Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > Geography and environmental studies"

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Number of items: 43.


Allo, Nicholas Babatope (2012) The potential and prospects for enabling small area geodemographics and geomarketing in developing countries: a case study on Nigeria. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Aziz, Samehia (2012) Violence against women of Pakistan : a case study of the Cholistan desert. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Baeteman, C, Waller, M and Kiden, P (2012) Reconstructing middle to late Holocene sea-level change: A methodological review with particular reference to “A new Holocene sea-level curve for the southern North Sea” presented by K.-E. Behre: Reply to comments. Boreas, 41(2), pp. 315-318. ISSN (print) 0300-9483

Barnes, Lucy (2012) Localising graffiti. In: Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA) Annual Conference 2012; 3 - 5 Apr 2012, Leicester, U.K. (Unpublished)

Bryan, Scott E., Cook, Alex G, Evans, Jason P, Hebden, Kerry, Hurrey, Lucy, Colls, Peter, Jell, John S, Weatherley, Dion and Firn, Jennifer (2012) Rapid, long-distance dispersal by pumice rafting. PloS one, 7(7), e40583. ISSN (online) 1932-6203

Clelland, S E, Chandler, John [Contributor], Grant, Michael J. [Contributor], Leivers, Matt [Contributor], Norcott, David [Contributor], Pelling, Ruth [Contributor] and Seager Smith, Rachael [Contributor] (2012) Prehistoric to post-medieval occupation at Dowd’s Farm, Hedge End, Hampshire. Hampshire Studies, 67(1), pp. 142-173. ISSN (print) 1368-2709

Cook, Hadrian, Benson, David, Inman, Alex, Jordan, Andrew and Smith, Laurence (2012) Catchment management groups in England and Wales: extent, roles and influences. Water and Environment Journal, 26(1), pp. 47-55. ISSN (print) 1747-6585

Cook, Hadrian (2012) Polycentric governance in river basins: self-organising, or just plain chaotic? In: River Basin Management: Adaptive, Collaborative, Integrated… or just Chaotic?; 19-20 Jun 2012, Cambridge, U.K..

Cook, Hadrian and Inman, Alex (2012) The voluntary sector and conservation for England: achievements, expanding roles and uncertain future. Journal of Environmental Management, 112, pp. 170-177. ISSN (print) 0301-4797

Firoozfar, Alireza (2012) Caspian Sea level changes, seismicity assessment and beach evolution. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Firoozfar, Alireza, Bromhead, Edward N. and Dykes, Alan P. (2012) Caspian sea level change impacts regional seismicity. Journal Of Great Lakes Research, 38(4), pp. 667-672. ISSN (print) 0380-1330

Flintham, Matthew (2012) The military-pastoral complex : contemporary representations of militarism in the landscape. Tate Papers, 17, ISSN (online) 1753-9854

Gillmore, Gavin K, Crockett, Robin, Denman, Tony, Flowers, Alan and Harris, Richard (2012) Radium dial watches, a potentially hazardous legacy? Environment International, 45, pp. 91-98. ISSN (print) 0160-4120

Glenn, Helen, Tingley, Diana, Sánchez Maroño, Sonia, Holm, Dennis, Kell, Laurence, Padda, Gurpreet, Runar Edvardsson, Ingi, Asmundsson, Johann, Conides, Alexis, Kapiris, Kostas, Bezabih, Mintewab, Wattage, Premachandra and Kuikka, Sakari (2012) Trust in the fisheries scientific community. Marine Policy, 36(1), pp. 54-72. ISSN (print) 0308-597X

Grab, S.W, Mills, S.C and Carr, S.J (2012) Periglacial and glacial geomorphology. In: Holmes, P and Meadows, M.E, (eds.) Southern Africa geomorphology : recent trends and new directions. Bloemfontein, Free State Province of South Africa; : Sun Press. pp. 231-265. ISBN 9781920382025

Grant, Michael J., Norcott, David, Stevens, Chris J. and Wyles, Sarah F. (2012) Chapter 8: Environmental and geoarchaeological investigations. In: Powell, Andrew B, (ed.) By river, fields and factories: the making of the lower Lea Valley: archaeological and cultural heritage investigations on the site of the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Salisbury, U.K. : Wessex Archaeology. pp. 329-408. (Wessex Archaeology Report, (29)) ISBN 9781874350590

Greatbatch, Ian [Reviewer] (2012) Book Review of: 'Polarimetric Radar Imaging: from basics to applications' by Jong-Sen Lee and Eric Pottier. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(2), pp. 661-662. ISSN (print) 0143-1161

Groves, Jonathon, Waller, Martyn, Grant, Michael and Schofield, Ed (2012) Long-term development of a cultural landscape: the origins and dynamics of lowland heathland in southern England. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 21(6), pp. 453-470. ISSN (print) 0939-6314

Harding, Phil, Bridgland, David R., Allen, Peter, Bradley, Philippa, Grant, Michael J., Peat, David, Schwenninger, Jean-Luc, Scott, Rebecca, Westaway, Rob and White, Tom S. (2012) Chronology of the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic in NW Europe: developer-funded investigations at Dunbridge, Hampshire, southern England. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 123(4), pp. 584-607. ISSN (print) 0016-7878

Harries, Tim (2012) Why most "at-risk" homeowners do not protect their homes from flooding. In: Lamond, Jessica , Booth, Colin , Hammond, Felix and Proverbs, David, (eds.) Flood hazards: impacts and responses for the built environment. Boca Raton, Florida, U.S. : CRC Press. pp. 327-341. ISBN 9781439826256

Harris, Frances, ed. (2012) Global environmental issues. 2nd ed. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley. 345p. ISBN 9780470684702

Hillier, John K. and Smith, Mike J. (2012) Testing 3D landform quantification methods with synthetic drumlins in a real digital elevation model. Geomorphology, 153-4, pp. 61-73. ISSN (print) 0169-555X

Hosseyni, Seyyed Mahdi (2012) Residual shear strength of clays in landslides in southern Britain. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Kelly, Mary (2012) When things were 'closing-in' and 'rolling up': the imaginative geography of Elizabeth Bowen’s Anglo-Irish war novel 'The Last September'. Journal of Historical Geography, 38(3), pp. 282-293. ISSN (print) 0305-7488

Kibler, Ewald, Wainwright, Thomas, Kautonen, Teemu and Blackburn, Robert (2012) (Work)life after work?: Older entrepreneurship in London - motivations and barriers. (Project Report) Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : Kingston Business School, Kingston University. ISBN 9781902425092

Lowe, John, Barton, Nick, Blockley, Simon, Bronk Ramsey, Christopher, Cullen, Victoria L., Davies, William, Gamble, Clive, Grant, Katharine, Hardiman, Mark, Housley, Rupert, Lane, Christine S., Lee, Sharen, Lewis, Mark, MacLeod, Alison, Menzies, Martin, Muller, Wolfgang, Pollard, Mark, Price, Catherine, Roberts, Andrew P., Rohling, Eelco J., Satow, Chris, Smith, Victoria C., Stringer, Chris B., Tomlinson, Emma L., White, Dustin, Albert, Paul, Arienzo, Ilenia, Barker, Graeme, Boric, Dusan, Carandente, Antonio, Civetta, Lucia, Ferrier, Catherine, Guadelli, Jean-Luc, Karkanas, Panagiotis, Koumouzelis, Margarita, Muller, Ulrich C., Orsi, Giovanni, Pross, Jorg, Rosi, Mauro, Shalamanov-Korobar, Ljiljiana, Sirakov, Nikolay and Tzedakis, Polychronis C. (2012) Volcanic ash layers illuminate the resilience of Neanderthals and early modern humans to natural hazards. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 109(34), pp. 13532-13537. ISSN (print) 0027-8424

Mayyas, A., Stern, B., Gillmore, G., Coningham, R. and Nashli, H. Fazeli (2012) Beeswax preserved in a late chalcolithic bevelled-rim bowl from the tehran plain, Iran. Iran - Journal Of The British Institute Of Persian Studies, 50, pp. 13-25. ISSN (print) 0578-6967

Millar, Joanne (2012) Sustainable water resource development and desalination-integrated water management challenges in South Africa. (MSc(R) thesis), Kingston University, .

Mills, Stephanie C., Grab, Stefan W., Rea, Brice R., Carr, Simon J. and Farrow, Aidan (2012) Shifting westerlies and precipitation patterns during the Late Pleistocene in southern Africa determined using glacier reconstruction and mass balance modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews, 55, pp. 145-159. ISSN (print) 0277-3791

Newton, Julie, Franklin, Alex, Middleton, Jennie and Marsden, Terry (2012) (Re-)negotiating access: the politics of researching skills and knowledge for 'sustainable communities'. Geoforum, 43(3), pp. 585-594. ISSN (print) 0016-7185

Pritchard, Diana J., Fa, John E., Oldfield, Sara and Harrop, Stuart R. (2012) Bring the captive closer to the wild: redefining the role of ex situ conservation. Oryx, 46(1), pp. 18-23. ISSN (print) 0030-6053

Sayce, Sarah, Walford, Nigel and Garside, Peter (2012) Residential development on gardens in England: their role in providing sustainable housing supply. Land Use Policy, 29(4), pp. 771-780. ISSN (print) 0264-8377

Shi, Shaozhong and Walford, Nigel (2012) Automated geoprocessing mechanism, processes and workflow for seamless online integration of geodata services and creating geoprocessing services. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 5(6), pp. 1659-1664. ISSN (print) 1939-1404

Sims, Douglas B., Hooda, Peter S. and Gillmore, Gavin K. (2012) Potential effects of environmental change on mining wastes in a hyperarid climate. Environment and Pollution, 1(2), pp. 61-69. ISSN (print) 1927-0909

Stevens, Chris J., Powell, Andrew B. and Grant, Michael J. (2012) Chapter 2: The origins and early occupants of the Lea Valley. In: Powell, Andrew B, (ed.) By river, fields and factories: the making of the lower Lea Valley: archaeological and cultural heritage investigations on the site of the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. Salisbury, U.K. : Wessex Archaeology. pp. 17-32. (Wessex Archaeology Report, (29)) ISBN 9781874350590

Traill, Lochran W., Wanger, Thomas C. and Kidd, David (2012) Large, particular bovids may require localised conservation effort to prevent extinction. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 25(Suppl.), pp. 111-116. ISSN (print) 0217-2445

Wainwright, Thomas (2012) Building new markets: transferring securitization, bond-rating and a crisis from the US to the UK. In: Aalbers, Manuel B., (ed.) Subprime cities. the political economy of mortgage markets. Oxford, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 97-119. (Studies in Urban and Social Change) ISBN 9781444337761

Wainwright, Thomas (2012) Number crunching: financialization and spatial strategies of risk organization. Journal of Economic Geography, 12(6), pp. 1267-1291. ISSN (print) 1468-2702

Walford, Nigel S. and Hayles, Kelly N. (2012) Thirty years of geographical (in)consistency in the British Population Census: steps towards the harmonisation of small-area census statistical geography. Population, Space and Place, 18(3), pp. 295-313. ISSN (print) 1544-8444

Waller, Martyn and Grant, Michael J. (2012) Holocene pollen assemblages from coastal wetlands: differentiating natural and anthropogenic causes of change in the Thames Estuary, UK. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(5), pp. 461-474. ISSN (print) 0267-8179

Waller, Martyn, Grant, Michael J., Bunting, M. Jane and Ivison, Claire [Illustrator] (2012) Modern pollen studies from coppiced woodlands and their implications for the detection of woodland management in Holocene pollen records. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 187, pp. 11-28. ISSN (print) 0034-6667

Winter, M. G. and Bromhead, E. N. (2012) Landslide risk: some issues that determine societal acceptance. Natural Hazards, 62(2), pp. 169-187. ISSN (print) 0921-030X

Yeo, Isobel, Searle, Roger C., Achenbach, Kay L., Le Bas, Tim P. and Murton, Bramley J. (2012) Eruptive hummocks : building blocks of the upper ocean crust. Geology, 40(1), pp. 91-94. ISSN (print) 0091-7613

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