Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Allied health professions and studies"

Abramov, V., Khlebnikov, V., Kulikova, N., Kosarev, I., Sakulin, V., Potekhin, S., Husainova, R., Evstigneev, V., Scherbakov, G., Karlyshev, A., Uversky, V. and Vasiliev, A. (2006) Specific high affinity interaction of Yersinia LcrV with TLR2 does not depend on a cooperative structure of this antigen. In: TOLL2006: Recent Advances in Pattern Recognition; 4-7 March 2006, Salvador, Brasil.
Augousti, A, Maletras, F-X and Mason, Julian (2006) Evaluation of cardiac monitoring using fiber optic plethysmography. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 34(3), pp. 416-425. ISSN (print) 0090-6964
Babamahmoodi, F, Aghabarari, F, Arjmand, A and Ashrafi, G (2006) Three rare cases of anthrax arising from the same source. Journal of Infection, 53(4), e175-e179. ISSN (print) 0163-4453
Barr, Hugh, Gilbert, John and Ross, Fiona (2006) Introducing InterEd. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20(2), pp. 93-94. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Barr, Hugh and Ross, Fiona (2006) Student voices. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20(3), pp. 221-222. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Barron, Duncan, Saxon, Lucy, Dickinson, Angela and Baverstock, Mike (2006) A qualitative study exploring the factors affecting the use of hip-protectors among older women vulnerable to hip-fracture. In: BSG Conference 2006 : The Ageing Jigsaw : Interdisciplinary Approaches to Old Age; 07-09 Sep 2006, Bangor, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Blair, Jim (2006) Altogether now: learning disability open meetings. Learning Disability Practice, 9(6), pp. 10-14. ISSN (print) 1465-8712
Blair, Jim (2006) Book Review of: Building success through better behaviour: a series of eight booklets by Rob Long. Learning Disability Practice, 9(6), p. 26. ISSN (print) 1465-8712
Blair, Jim (2006) Book Review of: You and your child: making sense of learning disabilities [by Sheila & Martin Hollins]. Learning Disability Practice, 9(3), pp. 22-23. ISSN (print) 1465-8712
Blair, Jim (2006) A computer and internet future: enabling inclusion? Learning Disability Practice, 9(9), pp. 32-37. ISSN (print) 1465-8712
Bowling, Ann, Barber, Julie, Morris, Richard and Ebrahim, Shah (2006) Do perceptions of neighbourhood environment influence health? Baseline findings from a British survey of aging. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 60(6), pp. 476-483. ISSN (print) 0143-005X
Bowling, Ann (2006) Lay perceptions of successful ageing: findings from a national survey of middle aged and older adults in Britain. European Journal of Ageing, 3(3), pp. 123-136. ISSN (print) 1613-9372
Bowling, Ann, Harries, Clare, Forrest, Damien and Harvey, Nigel (2006) Variations in cardiac interventions: doctors' practices and views. Family Practice, 23(4), 427 - 436. ISSN (print) 0263-2136
Canavan, Jane L., Marshall, Johanna, Jackson, David, Fredericks, Salim, Lewko, Agnieszka and Garrod, Rachel (2006) A pilot study of the serum cytokine (IL-6 and TNF-[alpha]) and C-reactive protein response to fixed acute exercise before and after a 7-week rehabilitation programme in COPD patients. In: European Respiratory Society Annual Congress; 02 - 06 Sep 2006, Munich, Germany. (Unpublished)
Caporusso, Anna Maria, Zampieri, Alessia, Aronica, Laura Antonella and Banti, Donatella (2006) Stereoselective synthesis of chiral 3-aryl-1-alkynes from bromoallenes and heterocuprates. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 71(5), pp. 1902-1910. ISSN (print) 0022-3263
Chase, D, Roderick, P, Cooper, K, Davies, R, Quinn, T and Raftery, J (2006) Using simulation to estimate the cost effectiveness of improving ambulance and thrombolysis response times after myocardial infarction. Emergency Medicine Journal, 23(1), pp. 67-72. ISSN (print) 1472-0205
Collington, Val and Hunt, Sheila C (2006) Reflection in midwifery education and practice: an exploratory analysis. Evidence Based Midwifery, 4(3), pp. 76-82.
Collington, Valentina (2006) Reflective journal writing: a quality deficit? In: Higher Education Academy Conference; 03 -05 Jul 2006, Nottingham, U.K..
Cronin-Davis, Jane (2006) Personality disorder : occupational therapy inclusion. In: Long, Cathy and Cronin-Davis, Jane, (eds.) Occupational therapy evidence in practice for mental health. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 99-120. ISBN 9781405146661
Cronin-Davis, Jane and Long, Cathy (2006) Tracking developments in mental health practice. In: Long, Cathy and Cronin-Davis, Jane, (eds.) Occupational therapy evidence in practice for mental health. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. pp. 1-11. ISBN 9781405146661
Cunningham, Matthew P., Thomas, Hilary, Fan, Zhen and Modjtahedi, Helmout (2006) Responses of human colorectal tumor cells to treatment with the anti–epidermal growth factor receptor monoclonal antibody ICR62 used alone and in combination with the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib. Cancer Research, 66(15), pp. 7708-7715. ISSN (print) 0008-5472
Dairou, Julien, Flatters, Delphine, Chaffotte, Alain F., Pluvinage, Benjamin, Sim, Edith, Dupret, Jean-Marie and Rodrigues-Lima, Fernando (2006) Insight into the structure of Mesorhizobium loti arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (MLNAT2): A biochemical and computational study. FEBS Letters, 580(7), pp. 1780-1788. ISSN (print) 0014-5793
Donyai, Parastou and Sewell, Graham J (2006) Physical and chemical stability of paclitaxel infusions in different container types. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 12(4), pp. 211-222. ISSN (print) 1078-1552
Dorak, M T, Shao, W, Machulla, H K G, Lobashevsky, E S, Tang, J, Park, M H and Kaslow, R A (2006) Conserved extended haplotypes of the major histocompatibility complex: further characterization. Genes and Immunity, 7(6), pp. 450-467. ISSN (print) 1466-4879
Dorak, M. Tevfik (2006) HFE H63D variant and leukemia susceptibility. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 47(11), pp. 2269-2270. ISSN (print) 1042-8194
Drennan, Vari and Iliffe, Steve (2006) Managing dementias in primary care. In: Bryan, Karen and Maxim, Jane, (eds.) Communication disability in the dementias. London, UK : Whurr. pp. 49-72. ISBN 9781861565068
Easton, Chris, Turner, Stephen and Pitsiladis, Yannis P. (2006) Effects of combined creatine and glycerol supplementation on physiological responses during exercise in the heat. In: American College of Sports Medicine 53rd Annual Meeting; 31 May - 03 Jun 2006, Denver, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Evanger, K., Haugen, O.H., Aanderud, L., Thorsen, E. and Pierscionek, B.K. (2006) Hypermetropia-succeeded myopia after hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Optometry and Vision Science, 83(3), pp. 195-198. ISSN (print) 1040-5488
Eves, Frank F. and Webb, Oliver J. (2006) Worksite interventions to increase stair climbing; reasons for caution. Preventive Medicine, 43(1), pp. 4-7. ISSN (online) 1096-0260
Francis, Geraldine and Hogg, Diane (2006) Radiographer prescribing: enhancing seamless care in oncology. Radiography, 12(1), pp. 3-5. ISSN (print) 1078-8174
Fudge, Barry, Easton, Chris, Kingsmore, David, Kiplamai, Festus, Onywera, Vincent, Westerterp, Klaas, Kayser, Bengt and Pitsiladis, Yannis (2006) Hydration status and drinking behaviours of elite Kenyan endurance runners during intense training prior to competition. In: American College of Sports Medicine 53rd Annual Meeting; May 31 - Jun 3 2006, Denver, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Gallagher, Ann (2006) The ethics of culturally competent health and social care. In: Papadopoulos, Irena, (ed.) Transcultural health and social care development of culturally competent practitioners. London, UK : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 65-84. ISBN 0443101310
Gallagher, Ann (2006) The teaching of nursing ethics: content and method. Promoting ethical competence. In: Davis, Anne , Tschudin, Verena and De Raeve, Louise, (eds.) Essentials of teaching and learning in nursing ethics: perspectives and methods. London : Churchill Livingstone. pp. 223-239. ISBN 0443074801
Garrod, R (2006) Pulmonary rehabilitation in older people. CME Journal Geriatric Medicine, 8(1), pp. 18-21. ISSN (print) 1475-1453
Garrod, R., Marshall, J., Barley, E. and Jones, P. W. (2006) Predictors of success and failure in pulmonary rehabilitation. European Respiratory Journal, 27(4), pp. 788-794. ISSN (print) 0903-1936
Garrod, Rachel and Backley, Julie (2006) Community-based pulmonary rehabilitation: meeting demand in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Physical Therapy Reviews, 11(1), pp. 57-61. ISSN (print) 1083-3196
Garrod, Rachel (2006) Editorial: respiratory research in the UK, where are we now? Physiotherapy Research International, 11(4), pp. 189-190. ISSN (print) 1358-2267
Garrod, Rachel, Bidgood, Penelope and Soan, Peter (2006) What do respiratory physiotherapists really do? Stage 1 of a consensus project. Journal of the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care, 38, pp. 26-31. ISSN (print) 2059-0180
Gouni, Srinivas Reddy, Carrington, S. and Wright, C. W. (2006) Synthesis of novel halogenated cryptolepine analogues. Journal of Hetercyclic Chemistry, 43(1), pp. 171-175. ISSN (print) 0022-152X
Graham, M.R., Grace, F.M., Boobier, W., Hullin, D., Kicman, A., Cowan, D., Davies, B. and Baker, J.S. (2006) Homocysteine induced cardiovascular events: a consequence of long term anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) abuse. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 40(7), pp. 644-648. ISSN (print) 0306-3674
Greenwood, Nan, Wright, Jannet A. and Bithell, Christine (2006) Perceptions of speech and language therapy amongst UK school and college students: implications for recruitment. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 41(1), pp. 83-94. ISSN (print) 1368-2822
Hall, Nigel (2006) 50 years of international social work: the International Federation of Social Workers celebrates its golden jubilee! Berne, Switzerland : International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW). 32p.
Halter, Mary, Marlow, T, Tye, C and Ellison, G T H (2006) Patients' experiences of care provided by emergency care practitioners and traditional ambulance practitioners: a survey from the London Ambulance Service. Emergency Medicine Journal, 23(11), pp. 865-866. ISSN (print) 1472-0205
Halter, Mary, Marlow, T, Jackson, D, Moore, F and Postance, B (2006) Should emergency medical technicians be considered for the role of the emergency care practitioner? Emergency Medical Journal, 23(11), p. 888. ISSN (print) 1472-0205
Hankey, Graeme J., Pomeroy, Valerie M., King, Linda M., Pollock, Alex, Baily-Hallam, Alison and Langhorne, Peter (2006) Electrostimulation for promoting recovery of movement or functional ability after stroke. Stroke, 37(9), pp. 2441-2442. ISSN (print) 0039-2499
Harries, Priscilla and Gilhooly, Ken (2006) Identifying occupational therapists' referral priorities in community health. Occupational Therapy International, 10(2), pp. 150-164. ISSN (print) 0966-7903
Harries, Priscilla (2006) The development of a web-based tool for training referral prioritization skills. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 13(6), p. 244. ISSN (print) 1741-1645
Harris, Ruth, Ullman, Roz and Griffiths, Peter (2006) Self-assessment of health and social care needs by older people. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology, 16(4), pp. 301-312. ISSN (print) 0959-2598
Hayes, Polly M., Smit, Nico J., Seddon, Alan M., Wertheim, David F. and Davies, Angela J. (2006) A new fish haemogregarine from South Africa and its suspected dual transmission with trypanosomes by a marine leech. Folia Parasitologica, 53(4), pp. 241-248. ISSN (print) 0015-5683
Head, R.F., Gilthorpe, M.S., Huntington, A. and Ellison, G.T.H. (2006) Does age at exposure influence the development of cardiovascular disease following the 1994-45 Channel Islands' siege? In: The UK Society for Social Medicine 50th Annual Scientific Meeting; 13-15 Sep 2006, Leeds, UK.
Ingram, Wendy M., Priston, Melanie J. and Sewell, Graham J. (2006) Improved assay for R(-)-apomorphine with application to clinical pharmacokinetic studies in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Chromatography B, 831(1-2), pp. 1-7. ISSN (print) 1570-0232
Jones, Fiona (2006) Strategies to enhance chronic disease self-management: how can we apply this to stroke? Disability and Rehabilitation, 28(13/14), pp. 841-847. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Jones, Ian Rees (2006) Book Review of: 'New medical technologies and society: reordering life' by Nik Brown and Andrew Webster and 'Government medicine: theory and practice' by Andrew Gray and Stephen Harrison (eds). Sociology, 40(1), pp. 193-196. ISSN (print) 0038-0385
Khan, Gulfaraz (2006) Epstein-Barr virus and the germinal centre B cells. Experimental Hematology, 34(6), pp. 695-696. ISSN (online) 0301-472X
Khan, Gulfaraz (2006) Epstein-Barr virus, cytokines and inflammation: a cocktail for the pathogenesis of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Experimental Hematology, 34(4), pp. 399-406. ISSN (print) 0301-472X
Kirby, Mike, Wagg, Ann R., Barron, Duncan S. and Corlett, Kate (2006) Evidence and opinion for medical assessment in primary care. In: Cardozo, Linda , Robinson, Dudley and Miles, Andrew, (eds.) The effective management of stress urinary incontinence. London, U.K. : Aesculapius Medical Press. pp. 45-63. ISBN 1903044464
Lacchini, Audrey H., Davies, Angela J., Mackintosh, David and Walker, Anthony J. (2006) [Beta]-1, 3-glucan modulates PKC signalling in Lymnaea stagnalis defence cells: a role for PKC in H[sub]2O[sub]2 production and downstream ERK activation. The Journal of Experimental Biology (JEB), 209(24), pp. 4829-4840. ISSN (print) 0022-0949
Lane, H.A., Grace, F., Smith, J.C., Morris, K., Cockcroft, J., Scanlon, M.F. and Davies, J.S. (2006) Impaired vasoreactivity in bodybuilders using androgenic anabolic steroids. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 36(7), pp. 483-488. ISSN (print) 0014-2972
Lee, Iris F. K., Lee, Diana T. F. and Mackenzie, Anne E. (2006) Correlates of functional limitations in older Chinese patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Hong Kong. Heart & Lung : the journal of acute and critical care, 35(5), pp. 324-333. ISSN (print) 0147-9563
Lewko, A, Canavan, J, Spencer, M and Garrod, R (2006) An evaluation of relationships between fatigue and depression in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In: British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2006; 6-8 December 2006, London, England.
Lindsay, Jane and Baidoun, Mahmoud (2006) Professional supervision in Palestine: a participatory evaluation of a development project. In: Global Conference on Social Work; Sep 2006, Santiago de Chile, Chile. (Unpublished)
Lock, N, Horner, P and Cotterill, S (2006) Initial experiences of using an ePortfolio for authentication of students' practice records. In: Symposium on Medical Interactice eLearning (SMILE) 2006; 13-15 Sep 2006, Sestri Levante, Italy.
Loehle, Jennifer A., Cornish, Valerie, Wakefield, Larissa, Doll, Mark A., Neale, Jason R., Zang, Yu, Sim, Edith and Hein, David W. (2006) N-acetyltransferase (Nat) 1 and 2 expression in Nat2 knockout mice. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 319(2), pp. 724-728. ISSN (print) 0022-3565
Long, Cathy and Cronin-Davis, Jane, eds. (2006) Occupational therapy evidence in practice for mental health. Oxford, U.K. : Blackwell. 196p. ISBN 9781405146661
Lucas, Marilyn, Damianova, Maria, Burney, Sue and Ponto, Maria (2006) Globalization and cultural specificity in stress and coping among female and male students studying in South Africa and Australia. In: International Education, A Matter of Heart; 13-16 Feb 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Mackey, B.M., Kelly, Alison F., Colvin, J.A., Robbins, P.T. and Fryer, P.J. (2006) Predicting the thermal inactivation of bacteria in a solid matrix: simulation studies on the relative effects of microbial thermal resistance parameters and process conditions. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 107(3), pp. 295-303. ISSN (online) 0168-1605
Mboto, C.I., Davies, A., Fielder, M. and Jewell, A.P. (2006) Human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C co-infection in sub-Saharan West Africa. British Journal of Biomedical Science, 63(1), pp. 29-37.
Mein, Gill and Ellison, G.T.H (2006) The impact of early retirement on perceptions of life at work and at home: qualitative analyses of British civil servants participating in the Whitehall II Retirement Study. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 63(3), pp. 187-216. ISSN (print) 0091-4150
Naidu, Y., Schapira, A. H., Martinez-Martin, P, Sethi, K., Odin, P., Stocchi, F., Ondo, W., Olanow, C. W., Barone, P., MacMahon, D., MacPhee, G., Forbes, A., Rabey, M., Breen, K., Bowron, A., Tluk, S., Thomas, S., Abe, K., Williams, A., Rye, D. and Chaudhuri, K. R. (2006) International validation study of the first comprehensive unified non-motor symptoms scale (NMSS) for Parkinson’s disease (PD). In: The Movement Disorder Society's Tenth International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders; 28 Oct - 02 Nov 2006, Kyoto, Japan.
Nandi, Manasi, Leiper, James, Arrigoni, Francesca, Hislop, Alison, Vallance, Patrick and Haywoth, Sheila (2006) Developmental regulation of GTP-CH1 in the porcine lung and its relationship to pulmonary vascular relaxation. Pediatric Research, 59(6), pp. 767-772. ISSN (print) 0031-3998
Nelstrop, Louise, Chandler-Oatts, Jackie, Bingley, William, Bleetman, Tony, Corr, Frank, Cronin-Davis, Jane, Fraher, Donna-Maria, Hardy, Phil, Jones, Sophie, Gournay, Kevin, Johnston, Sue, Pereira, Stephen, Pratt, Peter, Tucker, Rick and Tsuchiya, Aki (2006) A systematic review of the safety and effectiveness of restraint and seclusion as interventions for the short-term management of violence in adult psychiatric inpatient settings and emergency departments. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 3(1), pp. 8-18. ISSN (print) 1545-102X
Nieland, N P R, Moynihan, H A, Carrington, S, Broadbear, J, Woods, J H, Traynor, J R, Husbands, S M and Lewis, J W (2006) Structural determinants of opioid activity in derivatives of 14-aminomorphinones: Effect of substitution in the aromatic ring of cinnamoylaminomorphinones and codeinones. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 49(17), pp. 5333-5338. ISSN (online) 1520-4804
Outram, Simon M. and Ellison, George T.H. (2006) The truth will out: scientific pragmatism and the geneticization of race and ethnicity. In: Ellison, George T.H. and Goodman, Alan H., (eds.) The nature of difference: science, society and human biology. London : CRC Press. pp. 157-180. (Society for the Study of Human Biology, (45)) ISBN 9780849327209
Page, N M, Dakour, J and Morrish, DW (2006) Gene regulation of neurokinin B and its receptor NK3 in late pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. Molecular Human Reproduction, 12(7), pp. 427-433. ISSN (print) 1360-9947
Page, N. M. (2006) Characterization of the gene structures, precursor processing and pharmacology of the endokinin peptides. Vascular Pharmacology, 45(4), pp. 200-208. ISSN (print) 1537-1891
Page, N.M., Dakour, J. and Morrish, D.W. (2006) Gene regulation of neurokinin B and its receptor NK3 in late pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. Molecular Human Reproduction, 12(7), pp. 427-433. ISSN (print) 1360-9947
Page, NM (2006) Characterization of the gene structures, precursor processing and pharmacology of the endokinin peptides. In: Tachykinins and Their Receptors, An International Meeting; 02/2005-02/2005, Breckenridge, CO.
Pearce, Mark S., Hammal, Donna M., Dorak, M. Tevfik, McNally, Richard J.Q. and Parker, Louise (2006) Paternal occupational exposure to pesticides or herbicides as risk factors for cancer in children and young adults: a case-control study From the North of England. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, 61(3), pp. 138-144. ISSN (print) 1933-8244
Pennefather, JN, Patak, E, Ziccone, S, Lilley, A, Pinto, FM, Page, NM, Story, ME, Grover, S and Candenas, ML (2006) Regulation of the stimulant actions of neurokinin A and human hemokinin-1 on the human uterus: A comparison with histamine. Biology of Reproduction, 75(3), pp. 334-341. ISSN (print) 0006-3363
Plows, Louise D., Cook, Richard T., Davies, Angela J. and Walker, Anthony J. (2006) Integrin engagement modulates the phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase, phagocytosis, and cell spreading in molluscan defence cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1763(8), pp. 779-786. ISSN (print) 0167-4889
Ponto, Maria (2006) Using quantitative and qualitative methods within one study. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 11(2), pp. 153-163. ISSN (print) 1642-1043
Puyol, Marta, Seddon, Alan and Khan, Gulfaraz (2006) Cell cycle and cancer: cycling out of control. Pakistan Journal of Pathology, 17(2), pp. 85-89. ISSN (print) 1024-6193
Ramdharry, GM, Marsden, JF, Day, BL and Thompson, AJ (2006) De-stabilising and training effects of foot orthoses in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 12(2), pp. 219-226. ISSN (print) 1352-4585
Ramdharry, Gita (2006) Case report: Physiotherapy cuts the dose of botulinum toxin. Physiotherapy Research International, 11(2), pp. 117-122. ISSN (print) 1358-2267
Redfern, S., Ross, F., McLaren, S. and Christian, S. (2006) Pathways to innovation in health care. In: Casebeer, Ann L. , Harrison, Alexandra and Mark, Annabelle L., (eds.) Innovations in health care: a reality check. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 157-173. ISBN 9781403947482
Rodrigues-Lima, F., Dairou, J., Diaz, C.L., Rubio, M.C., Sim, E., Spaink, H.P. and Dupret, J.M. (2006) Cloning, functional expression and characterization of Mesorhizobium loti arylamine N-acetyltransferases: rhizobial symbiosis supplies leguminous plants with the xenobiotic N-acetylation pathway. Molecular Microbiology, 60(2), pp. 505-512. ISSN (print) 0950-382X
Ross, Fiona and Barr, Hugh (2006) Framing and reframing. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 20(1), pp. 1-2. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Salar Amoli, H., Barker, J. and Flowers, A. (2006) Electrodeposition and determination of nano-scale uranium and plutonium using alpha-spectroscopy. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 268(3), pp. 497-501. ISSN (print) 0236-5731
Shaw, Jackie, Bidgood, Penelope and Saebi, Nasrollah (2006) Exploring acupuncture outcomes in a college clinic Part 1: Patient profile and evaluation of overall treatment. European Journal of Oriental Medicine, 5(4), pp. 50-63. ISSN (print) 1351-6647
Thakur, Sapna (2006) Assessment of protease activity in endothelial cells and its role in tumour angiogenesis and spread. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Thomson, Di, Richardson, Barbara and Steward, Barbara (2006) An ethnographic study into the social meaning and function of humour in physiotherapy practice. In: 6th European Qualitative Research Conference in Health and Social Care; 04-06 Sep 2006, Bournemouth, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Tyrrell, Elizabeth (2006) A complex issue. Chemistry & Industry(9), pp. 22-23. ISSN (print) 0009-3068
Vangala, Anil, Kirby, Daniel, Rosenkrands, Ida, Agger, Else Marie, Andersen, Peter and Perrie, Yvonne (2006) A comparative study of cationic liposome and niosome-based adjuvant systems for protein subunit vaccines: characterisation, environmental scanning electron microscopy and immunisation studies in mice. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 58(6), pp. 787-799. ISSN (print) 0022-3573
Wakefield, Larissa, Kawamura, Akane, Long, Hilary and Sim, Edith (2006) Abstract: Neuroendocrine expression of mouse arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2. Genetical Research, 88(1), p. 74. ISSN (print) 0016-6723
Wallace, Paul, Bowling, Ann and Roberts, Jennifer A. (2006) Better services and more choice in the NHS - leaders should not ignore the pitfalls and benefits of bringing services to the doorstep. British Medical Journal (BMJ), 333(7558), 56 - 57. ISSN (print) 1756-1833
Weiss, David J., Shanteau, James and Harries, Priscilla (2006) People who judge people. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 19(5), pp. 441-454. ISSN (print) 0894-3257
Westwood, I. M., Kawamura, A., Fullam, E., Russell, A. J., Davies, S. G. and Sim, E. (2006) Structure and mechanism of arylamine N-acetyltransferases. Current Topics In Medicinal Chemistry, 6(15), pp. 1641-1654. ISSN (print) 1568-0266
White, Sue , Fook, Jan and Gardner, Fiona, eds. (2006) Critical reflection in health and social care. Maidenhead : Open University Press. 273p. ISBN 9780335218790
Wilson, John, Haddow, Olivia, Clark, Johnathon, Irwin, Laura, Easton, Chris, Fudge, Barry, Kayser, Bengt and Pitsiladis, Yannis (2006) Tri-axial accelerometry as a simple means to estimate fast running speeds. In: American College of Sports Medicine 53rd Annual Meeting; 31 May - 03 Jun 2006, Denver, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Wright, Bernice, Lacchini, Audrey H., Davies, Angela J. and Walker, Anthony J. (2006) Regulation of nitric oxide production in snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) defence cells: a role for PKC and ERK signalling pathways. Biology of the Cell, 98(5), pp. 265-278. ISSN (print) 0248-4900