Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Art and design"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 81.


Rickard, David [Artist] and Fowler, S.J. [Artist] (2020) Timelapse. (Sculpture). Timber structure with embedded text from poems.


Alliez, Éric (2020) Duchamp within and against Lacan. Theory, Culture & Society, 37(7-8), pp. 329-353. ISSN (print) 0263-2764

Chan, JJ (2020) In such a chase... PROVA, 5, pp. 16-17.

Chan, JJ (2020) The Year of the Rat. Art Asia Pacific, 119, pp. 28-29. ISSN (print) 1039-3625

Charny, Daniel [Interviewee] and SySTEM 2020 [Interviewer] (2020) Rethinking education. SySTEM 2020 : Science Learning Outside the Classroom,

Conway, Clare (2020) William Morris and the art of dissent. Writers Rebel,

Dieckvoss, Stephanie (2020) The Musée d'Art Contemporain Africain Al Maaden in Marrakech : a case study in collecting and place-making. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 19(3), pp. 254-268. ISSN (print) 1470-2029

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) Everyday life : past and present in Iranian moving image. Moving Image Review & Art Journal, 9(1), pp. 54-63. ISSN (print) 2045-6301

Gale, Cathy (2020) Art school as a transformative locus for risk in an age of uncertainty. Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education, 19(1), pp. 107-118. ISSN (print) 1474-273X

Gray, Maggie (2020) UK Underground Comix: Ar:Zak, the Birmingham Arts Lab, and Streetcomix #4. Confessions of an Aca-fan,

Hakim, Lina (2020) Things in lockdown. Rosa Mercedes, 2,

Ioannidou, Ersi (2021) Home no.7 (a sample of). Interiors : Design / Architecture / Culture, 11(1), pp. 1-16. ISSN (print) 2041-9112

Umeokafor, Nnedinma (2020) Why copied or transposed safety, health and well-being legislation and standards are impracticable and irrelevant in developing economies. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety, 18(1), pp. 41-54. ISSN (print) 1477-3996

Warnell, Phillip [Researcher] (2020) The skin of others. Antennae : Journal of Art and Nature(50), pp. 158-159. ISSN (print) 1756-9575

Wickstead, Helen (2020) Letters from Charles Darwin and Arthur Keith discovered through the SMART project. Museum Archaeologists News, 64, pp. 6-9. ISSN (print) 0959-4272


Balaskas, Bill and Rito, Carolina, eds. (2020) Institution as praxis: new curatorial directions for collaborative research. Berlin : Sternberg Press. 272p. ISBN 9783956795060

Barber, Stephen (2020) The projectionists : Eadweard Muybridge and the future projections of the moving image. Chicago, U.S. : University of Chicago Press. 208p. ISBN 9783035802894

Blain, Martin and Minors, Helen Julia, eds. (2020) Artistic research in performance through collaboration. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9783030385989 (In Press)

Fatehrad, Azadeh, ed. (2020) The films of Sohrab Shahid Saless: exile, displacement and the stateless moving image. U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 200p. (ReFocus: The International Directors Series) ISBN 9781474456395

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) The poetics and politics of the veil in Iran: an archival and photographic adventure. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect. ISBN 9781789381269

Ferris, Natalie , Quinn, Bryony , Stuart, Matthew and Walsh-Lister, Andrew, eds. (2020) Bricks from the kiln #4 : on translation, transmission & transposition. London, U.K. : BFTK. 287p. ISSN (print) 2397-0227 ISBN 9780995683525

Gannon, Rachel and Fauchon, Mireille (2020) Illustration research methods. Bloomsbury. 224p. ISBN 9781350051430 (In Press)

Hunter, I.Q. and Melia, Matthew, eds. (2020) The 'Jaws' book : new perspectives on the classic summer blockbuster. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 288p. ISBN 9781501347528

Lawrence, David and O'Donovan, Luke [Photographer] (2020) HUB : making places for people and trains. London, U.K. : Network Rail Infrastructure Limited. 144p. ISBN 9780953698066

Stuart, Matthew and Walsh-Lister, Andrew, eds. (2020) As celebration, as critique, as play : Ron Hunt, selected writings (1957–2020). London, U.K. : Bricks from the Kiln. 180p. ISBN 9780995683532

Book Section

Bednall, Anthony (2020) New for three years, old for three years, fix for another three years : clothing frugality and the narrative of the ordinary, 1960-76. In: Breward, Christopher and MacDonald, Juliette, (eds.) Styling Shanghai. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Visual Arts. pp. 211-241. ISBN 9781350051133

Davies, Rachel and Saul, Daniel (2020) Chandini (A Bride for the Moon). In: Earnshaw, Rae , Liggett, Susan , Excell, Peter and Thalmann, Daniel, (eds.) Technology, design and the arts : opportunities and challenges. Cham, Switzerland : Springer. pp. 251-270. (Springer Series on Cultural Computing) ISSN (print) 2195-9056 ISBN 9783030420963

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) The aesthetic of diaspora in moving image practice. In: Fatehrad, Azadeh, (ed.) The films of Sohrab Shahid Saless: exile, displacement and the stateless moving image. U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 101-120. (ReFocus: The International Directors Series) ISBN 9781474456395

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) The veiled body : the alienated system of 'looking' in post-revolutionary Iran (1979-present). In: Laing, Morna and Willson, Jacki, (eds.) Revisiting the gaze : the fashioned body and the politics of looking. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Visual Arts. pp. 77-100. (Dress Cultures) ISBN 9781350154216

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2020) Introduction. In: Fatehrad, Azadeh, (ed.) The films of Sohrab Shahid Saless: exile, displacement and the stateless moving image. U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 1-4. ISBN 9781474456395

Gale, C. (2020) Immediate reaction to David Parkes' provocation. In: Campbell, L., (ed.) Leap into Action. Peter Lang AG. pp. 206-209. ISBN 9781433166419

Gale, Cathy (2020) Disco Dissent Collective : a performative nexus of the political, subcultural and creative. In: Campbell, Lee, (ed.) Leap into action companion : critical performative pedagogies in art & design education. New York, U.S. : Peter Lang Publishing. pp. 33-44. ISBN 9781433166440

Gray, Maggie (2020) The freedom of the press : comics, labor and value in the Birmingham Arts Lab. In: Giddens, Thom, (ed.) Critical directions in comics studies. University Press of Mississippi. (In Press)

Mears, Charlotte (2020) The far right and women's history. In: Valencia-García, Louie Dean, (ed.) Far-right revisionism and the end of history alt/histories. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 91-104. ISBN 9780367460082

Melia, Matthew (2020) Ken Russell's unfinished projects and unmade films, 1956-1968 : the BBC years. In: Fenwick, James , Foster, Kieran and Eldridge, David, (eds.) Shadow cinema : the historical and production context of unmade films. New York, U.S. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 91-108. ISBN 9781501351594

Melia, Matthew (2020) Landscape, imagery and symbolism in Alejandro Jodorowsky's 'El Topo'. In: Broughton, Lee, (ed.) Reframing cult westerns : From The Magnificent Seven to The Hateful Eight. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 93-110. ISBN 9781501343490

Nelson, Mike (2020) Inventory for an epitaph. In: Hunt, Andrew and Semeiko, Andro, (eds.) Emotionarama. London, U.K. : Slimvolume. ISBN 9781910516126

Nelson, Mike (2020) On monkeys without tails. In: Eyre, Sarah and Page, Ra, (eds.) The new abject : tales of modern unease. Comma Press. pp. 199-206. (Modern Horror) ISBN 9781905583591

Scholze, Jana (2020) When things disappear: curating immateriality. In: von Bismarck, Beatrice and Meyer-Krahmer, Benjamin, (eds.) Curatorial Things. Berlin, Germany : MIT Press/Sternberg Press. (Cultures of the Curatorial, (4)) ISBN 9783956792809

Sparke, Penny (2020) Interior provocations : a conclusion. In: Lasc, Anca I , Schneiderman, Deborah , Suh, Keena , Tehve, Karin , Winton, Alexa G and Zieve, Karyn, (eds.) Interior provocations : history, theory and practice of autonomous interiors. New York, U.S. : Routledge. pp. 233-243. ISBN 9780367418489

Stara, Alexandra (2020) The depth between frames : architectural representation in two films by Elizabeth Price and Rut Blees Luxemburg. In: Troiani, Igea and Campbell, Hugh, (eds.) Architecture Filmmaking. Bristol, UK : Intellect Books. pp. 39-56. ISBN 9781783209941

Stuart, Matthew (2020) Every telling has a taling / every story has an ending. In: Ferris, Natalie , Quinn, Bryony , Stuart, Matthew and Walsh-Lister, Andrew, (eds.) Bricks from the kiln #4 : on translation, transmission & transposition. London, U.K. : BFTK. pp. 220-233. ISSN (print) 2397-0227 ISBN 9780995683525

Suess, Eleanor (2020) Light matter : the transdisciplinary practice of the architectural moving drawing. In: Troiani, Igea and Campbell, Hugh, (eds.) Architecture Filmmaking. Bristol, U.K. : Intellect. pp. 155-170. ISBN 9781783209941

Conference or Workshop Item

Black, Stephanie (2020) Illustration and the other : reflective nostalgia and critical practice. In: Transposition as artistic practice; 19 - 20 Oct 2020, Bergen, Norway (Held online). (Unpublished)

Caroupapoullé, Aslihan (2020) Creating balance between transformation and preservation within UNESCO World Heritage Sites : a case study of Belper, UK. In: Sustainable City 2019 : 13th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability; 01-03 Oct 2019, Valencia, Spain.

Charny, Daniel, Halligan, Dee and Hagger, Victor [Illustrator] (2020) Responding to real world challenges through co-creative fixing. In: Sustaining Inclusive Design : Virtual Symposium; 25 - 26 Sep 2020, Held online. (Unpublished)

Fatehrad, Azadeh and Downing Peters, Lauren (2020) Decentering. In: MODUS : Conversations; 21 - 23 Oct 2020, Held Online. (Unpublished)

Fatehrad, Azadeh and Lloyd, Fran (2020) Experiences in putting together international collaborative research projects. In: Cross-Institutional and International Collaboration Research Collaborations; 18 Nov 2020, Held Online. (Unpublished)

Gray, Maggie (2020) Cartooning and performance: 'cartoon style' alternative theatre. In: Cartoon Animation: Satire and Subversion; 17 Feb 2020, Farnham, Surrey. (Unpublished)

Micklethwaite, Paul, Charny, Daniel, Alvarado, Maya, Cassim, Julia, Dong, Yumei and de Vere, Ian (2020) Fixperts : models, learning and social contexts. In: DRS2020 (Design Research Society conference); 11-14 Aug 2020, Brisbane, Australia (held online).

ten Bhomer, Marloes (2020) Women and mobility. In: By the Dark of the Moon (part of the Design Film Festival); 22 Sep 2020, online.

ten Bhomer, Marloes (2020) Women's gait in cinema as design subject. In: Montage : design and film; 08 Jan 2020, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)

ten Bhomer, Marloes (2020) The gendering of a woman's gait and shoes as design subject. In: Invited talk; 08 Jan 2020, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

ten Bhömer, Marloes [Co-creator], Hoette, Ruby [Co-creator], Pollman, Alexa [Co-creator] and Thiel, Kat [Co-creator] (2020) The educator : gatekeeper or enabler. In: Digital Multilogue on Fashion Education; 25 Sep 2020, Held online. (Unpublished)


Conway, Clare [Curator] (2020) William Morris : Wallpaper Man. .

Ferrari, Diego [Artist] (2020) Space at the Centre – London 1995 to 2007. .

Gillam, Adam (2020) In Constant Use. .

Renton, Lucy [Artist] and Bracey, Andrew [Curator] (2020) A Gift for Doña Margarita Maria of Austria. Enough Is Definitely Enough! .

Still/Graphic Work

Cheadle, Jane [Artist] (2020) 'Hope in the dark' illustration for 'Unlocked : poems for critical times' in 'Daily Maverick'. (Illustration). Charcoal, chalk and ink on paper. (Unlocked : Poems for Critical Times, no. 2 part 4)

Grandfield, Geoffrey [Illustrator] (2020) Cover design for "Sunrise" by Lucy Fischer. (Book cover illustration). London, U.K. : BFI. (BFI Film Classics)

Grandfield, Geoffrey [Illustrator] (2020) Cover design for "Waterloo" by Alan Forrest. (Book cover illustrations). London, U.K. : The Folio Society. (Great Battles)

White, Nick [Designer] (2020) Who likes Drawing? (Worksheet). A4. PDF.

Moving Image/Broadcast

Davies, Rachel [Director] and Saul, Dan [Director] (2020) The Paradis Files. (Film).

Kenning, Dean [Artist] (2020) Attention, Entropy and the Arrow of Time. (video recording with moving graphics online and Kenning's own diagrams).

Sound Recording

Charny, Daniel [Interviewee] and Gibson, Grant [Interviewer] (2020) Daniel Charny on fixing and repair. (Interview). Daniel Charny on fixing and repair. (56:51) (Material Matters)

Williams, Joshua [Presenter] and Brown, Sass [Presenter] FashionUnited. (podcast).


Aleahmad, Seyyed Sadegh (2020) Anxiety of difference : explorations of belonging or (N)either here (N)or the other. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Blincoe, Karen Sofie (2020) Essential sustainability : from utopian theory to practical application. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Copeland, Mathieu (2020) Manifest paper exhibitions : curating as a radical re-materialisation of forms. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Farinati, Lucia (2020) Audio arts archive : from inventory space to imagined space. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Fauchon, Mireille (2020) 'Don’t believe the papers' : tales of everyday life interpreted and told through narrative illustration practice. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Gala, Vânia (2020) Choreographies of disappearance : fugitive choreographies and other (non)performances in a time of hyper-performativity. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Hudson-Miles, Richard (2020) On the politics of aesthetic education : the occupation of L'École des Beaux-Arts, May 14th - June 27th 1968. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Lin, Mingjing (2020) Interfashionality : body-oriented parametric design and parametric thinking 2.0 for 3D-printed textiles and fashion. (PhD thesis), Royal College of Art, .

Neves, Joana P.R. (2020) Following the indexical line : Etienne-Jules Marey, Douglas Huebler, Sol LeWitt. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Norfolk, Rupert (2020) The mobility of facts. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Ryken, Joseph (2020) Bodies of pure intensity : drawing as magical apparatus. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Tafakory, Maryam (2020) the zina of the i/eye : accidental findings on touching and prohibition. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Tavri, Purva (2020) Is collaborative re-use a solution to help reduce waste production while maintaining economic growth? The organisational level study in the UK. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Warnell, Phillip (2020) Anatomy of the incorporeal. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Database or Web Resource

Charny, Daniel [Co-creator] and Halligan, Dee [Co-creator] (2020) FixEd. online platform.

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