair; 20-23 Jun 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Money, Peter (2016) Genomic divergence events in methicillin resistant 'Staphylococcus aureus' (MRSA): an in silico approach to investigate the evolutionary epidemiology of 'S. aureus'. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Morais Faustino, Bruno Miguel (2016) Preparation and luminescent properties of nanoparticle-organic polymer composites. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Morgan, Michelle and Direito Baptista Da Silva, Ines (2016) Entry to study expectations of science, technology, engineering and mathematics postgraduate taught students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 228, pp. 561-566. ISSN (online) 1877-0428

Mulrooney, HM and Bell, J (2016) Does the food retail environment reflect UK public health recommendations for healthy eating? Public Health, 134, pp. 114-116. ISSN (print) 0033-3506

Mulrooney, Hilda and Bell, Jake (2016) Intrinsic motivation to engage with an extracurricular staff : student nutrition project; the learnings from both perspectives, and their potential application. In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference : Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy; 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2016, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Mulrooney, Hilda, Hamdi, Rania, Idowu, Aisha and Cameron, Ellie (2016) Nutrition Tea Club : engaging students in reading scientific papers. In: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference : Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy; 30 Jun - 01 Jul 2016, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Naini, Farhad B, Cobourne, Martyn T, Garagiola, Umberto, McDonald, Fraser and Wertheim, David (2016) Nasofrontal angle and nasal dorsal aesthetics: a quantitative investigation of idealized and normative values. Facial Plastic Surgery, 32(4), pp. 444-451. ISSN (print) 0736-6825

Naini, Farhad B., Cobourne, Martyn T., Garagiola, Umberto, McDonald, Fraser and Wertheim, David (2016) Nasofacial angle and nasal prominence : a quantitative investigation of idealized and normative values. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 44(4), pp. 446-452. ISSN (print) 1010-5182

Naini, Farhad B., Cobourne, Martyn T., McDonald, Fraser and Wertheim, David (2016) Submental-cervical angle: Perceived attractiveness and threshold values of desire for surgery. Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, 15(4), pp. 469-477. ISSN (print) 0972-8279

Nanayakkara, Visakha, Ataka, Ahmad, Venetsanos, Demetrios, Duran, Olga, Vitzilaios, Nikolaos, Nanayakkara, Thrishantha and Sahinkaya, Necip (2016) Kinematic Analysis of the Human Thumb with Foldable Palm. In: 17th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS-16); 28–30 June 2016, Sheffield, UK. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, no. 9716) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319403786

Nasir, Diana SNM, Hughes, Ben and Calautit, John Kaiser (2016) Analysis of the impact of urban configuration on road solar collectors. In: 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems; 04-09 Sep 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Naughton, Declan and Fisher, Anna (2016) Experimental Crystal Structure Determination: Copper(II)-Monensin Complex. CSD Communication,

Nguyen, Thi-Hoa-Cuc, Nebel, Jean-Christophe and Florez-Revuelta, Francisco (2016) Recognition of Activities of Daily Living with Egocentric Vision: A Review. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 16(72), ISSN (online) 1424-8220

Niskota, Jozo (2016) Environmental performance in cooperative enterprises as determinant of economic and social wellbeing in the Eastern Adriatic : The Cooperative Sustainability Index. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

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