Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Allied health professions and studies"

Adams, Mariama and Jewell, Andrew Paul (2007) The use of complementary and alternative medicine by cancer patients. International Seminars in Surgical Oncology, 4(10), ISSN (online) 1477-7800
Barr, Hugh and Ross, Fiona (2007) Working together for health. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Bearne, Lindsay M., Coomer, Annette F. and Hurley, Michael V. (2007) Upper limb sensorimotor function and functional performance in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 29(13), pp. 1035-1039. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Bidgood, Penelope, Denholm-Price, James, Fielder, Mark, Petróczi, Andrea and Thompson, Richard (2007) Predicting Response to Antiretroviral Treatments in HIV Patients - the EuResist Project. In: Statistics in Public Policy-Making: Hope vs. Reality; 16 -20 Jul 2007, York, U.K..
Bithell, Christine (2007) Entry-level physiotherapy education in the United Kingdom: governance and curriculum. Physical Therapy Reviews, 12(2), pp. 145-155. ISSN (print) 1083-3196
Blair, Jim (2007) Book Review: Gates, Bob (ed) (2007) Learning disabilities towards inclusion. 5th ed. Learning Disability Practice, 10(8), p. 24. ISSN (print) 1465-8712
Blair, Jim (2007) Towards a National Service Framework for people with learning disabilities. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Borschmann, Rohan, Chambers, Mary, Gillard, Steve, Turner, Kati, Lovell, Kath and Goodrich-Purnell, Norman (2007) Crossing traditional boundaries: the value of service users as researchers in a study investigating the lived experience of detained patients. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Bowling, Ann (2007) Erratum: Lay perceptions of successful ageing: findings from a national survey of middle aged and older adults in Britain. European Journal of Ageing, 4(1), 57 - 58. ISSN (print) 1613-9372
Bowling, Ann (2007) Health status assessment. In: Ayers, Susan , Baum, Andrew , McManus, Chris , Newman, Stanton , Wallston, Kenneth , Weinman, John and West, Robert, (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 266 - 267. ISBN 9780521879972
Bowling, Ann (2007) Honour your father and mother: ageism in medicine. The British Journal of General Practice, 57(538), 347 - 348. ISSN (print) 0960-1643
Bowling, Ann and Stafford, Mai (2007) How do objective and subjective assessments of neighbourhood influence social and physical functioning in older age? Findings from a British survey of ageing. Social Science & Medicine, 64(12), pp. 2533-2549. ISSN (print) 0277-9536
Bowling, Ann, Seetai, Sharon, Morris, Richard and Ebrahim, Shah (2007) Quality of life among older people with poor functioning. The influence of perceived control over life. Age and Ageing, 36(3), pp. 310-315. ISSN (print) 0002-0729
Bowling, Ann (2007) Quality of life assessment. In: Ayers, Susan , Baum, Andre , McManus, Chris , Newman, Stanton , Wallston, Kenneth , Weinman, John and West, Robert, (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 319 - 320. ISBN 9780521879972
Brennan, Arthur, Ayers, Susan, Ahmed, Hafez and Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie (2007) A critical review of the Couvade syndrome: the pregnant male. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 25(3), pp. 173-189. ISSN (print) 0264-6838
Brennan, Arthur, Marshall-Lucette, Sylvie, Ayers, Susan and Ahmed, Hafez (2007) A qualitative exploration of the Couvade syndrome in expectant fathers. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 25(1), pp. 18-39. ISSN (print) 0264-6838
Carroll, Maria V., Krarup, Anders, Sim, Edith and Sim, Robert B. (2007) Complement activation with Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Molecular Immunology, 44(16), p. 2834. ISSN (print) 0161-5890
Chalé-Rush, Angela, Burgess, John R. and Mattes, Richard D. (2007) Evidence for human orosensory (taste?) sensitivity to free fatty acids. Chemical Senses, 32(5), pp. 423-431. ISSN (print) 0379-864X
Chalé-Rush, Angela, Burgess, John R. and Mattes, Richard D. (2007) Multiple routes of chemosensitivity to free fatty acids in humans. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 292(5), G1206-G1212. ISSN (print) 0193-1857
Chambers, Mary, Guise, Veslemoy and Valimaki, Maritta (2007) Mental health nurses' attitudes to mental illness and people with mental health problems: results of a national survey in England. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Chambers, Mary, Turner, Kati, Blair, James and Christian, Sarah (2007) User-involvement in health and social wellbeing. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Chan, Kenneth, Swinden, Julian and Donyai, Parastou (2007) Pilot study of the short-term physico-chemical stability of atenolol tablets stored in a multi-compartment compliance aid. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy Science, 13(3), pp. 60-66. ISSN (print) 1781-7595
Collington, Val (2007) Professional socialisation: learning the culture of midwifery within an interprofessional context. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Crawford, Mike, Rutter, Deborah, Price, Kathryn, Weaver, Tim, Josson, Mili, Tyrer, Peter, Gibson, Sarah, Gillespie, Sarah, Faulkner, Alison, Ryrie, Ian, Dhillon, Kamaldeep, Bateman, Anthony, Fonagy, Peter, Taylor, Bethany and Moran, Paul (2007) Learning the lessons: a multi-method evaluation of dedicated community-based services for people with personality disorder. (Project Report) London, U.K. : National Coordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation. 381 p.
Critchley, Duncan J., Ratcliffe, Julie, Noonan, Sandra, Jones, Roger H and Hurley, Michael V. (2007) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of three types of physiotherapy used to reduce chronic low back pain disability: a pragmatic randomized trial with economic evaluation. Spine, 32(14), pp. 1474-81. ISSN (print) 0362-2436
Dorak, M. Tevfik, Pearce, Mark S., Hammal, Donna M., McNally, Richard J. Q. and Parker, Louise (2007) Examination of gender effect in birth weight and miscarriage associations with childhood cancer (United Kingdom). Cancer Causes & Control, 18(2), pp. 219-228. ISSN (print) 0957-5243
Dorak, M. Tevfik, McNally, Richard J. Q. and Parker, Louise (2007) Re: “Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and infections in the first year of life: a report from the United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study”. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166(3), pp. 364-365. ISSN (print) 0002-9262
Easton, Chris, Turner, Stephen and Pitsiladis, Yannis P (2007) Creatine and glycerol hyperhydration in trained subjects prior to exercise in the heat. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 17(1), pp. 70-91. ISSN (print) 1543-2742
Easton, Chris, Finlay, Craig, Morrison, Grant and Spurway, Neil C (2007) Effects of dynamic upper body exercise on lower limb isometric endurance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25(10), pp. 1101-1107. ISSN (print) 0264-0414
Eberhardie, Chris (2007) Nutritional supplements and the EU: is anyone happy? In: Nutrition Society Meeting; 08 May 2007, Glasgow, U.K..
Eberhardie, Christine (2007) Nutritional supplements and the EU: is anyone happy? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 66(4), pp. 508-511. ISSN (print) 0029-6651
Eberhardie, Christine, McCubbin, Carol and Start, Kathryn (2007) Oral history: a research method for recording neuroscience nursing history and valuing the role of nurses in neuroscience treatment and care. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ellison, George (2007) Health, wealth and IQ in sub-Saharan Africa: challenges facing the `Savanna Principle' as an explanation for global inequalities in health. British Journal of Health Psychology, 12(2), pp. 191-227. ISSN (print) 1359-107X
Ellison, George and de Wet, Thea (2007) Interdisciplinary approaches to evidence-based practice. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ellison, George T. H., Smart, Andrew, Tutton, Richard, Outram, Simon M., Ashcroft, Richard and Martin, Paul (2007) Racial categories in medicine: a failure of evidence-based practice? PLoS Medicine, 4(9), pp. 1434-1436. ISSN (print) 1549-1277
Favato, G. and Catpano, A. L. (2007) Gli anziani e l'uso di farmaci in Italia. Dati dallo studio ASSET = Old people and drug prescription in Italy. Results of ASSET study. Giornale di Gerontologia, 55(4), pp. 191-192. ISSN (print) 0017-0305
Favato, Giampiero, Pieri, Vasco and Mills, Roger W. (2007) Cost/Effective analysis of anti-HPV vaccination programme in Italy: a multi-cohort Markov model. (Discussion Paper) Henley-on-Thames, U.K. : Henley Centre for Value Improvement. 18 p. (Henley Discussion Paper, no. 13) ISBN 9781861812575
Favato, Giampiero, Print, Carole L. and Mills, Roger W. (2007) The Italian public investment on statins seems to yield a lower than expected return. British Medical Journal (BMJ), ISSN (print) 0959-8138
Favato, Giampiero (2007) Social solidarity can compensate for income inequalities: the case of the public Italian healthcare service. British Medical Journal (BMJ), ISSN (print) 0959-8138
Favato, Giampiero and Mills, Roger (2007) The long tail of healthcare and the impact of the web. Manager Update(42), pp. 11-14.
Franklin, Bryony Dean, O'Grady, Kara, Donyai, Parastou, Jacklin, Ann and Barber, Nick (2007) The impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and administration system on prescribing errors, administration errors and staff time: a before-and-after study. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 16(4), pp. 279-284. ISSN (print) 1475-3898
Franklin, Bryony Dean, O'Grady, Kara, Donyai, Parastou, Jacklin, Ann and Barber, Nick (2007) The impact of a closed-loop electronic prescribing and automated dispensing system on the ward pharmacist's time and activities. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 15(2), pp. 133-139. ISSN (online) 0961-7671
Fudge, Barry W., Wilson, John, Easton, Chris, Irwin, Laura, Clark, Jonathan, Haddow, Olivia, Kayser, Bengt and Pitsiladis, Yannis P (2007) Estimation of oxygen uptake during fast running using accelerometry and heart rate. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 39(1), pp. 192-198. ISSN (print) 0195-9131
Gamon, Roger, Quinn, Tom and Parr, Brian (2007) Emergency care of the patient with a heart attack. Edinburgh, U.K. : Churchill Livingstone. 168p. ISBN 9780443102493
Garrod, Rachel, Ansley, Paula, Canavan, Jane and Jewell, Andy (2007) Exercise and the inflammatory response in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): does training confer anti-inflammatory properties in COPD? Medical Hypotheses, 68(2), pp. 291-298. ISSN (print) 0306-9877
Garrod, Rachel (2007) Physiotherapy in critical care. Intensive Care Medicine, 33(12), p. 2234. ISSN (print) 0342-4642
Garrod, Rachel and Lasserson, Toby (2007) Role of physiotherapy in the management of chronic lung diseases: an overview of systematic reviews. Respiratory Medicine, 101(12), pp. 2429-2436. ISSN (print) 0954-6111
Gould, D.J., Hewitt-Taylor, J., Drey, N.S., Gammon, J., Chudleigh, J. and Weinberg, J.R. (2007) The CleanYourHandsCampaign: critiquing policy and evidence base. Journal of Hospital Infection, 65(2), pp. 95-101. ISSN (print) 0195-6701
Greenwood, Nan, May, Steve, Lissouba, Pascale and Bithell, Christine (2007) Widening participation: accessing careers in the allied health professions. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 14(11), pp. 494-501. ISSN (print) 1741-1645
Gunning, Matthew, Perkins, Zane and Quinn, Tom (2007) Trench entrapment: is ketamine safe to use for sedation in head injury? Emergency Medicine Journal, 24(11), pp. 794-795. ISSN (print) 1472-0205
Hammond, J and Jones, L (2007) Reflective practice portfolio and peer assisted learning: do students perceive they contribute differently to their learning? In: World Physical Therapy 2007; 2-6 June 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
Harries, Claire, Forrest, Damien, Harvey, Nigel, McClelland, Alistair and Bowling, Ann (2007) Which doctors are influenced by a patient's age? A multi-method study of angina treatment in general practice, cardiology and gerontology. Quality and Safety in Health Care, 16(1), pp. 23-27. ISSN (print) 1475-3898
Harries, P (2007) Progress report : use of the Web tool for training prioritisation skills for Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) referrals. Mental Health Occupational Therapy, 12(2), pp. 69-70. ISSN (print) 1363-4682
Harries, Priscilla (2007) Knowing more than we can say. In: Creek, Jennifer and Lawson-Porter, Anne, (eds.) Contemporary issues in occupational therapy : reasoning and reflection. Chichester, U.K. : John Wiley. pp. 161-188. ISSN (print) 9780470065112
Harris, Ruth, Griffiths, Peter and Ullman, Roz (2007) User-directed assessments to identify the health and social needs of older people. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Head, R. F., Gilthorpe, M. S., Byrom, A. and Ellison, G. T. H. (2007) Cardiovascular disease and mortality in later life following exposure to the 1944-45 Channel Islands' siege during childhood and adolescence. In: 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health & Disease; 06 - 10 Nov 2007, Perth, Australia. (Unpublished)
Head, R. F. and Ellison, G. T. H. (2007) Is the 1940-45 occupation of the Channel Islands a good model for studying the developmental origins of health and disease? In: 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health & Disease; 06 - 10 Nov 2007, Perth, Australia.
Head, R. F., Gilthorpe, M. S and Ellison, G. T. H. (2007) Obesity among Channel Islanders exposed to a siege in childhood and adolescence a comparison with birthweight. In: 5th International Congress on Developmental Origins of Health & Disease; 06 - 10 Nov 2007, Perth, Australia.
Head, Rosemary F., Tu, Yu-Kang, Gilthorpe, Mark S., Mishra, Gita D., Williams, Sheila and Ellison, George T.H. (2007) What evidence is there that adjustment for adult height influences the relationship between birth weight and blood pressure? Annals of Human Biology, 34(2), pp. 252-264. ISSN (print) 0301-4460
Housley, Georgie and Thomson, Diane (2007) A survey to explore the negative social evaluation of patients by physiotherapists. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 14(4), pp. 174-186. ISSN (print) 1759-779X
Hunter, D. and Pierscionek, B.K. (2007) Children, Gillick competency and consent for involvement in research. Journal of Medical Ethics, 33(11), pp. 659-662. ISSN (print) 0306-6800
Hurley, M. V., Walsh, N. E., Mitchell, H. L., Pimm, T. J., Patel, A., Williamson, E., Jones, R. H., Dieppe, P. A. and Reeves, B. C. (2007) Clinical effectiveness of a rehabilitation program integrating exercise, self-management, and active coping strategies for chronic knee pain: a cluster randomized trial. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 57(7), pp. 1211-1219. ISSN (print) 0004-3591
Hurley, M. V., Walsh, N. E., Mitchell, H. L., Pimm, T. J., Williamson, E., Jones, R. H., Reeves, B. C., Dieppe, P. A. and Patel, A. (2007) Economic evaluation of a rehabilitation program integrating exercise, self-management, and active coping strategies for chronic knee pain. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 57(7), pp. 1220-1229. ISSN (print) 0004-3591
Hurley, Mike and Bearne, Lindsay M (2007) Physiotherapy for musculoskeletal conditions : more difficult than rocket science. Future Rheumatology, 2(2), 185 -192. ISSN (print) 1746-0816
John, E. K. and Beith, I. D. (2007) Can activity within the external abdominal oblique be measured using real-time ultrasound imaging? Clinical Biomechanics, 22(9), pp. 972-979. ISSN (print) 0268-0033
Leathard, Audrey and McLaren, Susan, eds. (2007) Ethics: contemporary challenges in health and social care. Bristol, U.K. : Policy Press. 314p. ISBN 9781861347558
Lewko, A., Marshall, J. and Garrod, R. (2007) Ambulatory oxygen therapy assessment : a comparative study of incremental shuttle and 6-minute walking tests. Physiotherapy, 93(4), pp. 261-266. ISSN (print) 0031-9406
Li, Sarah (2007) 'We didn't want him to put him through anymore suffering and pain': doing team symbiotic niceness in palliative care settings. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Lindsay, Jane (2007) The impact of the 2nd Intifada: an exploration of the experiences of Palestinian psychosocial counselors and social workers. Illness, Crisis, and Loss, 15(2), pp. 137-153. ISSN (print) 1054-1373
Madikane, Vukani Eliya, Bhakta, Sanjib, Russell, Angela J., Campbell, William E., Claridge, Timothy D. W., Elisha, B. Gay, Davies, Stephen G., Smith, Peter and Sim, Edith (2007) Inhibition of mycobacterial arylamine N-acetyltransferase contributes to anti-mycobacterial activity of Warburgia salutaris. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 15(10), pp. 3579-3586. ISSN (print) 0968-0896
Marks-Maran, D and Fergy, S (2007) Using appreciative inquiry action research to evaluate a change in the provision of student support in a pre-registered nursing programme. In: 2nd Annual Middlesex University Conference: Educational Evaluation: Challenging the orthodoxies; 07 Dec 2006, London, U.K..
Marks-Maran, Diane (2007) Evaluating interprofessional education. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Marsden, Jon, Ramdharry, Gita, Wood, Nick and Thompson, Alan (2007) Factors affecting stiff-legged gait in hereditary and spontaneous spastic paraparesis. In: World Physical Therapy 2007; 2 - 6 Jun 2007, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Martin, Paul, Ashcroft, Richard, Ellison, George TH, Smart, Andrew and Tutton, Richard (2007) Reviving racial medicine? The use of race/ethnicity in genetics and biomedical research, and the implications for science and healthcare. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences. 12p. ISBN 9780954989071
McNally, Richard J. Q., Dorak, M. Tevfik, Pearce, Mark S. and Parker, Louise (2007) Author response: no sex difference observed in the association between intra-uterine growth and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Causes & Control, 18(10), p. 1229. ISSN (print) 0957-5243
McNamee, M J, Olivier, Steve and Wainwright, Paul (2007) Research ethics in exercise, health and sports sciences. London : Routledge. 232p. ISBN 9780415298827
Mein, Gill and McDowell, Andrew (2007) Parent prevention. Community Care(1654), pp. 30-31. ISSN (print) 0307-5508
Merzouk, Mahboub, Moore, Theo and Williams, Neil A. (2007) Synthesis of chiral iminoalkyl functionalised N-heterocyclic carbenes and their use in asymmetric catalysis. Tetrahedron Letters, 48(50), pp. 8914-8917. ISSN (print) 0040-4039
Muleya, Wilson (2007) Understanding African values in teaching. In: Ixer, G., (ed.) Practice Learning: perspectives on globalisation, citizenship and cultural change. London, UK : Whiting & Birch. pp. 41-60. ISBN 9781861770516
Naidu, Y., Røkenes Karlsen, K., Chaudhuri, K. R., Martinez-Martin, A., Ruessmann, A. and Odin, P. (2007) Changes in sexual interest and function in patients with Parkinson's disease : focus on hypersexuality. In: XVII WFN World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders; 09-13 Dec 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Naidu, Y., Martinez-Martin, P., Rojo Albuin, J. and Chaudhuri, K. R. (2007) Differential effect of the Parkinson's disease non-motor symptoms on patients' health-related quality of life. In: XVII WFN World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders; 09-13 Dec 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Naidu, Y., Martinez-Martin, P., Brown, R., Odin, P., Russemann, A., Chaudhuri, K. Ray and International Parkinson’s Disease Non Motor Group (2007) The predictors of fatigue in Parkinson’s disease : results from a UK-German study of 135 cases. In: The Movement Disorder Society's Eleventh International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders; 03-07 Jun 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. (Unpublished)
Nash, Theresa (2007) 'Heritage2Health': a new cross-generational, pan-disability, cross-disciplinary approach to shared learning: preliminary results. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Newcombe, Paul (2007) Acute surgical emergencies. In: Evans, Cliff and Tippins, Emma, (eds.) The foundations of emergency care. Maidenhead, UK : Open University Press. pp. 155-180. ISBN 0335221246
Newton, S and Page, NM (2007) Should the endokinins be classified as neuropeptides? An analysis of their role in the nervous system. In: Levine, Bernice A., (ed.) Neuropeptide Research Trends. New York : Nova Biomedical Books. pp. 5-12. ISBN 1600216404
Newton, Suzanne and Page, N M (2007) Unmasking the roles of the tachykinins in the human brain. Kingston University Research & Innovation Reports (KURIR), 3, pp. 1-6. ISSN (online) 1749-5652
Noonan, David P., Liu, Hongbin, Zweiri, Yahya H., Althoefer, Kaspar A. and Seneviratne, Lakmal D. (2007) A dual-function wheeled probe for tissue viscoelastic property identification during minimally invasive surgery. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation; 10 - 14 Apr 2007, Rome, Italy. (Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Robotics) ISSN (print) 1050-4729
Pearce, Mark S., Hammal, Donna M., Dorak, M. Tevfik, McNally, Richard J.Q. and Parker, Louise (2007) Paternal occupational exposure to electro-magnetic fields as a risk factor for cancer in children and young adults: A case-control study from the North of England. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 49(3), pp. 280-286. ISSN (print) 1545-5009
Ponto, Maria T. (2007) Health promotion and health education by the learning contract. In: 19th IUHPE world conference on health promotion and health education; 10 - 15 Jun 2007, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Ramdharry, GM, Day, BL, Reilly, MM and Marsden, JF (2007) Walking endurance and proximal compensation for distal weakness in Charcot Marie Tooth disease. In: 2007 Meeting of the Peripheral Nerve Society; 14-18 Jul 2007, Snowbird, Utah, US.
Ramdharry, Gita, Marsden, Jon, Day, Brian and Reilly, Mary (2007) Walking endurance and proximal compensation for distal weakness in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. In: World Physical Therapy 2007; 2 - 6 Jun 2007, Vancouver, Canada. (Unpublished)
Raymond-Barker, Philippa, Petroczi, Andrea and Quested, Eleanor (2007) Assessment of nutritional knowledge in female athletes susceptible to the Female Athlete Triad syndrome. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 2(10), pp. 1-11. ISSN (online) 1745-6673
Richards, Sally, Donovan, Sheila, Victor, Christina and Ross, Fiona (2007) Standing secure amidst a falling world? Practitioner understandings of old age in responses to a case vignette. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21(3), pp. 335-349. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Robertson, Claire, Coutts, Fiona and Bell, Jonathan (2007) Investigation of anterior knee pain after total hip replacement: a pilot study. Physiotherapy Research International, 12(1), pp. 25-28. ISSN (print) 1358-2267
Ross, Fiona (2007) The journey to publication. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21(2), pp. 125-128. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Salar Amoli, H, Barker, J and Flowers, A (2007) Closed vessels microwave digestion method for uranium analysis of soils using alpha-spectroscopy. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 273(2), pp. 281-284. ISSN (print) 0236-5731
Salmon, Victoria and Thomson, Di (2007) Measurement of force production during concurrent performance of a memory task. Physiotherapy, 93(4), pp. 283-290. ISSN (print) 0031-9406
Schachar, Ronald A., Karnangar, Farhad and Pierscionek, Barbara K. (2007) Comment on ‘Edinger–Westphal and pharmacologically stimulated accommodative refractive changes and lens ciliary process movements in rhesus monkeys’ by L.A. Ostrin and A. Glasser [Exp. Eye Res. 84(2) (2007) 302–313]. Experimental Eye Research, 85(2), pp. 298-299. ISSN (print) 0014-4835
Schachar, Ronald A. and Pierscionek, Barbara K. (2007) Lens hardness not related to the age-related decline of accommodative amplitude. Molecular Vision, 13, pp. 1010-1011. ISSN (online) 1090-0535
Schachar, Ronald A., Davila, Carlos, Pierscionek, Barbara K., Chen, Wickham and Ward, Warren W. (2007) The effect of human in vivo accommodation on crystalline lens stability. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 91(6), pp. 790-793. ISSN (print) 0007-1161
Schachar, Ronald A., Pierscionek, Barbara K., Abolmaali, Ali and Le, Tri (2007) The relationship between accommodative amplitude and the ratio of central lens thickness to its equatorial diameter in vertebrate eyes. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 91(6), pp. 812-817. ISSN (print) 0007-1161
Shaw, Jackie, Bidgood, Penelope and Saebi, Nasrollah (2007) Exploring acupuncture outcomes in a college clinic: repeated measures of subjective health status. European Journal of Oriental Medicine, 5(5), ISSN (print) 1351-6647
Sim, Edith, Westwood, Isaac and Fullam, Elizabeth (2007) Arylamine N-acetyltransferases. Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism & Toxicology, 3(2), pp. 169-184. ISSN (print) 1742-5255
Singh, Swaran P., Greenwood, Nan, White, Sarah and Churchill, Rachel (2007) Ethnicity and the Mental Health Act 1983. British Journal of Psychiatry, 191(2), pp. 99-105. ISSN (print) 0007-1250
Smellie, Iain A., Bhakta, Sanjib, Sim, Edith and Fairbanks, Antony J. (2007) Synthesis of putative chain terminators of mycobacterial arabinan biosynthesis. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 5(14), pp. 2257-2266. ISSN (print) 1477-0520
Smith, Elizabeth and Ross, Fiona M. (2007) Service user involvement and integrated care pathways. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 20(3), pp. 195-214. ISSN (print) 0952-6862
Smith, Elizabeth, Ross, Fiona, Donovan, Sheila, Manthorpe, Jill, Brearley, Sally, Sitzia, John and Beresford, Peter (2007) Service users in research. In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Stanley, Robert and McLaren, Susan (2007) Ethical issues in health and social care research. In: Leathard, Audrey and McLaren, Susan, (eds.) Ethics: contemporary challenges in health and social care. Bristol, UK : Policy Press. pp. 35-52. ISBN 9781861347558
Stanley, Robert, Gallagher, Ann, Eberhardie, Christine and Wainwright, Paul (2007) An introduction to neuroethics: Part 1. The values of ethics and the neurosciences. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 3(3), pp. 112-116. ISSN (print) 1747-0307
Thomson, D, Richardson, B and Steward, B (2007) An ethnographic study of the interactions between physiotherapists and their patients on a pain management unit in a N.H.S. hospital. In: World Physical Therapy 2007; 02-06 Jun 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
Thomson, D, Richardson, B and Steward, B (2007) The impact of current healthcare policies on the practice of a team of physiotherapists: the CHAI visit. In: World Physical Therapy 2007; 02-06 Jun 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
Twycross, Alison (2007) The ethics of undertaking research with children: is there a need for an interprofessional approach? In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care; 04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Tyrrell, Elizabeth, Millett, Julien, Tesfsa, Kibur Hunie, Williams, Neil, Mann, Alastair, Tillett, Caroline and Muller, Christophe (2007) A study into asymmetric Nicholas cyclisation reactions. Tetrahedron, 63(51), pp. 12769-12778. ISSN (print) 0040-4020
Vangala, Anil, Bramwell, Vincent W., McNeil, Sarah, Christensen, Dennis, Agger, Else Marie and Perrie, Yvonne (2007) Comparison of vesicle based antigen delivery systems for delivery of hepatitis B surface antigen. Journal of Controlled Release, 119(1), pp. 102-110. ISSN (print) 0168-3659
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