Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Communication, cultural and media studies"

Alliez, Eric and Mackay, Robert [Translator] (2019) How Asger Jorn stole the value-form of modern art. In: Prestsaeter, Ellef, (ed.) These are situationist times! An inventory of reproductions, deformations, modifications, derivations, and transformations. Oslo, Norway : Torpedo Press. pp. 202-213. ISBN 9788293104254
Balaskas, Bill [Artist] (2019) Red Air. Cork Midsummer Festival 2019. .
Barber, Stephen (2019) Film's ghosts : Tatsumi Hijikata's Butoh and the transmutation of 1960s Japan. Zurich, Switzerland : Diaphanes. 248p. ISBN 9783035801477
Baverstock, Alison and Steinitz, Jackie (2019) What makes a writer? How do early influences shape, and working habits develop, those who write? Publishing Research Quarterly, 35(3), pp. 327-351. ISSN (print) 1053-8801
Baverstock, Alison, Steinitz, Jackie, Morris, Julie and Fenwick, Catherine (2019) What were the processes and outcomes of involving secondary school pupils transitioning from primary to secondary school in pre-arrival shared-reading? A case study. Education 3-13, 47(8), pp. 933-956. ISSN (print) 0300-4279
Baverstock, Alison (2019) Who takes legal responsibility for published work? Why both an understanding and lived experience of copyright are becoming increasingly important to writers. In: Jeffries, Janis and Kember, Sarah, (eds.) Whose book is it anyway? A view from elsewhere on publishing, copyright and creativity. [Cambridge, U.K.] : Open Book Publishers. pp. 105-128. ISBN 9781783746491
Benson, Vladlena, Hand, Chris and Hartshorne, Richard (2019) How compulsive use of social media affects performance : insights from the UK by purpose of use. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(6), pp. 549-563. ISSN (print) 0144-929X
Brooker, Will (2019) Why Bowie matters. London : William Collins. 308p. ISBN 9780008313722
Brown, Simon (2019) Creepshow. Leighton Buzzard : Auteur Press. (Devil's Advocate) ISBN 9781911325918
Brown, Simon (2019) Creepshow. Leighton Buzzard : Auteur Publishing. 106p. (Devil's Advocates) ISBN 9781911325918
Brown, Simon and Abbott, Stacey (2019) Inspiration as adaptation : TV horror, seriality and the adapted text. In: Kaklamanidoy, Betty, (ed.) Adaptation 4.0 : a state of polymorphia. Detroit, U.S. : Wayne State University Press. (In Press)
Brown, Simon (2019) Remaking Stephen King : texts and contexts. In: Piatti-Farnell, Lorna, (ed.) Gothic afterlives : reincarnations of horror in film and television. Lanham, Maryland, U.S. : Lexington Books. (In Press)
Brown, Simon (2019) Stephen King’s Full Dark No Stars (2010) – Stephen King. In: Bacon, Simon, (ed.) Horror: a Companion. Oxford : Peter Lang. pp. 235-240. ISBN 9781787079199
Chamarette, Jenny, Mayer, So and Quinlivan, Davina (2019) Towards a queer feminist vernacular : Dr Katharina Linder's film bodies. MAI : Feminism and Visual Culture, 3, ISSN (online) 2003-1673
Choudhary, Sonal, Nayak, Rakesh, Kumari, Sushma and Choudhury, Homagni (2019) Analysing acculturation to sustainable food consumption behaviour in the social media through the lens of information diffusion. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, pp. 481-492. ISSN (print) 0040-1625
Colliver, Ben, Coyle, Adrian and Silvestri, Marisa (2019) The 'online othering' of transgender people in relation to 'gender neutral toilets'. In: Lumsden, Karen and Harmer, Emily, (eds.) Online othering : exploring digital violence and discrimination on the web. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 215-237. (Palgrave Studies in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity) ISBN 9783030126322
Conway, Clare, Hodges, Harry and Kumari, Sonia (2019) Embedding employability into the curriculum through service learning: a Creative & Cultural Industries case study. In: Festival of Learning 2019: Supporting student success through inclusive learning and teaching practice; 25 June 2019, Kingston University, England. (Unpublished)
De Jager, Maureen (2019) History [TBC] : refocusing the South African War through praxis. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Fairer, Robert, Webb, Iain R., Talley, André Leon, Bowles, Hamish and Cullen, Oriole (2019) John Galliano for Dior. London, U.K. : Thames & Hudson. 432p. ISBN 9780500022405
Ferrari, Diego (2019) Photography : The paradoxical nature of the line : Minerals : The body as landscape. In: Bell, Julia, (ed.) Climate. London, U.K. : Birkbeck College. pp. 155-168. (The Mechanics Institute Review, (16)) (In Press)
Field, Nicola [Reviewer] (2019) Film Review of 'The flood' directed by Anthony Woodley. Socialist Review, 447,
Fisher-Hoyrem, Stefan and Herbert, David (2019) "When you live here, that’s what you get" : other-, ex-, and non-religious outsiders in the Norwegian Bible belt. Religions, 10(11), p. 611. ISSN (online) 2077-1444
Fletcher, Abbe Leigh (2019) Film maker in the family : the impact of family life on creativity. In: Deepwell, Katy, (ed.) Feminist activisms and artivisms. Amsterdam, Netherlands : Valiz. pp. 80-91. ISBN 9789492095725
Fletcher, Alex (2019) Late style and contrapuntal histories : the violence of representation in Jean-Luc Godard's 'Le Livre d'image'. Radical Philosophy, 2(4), pp. 59-72. ISSN (online) 0300-211X
Fowler, S.J. (2019) Nemeses : selected collaborations of SJ Fowler, volume 2. HVTN Press. 291p. ISBN 9781999867041
Gray, Margaret [Reviewer] (2019) Book Review of: 'The expanding art of comics : ten modern masterpieces' by Thierry Groensteen, translated by Ann Miller. European Comic Art, 12(1), pp. 111-116. ISSN (print) 1754-3797
Gray, Margaret (2019) Performing form and playing in print: comics in Oxford’s other paper. In: Oxford Comics Network; 05 Feb 2019, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Gray, Margaret (2019) “Talk to me in a language I can understand”: constructing cartoon storyworlds in alternative theatre. In: Joint International Conference of Graphic Novels, Comics and Bande Dessinées; 24th - 28th June 2019, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Submitted)
Herbert, David (2019) Social media and spatial justice : Instagram, place, and recursive logics of exclusion in North European cities. In: Watson, Sophie, (ed.) Spatial justice in the city. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 7-25. (Space, Materiality and the Normative) ISBN 9780815394532
Horner, Avril (2019) Gothic and surrealism : subculture, counterculture and cultural assimilation. In: Punter, David, (ed.) The Edinburgh companion to Gothic and the arts. Edinburgh, UK : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 148-158. ISBN 9781474432351
Kidner, Dan (2019) 'The Hoxton Mob are coming' : the Lux Centre and the merging of cultures of experimental film and video art in the 1990s. In: Balsom, Erika , Reynolds, Lucy and Perks, Sarah, (eds.) Artists' moving image in Britain since 1989. London, U.K. : Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art. pp. 89-107. ISBN 9781913107017
Kirkham, Pat and Lichtman, Sarah A. (2019) Introduction. Interiors, 10(1-2), pp. 1-6. ISSN (print) 2041-9112
Kobel, Malte (2019) The drum machine's ear : XLN Audio's drum sequencer XO and algorithmic listening : Sound Review of 'XLN Audio : XO, 2019'. Sound Studies, 5(2), pp. 201-204. ISSN (print) 2055-1940
Kottasz, Rita, Bennett, Roger and Randell, Tom (2019) Post-series depression : scale development and validation. Arts and the Market, 9(2), pp. 132-151. ISSN (print) 2056-4945
Leslie, Bill (2019) Good enough sculptures : what happens when sculptures are made to be filmed? (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Lloyd, Frances (2019) Making animation matter : Peter Sachs comes to Britain. In: Malet, Marian , Dickson, Rachel , MacDougall, Sarah and Nyburg, Anna, (eds.) Applied arts in British exile from 1933: changing visual and material culture. Brill Rodopi. pp. 191-211. (Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, (19)) ISBN 9789004395091
Maoilearca, John O (2019) Metaphysical alter-egos : Matheson, Dunne and the view from somewhere. In: Rawls, Christina , Neiva, Diana and Gouveia, Steven S., (eds.) Philosophy and film. Abingdon, U.K. : Taylor & Francis. pp. 356-373. (Routledge research in aesthetics) ISBN 9781138351691
Mears, C. (2019) Naziploitation : the enduring pornographic fetish. In: Jacob, F., (ed.) Pornography : interdisciplinary perspectives. Peter Lang Publishing Group. pp. 193-210. ISBN 9783631794326
Miers, John (2019) Picturing national and personal acts of violence : modes of depiction in Barefoot Gen. In: Mickwitz, Nina , Horton, Ian and Hague, Ian, (eds.) Representing Acts of Violence in Comics. Abingdon, U.K. and New York, U.S. : Routledge. pp. 19-34. ISBN 9781138484535
Minors, Helen (2019) Music speaks : the role of emotional expression in music for sci-fi fantasy films. In: Ji, Christine and Petrilli, Susan, (eds.) Intersemiotic Perspectives on Emotions. Routledge. (In Press)
Nemenyi, Daniel (2019) What is an internet? Norbert Wiener and the society of control. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Nevill, Alexander (2019) Cinematography and filmmaking research : reflections on a practice-led doctoral process. Alphaville: Journal of Film and Screen Media, 17, pp. 188-196. ISSN (print) 2009-4078
Pagano, Maurizio , Bubbio, Diego , De Cesaris, Alessandro and Weslati, Hager, eds. (2019) Hegel, logic and speculation. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Publishing. 256p. (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy) ISBN 9781350056367
Price, Elizabeth [Artist] (2019) SLOW DANS. .
Quinlivan, Davina (2019) Her skin against the rocks, the rocks against the sky : revisiting Weir's 'Picnic at Hanging Rock' (1975) after Morley's 'The Falling' (2014) and Freud's fable of female hysteria. In: Piotrowska, Agnieszka and Tyrer, Ben, (eds.) Femininity and psychoanalysis : cinema, culture, theory. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 37-47.
Quinlivan, Davina (2019) Lace, leather, indigo, green, ways of looking and being seen : abstraction through 'The Favourite' (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2019). In: Falvey, Eddie, (ed.) Yorgos Lanthimos : a cinema of apathy. Routledge. (In Press)
Redmond, Sean [Artist] and Kardos, Leah [Composer] (2019) The unknown celebrity. The model citizen. .
Reynolds, James (2019) Transformative souls and transformed selves : 'Buffy', 'Angel' and the daimonic tale. In: Cusack, Carole M. , Morehead, John W. and Robertson, Venetia Laura Delano, (eds.) The sacred in fantastic fandom : essays on the intersection of religion and pop culture. Jefferson, U.S. : McFarland and Company. pp. 119-135. ISBN 9781476670836
Rindzeviciute, Egle [Editor] (2019) Nuclear cultural heritage : position statement. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames : Kingston University. 11 p.
Ross, Wendy, Vallee-Tourangeau, Frederic and Glaveanu, Vlad (2019) Collaboration.
Scholze, Jana (2019) Be-Wundern: Die Grenzen von Wert, Schönheit und des Anderen. In: Ludwig, Andreas, (ed.) Zeitgeschichte der Dinge. Germany : Böhlau. ISBN 9783412511067 (In Press)
Scott, Kate (2019) You won’t believe what’s in this paper! The pragmatics of clickbait. In: Approaches to Digital Discourse Analysis - ADDA 2; 23 - 25 May 2019, Turku, Finland. (Unpublished)
Van Elferen, Isabella (2019) Gothic and contemporary music : dark sound, dark mood, dark aesthetics. In: Punter, David, (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Gothic and the Arts. Edinburgh, UK : Edinburgh University Press. pp. 229-242. ISBN 9781474432351
Weslati, Hager (2019) The silence of logik : Hegel after Kojeve. In: Pagano, Maurizio , Bubbio, Diego , De Cesaris, Alessandro and Weslati, Hager, (eds.) Hegel, logic & speculation. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 217-232. ISBN 9781350056367
White, Robert G. (2019) Beyond partition : a topology of al-shatat in Post-Palestinian cinema. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Ó Maoilearca, John (2019) When the twain shall meet : on the divide between analytic and continental film philosophy. In: Carroll, Noël , Di Summa, Laura T. and Loht, Shawn, (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of the Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave. pp. 259-283. ISBN 9783030196004