Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Business and Law (until 2017) > Kingston Business School (Leadership, HRM and Organisation) (until July 2013)"

Abbott, Brian (2006) Determining the significance of the citizens' advice bureau as an industrial relations actor. Employee Relations, 28(5), pp. 435-448. ISSN (print) 0142-5455
Butler, Christina Lea and Price, Stephen Michael (2006) Local time global change: differences between Kenyan and British perceptions. In: 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting : Knowledge, action and the public concern; 11 - 16 Aug 2006, Atlanta, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Butler, Christina Lea (2006) The influence of status cues on collective identity in teams of different national composition. In: 2006 Academy of Management Annual Meeting : Knowledge, action and the public concern; 11 - 16 Aug 2006, Atlanta, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Clark, Andrew, Masclet, David and Villeval, Marie-Claire (2006) Effort, revenu et rang: une étude expérimentale. Revue économique, 57(3), pp. 635-643. ISSN (print) 0035-2764
Clark, Andrew and Etilé, Fabrice (2006) Health changes and smoking: an economic analysis. Substance Use & Misuse, 41(4), pp. 427-451. ISSN (print) 1082-6084
Clark, Andrew (2006) A note on unhappiness and unemployment duration. Applied Economics Quarterly, 52(4), pp. 291-308. ISSN (print) 1611-6607
Clark, Andrew E. and Etilé, Fabrice (2006) Don’t give up on me baby: spousal correlation in smoking behaviour. Journal of Health Economics, 25(5), pp. 958-978. ISSN (print) 0167-6296
Clark, Andrew E. and Senik, Claudia (2006) The (unexpected) structure of “rents” on the French and British labour markets. Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(2), pp. 180-196. ISSN (print) 1053-5357
Fernando, Senaka, Lycett, Mark and de Cesare, Sergio (2006) Understanding the relationship between business and IT groups: a personal construct theory approach. In: Twelfth Americas Conference on Information Systems; 04 - 06 Aug 2006, Acapulco, Mexico.
Fernando, Senaka, Lycett, Mark and De Cesara, Sergio (2006) Understanding the relationship between business and IT groups: a personal construct theory approach. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations (IJNVO) 225555, 3(4), pp. 438-449. ISSN (print) 1470-9503
Gourlay, Stephen (2006) Conceptualizing knowledge creation : a critique of Nonaka's theory. Journal of Management Studies, 43(7), pp. 1415-1436. ISSN (print) 0022-2380
Gourlay, Stephen (2006) Knowledge management and international human resource management. In: Edwards, Tony and Rees, Chris, (eds.) International human resource management: globalization, national systems and multinational companies. Harlow, UK : FT Prentice Hall. pp. 151-171. ISBN 0273651773
Gourlay, Stephen (2006) Towards conceptual clarity for 'tacit knowledge' : a review of empirical studies. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 4(1), pp. 60-69. ISSN (print) 1477-8238
Imas, J. Miguel (2006) Postcard from South America: experiencing organisation at the end of the world. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 2(1), pp. 58-64. ISSN (online) 1742-2043
Lewis, Rachel, Pryce, J, Donaldson-Feilder, E and Flaxman, P (2006) The role of implicit leadership theories in stress management: their impact upon both recall and perceived importance of management behaviours under pressure. In: 7th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology; 8-10 Nov 2006, Dublin, Ireland. ISBN 9789729048210
Lucas, Richard E. and Clark, Andrew E. (2006) Do people really adapt to marriage? Journal of Happiness Studies, 7(4), pp. 405-426. ISSN (print) 1389-4978
Moore, Fiona (2006) Strategy, power and negotiation: social control and expatriate managers in a German multinational corporation. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(3), pp. 399-413. ISSN (print) 0958-5192
Morgan, Stephanie J. and Symon, Gillian (2006) The experience of outsourcing transfer: implications for guidance and counselling. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 34(2), pp. 191-207. ISSN (print) 0306-9885
Petrov, Georgy (2006) Leadership in higher education. In: Bolden, Richard, (ed.) Leadership Development in Context. Exeter, UK : University of Exeter. pp. 36-39. (Leadership South West Research Report, (3))
Petrovic, Jelena (2006) International joint venture (IJV) directors' contribution to board effectiveness: learning from practice. In: European Institute for Advances Studies in Management (EIASM) 4th Workshop on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management; 29-30 Sep 2006, Toulouse, France.
Petrovic, Jelena, Kakabadse, Andrew and Kakabadse, Nada K. (2006) International joint venture (IJV) directors' contribution to board effectiveness: learning from the literature. Management Decision, 44(3), pp. 346-366. ISSN (print) 0025-1747
Russell, Emma (2006) Strategic activity and email interruptions: the relationship between wellbeing, multi-goal priorities and individual differences in dealing with email interruptions in goal-directed work. (PhD thesis), Surrey University, .
Sachdev, Sanjiv (2006) International corporate social responsibility and employment relations. In: Edwards, Tony and Rees, Chris, (eds.) International human resource management: globalization, national systems and multinational companies. Harlow, UK : Financial Times Prentice Hall. pp. 262-284. ISBN 0273651773
Sachdev, Sanjiv (2006) The impact of contracting out on employment relations in public services: the experience of the prison service and the military. London, UK : Institute of Employment Rights. 46p. ISBN 0954756290
Sturdy, Andrew, Brocklehurst, Michael, Winstanley, Diana and Littlejohns, Margaret (2006) Management as a (self) confidence trick: management ideas, education and identity work. Organization, 13(6), pp. 841-860. ISSN (print) 1350-5084
Truss, Katie, Soane, Emma, Edwards, Christine, Wisdom, Karen, Croll, Andrew and Burnett, Jamie (2006) Working life : employee attitudes and engagement 2006. London, UK : Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. 54p. (Research report) ISBN 9781843981794
Ward, James and Winstanley, Diana (2006) Watching the watch: The UK Fire Service and its impact on sexual minorities in the workplace. Gender, Work & Organization, 13(2), pp. 193-219. ISSN (print) 0968-6673
Zhang, Miao and Edwards, Christine (2006) "Best practice" diffusion in Chinese MNCs: motivation, facilitation and limitations. In: European Institute for Advances Studies in Management (EIASM) 4th Workshop on International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management; 29-30 Sep 2006, Toulouse, France.
Zhang, Miao, Edwards, Tony and Edwards, Christine (2006) Internationalization and developing countries: the case of China. In: Edwards, Tony and Rees, Chris, (eds.) International human resource management: globalization, national systems and multinational companies. Harlow, U.K. : Pearson Education Limited. pp. 129-147. ISBN 0273651773