Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Social work and social policy and administration"

Akhtar, Farrukh (2016) Preparing the ethical toolkit: balancing rights and responsibilities. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 40-65. ISBN 9781137390264
Akhtar, Farrukh and Livingstone, Wulf (2016) Social work beyond borders. Professional Social Work, Oct, pp. 21-22. ISSN (print) 1352-3112
Barnes, Vivienne (2016) Skills for inter-professional social work practice. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 178-195. ISBN 9781137390264
Coogan, Thomas Albert and Kasperova, Eva (2016) Disability, welfare reform and enterprise policy in the UK since the 1990s. In: British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference 2016: Thriving in Turbulent Times; 6-8 Sep 2016, Newcastle, U.K.. ISBN 9780954960896
Darbyshire, Penny [Speaker] (2016) Sitting in judgment : the working lives of judges. In: Judicial Conflict Resolution Research Group (JCR) Collaborator Circles Seminar; 14 Nov 2016, Ramat Gan, Israel. (Unpublished)
Davies, Keith [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: ' Global Perspectives on Desistance. Reviewing what we know and looking to the future ' by Shapland, J., Farrall, S. and Bottoms, A. (eds). European Journal of Probation, 8(3), pp. 207-210. ISSN (print) 2066-2203
Davies, Keith and Ross, Jeremy (2016) Skills for leadership. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 162-177. ISBN 9781137390264
Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, eds. (2016) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. 229p. ISBN 9781137390264
Dicken, Carol and van Graan, Dale (2016) Reflective practice skills. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 142-161. ISBN 9781137390264
Fook, Jan, Psoinos, Maria and Sartori, Daniele (2016) Evaluation studies of critical reflection. In: Fook, Jan , Collington, Val , Ross, Fiona , Ruch, Gillian and West, Linden, (eds.) Researching critical reflection: multidisciplinary perspectives. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 90-105. ISBN 9781138825178
Fook, Jan , Collington, Val , Ross, Fiona , Ruch, Gillian and West, Linden, eds. (2016) Researching critical reflection : multidisciplinary perspectives. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 210p. ISBN 9781138825185
Gaskell-Mew, Elaine and Lindsay, Jane (2016) Working with resistance. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 196-220. ISBN 9781137390264
Greenwood, Nan, Holley, Jess, Ellmers, Theresa, Mein, Gill and Cloud, Geoffrey (2016) Qualitative focus group study investigating experiences of accessing and engaging with social care services : perspectives of carers from diverse ethnic groups caring for stroke survivors. BMJ Open, 6, e009498. ISSN (online) 2044-6055
Heaton, Robert and Tong, Stephen (2016) Evidence-based policing : from effectiveness to cost-effectiveness. Policing, 10(1), pp. 60-70. ISSN (print) 1752-4512
Henderson, Kathleen and Mathew-Byrne, Jane (2016) Developing communication and interviewing skills. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 1-22. ISBN 9781137390264
Hood, Rick (2016) Assessment for social work practice. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 82-104. ISBN 9781137390264
Hood, Rick (2016) Be careful what you measure in child protection because it influences practice. Community Care,
Hood, Rick (2016) Child protection interventions are on the rise – and the trend shows no sign of slowing. Community Care,
Hood, Rick, Goldacre, Allie, Grant, Robert and Jones, Ray (2016) Exploring demand and provision in English child protection services. British Journal of Social Work, 46(4), pp. 923-941. ISSN (print) 0045-3102
Hood, Rick (2016) How deprivation affects the way social work referrals are handled. Community Care,
Hood, Rick (2016) How professionals talk about complex cases: a critical discourse analysis. Child and Family Social Work, 21(2), pp. 125-135. ISSN (print) 1356-7500
Hood, Rick (2016) Inspection and the measurement of services. In: Community Care Live Birmingham 2016; 10-11 May 2016, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Hood, Rick, Gillespie, Judy and Davies, Jonathon (2016) A conceptual review of interprofessional expertise in child safeguarding. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 30(4), pp. 493-498. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Hood, Rick, Grant, Robert, Jones, Ray and Goldacre, Allie (2016) A study of performance indicators and Ofsted ratings in English child protection services. Children and Youth Services Review, 67, pp. 50-56. ISSN (print) 0190-7409
Jones, Ray (2016) Children's social services also face forced 'academisation'. Guardian Professional Social Care Network,
Jones, Ray (2016) Damning inspections will continue to lead to a continuing demand for locum workers. Locum Today,
Jones, Ray (2016) Giving power over social work to a cuts-obsessed government is a mistake. Guardian Professional Social Care Network,
Jones, Ray (2016) I'm wary of Le Grand's brave new world of 'turmoil'. Professional Social Work, Sep, p. 11. ISSN (print) 1352-3112
Jones, Ray (2016) Justine Greening should withdraw the disastrous children and social work bill. Guardian Professional Social Care Network,
Jones, Ray (2016) Munby is right - the care system is facing a crisis. Here's why... Community Care,
Jones, Ray (2016) The NAO's analysis of child protection misses the bigger picture. Community Care,
Jones, Ray (2016) Outsourcing children's services is not a quick fix. Guardian Professional Social Care Network,
Jones, Ray (2016) Ray Jones on the academisation of children’s social work. WillisPalmer News,
Jones, Ray (2016) Six reasons to rethink moves to strip councils of children's services. Community Care,
Jones, Ray (2016) We must fight this shock therapy approach to social work reform. Community Care,
Jones, Ray (2016) Why plans for government control of social work are dangerous. Community Care,
Jones, Ray (2016) Writing skills for social workers. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 23-39. ISBN 9781137390264
Jones, Ray (2016) The conundrum of neglect. Professional Social Work, April, pp. 22-23. ISSN (print) 1352-3112
Jones, Ray (2016) The government’s new legislation will strip social workers of our independence. Community Care,
Lindsay, Jane and Proyer, Michelle (2016) Domestic violence journey mapping of survivors’ experiences of coordinated services: how a visual methodology can inform policy development. In: SWSD2016: Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development 2016: Promoting the Dignity and Worth of People; 27-30 Jun 2016, Seoul, South Korea. (Unpublished)
Lindsay, Jane and Watson, Susan (2016) An evaluation of services provided to high-risk victims of stalking by Paladin: The National Stalking Advocacy Service. (Project Report) Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education, Kingston University and St George's, University of London. 43 p. (Unpublished)
Majoribanks, David and Davies, Keith (2016) Family policy : an integrated approach? People, Place and Policy, 10(3), pp. 239-252. ISSN (online) 1753-8041
Mathew-Byrne, Jane and van Graan, Dale (2016) Lessons learned from a supervision project in a voluntary sector organisation. In: The School of Social Work and Social Care Annual Conference : Social Work and Politics; 17 Mar 2016, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Muleya, Wilson (2016) Applying theory in practice. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 105-120. ISBN 9781137390264
Skilton, Christine (2016) Working with the experiences of service users and carers. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 66-81. ISBN 9781137390264
Sofuoglu, Zeynep, Sariyer, Gorkem, Aydin, Fulya, Cankardes, Sinem and Kandemirci, Birsu (2016) Child abuse and neglect among children who drop out of school : a study in Izmir, Turkey. Social Work in Public Health, 31(6), pp. 589-598. ISSN (print) 1937-1918
Tong, Stephen (2016) Professionalising policing : seeking viable and sustainable approaches to police education and learning. In: CEPOL 2016 Research and Science Conference : Global trends in law enforcement training and education; 5-7 Oct 2016, National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary.
Watson, Susan and Lindsay, Jane (2016) Enabling victims of stalking to access justice. In: SWSD2016: Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development 2016: Promoting the Dignity and Worth of People; 27-30 Jun 2016, Seoul, South Korea. (Unpublished)
Watson, Susan (2016) Legal skills for social workers. In: Davies, Keith and Jones, Ray, (eds.) Skills for social work practice. London, U.K. : Palgrave. pp. 121-141. ISBN 9781137390264