Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Computer science and informatics"

Abood, Suhail Najm (2013) A human-robot interaction platform for long-term diabetic behavioural change support. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Aghayan, Reza (2013) K-point group-signatures in curve analysis. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Almazan, Emilio J. and Jones, Graeme A. (2013) Tracking people across multiple non-overlapping RGB-D sensors. In: Kellenberger, Patrick, (ed.) 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. Los Alamitos, U.S. : IEEE Computer Society. pp. 831-837. ISSN (print) 2160-7508 ISBN 9780769549903
Almazan Manzanares, E. and Jones, G. A. (2013) Tracking People across Multiple Non-Overlapping RGB-D Sensors. In: IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2013; 23-28 June 2013, Portland, U.S..
Antunes, A.P.M., Covington, A.D., Petford, Nicholas, Murray, T. and Wertheim, D. (2013) Three-dimensional visualization of dermal skin structure using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Journal Of Microscopy, 251(1), pp. 14-18. ISSN (print) 0022-2720
Argyriou, Vasileios, Kotsia, Irene, Zafeiriou, Stefanos and Petrou, Maria (2013) Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Modern Control for Computer Games. IEEE Transactions On Cybernetics, 43(6), pp. 1516-1518. ISSN (print) 2168-2267
Argyriou, Vasileios, Zafeiriou, Stefanos, Villarini, Barbara and Petrou, Maria (2013) A sparse representation method for determining the optimal illumination directions in Photometric Stereo. Signal Processing, 93(11), pp. 3027-3038. ISSN (print) 0165-1684
Arshad, Razi and Ikram, N. (2013) Elliptic curve cryptography based mutual authentication scheme for session initiation protocol. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 66(2), pp. 165-178. ISSN (print) 1380-7501
Attanayake, Dilaksha, Hunter, Gordon, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Denholm-Price, James (2013) Using statistical language models and edit distance metrics for prediction and error correction in a novel interface for mathematical text. In: UK Speech Conference; 17-18 Sept 2013, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)
Bakas, S., Hunter, G. J. A., Thiebaud, C and Makris, D. (2013) Spot the best Frame: 'Towards intelligent automated selection of the “optimal” frame for initialisation of focal liver lesion candidates in contrast enhanced ultrasound video sequences'. In: 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments - IE'13; 18-19 Jul 2013, Athens, Greece. (IEEE)
Barkatou, Moulay A., El Bacha, Carole, Labahn, George and Pfluegel, Eckhard (2013) On simultaneous row and column reduction of higher-order linear differential systems. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 49, pp. 45-64. ISSN (print) 0747-7171
Barnard, Mark, Wang, Wenwu and Kittler, Josef (2013) Audio head pose estimation using the direct to reverberant speech ratio. In: 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP); 26 - 31 May 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
Barnard, Mark, Wang, Wenwu, Kittler, Josef, Naqvi, Syed Mosheen and Chambers, Jonathan (2013) Audio-visual face detection for tracking in a meeting room environment. In: 16th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION); 09 - 12 Jul 2013, Istanbul, Turkey. (Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Fusion) ISBN 978-1-4799-0284-2
Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Social higher education: how effective is it? In: The 8th International Conference on e-Learning (ICEL) 2013; 27-28 Jun 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. ISSN (print) 2048-8882 ISBN 9781909507265
Benson, Vladlena (2013) Social media revenue streams and social business models facing traditional challenges of eBusiness. Global Business and Economics Anthology, II, pp. 24-35. ISSN (print) 1553-1392
Benson, Vladlena and Morgan, Stephanie (2013) Student experience and ubiquitous learning in higher education: impact of wireless and cloud applications. Journal of Creative Education, 4(8a), pp. 1-5.
Bloom, Victoria, Argyriou, Vasileios and Makris, Dimitrios (2013) Dynamic feature selection for online action recognition. In: Salah, Albert Ali , Hung, Hayley , Aran, Oya and Gunes, Hatice, (eds.) Human behavior understanding. Switzerland : Springer International Publishing. pp. 64-76. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (8212)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319027135
Broughton, Gary John (2013) Symbolic algorithms for the local analysis of systems of pseudo-linear equations. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Burns, Mathew and Colbert, Martin (2013) Web analytics: the new purpose towards predictive games. In: Reidsma, Dennis , Katayose, Haruhiro and Nijholt, Anton, (eds.) Advances in computer entertainment. Springer. pp. 1-13. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8253(8253)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783319031606
Chaaraoui, Alexandros Andre and Florez-Revuelta, Francisco (2013) Human action recognition optimization based on evolutionary feature subset selection. In: 15th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation; 06 - 10 July 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Chaaraoui, Alexandros Andre, Padilla-López, José Ramón, Ferrández-Pastor, Francisco Javier, García-Chamizo, Juan Manuel, Nieto-Hidalgo, Mario, Romacho-Agud, Vicente and Flórez-Revuelta, Francisco (2013) A vision system for intelligent monitoring of activities of daily living at home. In: 5th International Work-conference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2013); 02 - 06 Dec 2013, Carrillo, Costa Rica.
Chen, Yu, Darwazeh, Izzat, Philip, Nada and Istepanian, Robert (2013) End-to-end delay distributions in wireless tele-ultrasonography medical systems. In: 2013 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM); 09 - 13 Dec 2013, Atlanta, U.S..
Chen, Zezhi and Ellis, Tim (2013) Automatic lane detection from vehicle motion trajectories. In: 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance; 27 - 30 Aug 2013, Krakow, Poland.
Chen, Zezhi and Ellis, Tim (2013) Efficient annotation of video for vehicle type classification. In: 16th International IEEE Conference onIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2013) : Intelligent Transportation Systems for All Modes; 06 - 09 Oct 2013, The Hague, Netherlands.
Choi, Youngseok (2013) DYMS (dynamic matcher selector) - scenario-based schema matcher selector. In: Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2013; 18-22 Jun 2013, Jeju Island, Korea.
Clarke, C. A., Pfluegel, E. and Tsaptsinos, D. (2013) Enhanced Virtual Private Social Networks: Implementing User Content Confidentiality. In: ICITST 2013: The 8th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions; 9-12 Dec 2013, London, UK.
Clarke, Charles, Pfluegel, Eckhard and Tsaptsinos, Dimitris (2013) Confidential communication techniques for virtual private social networks. In: DCABES 2013: The 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science; 02 - 04 Sep 2013, Kingston, U.K..
Cope, J.S., Remagnino, P., Mannan, S., Diaz, K., Ferri, F.J. and Wilkin, P. (2013) Reverse engineering expert visual observations: From fixations to the learning of spatial filters with a neural-gas algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(17), pp. 6707-6712. ISSN (print) 0957-4174
Daras, Petros [Editor], Martini, Maria G. [Editor] and Dagiuklas, Tasos [Editor] (2013) Emerging topics: Special issue on 3D video: content creation, coding, transmission and rendering. IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, 8(3), pp. 4-5.
Davies, Anthony C. (2013) IEEE Region 8 in a Persian Market. IEEE Technology And Society Magazine, 32(2), pp. 66-73. ISSN (print) 0278-0097
Davies, Martin W., Elwood, Dean and Politis, Christos (2013) Implementing a superwideband codec for smartphone VoIP services. In: 19th European Wireless Conference 2013; 16-18 April 2013, Guildford, UK. ISBN 9783800734986 (Unpublished)
Dembele, S, Aghajani, H and Wen, J (2013) Theoretical modelling of sprinkler sprays. In: Interflam2013 : 13th International Fire Science & Engineering Conference; 24 - 26 Jun 2013, London, U.K..
Dudzinski, M., Ishtiaq, S., Gatsinzi, F., Greenhill, D., Kayyali, R., Philip, N., Nabhani-Gebara, S. and Caton, H. (2013) Evaluation of pharmacy students perceptions regarding the use of games to support their learning. In: HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013: Where practice and pedagogy meet; 17-18 April 2013, Birmingham, UK. (Unpublished)
Dudzinski, Maciej, Ishtiaq, Sonya, Gatsinzi, Francis, Greenhill, Darrel, Kayyali, Reem, Philip, Nada, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen and Caton, Hope (2013) Design and evaluation of an e-learning game for pharmacy students. In: European Conference on Technology in the Classroom; 11-14 July 2013, Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)
Dudzinski, Maciej (2013) To research the impact of games in improving student study skills and information retention in the delivery of pharmacy education. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Dudzinski, Maciej, Greenhill, Darrel, Kayyali, Reem, Nabhani-Gebara, Shereen, Philip, Nada, Caton, Hope, Ishtiaq, Sonya and Gatsinzi, Francis (2013) The design and evaluation of a multiplayer serious game for pharmacy students. In: 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning; 3-4 Oct 2013, Porto, Portugal. (Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning – ECGBL 2013) ISBN 9781909507630
Dupre, R., Herrera-Acuna, R., Argyriou, V. and Velastin, S.A. (2013) 3D Interaction environment for free view point TV and games using multiple tablet computers. In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops; 23-28 June 2013, Oregon, USA.
Dupre, Robert, Argyriou, Vasileios and Greenhill, Darrel (2013) Prediction of physics simulation using dimensionality reduction and regression. Journal of Graphics Tools, 17(3), pp. 99-110. ISSN (print) 2165-347X
Entezami, F. and Politis, C. (2013) Routing protocol metrics for wireless mesh networks. In: Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 30; 23-25 April 2013, Oulu, Finland. (Unpublished)
Entezami, Fariborz and Politis, Christos (2013) CTP-A: An enhanced version of collection tree protocol. In: Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 31; 22-24 Oct 2013, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Esmaielbeiki, Reyhaneh (2013) Structural complex prediction based on protein interface recognition. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Faramarzi, Asaad, Alani, Amir M. and Harireche, Ouahid (2013) A hybrid approach to design materials with negative linear compressibility. Computational Materials Science, 79, pp. 971-976. ISSN (print) 0927-0256
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2013) Book Review of: 'Fundamentals of business information systems', 2nd ed. by R. Stair, G. Reynolds and T. Chesney. International Journal of Information Management, 33(2), pp. 415-416. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fitz-Gerald, Stuart (2013) Book Review of: 'MIS3' by H. Bidgoli. International Journal of Information Management, 33(4), pp. 703-705. ISSN (print) 0268-4012
Fraz, M. M., Remagnino, P., Hoppe, A., Rudnicka, A. R., Whincup, P.H., Owen, C. G. and Barman, S.A. (2013) Quantification of blood vessel calibre in retinal images of multi-ethnic school children using a model based approach. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 37(1), pp. 48-60. ISSN (print) 1879-0771
Fraz, M.M., Remagnino, P., Hoppe, A. and Barman, S. (2013) Retinal image analysis aimed at extraction of vascular structure using linear discriminant classifier. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Medical Applications (ICCMA); 20-22 Jan. 2013, Sousse, Tunisia. ISBN 9781467352130
Fraz, Muhammad Moazam (2013) Retinal image segmentation and quantification of vessel width in non-standard retinal datasets. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Genuchten, Michiel van and Hatton, Les (2013) Metrics with Impact. IEEE Software, 30(4), pp. 99-101. ISSN (print) 0740-7459
Grant, Robert (2013) Nathan Yau: a life in statistics. Significance, 10(1), pp. 32-35. ISSN (print) 1740-9705
Grech, Raphael (2013) Multi-robot vision. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Harries, Tim, Eslambolchilar, Parisa, Stride, Chris, Rettie, Ruth and Walton, Simon (2013) Walking in the wild – using an always-on smartphone application to increase physical activity. In: Kotze, Paula , Marsden, Gary , Lindgaard, Gitte , Wesson, Janet and Winckler, Marco, (eds.) Human-computer interaction – INTERACT 2013: 14th IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-6, 2013, proceedings, part IV. Berlin Heidelberg, Germany : Springer. pp. 19-36. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5(8120)) ISSN (print) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783642404979
Head, Chris (2013) IT trends in local public services 2012/13 : riding the wave of change. Northampton, U.K. : Society of Information Technology Management. (IT Trends) ISBN 9781907608278
Head, Chris (2013) Planting the flag: pocket guide to agile development in the public sector. Society of Information Technology Management. (Planting the Flag) ISBN 9781907608292
Herrera-Acuna, R., Argyriou, V. and Velastin, S.A. (2013) Portable Multi Touch TableTop: a composite approach for industrial applications. In: Constantinides International workshop on Signal Processing; 25 Jan 2013, London, U.K..
Herrera-Acuna, Raul A., Argyriou, Vasileios and Velastin, Sergio A. (2013) Graphical interfaces for development exploiting the third dimension using Kinect. In: 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments - IE'13; 18-19 Jul 2013, Athens, Greece.
Hewage, C.T. (2013) Perceptual quality driven 3D video communication. Scholars' Press. 332p. ISBN 9783639702484
Hewage, C.T. and Martini, M.G. (2013) Quality of experience for 3D video streaming. IEEE Communications Magazine, 51(5), ISSN (print) 0163-6804
Hewage, C.T. (2013) Visual saliency drive 3D quality improvements. In: 5th Qualinet EU COST Action Meeting; 11 - 13 Mar 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia. (Unpublished)
Hewage, C.T.E.R., Appuhami Ralalage, H.D., Martini, M.G., Smith, R., Jourdan, I. and Rockall, T. (2013) Quality evaluation of asymmetric compression for 3D Surgery Video. In: 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom); 9-12 Oct 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
Hewage, C.T.E.R., Martini, M. G., Brandas, M. and De Silva, D.V.S.X. (2013) A study on the perceived quality of 3D video subject to packet losses. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications; 9 - 13 June 2013, Budapest, Hungary.
Hewage, Chaminda (2013) 3D quality improvements based on 3D saliency information. In: 3DConTourNet EU COST Action meeting : 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks; 10 - 12 Apr 2013, Poznan, Poland. (Unpublished)
Hewage, Chaminda, Wang, Junle, Martini, Maria and Le Callet, Patrick (2013) Visual saliency driven error protection for 3D video. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2013); 15-19 Jul 2013, San Jose, U.S..
Hunter, Gordon, Livingstone, David, Neve, Paul and Alsop, Graham (2013) Learn programming++: the design, implementation and deployment of an intelligent environment for the teaching and learning of computer programming. 9th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE) 2013, 129 - 136.
Ion, Adina Izabella (2013) Computer aided detection and measurement of peripheral arterial diseases from CTA images. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Istepanian, Robert S. H., Alinejad, Ali and Philip, Nada Y. (2013) Medical Quality of Service (m-QoS) and Quality of Experience (m-QoE) for 4G-health Systems. In: Farrugia, Reuben A. and Debono, Carl J., (eds.) Multimedia Networking and Coding. Hershey, PA, US : IGI Global. pp. 359-376. ISBN 9781466626607
Jones, G. A. (2013) Accurate and Computationally-inexpensive Recovery of Ego-Motion using Optical Flow and Range Flow with Extended Temporal Support. In: British Machine Vision Conference; 9 - 13 Sept 2013, Bristol, U.K..
Jones, G. A. (2013) Combining Optical Flow and Range Flow to Recover RGBD Sensor Ego-Motion. In: RGB-D: Advanced Reasoning with Depth Cameras; 27 June 2013, Berlin, Germany.
Jones, G. A. and Hunter, G. (2013) Spatio-Temporal Support for Range Flow based Ego-Motion Estimators. In: Wilson, Richard , Hancock, Edwin , Bors, Adrian and Smith, William, (eds.) Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 531-538. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (8048)) ISSN (online) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783642402456
Khan, N., Martini, M.G. and Staehle, D. (2013) Opportunistic QoS Aware Fair Downlink Scheduling For Delay Sensitive Applications using Fuzzy Reactive And Proactive Controllers. In: 78th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC); 2-5 Sept 2013, Las Vegas, U.S..
Khan, N., Martini, M.G. and Staehle, D. (2013) Opportunistic proportional fair downlink scheduling for Scalable Video Transmission over LTE Systems. In: 78th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC); 2-5 Sept 2013, Las Vegas, U.S.A..
Kilic, Volkan, Barnard, Mark, Wang, Wenwu and Kittler, Josef (2013) Adaptive particle filtering approach to audio-visual tracking. In: 21st European Signal Processing Conference; 09 Sep - 13 Sep 2013, Marrakech, Morocco. (21st European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2013)) ISSN (print) 2219-5491
Kilic, Volkan, Barnard, Mark, Wang, Wenwu and Kittler, Josef (2013) Audio constrained particle filter based visual tracking. In: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing; 26 - 31 May 2013, Vancouver, Canada. (2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing) ISSN (print) 1520-6149
Kiruthika, Jay and Khaddaj, Souheil (2013) Managing server & application performance in physical, virtual & cloud environments and cloud resource allocation. In: 6th International Conference on Semantic E-Buisness and Enterprise Computing and 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing & Services Engineering; 18 - 19 Dec 2013, Kerala, India.
Kukolj, D, Đorđević, D, Okolišan, D, Ostojić, I, Sandić-Stanković, D and Hewage, C.T. (2013) 3D image quality estimation (ANN) based on depth/disparity and 2D metrics. In: 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics; 19-21 Nov 2013, Budapest, Hungary.
Kukolj, D., Đorđević, D., Okolišan, D., Ostojić, I., Sandić-Stanković, D. and Hewage, C. (2013) 3D image quality estimation (ANN) based on depth/disparity and 2D metrics. In: 14th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics; 19-21 Nov 2013, Budapest, Hungary.
Kumarapeli, P. and de Lusignan, S. (2013) Using the computer in the clinical consultation; setting the stage, reviewing, recording, and taking actions: multi-channel video study. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 20(e1), e67-e75. ISSN (online) 1067-5027
Lanara, Z., Giannopoulou, E., Fullen, M., Kostantinopoulos, E., Nebel, J.C., Kalofonos, H.P., Patrinos, G.P. and Pavlidis, C. (2013) Comparative study and meta-analysis of meta-analysis studies for the correlation of genomic markers with early cancer detection. Human Genomics, 7(14), ISSN (online) 1479-7364
Lewandowski, M, Simonnet, D, Makris, D., Velastin, S.A. and Orwell, J. (2013) Tracklet Reidentification in Crowded Scenes using Bag of Spatio-Temporal Histograms of Oriented Gradients. In: Carrasco-Ochoa, Jesús Ariel , Martínez-Trinidad, José Francisco , Rodríguez, Joaquín Salas and Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella, (eds.) Pattern Recognition. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 94-103. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (7914)) ISSN (online) 0302-9743 ISBN 9783642389887
Liu, Q, Wang, W, Jackson, PJB, Barnard, M, Kittler, J and Chambers, J (2013) Source separation of convolutive and noisy mixtures using audio-visual dictionary learning and probabilistic time-frequency masking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(22), 5520 - 5535.
Makris, D. (2013) Graph-based particle filter for human tracking with stylistic variations. In: CVSSP seminar; 27 Mar 2013, Guildford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Mallah, Charles D. (2013) On-line measurement of broken rice percentage from image analysis of length and shape. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Manzella, V., Gaz, C., Vitaletti, A., Masi, E., Santopolo, L., Mancuso, S., Salazar, D. and De Las Heras, J.J. (2013) Demo abstract : plants as sensing devices : the PLEASED experience. In: 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2013); 11 - 15 Nov 2013, Rome, Italy.
Mao, Y., Tournier, A.L., Hoppe, A., Kester, L., Thompson, B.J. and Tapon, N. (2013) Differential proliferation rates generate patterns of mechanical tension that orient tissue growth. The EMBO Journal, 32(21), pp. 2790-2803. ISSN (print) 0261-4189
Martini, Maria, Eeriwarawe Ranasinghe Hewage, Chaminda Thushara, Nasralla, Moustafa M., Smith, Ralph, Jourdan, Iain and Rockall, Timothy (2013) 3-D robotic tele-surgery and training over next generation wireless networks. In: 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society; 3 - 7 July 2013, Osaka, Japan. ISSN (print) 1557-170X
Martini, Maria G. (2013) Cross-layer design for quality-driven multi-user multimedia transmission in mobile networks. IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, 8(2), pp. 18-20.
Martini, Maria G. and Isawhe, Boladale (2013) Optimum frame synchronization over binary symmetric channel for data with known, unequal distribution. In: 14th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications; 16 - 19 June 2013, Darmstadt, Germany.
Martínez del Rincón, J, Santofimia Romero, M.J. and Nebel, J.C. (2013) Common Sense Reasoning for Human Action Recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters, 34(15), pp. 1849-1860. ISSN (print) 0167-8655
Maung, T.S., Chen, Hua-Peng and Alani, Amir (2013) Robust dynamic finite element model updating using modal measurements. In: International Conference on Computational Mechanics (CM13); 25 - 27 Mar 2013, Durham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Mclay, Tony, Hoppe, Andreas, Greenhill, Darrel R. and Khaddaj, Souheil (2013) The DFrame: Parallel programming using a distributed framework implemented in MPI. In: 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering & Science; 2-4 Sept. 2013, Los Alamitos, CA, U.S.A.. ISBN 9780769550602
Mehdi Toussi, Ahora and Politis, Christos (2013) Energy conservative and coverage preservative clustering for wireless sensor networks. In: IEEE PIMRC’13 Conference; 8-11 Sep 2013, London, U.K.. ISSN (print) 2166-9570
Merino, Pedro, Martini, Maria G., Skorin-Kapov, Lea and Varela, Martin (2013) Improving QoS and QoE for mobile communications. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, 2013(645174), ISSN (print) 2090-7141
Millar, Grant P. (2013) The optimisation of peer-to-peer overlays for mobile ad-hoc networks. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Mogilenko, Viktoras and Hunter, Gordon (2013) Using probabilistic models to simulate tennis matches, with applications to betting strategies. In: 4th International Conference on Mathematics in Sport; 5-7 Jun 2013, Leuven, Belgium. (Proceedings of the 4th international conference on mathematics in sport) ISBN 9789081409964
Monekosso, Dorothy N. and Remagnino, Paolo (2013) Data reconciliation in a smart home sensor network. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(8), pp. 3248-3255. ISSN (print) 0957-4174
Monteiro, Valdemar, Mumtaz, Shahid, Rodriguez, Jonathan, Verikoukis, Christos and Politis, Christos (2013) Energy efficient relay-aided shared LTE network using CoMP and LB. In: 22nd Future Network and Mobile Summit; 3 - 5 Jul 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. (Submitted)
Monteiro, Valdemar, Mumtaz, Shahid, Rodriguez, Jonathan and Politis, Christos (2013) Link layer modelling for energy efficient performance evaluation in wireless cellular networks. In: Mumtaz, Shahid and Rodriguez, Jonathan, (eds.) Green Communication for 4G Wireless Systems. Aalborg, Denmark : River Publishers. ISBN 9788792982056
Monteiro, Valdemar, Mumtaz, Shahid, Nascimento, Alberto, Rodriguez, Jonathan and Politis, Christos (2013) System level evaluation methodology for energy saving. In: Shahid, Mumtaz and Rodriguez, Jonathan, (eds.) Green Communication for 4G Wireless Systems. Aalborg, Denmark : River Publishers. ISBN 9788792982056
Moutzouris, Alexandros (2013) Accurate human pose tracking using efficient manifold searching. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Mullen, Rob J., Monekosso, Dorothy N. and Remagnino, Paolo (2013) Ant algorithms for image feature extraction. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(11), pp. 4315-4332. ISSN (print) 0957-4174
Mumtaz, Shahid, Yang, Du, Monteiro, Valdmar, Politis, Christos and Rodriguez, Jonathan (2013) Self organized energy efficient position aided relays in LTEA. Physical Communication, 7, pp. 30-43. ISSN (print) 1874-4907
Nasralla, Moustafa, Ognenoski, Ognen and Martini, Maria G. (2013) Bandwidth scalability and efficient 2D and 3D video transmission over LTE networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications; 9 - 13 June 2013, Budapest, Hungary.
Nasralla, Moustafa and Martini, Maria G. (2013) A downlink scheduling approach for balancing QoS in LTE wireless networks. In: 24th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications; 8-11 Sept 2013, London, UK.
Neve, Paul, Livingstone, David, Hunter, Gordon and Alsop, Graham (2013) Improving the student experience on computer programming courses with a holistic approach to learning design and technology. In: HEA STEM: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2013: Where practice and pedagogy meet; 17-18 April 2013, Birmingham, UK.
Oehlmann, Ruediger and Chaudhry, Haajarah (2013) Omoiyari and reference place: team support based on multi-modal communication. In: 17th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems; 9-11 Sept 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan. (Unpublished)
Oehlmann, Ruediger (2013) Supporting Inter-Group Relationships in Human-Centered Chance Discovery. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, 4(1), ISSN (print) 1947-8208
Ognenoski, O., Razaak, M., Martini, M.G. and Amon, P. (2013) Medical Video Streaming Utilizing MPEG-DASH. In: 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications & Services (Healthcom); 9-12 Oct. 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. ISBN 9781467358002
Ognenoski, O., Martini, M.G. and Amon, P. (2013) Segment-based Teletraffic Model for MPEG-DASH. In: 15th IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing; 30 Sept - 2 Oct 2013, Pula (Sardinia), Italy.
Oliver, Adam Sidaway (2013) Experimental studies of display adverts on the internet: the Halo Effect. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Omiyi, Peter [Inventor], Martini, Maria M. [Inventor], Bharucha, Zubin [Inventor] and Auer, Gunther [Inventor] (2013) NTT DoCoMo, Inc A method for scheduling a scalable video coding stream in a wireless mobile network. EP2590349.
Oppong, Eric, Khaddaj, Souheil and Elariss, Haifa Elsidani (2013) Cloud Computing: Resource Management and Service Allocation. In: 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering & Science; 2-4 Sept. 2013, Los Alamitos, CA, U.S.A.. ISBN 9780769550602
Orsoni, Alessandra and Colaco, Brian (2013) A Competency Framework for Software Development Organizations. In: 15th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation; 10-12 April 2013, Cambridge, U.K.. ISBN 9780769549941
Pearce, Christopher Martin, Kumarapeli, Pushpa and de Lusignan, Simon (2013) "Effects of exam room EHR use on doctor-patient communication: a systematic literature review" - Triadic and other key terms may have identified additional literature. Informatics in Primary Care, 21(1), pp. 40-42. ISSN (print) 1476-0320
Pedagadi, S., Orwell, J., Velastin, S.A. and Boghossian, B. (2013) Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis for Pedestrian Re-identification. In: 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR); 23-28 June 2013, Oregon, USA. ISSN (print) 1063-6919
Pesaran Behbahani, M., Choudhury, I. and Khaddaj, S. A. (2013) A New Approach for Knowledge Discovery in Distributed Databases Using Fragmented Data Storage Model. Chinese Business Review, 12(12), pp. 834-845. ISSN (print) 1537-1506
Pesaran Behbahani, Masoud, Khaddaj, Souheil and Choudhury, Islam (2013) A novel distributed multidimensional management approach for modelling proactive decision making. In: DCABES 2013: The 12th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science; 02 - 04 Sep 2013, Kingston, U.K..
Pfluegel, Eckhard, Panaousis, Emmanouil and Politis, Christos (2013) A probabilistic algorithm for secret matrix share size reduction. In: 19th European Wireless Conference 2013; 16-18 April 2013, Guildford, UK. (Unpublished)
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