Items where Faculty is "Faculty of Science (until 2011)"

Adat, Shaheen, Owen, Caroline P. and Ahmed, Sabbir (2007) Inhibition of aromatase (AR) by benzyl azole-based compounds. Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 4(8), pp. 545-549. ISSN (print) 1570-1808
Aidoo-Gyamfi, Kwabina-Nyamekye (2007) Synthesis of potential inhibitors of estrone sulfatase in the treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Ansley, L., Petersen, D., Thomas, A., St Clair Gibson, A., Robson-Ansley, P. and Noakes, T.D. (2007) The effect of breathing an ambient low-density, hyperoxic gas on the perceived effort of breathing and maximal performance of exercise in well-trained athletes. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 41(1), pp. 2-7. ISSN (print) 0306-3674
Beeskow, Bettina (2007) The occurrence, distribution and orgin of hydrocarbons in the Khibiny Nepheline Syenite Complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Bender, B., Hamilton, S., Tilley, C., Anderson, E. [Contributor], Harrison, S. [Contributor], Herring, P. [Contributor], Waller, M. [Contributor], Williams, T. [Contributor] and Wilmore, M. [Contributor] (2007) Stone Worlds: Narrative and Reflexivity in Landscape Archaeology. California, USA : Left Coast Press. (Publications of the Institute of Archaeology University College London Publications of the Institute of Archaeology University College London) ISBN 9781598742183
Bidgood, Penelope, Denholm-Price, James, Fielder, Mark, Petróczi, Andrea and Thompson, Richard (2007) Predicting Response to Antiretroviral Treatments in HIV Patients - the EuResist Project. In: Statistics in Public Policy-Making: Hope vs. Reality; 16 -20 Jul 2007, York, U.K..
Camposeo, A., Polo, M., Cingolani, R., Pisignano, D., Tavazzi, S., Silvestri, L., Spearman, P., Campione, M., Papagni, A. and Borghesi, L. (2007) Photoluminescence, polarization, waveguiding and gain properties of organic semiconductor single crystals. In: European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2007 and the International Quantum Electronics Conference. CLEOE-IQEC 2007; 17-22 June 2007, Munich, Germany. ISBN 9781424409310
Chalé-Rush, Angela, Burgess, John R. and Mattes, Richard D. (2007) Evidence for human orosensory (taste?) sensitivity to free fatty acids. Chemical Senses, 32(5), pp. 423-431. ISSN (print) 0379-864X
Chalé-Rush, Angela, Burgess, John R. and Mattes, Richard D. (2007) Multiple routes of chemosensitivity to free fatty acids in humans. American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology, 292(5), G1206-G1212. ISSN (print) 0193-1857
Corcionivoschi, N., Clyne, M., Lamoureux, M., Lyons, A., Wren, B., Dorell, N., Karlyshev, A., Szymanski, C. and Bourke, B. (2007) Alteration in bacterial polysaccharides following co-culture with human epithelial cells. In: 107th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology; 21 - 25 May 2007, Toronto, Canada.
Darr, Shehla (2007) Compression recovery of rigid polymer foams following confinement at elevated temperature. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Dorak, M. Tevfik, Pearce, Mark S., Hammal, Donna M., McNally, Richard J. Q. and Parker, Louise (2007) Examination of gender effect in birth weight and miscarriage associations with childhood cancer (United Kingdom). Cancer Causes & Control, 18(2), pp. 219-228. ISSN (print) 0957-5243
Dorak, M. Tevfik, McNally, Richard J. Q. and Parker, Louise (2007) Re: “Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and infections in the first year of life: a report from the United Kingdom Childhood Cancer Study”. American Journal of Epidemiology, 166(3), pp. 364-365. ISSN (print) 0002-9262
Easton, Chris, Turner, Stephen and Pitsiladis, Yannis P (2007) Creatine and glycerol hyperhydration in trained subjects prior to exercise in the heat. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 17(1), pp. 70-91. ISSN (print) 1543-2742
Easton, Chris, Finlay, Craig, Morrison, Grant and Spurway, Neil C (2007) Effects of dynamic upper body exercise on lower limb isometric endurance. Journal of Sports Sciences, 25(10), pp. 1101-1107. ISSN (print) 0264-0414
Easton, Chris, Fudge, Barry W and Pitsiladis, Yannis P (2007) Rectal, telemetry pill and tympanic membrane thermometry during exercise heat stress. Journal of Thermal Biology, 32(2), pp. 78-86. ISSN (print) 0306-4565
Fisher, A.E.O. and Naughton, D.P. (2007) Zinc(II) complex of the EDTA bis(tyrosine) chelating agent. Journal of Structural Chemistry, 48(4), pp. 711-714. ISSN (print) 0022-4766
Ghazal, H., Dyas, A. M., Ford, J. L. and Hutcheon, G. A. (2007) The intrinsic dissolution rate of ketoconazole in proteinaceous biorelevant media. In: British Pharmaceutical Conference (BPC); 10 - 12 Sep 2007, Manchester, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Goldsmith, Paul Christian (2007) Remote sensing the radionuclide contaminated Belarusian landscape : predicting [sup]137 Cs content in 'Pinus sylvestris'. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Hague, Theresa, Andrews, Paul, Barker, James and Naughton, Declan, P (2007) Catalytic anti-oxidants: is the way forward back to Nature? Screening: Trends in Drug Discovery, 8(1), pp. 18-20. ISSN (print) 1616-5888
Hayes, P M, Smit, N J and Davies, A J (2007) Pathology associated with parasitic juvenile gnathiids feeding on the puffadder shyshark, Haploblepharus edwardsii (Voight). Journal Of Fish Diseases, 30(1), pp. 55-58. ISSN (print) 0140-7775
Hayes, Polly May (2007) Gnathiids, leeches and blood protozoans of marine fishes: morphological, pathological, developmental and molecular approaches. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Hilton, Stephen and Jones, Keith (2007) The tandem radical route to indole alkaloids: an unusual rearrangement reaction. ARKIVOC, pp. 120-128. ISSN (print) 1551-7004
Jindrich, Devin, Smith, Nicola C., Jespers, Karin and Wilson, Alan M. (2007) Mechanics of cutting manoeuvres by ostriches ('Struthio camelus'). Journal of Experimental Biology, 210(8), pp. 1378-1390. ISSN (print) 0022-0949
Karlyshev, A., Thacker, G., Jones, M.A., Clements, M.O. and Wren, B.W. (2007) Campylobacter proteases and their role in colonization and stress responses. In: 14th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms; 2-5 Sept 2007, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Karlyshev, A.V. (2007) Genetics and properties of a novel capsule produced by untypable strain X of C. jejuni. In: 14th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms; 2-5 Sept 2007, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Khan, Humma (2007) The influence of tumour angiogenesis on the metastatic potential of colorectal carcinomas. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Koenders, M.A. and Petford, N. (2007) Shear-induced pressure changes and seepage phenomena in a deforming porous layer-III. Geophysical Journal International, 171(2), pp. 943-953. ISSN (print) 0956-540X
Lacchini, A.H., Everington, M.L., Augousti, A.T. and Walker, A.J. (2007) Use of C. Elegans as a model organism for sensing the effects of ELF-EMFs. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 76, 012027. ISSN (online) 1742-6596
Lacchini, Audrey Helene (2007) Protein kinase C signalling in 'Lymnaea stagnalis' haemocytes: a role in molluscan defence. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Leung, V, Colombo, A, Orwell, J and Velastin, SA (2007) Modelling periodic scene elements for visual surveillance. In: Visual Information Engineering 2007 : Bridging the gap between theory and applications; 25 - 27 July 2007, London, U.K..
Lockyer, AE, Spinks, JN, Walker, AJ, Kane, RA, Noble, LR, Rollinson, D, Dias-Neto, E and Jones, CS (2007) Biomphalaria glabrata transcriptome: Identification of cell-signalling, transcriptional control and immune-related genes from open reading frame expressed sequence tags (ORESTES). Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 31(8), pp. 763-782. ISSN (print) 0145-305X
Lota, Rupinder, Dhanani, Sachin, Owen, Caroline and Ahmed, Sabbir (2007) Search for potential non-steroidal inhibitors of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (170-HSD) in the treatment of hormone-dependent cancers. Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 4(3), pp. 180-184. ISSN (print) 1570-1808
Magnanti, Brooke, Dorak, M. Tevfik, Parker, Louise and McNally, Richard J.Q. (2007) Sex-specific temporal trends in the incidence of cancer in children and young adults in northern England. In: 39th Annual Conference of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology; 31 Oct - 03 Nov 2007, Mumbai, India.
McKenzie, C. A., McKinnon, W., Naughton, D. P., Treacher, D., Davies, G., Philips, G. J. and Hilton, P. J. (2007) [Abstract] Oversedation and Midazolam (MDZ) in the intensive care unit (ICU). Pharmacy World & Science, 29(3), pp. 291-293. ISSN (print) 0928-1231
McNally, Richard J. Q., Dorak, M. Tevfik, Pearce, Mark S. and Parker, Louise (2007) Author response: no sex difference observed in the association between intra-uterine growth and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Cancer Causes & Control, 18(10), p. 1229. ISSN (print) 0957-5243
O'Malley, Hubert A. (2007) The electrochromic properties of conducting polymers. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Olusanjo, Moniola and Ahmed, Sabbir (2007) The Derivation of a Potential Transition-State for the Reduction Reaction Catalysed by 17β -Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 3 (17β -HSD) - An Approximate Representation of its Active Site for Use in Drug Design and Discovery. Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 4(7), pp. 527-531. ISSN (print) 1570-1808
Owen, Caroline, Patel, Mijal, Patel, Chirag, Cartledge, Tim and Ahmed, Sabbir (2007) Synthesis and in vitro biochemical evaluation of a series of compounds as potential inhibitors of estrone sulfatase (ES) and the role of pK(a) in both the synthesis and the inhibitory activity of the potential inhibitors. Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 4(6), pp. 394-398. ISSN (print) 1570-1808
Owen, Caroline, Patel, Chirag, Cartledge, Tim and Ahmed, Sabbir (2007) Synthesis and in vitro biochemical evaluation of a series of cycloalkyl esters of 4-sulfamoylated benzoic acid as inhibitors of estrone sulfatase (ES). Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 4(6), pp. 399-403. ISSN (print) 1570-1808
Owen, Caroline, Dhanani, Sachin, Patel, Chirag and Ahmed, Sabbir (2007) Synthesis, biochemical evaluation and rationalisation of the inhibitory activity of a series of 4-substituted phenyl alkyl triazole-based compounds as potential inhibitors of 17 alpha-hydroxylase/17,20-lyase (P450(17 alpha)). Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 4(7), pp. 479-483. ISSN (print) 1570-1808
Oyston, Petra, Karlyshev, Andrey, Wren, Brendan and Titball, Richard (2007) Signature-tagged Mutagenesis of Yersinia pestis. In: 8th International Symposium on Yersinia; 4-8 Sept 2002, Turka, Finland. ISBN 9780387721231
Pearce, Mark S., Hammal, Donna M., Dorak, M. Tevfik, McNally, Richard J.Q. and Parker, Louise (2007) Paternal occupational exposure to electro-magnetic fields as a risk factor for cancer in children and young adults: A case-control study from the North of England. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 49(3), pp. 280-286. ISSN (print) 1545-5009
Renshaw, Layla (2007) The Iconography of exhumation: representations of mass graves from the Spanish Civil War. In: Clack, Timothy and Brittain, Marcus, (eds.) Archaeology and the Media. Walnut Creek, California, USA : Left Coast Press. pp. 237-252. ISBN 9781598742336
Riedel, Sven Manfred (2007) Developments in tensiographic multivariate analysis leading to a new approach with prevalent applicability for sample fingerprinting and data representation. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Rosas-Magallanes, Vania, Stadthagen-Gomez, Gustavo, Rauzier, Jean, Barreiro, Luis B., Tailleux, Ludovic, Boudou, Frederic, Griffin, Ruth, Nigou, Jerome, Jackson, Mary, Gicquel, Brigitte and Neyrolles, Olivier (2007) Signature-tagged transposon mutagenesis identifies novel ' Mycobacterium tuberculosis ' genes involved in the parasitism of human macrophages. Infection And Immunity, 75(1), pp. 504-507. ISSN (print) 0019-9567
Rose, Abigail, Crabb, Eleanor M., Qian, Yangdong, Ravikumar, M.K., Wells, Peter P., Wiltshire, Richard J.K., Yao, Jun, Bilsborrow, Robert, Mosselmans, Fred and Russell, Andrea E. (2007) Potential dependence of segregation and surface alloy formation of a Ru modified carbon supported Pt catalyst. Electrochimica Acta, 52(18), pp. 5556-5564.
Sabagh, Basseem (2007) Intrinsically conducting polymers. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Simpson, Susan Margaret (2007) An investigation into the uptake and farmer acceptance of the Countryside Steward Scheme in Southern England. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Sinclair, Alex and Stockman, Robert (2007) Thirty-five years of synthetic studies directed towards the histrionicotoxin family of alkaloids. Natural Product Reports, 24(2), pp. 298-326. ISSN (print) 0265-0568
Smith, N.C., Payne, R.C., Jespers, K.J. and Wilson, A.M. (2007) Muscle moment arms of pelvic limb muscles of the ostrich ('Struthio Ccamelus'). Journal of Anatomy, 211(3), pp. 313-324. ISSN (print) 0021-8782
Spano, F. C., Silvestri, L., Spearman, P., Raimondo, L. and Tavazzi, S. (2007) Reclassifying exciton-phonon coupling in molecular aggregates: evidence of strong nonadiabatic coupling in oligothiophene crystals. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 127(18), p. 184703. ISSN (print) 0021-9606
Tavazzi, S, Raimondo, L, Silvestri, L, Spearman, P, Moret, M and Borghesi, A (2007) Interface properties and refraction of light in twin-layered organic semiconductors. Journal of Physics Conference Series, 61, pp. 1175-1179. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Tavazzi, S., Miozzo, L., Papagni, A., Raimondo, L., Silvestri, L., Spearman, P., Camposeo, A., Polo, M. and Pisignano, D. (2007) Exciton self-trapping in tetrafluoro-dimethyl-aminoacridine single crystals. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 126(23), p. 234501. ISSN (print) 0021-9606
Tavazzi, S., Silvestri, L., Campione, M., Borghesi, A., Papagni, A., Spearman, P. and Yassar, A. (2007) Generalized ellipsometry and dielectric tensor of rubrene single crystals. Journal of Applied Physics, 102(2), 023107. ISSN (print) 0021-8979
Tavazzi, S., Borghesi, A., Papagni, A., Spearman, P., Silvestri, L., Yassar, A., Camposeo, A., Polo, M. and Pisignano, D. (2007) Optical response and emission waveguiding in rubrene crystals. Physical Review B, 75(24), p. 245416. ISSN (print) 1098-0121
Taylor, G.K., Grocott, J., Dashwood, B., Gipson, M. and Arevalo, C. (2007) Implications for crustal rotation and tectonic evolution in the central Andes fore arc: New paleomagnetic results from the Copiapo region of northern Chile, 26 degrees-28 degrees S. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 112(B1), B01102. ISSN (print) 2169-9313
Thomas, Mark Edward (2007) Geomechanics of volcano instability and the effects of internally elevated pore fluid (gas) pressures. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Truelove, Leigh (2007) Tectonic setting, age and emplacement mechanisms of the end-Cretaceous to Palaeocene magmatic arc system, Precordillera of Vallenar, Northern Chile. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Veselinovic-Williams, Milica, Treloar, Peter and Rankin, Andrew (2007) The origin and evolution of the Belo Brdo Pb-Zn deposit, northern Kosovo: a preliminary field based interpretation. In: 9th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits; 20 - 23 Aug 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
Waheed, A., Aidoo-Gyamfi, K., Owen, C. and Ahmed, S. (2007) The synthesis of a series of amides based upon 4-hydroxybenzoic acid in the development of potential inhibitors of the enzymes oestrone sulphatase. In: The British Pharmaceutical Conference; 10 - 12 Sept 2007, Manchester, U.K..
Wang, Yiwei (2007) Improving 3D matrices for tissue engineering using advanced drug delivery techniques. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Yang, Handong, Linge, Kathryn and Rose, Neil (2007) The Pb pollution fingerprint at Lochnagar: The historical record and current status of Pb isotopes. Environmental Pollution, 145(3), pp. 723-729. ISSN (print) 0269-7491
Yong, Kok Chong (2007) Conducting elastomer blends. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .