Items where Research Area is "Research Areas > English language and literature"

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Number of items: 58.


Acott, Kevin, Low, Alban, Wells, Harvey, Wahba, Adam [Contributor], Mudge, Bill [Contributor] and Acott, Jodie [Contributor] (2015) A life of endings. Sampson Low. ISBN 9781910578131

Akhtar, Farrukh (2015) Reclaiming the "wounded storyteller": The use of peer feedback as a pedagogical tool in creative life writing. Writing in Practice, 1, ISSN (online) 2058-5535

Baron, Adam (2015) Daffs & other poems. 3:AM Magazine,

Baron, Adam (2015) I love to slide my daughters' feet into their shoes. In: Brivati, Brian , Munro, Jenny and Scamell-Katz, Siemon, (eds.) A mile in their shoes. London, U.K. : The Knitting Circle. pp. 38-38. ISBN 9781943843084

Beer, Janet and Horner, Avril (2015) 'The great panorama': Edith Wharton as historical novelist. Modern Language Review (MLR), 110(1), pp. 69-84. ISSN (print) 0026-7937

Black, Jonathan (2015) Reading behind the lines : war artists, war poets, reading and letter writing, 1917-1919. In: Towheed, Shafquat and King, Edmund G. C., (eds.) Reading and the First World War : readers, texts, archives. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 171-189. (New Directions in Book History) ISBN 9781137302700

Boddington, Robert Christopher Hance (2015) 'Precious dead' : the commemoration of Frank Thompson in the novels of Iris Murdoch. (MA(R) thesis), Kingston University, .

Botting, Fred (2015) Bataille's vampire. In: Connole, Edia and Shipley, Gary J., (eds.) Serial killing: a philosophical anthology. Schism. pp. 61-78. ISBN 9781515154853

Botting, Fred and Spooner, Catherine, eds. (2015) Monstrous media/spectral subjects: imaging Gothic from the nineteenth century to the present. Manchester, U.K. : Manchester University Press. 192p. (International Gothic series) ISBN 9780719089770

Botting, Fred (2015) Poe, voice and the origin of horror fiction. In: Sacido-Romero, Jorge and Mieszkowski, Sylvia, (eds.) Sound effects : the object voice in fiction. Leiden, Holland : Brill Rodopi. pp. 73-100. (DQR Studies in Literature, (59)) ISBN 9789004304383

Botting, Fred (2015) Technospectrality: essay on uncannimedia. In: Edwards, Justin D., (ed.) Technologies of the Gothic in literature and culture: technogothics. New York : Routledge. pp. 17-34. (Routledge interdisciplinary perspectives on literature, (32)) ISBN 9781138797192

Boyd Maunsell, Jerome (2015) The literary interview as autobiography. In: Dialogical Dimensions in Narrating Lives and Life Writing : Fourth IABA Europe Conference; 27 - 29 May 2015, Funchal, Madeira.

Brown, Simon (2015) An American werewolf in America : Stephen King's 'Cycle of the werewolf' and 'Silver bullet'. In: Open graves, open minds : The company of wolves : Sociality, animality, and subjectivity in literary and cultural narratives - werewolves, shapeshifters, and feral humans; 03 - 05 Sep 2015, Hatfield, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Carey, Brycchan (2015) Deserted village and animated nature: an ecocritical approach to Oliver Goldsmith. In: Fowler, Joanna and Ingram, Allan, (eds.) Voice and context in eighteenth-century verse: order in variety. Basingstoke, U.K. : Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 117-132. ISBN 9781137487629

Carey, Brycchan (2015) The poetics of radical abolitionism : Ann Yearsley’s poem on the inhumanity of the slave trade. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 34(1), pp. 89-105. ISSN (print) 0732-7730

Coultas, Valerie (2015) Stephen Eyers: talking about talk: a life in speaking and listening. Teaching English, 7, pp. 62-65. ISSN (print) 2051-7971

Coultas, Valerie (2015) Teachers' narratives of classroom talk: what are the challenges? (PhD thesis), UCL Institute of Education, .

Coyle, Patrick [Artist] and Fowler, S.J. [Artist] (2015) Tate Modern Talking Performance.

Cruice, Mari and Perselli, Victoria [Performer] (2015) Play (1 act performance): “Keeping the lights on” – Exploring theory & practice after Higher Education. In: The Pedagogy of Ambiguity: Creative Practice and Arts-based Forms of Learning & Assessment Within and Beyond the Arts & Humanities; 04 Dec 2015, London, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Davies, Nia, Dunthorne, Joe, Fowler, SJ, Salisbury, Eurig, Skoulding, Zoe and Trimble, Rhys (2015) Gelynion. Hazard Press. 8p.

Duvenage, Amy Lisa (2015) Challenges to Ubuntu and social cohesion in South Africa. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Fowler, S.J. and Jenks, Tom (2015) 1000 proverbs. Newton-le-Willows, U.K. : Knives Forks and Spoons Press. 57p. ISBN 9781909443594

Fowler, Steven (2015) {Enthusiasm}. London, U.K. : Test Centre Publications. 96p. ISBN 9780992685867

Fowler, Steven (2015) fights. 2nd ed. Guildford, U.K. : Veer Books. 124p. ISBN 9781907088841

Hakim, Lina [Reviewer] (2015) Object lessons : Making, Knowing, and Growing things - Review of: 'Ways of making and knowing : the material culture of empirical knowledge' by Pamela H. Smith, Amy R.W. Meyers, Harold J. Cook ; 'Making and growing : anthropological studies of organisms and artefacts' by Elizabeth Hallan, Tim Ingold. Huntington Library Quarterly, 78(1), pp. 127-136. ISSN (print) 0018-7895

Herd, Colin and Fowler, SJ (2015) Oberwildling : on the life of Oskar Kokoschka. London, U.K. : Austrian Cultural Forum. (Occasions, (15)) ISBN 9780957684621

Horner, Avril and Rowe, Anne, eds. (2015) Living on paper : letters from Iris Murdoch 1934-1995. Rev. ed. Princeton, NJ, U.S. : Princeton University Press. 688p. ISBN 9780691170565

Horner, Avril and Rowe, Anne, eds. (2015) Living on paper : letters from Iris Murdoch 1934-1995. London, U.K. : Chatto & Windus. 688p. ISBN 9780701187057

Lipsedge, Karen (2015) Domesticity. In: Day, Gary and Lynch, Jack, (eds.) The Encyclopedia of British Literature 1660 - 1789. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley Blackwell. pp. 414-416. ISBN 9781444330205

Lowe, Hannah (2015) Long time no see. Reading, U.K. : Periscope. 328p. ISBN 9781859643969

Malabou, Catherine and Wasserman, Dashiell [Translator] (2015) The Crowd. Oxford Literary Review, 37(1), pp. 25-44. ISSN (print) 0305-1498

McSweeney, Alex (2015) Out of the cage. Portsmouth, U.K. : Playdead Press. 144p. ISBN 9781910067307

Miers, John and Grennan, Simon (2015) Dispossession: time, motion and depictive regimes. In: Grennan, Simon and Grove, Lawrence, (eds.) Transforming Anthony Trollope. Leuven, Belgium : Leuven University Press. pp. 33-54. ISBN 9789462700413

Miller, James (2015) Notting Hill. Litro Magazine, 147, pp. 20-23.

Miller, James (2015) Short stories - 'experimental' shorts. In: Newland, Courttia and Hershman, Tania, (eds.) Writing short stories: a writers’ & artists’ companion. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 104-105. (Writers' and Artists' Companions) ISBN 9781408130803

Miller, James (2015) Six Month Anniversary. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Refuge. Norwich, U.K. : Salt/ Galley Beggar Press. ISBN 9781910296639

Miller, James (2015) The importance of place and setting in the novel. In: Royle, Nicholas, (ed.) The art of the novel. Cromer, U.K. : Salt. pp. 129-138. ISBN 9781907773655

Moehrke-Rasul, Diana (2015) Intercultural learning as lived experiences : a pedagogic exploration among international students and staff in a UK tertiary education setting. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Neary, Annemarie [Contributor], Cahill, Michelle [Contributor], Orr, Katherine [Contributor], Henningham, Michele [Contributor], Chasse, Alexandra [Contributor], Gibson, Zoe [Contributor], Kelly, Sean [Contributor], Langan, John [Contributor], Enfield, Lizzie [Contributor], Taggart, Mandy [Contributor], McNamara, Catherine [Contributor], Jordan, Peter [Contributor], Llewellyn, Shelia [Contributor], Asem, Mohamed [Contributor], Williams, Rick [Contributor], Mantel, Hilary [Author-contributor] and Greer, Bonnie [Author-contributor] (2015) What Lies Beneath: A Collection of Short Stories from the Kingston Writing School, selected by Hilary Mantel and Bonnie Greer, edited David Rogers and Michael Keri. Kingston upon Thames : Kingston University Press. 131p. ISBN 9781899999811

Perselli, Victoria and Moehrke-Rasul, Diana (2015) 'Recognising' intercultural learning in the ELT classroom: a phenomenological approach. In: Kingston Educational Research Network (KERN) Forum: Engagement and Collaboration; 19 Jun 2015, Kingston, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Perselli, Victoria (2015) Theory, theorising and pedagogies of change in an era of (theory) austerity: some themes and issues regarding doctoral researchers’ identities and practices. In: Oxford Brookes University - EdD Colloquium: National and International Perspectives on Education; 27 Jun 2015, Oxford, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Perselli, Victoria (2015) Where does theory come from in HE? Drawing inspiration about theory from its practice in doctoral and post-doctoral projects. In: Where Does Theory Come From in the Doctoral Project? Society for Research in Higher Education; 08 Jun 15, Glasgow, U.K.. (Unpublished)

Perselli, Victoria (2015) Where does theory come from...? Contexts and practices. In: ECER 2015, Budapest: Education and Transition - Contributions from Educational Research; 07-11 Sep 2015, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Pinnock, Winsome (2015) Clean trade. (Original Radio Play). London, U.K. : British Broadcasting Corporation. (45 minutes)

Ramlugun, Jeewan (2015) Busy poems : a lyrical celebration of the Royal Busy Park. Kingston upon Thames, U.K. : 221p. ISBN 9781326077983

Reynolds, James (2015) Going underground. In: Reynolds, James and Smith, Andy W., (eds.) Howard Barker's theatre : wrestling with catastrophe. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. pp. 149-168. (Methuen Drama Engage) ISBN 9781408184318

Reynolds, James and Smith, Andy W., eds. (2015) Howard Barker's theatre : wrestling with catastrophe. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. 267p. (Methuen Drama Engage) ISBN 9781408184318

Reynolds, James and Smith, Andy W. (2015) Introduction to Howard Barker's theatre : wrestling with catastrophe. In: Reynolds, James and Smith, Andy W., (eds.) Howard Barker's theatre : wrestling with catastrophe. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. pp. 1-15. (Methuen Drama Engage) ISBN 9781408184318

Reynolds, James [Interviewer] and Barker, Howard [Interviewee] (2015) On discipline : James Reynolds in conversation with Howard Barker. In: Reynolds, James and Smith, Andy W., (eds.) Howard Barker's theatre : wrestling with catastrophe. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. pp. 79-87. (Methuen Drama Engage) ISBN 9781408184318

Reynolds, James [Interviewer] and Ireland, Kenny [Interviewee] (2015) A company and its origins : James Reynolds in conversation with Kenny Ireland. In: Reynolds, James and Smith, Andy W., (eds.) Howard Barker's theatre : wrestling with catastrophe. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Methuen Drama. pp. 21-36. (Methuen Drama Engage) ISBN 9781408184318

Stinson, Felicia Ann (2015) Giving setting character: identity and place in American southern literature. (PhD thesis), Kingston University, .

Teverson, Andrew , Warwick, Alex and Wilson, Leigh, eds. (2015) The Selected Works of Andrew Lang. Volume 2: Literary Criticism, History, Biography. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 416p. (Edinburgh Critical Editions) ISBN 9781474400237

Teverson, Andrew , Warwick, Alex and Wilson, Leigh, eds. (2015) The selected works of Andrew Lang. Volume 1: Anthropology: fairy tale, folklore, the origins of religion, psychical research. Edinburgh, U.K. : Edinburgh University Press. 456p. (Edinburgh Critical Editions) ISBN 9781474400213

Upstone, Sara (2015) Postcolonial and diasporic voices - bringing Black to the Union Jack: ethnic fictions and the politics of possibility. In: Hubble, Nick , Tew, Philip and Wilson, Leigh, (eds.) The 1990s: a decade of contemporary British fiction. London, U.K. : Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 123-148. (The Decades Series) ISBN 9781441172587

Upstone, Sara (2015) 'Some kind of black': black British historiographic metafictions and the postmodern politics of race. In: Platt, Len and Upstone, Sara, (eds.) Postmodern literature and race. New York, U.S.A. : Cambridge University Press. pp. 279-294. ISBN 9781107042483

Upstone, Sara (2015) You never let me leave. Bloodstone Review, 1(1), pp. 36-40.

Wilson, Richard (2015) As mice by lions: political theology and 'Measure for measure'. Shakespeare, 11(2), pp. 157-177. ISSN (print) 1745-0918

melville, nick-e, Fowler, SJ, Herd, Colin, Van Winkle, Ryan, Sutherland, Ross and Sowerby, Kathrine [Creator] (2015) The auld fold. fourfold. (fourfold, (5))

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