Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture (until 2017)"

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Number of items: 99.


Abrams, Jake [Artist] (2016) Chaired by ... Chaired by ... .

Al Shomely, Karima Mohammed Abdelaziz (2016) An intimate object : a practice-based study of the Emirati Burqa. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Alexander, Daniel and Haslam, Andrew (2016) When war is over. Stockport, U.K. : Dewi Lewis. 164p. ISBN 9781907893834


Ban, Bo (2016) The potential of incorporating travel habits and behaviour in modelling carbon emissions in the transport system to help build a low carbon future. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Blacksell, Ruth and Walker, Stephen, eds. (2016) Architecture and the spaces of information. Taylor & Francis. 162p. (Architecture and Culture, 4(1)) ISSN (print) 2050-7828

Blacksell, Ruth and Walker, Stephen (2016) Architecture and the spaces of information. Architecture and Culture, 4(1), pp. 1-8. ISSN (print) 2050-7828

Blacksell, Ruth (2016) Categories and order systems : Claude Parent and the Serving Library. Intersections of architecture, art and editorial design. Architecture and Culture, 4(1), pp. 73-89. ISSN (print) 2050-7828

Blacksell, Ruth (2016) Claude Parent & Dexter Sinister/The Serving Library : Intersections of architecture, art & editorial design. In: Architecture and the Spaces of Information / Part 2; 11 Sep 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Blacksell, Ruth (2016) From visual to textual : typography in / as conceptual art. In: Glasmeier, Michael and Prill, Tania, (eds.) Typografie als Kunstlerisches. Hamburg, Germany : Hamburg: Textem-Verlag. pp. 113-142. ISBN 9783864851254

Blacksell, Ruth (2016) Refusing cultural confinement : magazine works then and now. In: Art magazines and magazine art : AAH2016 Annual Conference and Bookfair; 07 - 09 Apr 2016, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Borozdin-Bidnell, Michael (2016) The antiquarian interior 1815-1851 : the aesthetics of erudition. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Bramkamp, Martina (2016) Visual animation : methods of practice and teaching. Hamburg, Germany : Universitätsdruckerei. 46p. (Kunstpädagogische Positionen [Positions on Art Education], (34)) ISSN (print) 1613-1339 ISBN 9783943694123

Bramkamp, Martina [Director] (2016) wirrwarr. (animation).


Chatzichristodoulou, Maria and Crossley, Mark (2016) Editorial introduction. Research in Drama Education : The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 21(3), pp. 277-292. ISSN (print) 1356-9783


Davies, Rachel and Saul, Daniel (2016) 1001 books. (Film).

Davies, Rachel and Saul, Daniel (2016) Winter. (Film).

Depper, Corin (2016) For a new Mnemosyne : Art, Experience, and Technology. In: ICDMT 2016 : International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality; 03 - 05 Nov 2016, Bremen, Germany. (Unpublished)


Fatehrad, Azadeh [Curator] (2016) Feminist Historiography public programme. .

Fatehrad, Azadeh [Curator] (2016) Iran's women's movement : on the archive of Sadiqe Dowlatabadi. .

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2016) The captured everyday life : Akerman and the politics of representation. In: After Chantal : An International Conference; 04 - 06 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Ferrari, Diego (2016) International Urban Encounters Annual Symposium. In: Urban Encounters Conference 2016; 4 Nov - 5 Nov 2016, London, U.K..

Ferrari, Diego [Photographer] (2016) PORT Street of the World. (Photographs).

Ferrari, Diego (2016) Pavilion performativity. Common Ground, 1(1), pp. 9-15.

Flintham, Matthew (2016) Visualising the invisible : artistic methods toward military airspaces. In: Williams, Alison J. , Jenkings, Neil , Woodward, Rachel and Rech, Matthew F., (eds.) The Routledge companion to military research methods. Oxford, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 357-369. ISBN 9781472442758


Gale, Cathy (2016) Critical design practice : mapping a new territory for the discipline (or 'Are we nearly there yet?)'. Message : Communication Arts Research, 3(6/6), pp. 85-106.

Gannon, Rachel (2016) Concrete and shadows : documenting Chandigarh. In: Shaping the view : understanding landscape through illustration; 10 - 11 Nov 2016, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Gannon, Rachel and Clifton, Darryl (2016) Immaterial Boundary (film). VaroomLab Journal, 4, pp. 68-72. ISSN (online) 2052-1820

Gannon, Rachel and Clifton, Darryl (2016) Teh Nw. Varoom!, 32, pp. 44-49. ISSN (print) 1750-483X

Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Performer] (2016) Nemoguća povorka / Impossible procession. 18th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2016.

Glausnitzer-Smith, Dagmar [Performer] (2016) Poželjna povorka = Desirable procession. 18th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2016.

Gough, Tim (2016) Theatricality and sincerity. Widok, 15, ISSN (print) 2300-200X

Gridneff, Rose (2016) After Nijhof & Lee. In: Lister, Andrew and Stuart, Matthew, (eds.) Bricks from the kiln. London, U.K. : Bricks from the Kiln. pp. 80-81. 2 ISBN 9780995683501

Grillo, Alessandro and Passera, Mark (2016) Online Social Capital and Political Engagement; facilitating and blocking aspects. In: Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2016; , Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)


Harries, Rhiannon [Interviewer] and Warnell, Phillip [Interviewee] (2016) ‘The wild inside’: an interview with Phillip Warnell on Ming of Harlem. In: Lawrence, Michael and Lury, Karen, (eds.) The zoo and screen media: images of exhibition and encounter. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 269-285. ISBN 9781137543424

Harris, Mark [Curator] and Matthews, Robert [Curator] (2016) Abstract Apartment 2. .


Keeble, Trevor (2016) Table stories : history, meaning and narrative in contemporary homemaking. In: Sparke, Penny and Fisher, Fiona, (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Design Studies. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 135-145. ISBN 9781138780507

Khashogji, Lina N. (2016) The influence of social media on gendered identity in Saudi Arabia, in relation to the religious curriculum throughout Saudi schools : media, politics and human development. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Kirkham, Pat (2016) 20 iconic film posters by Saul Bass. London, U.K. : Laurence King Publishing. 44p. ISBN 9781856699891

Knott, Stephen (2016) It’s time to get serious about sloppy. Book review of: 'Sloppy Craft: Postdisciplinarity and the Crafts' edited by Elaine Cheasley Paterson and Susan Surette. Crafts, 258, pp. 61-62. ISSN (print) 0306-610X

Knott, Stephen (2016) Money, number, matter. Art Jewelry Forum,

Knott, Stephen (2016) Nils Hint: Shadow. In: Lignel, Benjamin, (ed.) On and Off. Art Jewelry Forum. ISBN 9780986422911

Knott, Stephen (2016) A critique of specialism. In: Blamey, David, (ed.) Specialism. London, U.K. : Open Editions. ISBN 9780949004017

Knott, Stephen (2016) The peculiar problems of process. Book review of 'Craftwork as Problem Solving: Ethnographic Studies of Design and Making' edited by Trevor H. J. Marchand. Crafts, 259, p. 77. ISSN (print) 0306-610X

Knott, Stephen (2016) A sense of an overview, yes; a sense of dynamism, less so. Art Jewelry Forum,

Kontopoulou, Anna Alkistis (2016) Curation of autonomy : participatory art's potential to enunciate alternative social forms. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Lara-Betancourt, Patricia (2016) The quest for modernity : a global/national approach to a history of design in Latin America. In: Fallan, Kjetil and Lees-Maffei, Grace, (eds.) Designing Worlds: National Design Histories in the Age of Globalization. Oxford, U.K. : Berghahn Books. (Making Sense of History, (24)) ISBN 9781785331558


Macleod, Katy (2016) Art project PhDs. In: Boyer, Jane, (ed.) Theorem : theory as practice and practice as theory. Cambridge, U.K. : Anglia Ruskin University. pp. 67-87. ISBN 9780993140138


Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) Amnesiac shrine. Sensory Spaces 8. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) Cloak. Cloak. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) FOUND. FOUND. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) Ghosts of other stories : The British Council Collection. Ghosts of other stories : The British Council Collection. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) Imperfect geometry for a concrete quarry. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) InterRailing : a cultural engine. InterRailing : a cultural engine. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) Tools that see (possessions of a thief) 1986-2005. Tools that see (possessions of a thief) 1986-2005. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) Wanderlust. Wanderlust. .

Nelson, Mike [Artist] (2016) The green ray. The green ray. .


O'Neill, Patrick (2016) Investigating the 1980s Hollywood teen genre : adolescence, character, space. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Parker, Lucy (2016) Blacklist. In: Whistleblowing as Complaining; Blacklisting as Bullying; 03 Mar 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Parker, Lucy [Artist] (2016) Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers A.G.M. (2016) work in progress. Cinenova : Now Showing. .

Parker, Lucy [Curator] (2016) Field work : of film, sound and voice. Field work : of film, sound and voice. .

Parker, Lucy (2016) Jerwood solo presentations. Jerwood Solo Presentations. .

Parker, Lucy [Artist] (2016) Persuasion. Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival. .

Passera, Mark (2016) Tourism and advertising as creative industry sector. In: Long, Philip and Morpeth, Nigel D., (eds.) Tourism and the creative industries : theories, policies and practice. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 58-68. (Routledge advances in tourism, (37)) ISBN 9781138832701

Pretlove, Stephen and Kade, Sidonie (2016) Post occupancy evaluation of social housing designed and built to Code for Sustainable Homes Levels 3, 4 and 5. Energy and Buildings, 110, pp. 120-134. ISSN (print) 0378-7788

Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2016) Elizabeth Price. Elizabeth Price. .

Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2016) Elizabeth Price. Elizabeth Price. .

Price, Elizabeth [Curator] (2016) Elizabeth Price Curates : IN A DREAM YOU SAW A WAY TO SURVIVE AND YOU WERE FULL OF JOY. .

Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2016) MashUp : the birth of modern culture. MashUp : the birth of modern culture. .

Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2016) SLEEP. KALEIDOSCOPE : The indivisible present. .

Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2016) We are the Center for Curatorial Studies. We are the Center for Curatorial Studies. .

Price, Judy [Artist] (2016) White oil : excavations and the disappearance of the West Bank. In: Troubled Contemporary Art Practices in the Middle East : Post-colonial Conflicts, Pedagogies of Art History, and Precarious Artistic Mobilization; 03-04 Jun 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus. (Unpublished)


Renfrew, Elinor and Renfrew, Colin (2016) Developing a fashion collection. 2nd ed. London, U.K. : Fairchild Books. 184p. (Basics Fashion Design) ISBN 9782940496730

Renfrew, Elinor [Expert] (2016) International fashion design competition 2016. Fashion Future for Hong Kong 2016. 13 Jun 2016, Hong Kong, China.

Renfrew, Elinor (2016) International fashion design seminar 2016. In: Fashion Future for Hong Kong 2016; 13 Jun 2016, Hong Kong, China. (Unpublished)

Renton, Lucy [Artist] (2016) Artist in the archive. In: inside inside symposium; 27 Oct 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Renton, Lucy [Artist], Maier, Danica [Artist] and Bracey, Andrew [Artist] (2016) Bummock : Attention /Detail. Bummock : Attention/Detail. .

Renton, Lucy, Stott, Laura and Blair, Bernadette (2016) Clarity and consisitency: improving assessment and feedback for students with Dyslexia, extended version. In: TeachMe training programme for Moldovan University Academics; , John Galsworthy Building, Kingston Univerisity, London.

Renton, Lucy, Blair, Bernadette [Author-contributor], Stott, Laura [Author-contributor] and Ungley, Portia [Author-contributor] (2016) Clarity and consistency: improving assessment and feedback for students with Dyslexia. In: Inspire – sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning; 03-04 Mar 2016, Brighton, U.K..

Renton, Lucy [Artist] (2016) A Fresh Pleasure (1). Interior. .

Reynolds, Alexandra (2016) Crowdsourcing, curating and network power : towards a critical crowdsourced cultural archive. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Sudar, Vlastimir (2016) The culture of cultural studies : accommodating the latecomer. Spark : UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, 1(2), pp. 70-78. ISSN (print) 2397-6594

Sudjic, Deyan, Pawson, John, Charny, Daniel and Black, Alice (2016) How to design a design museum. In: The Design Museum Opening Public Programme; 25 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Ten Bhomer, Marloes [Designer] (2016) Shapeshifters, 3D Printing the Future. .

Teplin, Alexis [Artist] (2016) Arch (The Politics of Fragmentation). 20th Bienale of Sydney : The future is already here : it's just not evenly distributed.

ten Bhomer, Marloes [Curator] (2016) The Activated Object : Product Design Finals. The Activated Object : Product Design Finals. .


van Heeren, Clive [Contributor], ten Bhomer, Marloes [Contributor] and Fleming, Kathryn [Contributor] (2016) Toward an alternative methodology. In: Ravensbourne Late : Wearable futures; 20 Apr 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Warnell, Phillip [Artist] (2016) Ming of Harlem : twenty one storeys in the air. (Film).

Warnell, Phillip [Artist] (2016) Phillip Warnell : ‘Ming of Harlem : twenty one storeys in the air’. Phillip Warnell : ‘Ming of Harlem : twenty one storeys in the air’. .

Webb, Iain (2016) Graduate Fashion Week, 1991-2016. Graduate Fashion Week. 295p. ISBN 9780995710900

Webb, Iain R. (2016) Vogue goes pop : colouring book. London, U.K. : Conran Octopus. 96p. ISBN 9781840917406

Wells, M. J. (2016) The practice of history : the Smithsons, Colin St John Wilson,and the writing of architectural history. Journal of Art Historiography, 14, ISSN (online) 2042-4752

Wickstead, Helen (2016) Prehistoric sex objects : the phalli of Windmill Hill. In: TAG 2016; 19-21 Dec 2016, Southampton, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Wickstead, Helen (2016) The prehistoric phallus : a history of archaeology and sex. In: Centre for Medical History Seminar Series; 12 May 2016, Exeter, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Williams, Austin (2016) Frozen music: Erik Satie house in Beijing by Atelier Fronti. The Architectural Review, 240(1433), pp. 82-86. ISSN (print) 0003-861X

Williams, Austin (2016) Humanizing the urban fabric. Nature, 537, pp. 614-615. ISSN (print) 0028-0836

Williams, Austin (2016) Outrage: 'if memorialisation is everywhere, it becomes mere virtue-signalling'. The Architectural Review, 240(1436), pp. 40-42. ISSN (print) 0003-861X

Williams, Austin (2016) Seashore Chapel by Vector Architects : 'Each elevation has been designed for aesthetic drama'. Architectural Review, ISSN (print) 0003-861X

Williams, Austin (2016) Shenzhen's Biennale regurgitates Central Party concerns in a festival of restraint. Architectrural Review, ISSN (print) 0003-861X

Williams, Gareth Richard (2016) Towards a theory of performative design : writing about design and designers since 1990. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

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