Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Social work and social policy and administration"

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Number of items: 33.


Barnes, Vivienne (2010) Social Work and advocacy with young people: rights and care? In: Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development; June 10-14 2010, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. (Unpublished)

Beckett, Dawn, Kiteley, Robin and Craig, John (2010) Student police officer : a contradiction in terms? In: Police learning : a changing world; 07-08 Dec 2010, Preston, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Cronin, Ann and King, Andrew (2010) A queer kind of care: some preliminary notes and observations. In: Jones, Rebecca L and Ward, Richard, (eds.) LGBT Issues: Looking Beyond Categories. Edinburgh, U.K. : Dunedin Academic Press. pp. 69-81. (Policy and Practice in Health and Social Care, (10)) ISSN (print) 1750-1407 ISBN 9781906716059


Davidson, Julia (2010) Legislation and policy: protecting young people, sentencing and managing Internet sex offenders. In: Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Petter, (eds.) Internet child abuse: current research and policy. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 8-26. ISBN 9780415559805

Davidson, Julia [Research team head], Huq, Rupa [Research team member], Seetzen, Heidi [Research team member] and Grove-Hills, Julie [Research team member] (2010) Towards engaging with and understanding three BME communities in Kingston: identity, interaction, belonging and belief. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston University. 82 p.

Davies, Keith and Gregory, Marilyn, J. (2010) The price of targets: audit and evaluation in probation practice. Probation Journal, 57(4), pp. 400-414. ISSN (print) 0264-5505

Dove, Catherine and Skinner, Caroline (2010) Early placement breakdown in social work practice placements. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 10(1), pp. 59-74. ISSN (print) 1460-6690


Elliott, Nigel (2010) Promoting ethical practice: moral agency in a hostile environment. In: 2010 Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development; 10 - 14 Jun 2010, Hong Kong, China. (Unpublished)


Fook, J. and Kellehear, A. (2010) Using critical reflection to support health promotion goals in palliative care. Journal of Palliative Care, 26(3), pp. 295-302. ISSN (print) 0825-8597


Gaffney, Justin, Jamel, Joanna and Kowalski, Christopher (2010) Contemporary harm reduction & support service needs of male sex workers in the UK: the Sohoboyz Male Sex Worker Needs Assessment and Skills Development Programme. In: Harm reduction: the next generation; 25 - 29 Apr 2010, Liverpool, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Gillard, Steve, Edwards, Christine, White, Sarah, White, Rachel, Adams, Katie, Davies, Lucy, Green, Katherine, Kettle, Trevor, Lathlean, Judith, Lucock, Mike, Miller, Stephen, Minogue, Virginia, Nugent, Christine, Simons, Lucy and Turner, Kati (2010) The barriers and facilitators of supporting self care in Mental Health NHS Trusts. (Project Report) Southampton, U.K. : NETSCC, SDO. 262 p.

Goodman, Claire, Drennan, Vari, Davies, Sue, Masey, Helen, Gage, Heather, Scott, Cherill, Manthorpe, Jill, Brearley, Sally and Iliffe, Steve (2010) Nurses as case managers in primary care: the contribution to chronic disease management. (Project Report) London, U.K. : National Institute for Health Research Service. 317 p.


Hall, Nigel (2010) News and views ... from IFSW. International Social Work, 53(3), pp. 426-430. ISSN (print) 0020-8728

Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni and Psoinos, Maria (2010) Cultural capital and professional development experiences of migrant health and social care professionals. In: Social Work: what progress? what potential?; 05 Nov 2010, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Olive Stevenson Seminar Series) (Unpublished)

Henderson, Kathleen Juliette (2010) Work-based supervisors: the neglected partners in practice learning. Social Work Education, 29(5), pp. 490-502. ISSN (print) 0261-5479


Jones, Ray (2010) Anticipating and capitalising on change: the General Election and health and social care partnerships. Journal of Integrated Care, 18(1), pp. 20-26. ISSN (print) 1476-9018

Jones, Ray (2010) Book Review of: leadership in social care by Zoe van Zwanenberg (ed.). The British Journal of Social Work, 40(6), pp. 2014-2015. ISSN (print) 0045-3102

Jones, Ray, Mackenzie, Ann, Greenwood, Nan, Atkins, Christine and Habibi, Ruth (2010) Evaluation of the pilot GP training programme on carers. (Project Report) London : Kingston University and St. George's, University of London. 66 p. (Unpublished)

Jones, Ray (2010) Managing at a distance in social work and social care. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 14(1), pp. 59-75. ISSN (print) 0953-5225

Jones, Ray (2010) Protecting children: looking forward. In: Waterman, Chris, (ed.) Take heed Mr Gove. Prestwood, U.K. : Inklink Ltd. pp. 29-33. ISBN 9780956670915

Jones, Ray (2010) A 'liberated' NHS: intentions, impact and implications for local government. Journal of Integrated Care, 18(6), pp. 35-40. ISSN (print) 1476-9018


Kellehear, Allan and Fook, Jan (2010) Bereavement care for the non-bereaved: a health promotion challenge. Bereavement Care, 29(3), pp. 21-25. ISSN (print) 0268-2621

Koch, Tina, Turner, Rose, Smith, Pam and Hutnik, Nimmi (2010) Storytelling reveals the active, positive lives of centenarians. Nursing Older People, 22(8), pp. 31-36. ISSN (print) 1472-0795

Koch, Tina, Smith, Pam, Turner, Rose and Hutnik, Nimmi (2010) Storytelling with UK Centenarians. (Project Report) Guildford, Surrey : University of Surrey. 201 p.


Lindsay, Jane, Higgins, Martin, Yates, Jill, Leonard, Kate and Rawles, Jo (2010) Could Newly Qualified Social Workers contribute to Enabling Others' Learning? Report of a study which explored the possibility of introducing the concept and practice of beginning to enable others' learning at Newly Qualified Social Work (NQSW) stage of professional development. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Skills for Care. 48 p.


Manning, Rachel, Jago, Robert and Fionda, Julia (2010) Socio-spatial experiences of young people under anti-social behaviour legislation in England and Wales. In: Holt, Louise, (ed.) Geographies of Children, Youth and Families: an International Perspective. London, U.K. : Routledge. ISBN 9780415563833

Martellozzo, Elena (2010) Policing online child sexual abuse : a case study of the London Metropolitan Police. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Psoinos, Maria (2010) Forced Migration and psychosocial health: meaning-making through autobiographical narratives in the UK. Migration Letters, 7(1), pp. 79-90. ISSN (print) 1741-8984


Schittenhelm, Karin and Hatzidimitriadou, Eleni (2010) Sozialraumliche Koordinaten beruflicher Orientierung. Hochqualifizierte der zweiten Generation in Deutschland und Grossbritannien. In: Nohl, Arnd-Michael , Schittenhelm, Karin , Schmidtke, Oliver and Weiss, Anja, (eds.) Kulturelles Kapital in der Migration: Hochqualifizierte Einwanderer und Einwanderinnen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Wiesbaden, Germany : VS-Verlag. pp. 301-314. ISBN 9783531164373


Tompsett, Hilary, Ashworth, Mark, Atkins, Christine, Bell, Lorna, Gallagher, Ann, Morgan, Maggie, Neatby, Rozalind and Wainwright, Paul (2010) The child, the family and the GP: tensions and conflicts of interest for GPs in safeguarding children May 2006 - October 2008 Document 2 Appendices to final report February 2010. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Kingston University. 103 p.

Tompsett, Hilary, Ashworth, Mark, Atkins, Christine, Bell, Lorna, Gallagher, Ann, Morgan, Maggie, Neatby, Rozalind and Wainwright, Paul (2010) The child, the family and the GP: tensions and conflicts of interest for GPs in safeguarding children May 2006-October 2008 Final report February 2010. (Project Report) London, U.K. : Kingston University. 185 p. ISBN 9780955832956


Webber, Martin, Hay, David, Currin, Laura, Fernando, Nicholas J. and Groves, Nicola (2010) Social Workers Can e-Learn: Evaluation of a Pilot Post-Qualifying e-Learning Course in Research Methods and Critical Appraisal Skills for Social Workers. Social Work Education, 29(1), pp. 48-66. ISSN (print) 0261-5479

Wood, J.H. (2010) How decisions are made by and for older residents with dementia in residential care homes. In: 4th European Nursing Conference: Older persons: the future of care; 04-07 Oct 2010, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)

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