Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Sports-related studies"

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Number of items: 29.


Alshehri, Ahmed, Howe, Christopher, Muggeridge, David, Mullen, Alexander B., Boyd, Marie, Spendiff, Owen, Pummell, Elizabeth, Moir, Hannah J. and Watson, David G. (2017) Untargeted metabolomics profiling of ultramarathon exercise simulated on a treadmill in healthy adults. In: MetaboMeeting 2017; 11-13 Dec 2017, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Anderson, Cheryl, Grant, Robert L. and Hurley, Michael V. (2017) Exercise facilities for neurologically disabled populations : perceptions from the fitness industry. Disability and Health Journal, 10(1), pp. 157-162. ISSN (print) 1936-6574

Augustus, Simon, Mundy, Peter and Smith, Neal (2017) Support leg action can contribute to maximal instep soccer kick performance : an intervention study. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(1), pp. 89-98. ISSN (print) 0264-0414

Augustus, Simon, Smith, Neal and Hudson, Penny (2017) The effect of approach velocity on centre of mass motion and performance of the maximal instep soccer kick. In: 35th Conference of the International Society of Biomechanics in Sport (ISBS 2017); 14-18 Jun 2017, Cologne, Germany.


Belogianni, Katerina (2017) The Uni-smart Eating study. In: EFAD Conference 2017 : The Future is Now : ENDietS Student Day; 28 Sep 2017, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. (Unpublished)

Breitbach, Anthony P., Reeves, Scott and Fletcher, Simon N. (2017) Health care as a team sport? - Studying athletics to improve interprofessional collaboration. Sports, 5(3), p. 62. ISSN (online) 2075-4663


Chueh, Ting-Yu, Huang, Chung-Ju, Hsieh, Shu-Shih, Chen, Kuan-Fu, Chang, Yu-Kai and Hung, Tsung-Min (2017) Sports training enhances visuo-spatial cognition regardless of open-closed typology. PeerJ, 5, e3336. ISSN (online) 2167-8359


Fletcher, Simon, Breitbach, Anthony P. and Reeves, Scott (2017) Interprofessional collaboration in sports medicine : findings from a scoping review. Health and Interprofessional Practice, 3(2), eP1128. ISSN (online) 2159-1253

Frankland, Chris and Hunter, Gordon (2017) A Statistical Investigation into Factors Affecting Results of One Day International Cricket Matches. In: 6th International Conference on Mathematics in Sport; 26-28 Jun 2017, Padova, Italy. (International Conference on Mathematics in Sport)


Hallett, Rachel and Lamont, Alexandra (2017) Music use in exercise : a questionnaire study. Media Psychology, 20(4), pp. 658-684. ISSN (print) 1521-3269

Howe, Christopher C.F., Moir, Hannah J. and Easton, Chris (2017) Classification of physical activity cut-points and the estimation of energy expenditure during walking using the GT3X+ accelerometer in overweight and obese adults. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 21(3), pp. 127-133. ISSN (print) 1091-367X

Hsieh, Shu-Shih, Lin, Chih-Chien, Chang, Yu-Kai, Huang, Chung-Ju and Hung, Tsung-Min (2017) Effects of childhood gymnastics program on spatial working memory. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 49(12), pp. 2537-2547. ISSN (print) 0195-9131


Irwin, Gareth, Exell, Timothy A, Manning, Michelle L. and Kerwin, David G (2017) Functional phases and angular momentum characteristics of Tkatchev and Kovacs. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(6), pp. 610-616. ISSN (print) 0264-0414


James, Ricky (2017) Portals to prohibited performance enhancing drugs : prevelance, profiling & team dynamics. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Lazuras, Lambros, Barkoukis, Vassilis, Loukovitis, Andreas, Brand, Ralf, Hudson, Andy, Mallia, Luca, Michaelides, Michalis, Muzi, Milena, Petroczi, Andrea and Zelli, Arnaldo (2017) "I want it all, and I want it now" : lifetime prevalence and reasons for using and abstaining from controlled Performance and Appearance Enhancing Substances (PAES) among young exercisers and amateur athletes in five European countries. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, p. 717. ISSN (online) 1664-1078

Loh, Roland, Stamatakis, E, Allgrove, Judith and Moir, Hannah (2017) A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of interrupting prolonged sitting with physical activity breaks on glycaemia, insulinaemia, lipaemia. In: The integrative physiology of physical inactivity across the lifespan symposium; 01 Dec 2017, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Martinelli, Laura Ann, Day, Melissa Catherine and Lowry, Ruth (2017) Sport coaches' experiences of athlete injury : the development and regulation of guilt. Sports Coaching Review, 6(2), pp. 162-178. ISSN (print) 2164-0629

Moir, Hannah, Justice, Haley, Kemp, Rachael, Le Roy, Oriane Le, Richards, Michelle, Szeles, Alis and Thrower, Sam (2017) Designing creative tools to support practical competencies and research methods. In: 9th Annual Learning at City Conference 2017; 21 Jun 2017, London.

Mukherjee, Subhasree and Dhayanithy, Deepak (2017) Islands in the sea are connected in the deep : professional soccer player transfers in big 5 European leagues using exponential random graph model (ERGM). In: New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports; 23 Sep 2017, Massachusetts, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Mukherjee, Subhasree and Dhayanithy, Deepak (2017) Network memory, cultural distance and the ebb and flow of international resources : evidence from 20 years of professional player transfers to big-five European soccer leagues. (Working Paper) Kozhikode, India : Indian Institute of Management. (Unpublished)


Naclerio, Fernando, Larumbe-Zabala, Eneko, Ashrafi, Nadia, Seijo, Marco, Nielsen, Birthe, Allgrove, Judith and Earnest, Conrad P. (2017) Effects of protein–carbohydrate supplementation on immunity and resistance training outcomes : a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117(2), pp. 267-277. ISSN (print) 1439-6319


Petroczi, A., Norman, P. and Brueckner, S. (2017) Can we better integrate the role of anti-doping in sports and society? A psychological approach to contemporary value-based prevention. In: Rabin, O. and Pitsiladis, Y., (eds.) Acute topics in anti-doping. Basel, Switzerland : Karger. pp. 160-176. (Medicine and Sport Science, (62)) ISSN (print) 0254-5020 ISBN 9783318060430

Pooley, Sam, Spendiff, Owen, Allen, Matt and Moir, Hannah J. (2017) Static stretching does not enhance recovery time in elite youth soccer players. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 3(1), e000202. ISSN (online) 2055-7647


Rhind, Daniel J. A., Kay, Tess, Hills, Laura and Owusu-Sekyere, Frank (2017) Building a system to safeguard children in sport : the eight CHILDREN pillars. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 41(2), pp. 151-171. ISSN (print) 0193-7235

Ronca, Flaminia, Spendiff, Owen and Swann, Nicola (2017) Elastic tubes and dumbbells elicit complementary activation patterns that are enhanced at higher action velocities. In: 8th Asia-Pacific Congress on Sports Technology; 15th-19th October 2017, Tel Aviv. (Unpublished)


Smith, Neal, Peacock, David and Augustus, Simon (2017) Agreement between Adidas smartball and 3d motion analysis for measuring ball velocity and spin during soccer kicking. In: World Conference on Science and Soccer (WCSS 2017); 31 May - 02 Jun 2017, Rennes, France. (Unpublished)

Szeles, A, Justice, H, Kemp, R, Le Roy, O, Richards, Michelle, Usman, Salman, Thrower, Samuel and Moir, Hannah (2017) Interactive ‘multimedia-based’ virtual learning tools to support practical competencies and research methods for improvements in student progression and employability. In: Festival of Learning 2017; 19 Jun 2017, Kingston Upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Thrower, Sam N., Harwood, Chris G. and Spray, Christopher M. (2017) Educating and supporting tennis parents : an action research study. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 9(5), pp. 600-618. ISSN (print) 2159-676X


Williams, Dylan M., Buxton, Jessica L., Kantomaa, Marko T., Tammelin, Tuija H., Blakemore, Alexandra I. F. and Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta (2017) Associations of leukocyte telomere length with aerobic and muscular fitness in young adults. American Journal of Epidemiology, 185(7), pp. 529-537. ISSN (print) 0002-9262

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