Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (until 2017) > School of Social Science (until November 2012)"

Aldrich, Naomi J., Tenenbaum, Harriet, Brooks, Patricia J., Harrison, Karine and Sines, Jennie E. (2008) 'He was angry and I don't know why.' Children's early understanding of complex emotion and its manifestation within storybook narration. In: XI International Congress of the International Association for the Study of Child Language; 28 Jul - 01 Aug 2008, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)
Altawil, M., Harrold, D. and Samara, M. (2008) Children of war in Palestine. Children in War : The International Journal of Evacuee and War Child Studies, 1(5), pp. 7-14. ISSN (print) 1745-7211
Altawil, M., Nel, P.W., Asker, A., Samara, M. and Harrold, D. (2008) The effects of chronic war trauma among Palestinian children. In: Parsons, M., (ed.) Children: the invisible victims of war: an interdisciplinary study. Peterborough, U.K. : DSM Technical Publications Ltd. ISBN 9780954722944
Amsler, Sarah (2008) Higher education reform in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan: the politics of neoliberal agendas in theory and practice. In: Canaan, Joyce E. and Shumar, Wesley, (eds.) Structure and agency in the neoliberal university. New York, USA : Routledge. pp. 101-127. (Routledge Research in Education, (15)) ISBN 9780415956727
Anderson, E.J., Mannan, S.K., Rees, G., Sumner, P. and Kennard, C. (2008) A role for spatial and nonspatial working memory processes in visual search. Experimental Psychology, 55(5), pp. 301-312. ISSN (print) 1618-3169
Apperly, Ian A., Back, Elisa, Samson, Dana and France, Lisa (2008) The cost of thinking about false beliefs: Evidence from adults' performance on a non-inferential theory of mind task. Cognition, 106(3), pp. 1093-1108. ISSN (print) 0010-0277
Askew, Chris, Kessock-Philip, Hannah and Field, Andy P. (2008) What happens when verbal threat information and vicarious learning combine? Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36(4), pp. 491-505. ISSN (print) 1352-4658
Askew, Chris and Field, Andy P. (2008) The vicarious learning pathway to fear 40 years on. Clinical Psychology Review, 28(7), pp. 1249-1265. ISSN (print) 0272-7358
Back, E., Brown, S. and Beecham, E. (2008) Can children with autism respond appropriately to mental states from dynamic faces? In: International Meeting for Autism Research; 15-17 May 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Back, Elisa and Apperly, Ian (2008) Are true beliefs ascribed by default? In: Theory of Mind workshop: Celebrating 30 years; 11-12 Sep 2008, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Beck, Peter (2008) Book Review of: Sport in the USSR: Physical culture - Visual culture by Mike O'Mahony. History, 93(311), pp. 450-451. ISSN (print) 0018-2648
Beck, Peter (2008) The British government and the Olympics, 1908-1948-2012: the historical dimension. In: Olympic City: London, Britain and the World 1908, 1948, 2012: Centre for Contemporary British History Summer Conference; 9-11 July 2008, London, UK. (Unpublished)
Beck, Peter (2008) Honore Daumier's France 1830-1871: an artist's commentary. In: The Historical Association: Richmond and Twickenham branch meeting; 16 October 2008, Richmond upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Beck, Peter (2008) Using the archives, 10: Special collections, archives and manuscripts : Southampton's archival collections. British International History Group Newsletter, 14, pp. 7-9.
Beck, Peter J. (2008) Britain and the Suez crisis: the Abadan dimension. In: Smith, Simon C., (ed.) Reassessing Suez 1956: new perspectives on the crisis and its aftermath. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 53-65. ISBN 0754661709
Beck, Peter J. (2008) The British government and the Olympic movement: The 1948 London Olympics. International Journal of the History of Sport, 25(5), pp. 615-647. ISSN (print) 0952-3367
Beck, Peter J. (2008) Pages of history: Daumier's political eye. History Today, 58(2), pp. 34-41. ISSN (print) 0018-2753
Birak, K.S., Terry, P. and Higgs, S. (2008) The effect of alcohol-paired contextual cues on responses to a novel alcoholic drink. In: 16th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior; 15-19 Jul 2008, Paris, France. (Unpublished)
Butler, G.K.L. and Chapman, D. (2008) Intravenous drug users attitudes to drug consumption rooms. In: 23rd Annual Conference of the BPS Psychobiology Section; 3-5 Sep 2008, Windermere, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Casey, Emma (2008) Women, pleasure and the gambling experience. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. 148p. ISBN 9780754646174
Casey, Emma (2008) Working class women, gambling and the dream of happiness. Feminist Review, 89, pp. 122-137. ISSN (print) 0141-7789
Cederborg, Ann-Christin, La Rooy, David and Lamb, Michael E. (2008) Repeated interviews with children who have intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 21(2), pp. 103-113. ISSN (print) 1360-2322
Collins-Mayo, Sylvia (2008) Book Review of: Christian roots, contemporary spirituality by Lynda Barley and Open for you: the church, the visitor and the gospel by Paul Bond. Material Religion, 4(2), pp. 247-248. ISSN (print) 1743-2200
Collins-Mayo, Sylvia (2008) Young people's spirituality and the meaning of prayer. In: Day, Abby, (ed.) Religion and the individual. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing Ltd. pp. 33-45. (Theology and religion in interdisciplinary perspective) ISBN 0754661229
Coyle, Adrian (2008) Qualitative methods and 'the (partly) ineffable' in psychological research on religion and spirituality. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 5(1), 56 - 67. ISSN (print) 1478-0887
Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Petter (2008) Digital forensics in law enforcement: the case of online victimisation of children. Electronic Government: an international journal, 5(4), pp. 445-451. ISSN (print) 1740-7494
Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2008) Protecting children online: towards a safer internet. In: Letherby, Gayle , Williams, Kate , Birch, Philip and Cain, Maureen, (eds.) Sex as crime? Cullompton, U.K. : Willan. pp. 338-355. ISBN 9781843922681
Davidson, Julia C. (2008) Child sexual abuse: media representations and government reactions. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge-Cavendish. 178p. ISBN 9781904385684
Davidson, Julia C. and Martellozzo, Elena (2008) Protecting vulnerable young people in cyberspace from sexual abuse: raising awareness and responding globally. Police Practice and Research, 9(4), pp. 277-289. ISSN (print) 1561-4263
Davis, John R (2008) The Great Exhibition and the German States. In: Auerbach, Jeffrey A. and Hoffenberg, Peter H., (eds.) Britain, the Empire, and the World at the Great Exhibition of 1851. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. pp. 147-172. ISBN 9780754662419
Esgate, Anthony (2008) Book review: Handbook of road safety measures by Rune Elvik and Truls Vaa. Ergonomics, 51(3), pp. 419-421. ISSN (print) 0014-0139
Evans, Elizabeth (2008) Supply or demand?: women candidates and the Liberal Democrats. The British Journal Of Politics And International Relations, 10(4), pp. 590-606. ISSN (print) 1369-1481
Evans, Elizabeth [Interviewee] (2008) Women in Parliament. (Radio broadcast). (10 min.)
Favretto, Ilaria (2008) Le riviste storiche britanniche e la storiografia italiana. In: Ridolfi, Maurizio, (ed.) La storia contemporanea attraverso le riviste. Soveria Mannelli, Italy : Rubbettino. pp. 51-68. ISBN 9788849821802
Field, Andy P., Lascelles, Kristy R.R., Lester, Kathryn J., Askew, Christopher and Davey, Graham C. L. (2008) Evaluative conditioning: missing, presumed dead. Netherlands Journal of Psychology, 64(2), pp. 46-64. ISSN (print) 1872-552X
Frisina, Pasquale G, Borod, Joan C, Foldi, Nancy S and Tenenbaum, Harriet R (2008) Depression in Parkinson's disease: health risks, etiology, and treatment options. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 4(1), pp. 81-91. ISSN (print) 1176-6328
Frisina, Pasquale G., Tenenbaum, Harriet R., Borod, Joan C. and Foldi, Nancy S. (2008) The effects of antidepressants in Parkinson's disease: a meta-analysis. International Journal of Neuroscience, 118(5), pp. 667-682. ISSN (print) 0020-7454
Goldsmith, Carlie (2008) Book review of: 'Out of sight: crime, youth and exclusion in modern Britain' by Robert McAuley. The British Journal of Criminology, 48(5), pp. 692-694. ISSN (print) 0007-0955
Goldsmith, Carlie (2008) Cameras, cops and contracts: what anti-social behaviour management feels like to young people. In: Squires, Peter, (ed.) ASBO nation: the criminalisation of nuisance. Bristol, U.K. : Policy. pp. 223-237. ISBN 1847420273
Gow, Rachel V., Sumich, Alexander and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2008) Women, depression and essential fatty acids. In: Bancroft, Pauline R. and Ardley, Leli B., (eds.) Major depression in women. New York : Nova Science Publishers. pp. 137-151. ISBN 9781604562125
Hawkins, Michael (2008) 'Durkheim et Cie': a new biography. Durkheimian Studies/Etudes Durkheimiennes, 14(1), pp. 97-102. ISSN (print) 1362-024X
Higginbottom, Andy (2008) Solidarity action research as methodology: the crimes of the powerful in Colombia. Latin American Perspectives, 35(5), pp. 158-170. ISSN (print) 0094-582X
Higgs, Suzanne, Stafford, Lorenzo D., Attwood, Angela S., Walker, Stephanie C. and Terry, Philip (2008) Cues that signal the alcohol content of a beverage and their effectiveness at altering drinking rates in young social drinkers. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 43(6), pp. 630-635. ISSN (print) 0735-0414
Huq, Rupa (2008) Don’t sneer at suburbia. Juncture, 15(3), pp. 148-152. ISSN (print) 2050-5868
Huq, Rupa (2008) Youth culture and antiracism in new Britain: from the margins to the mainstream? International Journal of Sociology, 38(2), pp. 43-53. ISSN (print) 0020-7659
Huq, Rupa (2008) The sound of the suburbs: the shaping of Englishness and the socio-cultural landscape after New Labour. In: Perryman, Mark, (ed.) Imagined nation: England after Britain. London : Lawrence and Wishart Limited. pp. 49-62. ISBN 9781905007738
Ichijo, Atsuko (2008) Book Review of: The road to independence? Scotland since the sixties by Murray Pittock. Nations And Nationalism, 14(4), pp. 826-827. ISSN (print) 1354-5078
Ichijo, Atsuko (2008) Nationalism east and west: a comparison of nation formation in Britain and Japan. In: 18th annual ASEN conference: Nationalism, east and west: civic and ethnic conceptions of nationhood; 15-17 April 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ichijo, Atsuko (2008) Operationalising civilisational constellations. In: 1st ISA forum of sociology: Sociological research and public debate; 5-8 December 2008, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)
Ichijo, Atsuko (2008) The balancing act: national identity and sovereignty for Britain in Europe. Exeter, U.K. : Imprint Academic. 151p. (Societas) ISBN 9781845401153
Jamel, Joanna, Bull, Ray and Sheridan, Lorraine (2008) Do the print media provide a gendered representation of rape? In: 18th Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law; 02-05 Jul 2008, Maastricht, Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Jamel, Joanna, Bull, Ray and Sheridan, Lorraine (2008) An investigation of the specialist police service provided to male rape survivors. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 10(4), pp. 486-508. ISSN (print) 1461-3557
Jipson, J.ennifer and Tenenbaum, Harriet (2008) Parent's expertise and everday parent-child conversations about science. In: Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association; 24 - 28 Mar 2008, New York. (Unpublished)
Kearney, Lydia (2008) Self referent imagery in social anxiety: effects on rumination, mood, and self-focus. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .
Ker-Lindsay, James (2008) Addressing the security dimensions of a Cyrpus settlement. In: A constitutional convention for Cyprus, Centre for Direct Democracy; 04 - 05 Apr 2008, Zurich, Switzerland. (Unpublished)
Ker-Lindsay, James (2008) Europe's eastern outpost: the Republic of Cyprus and the Middle East. The Round Table: the commonwealth journal of international affairs, 97(397), pp. 535-545. ISSN (print) 0035-8533
Ker-Lindsay, James (2008) Kosovo: the final end of Yugoslavia or the start of a new international order? In: Creation, evolution, dissolution: new research on Yugoslavia, 1918-2008; 09 MAY 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ker-Lindsay, James (2008) The National Council. In: Ker-Lindsay, James and Faustmann, Hubert, (eds.) The government and politics of Cyprus. Oxford : Peter Lang. pp. 125-142. ISBN 9783039110964
Ker-Lindsay, James (2008) Presidential power and authority. In: Ker-Lindsay, James and Faustmann, Hubert, (eds.) The government and politics of Cyprus. Oxford : Peter Lang. pp. 107-124. ISBN 9783039110964
Ker-Lindsay, James (2008) Turkey and Black Sea strategy for EU enlargement. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 7(2), pp. 49-58. ISSN (print) 1303-5754
Ker-Lindsay, James and Faustmann, Hubert, eds. (2008) The government and politics of Cyprus. Oxford : Peter Lang. 293p. ISBN 9783039110964
Ker-Lindsay, James and Faustmann, Hubert (2008) The origins and development of the Cyprus issue. In: Ker-Lindsay, James and Faustmann, Hubert, (eds.) The government and politics of Cyprus. Oxford : Peter Lang. pp. 63-82. ISBN 9783039110964
Kynaston, David (2008) The Uses of Sociology for Real-time History. Historical Social Research, 33(3), pp. 68-74. ISSN (print) 0172-6404
Kyriakopoulos, Marinos, Vyas, Nora, Barker, Gareth, Chitnis, Xavier and Frangou, Sophia (2008) A diffusion tensor imaging study of white matter in early-onset schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry, 63(5), pp. 519-523. ISSN (print) 0006-3223
Lindell, Annukka and Lum, Jarrad A.G. (2008) Priming vs. rhyming: orthographic and phonological representations in the left and right hemispheres. Brain and Cognition, 68(2), pp. 193-203. ISSN (print) 0278-2626
Linton, Marisa (2008) Between virtue and corruption: Revolutionary politics, 1793-1794. In: 54th annual meeting of the Society for French Historical Studies; 3-5 Apr 2010, New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2008) Fatal friendships: the politics of Jacobin friendship. French Historical Studies, 31(1), pp. 51-76. ISSN (print) 0016-1071
Linton, Marisa (2008) How to die: final choices of revolutionary leaders, 1793-1794. In: 36th Annual Conference of the Western Society for French History; 6-9 Nov 2008, Quebec, Canada. (Unpublished)
Linton, Marisa (2008) The role of antiquity in the political trajectory of L.A. Saint-Just. In: 22nd Annual Conference of the Society for the Study of French History; 3-4 Jul 2008, Aberystwyth, Wales. (Unpublished)
Mammone, Andrea and Veltri, Giuseppe A. (2008) Italy in Chiaroscuro: the dark shadows of modern Italian society. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 13(3), pp. 297-304. ISSN (print) 1354-571X
Mammone, Andrea, Godin, Emmanuel and Jenkins, Brian (2008) The extreme right in contemporary Europe: cultural and spatial perspectives. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 16(3), ISSN (print) 1478-2804
Mammone, Andrea (2008) The transnational reaction to 1968: Neo-fascist national fronts and political cultures in France and Italy. Contemporary European History, 17(2), pp. 213-236. ISSN (print) 0960-7773
Mannan, S.K., Hodgson, T.L., Husain, M. and Kennard, C. (2008) Eye movements in visual search indicate impaired saliency processing in Parkinson's disease. Progress in Brain Research, 171, pp. 559-562. ISSN (print) 0079-6123
Mogire, Edward (2008) Balancing between Israel and the Arabs: an analysis of Kenya's Middle East relations. The Round Table, 97(397), pp. 561-574. ISSN (print) 0035-8533
Morgan, Julie and Banerjee, Robin (2008) Post-event processing and autobiographical memory in social anxiety: the influence of negative feedback and rumination. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22(7), pp. 1190-1204. ISSN (print) 0887-6185
Nikcevic, Ana and Spada, Marcantonio M. (2008) Metacognitions across the continuum of smoking dependence. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36(3), pp. 333-339. ISSN (print) 1352-4658
Nuttall, Jeremy (2008) Equality and freedom: the single, the multiple and the synthesis in Labour Party thought since the 1930s. Journal of Political Ideologies, 13(1), pp. 11-36. ISSN (print) 1356-9317
Pavey, Louisa J. and Sparks, Paul (2008) Threats to autonomy: motivational responses to risk information. European Journal of Social Psychology, 38(5), pp. 852-865. ISSN (print) 0046-2772
Pettitt, Robin Thomas (2008) Still the 'parliament of the movement'? The changing fortunes of the Labour Party conference as a policy making assembly. In: 58th Political Studies Association Annual Conference: Democracy, governance and conflict: dilemmas of theory and practice; 01 - 03 Apr 2008, Swansea, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Prince, Simon J.D., Elder, James H., Warrell, Jonathan and Felisberti, Fatima M. (2008) Tied factor analysis for face recognition across large pose differences. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 30(6), pp. 970-984. ISSN (print) 0162-8828
Prior, J., Damianova, V., Laskari, D. and Mann, V (2008) "She's got a face like a pizza": living with visible acne in early adulthood. In: Appearance Matters 3; 01 - 02 Jul 2008, Bristol, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Roberts, Ronald [Interviewee] (2008) Cosa non si fa per pagarsi gli studiosa. Intervista di Amalia Carosi. La radio ne parla. (Radio broadcast).
Samara, Muthanna and Smith, Peter K. (2008) How schools tackle bullying, and the use of whole school policies: changes over the last decade. Educational Psychology, 28(6), pp. 663-676. ISSN (print) 0144-3410
Samara, Muthanna, Marlow, Neil and Wolke, Dieter (2008) Pervasive behavior problems at 6 years of age in a total-population sample of children born at <=25 weeks of gestation. Pediatrics, 122(3), pp. 562-573. ISSN (print) 0031-4005
Sapouna, M. and Samara, Muthanna (2008) Bullying: why does it happen and what can we do about it? In: Ban Bullying at Work Day; 07 Nov 2008, Warwick, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Silvestri, Marisa and Crowther-Dowey, Christopher (2008) Gender and crime. London, U.K. : Sage. 273p. (Key Approaches to Criminology) ISBN 9781412911993
Smith, Peter K., Smith, Cherise, Osborn, Rob and Samara, Muthanna (2008) A content analysis of school anti‐bullying policies: progress and limitations. Educational Psychology in Practice, 24(1), pp. 1-12. ISSN (print) 0266-7363
Spada, Marcantonio M., Nuamah, Francis, Luty, Jason and Nikcevic, Ana V. (2008) Changes in alcohol expectancies before and after inpatient chemical detoxification for alcohol dependence. Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment, 7(3), pp. 157-161. ISSN (print) 1531-5754
Spada, Marcantonio M., Nikcevic, Ana V., Moneta, Giovanni and Wells, Adrian (2008) Metacognition, perceived stress, and negative emotion. Personality and Individual Differences, 44(5), pp. 1172-1181. ISSN (print) 0191-8869
Spada, Marcantonio M., Langston, Benjamin, Nikcevic, Ana and Moneta, Giovanni B. (2008) The role of metacognitions in problematic Internet use. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(5), pp. 2325-2335. ISSN (print) 0747-5632
Spalek, Basia and Lambert, Robert (2008) Muslim communities, counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation: a critically reflective approach to engagement. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 36(4), pp. 257-270. ISSN (print) 1756-0616
Staples, Kelly (2008) Justice from within? Violence and democracy in international politics. In: Workshops in political theory 5th annual conference; 10-12 Sep 2008, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Stuart, John (2008) Empire and religion in colonial Botswana: the Seretse Khama controversy, 1948-56. In: Carey, Hilary M., (ed.) Empires of religion. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 311-332. ISBN 9780230208803
Stuart, John (2008) Overseas mission, voluntary service and aid to Africa: Max Warren, the Church Missionary Society and Kenya, 1945-63. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 36(3), pp. 527-543. ISSN (print) 0308-6534
Tenenbaum, Harriet R. and Callanan, Maureen A. (2008) Parents' science talk to their children in Mexican-descent families residing in the USA. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 32(1), pp. 1-12. ISSN (print) 0165-0254
Tenenbaum, Harriet R., Alfieri, Louis, Brooks, Patricia J. and Dunne, Guler (2008) The effects of explanatory conversations on children's emotion understanding. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26(2), pp. 249-263. ISSN (print) 0261-510X
Terry, P., Grey, J. and Higgs, S. (2008) Marked differences between cannabinoid receptor agonists revealed by their behavioural effects. In: College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Scientific Meeting; 14-19 Jun 2008, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Terry, Philip (2008) The impacts of long-term cannabis use on the everyday lives of recreational users. In: College on Problems of Drug Dependence Annual Scientific Meeting; 14-19 Jun 2008, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic and Payton, Teresa (2008) Goal-driven hypothesis testing in a rule discovery task. In: Love, B.C. , McRae, K. and Sloutsky, V.M., (eds.) Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin, Texas : Cognitive Science Society. pp. 2122-2127. ISBN 9780976831846
Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Bolton, Elizabeth, Burleigh, Carly and Wrightman, Miles (2008) Verbal fluency and interactive skills in a word generation task. In: Distributed Thinking; 19 Jun 2008, Hatfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic, Payton, Teresa and Murphy, Robin A. (2008) The impact of presentation format on causal inferences. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20(1), pp. 177-194. ISSN (print) 0954-1446
Vallée-Tourangeau, Frédéric and Payton, Teresa (2008) Graphical representation fosters discovery in the 2-4-6 task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(4), pp. 625-640. ISSN (print) 1747-0218
Van Herwegen, Jo [Speaker], Annaz, D. [Collaborator] and Rundblad, Gabriella [Collaborator] (2008) Is metaphor comprehension in Williams syndrome normal, delayed or impaired? In: Language, Communication and Cognition; 04 - 07 Aug 2008, Brighton, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Van Herwegen, Jo, Ansari, Daniel, Xu, Fei and Karmiloff-Smith, Annette (2008) Small and large number processing in infants and toddlers with Williams syndrome. Developmental Science, 11(5), pp. 637-643. ISSN (print) 1363-755X
Van Herwegen, Jo [Speaker], Annaz, Dagmara [Collaborator], Thomas, Michael S.C. [Collaborator], Fishman, Roza [Collaborator], Karmiloff-Smith, Annette [Collaborator] and Rundblad, Gabriella [Collaborator] (2008) Understanding of metaphor and metonymy in Williams syndrome: implications for daily conversations. In: 17th International Postgraduate Research Linguistics Conference; 07 - 08 Feb 2008, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Villejoubert, G. and Bonnefon, J.-F. (2008) What makes us see nested sets? In: 6th International Conference on Thinking; 21 - 23 Aug 2008, Venice, Italy. (Unpublished)
Welch, Ian and Stuart, John (2008) William Henry Fitchett: Methodist, Englishman, Australian, Imperialist. Social Sciences and Missions, 21(1), pp. 57-72. ISSN (print) 1874-8937
Wolke, Dieter, Samara, Muthanna and Meyer, Renate (2008) Developmental consequences of regulation problems in infancy and ADHD. In: XVIth International Conference on Infant Studies; 27-29 Mar 2008, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Wolke, Dieter and Samara, Muthanna (2008) Digit ratio (2D:4D) and child developmental psychopathology. In: XXIX International Congress of Psychology; 20-25 Jul 2008, Berlin, Germany. (Unpublished)
Wolke, Dieter, Woods, Sarah and Samara, Muthanna (2008) Peer hierarchies and stability of victimisation behaviour over 2 to 4 years. In: 30th ISPA conference; 08 - 13 Jul 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)
Wolke, Dieter, Samara, Muthanna, Bracewell, Melanie and Marlow, Neil (2008) Specific language difficulties and school achievement in children born at 25 Weeks of gestation or less. The Journal of Pediatrics, 152(2), 256-262.e1. ISSN (print) 0022-3476
Woodbridge, Steven (2008) Fifth-Column fears in Richmond 1939-1940: a brief survey. Richmond History Journal(29), pp. 58-62. ISSN (print) 0263-0958
Woodbridge, Steven (2008) Kingston and the Congo. Ancestors(73), pp. 44-46. ISSN (print) 1474-2470
Woodbridge, Steven (2008) Kingston and the Congo: the brief career of Dr Joseph Moloney. Centre for Local History Studies Newsletter(15), pp. 6-7.
Woodbridge, Steven (2008) The response of other extreme right movements to the rise of the British National Party. In: British National Party: Contemporary Perspectives; 17 Sep 2008, Teesside, U.K..
Wright, O.J. (2008) British representatives and the surveillance of Italian affairs, 1860-70. The Historical Journal, 51(3), pp. 669-687. ISSN (print) 0018-246X