Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Business and management studies"

Abbott, Brian (2002) Non-traditional mechanisms for enforcing workers’ rights. In: International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA) 4th Regional Conference of the Americas: Labour protection and trade: can the two be made to work together?; 25-28 Jun 2002, Toronto, Canada. (Unpublished)
Baverstock, Alison (2002) Why they don't buy books. The Bookseller, 5049, pp. 26-27. ISSN (print) 0006-7539
Blackburn, Robert (2002) Small businesses in the UK: from hard times to great expectations. In: The 22nd Japanese Annual Small Business Society (JASBS) National Annual Conference: Reexamination of existence based SMEs; Oct 2002, Kawasaki City, Japan.
Blackburn, Robert and Hart, Mark (2002) Small firms' awareness and knowledge of individual employment rights. (Technical Report) London, UK : Department of Trade and Industry. 94 p.
Blackwell, Martin (2002) The PFI/PPP and property : a practical guide. London, U.K. : Estates Gazette. 90p. ISBN 9780728203914
Blair, Helen and Daskalaki, Maria (2002) Knowing as an activity: implications for the film industry and semi-permanent work groups. In: The Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC) 2002; 05 - 06 Apr 2002, Athens, Greece.
Blankson, Charles and Stokes, David (2002) Marketing practices in the UK small business sector. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 20(1), pp. 49-61. ISSN (online) 0263-4503
Clark, Andrew and Etilé, Fabrice (2002) Do health changes affect smoking? Evidence from British panel data. Journal of Health Economics, 21(4), pp. 533-562. ISSN (print) 0167-6296
Clark, Andrew E. and Oswald, Andrew J. (2002) A simple statistical method for measuring how life events affect happiness. International Journal of Epidemiology, 31(6), pp. 1139-1144. ISSN (print) 0300-5771
Collins, Alan, Hand, Chris and Snell, Martin C. (2002) What makes a blockbuster? Economic analysis of film success in the United Kingdom. Managerial and Decision Economics, 23(6), pp. 343-354. ISSN (print) 0143-6570
Curran, James and Storey, David J (2002) Small business policy in the United Kingdom: the inheritance of the Small Business Service and implications for its future effectiveness. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 20(2), pp. 163-177. ISSN (print) 0263-774X
Edwards, Christine, McLaren, Susan, Robinson, Olive and Whittock, Margaret (2002) Nursing workforce: skirting the issue. The Health service journal, 112(5793), pp. 28-29. ISSN (print) 0952-2271
Edwards, Tony and Rees, Chris (2002) Twin piques: mergers and acquisitions. People Management, 8(12), pp. 38-39. ISSN (print) 1358-6297
Ennals, Richard (2002) Bortom all kompetens [Beyond all competence]. In: Tillberg, Peter, (ed.) Dialoger: om yrkeskunnande och teknologi. Stockholm, Sweden : Dialoger. pp. 201-205. ISBN 9197316954
Ennals, Richard (2002) Health and safety: the balance of work and leisure in industry. UK WON Journal, 3, pp. 25-27. ISSN (print) 1740-0139
Ennals, Richard (2002) Partnership for sustainable healthy workplaces: Warner Lecture, British Occupational Hygiene Society, Sheffield 9 April 2002. The Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 46(4), pp. 423-428. ISSN (print) 0003-4878
Ennals, Richard (2002) Policy weaknesses: lack of capacity to encourage and support the modernisation of work. UK WON Journal, 3, pp. 12-16. ISSN (print) 1740-0139
Ennals, Richard, Totterdill, Peter and Ford, Campbell (2002) The Work Research Foundation: a national coalition for working life and organizational competence. Concepts and Transformation, 6(3), pp. 259-273. ISSN (print) 1384-6639
Fazel Zarandi, Mohammad Hossein, Turksen, Ismail Burhan and Saghiri, Soroosh (2002) Supply chain: crisp and fuzzy aspects. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 12(3), pp. 423-435. ISSN (print) 1641-876X
Foster, M.J. (2002) On evaluation of FDIs: principles, actualities and possibilities. International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 3(1), pp. 67-82. ISSN (online) 1741-5187
Foster, M.J. (2002) Strategy + Evaluation = OR? OR Insight, 15(4), pp. 4-10. ISSN (print) 0953-5543
Foster, M.J. (2002) The effectiveness of strategic planning : the whole and the evaluative phase as business internationalises. (PhD thesis), Oxford Brookes University, .
Gander, Jonathan and Rieple, Alison (2002) Inter–organisational relationships in the worldwide popular recorded music industry. Creativity and Innovation Management, 11(4), pp. 248-254. ISSN (print) 0963-1690
Genus, Audley and Kaplani, Maria (2002) Managing operations with people and technology. International Journal of Technology Management, 23(1-3), pp. 189-200. ISSN (print) 0267-5730
Gillie, S.P. (2002) Factoring and the small and medium sized enterprise (SME). (MPhil thesis), Kingston University, .
Goller, Susanne, Hogg, Annik and Kalafatis, Stavros P. (2002) A new research agenda for business segmentation. European Journal of Marketing, 36(1/2), pp. 252-271. ISSN (online) 0309-0566
Gourlay, Stephen (2002) Tacit knowledge, tacit knowing, or behaving? In: 3rd European Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference; 5-6 April 2002, Athens, Greece.
Hand, Chris (2002) The distribution and predictability of cinema admissions. Journal of Cultural Economics, 26(1), pp. 53-64. ISSN (print) 0885-2545
Hunter, John and Isachenkova, Natalia (2002) A panel analysis of UK industrial company failure. (Working Paper) Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge Business Reasearch Centre, Cambridge University. 24 p. (ESRC Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge Working Paper, no. 228)
Kajca, Roland and Xheneti, Mirela (2002) Leadership, its styles and their reflection in the Albanian environment. Ekonomia dhe Biznesi, 4(12), pp. 17-29.
Kalafatis, Stavros P. (2002) Buyer-seller relationships along channels of distribution. Industrial Marketing Management, 31(3), pp. 215-228. ISSN (print) 0019-8501
Keegan, Anne and Turner, J.Rodney (2002) The management of innovation in project-based firms. Long Range Planning, 35(4), pp. 367-388. ISSN (print) 0024-6301
Kennedy, Rachel and Singh, Jaywant (2002) A case for replication: fitting product variants data to the Dirichlet model. Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, 5, pp. 374-378. ISSN (print) 0098-9258
Kitching, John and Blackburn, Robert (2002) The nature of training and motivation to train in small firms. (Other) London, UK : Department for Education and Skills. 99 p. ISBN 1841856843
Kottaridi, Constantina, Filippaios, Fragkiskos and Papanastassiou, Marina (2002) Investigating the growing attractiveness of the EU candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe to foreign investors. In: 28th European International Business Academy (EIBA) Annual Conference: Regional Integration, Agglomeration and International Business; 8-10 Dec 2002, Athens, Greece.
Lomax, Wendy, Mador, Martha and Fitzhenry, Angelo (2002) Corporate rebranding: learning from experience. (Other) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. 14 p. ISBN 1872058280
Lomax, Wendy, Rettie, Ruth, Murtagh, John and Mador, Martha (2002) Personality and internet usage: too shy to surf? In: 31st European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference 2002: Marketing in a Changing World: Scope, Opportunities and Challenges; 28 - 31 May 2002, Braga, Portugal.
Lowe, Sid, Purchase, Sharon and Veludo, Maria de Lurdes (2002) Business relationships: cross-cultural analysis. In: 18th IMP Conference; 11 - 13 Dec 2002, Perth, Australia.
Lowe, Sid and Watkins-Mathys, Lorraine (2002) Distribution networks as a culture of collaboration. In: 18th IMP Conference; 11 - 13 Dec 2002, Perth, Australia.
Lowe, Sid (2002) The cultural shadows of cross cultural research: images of culture. Culture and Organization, 8(1), pp. 21-34. ISSN (print) 1475-9551
Matthews, Robin (2002) Competition archetypes and creative imagination. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 15(5), pp. 461-476. ISSN (online) 0953-4814
McVicar, Duncan and Anyadike-Danes, Michael (2002) Predicting successful and unsuccessful transitions from school to work using sequence methods. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 165(2), pp. 317-334. ISSN (print) 0964-1998
Morgan, Stephanie and Symon, Gillian (2002) Computer-mediated communication and remote management: integration or isolation? Social Science Computer Review, 20(3), pp. 302-311. ISSN (print) 0894-4393
Morrell, Michael and Ezingeard, Jean-Noël (2002) Revisiting adoption factors of inter-organisational information systems in SMEs. Logistics Information Management, 15(1), pp. 46-57. ISSN (print) 0957-6053
Morris, Huw, Willey, Brian and Sachdev, Sanjiv (2002) Managing in a business context: an HR approach. Harlow, UK : Financial Times Prentice Hall. 352p. ISBN 0273651749
Ortega, Javier and Rioux, Laurence (2002) Duree des contrats et indemnisation du chomage : une analyse quantitative du dualisme du marche du travail francais [= Duration of contracts and unemployment compensation : a quantitative analysis of the dualism of the French labor market]. Revue Economique, 53(6), pp. 1273-1303. ISSN (print) 0035-2764
Rees, Chris (2002) Book Review of: 'Participation and empowerment in organizations: modeling, effectiveness and applications' by Abraham Sagie and Meni Koslowsky. International Journal Of Selection And Assessment, 10(3), pp. 241-242. ISSN (print) 0965-075X
Renwick, Douglas and MacNeil, Christina M. (2002) Line manager involvement in careers. Career Development International, 7(7), pp. 407-414. ISSN (online) 1362-0436
Rettie, Ruth and Mojsa, Magdalena (2002) Attitudes to internet advertising: a cross cultural comparison. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference; 9-11 September 2002, London, United Kingdom.
Rettie, Ruth, Grandcolas, Ursula and Payne, Verity (2002) Email marketing: permission to pester. In: Academy of Marketing (AM) Annual Conference 2002: The Marketing Landscape: Signs for the Future; 2-5 Jul 2002, Nottingham, U.K.. ISBN 0853581142
Rettie, Ruth (2002) Email marketing: success factors. In: The Eighth Australian World Wide Web Conference; 6-10 July 2002, Queensland, Australia. (Aus Web 2002) ISBN 9781863844536
Rettie, Ruth (2002) Email, text or ICQ? Just call me. In: Customer Research Academy Workshop Series (CRAWS); 10-12 Apr 2002, Manchester, U.K. (Unpublished)
Rettie, Ruth (2002) Net generation culture. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 3(4), pp. 254-264. ISSN (online) 1526-6133
Rettie, Ruth, Hilliar, Simon and Alpert, Frank (2002) Pioneer brand advantage with UK consumers. European Journal of Marketing, 36(7/8), pp. 895-911. ISSN (online) 0309-0566
Roberts, Robert E. (2002) An investigation of the cultural and organisational context of implementing electronic commerce to support business to business collaborative relationships. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Rodgers, Shelly, Rettie, Ruth and Alpert, Frank (2002) International similarities and differences in web use motivation in the US, England and Australia: a cross-cultural replication of the web motivation inventory developed in the US. In: Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences; Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S., 11-15 Jun 2002. (Unpublished)
Sachdev, Sanjiv (2002) Raising the stakes: stakeholding and the organisation of work. In: Collins, Hugh , Davies, Paul and Rideout, Roger, (eds.) Legal regulation of the employment relation. London, UK : Kluwer Law International. ISBN 9041198121
Sachdev, Sanjiv (2002) What about the workers? Public Finance, pp. 26-27. ISSN (print) 1352-9250
Sachdev, Sanjiv (2002) A tale of conflict and neglect: public private partnerships and employment relations. Renewal, 10(3), pp. 58-66. ISSN (print) 0968-252x
Skok, Walter and Legge, Michael (2002) Evaluating enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems using an interpretive approach. Knowledge and Process Management, 9(2), pp. 72-82. ISSN (print) 1092-4604
Springdal, Kent (2002) Opening the black box of privatisation: an institutional framework to study the process of privatisation. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2002: Fast-Tracking Performance Through Partnerships; 9-11 Sep 2002, London, U.K..
Springdal, Kent (2002) Privatisation of the IT sector in Sweden. In: 29th Annual Conference of the UK Chapter, Academy of International Business (AIM): International Business in the Global Knowledge Economy Economic Growth: Competition, Cooperation, Resistance; 12-13 Apr 2002, Preston, U.K..
Stokes, David (2002) Entrepreneurial marketing in the public sector: the lessons of headteachers as entrepreneurs. Journal of Marketing Management, 18(3-4), pp. 397-413. ISSN (print) 0267-257x
Stokes, David and Blackburn, Robert (2002) Learning the hard way: the lessons of owner-managers who have closed their businesses. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9(1), pp. 17-27. ISSN (online) 1462-6004
Stokes, David and Blackburn, Robert (2002) Revolving doors or one-way exits? What happens to owners that close their business. In: 25th ISBA National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference: Competing Perspectives of Small Business and Entrepreneurship; 13 - 15 Nov 2002, Brighton, U.K.. ISBN 1901177971
Stokes, David, Ali Syed, Sameera and Lomax, Wendy (2002) Shaping up word of mouth marketing strategy: the case of an independent health club. Journal of Research in Marketing & Entrepreneurship, 4(2), pp. 119-133. ISSN (online) 1471-521X
Stokes, David and Lomax, Wendy (2002) Taking control of word of mouth marketing: the case of an entrepreneurial hotelier. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 9(4), pp. 349-357. ISSN (online) 1462-6004
Stone, Merlin, Foss, Bryan, Woodcock, Neil, Starkey, Michael, Mullaly, John, Machtynger, Liz, Harvey, Rich and Scheld, Brian (2002) Implementing CRM. In: Foss, Bryan and Stone, Merlin, (eds.) CRM in financial services : a practical guide to making customer relationship marketing work. London, U.K. : Kogan Page. pp. 527-555. ISBN 9780749436964
Sudarsanam, Sudi, Salami, Ayo and Alexandrou, George (2002) Rational expectations, analysts' forecasts of earnings and sources of value gains for takeover targets. Journal of Banking & Finance, 26(1), pp. 153-177. ISSN (print) 0378-4266
Truss, Catherine, Gratton, Lynda, Hope-Hailey, Veronica, Stiles, Philip and Zaleska, Joanna (2002) Paying the piper: choice and constraint in changing HR functional roles. Human Resource Management Journal, 12(2), pp. 39-63. ISSN (print) 0954-5395
Truss, Katie and Katz, Sarah (2002) Managing people in a franchise firm: the impact of internal and external forces on HRM. (Working Paper) Kingston Upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University.
Turner, J Rodney, Keegan, Anne E and Crawford, Lynn (2002) Delivering improved project management maturity through experiential learning. Project Management, 8(1), pp. 72-81. ISSN (print) 1455-4186
Veil, Cornelia and Turner, J. Rodney (2002) Group efficiency improvement: how to liberate energy in project groups. International Journal of Project Management, 20(2), pp. 137-142. ISSN (print) 0263-7863
Welter, Friederike (2002) Who wants to grow? growth intentions and growth profiles of (nascent) entrepreneurs in Germany. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2001: Proceedings of the 21st Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference; 14-16 June 2001, Babson-Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference: Jonkoping, Sweden.. ISSN (print) 0740-7416 ISBN 0910897220
Wheeler, David, Fabig, Heike and Boele, Richard (2002) Paradoxes and dilemmas for stakeholder responsive firms in the extractive sector: lessons from the case of Shell and the Ogoni. Journal of Business Ethics, 39(3), pp. 297-318. ISSN (print) 0167-4544
Willman, Paul, Fenton-O'Creevy, Mark, Nicholson, Nigel and Soane, Emma (2002) Traders, managers and loss aversion in investment banking: a field study. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 27(1-2), pp. 85-98. ISSN (online) 0361-3682
Wilson, Nicholas and Stokes, David (2002) Cultural entrepreneurs and creating exchange. Journal of Research in Marketing & Entrepreneurship, 4(1), pp. 37-52. ISSN (print) 1471-5201
Wilson, Nicholas C., Stokes, David and Blackburn, Robert (2002) Risk capital and the small music business: determinants of investment from an institutionalist perspective. In: 25th ISBA National Small Firms Policy and Research Conference: Competing Perspectives of Small Business and Entrepreneurship; 13 - 15 Nov 2002, Brighton, U.K.. ISBN 1901177971
Woodall, J., Gourlay, S.N. and Short, D. (2002) Trends in outsourcing HRD in the UK: the implications for strategic HRD. In: British Universities Industrial Relations Association HRM Study Group Conference; 01 Mar 2002, Kingston upon Thames, U.K..
Woodall, Jean, Gourlay, Stephen and Short, Darren (2002) Trends in outsourcing HRD in the UK : the implications for strategic HRD. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2(1/2), pp. 50-63. ISSN (print) 1465-6612
Wynn, Michael (2002) The role of the CAC in trade union recognition proceedings. Industrial Relations Law Bulletin(680), pp. 2-5. ISSN (print) 0969-3637