Number of items: 51.
Elliott, Karen, Marks-Maran, Diane and Bach, Rene
Teaching student nurses how to use electronic patient records through simulation : a case study.
Nurse Education in Practice, 30,
pp. 7-12.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Gale, Julia, Ooms, Ann, Grant, Robert, Paget, Kris and Marks-Maran, Di
Student nurse selection and predictability of academic success : the Multiple Mini Interview project.
Nurse Education Today, 40,
pp. 123-127.
ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Davenport, Maggie, Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Di
Learning about population-health through a community practice learning project: An evaluation study.
Nurse Education in Practice, 17,
pp. 43-51.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Smith, Penny, Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Di
Active involvement of learning disabilities service users in the development and delivery of a teaching session to pre-registration nurses : students' perspectives.
Nurse Education in Practice, 16(1),
pp. 111-118.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Gale, Julia, Ooms, Ann, Sharples, Kath and Marks-Maran, Di
The experiences of student nurses on placements with practice nurses : a pilot study.
Nurse Education in Practice, 16(1),
pp. 225-234.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Marks-Maran, Diane
Educational research methods for researching innovations in teaching, learning and assessment: the nursing lecturer as researcher.
Nurse Education in Practice, 15(6),
pp. 472-479.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Morris-Thompson, Trish and Marks-Maran, Diane
Nurses in independent care homes : issues, challenges and potential.
British Journal of Nursing, 24(14),
pp. 734-737.
ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Foster, Helen, Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Di
Nursing students' expectations and experiences of mentorship.
Nurse Education Today, 35(1),
pp. 18-24.
ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Gale, Julia, Ooms, Ann, Newcombe, Paul and Marks-Maran, Di
Students' first year experience of a BSc (Hons) in nursing: a pilot study.
Nurse Education Today, 35(1),
pp. 256-264.
ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Rush, Sue, Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Di and Firth, Terry
Students' perceptions of practice assessment in the skills laboratory: an evaluation study of OSCAs with immediate feedback.
Nurse Education in Practice, 14(6),
pp. 627-634.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Sharples, Kath, Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Di
Preparing pre-registration student nurses in the UK and Australia for learning in clinical practice.
In: NET2014: 25th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference;
02-04 Sep 2014, Cambridge, U.K..
Ooms, Ann, Sharples, Kath and Marks-Maran, Diane
A longitudinal evaluation model for monitoring the quality and equality of nursing practice placements: the student view.
In: AERA 2014 Annual Meeting: The Power of Education Research for Innovation in Practice and Policy;
03-07 Apr 2014, Philadelphia, U.S.A..
Ross, Fiona, Marks-Maran, Di and Tye, Christopher
A foot in two camps: an exploratory study of nurse leaders in universities.
Nurse Education Today, 33(11),
pp. 1342-1346.
ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Marks-Maran, Di, Ooms, Ann, Tapping, Jen, Muir, Jenny, Phillips, Sonia and Burke, Linda
A preceptorship programme for newly qualified nurses: a study of preceptees' perceptions.
Nurse Education Today, 33(11),
pp. 1428-1434.
ISSN (print) 0260-6917
Heatley, Sue, Newcombe, Paul, Ooms, Ann, Menzies-Gow, Emma and Marks-Maran, Diane
Students’ experiences of undertaking a work-based learning module as part of a Diploma/BSc (Hons) in healthcare practice 2009-2011.
In: NET2013: 24th International Networking for Healthcare Education Conference;
03-05 Sep 2013, Cambridge, U.K..
Ross, Fiona, Marks-Maran, Di, Tye, Christopher, Collington, Val and Hudson, Andy
Leadership of practice disciplines in universities: the case of nurses and teachers.
(Discussion Paper)
London, U.K. : Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.
35 p.
ISBN 9781906627522
Rush, Susan, Shepherd, Lindsay, Firth, Terry and Marks-Maran, Diane
Practising for progression into nursing: a collaborative approach to the preparation of potential nursing students.
Nurse Education in Practice, 13(5),
pp. 377-381.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Diana and Ross, Fiona
Using an iterative evaluation approach to enhance the quality of learning, teaching and assessment.
In: EAIR 35th Annual Forum 2013: the impact of Higher Education: addressing the challenges of the 21st century;
28-31 Aug 2013, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Muir, Jenny, Ooms, Ann, Tapping, Jennifer, Marks-Maran, Diane, Phillips, Sonia and Burke, Linda
Preceptors' Perceptions of a Preceptorship Programme for Newly Qualified Nurses.
Nurse Education Today, 33(6),
pp. 633-638.
Ooms, Ann, Fergy, Susan, Marks-Maran, Diane, Burke, Linda and Sheehy, Karen
Providing learning support to nursing students: a study of two universities.
Nurse Education in Practice, 13(2),
pp. 89-95.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Phillips, Sonia S, Tapping, Jen, Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Diane and Godden, Ruth
A preceptorship programme for health visitors and school nurses: a pilot study.
Community Practitioner, 86(1),
pp. 18-22.
Tapping, Jen, Muir, Jenny and Marks-Maran, Diane
How first experiences influence newly qualified nurses.
British Journal of Nursing, 22(2),
pp. 102-109.
ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Marks-Maran, Diane and Ooms, Ann
Impact on lecturers of working with a research mentor to assist them to undertake educational evaluative research and publish their research.
In: European Conference for Educational Research 2012: The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All;
18-21 Sep 2012, Cadiz, Spain.
Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Diane
The evaluation of support service provision to Higher Education students at two Universities in the United Kingdom.
In: European Conference for Educational Research 2012: The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All;
18-21 Sep 2012, Cadiz, Spain.
Rush, Susan, Firth, Terry, Burke, Linda and Marks-Maran, Di
Implementation and evaluation of peer assessment of clinical skills for first year student nurses.
Nurse Education in Practice, 12(4),
pp. 219-226.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Chu, Christine, Perkins, Andrew and Marks-Maran, Diane
Delivering a transition programme in literacy from level 4 to level 5 for nursing students: a pilot study.
Nurse Education in Practice, 12(2),
pp. 77-82.
ISSN (print) 1471-5953
Morris-Thompson, Trish, Shepherd, Janet, Rogers, Maggie, Ladbury, Briony, Kirk, Catherine and Marks-Maran, Diane
Safeguarding children: the benefits of a peer-review process.
British Journal of Nursing, 21(12),
pp. 742-747.
ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Ooms, A., Burke, L. M., Marks-Maran, D. J., Webb, M. and Cooper, D.
Students' perceptions of foundation degrees.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 36(3),
pp. 403-421.
ISSN (print) 0309-877X
Phillips, Sonia, Berman, Shirley, Hector, Sarah, Tapping, Jennifer, Ooms, Ann and Marks-Maran, Diane
An evaluation study of a clinical supervision programme.
Dental Nursing, 8(12),
pp. 794-799.
ISSN (online) 1749-6799
Tolley, Kim, Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Di, Acton, Lesley and Rush, Sue
The snapshot pre-registration assessment tool. Part 1: background, literature and research.
British Journal of Nursing, 20(17),
pp. 1139-1142.
ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Morris-Thompson, Trish, Shepherd, Janet, Plata, Robin and Marks-Maran, Di
Diversity, fulfilment and privilege: the image of nursing.
Journal Of Nursing Management, 19(5),
pp. 683-692.
ISSN (print) 0966-0429
Hurst, H. M. and Marks-Maran, D.
Using a virtual patient activity to teach nurse prescribing.
Nurse Education in Practice, 11(3),
pp. 192-198.
ISSN (online) 1873-5223
Fergy, Sue, Marks-Maran, Di, Ooms, Ann, Shapcott, Jean and Burke, Linda
Promoting social and academic integration into higher education by first year student nurses: the APPL project.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 35(1),
pp. 107-130.
ISSN (print) 0309-877X
Tolley, Kim, Ooms, Ann, Marks-Maran, Di, Acton, Lesley and Rush, Sue
The snapshot pre-registration assessment tool. Part 2: data, discussion and future directions.
British Journal of Nursing, 20(20),
pp. 1302-1307.
ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Rush, Sue, Acton, Lesley, Tolley, Kim, Marks-Maran, Di and Burke, Linda
Using simulation in a vocational programme: does the method support the theory?
Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 62(4),
pp. 467-479.
ISSN (print) 1363-6820
Tolley, Kim, Marks-Maran, Di and Burke, Linda
The Snapshot tool: a new form of practice assessment.
British Journal of Nursing, 19(14),
pp. 905-911.
ISSN (print) 0966-0461
Burke, Linda, Marks-Maran, Diane, Ooms, Ann, Webb, Marion and Cooper, Denise
Towards a pedagogy of work-based learning: perceptions of work-based learning in foundation degrees.
Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 61(1),
pp. 15-33.
ISSN (print) 1363-6820
Hodgson, David, May, Steve and Marks-Maran, Diane
Promoting the development of a supportive learning environment through action research from the 'middle out'.
Educational Action Research, 16(4),
pp. 531-544.
ISSN (print) 0965-0792
Kyle, Gaye and Marks-Maran, Di
Focus group interviews: how aromatherapists feel about changing their practice through undertaking a randomised controlled trial?
Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 14(3),
pp. 204-211.
ISSN (print) 1744-3881
May, Steve, Gay, Jane, Atkins, Nigel and Marks-Maran, Diane
Preparing potential teachers for the transition from employment to teacher training: an evaluative case study of a Maths Enhancement Course.
Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 60(2),
pp. 149-158.
ISSN (print) 1363-6820
Longfellow, Erica, May, Steve, Burke, Linda and Marks-Maran, Diane
'They had a way of helping that actually helped': a case study of a peer-assisted learning scheme.
Teaching in Higher Education, 13(1),
pp. 93-105.
ISSN (print) 1356-2517
Fergy, S., Marks-Maran, D. and Ooms, A.
The evaluation of the academic, personal and professional learning model of student support.
(Project Report)
Kingston upon Thames, UK : Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St George's, University of London.
38 p.
Atkins, Nigel, May, Steve, Marks-Maran, Diane and Gay, Jane
A civic university's approach to the 'mathematics problem' in society.
Journal of Access Policy and Practice, 6(1),
pp. 21-34.
ISSN (print) 1740-1348
Marks-Maran, Diane
Evaluating interprofessional education.
In: Unhealthy professional boundaries? Working together in health and social care;
04 - 05 Dec 2007, London, U.K..
Marks-Maran, D and Fergy, S
Using appreciative inquiry action research to evaluate a change in the provision of student support in a pre-registered nursing programme.
In: 2nd Annual Middlesex University Conference: Educational Evaluation: Challenging the orthodoxies;
07 Dec 2006, London, U.K..
Marks-Maran, Diane
Book Review of: Working ethics: how to be fair in a culturally complex world by R Rowson.
Nursing Ethics, 13(6),
pp. 663-664.
ISSN (print) 0969-7330
Hill, Mike, Fergy, Sue and Marks-Maran, Di
Widening participation in nursing through progression agreements between a university and two further education colleges: a case study.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 30(3),
pp. 255-268.
ISSN (print) 0309-877x
Atkins, Nigel, May, Steve and Marks-Maran, Di
Widening participation in subjects requiring data handling skills: the MathsAid project.
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 29(4),
pp. 353-365.
ISSN (print) 0309-877x
Marks-Maran, Di and Young, Gill
Interprofessional learning: context, meaning and technology.
In: Carlisle, Caroline , Donovan, Tom and Mercer, Dave, (eds.)
Interprofessional education: an agenda for healthcare professionals.
Dinton, UK : Quay Books.
pp. 141-153.
ISBN 1856422380
Young, Gill and Marks-Maran, Diane
But they looked great on paper.
In: Schwartz, Peter L and Webb, Graham, (eds.)
Assessment: case studies, experience and practice from higher education.
London : Kogan Page.
pp. 106-113.
ISBN 0749436239
Marks-Maran, Diane
Using information technology.
In: Maslin-Prothero, Sian, (ed.)
Baillière's study skills for nurses.
Edinburgh : Bailliere Tindall in association with the RCN.
pp. 75-96.
ISBN 0702026026
This list was generated on Fri Feb 14 03:19:59 2025 GMT.