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Number of items: 79.


Alfano, Chiara (2016) The King is dead! Long live the King! In: Morgan Wortham, Simon and Alfano, Chiara, (eds.) Desire in ashes : deconstruction, psychoanalysis, philosophy. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 161-185. (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781472529138

Alliez, Eric (2016) Da filosofia e da arte contemporanea : Para uma critica diagramatica da estetica. In: Marinho, Claudia , Caetano, Patricia and Ribeiro, Walmeri, (eds.) Das Artes e seus percursos sensiveis. Sao Paulo, Brazil : Editora Intermelos. pp. 105-121. ISBN 9788584990405

Alliez, Eric (2016) Desfazer/Refazer a condicao pos-conceitual. Poiesis, 1(27), pp. 55-74. ISSN (print) 1517-5677

Alliez, Eric and Lazzarato, Maurizio (2016) Guerres et capital. Paris, France : Editions Amsterdam. 448p. ISBN 9782354801441

Almpanis, Timos (2016) Learning theories, attitudes to technology and their impact on learning. In: Solent Public Lectures; 16 Mar 2016, Southampton, U.K..

Balaskas, Bill [Artist] (2016) Anarchy near the UK. (Mixed media installation). Variable dimensions.

Balibar, Etienne (2016) Critique in the 21st century : political economy still, and religion again. Radical Philosophy, 200, pp. 11-21. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Balibar, Etienne (2016) Democratisations. Vacarme, pp. 136-141. ISSN (print) 1253-2479

Balibar, Etienne (2016) Des universels : essais et conferences. Paris, France : Editions Galilee. 192p. ISBN 9782718609140

Balibar, Etienne (2016) Europe at the limits. Interventions, 18(2), pp. 165-171. ISSN (print) 1369-801X

Balibar, Etienne (2016) Europe, crise et fin? Lormont, France : Editions Le Bord de l'Eau. 330p. ISBN 9782356870940

Baracco, Alberto (2016) Phenomenological hermeneutics of film philosophical thinking : a hermeneutic method for film world interpretation. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Battle, Matthew (2016) Whitehead's sublime : the function of the aesthetic in Alfred North Whitehead's philosophy of science. (MPhil thesis), Kingston University, .

Benjamin, Andrew (2016) On Jewish being : notes on Jean Amery. Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy, 24(3), pp. 157-172. ISSN (online) 1936-6280

Benjamin, Andrew (2016) Virtue in being: Towards an Ethics of the Unconditioned. Albany, USA : SUNY Press. 218p. (SUNY series in Contemporary Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781438461618

Benjamin, Andrew (2016) The problem of authority in Arendt and Aristotle. Philosophy Today, 60(2), ISSN (print) 0031-8256

Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, eds. (2016) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 288p. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968

Brogan, Walter A. and Benjamin, Andrew (2016) Barring fear : Philo and the Hermeneutic Project. Epoche, 20(2), pp. 307-326. ISSN (print) 1085-1968

Buse, Peter, Caselli, Daniella and Ware, Ben (2016) Introduction : Right in front of our eyes. Parallax, 22(4), pp. 386-389. ISSN (print) 1353-4645

Buse, Peter (2016) On the diagonal : Jacques Lacan's reading lists. Parallax, 22(4), pp. 481-499. ISSN (print) 1353-4645

Caygill, Howard (2016) Bataille and the neanderthal extinction. In: Stronge, Will, (ed.) Georges Bataille and contemporary thought. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 239-264. ISBN 9781474268691

Caygill, Howard (2016) Benjamin's natural theology. In: Dickinson, Colby and Symons, Stephane, (eds.) Walter Benjamin and Theology. New York, U.S. : Fordham University Press. pp. 144-163. (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9780823270170

Caygill, Howard (2016) Bildung and strategy : the fate of the 'beautiful sciences'. Radical Philosophy(196), pp. 9-13. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Cerella, Antonio and Bradley, Arthur, eds. (2016) Carl Schmitt : political theology & modernity. London, U.K. : Routledge. 328p. (Journal for Cultural Research, 20(3))

Cerella, Antonio (2016) Introduction. The power of sacrifice : Rene Girard and the political. In: Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, (eds.) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1-8. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968

Cerella, Antonio [Reviewer] (2016) Sacred fires and living flames : Book Review of 'Pyropolitics : When the World is Ablaze' by Michael Marder. Los Angeles Review of Books,

Cerella, Antonio (2016) The dehumanization of the enemy. The Philosophical Salon,

Cerella, Antonio (2016) The globalization of hate. The Philosophical Salon,

Cerella, Antonio (2016) The myth of origin : archaeology and history in the work of Agamben and Girard. In: Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, (eds.) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 213-236. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968

Chanter, Tina (2016) Seeing things that were not there before : re-visioning Freud's Oedipus, with a little help from Ranciere. In: Severson, Eric R. , Becker, Brian W. and Goodman, David M., (eds.) In the wake of trauma : psychology and philosophy for the suffering other. Pittsburgh, U.S. : Duquesne University Press. pp. 57-76. ISBN 9780820704982

Chanter, Tina (2016) The returns of Antigone and the remains of Antigone : to bury or not to bury. In: Pewny, Katharina , Gruber, Charlotte , Van den Dries, Luc and Leenknegt, Simon, (eds.) Occupy Antigone : tradition, transition and transformation in performance. Tubingen, Germany : Narr Francke Attempto. pp. 81-93. (Modernes Theater, (47)) ISBN 9783823369554

Choat, Simon [Reviewer] (2016) Book review of: ' An inquiry into modes of existence : an anthropology of the Moderns ' by Bruno Latour. Global Discourse, 6(1-2), pp. 136-139. ISSN (print) 2326-9995

Choat, Simon (2016) Marx's 'Grundrisse': A reader's guide. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 240p. (Reader's Guides) ISBN 9781472526748

Colman, F.J. (2016) Digital biopolitics : the image of life. In: Wilmer, S. E. and Zukauskaite, Audrone, (eds.) Resisting biopolitics : philosophical, political and performative strategies. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 189-201. (Routledge studies in contemporary philosophy, (71)) ISBN 9781138789487

Hallward, Peter (2016) General wish or general will? Political possibility and collective capacity from Rousseau through Marx. In: Chrostowska, S. D. and Ingram, James D., (eds.) Political uses of Utopia: new Marxist, Anarchist, and radical democratic perspectives. New York, U.S. : Columbia University Press. pp. 126-160. (New directions in critical theory) ISBN 9780231179591

Hallward, Peter (2016) The will to leave? Brexit campaigners won by dividing, not uniting, the British working class. Jacobin,

Hunt, Andrew and Spooner, Cally, eds. (2016) Cally Spooner : Scripts. London, U.K. : Slimvolume. 198p. (Slimvolume Synthesis) ISBN 9781910516027

Hunt, Andrew [Curator] and Casser, Anja [Curator] (2016) Concerning concrete poetry. Concerning concrete poetry. .

Hunt, Andrew (2016) Introduction by Andrew Hunt. In: Hunt, Andrew and Spooner, Cally, (eds.) Cally Spooner : Scripts. London, U.K. : Slimvolume. pp. 5-7. (Slimvolume Synthesis) ISBN 9781910516027

Hunt, Andrew (2016) Letter from Cuba. Art Monthly, 402, p. 35. ISSN (print) 0142-6702

Hunt, Andrew, ed. (2016) Paul Buck ' Disappearing Curtains '. London, U.K. : Slimvolume. 180p. ISBN 9781910516034

Hunt, Andrew [Curator] (2016) Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). .

Hunt, Andrew [Curator] (2016) The green ray. The green ray. .

Hunt, Andrew (2016) The green ray. In: Hunt, Andrew, (ed.) Paul Buck ' Disappearing Curtains '. London, U.K. : Slimvolume. pp. 167-168. ISBN 9781910516034

Kay, Lesley (2016) Engaging with the 'modern birth story' in pregnancy: A hermeneutic phenomenological study of women's experiences across two generations. (PhD thesis), University of Central Lancashire, .

Kay, Lesley (2016) Engaging with the modern birth story in pregnancy: everydayness, absorption and the idle talk of birth. In: Giving Voice to Our Experience: On Heidegger, Phenomenology and the Challenges of Language; 08-11 Aug 2016, Denver, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Kay, Lesley (2016) Hearing stories of birth in pregnancy: a hermeneutic phenomenological study of women's experiences across two generations. In: 11th International Normal Labour and Birth Conference; 10-13 Oct 2016, Sydney, Australia. (Unpublished)

Kennedy, Niall (2016) Deleuze and the author. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Malabou, Catherine (2016) Before and above : Spinoza and symbolic necessity. Critical Inquiry, 43(1), pp. 84-109. ISSN (print) 0093-1896

Malabou, Catherine and Shread, Carolyn [Translator] (2016) Before tomorrow : epigenesis and rationality. Polity Books. 224p. ISBN 9780745691503

Malabou, Catherine (2016) Philosophers, Biologists, Philosophers, Biologists: Some More Effort If You Wish to Become Revolutionaries! Response to Norman MacLeod. Critical Inquiry, 43(1), pp. 200-206. ISSN (print) 0093-1896

McQuillan, Martin (2016) Clarity and Doubt: Derrida Among the Palestinians. Paragraph, 39(2), pp. 220-237. ISSN (print) 0264-8334

Mercier, Lucie (2016) Book Review of: 'Dictionary of untranslatables : a philosophical lexicon' by Barbara Cassin (ed.). Theory, Culture & Society, 33(7-8), pp. 355-360. ISSN (print) 0263-2764

Mercier, Lucie (2016) Conference report : Benjamin in Ramallah. Radical Philosophy(196), pp. 60-64. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Mercier, Lucie (2016) Traduction et histoire : entre relativisme et continuisme. In: La philosophie et son histoire : Un debat actuel; 15 - 17 Sep 2016, Geneva, Switzerland. (Unpublished)

Mercier, Lucie Kim-Chi [Reviewer] (2016) Fanon's Pantheons. Book Review of 'What Fanon said : a philosophical introduction to his life and thought' by Lewis R. Gordon and 'Frantz Fanon, philosopher of the barricades' by Peter Hudis. Radical Philosophy, 198, pp. 44-46. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Morgan Wortham, Simon and Alfano, Chiara, eds. (2016) Desire in ashes: deconstruction, psychoanalysis, philosophy. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 190p. (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781472529138

Morgan Wortham, Simon (2016) Fleeced. Paragraph, 39(2), pp. 149-164. ISSN (print) 0264-8334

Morgan Wortham, Simon (2016) 'There shall be no mourning'. In: Morgan Wortham, Simon and Alfano, Chiara, (eds.) Desire in ashes: deconstruction, psychoanalysis, philosophy. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 43-71. (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781472529138

Osborne, Peter (2016) Arte contemporanea e arte pos-conceitual. Poiesis, 17(27), pp. 39-54. ISSN (print) 1517-5677

Osborne, Peter (2016) Die Idee der postkonzeptuellen Kunst (und Musik) = The idea of postconceptual art (and music). MusikTexte : Schriften fur neue Musik(151), ISSN (print) 0178-8884

Osborne, Peter (2016) Introduction. Radical Philosophy(196), pp. 6-8. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Osborne, Peter (2016) The Kabakov effect : 'Moscow conceptualism' in the history of contemporary art. Afterall : a journal of art, context and enquiry(42), ISSN (print) 1465-4253

Palacios, Margarita and Caygill, Howard (2016) Review exchange: resistance today. European Political Science, 15(1), pp. 130-137. ISSN (print) 1680-4333

Palmer, Helen (2016) Rewritings/refoldings/refleshings : fictive publics and the material gesture of defamiliarization. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 30(5), pp. 507-517. ISSN (print) 1030-4312

Perazzo Domm, Daniela (2016) Jonathan Burrows’ choreography : towards a Minor Dance. In: Deleuze + Art : Thresholds | Multiplicities | Potentialities; 08–10 Apr 2016, Dublin, Ireland. (Unpublished)

Radnik, Borna (2016) First we take Europe. Book Review of: 'Against the double blackmail : refugees, terror and other trouble with the neighbours' by Slavoj Zizek. Radical Philosophy, 200, pp. 63-65. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Radnik, Borna (2016) Hegel on the double movement of Aufhebung. Continental Thought & Theory, 1(1), pp. 194-206. ISSN (print) 2463-333X

Radnik, Borna (2016) More amour propre. Book Review of: 'Stress and freedom' by Peter Sloterdijk. Radical Philosophy, 198, pp. 60-62. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Saenz De Sicilia, Andres (2016) The problem of subsumption in Kant, Hegel and Marx. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Sandford, Stella (2016) Feminist phenomenology, pregnancy, and transcendental subjectivity. In: Bornemark, Jonna and Smith, Nicholas, (eds.) Phenomenology of pregnancy. Huddinge, Sweden : Sodertorn University. pp. 51-70. (Sodertorn Philosophical Studies, (18)) ISSN (print) 1651-6834 ISBN 9789187843389

Sandford, Stella (2016) The dream is a fragment : Freud, transdisciplinarity and early German Romanticism. Radical Philosophy(198), pp. 25-34. ISSN (print) 0300-211X

Scholze, Jana (2016) Ghosts and dancers : immaterials and the museum. In: Farrelly, Liz and Weddell, Joanna, (eds.) Design objects and the museum. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 61-69. ISBN 9781472577238

Sprod, L. M. (2016) 'Space alone persistently determines' : the roles and relations of time and space in Kant and Meillassoux. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Verkerk, Willow (2016) Nietzsche's agonistic ethics of friendship. Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy, 20(2), pp. 22-41. ISSN (print) 1917-9685

Verkerk, Willow (2016) Reification, sexual objectification, and feminist activism. In: Gandesha, Samir and Hartle, Johan, (eds.) Reification and spectacle : the timeliness of Western Marxism. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Amsterdam University Press. pp. 149-162. ISBN 9789048527052

Weslati, Hager (2016) The question of symbolization and the philosophy of the fourth subject after modern physics. In: SEP-FEP 2016; 25 - 27 Aug 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Wilson, Scott (2016) Gnomonology: Deleuze's Phobias and the Line of Flight between Speech and the Body. In: Nedoh, Bostjan and Zevnik, Andreja, (eds.) Lacan and Deleuze: A Disjunctive Synthesis. Edinburgh, UK : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 56-73. ISBN 9781474408295

Woodford, Peter (2016) Neo-Darwinism and Neo-Aristotelianism : how to talk about natural purpose. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 38(23), pp. 1-23. ISSN (print) 0391-9714

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