Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Psychology"

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Number of items: 91.


Aldrovandi, Silvio, Poirier, Marie, Kusev, Petko and Ayton, Peter (2015) Retrospective evaluations of sequences: testing the predictions of a memory-based analysis. Experimental Psychology, 62(5), pp. 320-334. ISSN (print) 1618-3169

Almugren, Hawazen (2015) The objective and subjective approach to happiness and well-being and its relationship to macroeconomics in some MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Aravopoulou, Eleni (2015) Experiencing organisational change in Greece : the impact of psychological contract, job satisfaction and organisational commitment on employees' EVLN behaviour. In: 5th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy; 22 Jun 2105, Rome, Italy. (The Business & Management Review) ISSN (print) 2047-2854‎

Arevshatian, Lilith, Shantz, Amanda and Alfes, Kerstin (2015) "You feel really guilty" : an interpretative phenomenological analysis of prioritizing quantity over nurturing in nursing. In: 9th Biennial Conference of International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP): Health, Health Care and Social Justice; 12-15 Jul 2015, Grahamstown, South Africa. (Unpublished)

Arevshatian, Lilith (2015) The refuting of call centres by healthcare staff. In: 9th Biennial Conference of International Society of Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP): Health, Health Care and Social Justice; 12-15 Jul 2015, Grahamstown, South Africa. (Unpublished)

Askew, Chris, Hagel, Anna and Morgan, Julie (2015) Vicarious learning of children’s social anxiety-related fear beliefs and emotional Stroop bias. Emotion, 15(4), pp. 501-510. ISSN (print) 1528-3542


Back, Elisa and Apperly, Ian Antony (2015) Theory of Mind usage in adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. In: Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting; 19 - 21 Mar 2015, Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Bacon, Ingrid G. F. I. (2015) An exploration of the experience of codependency through interpretative phenomenological analysis. (PhD thesis), Brunel University, .

Barry, Tom J, Murray, Lynne, Fearon, R.M. Pasco, Moutsiana, Christina, Cooper, Peter, Goodyer, Ian M., Herbert, Joe and Halligan, Sarah L. (2015) Maternal postnatal depression predicts altered offspring biological stress reactivity in adulthood. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 52, pp. 251-260. ISSN (print) 0306-4530

Buse, Peter (2015) Clowning and power : Lacan, Nietzsche, Foucault. In: Rethinking democracy in literature, languages & culture; 15 - 17 May 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Unpublished)

Butler, Georgia and Kennedy, Leonora (2015) A quantitative study of eating attitudes and body shape concerns in elite rowers. In: BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2015; 16-18 Sep 2015, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Dewe, Michaela, Ogden, Jane and Coyle, Adrian (2015) The cigarette box as an advertising vehicle in the UK : a case for plain packaging. Journal of Health Psychology, 20(7), pp. 954-962. ISSN (print) 1359-1053

Donaldson-Feilder, Emma and Lewis, Rachel (2015) Positive manager behaviour for engagement and wellbeing. In: Burke, Ronald J. , Page, Kathryn M. and Cooper, Cary L., (eds.) Flourishing in life, work and careers: individual wellbeing and career experiences. Cheltenham, U.K. : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. pp. 315-333. (New Horizons in Management Series) ISBN 9781783474097


Edgin, Jamie O., Tooley, Ursula, Demara, Bianca, Nyhuis, Casandra, Anand, Payal and Spano, Goffredina (2015) Sleep disturbance and expressive language development in preschool‐age children With Down syndrome. Child Development, 86(6), pp. 1984-1998. ISSN (print) 0009-3920

El Asam, Aiman and Samara, Muthanna (2015) The cognitive interview : improving recall and reducing misinformation among Arab children. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 15(5), pp. 449-477. ISSN (print) 1522-8932

El Asam, Aiman and Samara, Muthanna (2015) The cognitive interview as memory enhancing technique among Arab Children. Journal of Criminal Psychology, 5(4), pp. 233-248. ISSN (print) 2009-3829

Ezzamel, Samia, Spada, Marcantonio M. and Nikcevic, Ana V. (2015) Cognitive-behavioural case formulation in the treatment of a complex case of social anxiety disorder and substance misuse. In: Bruch, Michael, (ed.) Beyond diagnosis: case formulation in cognitive behavioural therapy. 2nd ed. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley Blackwell. pp. 194-219. ISBN 9781119960768


Felisberti, Fatima and Terry, Philip (2015) The effects of alcohol on the recognition of facial expressions and microexpressions of emotion : enhanced recognition of disgust and contempt. Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, 30(5), pp. 384-392. ISSN (print) 0885-6222

Felisberti, Fatima Maria (2015) Face recognition and hand-washing behaviour in a hazardous health scenario. In: European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association Annual Conference; 29 Mar - 01 Apr 2015, Helsinki, Finland. (Unpublished)

Fernie, B.A., Maher-Edwards, L., Murphy, G., Nikcevic, A.V. and Spada, M.M. (2015) The metacognitions about symptoms control scale: development and concurrent validity. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 22(5), pp. 443-449. ISSN (print) 1063-3995

Figueiredo, Claudia, Pinheiro, Maria do Rosario and Huet, Isabel (2015) Desenvolvimento epistemológico e avaliação de crenças pessoais relativas ao conhecimento e ao processo de conhecer: estudo de validação da escala de posicionamento epistemológico para estudantes de Doutoramento [Epistemological development and evaluation of personal beliefs about knowledge and the process of knowing: validation study of the Epistemological Position Scale for doctoral students]. Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, 49(1), pp. 105-130. ISSN (online) 1647-8614

Foody, Mairead, Samara, Muthanna and Carlbring, Per (2015) A review of cyberbullying and suggestions for online psychological therapy. Internet Interventions, 2(3), pp. 235-242. ISSN (online) 2214-7829

Frank, Stefan L., Otten, Leun J., Galli, Giulia and Vigliocco, Gabriella (2015) The ERP response to the amount of information conveyed by words in sentences. Brain and Language, 140, pp. 1-11. ISSN (print) 0093-934X


Gilhooly, K. J., Georgiou, G. J., Sirota, M. and Paphiti-Galeano, A. (2015) Incubation and suppression processes in creative problem solving. Thinking & Reasoning, 21(1), pp. 130-146. ISSN (print) 1354-6783

Gourdon-Kanhukamwe, Amélie (2015) Directionality of probability phrases is not determined by their linguistic head. In: 25th Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making (SPUDM) Conference; 16-20 Aug 2015, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Guthrie, Lisa and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2015) Interactivity and mental arithmetic : coupling mind and world transforms and enhances performance. Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric, 41(54), pp. 41-59. ISSN (print) 0860-150X

Guthrie, Lisa, Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Vallee-Tourangeau, Gaelle and Howard, Chelsea (2015) Learning and interactivity in solving a transformation problem. Memory & Cognition, 43(5), pp. 723-735. ISSN (print) 0090-502X


Hallett, Rachel and Lamont, Alexandra (2015) How do gym members engage with music during exercise? Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(3), pp. 411-427. ISSN (print) 2159-676X

Hannon, Dilys M (2015) Advancing employee engagement theory : a re-examination of the psychological conditions and antecedents of engagement. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hill, Elisabeth L., Jones, Alice P., Lang, Jane, Yarker, Joanna and Patterson, Allyson (2015) Employment experiences of parents of children with ASD or ADHD : an exploratory study. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 61(3), pp. 166-176. ISSN (print) 2047-3869


Jackson, Tom and Russell, Emma (2015) Four email problems that even titans of tech haven't resolved. The Conversation,

Jamel, Joanna [Speaker] (2015) Breaking the silence: rape on Hollyoaks. In: Being A Man Festival; 27 - 29 Nov 2015, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Lamport, Daniel J., Pal, Deepa, Moutsiana, Christina, Field, David T., Williams, Claire M. and Spencer, Jeremy P.E. (2015) The effect of flavanol rich cocoa on cerebral perfusion in older adults during conscious resting state : a placebo controlled, crossover, acute trial. Psychopharmacology, 232(17), pp. 3227-3234. ISSN (print) 0033-3158

Lemonaki, Elena, Manstead, Antony S. R. and Maio, Gregory R. (2015) Hostile sexism (de)motivates women’s social competition intentions : the contradictory role of emotions. British Journal of Social Psychology, 54(3), pp. 483-499. ISSN (print) 0144-6665

Lewis, Rachel and Donaldson-Feilder, Emma (2015) Collaboration between practitioners and academics crucial to developing HR agenda. HRZone,

Lewis, Rachel and Donaldson-Feilder, Emma (2015) One-off management is a waste of time and money. HRZone, Apr,


Magnano, Paola, Paolillo, Anna and Santisi, Giuseppe (2015) Autostima e autoefficacia, identita di genere e soddisfazione lavorativa. Implicazioni per la scelta di carriera, in Essere donna e fare ricerca in Italia = [Self-esteem and self-efficacy, gender identity and job satisfaction. Implications for career choice]. Scienze e Ricerche, 5, pp. 61-67. ISSN (online) 2283-5873

Magnano, Paola, Paolillo, Anna and Giacominelli, Barbara (2015) Dispositional optimism as a correlate of decision-making styles in adolescence. Sage Open, 5(2), ISSN (online) 2158-2440

Magnano, Paola, Santisi, Giuseppe, Ramaci, Tiziana and Paolillo, Anna (2015) Psicologia positiva ed organizzazioni in azione. Il contributo del diversity management = [Positive psychology and organizations in action. The contribution of diversity management]. In: Nota, Laura and Soresi, Salvatore, (eds.) La psicologia positiva per l'orientamento e il lavoro. Strumenti e contributi di ricerca. Firenze, Italy : Hogrefe. pp. 72-97.

Magnano, Paola, Paolillo, Anna and Barrano, Carmine (2015) Relationships between personality and burn-out : an empirical study with helping professions' workers. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 1, pp. 10-19. ISSN (print) 2371-1655

Malabou, Catherine (2015) Phantom limbs and plasticity : Merleau-Ponty and current neurobiology. Chiasmi International, 17, pp. 41-52. ISSN (print) 1637-6757

Martinelli, Cristina and Shergill, Sukhwinder S. (2015) Clarifying the role of pattern separation in schizophrenia : the role of recognition and visual discrimination deficits. Schizophrenia Research, 166(1-3), pp. 328-333. ISSN (print) 0920-9964

Mason, Gina Marie, Spanó, Goffredina and Edgin, Jamie (2015) Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in Down syndrome : effects of the dopamine receptor D4 gene. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 120(1), pp. 58-71. ISSN (print) 1944-7515

Mikailionyte, A., Lauritzen, J. and Pierscionek, B. (2015) Comparing different styles of video game play as suitable visual training tasks over a 120 hour training period. In: 6th Conference of Lithuanian Neuroscience Association; 05 Dec 2015, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Moss, Antony C., Spada, Marcantonio M., Harkin, Jamila, Albery, Ian P., Rycroft, Nicola and Nikcevic, Ana V. (2015) 'Neknomination' : predictors in a sample of UK university students. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 1, pp. 73-75. ISSN (online) 2352-8532

Moutsiana, Christina, Charpentier, Caroline J., Garrett, Neil, Cohen, Michael X. and Sharot, Tali (2015) Human frontal–subcortical circuit and asymmetric belief updating. The Journal of Neuroscience, 35(42), pp. 14077-14085. ISSN (print) 0270-6474


Naini, Farhad B., Cobourne, Martyn T., McDonald, Fraser and Wertheim, David (2015) Aesthetic impact of the upper component of the nasolabial angle : a quantitative investigation. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and Pathology, 27(4), pp. 470-476. ISSN (print) 2212-5558

Navarrete, Gorka, Correia, Rut, Sirota, Miroslav, Juanchich, Marie and Huepe, David (2015) Doctor, what does my positive test mean? From Bayesian textbook tasks to personalized risk communication. Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition, 6(1327), ISSN (print) 1664-1078

Nikcevic, A.V., Caselli, G., Wells, A. and Spada, M.M. (2015) The metacognitions about smoking questionnaire : development and psychometric properties. Addictive Behaviors, 44, pp. 102-107. ISSN (print) 0306-4603


Paolillo, Anna, Platania, Silvia, Magnano, Paola and Ramaci, Tiziana (2015) Organizational justice, optimism and commitment to change. Procedia : Social and Behavioral Sciences, 191, pp. 1697-1701. ISSN (print) 1877-0428

Patel, Kavita (2015) iGreen : a social norms intervention to encourage pro-environmental behaviour. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Petroczi, Andrea, Backhouse, Susan H., Barkoukis, Vassilis, Brand, Ralf, Elbe, Anne-Marie, Lazuras, Lambros and Lucidi, Fabio (2015) A matter of mind-set in the interpretation of forensic application: Response to comments in “Science 1, Religion 5: A Reply to Petroczi et al. (2015)”. International Journal of Drug Policy, 26(11), pp. 1142-1143. ISSN (print) 0955-3959

Prior, Jessica and Khadaroo, Ameerah (2015) 'I sort of balance it out'. Living with facial acne in emerging adulthood. Journal of health psychology, 20(9), pp. 1154-1165. ISSN (print) 1359-1053


Reynolds, Gemma, Field, Andy P and Askew, Chris (2015) Preventing the development of observationally learnt fears in children by devaluing the model's negative response. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 43(7), pp. 1355-1367. ISSN (print) 0091-0627

Richardson, T., Elliott, P. and Roberts, R. (2015) The impact of tuition fees amount on mental health over time in British students. Journal of Public Health, 37(3), pp. 412-418. ISSN (print) 1741-3842

Roberts, R. and Hewer, C.J. (2015) Memory, madness and conflict: a Laingian perspective. Memory Studies, 8(2), pp. 169-182. ISSN (print) 1750-6980

Roberts, Ron, Halilovic, Majda, Becirevic, Edina and Hewer, Christopher J. (2015) Exploring attitudes to NATO in Republika Srpska. Global Discourse, 5(4), pp. 579-599. ISSN (print) 2326-9995

Roberts, Ron (2015) Psychology and capitalism : the manipulation of mind. Winchester, U.K. : Zero Books. 125p. ISBN 9781782796541

Roberts, Ron (2015) Ron Roberts reflects on psychology's ambivalent relationship to conflict. Psychology Cultures,

Robinson, Helen (2015) The magic in media multitasking : towards a deeper understanding of the behavioural phenomenon of multiple media use. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Conference 2015: The Magic in Marketing; 07 - 09 Jul 2015, Limerick, Ireland.

Russell, Emma, Daniels, Kevin and Harris, Claire (2015) Measuring momentary affective well-being: does shortening a form and altering the rubric change the underlying factor structures of affect? In: 17th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP): Respectful and effective leadership - managing people and organizations in turbulent times; 20-23 May 2015, Oslo, Norway.

Russell, Emma and Price, Alison (2015) Successful strategies for managing email and smartphone addiction in the workplace. In: Health and Wellbeing at Work; 03-04 Mar 2015, Birmingham, U.K..


Sagar, Tracey, Jones, Deborah, Symons, Katrien, Bowring, Joanne and Roberts, Ron (2015) Student participation in the sex industry : higher education responses and staff experiences and perceptions. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37(4), pp. 400-412. ISSN (print) 1360-080X

Scholze, Jana [Curator] and Wierzba, Leanna [Curator] (2015) What is Luxury? .

Shakoor, Sania, Zavos, Helena, Haworth, Claire M.A., McGuire, Phillip, Cardno, Alastair G., Freeman, Daniel and Ronald, Angelica (2015) Association between stressful life events and psychotic experiences in adolescence: evidence for gene-environment correlations. British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(6), pp. 532-538. ISSN (print) 0007-1250

Shakoor, Sania, Zavos, Helena M.S., McGuire, Philip, Cardno, Alastair G., Freeman, Daniel and Ronald, Angelica (2015) Psychotic experiences are linked to cannabis use in adolescents in the community because of common underlying environmental risk factors. Psychiatry Research, 227(2-3), pp. 144-151. ISSN (print) 0165-1781

Shakoor, Sania, McGuire, Phillip, Cardno, Alastair G., Freeman, Daniel, Plomin, Robert and Ronald, Angelica (2015) A shared genetic propensity underlies experiences of bullying victimization in late childhood and self-rated paranoid thinking in adolescence. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41(3), pp. 754-763. ISSN (print) 0586-7614

Shaw, Bryony, Coyle, Adrian, Gatersleben, Birgitta and Ungar, Simon (2015) Exploring nature experiences of people with visual impairments = Vivir la naturaleza con una discapacidad visual. Psyecology, 6(3), pp. 287-327. ISSN (print) 2171-1976

Sirota, Miroslav, Kostovicova, Lenka and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2015) How to train your Bayesian: a problem-representation transfer rather than a format-representation shift explains training effects. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(1), pp. 1-9. ISSN (print) 1747-0218

Sirota, Miroslav, Kostovičová, Lenka and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2015) Now you Bayes, now you don't : effects of set-problem and frequency-format mental representations on statistical reasoning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(5), pp. 1465-1473. ISSN (print) 1069-9384

Sirota, Miroslav, Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Vallee-Tourangeau, Gaelle and Juanchich, Marie (2015) On Bayesian problem-solving : helping Bayesians solve simple Bayesian word problems. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, p. 1141. ISSN (online) 1664-1078

Sirota, Miroslav and Juanchich, Marie (2015) A direct and comprehensive test of two postulates of politeness theory applied to uncertainty communication. Judgment and Decision Making, 10(3), pp. 232-240. ISSN (online) 1930-2975

Spada, Marcantonio M, Caselli, Gabriele, Nikcevic, Ana and Wells, Adrian (2015) Metacognition in addictive behaviors. Addictive Behaviors, 44, pp. 9-15. ISSN (print) 0306-4603


Tanwani, P., Fernie, B.A., Nikcevic, A.V. and Spada, M.M. (2015) A systematic review of treatments for Impulse Control Disorders and related behaviours in Parkinson's Disease. Psychiatry Research, 225(3), pp. 402-406. ISSN (print) 0165-1781

Theobald, D., Piquero, A., Farrington, D.P. and Coid, J. (2015) Are male perpetrators of intimate partner violence different from convicted violent offenders? Examination of psychopathic traits and life success in males from a community survey. In: European Association of Psychology and Law Conference; 04 - 07 Aug 2015, Nuremburg, Germany. (Unpublished)

Theobald, Delphine, Farrington, David P., Ttofi, Maria M., Jennings, Wesley G. and Piquero, Alex R. (2015) Continuity of cannabis use and violent offending over the life course. In: 71st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology; 18 - 21 Nov 2015, Washington, DC, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Turner, John, Hayward, Rhodri, Angel, Katherine, Fulford, Bill, Hall, John, Millard, Chris and Thomson, Mathew (2015) The history of mental health services in modern England : practitioner memories and the direction of future research. Medical History, 59(4), pp. 599-624. ISSN (print) 0025-7273


Vallee-Tourangeau, Gaelle, Sirota, Miroslav, Juanchich, Marie and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2015) Beyond getting the numbers right : what does it mean to be a "successful" Bayesian reasoner? Frontiers in Psychology, 6(712), ISSN (online) 1664-1078

Vallee-Tourangeau, Gaelle, Abadie, Marlene and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2015) Interactivity fosters Bayesian reasoning without instruction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(3), pp. 581-603. ISSN (print) 0096-3445

Van Herwegen, Jo, Smith, Tim J and Dagmara, Dimitriou (2015) Exploring different explanations for performance on a theory of mind task in Williams syndrome and Autism using eye movements. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 45-46, pp. 202-209. ISSN (print) 0891-4222

Van Herwegen, Jo and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2015) Genetic developmental disorders and numerical competence across the lifespan. In: Cohen Kadosh, Roi and Dowker, Ann, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press. pp. 721-731. (Oxford library of psychology) ISBN 9780199642342

Van Herwegen, Jo, Riby, Deborah and Farran, Emily K. (2015) Neurodevelopmental disorders: definitions and issues. In: Van Herwegen, Jo and Riby, Deborah, (eds.) Neurodevelopmental disorders: research challenges and solutions. Hove, U.K. : Psychology Press. pp. 3-18. (Research methods in developmental psychology: a handbook series) ISBN 9781848723283

Van Herwegen, Jo and Riby, Deborah, eds. (2015) Neurodevelopmental disorders: research challenges and solutions. Hove, U.K. : Psychology Press. 298p. (Research methods in developmental psychology: a handbook series) ISBN 9781848723283

Van Herwegen, Jo (2015) Williams syndrome and its cognitive profile: the importance of eye movements. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 8, pp. 143-151. ISSN (online) 1179-1578

Vandevala, T (2015) How does rumination influence the impact of stress on burnout, depression and general health in Healthcare Professionals working in Intensive Care Units? In: BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference; 16-18 Sept 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Vandrevala, Tushna and Rose, Charlotte (2015) Is work stress in providing end of life care in a care home a cause for concern?: A qualitative study. In: 25th Alzheimer Europe Conference Dementia: Putting strategies and research into practice; 2-4 Sept 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Vandrevala, Tushna (2015) Providing end of life care to people with dementia in a care home: Are care home staff at risk of emotional burnout? In: Margaret Butterworth Care Home Forum Meetings; 25 Nov 2015, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Vargo, Elisabeth Julie (2015) Understanding contemporary drug use through mixed methodologies. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Voruz, Veronique (2015) A qui appartient le corps des femmes? [Who owns women's bodies?]. La Cause du Désir, 89, pp. 44-49. ISSN (print) 2258-8051

Vyas, N.S., Birchwood, M. and Singh, S. P. (2015) Youth services : meeting the mental health needs of adolescents. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, 32(1), pp. 13-19. ISSN (print) 0790-9667


Zloteanu, Mircea (2015) The role of emotions in detecting deception. In: Williams, Emma and Sheeha, Iman, (eds.) Deception : an interdisciplinary exploration. Oxford, U.K. : Brill. pp. 203-217. ISBN 9781848883543

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