Items where Kingston Author is "Bryan, Scott"

Bryan, Scott E., Cook, Alex G, Evans, Jason P, Hebden, Kerry, Hurrey, Lucy, Colls, Peter, Jell, John S, Weatherley, Dion and Firn, Jennifer (2012) Rapid, long-distance dispersal by pumice rafting. PloS one, 7(7), e40583. ISSN (online) 1932-6203
Peate, Ingrid Ukstins and Bryan, Scott Edward (2008) Re-evaluating plume-induced uplift in the Emeishan large igneous province. Nature Geoscience, 1, pp. 625-629. ISSN (print) 1752-0894
Bryan, Scott E. and Ernst, Richard E. (2008) Revised definition of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). Earth Science Reviews, 86(1-4), pp. 175-202. ISSN (print) 0012-8252
Bryan, Scott E. (2007) Silicic Large Igneous Provinces. Episodes, 30(1), pp. 20-31. ISSN (print) 0705-3797
Bryan, Scott E., Ferrari, Luca, Reiners, Peter W., Allen, Charlotte M., Petrone, Chiara, Ramos-Rosique, Aldo and Campbell, Ian H. (2007) New insights into crustal contributions to large volume rhyolite generation at the mid-Tertiary Sierra Madre Occidental Province, Mexico, revealed by U-Pb geochronology. Journal of Petrology, 49(1), pp. 47-77. ISSN (print) 0022-3530
Bryan, Scott E. (2006) Petrology and geochemistry of the quaternary caldera-forming, phonolitic Granadilla eruption, Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Petrology, 47(8), pp. 1557-1589. ISSN (print) 0022-3530
Harris, Anthony C., Bryan, Scott E. and Holcombe, Rodney J. (2006) Volcanic setting of the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Farallón Negro volcanics, northwest Argentina. Economic Geology, 101(1), pp. 71-94. ISSN (print) 0361-0128
Ferrari, Luca, Valencia-Moreno, Martín and Bryan, Scott (2005) Magmatismo y tectónica en la Sierra Madre Occidental y su relación con la evolución de la margen occidental de Norteamérica. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 57(3), pp. 343-378. ISSN (online) 1405-3322
Bryan, S.E., Cook, A., Evans, J.P., Colls, P.W., Wells, M.G., Lawrence, M.G., Jell, J.S., Greig, A. and Leslie, R. (2004) Pumice rafting and faunal dispersion during 2001-2002 in the southwest Pacific: record of a dacitic submarine explosive eruption from Tonga. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 227(1-2), pp. 135-154. ISSN (print) 0012-821x
Bryan, S.E., Allen, C.M., Holcombe, R.J. and Fielding, C.R. (2004) U-Pb zircon geochronology of Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous extension-related silicic volcanism in the northern New England Fold Belt. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51(5), pp. 645-664. ISSN (print) 0812-0099
Bryan, S.E., Holcombe, R.J., Fielding, C.R. and Cook, A. (2004) Reply: Stratigraphy, facies architecture and tectonic implications of the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous Campwyn Volcanics of the northern New England Fold Belt. [Discussion by Henderson RA, Fergusson C]. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51(3), pp. 453-458. ISSN (print) 0812-0099
Harris, Anthony C., Allen, Charlotte M., Bryan, Scott E., Campbell, Ian H., Holcombe, Rodney J. and Palin, J. Michael (2004) ELA-ICP-MS U–Pb zircon geochronology of regional volcanism hosting the Bajo de la Alumbrera Cu–Au deposit: implications for porphyry-related mineralization. Mineralium Deposita, 39(1), pp. 46-67. ISSN (print) 0026-4598
Bryan, S. E., Fielding, C. R., Holcombe, R. J., Cook, A. and Moffitt, C. A. (2003) Stratigraphy, facies architecture and tectonic implications of the Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous Campwyn Volcanics of the northern New England Fold Belt. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50(3), pp. 377-401. ISSN (print) 0812-0099
Brown, R. J., Barry, T. L., Branney, M. J., Pringle, M. S. and Bryan, S. E. (2003) The Quaternary pyroclastic succession of southeast Tenerife, Canary Islands: explosive eruptions, related caldera subsidence, and sector collapse. Geological Magazine, 140(3), pp. 265-288. ISSN (print) 0016-7568
Bryan, S. E., Holcombe, R. J. and Fielding, C. R. (2003) Reply to: “Yarrol terrane of the northern New England Fold Belt: forearc or backarc?” Discussion by Murray, C.G., Blake, P.R., Hutton, L.J., Withnall, I.W., Hayward, M.A., Simpson, G.A., Fordham, B.G. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50(2), pp. 271-293. ISSN (print) 0812-0099
Bryan, S. E., Marti, J. and Leosson, M. (2002) Petrology and geochemistry of the Bandas del Sur Formation, Las Cañadas edifice, Tenerife (Canary Islands). Journal of Petrology, 43(10), pp. 1815-1856. ISSN (print) 0022-3530
Soriano, Carles, Zafrilla, Sylvia, Marti, Joan, Bryan, Scott, Cas, Ray and Ablay, Giray (2002) Welding and rheomorphism of phonolitic fallout deposits from the Las Cañadas caldera, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 114(7), pp. 883-895. ISSN (print) 0016-7606
Bryan, S.E., Holcombe, R.J. and Fielding, C.R. (2001) Yarrol terrane of the northern New England Fold Belt: Forearc or backarc? Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 48(2), pp. 293-316. ISSN (print) 0812-0099
Bryan, S.E., Cas, R.A.F. and Marti, J. (2000) The 0.57 Ma plinian eruption of the Granadilla Member, Tenerife (Canary Islands): an example of complexity in eruption dynamics and evolution. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 103(1-4), pp. 209-238. ISSN (print) 0377-0273
Book Section
Ferrari, L., Valencia-Moreno, M. and Bryan, S. (2007) Magmatism and tectonics of the Sierra Madre Occidental and its relation with the evolution of the western margin of North America. In: Alaniz-Álvarez, Susana A. and Nieto-Samaniego, Ángel F., (eds.) Geology of Mexico: celebrating the centenary of the Geological Society of Mexico. Boulder, Col., USA : Geological Society of America. pp. 1-39. (Geological Society of America special papers, (422)) ISBN 9780813724225
Bryan, Scott E., Riley, Teal R., Jerram, Dougal A., Stephens, Christopher J. and Leat, Philip T. (2002) Silicic volcanism: an under-valued component of large igneous provinces and volcanic rifted margins. In: Menzies, Martin A. , Klemperer, Simon L. , Ebinger, Cynthia J. and Baker, Joel, (eds.) Volcanic Rifted Margins. Boulder, CO, USA : Geological Society of America. pp. 97-118. (Special Paper, (362)) ISBN 0813723620