Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Education"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 65.


Alsop, Graham and Tompsett, Chris (2006) Making sense of 'pure' phenomenography in information and communication technology in education. ALT-J: research in learning technology, 14(3), pp. 241-259. ISSN (print) 0968-7769

Batchelor, Denise and Di Napoli, Roberto (2006) Special issue: The doctoral journey: Perspectives. Educate~, 6(1), pp. 13-24. ISSN (online) 2049-9558

Bennett, Roger and Kottasz, Rita (2006) Widening participation and student expectations of higher education. The International Journal of Management Education, 5(2), pp. 47-65. ISSN (print) 1472-8117

Bidgood, Penelope, Saebi, Nasrollah and May, Steve (2006) Influences on student withdrawal from further education: a case study. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 58(2), pp. 223-236. ISSN (print) 1363-6820

Blair, Bernadette (2006) 'At the end of a huge crit in the summer, it was “crap” – I’d worked really hard but all she said was “fine” and I was gutted'. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 5(2), pp. 83-95. ISSN (print) 1474-273X

Briten, Elizabeth (2006) Sowing the seeds of creativity. Primary Science Review, 91, pp. 22-25. ISSN (print) 0269-2465

Burden, Penny, Bond, Chris and Hall, Julie (2006) Defining excellence in teaching and learning. Educational Developments, 7(2), pp. 8-11. ISSN (print) 1469-3267

Burke, Linda M. (2006) The process of integration of schools of nursing into higher education. Nurse Education Today, 26(1), pp. 63-70. ISSN (print) 0260-6917

Coultas, Valerie (2006) Investigating talk in challenging classrooms - boys enjoy the power of talk. English in Education, 40(2), pp. 40-54. ISSN (print) 0425-0494

Coultas, Valerie (2006) Thinking out of the SATS box. English Drama Media, 5, pp. 58-59. ISSN (print) 1742-1554

Johnson, Helen (2006) Difference, explanation, certainty and terror: a view from a Londoner about the formation of children's spirituality as relational consciousness. International Journal of Children's Spirituality, 11(1), pp. 57-70. ISSN (print) 1364-436X

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2006) Adaptation for a changing environment: Developing learning and teaching with information and communication technologies. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 7(2), ISSN (online) 1492-3831

Lawrenz, F., Gravely, A. and Ooms, A. (2006) Perceived helpfulness and amount of use of technology in science and mathematics classes at different grade levels. School Science and Mathematics, 106(3), pp. 133-139. ISSN (print) 0036-6803

May, Steve, Bidgood, Penelope and Saebi, Nasrollah (2006) Are they thinking what we're thinking? College staff and student perceptions of the impact of ethnicity and gender on completion and achievement at a college of further education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 30(3), pp. 243-254. ISSN (print) 0309-877X

Middlehurst, Robin and Woodfield, Steve (2006) Quality review in distance learning: a study of policy and practice in five countries. Tertiary Education and Management, 12(1), pp. 37-58. ISSN (print) 1358-3883

Price, Linda (2006) Gender differences and similarities in online courses: Challenging stereotypical views of women. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 22(5), pp. 349-359. ISSN (print) 0266-4909

Slotnick, Henry B. and Hilton, Sean R. (2006) Proto-professionalism and the dissecting laboratory. Clinical Anatomy, 19(5), pp. 429-436. ISSN (print) 0897-3806

Stuart, Mary (2006) Making choices for higher education: social and cultural differences in decisions for students coming to higher education. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 6(1), pp. 101-110. ISSN (print) 1447-9532

Stuart, Mary (2006) 'My friends made all the difference': getting into and succeeding at university for first-generation entrants. Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 3(2), pp. 162-184. ISSN (print) 1740-1348

Weiss, David J., Shanteau, James and Harries, Priscilla (2006) People who judge people. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 19(5), pp. 441-454. ISSN (print) 0894-3257

Wood, Ruth (2006) The design and development of a multimedia text for children. The International Journal of Learning, 13(4), pp. 15-22. ISSN (print) 1447-9494


Coultas, Valerie (2006) Constructive talk in challenging classrooms: strategies for behaviour management and talk-based tasks. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 176p. ISBN 9780415403436

Elliott, Catherine, Jeanpierre, Eric and Vernon, Catherine (2006) The French legal system. 2nd ed. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. 351p. ISBN 9781405811613

Göranzon, Bo , Hammaren, Maria and Ennals, Richard, eds. (2006) Dialogue, skill and tacit knowledge. Chichester : John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 358p. ISBN 0470019212

Johnson, Helen, ed. (2006) Reflecting on faith schools. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 126p. ISBN 9780415463812

McCrorie, Peter (2006) Teaching and leading small groups. Edinburgh, UK : Association for the Study of Medical Education. 32p. (Understanding Medical Education) ISBN 0904473376

Morgan Wortham, Simon (2006) Counter-institutions: Jacques Derrida and the question of the university. New York : Fordham University Press. 164p. (Perspectives in continental philosophy, 55) ISSN (print) 1089-3938 ISBN 9780823226665

Book Section

Atherton, Barbara (2006) Balancing needs: how successful can a pre-sessional course be? In: Gillett, Andy and Wray, Liz, (eds.) Assessing the effectiveness of EAP programmes. London, U.K. : British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes (BALEAP). ISBN 9780955487408

Boaz, Annette and Sidford, Adrienne (2006) Reviewing existing research. In: Gilbert, Nigel, (ed.) From postgraduate to social scientist : a guide to key skills. London, U.K. : SAGE Publications. pp. 7-24. ISBN 9780761944607

Hodson, Pam (2006) 'It's good to talk': reinstating the place of speaking and listening in the primary classroom. In: Fisher, Robert and Williams, Mary, (eds.) Unlocking literacy. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : David Fulton. pp. 110-128. ISBN 184312386X

Johnson, Helen (2006) Interview. In: Johnson, Helen, (ed.) Reflecting on faith schools. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 79-88. ISBN 9780415463812

Johnson, Helen (2006) Reflecting on and talking about private lives and professional consequences. In: Johnson, Helen, (ed.) Reflecting on faith schools. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 35-40. ISBN 9780415463812

Johnson, Helen (2006) Reflecting on faith schools : an exercise in the sociological imagination. In: Johnson, Helen, (ed.) Reflecting on faith schools. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 1-7. ISBN 9780415463812

Johnson, Helen (2006) Using reflective practice to explore the origins and consequences of cultural and faith perspectives. In: Johnson, Helen, (ed.) Reflecting on faith schools. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 89-92. ISBN 9780415463812

Middlehurst, Robin (2006) A world of borderless higher education: impact and implications. In: d'Antoni, Susan, (ed.) The virtual university: models and messages - lessons from case studies. Paris, France : UNESCO. pp. 71-88. (Education on the move) ISBN 9789231040269

Nectoux, Francois (2006) Teaching international politics to students of multiple origins: issues of intercultural politics. In: Cecchetto, Vittorina and Stroinska, Magda, (eds.) The international classroom: challenging the notion. Oxford, U.K. : Peter Lang. ISBN 9783631538029

Perselli, Victoria (2006) A Marxian approach in education. Paradoxes of praxis: thinking about aspects of social justice in the context of school visiting. In: Tidwell, Deborah and Fitzgerald, Linda, (eds.) Self-Study and Diversity. Rotterdam, Netherlands : Sense Publishers. pp. 71-88. (Professional Learning, (2)) ISBN 9077874348

Scott, Peter (2006) Internationalising higher education: a global perspective. In: Kishun, Rosen, (ed.) The internationalisation of higher education in South Africa. Durban, South Africa : International Education Association of South Africa. pp. 13-28. (Study South Africa) ISBN 0620376770

Scott, Peter (2006) The research revolution and its impact on the European University. In: Blückert, Kjell , Neave, Guy and Nybom, Thorsten, (eds.) The European Research University: an historical parenthesis. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 129-143. (Issues in Higher Education) ISBN 1403970149

Wood, R. (2006) Mobile learning in initial teacher education. In: Morgan, K. , Brebbia, C.A. and Spector, J.M., (eds.) The internet society. Southampton, U.K. : WIT Press. pp. 51-60. II ISBN 9781845641702

Conference or Workshop Item

Allen, M. and Coole, H. (2006) Does elicitation of learners’ emotions contribute to the successful realigning of trainee postgraduate primary teachers’ misconceptions in science? In: BERA Annual Conference; 06-09 Sep 2006, Warwick, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Benson, Vladlena and Gopee, Shafiiq M. (2006) From electronic to mobile learning: how to make the most of existing e-Learning materials in wireless environment. In: International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems; 07 - 10 Aug 2006, Setubal, Portugal. ISBN 9728865651

Carey, Brycchan (2006) Teaching literary London in the suburbs. In: Teaching London; 03 - 04 Nov 2006, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Coole, Hilary and Allen, Michael (2006) Correcting science misconceptions: a hands on approach (Marble drop). In: ASE Summer Conference; 2006, University of Surrey.

Delmas, Robert C., Garfield, Joan B., Chance, Beth L. and Ooms, Ann (2006) Assessing students' conceptual understanding after a first course in statistics. In: AERA 2006 Annual Meeting: Education Research in the Public Interest; 07-11 Apr 2006, San Francisco, U.S.A.. (Unpublished)

Francis, Geraldine, May, Steve and Gay, Jane (2006) Assessing the mismatch between academic and clinical settings: a case study into retention and the student experience. In: SEDA Spring Conference 2006: Advancing Evidence-Informed Practice in HE Learning, Teaching and Educational Development; 08 - 09 Jun 2006, Liverpool, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Hale, Sarah and Craig, John (2006) Case-based learning : new frontiers, new resources. In: Higher Education Academy Annual Conference : Enhancing the Student Learning Experience; 03-05 Jul 2006, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Jelfs, Anne, Macdonald, Janet, Price, Linda, Richardson, John and Cannell, Pete (2006) "Am I still doing a good job?" : Conceptions of tutoring in distance education. In: Improving Student Learning Symposium 2006 : Improving Student Learning Through Teaching; 04-06 Sep 2006, Bath, U.K..

King, Jean, Lawrenz, Frances, Ooms, Ann, Johnson, Kelli, Greenseid, Lija and Toal, Stacie (2006) Challenges in tracking and measuring evaluation use and influence. In: Evaluation 2006: The consequences of evaluation; 30 Oct - 05 Nov 2006, Portland, Oregon, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Ledden, L, Kalafatis, SP and Samouel, P (2006) The relationship between personal values and perceived value of education. In: 1st Symposium of the Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group; 2006, Cyprus.

Ljubojevic, Dejan, Cook, John and Boyle, Tom (2006) Exploring the space between learning design and learning objects with the two-agent approach. In: ICCE 2006: 14th International Conference on Computers in Education; 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2006, Beijing, China. (Unpublished)

Lucas, Marilyn, Damianova, Maria, Burney, Sue and Ponto, Maria (2006) Stress and coping in students exposed to crime and violence: a comparative study of students studying at campuses in South Africa, Australia and England. In: 27th STAR Society Conference; 13 - 15 July 2006, Rethymnon, Crete.

May, Steve and Hill, Michael (2006) Development and use of faculty profile: datasets as a tool to support embedding institutional strategic objectives. In: FACE Annual Conference 2006: Transformation, Progression and Hope: whatever happened to life long learning?; 03 - 05 Jul 2006, Swansea, U.K..

May, Steve (2006) Practice and university-based education - a case for blurring the boundaries. In: SRHE Annual Conference: Beyond boundaries: new horizons for research into higher education; 12 - 14 Dec 2006, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Morgan, Michelle (2006) Are there teaching and learning differences between the sciences? In: AUA Annual Conference and Exhibition: Taking Giant Steps Forward; 10-12 Apr 2006, Belfast, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Paliokosta, Panagiota (2006) Inclusive education and special educational needs: the impact of differing school cultures on teachers and other stakeholders' interpretations of these notions and consequent practice within mainstream schools. In: Transitional Spaces, Transitional Processes and Research; 2 - 5 March 2006, Volos, Greece. (Unpublished)

Paliokosta, Panagiota (2006) Inclusive education and special educational needs; the impact of differing school cultures on teachers and other stakeholders' interpretations of these notions and consequent practice within mainstream schools. In: ECER 2006 (European Conference on Educational Research); 13 - 16 Sept 2006, Geneva, Switzerland. (Unpublished)

Ponto, Maria (2006) Bridge Project : developing MSc degrees for the UK and Russian healthcare professionals. In: 12th International Ottawa Conference on Clinical Competence; 20 - 24 May 2006, New York, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Wood, R. (2006) Mobile learning and initial teacher education. In: Second International Conference on the Internet Society : Advances in Education, Commerce and Governance : The Internet Society 2006; 12 Jun 2006, Southampton, England. (Unpublished)

Wood, Ruth, Lloyd, Elizabeth and Ashfield, Jean (2006) Student teacher perceptions of the use of mobile technologies for teaching and learning. In: World Conference on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare and Higher Education (ELEARN) 2006; 13-17 Oct 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S..

delMas, Robert, Ooms, Ann, Garfield, Joan and Chance, Beth (2006) Assessing students' statistical reasoning. In: 7th International Conference on Teaching Statistics; 2 - 7 July 2006, Salvador, Brazil.


Burden, Penny and Lee, Anne (2006) Personal development planning : a resources guide for academic staff at the University of Surrey. (Manual) Guildford, Surrey : University of Surrey. 50 p.

Stuart, Mary, Lido, Catherine, Morgan, Shell, Solomon, Lucy and Akroyd, Karen (2006) Widening participation to postgraduate study: decisions, deterrents and creating success. (Project Report) York, U.K. : Higher Education Academy.


Allen, Michael (2006) The phenomenon of expectation-related observation: an exploration of nature, associations and causes. (PhD thesis), Brunel University, .

Fuhrer, Ursula (2006) Christian Thomasius (1655-1728) reform and education. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .

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