Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Politics and international studies"

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Group by: First Author/Editor | Item Type | Year
Number of items: 82.


Balaskas, Bill [Artist] (2016) Anarchy near the UK. (Mixed media installation). Variable dimensions.


Al-Muftah, Hamad and Sivarajah, Sankar (2016) A theoretical perspective of an e-diplomacy maturity framework. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 12(4), pp. 35-45. ISSN (print) 1548-3886

Balibar, Etienne (2016) Apres la fin de l'Europe. Vacarme, 74, pp. 153-158. ISSN (print) 1253-2479

Balibar, Etienne (2016) Europe at the limits. Interventions, 18(2), pp. 165-171. ISSN (print) 1369-801X

Blackbourn, Jessie (2016) The Independent National Security Legislation Monitor's first term : an appraisal. University of New South Wales Law Journal, 39(3), pp. 975-1001. ISSN (print) 0313-0096

Blackbourn, Jessie and Davis, Fergal F. (2016) Party discipline and the parliamentary process - editors' introduction. Parliamentary Affairs, 69(2), pp. 211-212. ISSN (print) 0031-2290

Bradley, Arthur and Cerella, Antonio (2016) The future of political theology and the legacy of Carl Schmitt. Journal for Cultural Research, 20(3), pp. 205-216. ISSN (print) 1479-7585

Capps, Gavin (2016) Tribal-landed property : the value of the chieftaincy in contemporary Africa. Journal of Agrarian Change, 16(3), pp. 452-477. ISSN (print) 1471-0358

Cerella, Antonio (2016) Encounters at the end of the world : Max Weber, Carl Schmitt and the tyranny of values. Journal for Cultural Research, 20(3), pp. 266-285. ISSN (print) 1479-7585

Cerella, Antonio and Gallo, Ernesto (2016) Machiavelli reloaded : perceptions and misperceptions of the 'Prince of realism'. International Politics, 53(4), pp. 435-446. ISSN (print) 1384-5748

Cerella, Antonio [Reviewer] (2016) Sacred fires and living flames : Book Review of 'Pyropolitics : When the World is Ablaze' by Michael Marder. Los Angeles Review of Books,

Cerella, Antonio (2016) The dehumanization of the enemy. The Philosophical Salon,

Cerella, Antonio (2016) The globalization of hate. The Philosophical Salon,

Choat, Simon (2016) Marxism and anarchism in an age of neoliberal crisis. Capital and Class, 40(1), pp. 95-109. ISSN (print) 0309-8168

Hallward, Peter (2016) The will to leave? Brexit campaigners won by dividing, not uniting, the British working class. Jacobin,

Higgie, Jennifer and Hunt, Andrew [Contributor] (2016) Should we stay or should we go? Frieze,

Hunt, Andrew (2016) Letter from Cuba. Art Monthly, 402, p. 35. ISSN (print) 0142-6702

Ichijo, Atsuko (2016) The origin of nationalism : a review and annotated bibliography. Studies on National Movements, ISSN (online) 2295-1466

Impara, Elisa (2016) Radicalisation and subcultures : a theoretical analysis. Youth Voice Journal, ISSN (print) 2049-2073

Içduygu, Ahmet and Simsek, Dogus (2016) Syrian refugees in Turkey : towards integration policies. Turkish Policy Quarterly, 15(3), pp. 59-69. ISSN (print) 1303-5754

Jeanpierre, Eric (2016) Book Review of: 'Public international law' by Alina Kaczorowska-Ireland. Law Teacher, 50(3), pp. 388-390. ISSN (print) 0306-9400

Nancheva, Nevena [Reviewer] (2016) Book review of: 'Decentralisation and the management of ethnic conflict : lessons from the Republic of Macedonia' by Aisling Lyon. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 22(2), pp. 243-245. ISSN (print) 1353-7113

Nancheva, Nevena (2016) Bulgaria’s response to refugee migration : institutionalizing the boundary of exclusion. Journal of Refugee Studies, 26(4), pp. 549-567. ISSN (print) 0951-6328

Nancheva, Nevena (2016) Imagining policies : European integration and the European minority rights regime. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 24(1), pp. 132-148. ISSN (print) 1478-2804

O'Dwyer, Emma [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of : 'Social psychology and politics' by J. P. Forgas, K. Fiedler & W. D. Crano (Eds.). Social Psychological Review, 18(2), ISSN (print) 1369-7862

O'Dwyer, Emma, Lyons, Evanthia and Cohrs, J. Christopher (2016) How Irish citizens negotiate foreign policy : a social representations approach to neutrality. Political Psychology, 37(2), pp. 165-181. ISSN (print) 0162-895X

Palacios, Margarita and Caygill, Howard (2016) Review exchange: resistance today. European Political Science, 15(1), pp. 130-137. ISSN (print) 1680-4333

Phelan, Craig (2016) Book Review: Tony Chafer and Alexander Keese (eds), Francophone Africa at Fifty. Political Studies Review, 14(2), p. 313. ISSN (print) 1478-9299

Phelan, Craig (2016) Plus ca change : trade unions, the military and politics in Burkina Faso, 1966 and 2014. Labor History, 57(1), pp. 107-125. ISSN (print) 0023-656X

Raphael, Sam, Black, Crofton, Blakely, Ruth and Kostas, Steve (2016) Tracking rendition aircraft as a way to understand CIA secret detention and torture in Europe. The International Journal of Human Rights, 20(1), pp. 78-103. ISSN (print) 1364-2987

Rekret, Paul and Choat, Simon (2016) From political topographies to political logics : post-Marxism and historicity. Constellations: An International Journal Of Critical And Democratic Theory, 23(2), pp. 281-291. ISSN (print) 1351-0487

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) Book review of: 'Making culture, changing society' by Tony Bennett. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 22(2), pp. 307-308. ISSN (print) 1028-6632

Williams, Austin (2016) Humanizing the urban fabric. Nature, 537, pp. 614-615. ISSN (print) 0028-0836

Woodbridge, Steven [Reviewer] (2016) Book Review of: 'Mosley and British Politics, 1918-32 : Oswald's Odyssey', by David Howell. Parliamentary History, 35(2), pp. 215-217. ISSN (print) 0264-2824

Woodbridge, Steven (2016) Richmond's 'Imps' : The Junior Imperial League in the 1920s. Richmond History Journal(37), pp. 64-69. ISSN (print) 0263-0958


Balibar, Etienne (2016) Europe, crise et fin? Lormont, France : Editions Le Bord de l'Eau. 330p. ISBN 9782356870940

Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, eds. (2016) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 288p. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968

Cerella, Antonio and Bradley, Arthur, eds. (2016) Carl Schmitt : political theology & modernity. London, U.K. : Routledge. 328p. (Journal for Cultural Research, 20(3))

Cerella, Antonio and Gallo, Ernesto, eds. (2016) Machiavelli and international relations : critical reassessments. Palgrave Macmillan. 554p. (International Politics, 53(4)) ISSN (print) 1384-5748

Choat, Simon (2016) Marx's 'Grundrisse': A reader's guide. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. 240p. (Reader's Guides) ISBN 9781472526748

Due-Gundersen, Nicolai (2016) The privatization of warfare and inherently governmental functions. Cambridge, U.K. : Intersentia. 210p. ISBN 9781780683799

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Food, national identity and nationalism : from everyday to global politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 196p. ISBN 9781137483126

Mendel, Yonatan and Ranta, Ronald (2016) From the Arab other to the Israeli self : Palestinian culture in the making of Israeli national identity. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. 166p. (Studies in Migration and Diaspora) ISBN 9781472449351

O'Sullivan, Shane, ed. (2016) In jail with Sirhan Sirhan. London, U.K. : Shane O'Sullivan. 484p.

Perselli, Victoria, ed. (2016) Education, theory and pedagogies of change in a global landscape: interdisciplinary perspectives on the role of theory in doctoral research. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. 223p. ISBN 9781137549235

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) The power of systems : how policy sciences opened up the Cold War world. Ithaca, U.S. : Cornell University Press. 312p. ISBN 9781501703188

Simsek, Dogus (2016) Ulusaşırı Kimlikler: Londra’da Kıbrıslı Türk, Kürt ve Türk göçmen çocukları [Transnational identities: Turkish Cypriot, Kurdish and Turkish immigrant children in London]. Istanbul, Turkey : Istanbul Bilgi University Press. 154p. ISBN 9786053994442

Book Section

Beck, Peter J. (2016) Britain and Antarctica: keeping the economic dimension in its place. In: Fisher, John , Pedaliu, Effie G.H. and Smith, Richard, (eds.) The Foreign Office, Commerce and British Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century. London, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 323-343. ISBN 9781137465801

Cerella, Antonio (2016) Introduction. The power of sacrifice : Rene Girard and the political. In: Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, (eds.) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1-8. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968

Cerella, Antonio (2016) The myth of origin : archaeology and history in the work of Agamben and Girard. In: Brighi, Elisabetta and Cerella, Antonio, (eds.) The sacred and the political : explorations on Mimesis, violence and religion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 213-236. (Political Theory and Contemporary Philosophy) ISBN 9781628925968

Domínguez-Redondo, Elvira (2016) Human rights through the backdoor : the contribution of special procedures to the normative coherence and contradictions of international human rights law. In: Buckley, Carla , Donald, Alice and Leach, Philip, (eds.) Towards convergence in international human rights law : approaches of regional and international systems. Leiden, Netherlands : Brill Nijhoff. pp. 543-566. (Nottingham studies on human rights, (5)) ISBN 9789004284241

Finn, Peter (2016) Grey areas and self-licking lollipops : Iraq War detention operations, impunity and complicity. In: Afxentiou, Afxentis , Dunford, Robin and Neu, Michael, (eds.) Exploring complicity : concept, cases and critique. London, U.K. : Rowman & Littlefield International. pp. 179-201. ISBN 9781786600615

Hallward, Peter (2016) General wish or general will? Political possibility and collective capacity from Rousseau through Marx. In: Chrostowska, S. D. and Ingram, James D., (eds.) Political uses of Utopia: new Marxist, Anarchist, and radical democratic perspectives. New York, U.S. : Columbia University Press. pp. 126-160. (New directions in critical theory) ISBN 9780231179591

Higginbottom, Andy (2016) Anti-apartheid, anti-capitalism, and anti-imperialism : liberation in South Africa? In: Ness, Immanuel and Cope, Zac, (eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. New York, U.S. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 544-569. ISBN 9780230392779

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Conclusion : food, nationalism and politics. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 164-170. (III) ISBN 9781137483126

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Consuming nations: the construction of national identities in the food industry. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, national identity and nationalism: from everyday to global politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 61-81. ISBN 9781137483126

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Everyday Creation of the Nation. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 21-42. ISBN 9781137483126

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Food and Diet in ‘Official’ Nationalism. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 85-106. (II) ISBN 9781137483126

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) International Organisations, Food and Nationalism. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 146-163. ISBN 9781137483126

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) National Food in the International Context. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 107-124. ISBN 9781137483126

Ichijo, Atsuko (2016) Nationalism, Everyday. In: Stone, John , Dennis, Rutledge M. , Rizova, Polly , Smith, Anthony D. and Hou, Xiaoshuo, (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Wiley Blackwell. (Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedias in Social Sciences) ISBN 9781118663202

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) Norms, Food and Nationalism. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 127-145. ISBN 9781137483126

Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranta, Ronald (2016) When Groups Participate in Defining the Nation. In: Ichijo, Atsuko and Ranter, Ronald, (eds.) Food, National Identity and Nationalism: From Everyday to Global Politics. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 43-60. ISBN 9781137483126

Latimer, Amanda (2016) Superexploitation, the race to the bottom and the missing international. In: Ness, Immanuel and Cope, Zak, (eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1136-1150. ISBN 9780230392779

Linton, David (2016) English West End Revue : World War One and after. In: Gordon, Robert and Jubin, Olaf, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of the British musical. New York, U.S. : Oxford University Press. pp. 143-170. ISBN 9780199988747

McKenzie, Rex (2016) Plantation meets MEC : political economy of culture in financialised South Africa. In: Mohamed, Seeraj, (ed.) The South African Financial System. Financialisation, Economy, Society And Sustainable Development (FESSUD). pp. 106-114. (Studies in Financial Systems, (15))

Mercier, Lucie (2016) Negritude. In: Ness, Immanuel and Cope, Zac, (eds.) The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. New York, U.S. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 893-900. ISBN 9780230392779

Nancheva, Nevena (2016) Power and minority rights. In: Farazmand, Ali, (ed.) Global encyclopaedia of public administration, public policy, and governance. London, U.K. : Springer. ISBN 9783319209272

Nuttall, Jeremy (2016) Wilson and social change. In: Crines, A.S. and Hickson, K., (eds.) Harold Wilson: The Unprincipled Prime Minister? London, U.K. : Biteback. pp. 21-38. ISBN 9781785900310

Pucheta, Mauro (2016) Labour policies in South American integration processes : the main role played by national actors. In: Comini, Nicolás and Stola, Iván, (eds.) Políticas públicas regionales : un abordaje sectorial de la integración latinoamericana. Paris, France : UNTREF Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. pp. 149-170. ISBN 9789871889822

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) Infrastructures for the future. In: Bērziņš, Kārlis , Daubaraitė, Jurga , Išora, Petras , Lozuraitytė, Ona , Paegle, Niklāvs , Smilga, Dagnija , Tali, Johan , Zariņa, Laila and Žukauskas, Jonas, (eds.) The Baltic atlas. London, U.K. : Sternberg Press. pp. 225-236. ISBN 9783956792489

Rindzeviciute, Egle (2016) Les liasons dangereuses? Kultur och ekonomisk tillväxt i EU [Dangerous liaisons? Culture and economic growth in the EU]. In: Svensson, Jenny and Tomson, Klara, (eds.) Kampen om kulturen: idéer och förändring på det kulturpolitiska fältet [The struggle for culture: ideas and change in the cultural policy field]. Lund, Sweden : Studentlitteratur. pp. 71-94. ISBN 9789144111056

Ware, Vron (2016) Biting the bullet : my time with the British Army. In: Williams, Alison J. , Jenkings, K. Neil , Rech, Matthew F. and Woodward, Rachel, (eds.) The Routledge companion to military research methods. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 231-242. ISBN 9781472442758

Ware, Vron (2016) Military migrants and mercenary markets. In: Abrahamsen, Rita and Leander, Anna, (eds.) Routledge handbook of private security studies. Abingdon, U.K. : Routledge. pp. 149-157. ISBN 9780415729352

Conference or Workshop Item

Altman, Dennis [Interviewee] and Mader Mcguinness, Caoimhe [Interviewer] (2016) Queer Conversation with Dennis Altman. In: In Conversation; 24 May 2016, London, U.K..

Fatehrad, Azadeh (2016) The captured everyday life : Akerman and the politics of representation. In: After Chantal : An International Conference; 04 - 06 Nov 2016, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Finn, Peter (2016) Excellence in teaching by post-graduate students. In: British International Studies Association (BISA) 41st Annual Conference; 15 -17 Jun 2016, Edinburgh, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Finn, Peter (2016) Mapping the (in)effectiveness of royal prerogative oversight. In: Who takes Britain to war?; 20 Jan 2016, Leicester, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Grillo, Alessandro and Passera, Mark (2016) Online Social Capital and Political Engagement; facilitating and blocking aspects. In: Political Studies Association Annual Conference 2016; , Brighton, UK. (Unpublished)


Hunt, Andrew [Curator] (2016) Polly Apfelbaum : Any dream will do. Polly Apfelbaum : Any dream will do. .

Hunt, Andrew [Curator] (2016) Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). Scott King : Keep the home fires burning and Mother and Child (Luton). .

Moving Image/Broadcast

O'Sullivan, Shane [Creator] (2016) Anatomy of a murder : Sirhan Sirhan and Robert Kennedy. (Film).

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