Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Sociology"

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Number of items: 54.


Aune, Kristin , Sharma, Sonya and Vincett, Giselle, eds. (2008) Women and religion in the west: challenging secularization. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. 242p. ISBN 9780754658702


Barnes, (Kathryn) Vivienne, Clouder, Lynn, Hughes, Christina, Purkis, Judy and Pritchard, Jackie (2008) Deconstructing dissemination: dissemination as qualitative research. In: Atkinson, Paul Anthony and Delamont, Sara, (eds.) Representing Ethnography. London, U.K. : Sage. (SAGE Benchmarks in Social Research Methods, 4) ISBN 9781412945981

Barron, Duncan S., Davies, Stephen P. and Wiggins, Richard D. (2008) Social integration, a sense of belonging and the Cenotaph Service : Old soldiers reminisce about Remembrance. Aging & Mental Health, 12(4), pp. 509-516. ISSN (print) 1360-7863

Bond, Henry (2008) Darkside: photography and desire: the hysterical hystery of photography. In: Stahel, Urs, (ed.) Darkside I: photographic desire and sexuality photographed. Gottingen, Germany : Steidl. ISBN 9783865217165


Cappel, Cecilia (2008) 'Taking it like a woman': does being a good Christian mean accepting domestic abuse? In: McCalla, Doreen W., (ed.) Unsung sheroes in the church: singing the praises of black women now! Bloomington, Indiana : AuthorHouse. pp. 133-158. ISBN 1434341356

Carey, Brycchan (2008) “Equiano was a Christian? Who knew?”: Re-reading secular histories of the British abolition movement. In: Postsecular Britain? Religion, secularity, and cultural agency : Annual Conference of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures; 20 - 22 Nov 2008, Oldenburg, Germany. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2008) A quiet rhetoric? Uncovering the origins of the Quaker Antislavery International. In: Queens' Arts Seminar; 29 Oct 2008, Cambridge, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2008) 'The worse than Negro barbarity of the populace': Ignatius Sancho witnesses the Gordon Riots. In: The Gordon Riots and British Culture; 02 Jul 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Casey, Emma (2008) Women, pleasure and the gambling experience. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate. 148p. ISBN 9780754646174

Casey, Emma (2008) Working class women, gambling and the dream of happiness. Feminist Review, 89, pp. 122-137. ISSN (print) 0141-7789

Collins-Mayo, Sylvia (2008) Book Review of: Christian roots, contemporary spirituality by Lynda Barley and Open for you: the church, the visitor and the gospel by Paul Bond. Material Religion, 4(2), pp. 247-248. ISSN (print) 1743-2200

Collins-Mayo, Sylvia (2008) Young people's spirituality and the meaning of prayer. In: Day, Abby, (ed.) Religion and the individual. Aldershot, U.K. : Ashgate Publishing Ltd. pp. 33-45. (Theology and religion in interdisciplinary perspective) ISBN 0754661229


Daskalaki, Maria, Stara, Alexandra and Imas, Miguel (2008) The 'Parkour Organisation': inhabitation of corporate spaces. Culture and Organization, 14(1), pp. 49-64. ISSN (print) 1475-9551

Davidson, Julia and Gottschalk, Petter (2008) Digital forensics in law enforcement: the case of online victimisation of children. Electronic Government: an international journal, 5(4), pp. 445-451. ISSN (print) 1740-7494

Davidson, Julia and Martellozzo, Elena (2008) Protecting children online: towards a safer internet. In: Letherby, Gayle , Williams, Kate , Birch, Philip and Cain, Maureen, (eds.) Sex as crime? Cullompton, U.K. : Willan. pp. 338-355. ISBN 9781843922681

Davidson, Julia C. (2008) Child sexual abuse: media representations and government reactions. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge-Cavendish. 178p. ISBN 9781904385684

Davidson, Julia C. and Martellozzo, Elena (2008) Protecting vulnerable young people in cyberspace from sexual abuse: raising awareness and responding globally. Police Practice and Research, 9(4), pp. 277-289. ISSN (print) 1561-4263

Dodsworth, Francis (2008) Governing conduct: law, order and violence. In: McFall, Liz , Du Gay, Paul and Carter, Simon, (eds.) Conduct: sociology and social worlds. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. pp. 121-151. ISBN 9780719078132

Dodsworth, Francis (2008) The idea of police in Eighteenth-Century England: discipline, reformation, superintendence, c. 1780-1800. Journal of the History of Ideas, 69(4), pp. 583-604. ISSN (print) 0022-5037

Duckenfield, B (2008) Changes to the celibacy rule at the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge Universities. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .


Eccles, Timothy (2008) Professional identity in high modernity: the English building industry. In: Refleksyjny Aktor a Zmiany Spoleczne i Kulturowe; 29 Oct 2008, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

Ennals, Richard (2008) Silence and citizenship. In: Johnsen, H.C.G. , Dragseth, T. , Johannessen, O. and Lysgård, H. K., (eds.) Kritikkens forgreninger: om samfunnskritikk i litteratur og samfunnsvitenskap. Kristiansand, Norway : Høyskoleforlaget. pp. 149-158. ISBN 9788276345919


Gallagher, Ann (2008) Book Review of: Inventing human rights: a history by L. Hunt. Nursing Ethics, 15(3), pp. 421-422. ISSN (print) 0969-7330

Goldsmith, Carlie (2008) Book review of: 'Out of sight: crime, youth and exclusion in modern Britain' by Robert McAuley. The British Journal of Criminology, 48(5), pp. 692-694. ISSN (print) 0007-0955

Goldsmith, Carlie (2008) Cameras, cops and contracts: what anti-social behaviour management feels like to young people. In: Squires, Peter, (ed.) ASBO nation: the criminalisation of nuisance. Bristol, U.K. : Policy. pp. 223-237. ISBN 1847420273

Gough, Tim (2008) Derrida and drugs. In: Addiction and obsession conference; 09 - 11 Ju 2008, Kingston upon Thames, U.K.. (Unpublished)


Hallward, Peter [Speaker] (2008) Damming the flood: Haiti, Aristide and the politics of containment. In: Marxism 2008; 03 - 07 Jul 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Harries, Tim (2008) Feeling secure or being secure? Why it can seem better not to protect yourself against a natural hazard. Health, Risk & Society, 10(5), pp. 479-490. ISSN (print) 1369-8575

Higginbottom, Andy (2008) Solidarity action research as methodology: the crimes of the powerful in Colombia. Latin American Perspectives, 35(5), pp. 158-170. ISSN (print) 0094-582X

Huq, Rupa (2008) Don’t sneer at suburbia. Juncture, 15(3), pp. 148-152. ISSN (print) 2050-5868

Huq, Rupa (2008) Youth culture and antiracism in new Britain: from the margins to the mainstream? International Journal of Sociology, 38(2), pp. 43-53. ISSN (print) 0020-7659

Huq, Rupa (2008) The sound of the suburbs: the shaping of Englishness and the socio-cultural landscape after New Labour. In: Perryman, Mark, (ed.) Imagined nation: England after Britain. London : Lawrence and Wishart Limited. pp. 49-62. ISBN 9781905007738


Ichijo, Atsuko (2008) Nationalism east and west: a comparison of nation formation in Britain and Japan. In: 18th annual ASEN conference: Nationalism, east and west: civic and ethnic conceptions of nationhood; 15-17 April 2008, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Ichijo, Atsuko (2008) Operationalising civilisational constellations. In: 1st ISA forum of sociology: Sociological research and public debate; 5-8 December 2008, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)


Kynaston, David (2008) The Uses of Sociology for Real-time History. Historical Social Research, 33(3), pp. 68-74. ISSN (print) 0172-6404


Li, Sarah and Seale, Clive (2008) Acquiring a sociological identity: an observational study of a PhD project. Sociology, 42(5), pp. 987-1002. ISSN (print) 0038-0385

Li, Sarah (2008) Acquiring a sociological identity: an observational study of a PhD project. In: Medical Sociolgogy Group Annual Conference; 04 - 06 Sep 2008, University of Sussex, Brighton.


Mammone, Andrea and Veltri, Giuseppe A. (2008) Italy in Chiaroscuro: the dark shadows of modern Italian society. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 13(3), pp. 297-304. ISSN (print) 1354-571X

Marx, Colin (2008) Difference without dominance: social justice and the (neoliberal) economy in urban development. In: Smith, Adrian , Stenning, Alison and Willis, Katie, (eds.) Social justice and neoliberalism: global perspectives. London, U.K. : Zed Books. pp. 199-227. ISBN 9781842779200

Mellor, Noha (2008) Bedouinisation or liberalisation of culture?: the paradox in the Saudi monopoly of the Arab media. In: Al-Rasheed, Madawi, (ed.) Kingdom without borders: Saudi political, religious and media frontiers. London, U.K. : Hurst. pp. 353-374. ISBN 9781850659310


Ortega, Javier and Tangeraas, Thomas P. (2008) Unilingual versus bilingual education : a political economy analysis. Journal of the European Economic Association, 6(5), 1078 - 1108. ISSN (print) 1542-4766


Reading, Pamela (2008) Reluctant reformers? Politics and society in Kingston upon Thames 1830-1900. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2008) Constructing Soviet cultural policy : cybernetics and governance in Lithuania after World War II. Linkoping, Sweden : Linkoping University Press. 277p. (Linkoping Studies in Arts and Science, (437)) ISSN (print) 0282-9800 ISBN 9789173938792


Sharma, Sonya (2008) Young women, sexuality and Protestant church community: oppression or empowerment? European Journal of Women's Studies, 15(4), pp. 345-359. ISSN (print) 1350-5068

Silvestri, Marisa and Crowther-Dowey, Christopher (2008) Gender and crime. London, U.K. : Sage. 273p. (Key Approaches to Criminology) ISBN 9781412911993

Spalek, Basia and Lambert, Robert (2008) Muslim communities, counter-terrorism and counter-radicalisation: a critically reflective approach to engagement. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 36(4), pp. 257-270. ISSN (print) 1756-0616

Stuart, John (2008) Empire and religion in colonial Botswana: the Seretse Khama controversy, 1948-56. In: Carey, Hilary M., (ed.) Empires of religion. Basingstoke, UK : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 311-332. ISBN 9780230208803


Theobald, Delphine, Farrington, David P. and Piquero, Alex R. (2008) Effects of getting married on offending. In: 8th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology; 02 - 05 Sep 2008, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Tong, S. (2008) Confessions of a back seat detective : an ethnography of detective training and practice. In: International Conference : Justice and Policing in Diverse Societies; 09 - 12 Jun 2008, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Tong, S. (2008) Developments in initial police training : a university perspective. In: 15th Annual International Police Executive Symposium; 12 - 16 May 2008, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.. (Unpublished)

Tong, S. (2008) In need of professionalisation : the case for pre-employment training and education for police officers in the UK. In: British Criminology Conference : Criminological Futures: Controversies, Developments and Debates; Jul 2008, Huddersfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Tutton, Richard, Smart, Andrew, Martin, Paul A., Ashcroft, Richard and Ellison, George T.H. (2008) Genotyping the future: scientists' expectations about race/ ethnicity after BiDil. The Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics, 36(3), pp. 464-470. ISSN (print) 1073-1105


Ware, Vron (2008) Towards a sociology of resentment: a debate on class and whiteness. Sociological Research Online, 13(5), ISSN (online) 2328-5184

Wisniewska, Monika (2008) Environmentalism - how it is stampeding into professional practice. In: Refleksyjny Aktor a Zmiany Spoleczne i Kulturowe; 29 Oct 2008, Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

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