Items where Faculty is "Kingston Business School > Department of Strategy, Marketing and Innovation"

Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2018) Consumer attitudes towards electric vehicles : effects of product user stereotypes and self-image congruence. European Journal of Marketing, 52(3/4), pp. 499-527. ISSN (print) 0309-0566
Bennett, Roger (2018) Financial charity giving behaviour of the working poor : an empirical investigation. Journal of Marketing Management, 34(17-18), pp. 1587-1607. ISSN (print) 0267-257X
Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2018) An assessment of UK drivers' attitudes regarding the forthcoming ban on the sale of petrol and diesel vehicles. Transportation Research Part D Transport and Environment, 62, pp. 330-344. ISSN (print) 1361-9209
Choi, Youngseok, Lee, Habin and Irani, Zahir (2018) Big data-driven fuzzy cognitive map for prioritising IT service procurement in the public sector. Annals of Operations Research, 270(1-2), pp. 75-104. ISSN (print) 0254-5330
Comi, Alice and Whyte, Jennifer (2018) Future making and visual artefacts : an ethnographic study of a design project. Organization Studies, 39(8), pp. 1055-1083. ISSN (print) 0170-8406
Hallward, Peter (2018) French philosophy today [Book review of: 'French Philosophy Today: New Figures of the Human in Badiou, Meillassoux, Malabou, Serres and Latour' by Christopher Watkin]. Radical Philosophy, 2(01), pp. 122-124.
Harris, Patricia, Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Hand, Chris (2018) Understanding multichannel shopper journey configuration : an application of goal theory. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 44, pp. 108-117. ISSN (print) 0969-6989
Hughes, Tim, Stone, Merlin, Aravopoulou, Eleni, Tiu Wright, Len and Machtynger, Liz (2018) Academic research into marketing : many publications, but little impact? Cogent Business & Management, 5, p. 1516108. ISSN (online) 2331-1975
Kumar S., Vijay and Mukherjee, Subhasree (2018) Holacracy – the future of organizing? The case of Zappos. Human Resource Management International Digest, 26(7), pp. 12-15. ISSN (print) 1758-7166
Lee, Habin, Aydin, Nursen, Choi, Youngseok, Lekhavat, Saowanit and Irani, Zahir (2018) A decision support system for vessel speed decision in maritime logistics using weather archive big data. Computers & Operations Research, 98, pp. 330-342. ISSN (print) 0305-0548
Lee, Kyuhan, Park, Jinsoo, Kim, Iljoo and Choi, Youngseok (2018) Predicting movie success with machine learning techniques : ways to improve accuracy. Information Systems Frontiers, 20(3), pp. 577-588. ISSN (print) 1387-3326
Robinson, Helen R. and Kalafatis, Stavros P. (2018) The 'Polychronicity - Multiple Media Use' (P-MMU) scale : a multi-dimensional scale to measure polychronicity in the context of multiple media use. Journal of Marketing Management, 33(17-18), pp. 1421-1442. ISSN (print) 0267-257X
Book Section
Ott, Ursula F., Sinkovics, Rudolf R. and Ferdous Hoque, Samia (2018) Advances in Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): application of fuzzy set in business and management research. In: Cassell, Catherine , Cunliffe, Ann L. and Grandy, Gina, (eds.) The Sage handbook of qualitative business and management research methods. London, U.K. : Sage. pp. 414-430. ISBN 9781526429278
Ott, Ursula F. (2018) Co-operation and conflict in international entrepreneurs when cultures collide. In: Tur Porcar, Ana and Ribeiro Soriano, Domingo, (eds.) Inside the mind of the entrepreneur: cognition, personality traits, intention and gender behavior. Cham, Switzerland : Springer International Publishing AG. pp. 219-233. (Contributions to Management Science) ISSN (online) 2197-716X ISBN 9783319624549
Turner, Stephen J. (2018) The interface between human rights and ecosystem services. In: Martin-Ortega, Julia , Ferrier, Robert C. , Gordon, Iain J. and Kahn, Shahbaz, (eds.) Water ecosystems services: a global perspective. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 163-169. (International Hydrology Series) ISBN 9781107496187
Conference or Workshop Item
Afrahi, Bahare, Karim, M. S. and Fernandes de Arroyabe, J.C. (2018) Effect of entrepreneurs’ emotional disengagement on entrepreneurial exit strategies. In: 38th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC); 6-9 Jun 2018, Waterford, Ireland. (Unpublished)
Afrahi, Bahare, Karim, Mohammed Shamsul and Fernandez de Arroyabe, Juan Carlos (2018) Entrepreneurs' emotional disengagement from business. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2018: Driving Productivity in Uncertain and Challenging Times; 04-06 Sep 2018, Bristol, U.K.. ISBN 9780995641310
Alexander, Elitsa, Eppler, Martin J. and Comi, Alice (2018) Building on disagreement visually : the system and the method. In: 26th European Conference on Information Systems: Beyond Digitization - Facets of Socio-Technical Change, (ECIS 2018); 23 - 28 Jun 2018, Portsmouth, U.K.. ISBN 9781861376671
Bennett, Roger and Vijaygopal, Rohini (2018) Predicting car drivers' willingness to accept the 2040 ban on petrol and diesel vehicles : a random utility contingency valuation approach. In: 47th European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference: People Make Marketing; 29 May - 01 Jun 2018, Glasgow, U.K..
Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita (2018) Small charities and pro bono marketing assistance : a relationship analysis. In: 17th International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM): Vanilla, shock and entertainment : marketing in the era of emotions; 06 - 07 Sep 2018, Bournemouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Crisafulli, Benedetta, Singh, Jaywant, Quamina, La Toya and Xue, Melanie (2018) Retrieving corporate reputation following a crisis : the impact of online communications and affective displays on consumers. In: The 4th International Colloquium on Corporate Branding, Identity, Image and Reputation (COBIIR2018); 02-03 Sep 2018, Calabria, Italy. (Unpublished)
Hand, Christopher (2018) Biology and being green: the effect of the digital ratio on the environmental consumption behaviour. In: 9th Annual Faculty of Business Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business; 04 Jun 2018, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hand, Christopher, Dall'Olmo Riley, Francesca and Kottasz, Rita (2018) What can a model of brand choice tell us about arts participation? In: 9th Annual Faculty of Business Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business; 04 Jun 2018, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ivanova, Anna (2018) Blind love. In: 9th Annual Faculty of Business Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business; 04 Jun 2018, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Mainemelis, Babis and Sakellariou, Evy (2018) Creative leadership as a political act. In: 2nd Workshop of the Centre for Research on Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Bath (CREI@Bath); 8-9 Mar 2018, Bath, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Mukherjee, Subhasree and Dhayanithy, Deepak (2018) Emergent structures of inter-organizational relations through knowledge resource mobility. In: SMS Special Conference in Hyderabad: Rethinking Corporate Strategy in the Age of Paradox; 15-18 Dec 2018, Hyderabad, India. (Unpublished)
Mukherjee, Subhasree (2018) It’s effective networking! Not just luck : Performance implications of knowledge resource mobility IONs through RDT lens. In: IMR Doctoral Conference 2018; 03-04 Jan 2018, Bangalore, India. (Unpublished)
Mukherjee, Subhasree and Dhayanithy, Deepak (2018) Performance implications of interfirm knowledge resource mobility : evidence from professional soccer player transfers. In: SMS Special Conference in Hyderabad: Rethinking Corporate Strategy in the Age of Paradox; 15-18 Dec 2018, Hyderabad, India. (Unpublished)
Sakellariou, Evdokia, Karantinou, Kalipso and Goffin, Keith (2018) Future oriented group sensemaking: when customer insights emerge. In: 9th Annual Faculty of Business Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business; 04 Jun 2018, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Shukla, Paurav, Khalifa, Dina, Peschken, Thomas and Singh, Jaywant (2018) Antecedents and consequences of attitude functions for luxury brands: a cross-national examination. In: American Marketing Association (AMA) 2018 Winter Conference:Integrating Paradigms in a World Where Marketing is Everywhere; 23-25 Feb 2018, New Orleans, U.S..
Yohanna, Babangida and Pierrakis, Ioannis (2018) The geography of foreign venture capital investments (FVCI) in UK regions. In: 9th Annual Faculty of Business Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business; 04 Jun 2018, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Zupic, Ivan (2018) Barriers to growth in entrepreneurial ecosystems. In: 9th Annual Faculty of Business Research Conference: Contemporary Issues in Business; 04 Jun 2018, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Coviello, Nicole, Mehrabi, Hamed and Chen, Yongjian (Ken) (2018) Grow global : key performance drivers of Canadian technology firms. (Discussion Paper) Ontario, Canada : Lazaridis Institute for the Management of Technology Enterprises. 20 p.
Dhayanithy, Deepak and Mukherjee, Subhasree (2018) Exploring the legality of global poker industry : special emphasis on India. (Working Paper) Kozhikode, India : Indian Institute of Management.
Dhayanithy, Deepak and Mukherjee, Subhasree (2018) SEPT football nursery : the largest organized nursery network in India. (Other) Kozhikode, India : Indian Institute of Management. ISBN 9781529708967
Vignardi, Melissa (2018) Electronic word of mouth communications and consumer experience : an evaluation of pre- and post- purchase responses and reactions to verbal and visual online reviews. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .