Items where Kingston Author is "Jones, Ian"

Jones, Ian Rees (2006) Book Review of: 'New medical technologies and society: reordering life' by Nik Brown and Andrew Webster and 'Government medicine: theory and practice' by Andrew Gray and Stephen Harrison (eds). Sociology, 40(1), pp. 193-196. ISSN (print) 0038-0385
Berney, Lee, Kelly, Moira, Doyal, Len, Feder, Gene, Griffiths, Chris and Jones, Ian Rees (2005) Ethical principles and the rationing of health care : a qualitative study in general practice. The British Journal of General Practice, 55(517), pp. 620-625. ISSN (print) 0960-1643
Jones, I. R., Berney, L., Kelly, M., Doyal, L., Griffiths, C., Feder, G., Hillier, S., Rowland, G. and Curtis, S. (2004) Is patient involvement possible when decisions involve scarce resources? A qualitative study of decision-making in primary care. Social Science & Medicine, 59(1), pp. 93-102. ISSN (online) 0277-9536
Jones, Ian Rees (2003) Power, present and past: for a historical sociology of health and illness. Social Theory & Health, 1(2), pp. 130-148. ISSN (print) 1477-8211
Jones, Ian Rees (2002) Book Review of: Work stress: the making of a modern epidemic by David Wainright and Michael Calnan. International Journal of Epidemiology, 31(6), pp. 1282-1283. ISSN (print) 0300-5771
Jones, Ian Rees (2002) Book Review of: Late Victorian holocausts: El Nino famines and the making of the Third World by Mike Davis. Critical Public Health, 12(1), pp. 87-88. ISSN (print) 0958-1596
Jones, Ian Rees (2001) Book Review of: The widening gap: health inequalities and policy in Britain by Mary Shaw, Daniel Dorling, David Gordon and George Davey Smith. Journal of Social Policy, 30(4), pp. 772-774. ISSN (print) 0047-2794
Congdon, P., Campos, R.M., Curtis, S.E., Southall, H.R., Gregory, I.N. and Jones, I.R. (2001) Quantifying and explaining changes in geographical inequality of infant mortality in England and Wales since the 1890s. International Journal of Population Geography, 7(1), pp. 35-51. ISSN (print) 1077-3495
Banatvala, N., Cramp, A., Jones, I.R. and Feldman, R.A. (1999) Salmonellosis in North Thames (East), UK: associated risk factors. Epidemiology and Infection, 122(2), pp. 201-207. ISSN (print) 0950-2688
Curtis, Sarah and Jones, Ian Rees (1998) Is there a place for geography in the analysis of health inequality? Sociology of Health & Illness, 20(5), pp. 645-672. ISSN (print) 0141-9889
Jones, Ian Rees, Urwin, Gillian, Feldman, Roger A. and Banatvala, Nicholas (1997) Social deprivation and bacterial meningitis in North East Thames region: a three year study using small area statistics. British Medical Journal, 314(7083), pp. 794-795. ISSN (print) 0959-8138
Hull, Sally, Jones, Ian Rees and Moser, Kath (1997) Factors influencing the attendance rate at accident and emergency departments in East London: the contributions of practice organization, population characteristics and distance. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 2(1), pp. 6-13. ISSN (print) 1355-8196
Book Section
Higgs, Paul and Jones, Ian Rees (2003) Ultra-Darwinism and health: the limits to evolutionary psychology. In: Williams, Simon J. , Birke, Lynda and Bendelow, Gillian A., (eds.) Debating biology: sociological reflections on health, medicine and society. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 27-38. ISBN 041527902x
Scambler, Graham, Higgs, Paul and Jones, Ian Rees (2002) A critical realist perspective on class relations and health inequalities. In: Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs, (ed.) Social inequalities, health and health care delivery. Amsterdam, Netherlands : JAI. (Research in the Sociology of Healthcare, 20) ISBN 9780762309573
Higgs, Paul and Jones, Ian Rees (2001) Finite resources and infinite demand: public participation in health care rationing. In: Scambler, Graham, (ed.) Habermas, crticial theory and health. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 143-162. ISBN 9780415191821
Jones, Ian Rees (2001) Habermas or Foucault or Habermas and Foucault?: the implications of a shifting debate for medical sociology. In: Scambler, Graham, (ed.) Habermas, crticial theory and health. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 163-181. ISBN 9780415191821
Jones, Ian Rees (2001) Health care decision making and the politics of health. In: Scambler, Graham, (ed.) Habermas, crticial theory and health. London, UK : Routledge. pp. 68-85. ISBN 9780415191821