Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Mechanical, aeronautical and manufacturing engineering"

Al-Khazali, H. and Askari, M. (2012) Dynamic investigational using the spectral chart wizard and modal testing data in rotors systems. International Review of Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS), 5(3), pp. 1360-1367. ISSN (print) 1974-9821
Al-Khazali, H. and Askari, M. (2012) Significance of fault diagnosis and reduced shock module in rotating machinery by data collectors using trending software and modal analysis. International Review of Modelling and Simulations, 5(4), pp. 1867-1875. ISSN (online) 1974-983X
Al-Khazali, H. and Askari, M. (2012) Significance of fault diagnosis and reduced shock module in rotating machinery by data collectors using trending software and modal analysis. In: 3rd International Conference on Modelling and Simulations (ICOMOS 2012 - VF); 16-30 July 2012, Naples, Italy.
Al-Khazali, H.A. and Askari, M.R. (2012) Importance of using vibration signal characteristics for the diagnosis of rotor vibrations. In: ICAST 2012, 23rd International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies; 11-13 October 2012, Nanjing, China. (Unpublished)
Al-Khazali, H.A.H. and Askari, M.R. (2012) Detect resonance frequency in rotor machines for improve safety engineering design. In: 7th International IET System Safety Conference, incorporating the Cyber Security Conference 2012; 15-18 October 2012, Edinburgh, UK. (Unpublished)
Al-Khazali, H.A.H. and Askari, M.R. (2012) Investigate balancing in rotating structures using modal testing and analysis results for structural health monitoring purpose and design. International Review of Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS), 5(5 A), pp. 2104-2118. ISSN (print) 1974-9821
Al-Khazali, H.A.H. and Askari, M.R. (2012) Investigational analysis using Lissajous figures in rotating machinery. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, 5(2), pp. 77-82. ISSN (print) 0974-584x
Al-Khazali, H.A.H. and Askari, M.R. (2012) System Identification in Rotating Structures using Vibration and Modal Analysis. In: Allemang, R. , De Clerck, J. , Niezrecki, C. and Blough, J.R., (eds.) Topics in Modal Analysis I, Volume 5. New York, U.S. : Springer-Verlag. pp. 481-497. (Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics, 30(30)) ISSN (print) 2191-5644 ISBN 9781461424246
Al-Khazali, H.A.H. and Askari, M.R. (2012) System identification in rotating structures using vibration and modal analysis. In: IMAC XXX Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 30 years of Modal Analysis, From laboratory to real world.; 30 Jan - 02 Feb 2012, Florida, U.S.. (Unpublished)
Al-Khazali, Hisham and Askari, Mohamad (2012) Thermal effects for shaft–pre-stress on rotor dynamic system. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, 11(2), pp. 285-290. ISSN (print) 2076-734X
Al-Khazali, Hisham A.H. and Askari, Mohamad R. (2012) Analyzing rotating data for machines rotor with high speeds using the spectral map wizard. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 3(6), pp. 1-11. ISSN (print) 2229-5518
Al-Khazali, Hisham A.H. and Askari, Mohamad R. (2012) Defect diagnosis in rotors systems by vibrations data collectors using trending software. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 3(5), pp. 33-43. ISSN (print) 2158-107X
Al-Khazali, Hisham A.H. and Askari, Mohamad R. (2012) Determination and simulation of modal parameter on revolving machines using vibration analysis. In: EACS 2012 5th European Conference on Structural Control; 18-20 June 2012, Genoa, Italy.
Al-Khazali, Hisham A.H. and Askari, Mohama R. (2012) Geometrical and graphical representations analysis of lissajous figures in rotor dynamic system. IOSR Journal of Engineering, 2(5), pp. 971-978. ISSN (online) 2250-3021
Al-Khazali, Hisham A.H. and Askari, Mohamad R. (2012) Improvement modal testing in dynamics revolves structures to investigate the gyroscope effect performance. International Journal of Science and Technology, 1(3), pp. 151-163. ISSN (online) 2049-7318
Al-Khazali, Hisham A.H. and Askari, Mohamad R. (2012) The experimental analysis of vibration monitoring in system rotor dynamic with validate results using simulation data. ISRN Mechanical Engineering, 2012, ISSN (print) 2090-5122
Al-Khazali, Hisham Ahmad Humadi (2012) Application of modal testing methods in rotating machinery. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Bao, Yuqing, Zhang, Tao and Gawne, David T. (2012) Process modelling of thermal spraying for thermoset coatings. Progress in Organic Coatings, 73(2-3), pp. 225-231. ISSN (print) 0300-9440
Bhatti, Jawaad, Plummer, Andrew R., Sahinkaya, Necip, Iravani, Pejman, Guglielmino, Emanuele and Caldwell, Darwin G. (2012) Fast and adaptive hopping height control of single-legged robot. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) ASME 2012 11th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis. American Society of Mechanical Engineers. pp. 303-309. 3 ISBN 9780791844861
Castagna, J., Yao, Y. and Yao, J. (2012) Numerical simulation of a turbulenct flow over an axisymmetric hill. In: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2012; 9-10 Jan 2012, Nashville, Tennessee.
Chan, KinYip (2012) Control algorithms for optimisation of engine combustion process with continuously changing fuel composition. In: UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase; 17 Oct 2012, London, U.K..
Chen, Zhibin (2012) Extension of the eddy dissipation concept and laminar smoke point soot model to the large eddy simulation of fire dynamics. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Ciuraru, C. and Ghasemnejad, H. (2012) Analysis of the wind energy sector in Romania. In: International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2012); 25-27 June 2012, Newcastle, UK.
Cui, Bai, Sa, Rafael, Jayaseelan, Daniel D., Inam, Fawad, Reece, Michael J. and Lee, William Edward (2012) Microstructural evolution during high-temperature oxidation of spark plasma sintered Ti[sub]2AlN ceramics. Acta Materialia, 60(3), pp. 1079-1092. ISSN (print) 1359-6454
Deng, J., Bastian, M. and Stobart, R.K. (2012) Particulate matter prediction of both steady state and transient operation in diesel engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 226(2), pp. 260-274. ISSN (print) 0954-4070
Deng, Jiamei, Maass, B. and Stobart, R. (2012) Minimum data requirement for neural networks based on power spectral density analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 23(4), pp. 587-595. ISSN (print) 2162-237X
Desimone, D., Jayaseelan, D.D., Lee, W.E. and Boccaccini, A.R. (2012) Development of ZrO[sub]2 interfaces for all-oxide composites. Composites Science and Technology, 72(2), pp. 197-203. ISSN (print) 0266-3538
Dogan, Faith, Barton, Stephen, Hadavinia, Homayoun, Mason, Peter and Foot, Peter J. S. (2012) Experimental studies on conducting polyaniline. Recent Patents on Materials Science, 5(3), pp. 241-255. ISSN (print) 1874-4648
Dogan, Fatih, Hadavinia, Homayoun, Donchev, Todor and Bhonge, Prasannakumar S. (2012) Delamination of impacted composite structures by cohesive zone interface elements and tiebreak contact. Central European Journal of Engineering, 2(4), pp. 612-626. ISSN (print) 1896-1541
Duran, Olga (2012) Multi sensor platforms for sewer inspection. Water and Sewerage Journal, 3, p. 17.
Ghafari-Namini, N., Ghasemnejad, H. and Limbachiya, M. (2012) Advanced finite element analysis to predict off-axis crushing behaviour of composite aero-structures. Key Engineering Materials, 488-89, pp. 41-44. ISSN (online) 1662-9795
Ghafari-Namini, N. and Ghasemnejad, H. (2012) Effect of natural stitched composites on the crashworthiness of box structures. Materials & design, 39, pp. 484-494. ISSN (print) 0264-1275
Ghasemnejad, H. and Ghafari-Namini, N. (2012) Protection of offshore wind turbine blades against extreme conditions. In: In International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2012); 25-26 June 2012, Newcastle, UK.
Ghasemnejad, H. (2012) To improve crashworthy behaviour of FRP composite structures using natural flax yarn. In: Composites Engineering Conference 2012; 6 Nov 2012, Birmingham, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ghasemnejad, H., Soroush, V.R., Mason, P.J. and Weager, B. (2012) To improve impact damage response of single and multi-delaminated FRP composites using natural Flax yarn. Materials & Design, 36, pp. 865-873. ISSN (print) 0264-1275
Gillmore, Gavin K, Crockett, Robin, Denman, Tony, Flowers, Alan and Harris, Richard (2012) Radium dial watches, a potentially hazardous legacy? Environment International, 45, pp. 91-98. ISSN (print) 0160-4120
Hadavinia, Homa and Ashcroft, Ian (2012) Forward to Special Issue on blast and impact of engineering structures. Central European Journal of Engineering, 2(4), pp. 471-472. ISSN (print) 1896-1541
Heidari, Ali, Xu, Baopeng, Jie, Hongen and Wen, Jennifer (2012) Numerical simulation of carbon dioxide dispersion from vertical vent release. In: Third International Forum on Transportation of CO2 by Pipeline; 20-21 June 2012, Newcastle, U.K..
Horikiri, Kana, Yao, Yufeng and Yao, Jun (2012) Numerical study of unsteady airflow phenomena in a ventilated room. Computational Thermal Sciences, 4(4), pp. 317-333. ISSN (print) 1940-2503
Izzard, V. G., Hadavinia, H., Morris, V.J., Foot, P.J.S., Wilson, L. and Hewson, K. (2012) Compression and recovery behaviour of polyamide-6 based foams. Polymer & Polymer Composites, 20(5), p. 425. ISSN (print) 0967-3911
Izzard, V. G., Bradsell, C.H., Hadavinia, H., Morris, V.J., Foot, P. J. S., Wilson, L.M. and Hewson, K. (2012) Performance of nylon based polymer foams at elevated temperature under tensile loading. Key Engineering Materials, 488-48, pp. 286-289. ISSN (print) 1013-9826
Izzard, Vanessa (2012) Dynamic performance and recovery properties of polyamide foams. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Jayaseelan, Doni Daniel, Zapata-Solvas, Eugenio, Brown, Peter and Lee, William E. (2012) In situ formation of oxidation resistant refractory coatings on SiC-reinforced ZrB2 ultra high temperature ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95(4), pp. 1247-1254. ISSN (print) 0002-7820
Jiang, Jian, Khazaeinejad, Payam and Usmani, Asif (2012) Nonlinear analysis of shell structures in fire using OpenSees. In: ACME2012 : 20th UK Conference of the Association for Computational Mechanics in Engineering; 27 - 28 Mar 2012, Manchester, U.K..
Khali, E. and Yao, Y. (2012) RANS-based Numerical Simulation of a Rectangular Turbulent Jet in Crossflow. In: Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer; 24-27 Sept 2012, Palermo, Italy.
Khazaeinejad, P, Usmani, AS and Laghrouche, O (2012) Nonlinear stress analysis of plates under thermomechanical loads. Journal of Physics : Conference Series, 382, 012022. ISSN (print) 1742-6588
Kusztelan, A, Marchant, D.R., Yao, Y., Wang, Y., Selcuk, S and Gaikwad, A (2012) Increases in Low Speed Response of an IC Engine using a Twin-entry Turbocharger. In: World Congress of Engineering; 04 - 06 Jul 2012, London, U.K.. ISBN 9789881925220
Lévêque, Nicolas Didier Robert Roger (2012) Feasability of lidar missions in low altitude orbits maintained by electric propulsion. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Manickam, Bhuvaneswaran, Franke, Joerg, Muppala, Sivva P. R. and Dinkelacker, Friedrich (2012) Large-eddy simulation of triangular-stabilized lean premixed turbulent flames: quality and error assessment. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 88(4), pp. 563-596. ISSN (print) 1386-6184
Martin, F., Duran, O. and Aguado, Jose A. (2012) Assessment of emerging faults in wind turbine power transformers using the S transform. In: European Workshop on Renewable Energy Systems,; 17-28 Sep 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
Motamedi, Mohammadreza, Faramarzi, Farrokh and Duran, Olga (2012) New concept for corrosion inspection of urban pipeline networks by digital image processing. In: IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society; 25 - 28 Oct 2012, Montreal, Canada.
Najafizadeh, M. M., Mohammadi, J. and Khazaeinejad, P. (2012) Vibration characteristics of functionally graded plates with non-ideal boundary conditions. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 19(7), pp. 543-550. ISSN (print) 1537-6494
Papadopoulos, F., Aiyappa, D., Shapriya, R., Sotirchos, E., Ghasemnejad, H. and Benhadj-Djilali, R. (2012) Advanced natural stitched composite materials in skin-stiffener of wind turbine blade structures. In: 11th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics; 18-21 Sept 2012, Xian, China. (Unpublished)
Paul, A, Jayaseelan, D.D., Venugopal, S., Zapata-Solvas, E., Binner, J., Vaidhyanathan, B., Heaton, A., Brown, P. and Lee, W.E. (2012) UHTC composites for hypersonic applications. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, 91(1), pp. 22-28. ISSN (print) 0002-7812
Razmkhah, O. and Ghasemnejad, H. (2012) Green composites for advanced green structures. In: International Symposium on Environment Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2012); 25-27 June 2012, Newcastle, UK.
Salin, Andrea, Yao, Yufeng and Zheltovodov, Alexander A. (2012) Flow topology and secondary separation modelling at crossing shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction conditions. International Journal of Aerospace Innovations, 4(1), pp. 13-27. ISSN (print) 1757-2258
Sarjito (2012) An investigation of the design and performance of a multi-stage downdraught evaporative cooler. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Sedyono, J., Hadavinia, H., Deng, J., Marchant, D.R. and Garcia, J. (2012) Optimization of the stacking sequence of laminated composite plates under buckling loads. In: XVII International Conference: Mechanics of Composite Materials; 28 May - 1 Jun 2012, Riga, Latvia.
Shakouri, Payman (2012) Designing of the adaptive cruise control system-switching controller. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Trunins, Jevgenijs, Curley, Andrew and Osborne, Barnaby (2012) Design of the Mars rover mobility system. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 65(02/03), pp. 87-97. ISSN (print) 0007-084X
Turner, D, Yao, Y. and Marchant, D. (2012) Motorcycle Aerodynamic Performance Improvement through Belly Pan Design Evaluation and Testing. In: SAE 2012 World Congress; 24-26 Apr 2012, Detroit, Michigan, U.S..
Volkov, Konstantin, ed. (2012) Efficiency, performance and robustness of gas turbines. Rijeka, Croatia : InTech Open. 238p. ISBN 9789535104643
Volkov, Konstantin (2012) Introductory chapter: overview. In: Volkov, Konstantin, (ed.) Efficiency, performance and robustness of gas turbines. Rijeka, Croatia : InTech Open. pp. 1-4. ISBN 9789535104643
Wang, C.J., Wen, J., Lu, S.X. and Guo, J. (2012) Single-step chemistry model and transport coefficient model for hydrogen combustion. Science China Technological Sciences, 55(8), pp. 2163-2168. ISSN (print) 1674-7321
Wen, Jennifer (2012) Editorial for special issues on hydrogen safety. International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 37(22), p. 17350. ISSN (print) 0360-3199
Xing, F., Zhang, S. and Yao, Y. (2012) Numerical Simulation of Shock-Induced-Combustion in Three-Dimensional HyShot Scramjet Model. In: 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2012; 9-10 Jan 2012, Nashville, Tennessee.
Yao, Yufeng, Rincon, Daniel and Zheng, Yao (2012) Shock induced separating flows in scramjet intakes. International Journal of Modern Physics : Conference Series, 19, pp. 73-82. ISSN (online) 2010-1945
Zhu, Xiaomeng, Zhang, Tao, Marchant, Denis and Morris, Valerie (2012) Combustion synthesis of Ni/Al base composites. Advanced Materials Research, 545, pp. 50-55. ISSN (print) 1022-6680