Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Psychology"

Abadie, Marlene, Villejoubert, Gaelle, Waroquier, Laurent and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2013) The interplay between presentation material and decision mode for complex choice preferences. Journal Of Cognitive Psychology, 25(6), pp. 682-691. ISSN (print) 2044-5911
Alys, L., Massey, K. and Tong, Stephen (2013) Investigative decision making : missing people and sexual offences, crossroads to an uncertain future. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 10(2), pp. 140-154. ISSN (print) 1544-4759
Askew, C., Dunne, G., Ozdil, A., Reynolds, G. and Field, A.P. (2013) Stimulus fear-relevance and the vicarious learning pathway to childhood fears. Emotion, 13(5), pp. 915-925. ISSN (print) 1528-3542
Aznar, Ana and Tenenbaum, Harriet R (2013) Spanish parents' emotion talk and their children's understanding of emotion. Frontiers in psychology, 4(670), ISSN (online) 1664-1078
Charles, Matthew (2013) On the conservatism of post-Jungian criticism: competing concepts of the symbol in Freud, Jung and Walter Benjamin. International Journal of Jungian Studies, 5(2), pp. 120-139. ISSN (print) 1940-9052
Chen, C.-C., Spanò, G. and Edgin, J.O. (2013) The impact of sleep disruption on executive function in Down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(6), pp. 2033-2039. ISSN (print) 0891-4222
Churchill, Sue and Pavey, Louisa (2013) Promoting fruit and vegetable consumption: the role of message framing and autonomy. British Journal of Health Psychology, 18(3), pp. 610-622. ISSN (print) 1359-107X
Cross, Paul, St. John, Freya A. V., Khan, Saira and Petroczi, Andrea (2013) Innovative techniques for estimating illegal activities in a human-wildlife-management conflict. PLoS One, 8(1), e53681. ISSN (online) 1932-6203
Dewberry, Chris, Juanchich, Marie and Narendran, Sunitha (2013) The latent structure of decision styles. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(5), pp. 566-571. ISSN (print) 0191-8869
Dunne, Guler and Askew, Chris (2013) Vicarious learning and unlearning of fear in childhood via mother and stranger models. Emotion, 13(5), pp. 974-980. ISSN (print) 1528-3542
Felisberti, Fatima M. and McDermott, Mark R. (2013) Spatial location in brief, free-viewing face encoding modulates contextual face recognition. iPerception, 4(5), pp. 352-360. ISSN (online) 2041-6695
Galli, Giulia, Gebert, A. Dorothea and Otten, Leun J. (2013) Available processing resources influence encoding-related brain activity before an event. Cortex, 49(8), pp. 2239-2248. ISSN (print) 0010-9452
Galli, Giulia, Shukla, Akanksha, Simmons, Alan N., Davenport, Paul W. and Paulus, Martin P. (2013) Sex differences in the neural processing of aversive interoceptive events: the benefit of relief. PloS one, 8(12), e84044. ISSN (online) 1932-6203
Hanley, Mary, Riby, Deborah M., Caswell, Stephen, Rooney, Sinead and Back, Elisa (2013) Looking and thinking: how individuals with Williams syndrome make judgements about mental states. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(12), pp. 4466-4476. ISSN (print) 0891-4222
Hewer, C.J. (2013) The Falkland/Malvinas dispute: a contemporary battle between history and memory. Global Discourse: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Current Affairs and Applied Contemporary Thought, 3(1), pp. 144-150. ISSN (print) 2326-9995
Hewer, C.J. and Vitija, S. (2013) Identity after Kosovo's independence: narratives from within the Kosovar-Albanian Diaspora. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, 19(5), pp. 621-636. ISSN (print) 1350-4630
Hobson, Jessica A, Hobson, R Peter, Malik, Supriya, Bargiota, Kyratso and Calo, Susana (2013) The relation between social engagement and pretend play in autism. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 31(1), pp. 114-127. ISSN (print) 0261-510X
Horrocks, Christopher (2013) Disinterring the present : science fiction, media technology and the ends of the archive. Journal of Visual Culture, 12(3), pp. 414-430. ISSN (print) 1470-4129
Ilan-Clarke, Yael, Bunn, Amanda, DeMarco, Jeffrey, Bifulco, Antonia, Criddle, John and Holdsworth, Gillian (2013) Setting up a youth violence prevention project in a London hospital emergency department. Journal of Public Mental Health, 12(2), pp. 80-92. ISSN (print) 1746-5729
Ivtzan, Itai, Gardner, Hannah E., Bernard, Izra, Sekhon, Mandeep and Hart, Rona (2013) Wellbeing through self-fulfilment : Examining developmental aspects of self-actualization. The Humanistic Psychologist, 41(2), pp. 119-132. ISSN (print) 0887-3267
Jones, C, Kelliher, L, Dickinson, M, Riga, A, Worthington, T, Scott, M, Vandrevala, T, Fry, C, Karanjia, N and Quiney, N (2013) Randomized clinical trial on enhanced recovery versus standard care following open liver resection. British Journal of Surgery, 100(8), pp. 1015-1024. ISSN (print) 0007-1323
Juanchich, Marie, Sirota, Miroslav, Karelitz, Tzur M. and Villejoubert, Gaelle (2013) Can membership-functions capture the directionality of verbal probabilities? Thinking & Reasoning, 19(2), pp. 231-247. ISSN (print) 1354-6783
Juanchich, Marie and Sirota, Miroslav (2013) Do people really say it is "likely" when they believe it is only "possible"? Effect of politeness on risk communication. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66(7), pp. 1268-1275. ISSN (print) 1747-0218
Juanchich, Marie, Teigen, Karl Halvor and Gourdon, Amélie (2013) Top scores are possible, bottom scores are certain (and middle scores are not worth mentioning) : a pragmatic view of verbal probabilities. Judgment and Decision Making, 8(3), pp. 345-364. ISSN (online) 1930-2975
Kaess, M, Parzer, P, Mattern, M, Plener, P, Bifulco, Antonia, Resch, F and Brunner, R (2013) Adverse childhood experiences and their impact on frequency, severity, and the individual function of nonsuicidal self-injury in youth. Psychiatry Research, 206(2-3), pp. 265-272. ISSN (print) 0165-1781
Kusev, Petko and van Schaik, Paul (2013) The cognitive economy: the probabilistic turn in psychology and human cognition. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 36(3), pp. 294-295. ISSN (print) 0140-525X
LaRooy, D., Nicol, Annabelle and Terry, Philip (2013) Intoxicated eyewitnesses: The effects of alcohol on eyewitness recall across repeated interviews. Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 2(3), pp. 107-114. ISSN (print) 2165-9370
Lereya, Suzet Tanya, Samara, Muthanna and Wolke, Dieter (2013) Parenting behavior and the risk of becoming a victim and a bully/victim: A meta-analysis study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 37(12), pp. 1091-1108. ISSN (print) 0145-2134
Litten, Deborah and Paliokosta, Paty (2013) The power of peers. Special Educational Needs(64), pp. 68-70.
Martinelli, Cristina, Cavanagh, Kate and Dudley, Robert E.J. (2013) The impact of rumination on state paranoid ideation in a nonclinical sample. Behavior Therapy, 44(3), pp. 385-394. ISSN (print) 0005-7894
Noakes, Hayley J, May, Steve, van der Sluis, Hendrik and Gay, Jane (2013) Speaking the same language: The influence of mentor-protégé demographics and perceived similarities on student engagement in a peer learning programme. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 15(2), pp. 56-78. ISSN (print) 1466-6529
Oskis, A, Clow, A, Hucklebridge, F, Bifulco, A, Jacobs, C and Loveday, C (2013) Understanding alexithymia in female adolescents : the role of attachment style. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(1), pp. 97-102. ISSN (print) 0191-8869
Purser, Harry R M and Jarrold, Christopher (2013) Poor phonemic discrimination does not underlie poor verbal short-term memory in Down syndrome. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115(1), pp. 1-15. ISSN (print) 0022-0965
Richardson, Thomas, Elliott, Peter and Roberts, Ronald (2013) The relationship between personal unsecured debt and mental and physical health : a systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Psychology Review, 33(8), pp. 1148-1162. ISSN (print) 0272-7358
Roberts, Ron (2013) Guest blog : Dr. Ron Roberts - Kingston University, London. Student Sex Work Project,
Roberts, Ron (2013) Letter: Methodological shortcomings of biological research. The Psychologist, 26(7), p. 468. ISSN (print) 0952-8229
Roberts, Ron, Jones, Amy and Sanders, Teela (2013) Students and sex work in the UK : providers and purchasers. Sex Education: sexuality, society and learning, 13(3), pp. 349-363. ISSN (print) 1468-1811
Russell, Emma (2013) Yay! Yet another email! View from the hill, Spring, pp. 2-3.
Santarnecchi, Emiliano, Feurra, Matteo, Galli, Giulia, Rossi, Alessandro and Rossi, Simone (2013) Overclock your brain for gaming? Ethical, social and health care risks. Brain Stimulation, 6(5), pp. 713-714. ISSN (online) 1935-861X
Santisi, Giuseppe, Platania, Silvia and Paolillo, Anna (2013) Sviluppo del territorio e politiche del turismo: la valutazione dell'impatto turistico dal punto di vista dei residenti = [Land development and tourism policies: assessment of the tourism impact from the residents' point of view]. Turismo e Psicologia, 6(1), pp. 106-116. ISSN (online) 2240-0443
Soane, Emma, Shantz, Amanda, Alfes, Kerstin, Truss, Catherine, Rees, Chris and Gatenby, Mark (2013) The association of meaningfulness, wellbeing, and engagement with absenteeism: a moderated mediation model. Human Resource Management, 52(3), pp. 441-456. ISSN (print) 0090-4848
Theobald, Delphine, Farrington, David P. and Piquero, Alex R. (2013) Childhood broken homes and adult violence : an analysis of moderators and mediators. Journal of Criminal Justice, 41(1), pp. 44-52. ISSN (print) 0047-2352
Theobald, Delphine and Farrington, David P. (2013) The effects of marital breakdown on offending : results from a prospective longitudinal survey of males. Psychology, Crime & Law, 19(4), pp. 391-408. ISSN (print) 1068-316X
Uller, Claudia, Urquhart, Callum, Lewis, Jennifer and Berntsen, Monica (2013) Ten-month-old infants' reaching choices for "more": the relationship between inter-stimulus distance and number. Frontiers in Psychology, 4(84), ISSN (online) 1664-1078
Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2013) Interactivity, efficiency, and individual differences in mental arithmetic. Experimental Psychology, 60(4), pp. 302-311. ISSN (print) 1618-3169
Van Herwegen, Jo, Dimitriou, Dagmara and Rundblad, Gabriella (2013) Development of novel metaphor and metonymy comprehension in typically developing children and Williams syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(4), pp. 1300-1311. ISSN (print) 0891-4222
Van Herwegen, Jo, Dimitriou, Dagmara and Rundblad, Gabriella (2013) Performance on verbal and low-verbal false belief tasks: Evidence from children with Williams syndrome. Journal of Communication Disorders, 46(5-6), pp. 440-448. ISSN (print) 0021-9924
Wolke, Dieter, Chernova, Julia, Eryigit-Madzwamuse, Suna, Samara, Muthanna, Zwierzynska, Karolina and Petrou, Stavros (2013) Self and parent perspectives on health-related quality of life of adolescents born very preterm. Journal Of Pediatrics, 163(4), pp. 1020-1026. ISSN (print) 0022-3476
Johnston, Adrian and Malabou, Catherine (2013) Self and emotional life: philosophy, psychoanalysis, and neuroscience. New York, U.S. : Columbia University Press. 304p. ISBN 9780231158312
Leonard, H. Skipton , Lewis, Rachel , Freedman, Arthur M. and Passmore, Jonathan, eds. (2013) The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of the psychology of leadership, change and organizational development. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. 475p. ISBN 9781119976578
Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara, eds. (2013) Work and occupational psychology: integrating theory and practice. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. 474p. ISBN 9781446260708
Book Section
Bifulco, Antonia (2013) Life events. In: Gabe, Jonathan and Monaghan, Lee F., (eds.) Key concepts in medical sociology. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Sage. pp. 28-31. ISBN 9780857024787
Bifulco, Antonia and Thomas, Geraldine (2013) Psychiatrie infantojuvénile en Europe – Grande-Bretagne. In: Ferrari, P and Bonot, O, (eds.) Traité européen de psychiatrie et de psychopathologie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent. Paris, France : Lavoisier. pp. 691-697. ISBN 9782257205193
Bifulco, Antonia (2013) Psychosocial models and issues in major depression. In: Power, Mick, (ed.) The Wiley Blackwell handbook of mood disorders. 2nd ed. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 87-106. ISBN 9781119978923
Di Nuovo, Santo, Magnano, Paola and Paolillo, Anna (2013) Valori. In: Di Nuovo, Santo and Magnano, Paola, (eds.) Competenze trasversali e scelte formative : Strumenti per valutare meta cognizione, motivazione, interessi, abilita sociali nella continuita tra livelli scolastici. Trento, Italy : Erikson. pp. 29-39. ISBN 9788859001546
Donaldson-Feilder, Emma, Munir, Fehmidah and Lewis, Rachel (2013) Leadership and employee well-being. In: Leonard, H. Skipton , Lewis, Rachel , Freedman, Arthur M. and Passmore, Jonathan, (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of leadership, change and organizational development. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 155-173. ISBN 9781119976578
Harries, Tim (2013) Responding to flood risk in the UK. In: Joffe, Helene , Rossetto, Tiziana and Adams, John, (eds.) Cities at risk: living with perils in the 21st century. Dordrecht, Germany : Springer. pp. 45-72. (Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, (33)) ISBN 9789400761834
Harries, Tim, Eslambolchilar, Parisa, Stride, Chris, Rettie, Ruth and Walton, Simon (2013) Walking in the wild – using an always-on smartphone application to increase physical activity. In: Kotze, Paula , Marsden, Gary , Lindgaard, Gitte , Wesson, Janet and Winckler, Marco, (eds.) Human-computer interaction – INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2013, proceedings, part IV. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany : Springer. pp. 19-36. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5(8120)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783642404979
Le Floch, Valerie and Villejoubert, Gaelle (2013) Il y a sans doute en fonction des contextes des explications qui paraissent plus "plausibles" que d’autres... [There are undoubtedly, depending on contexts, explanations that seem more "plausible" than others...]. In: Abdellaoui, Sid, (ed.) L’expertise psycholegale: Enjeux, realites et nouvelles perspectives. Paris, France : L'Harmattan. pp. 117-134. ISBN 9782336290843
Leonard, H. Skipton, Lewis, Rachel, Freedman, Arthur M. and Passmore, Jonathan (2013) The role of psychology in leadership, change and organization development. In: Leonard, H. Skipton , Lewis, Rachel , Freedman, Arthur M. and Passmore, Jonathan, (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of leadership, change and organizational development. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley & Sons. pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781119976578
Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara (2013) Ethical and research skills you will need as an occupational psychologist. In: Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara, (eds.) Work and occupational psychology: integrating theory and practice. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 52-88. ISBN 9781446260708
Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara (2013) Future directions for occupational psychologists. In: Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara, (eds.) Work and occupational psychology: integrating theory and practice. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 447-462. ISBN 9781446260708
Zibarras, Lara and Lewis, Rachel (2013) Emerging trends and future directions in occupational psychology. In: Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara, (eds.) Work and occupational psychology: integrating theory and practice. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 427-446. ISBN 9781446260708
Zibarras, Lara and Lewis, Rachel (2013) What are occupational psychologists? In: Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara, (eds.) Work and occupational psychology: integrating theory and practice. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 25-51. ISBN 9781446260708
Zibarras, Lara and Lewis, Rachel (2013) What is occupational psychology? In: Lewis, Rachel and Zibarras, Lara, (eds.) Work and occupational psychology: integrating theory and practice. London, U.K. : Sage Publications Ltd. pp. 3-24. ISBN 9781446260708
Conference or Workshop Item
Arevshatian, Lilith and Lewis, Rachel (2013) Shawshank redemption and unpalatable messages: the wellbeing of feedback professionals. In: British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Occupational Psychology (DOP) Annual Conference 2013: Connecting and Contributing to Make a Difference; 9-11 Jan 2013, Chester, U.K..
Arveshatian, Lilith and Lewis, Rachel (2013) 'Spinal cord' for the trust, or 'outside toilet'? The wellbeing of NHS feedback employees. In: 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP); 22-24 Jul 2013, Bradford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Askew, Chris (2013) Vicarious fear learning in children: fear-relevant vs. fear-irrelevant stimuli. In: 41st BABCP Annual conference and workshops; 16-19 July 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bacon, Ingrid (2013) The individual experience of codependency. An interpretative phenomenological analysis. In: British Psychological Society Qualitative Methods in Psychology Section Conference 2013 : Making a Difference, Making ourselves Known; 04-06 Sep 2013, Huddersfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Besemer, Sytske, Farrington, David P. and Theobald, Delphine (2013) The relations between a parental conviction and a son's family formation. In: 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology; 20 - 23 Nov 2013, Atlanta, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Brondino, Margherita, Paolillo, Anna, Pasini, Margherita, Lazzarini, Gianluigi and Romeo, Luciano (2013) Work-related stress mediates the relationship between safety climate and safety performance. In: 16th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) : Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?; 22-25 May 2013, Münster, Germany. (Unpublished)
Desai, R.I. and Terry, P. (2013) Selective modulation of the motor suppressant effects of nicotine by the GABA-A receptor antagonist, bicuculline. In: 15th Biennial Meeting of the European Behavioural Pharmacology Society; 6-9 Sep 2013, La Rochelle, France.
Felisberti, F, Cobley, L, Hall, E and Williams, A (2013) The effect of family environment in the recognition of brief displays of emotion. In: 36th European Conference on Visual Perception; 25 - 29 Aug 2013, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished)
Felisberti, Fatima M., Cox, Rebecca, Wanli, Jana and Dover, Cassandra (2013) Social context modulates face recognition in young and intermediate age adults. In: Experimental Psychology Society London Meeting; 03 - 04 Jan 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Frank, Stefan L., Otten, Leun J., Galli, Giulia and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2013) Word surprisal predicts N400 amplitude during reading. In: 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics; 4-9 Aug 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN 9781937284503
Jamel, Joanna (2013) Praxis: the policing response to transphobic hate crime in London. In: ‘Sexuality in theory and practice’ Mid-term conference of the European Sociological Association Sexuality Research Network; 14 - 15 Jan 2013, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Noakes, Hayley and Gay, Jane (2013) Establishing credibility: the use of students as learning developers through a peering learning programme. In: 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education; 25 - 27 Mar 2013, Plymouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)
O'Dwyer, Emma, Lyons, Evanthia and Cohrs, J. Christopher (2013) How Irish citizens negotiate foreign policy: dilemmatic and identity-related aspects of social representations of neutrality. In: Department of Psychology, Anglia Ruskin University Seminar; 5 Nov 2013, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Psoinos, Maria (2013) Well-being of highly skilled refugees: a value-laden phenomenon. In: Migration and Well-Being: Research Frontiers; 08-10 Jan 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel. (Unpublished)
Reynolds, Gemma (2013) The effects of vicarious learning on the fear emotion in children. In: 41st BABCP Annual conference and workshops; 16-19 July 2013, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Russell, Emma (2013) Managing your digital communications : a focus on email and smartphone strategies at work. In: Research in Practice Seminar Series; 25 Apr 2013, Kingston upon Thames, U.K... (Unpublished)
Theobald, Delphine, Farrington, David P. and Piquero, Alex R. (2013) Does the birth of a first child reduce the father's offending? In: Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2013; 10 - 12 Jun 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. (Unpublished)
Russell, Emma (2013) Strategies and bad habits in dealing with email at work. (Project Report) Richard Benjamin Trust.
Dunne, Güler (2013) The effect of stimulus and model characteristics on childhood vicarious fear learning and unlearning. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Gourdon, Amélie Nadine Aline (2013) Children's and adults' interpretation of communicated probabilities: studies on directionality and preciseness. (PhD thesis), University of Birmingham, .
Kearney, Lydia (2013) The intra and interpersonal effects of observer and field perspective imagery in social anxiety. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
O'Dwyer, Emma (2013) Social representations of Irish neutrality. (PhD thesis), Queen's University, Belfast, .
Database or Web Resource
Donaldson-Feilder, Emma and Lewis, Rachel (2013) Role of the line manager in engendering sustainable employee engagement.