Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > English language and literature"

Alfano, Chiara (2018) "No less poetry than thought" -- On Werner Hamacher's philology. Angelaki, 23(5), pp. 60-76. ISSN (print) 0969-725X
Alfano, Chiara (2018) Towards an ordinary language psychoanalysis : on scepticism and infancy. New Literary History, 49(1), pp. 23-45. ISSN (print) 0028-6087
Barber, Stephen (2018) 'Thatcher's tomb' : a talk and reading. In: Loving, Kingston Writers' Centre; 11 Jan 2018, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K..
Baron, Adam (2018) Boy underwater. HarperCollins Children's Books. 256p. ISBN 9780008267018
Baron, Adam (2018) Forgetting and the novel. In: Forgetting, Kingston Writers' Centre; 25 Jan 2018, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K..
Baverstock, Alison and Somerville, Clare (2018) Does free mean without value? And is free ever worth stealing? The process, outcomes and learnings from a practice as research project encouraging recipients of a free book to value what they received. Logos, 29(1), pp. 38-55. ISSN (print) 0957-9656
Baverstock, Alison, Steinitz, Jackie, Webster-Henderson, Brian, Bryars, Laura, Cairncross, Sandra, Ennis, Laura, Morris, Wendy, Gray, Avril and McLuckie, Connie (2018) Using pre-arrival shared reading to promote a sense of community : a case study across two institutions. Logos, 29(4), pp. 37-52. ISSN (print) 0957-9656
Booth, Paul, Clenton, Jon and Van Herwegen, Jo (2018) L1 – L2 semantic and syntactic processing : the influence of language proximity. System, 78, pp. 54-64. ISSN (print) 0346-251X
Botting, Fred (2018) Fantasy without fantasy : politics, genre and media in the fiction of M. John Harrison. In: Batzke, Ina , Erbacher, Eric , Hess, Linda and Lenhardt, Corinna, (eds.) Exploring the fantastic : genre, ideology, and popular culture. Frankfurt, Germany : Transcript-Verlag. pp. 37-60. ISBN 9783837640274
Botting, Fred (2018) Literature-outside-space : Foucault, Sade and tales of terror. In: Faramelli, Anthony , Hancock, David and White, Robert G., (eds.) Spaces of crisis and critique. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury. pp. 17-38. ISSN (print) 9781350021129
Botting, Fred (2018) Unrealism : critical reflections in popular genre. Genre, 51(2), pp. 183-207. ISSN (print) 0016-6928
Botting, Fred (2018) What was Man...? Reimagining monstrosity from humanism to trashumanism. In: Davidson, Carol Margaret and Mulvey-Roberts, Marie, (eds.) Global Frankenstein. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 301-318. (Studies in Global Science Fiction) ISSN (print) 2569-8826 ISBN 9783319781419
Brown, Simon (2018) Screening Stephen King : adaptation and the horror genre in film and television. Austin, U.S. : University of Texas Press. 240p. ISBN 9781477314920
Carew, Mark (2018) The Book of Alexander. Norfolk, U.K. : Salt Publishing Limited. 240p. ISBN 9781784631321
Clarke, Norma (2018) Family matters. History Workshop Journal, 85, pp. 315-321. ISSN (print) 1363-3554
Clarke, Norma (2018) "More national (to Ireland) than personal" : James Prior's 'Life of Goldsmith'. Biography, 41(1), pp. 48-70. ISSN (print) 0162-4962
Coultas, Valerie (2018) Autobiography, talk and the power of the personal in the teaching of English. English in Education, 52(2), pp. 91-104. ISSN (print) 0425-0494
Coultas, Valerie and Booth, Paul (2018) Exploratory talk and task-based learning : a case study of a student’s learning journey on the MA English Language Teaching. In: London Second Language Acquisition Research Forum : Colloquium 2018; 02 Jun 2018, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Dines, Martin (2018) Designs for living rooms. In: Gorman-Murray, Andrew and Cook, Matt, (eds.) Queering the interior. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 95-107. (Home) ISSN (print) 2398-3191 ISBN 9781474262200
Dines, Martin (2018) 'Is it a queer book?' : re-reading the 1950s homosexual novel. In: Bentley, Nick , Ferrebe, Alice and Hubble, Nick, (eds.) The 1950s : a decade of modern British fiction. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 111-140. (The decades series) ISBN 9781350011519
Ferrari, Diego and McNeil, Jean (2018) Diego Ferrari in conversation with Jean McNeil. In: McNeil, Jean and Bell, Julia, (eds.) Day for night : landscapes of Walter Benjamin. London, U.K. : Benjamin Editions. pp. 58-65. ISBN 9781527229440
Fowler, S.J. (2018) Aletta ocean’s alphabet empire. Bristol, U.K. : Hesterglock Press. 64p. ISBN 9781999915308
Fowler, S.J. (2018) Selected scribbling and scrawling. Manchester, U.K. : ZimZalla. 62p. ISBN 9781907570148
Jarvis, Beatrice [Artist] (2018) A lost narrative : a choreographic installation by Dr Beatrice Jarvis. Hold Everything Dear : Performance, Politics & John Berger.
Jensen, Meg (2018) Forgetting. Forgetting, Kingston Writers' Centre. 25 Jan 2018, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.
Kasinathan, Shyama (2018) Epilogue. In: Margo Collective, (ed.) Chains : unheard voices. U.K. : Margo Collective. pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781999590901
Miller, James (2018) Not all right. In: Coxon, Dan, (ed.) This Dreaming Isle. London, U.K. : Unsung Stories. pp. 133-155. ISBN 9781907389597
Mitchell, Bruce (2018) Big Read project and other initiatives. In: Reading for Pleasure in FE/HE; 28 Jun 2018, Nottingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Morgan Wortham, Simon (2018) Deconstruction : politics, ethics, aesthetics. In: Stocker, Barry and Mack, Michael, (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Literature. London : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 407-425. ISBN 9781137547934
Morris, Catherine (2018) The land that rises : dialect as unheimlich in British writing. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Osborn, Pamela (2018) "Stop. That’s Wicked" : Sexual freedom in Brigid Brophy's "The Burglar" and Iris Murdoch's "A severed head". Contemporary Women's Writing, 12(2), pp. 222-232. ISSN (print) 1754-1476
Palmer, Helen (2018) 'What happened next?' : Hjelmslev's net, Arachne's web and the figure of the line. In: Somers-Hall, Henry , Bell, Jeffrey A. and Williams, James, (eds.) A thousand plateaus and philosophy. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 9780748697267
Phillippy, Patricia (2018) Shaping remembrance from Shakespeare to Milton. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. 280p. ISBN 9781108422987
Phillippy, Patricia, ed. (2018) A history of early modern women's writing. New York and Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 456p. ISBN 9781107137066
Portela, Manuel, Mencia, Maria and Pold, Soren (2018) Electronic literature translation : translation as process, experience and mediation. Electronic Book Review, ISSN (online) 1553-1139
Ross, Wendy and Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic (2018) 'For a good poet's made, as well as born' : the relational ontology of Shakespeare's genius. Creativity. Theories - Research - Applications, 5(1), pp. 26-40. ISSN (online) 2354-0036
Schroeder, C. D. C. (2018) Grimm translations : refiguring German fairy tales through English translation (1823-2012). (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Scott, Kate (2018) "Hashtags work everywhere" : the pragmatic functions of spoken hashtags. Discourse, Context & Media, 22, pp. 57-64. ISSN (print) 2211-6958
Scott, Kate (2018) "The popular orange vegetables" : culture, context and definite descriptions. In: 8th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics (EPICS VIII) : "Communication, Culture and Cognition"; 02 - 04 May 2018, Seville, Spain. (Unpublished)
Teverson, Andrew (2018) Marxism. In: Greenhill, Pauline , Rudy, Jill Terry , Hamer, Naomi and Bosc, Lauren, (eds.) The Routledge companion to media and fairy-tale cultures. New York, U.S. : Routledge. pp. 47-55. (Routledge media and cultural studies companions) ISBN 9781138946156
Turner, Rose and Felisberti, Fatima M. (2018) Relationships between fiction media, genre, and empathic abilities. Scientific Study of Literature, 8(2), pp. 261-292. ISSN (print) 2210-4372
Upstone, Sara (2018) For Dawit Isaak. In: Writers’ Centre Kingston presents the English PEN Modern Literature Festival; 08 Mar 2018, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Upstone, Sara (2018) Some interventions in the question of living. Versopolis,
Wilson, Scott (2018) Literary clinical practice : desire, depression and toxic masculinity in Hamlet. Journal for Cultural Research, 22(3), pp. 278-292. ISSN (print) 1479-7585