Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Health services research"

Ajigboye, Olamidipupo Solomon (2018) Conceptual Framework for Semantic Interoperability in Sensor-enhanced Health Information Systems (SIOp4Se-HIS). (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Anderson, Rebecca, Armstrong, Megan, Bloch, Steven, Stone, Patrick and Low, Joseph (2018) Communication between healthcare professionals and relatives of patients approaching the end of life : a qualitative systematic review. In: 10th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC); 24-26 May 2018, Bern, Switzerland.
Atkins, Keith (2018) The cottage hospital movement in England & Wales 1850–1914 : origins, growth and contribution to the healthcare of the poor. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Barr, Hugh, Ross, Fiona, Schmitt, Madeline, Patel, Kunal D., Zwarenstein, Merrick, Brandt, Barbara, Fletcher, Simon N. and Eyre, Linda (2018) Scott Reeves : 1967–2018. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32(4), p. 403. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Barron, Duncan S, Hamer, Victoria, Sonpal, Kate and Brownbill, Ian (2018) Enabling the voices of children and young people to impact health & social care research : reflections from the Young Person’s Advisory Group. In: ‘International Perspectives on Evaluation of Patient & Public Involvement in Research’ : Inaugural Conference on International Perspectives on Evaluation of PPI in Research; 15-16 Nov 2018, Newcastle, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Boaz, Annette, Hanney, Stephen, Borst, Robert, O'Shea, Alison and Kok, Maarten (2018) How to engage stakeholders in research : design principles to support inprovement. Health Research Policy and Systems, 16, p. 60. ISSN (online) 1478-4505
Brady, Louca-Mai, Templeton, Lorna, Toner, Paul, Watson, Judith, Evans, David, Percy-Smith, Barry and Copello, Alex (2018) Involving young people in drug and alcohol research. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 18(1), pp. 28-38. ISSN (print) 1745-9265
Brady, Louca-Mai and Graham, Berni (2018) Social research with children and young people : a practical guide. Bristol, U.K. : Policy Press. 164p. (Social Research Association Shorts) ISBN 9781447351146
Chamanga, Edwin and Irwin, Lillah (2018) Implementation of a wound care mobile app in a community setting. In: Wounds UK Annual Conference; 05-07 Nov 2018, Harrogate, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Chang, Yan-Shing, Coxon, Kirstie, Portela, Anayda Gerarda, Furuta, Marie and Bick, Debra (2018) Interventions to support effective communication between maternity care staff and women in labour : a mixed-methods systematic review. Midwifery, 59, pp. 4-16. ISSN (print) 0266-6138
Channon, K., Reilly, C. C., Massey-Chase, R., Elston, C. and Nikoletou, D. (2018) Are goal-focused, motivational text messages effective at improving patients' beliefs in their own ability (self-efficacy) to complete inhaled therapies in adults with cystic fibrosis. In: 41st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference; 06 - 09 June 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. (Unpublished)
Clarke, Ella, Bennett, Kate, Ward, Nick and Jones, Fiona (2018) One size does not fit all - stroke survivor's views on group self-management interventions. Disability and Rehabilitation, 50(5), pp. 569-576. ISSN (print) 0963-8288
Drennan, Vari, Ross, Fiona, Calestani, Melania, Saunders, Mary and West, Peter (2018) Learning from an early pilot of the Dutch Buurtzorg model of district nursing in England. Primary Health Care, 28(6), pp. 23-25. ISSN (print) 0264-5033
Drennan, Vari (2018) Research & physician associates – building the evidence base and the physician associate researchers. In: Faculty of Physician Associates 3rd National CPD Conference; 27-28 Sep 2018, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Fabiano, G., Marcellusi, A. and Favato, G. (2018) Public-private contribution to Biopharmaceutical discoveries : a bibliometric analysis of biomedical research in UK. In: ISPOR Europe 2018 : New Perspectives for Improving 21st Century Health Systems; 10 Nov - 14 Nov 2018, Barcelona, Spain. (Unpublished)
Fletcher, Simon, Kulnik, Stefan Tino, Demain, Sara and Jones, Fiona (2018) The problem with self-management : problematising self-management and power using a Foucauldian lens in the context of stroke care and rehabilitation. In: Qual-World 2018 : Qual-World Virtual Conference; 03-04 Dec 2018, Online. (Unpublished)
Goldman, Joanne, Kitto, Simon and Reeves, Scott (2018) Examining the implementation of collaborative competencies in a critical care setting : key challenges for enacting competency-based education. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32(4), pp. 407-415. ISSN (print) 1356-1820
Greenwood, Nan (2018) Supporting black and minority ethnic carers. (Discussion Paper) London, U.K. : Race Equality Foundation. (Better Health Briefing, no. 48) ISBN 9781873912317
Griffiths, Alison J., White, Claire M., Thain, Peter K. and Bearne, Lindsay M. (2018) The effect of interactive digital interventions on physical activity in people with inflammatory arthritis : a systematic review. Rheumatology International, 38, pp. 1623-1634. ISSN (print) 0172-8172
Harding, Deborah and Treadwell, Elizabeth (2018) Allied health professions' leadership in NHS trusts in England : understanding what exists and what matters : report to Dr Joanne Fillingham. (Project Report) NHS Improvement.
Hathiramani, Suchita, Pettengell, Ruth, Moir, Hannah and Younis, Ahmed (2018) Relaxation and exercise in lymphoma survivors (REIL Study). In: 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress; 15-17 Oct 2018, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Ismail, Y. and Hendry, J. (2018) Support needs of adolescents' post-cancer treatment : a systematic review. Radiography, 24(2), pp. 175-183. ISSN (print) 1078-8174
Jones, Fiona and Kulnik, Stefan Tino (2018) Self-management. In: Lennon, Sheila , Verheyden, Geert and Ramdharry, Gita, (eds.) Physical management for neurological conditions. 4th ed. London, U.K. : Elsevier. pp. 379-396. (Physiotherapy essentials) ISBN 9780702071744
Kinder, T., Six, F., Stenvall, J. and Memon, A. (2018) Governance, trust and learning: a new framework and comparative study of hybrid public sector governance. In: Symposium on Implementing Collaborative Governance: models, experiences and challenges to foster policy coordination, and to enhance sustainable community outcomes and public value generation; 25-26 Oct 2018, Palermo, Italy. (Unpublished)
Kulnik, S.T., Mohapatra, S., Gawned, S. and Jones, F. (2018) Beyond clinicians' predictions : adding value through an encouraging and empowering approach to stroke self-management. In: Upper Limb Stroke Rehabilitation Summer School; 19-21 Sep 2018, Leuven, Belgium. (Unpublished)
Kulnik, Stefan Tino (2018) Could reflex cough induced through nebulized capsaicin achieve airway clearance in patients with acute retention of lung secretions? Medical Hypotheses, 119, pp. 104-109. ISSN (print) 0306-9877
Kulnik, Stefan Tino, Brunker, Christopher and Wulf, Anna-Karynka (2018) Experiences of visitors to a regional major trauma intensive care unit (VISIT-ICU). In: London Major Trauma System Symposium; 12 Jun 2018, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)
Laura, Matilde, Singh, Dishan, Ramdharry, Gita, Morrow, Jasper, Skorupinska, Mariola, Pareyson, Davide, Burns, Joshua, Lewis, Richard A, Scherer, Steve, Herrman, David N., Cullen, Nicholas, Bradish, Christopher, Gaiani, Luca, Martinelli, Nicolo, Gibbons, Paul, Pfeffer, Glenn, Phisitkul, Phinit, Wapner, Keith, Sanders, James, Felmister, Sam, Shy, Michael E. and Reilly, Mary M. (2018) Prevalence and orthopedic management of foot and ankle deformities in Charcot Marie Tooth disease. Muscle & Nerve, 57(2), pp. 255-259. ISSN (print) 0148-639X
Lear, Rachael (2018) A systems approach to identifying patient safety problems in arterial surgery. (PhD thesis), Imperial College London, .
Leister, Iris, Mattiassich, Georg, Kindermann, Harald, Ortmaier, Reinhold, Barthofer, Jurgen, Vasvary, Imre, Katzensteiner, Klaus, Stelzhammer, Christine and Kulnik, Stefan Tino (2018) Reference values for fatigued versus non-fatigued limb symmetry index measured by a newly designed single-leg hop test battery in healthy subjects : a pilot study. Sport Sciences for Health, 14(1), pp. 105-113. ISSN (print) 1824-7490
Lloyd-Houdley, Amy, Hart, Holly and Russell, Emma (2018) The effectiveness and impact of the head of midwifery programme: “making the difference; midwives leading for today and tomorrow.”. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Wellbeing at Work Research Group, Kingston Business School, Kingston University.
Mennini, F.S. (2018) Social value of gender-neutral HPV vaccination in Italy. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .
Mortimer, Craig (2018) Pre-hospital stroke care and the effectiveness of e-learning. In: EMS2018; 16-18 Apr 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Unpublished)
Perkins, Gavin D., Ji, Chen, Deakin, Charles D., Quinn, Tom, Nolan, Jerry P., Scomparin, Charlotte, Regan, Scott, Long, John, Slowther, Anne, Pocock, Helen, Black, John J.M., Moore, Fionna, Fothergill, Rachael T., Rees, Nigel, O’Shea, Lyndsey, Docherty, Mark, Gunson, Imogen, Han, Kyee, Charlton, Karl, Finn, Judith, Petrou, Stavros, Stallard, Nigel, Gates, Simon and Lall, Ranjit (2018) A randomized trial of epinephrine in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. New England Journal of Medicine, 379, pp. 711-721. ISSN (print) 0028-4793
Pruthi, Rishi, Tonkin-Crine, Sarah, Calestani, Melania, Leydon, Geraldine, Eyles, Caroline, Oniscu, Gabriel C., Tomson, Charles, Bradley, Andrew, Forsythe, John L., Bradley, Clare, Cairns, John, Dudley, Christopher, Watson, Christopher, Draper, Heather, Johnson, Rachel, Metcalfe, Wendy, Fogarty, Damian, Ravanan, Rommel and Roderick, Paul J. (2018) Variation in practice patterns for listing patients for renal transplantation in the United Kingdom : a national survey. Transplantation, 102(6), pp. 961-968. ISSN (print) 0041-1337
Reimer-Kirkham, Sheryl, Sharma, Sonya, Smith, Brenda, Schutt, Kelly and Janzen, Kyla (2018) Expressions of prayer in residential care homes. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 24(2), pp. 67-85. ISSN (print) 0885-4726
Russell, Emma, Lloyd-Houldey, Amy, Memon, Ally R. and Yarker, Joanna (2018) Factors influencing uptake and use of a new health information app for young people. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 36(4), pp. 222-240. ISSN (print) 1522-8835
Russell, Emma and Keightley, Sam (2018) An independent evaluation of a leadership development programme for East Sussex healthcare trust. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Wellbeing at Work Research Group, Kingston Business School, Kingston University.
Sciattella, Paolo, Mennini, Francesco Saverio, Marcellusi, Andrea, Toraldo, Bernardo and Koch, Maurizio (2018) Valutazione degli outcome clinici e dei costi ospedalieri dell'encefalopatia epatica conclamata : un'analisi sui dati "real life" della Regione Marche = Clinical outcomes and hospital costs of hepatic encephalopathy : an analysis of "real life" data from Marche Region. Recenti Progressi In Medicina, 109(12), pp. 585-594. ISSN (print) 0034-1193
Smith, Raymond, Drennan, Vari, Mackenzie, Ann and Greenwood, Nan (2018) Volunteer peer support and befriending for carers of people living with dementia : an exploration of volunteers' experiences. Health & Social Care in the Community, 26(2), pp. 158-166. ISSN (print) 0966-0410
Thomson, Diane and Myrsep, Anja (2018) Housebound patients' experiences of a falls service provided by a team of community physiotherapists. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 25(12), pp. 636-647. ISSN (print) 1741-1645
Tonkin-Crine, Sarah, Pruthi, Rishi, Taylor, Dominic M., Leydon, Geraldine M., Calestani, Melania, Oniscu, Gabriel C., Bradley, J. Andrew, Tomson, Charles R., Bradley, Claire, Dudley, Christopher, Watson, Christopher J.E., Draper, Heather, Johnson, Rachel J., Metcalfe, Wendy, Fogarty, Damian G., Ravanan, Rommel and Roderick, Paul (2018) Assessing consensus between UK renal clinicians on listing for kidney transplantation : a modified Delphi Study. Transplantation Direct, 4(5), e343. ISSN (online) 2373-8731
Windapo, Abimbla O., Umeokafor, Nnedinma I. and Olatunji, Oluwole Alfred (2018) Self-regulation amongst South African contractors in achieving legislative requirements on occupational health and safety. In: Joint CIB W099 and TG59 Conference : Coping with the Complexity of Safety, Health, and Wellbeing in Construction; 01 - 03 Aug 2018, Salvador, Brazil.